The first time with a woman | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A wet pants!

I have to admit that I am my gender, that

female, rather rejecting opposite. A man, a

Real man turned me on in sexual


I saw a young girl on the banks of the Elbe with one

Young dogs go for a walk.I had the feeling that they

was overwhelmed with this little dog to do it that way

To formulate, the dog did what he did with the little one

wanted, he heard for less than five pfennigs.

Now with a small dog this is no wonder which one

Young dog already hears??

The game was very amused, I stopped and enjoyed

this situation when the girl tried cramped

this little dog the once one of the

To teach “obedience”. I couldn’t go to myself

hold and called this dog a sharp command

To: come from now!!!!

And lo and behold, with which I hadn’t expected, the dog

came to me, sniffed me and no longer deviated from

My side.

Of course I hadn’t intended that and it was me

Almost embarrassing the girl is so perplexed to stand there

see it was finally your dog.

She came to me and was of course a bit perplexed and I have to

confess, I was too.

I spoke to her and asked her if she was already the dog

once struck or hurt, she said no

indignantly and pointed out this assertion I made

vehemently back!

I believed her because she doesn’t make the impression that it was

They violent towards animals, she was more likely to do that

Impression that the animal is too forgiving towards the animal

be.Even if you love an animal very much, you should

a certain strands and uncomfortability to the animal

opposite, especially if they are still very

young are to avoid nasty surprises later.

We Kammen into conversation and I had the impression what

it turned out later, I was very sympathetic to her.

I learned that she was called Anita that she was just 18 years old and

The local high school visited.

Her parents were respected business people, they were that

clamped in your job.Anita was allowed

so fulfill your longest wish, your own

Dog that she could take care of, she had one


We walked along the banks of the Elbe and

we entertained about God and the world.

She was an intelligent girl, looked cute, one

girlish figure and very modern in their views.

And the first time In my life I felt a certain one

,Well, how should I say, tingle in my lumbar area, what

I am actually surprised.

We talked to ourselves as excited as if we were

know us for years.

Since I still had an appointment, I had to

Say goodbye to Anita with a heavy heart, but not without

a re -appointment for the next Saturday


We wanted to meet in their house, a big one

Gruntstück joins her house, we could

Talk undisturbed and I could do a little for your dog

Teach the behalf, since he is probably the dominance that I

would bring over, appreciate.

We laughed about it and separated with a certain

Anticipation, on our reunion.

I thought of Anita all week, she didn’t go out

The head, I couldn’t explain that because I am

a woman of 41 years, I’ve never had a sexual one before

Had experience with a woman, on the contrary,Lesbian

again at me, I couldn’t understand that women

possibly have sex with their gender comrades

might.But when I thought of Anita, I had such a

strange feeling in my stomach, which on the one hand

worried, but on the other hand made very tingling.Then

still the age difference, Anita was almost one

Child, although you didn’t look at that.

I talked to myself that she only wanted an older woman with whom she

want to chat, maybe she wanted me from hers

Tell the swarm and I would listen to them understanding

and you may advise what to do so that the

Friend if he should be too pushy and she

Designed, not immediately looking for the width.At least in this

Direction my thinking went.

At that time I couldn’t have guessed that

Anita had fallen in love with me.

Well, the Saturday came, Anita already had me under the

Called week in my office to emphatically

to remember our appointment.

Her parents were business for a few days

on the way.Anita welcomed me very happy that she had hers

Parents told about me and probably about the Greens

Klee praised, even though we only have a few hours

had seen.But their parents probably thought they were in good

Society and had nothing against my visit

to obtain.

Anita had cooked coffee and delicious cakes from the

Conditory, the weather was heavenly, it was a

Enjoy yourself in this weather in the garden

To stop, enjoy coffee and cake.

We chatted and laughed a lot, it was very amusing,

to entertain with this young girl

not the impression that this delightful creature first

Was 18 years old.

Well it was also very warm and Anita made me

Suggestion I should have my jeans and my T-shirt

take off, this would be much more convenient and airier.The

The garden was not visible from the outside and I had to

To be honest, none of it, it was more convenient

always.When I don’t sit in underwear

Wool, she would get me a bikini, only me

I was afraid that he would be too small for me.The

On my part, however, anita at acta was feared

Layed, I should only try it, despite my big ones

I squeezed bust size into a bikinio report that

mine Nipple Half a look.Anita found it

very sexy and I have to say, I too.

She had also put on a bikini and saw cute and


Since I have a gold ring on the left nipple

Wear, I wanted to hide him, but Anita has it

seen.She asked very tentatively whether they can see that entirely

may, now what should I have about it, it was not now

Secret more.When I told her that mine

The labia were also foggy, she wanted to do that too

see.I had already regretted that I had said that

and weighed off, but Anita did not calm down and begged

So to see it.

What was left to me, I took off the bikinislip that me

was very tight anyway, I was now very naked before Anita

and saw that she looked very venger when she mine

smooth pussy saw with the two golden rings.

She asked me if this didn’t hurt and she wants to

like to touch me down there.I affirmed and she

stroked very gently over my venus hill and pressed

a delicate kiss on my chest.

Of course that didn’t leave me cold and I

noticed my horror that I became wet. But

The emotional won over the rationale ! I told her she

should also undress because I want their beautiful

See the body once, she would like to do that, but

My body would be much nicer than hers and so would have

they real inferiority copies, they would have one

Never seen formed bodies.I do not know if

she wanted to flatter me or if she really saw it that way.

I am not dissatisfied with my body, but

perfectly???? Definitely not!

She undressed and this body was perfectly. There

Every detail was correct, this wonderful, young breast, the

Hard -lined nipples, with a color of red

Roses, the beautiful flat stomach and the evenly

shaped bottom, it was a feast for the eyes.

Your thighs tight and well -shaped, the light fluff

On her triangle, the whole picture was a work of art. I

could hardly turn her look from her, I think I have

just looked at them for minutes.When I am back

had caught somewhat, she asked me if she was

gradient. I told her that she is a very nice girl

would be and I would like to kiss them.

I hadn’t quite spoken, she was in mine

Arms and her tongue looked for mine.

While we kissed fervently, she rubbed her warm

Fixed thighs very tender on my Venushügel, which

As a result, I started running out.The juice flows on

our thighs down and Anita wastes their and

My thighs clean with the fingers to get theirs

To put fingers in the mouth to say, as she said

Not to reduce delicacy.She went to her knees, before me

it could prevent and caress my racially

triangle.I couldn’t help it, I had to mine Legs

Spread a little so that you can get better access with your tongue

had.She seemed to have forgotten the world, me

approached me an enormous explosion at the moment

Anita began to pee with a huge stral.Your urine

Wetted my feet and at first moment, I was how

petrified. She looked at me guilty and it seemed to her

To be very embarrassing when she saw my face.

She immediately stopped spoiling me with her tongue

and confessed to me, first and then almost

overlapping why she did that.

Whenever it is in extase and if you have an orgasm

then she has to let her urine let that would

extend beautiful feelings and with me she would have that

Feeling that she could have let herself could have been going.

I was very pleased that she told me that I was

Only surprised, so unprepared and confessed that I

would have felt the wish, me in mine

To have it pee on the extent or I would like to someone

want to.

A liberated smile came out of her beautiful face, we

we kissed very extensively and stroked us entirely


How accidentally I came back to the topic of “pee”

After the extensive coffee hezenus my bladder was full

And I felt the urge to go to the toilet.I

Ask her if she was still a little with her tongue

Want to spoil, because my orgasm was

Braked and whether I could try it

pee on?? Anita’s eyes shone and she said:

“Bärbel, you would do that??“With a fervor

She worked on my clitoris with her tongue, I did

they are aware that they calmly and also

the whole hand could take it, I would love it if

one would put a whole hand into me, it should

Just take it easy at the beginning until mine

Vulva stretched enough, then she could calmly

Put in to the wrist, she is wet enough now

And I would love to have that.I would then

Let me know when to take a hand out with it

I can pee.Anita’s proposal was, I should

try to pink when your hand is still up to

The attack was in me, that would definitely be completely

Interesting what would happen then.

Maybe that would extend my orgasm or it

the whole urine would inject around in the area.At

I got hot and my pressure

increased increasingly.

I was already running out, Anita tried her delicate hand in

To push me, which she is relatively quick and good

succeeded, I had the feeling that she touched my stomach, she

penetrated deeper and deeper into me, I was black before

Eyes, I’ve never been so horny, you would have me

can cut open, I would have cried with joy.Now

I tried to leave water with all my strength, mine

The abdomen was a volcano, it almost tore me down, down there

seemed dipped in fire, I had the feeling that

my dam would open up to the buttocks.I thought so

on what kind of feeling it must be when one of the

The whole abdomen explodes, it must be and not otherwise.

My pee made its way outside and sprayed Anita

In the face, she opened her mouth to every drop

Suck open without your hand out of my abdomen

pull.It’s a shame that we didn’t have a camera, this picture

I would look at myself more often.It was great.

We were both assumed, as was assumed in glowing lava

overwhelmed by sensuality.

Slowly, very carefully she took her arm out of mine

Grotto, she didn’t want to hurt me, there was a real one

Smart sound, it sounded really strange and we

laughed at us, happy and relaxed.

She asked very tentatively whether I was probably my tongue

could put in her sweet triangle, she would like that

I wish, I did it with joy.

This fragrance, this taste of her juices left the

Stand still.I pushed my tongue into her hot

Hole, nibbled her little clit with her teeth

I heard a kind of quitsch tones from her mouth, she

Couldn’t hold it in.Now I tried with one

Finger on theirs anus to come to him with a gentle

To push violence into their intestines.I had rejection

expected, but the opposite was the case.She screamed, stuck

more fingers in the back, please!

I tried to widen their anus with three fingers, what

After all, it was easy for me.

I had three fingers in her buttocks, my tongue in her

Love grotto, she stood there petrified, her eyes

twisted, completely away.Light welding beads on the forehead, on

Once she asked: “Bärbel, I can get you into your mouth

to pee?“I just groaned:“ Yes!“She hugged me in that

Mouth, the juice was hot and I drank.

Now I also know where the saying comes from: I have one

Angel peeked on the tongue!

We stayed that way for a while, we had on

Never stopped loving to end this position.We went

thereafter have a shower and kissed us for a long time, we could

do not leave each other.

We still see each other often, it has a deep friendship

and love developed.

We often still do horny things and can do it

do for hours.

At a rock concert, she made me on it

Attentive that she peed into the panties was that

The sign that the rock concert was over for us.

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