The spatial pilot [1] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“Chief, you are cruel, your time will also take place. Your fate is determined by others. Never overestimate camaraderie and friends, because this is true strength with which you can defy fate ..!”

The old man in the village chapter 1
“You two according to a good team! Good luck and hot nozzles!!“These were the last words she hears from the control room before the hatch of the cooling capsule closed. Now the computer will take care of everything, from control to communication.

The computer will fly through space to one Saturn moon.
She hates it.

The two human pilots only fly along so that they can intervene in an emergency. Ridiculous, because if something would happen, it would be too late anyway. But the determination was like that. The excursions to space served the transport of funded raw materials that were dismantled on other planets in robot mines to guarantee humanity survival, because the earth’s own raw materials were used up.

That is why she continues to endure these trips in the cooling chambers. And also to escape the tightness on earth.

20 billion people now lived there. There is a worldwide strict system of population control. The animal type of reproduction, which only led to diseases, malformations and hygienic problems, no longer exists.

Humanity has no idea how it should have been. It doesn’t interest you either. The population is denied access to information about this topic, even if there is a leak here and there.

Free sexuality had been classified as humanity -threatening by campaigns in the last centuries. A violation, on the other hand, is punished with the toughest punishments, even the death penalty, but so far it has rarely been imposed on the penalties, since the water and food are added to substances that block sexual desire.

In some people, these substances even lead to infertility. But only a few are known. Every 18 years, couples who have to live in specially closed -out areas, so -called breeding countries, have to live for five years. After insemination of the woman, which takes place in the institute to preserve humanity and is carried out by the scientists there, the couples have to live outside of society in the breeding countries.

The purpose of this facility is to raise new people.
In order not to be selected for a breeding country, the pilot had applied early on for a career in flight service, because the worst things were told about the breeding countries. Those who were there were not allowed to talk about it and are constantly monitored by planted monitors.

The pilot could not carry even more control. She is more of the guy who prefers control and with her strong will she managed to get pilot training through the heavy selection process.

Now she is the first pilot of a season faster freighter who fly through the space.
In silence she goes through everything that had been done in the past three days up to this point. She had made the pilot classification for the time of her absence, checked the flight navigation, checked the special features of the order and informs itself about everything else. All the technical stuff she could by heart. Unfortunately, her copilotin had failed because she had broken her arm during yesterday’s sports training.

The arm is already healed and pain -free, but the cartilage substance is still too soft to withstand the strain of the flight. Mike is available as a reserve pilot. This is one of the worst things that can happen when a well -coordinated team is torn apart.

“You two are a good team!“Laughing! Mike is a small and inconspicuous man. Admittedly tough and trained, but actually almost too stupid for the job as a pilot.

That is also the reason why, despite his thirty years, he never managed to get out of the reserve status. He can write this profession to his physical resilience. No matter, she doesn’t like him, like every man actually.
She has to concentrate on her thoughts again. After the technical check, the final health check and the hygiene procedure came.

Without the shape of it, it was in top shape, as not to be expected, but she had fallen through the hygienic check because her hair was too long. The pilot had disturbed this something in her concentration on the preparation of departure, because actually she always made sure that her hair was not too long. But it wasn’t just the headhair. A whole hygiene process should run, because it hadn’t been in space for a long time, which is why she had adapted to the circumstances on earth.

Active pilots were always recognized on the street on their bald head and the lack of face hair. No beard, no eyebrows and no eyelashes. So she had to cut hair for the forced to do so this morning, to the “Maskbilter”, as the hygiene team was jokingly called.

Some of the other pilots had mocked them in a friendly man. She knew that the long hair would be blasphemed over her misfortune.

The pilot had already done it enough to do it if another caught had. But the undressing over which everyone otherwise routinely overlooks because it was part of their professional life was now really embarrassing and uncomfortable. Her colleagues laughed and some asked if she wanted to braid braids between her legs. There was only a slight hint of hair to be seen.

These sayings were extremely uncomfortable for her, because in the society of the earth a naked person is one of the greatest taboos. Room flyers therefore often came into the shot field of the critics.

The advance area was only entered by pilots. She had gone naked through the warm hallway to the space of the “Magkilbilfner”, which she had entered after short hesitation. The H team had already expected them.

The walls of the room were covered with white tiles, while the floor had been poured out of one piece. In the middle was a deepening over which a frame stood in which she was asked to enter. The frame consisted of several rings that could be rotated in all directions. It was fixed on the inner ring by padded brackets with stretched arms and spread legs.

Your head was fixed by another bracket. She could no longer move so fixed. Then she was put an oxygen mask over the mouth and nose.

“Please close your eyes while spraying!“, Said one of the women. Then she was turned into a horizontal position, with her face up.
A man from the H team now took a hose with a fine nozzle and sprayed it on the head with a disinfection and depilation.

The remedy had to be used cold because it spreads into a tough film on the body in connection with the body warmth. The nozzle had produced a fine fog that had laid out cool on her skin. The man had led the nozzle over her head, face and neck to under her armpits. Then he had started to spray her arms.

Then her upper body had been sprayed in. Another man had joined to push her breasts a little towards the chin so that the cool fog could also lay down under the breasts. She had felt how her breast nipples were upset and how her breasts had easily tense. This reaction of her body on the cool fog and the touch of the warm hands through the thin latex She couldn’t explain the gloves.

Her copilot, who she once asked about it, had also been owed to an explanation.

“You have very big breasts for a pilot, you know that?“A woman from the team had asked.
“Yes!“, She had shudd up under the mask indistinctly.
“Have you ever thought about an operation?“, She was asked by one of the men.
“Yes, but I decided against it.“She tried to bring out under the mask. In their relay, many pilots that could be reduced or removed from their breasts were because they could not assign these parts of their body to any function and thus act better during their work. She herself didn’t know why she had decided against an operation. Maybe just to have your own style or to enforce your will again.

After the breasts the man had her belly and then the Legs sprayed, whereby he had left part of the thighs.

As with the hands, the feet were also in the areas between the Finger or. Toes sprayed. On the feet it was always a little agony. She was a tickle religious the soles of the foot and the fog film collected and ran down her soles of your feet.

The pilot could not move her feet and had to stand still to this feeling. The man who had already moved her breasts now turned the toes so that the fog really got everywhere. Sometimes he had bent her so that it hurt. But the subsequent tickling made the pilot endured the pain, with goosebumps always spread over her body when she was completely relaxed.

After that, a woman who wore a full body rubber suit was kicked between her spread legs.

Careful not to destroy the film on the legs by an accidental movement. Then she had put a leather ring around her thighs to which small eyelets were attached. The woman in the rubber suit took the pilot’s labia and pulled her apart and then provided her with small brackets. There was a fine chain on these brackets, the end of which was attached to the eyelets of the ring.

The brackets had pressed and it was slightly hurt, but was bearable.

After that, her legs were spread a little further so that the labia were pulled further aside. The slight pain was stronger, almost uncomfortable. The pilot had complained about it for the first time, but she had given her to understand that it would be no different. A woman from the H team gave her the tip at the time, she should relax and not try to tense her muscles to fight against.

The nozzle had now been guided by the man over her vagina and moved back and forth. The woman in the rubber suit had put the pilot’s clit blank and the man had guided the nozzle over it.

As with the touch of her breasts, she had again felt a tension that she could not describe or classify. Only the sensation in this procedure was much stronger. The pain in her labia pulled aside had been pushed into the background of this feeling or had mixed with the new feelings, it could not classify that exactly.

The cool fog lay on the warm pink skin and was slowly connected to a closed film due to the warmth. She had felt every tiny drop, which became the next association and became a small trickle that was looking for his way inside her. The woman, who was still between her legs, had now started to spread this trickle evenly on the wide -open vagina of the pilot.

During these touches, this quietly had groaned under the mask and almost torn his eyes opened, which would have been very painful because of the film on it.

She tried to relax, but with every new touch she had cramped again, which in turn led to her labia being pulled even further. It was painful and beautiful too. Her quiet moan had become louder, she hadn’t known what else she could have done.
“Soon it will be over.“, A second woman had said from the background.

What a pity!, the pilot had thought there. The woman in a rubber suit had kicked between her legs and said: “Everything is fine.

You can continue to spray now!“Once again the nozzle had been led over her vagina and her legs.
Then it should be brought to a vertical position. Someone had reacted too violently and so the rings had moved too quickly. Suddenly the pilot had been cramped vertically and felt how her breasts rocked. Two hands had grabbed her breasts, fast and hard to calm her down and prevent her from preventing her the film on them through the strong swing movement Riß.

A nipple had been caught between the hard fingers and the pain had driven through and mixed with the pain on her labia. These had been stretched again by the violent tension of the thighs in the fright. She had groaned because a voice said:

“Forgiveness! But it had to be because of the film, they already know!“She hadn’t said anything. As a precaution, she had sprayed something on her breasts again, which had triggered an indescribable feeling in her again.
Someone led a small drinking hose into an opening of the oxygen mask and pushed it to her.
“Please drink this liquid if you are in the light back.

Drink quickly, if it doesn’t taste good too. And drink everything!“A woman said. That with the liquid was new, she hadn’t known that yet.

“Now turn her face down, but slowly please!“A male voice had ordered.
Slowly she was turned. Her breasts had declined a little in the movement, but this time nobody had accessed to put them calm.

In this new position she had hung a little in the ring, which had increased the pain on her labia. The man with the disinfectant now sprayed her back and back to the butt. Then the buttocks and something between your legs. Again, a small gutter had collected, which this time ran through her posterity to her vagina.

It was a pleasantly tingling feeling. The treatment of her back was faster than that of the front. Now she had feared that what had to come. But nothing had happened.

In the past, her buttocks were always pulled apart and her intestine was then washed.

She had always felt this as painful because the instrument was too big for her hole, no matter how well it was smeared. Her anus Was always stretched except for the extreme. Sometimes she had the feeling that she would tear it out. But this time nothing was done.

But the rest of the procedure went off, as usual.
“Please don’t be scared now!“The woman in the rubber suit had stepped into the recess under the frame and introduced a washing machine into the vagina. It had been quite big and had completely filled it out. Then a liquid stepped out of the device and she had the feeling that she had to burst. With firm pressure, the woman kept the device in her in the rubber suit, while the liquid slowly swell out of the pilot’s vagina.

The liquid dripped to the ground after the woman walked over her arm in a suit.

The pressure inside increased constantly, became painful. The pain on her labia increased again. Then the device was pulled out of its aching vagina. A gush of mucous liquid from the vagina had discharged the woman in the suit.

This had wiped the mucus from the glasses of her mask and put another instrument on hand. She then reintroduced this into the pilot’s vagina. She had put it in deeply, as far as it went. The pilot had the feeling that the device had been pushed further than possible.

It hurt and was uncomfortable.

“I now have to stretch your vagina a little. Relax, please, it is more bearable then!“The woman had announced. Before she started with it, she had solved the brackets from the labia. The pain that the pilot had now flooded was worse than everything so far.

The tears came into her eyes.
Slowly the device in her vagina had become thicker and thicker. She could feel how it grew with every movement of the woman among her. Your vagina was stretched evenly on all sides. It had started moving, but the pressure of the device continued to increase.

She was stretched further and further by the disinfectant of moist -warm channel. It hurt and she pulled the air sucking. She had the feeling that her vagina had been stretched so far that a bullet from the European Championship Billard could conveniently roll into her when the woman stopped.
“That is enough. We are now putting them into light back.

You know that you have to stay in this position for some time? Good! Please drink the liquid, it is important!“Then she had heard how the woman removed. The second woman had said that she would stay. The others would take care of Mike. The pilot had brought you out sound under her mask and relaxed.

She had been turned on the back and had started drinking. It had been lukewarm salt water. After the first sip she would have liked to hand over, but the thought of handing over in the mask was too disgusting, so she drank a little more. Her stretched vagina hurt as if she was torn apart and she could feel the cool air of the room inside.
“Please drink a little faster.

It depends on drinking evenly.“The remaining woman said. So she had started drinking and swallowing.

“The film has to really dry first. That takes about an hour. During this time you should have drunk the three liters.“Three liters!! She had thought that it would burst until then.

It tasted disgusting. After half a liter she got bad, but she continued to drink. Then she had the feeling that she had to make it easier. In doing so, she had only consumed food tablets for three days so that the intestine is empty during the flight.

But the pressure in her intestine grew with every sip, as she found. She cramped her hole together, tried to drink, but the pressure became enormous.

“You have now drunk over a liter, pilot. The salt water cleans your intestine from the inside. Should you feel the need to make it easier, just too!“That couldn’t be true, she thought.

You should simply … in front of the woman’s eyes. No, thought the pilot, that can’t be right! But she hadn’t been able to hold it. In a rippling bow, the salt water broke out of her body through its buttocks.

“Ah great!“, The woman said.

“Just get out of it. You still have to drink the rest, please!“She had reluctantly drunk and again the water poured out of her hole on the white ground under her. She had drunk and drank as she drank, it had poured out of her. It had been embarrassed by her hung there and the water had flowed out of her buttocks or it broke out of her in a gush.

Then there was no more water to drink.

The other woman said satisfied that it was good. Diepilotin was shot and then the woman had cleaned her. The pilot felt the woman pressing her pob-sacks apart and drove her pobot with a cloth. It had been humiliating, but less painful than before with the rinsing.
In the meantime, the two men had also appeared again.

“We are now removing the film from your skin.“Slowly she had been turned into full back.

Her legs had been brought into a more comfortable position. You could have felt how her labia closed around the edge of the device that was still in it, which she was still filling. The men had started to pull off the film on their heads. Hair was removed, every skin pore was cleaned.

It had crumbled and itched, but she hadn’t been able to fight back or scratch. The film was pulled off her like a second skin.

From the face, from the shoulders, from the breasts. In the impression in the film, she had seen the print of her nipples, which had been steeply erected.

The hair on her face was gone, as did the hair on her head or under her armpits. The men had worked carefully but quickly. Soon she had hung on her body without a hair. Her legs were smooth and everything was bare around her vagina.

A mirror had been put in front of her so that she could look at herself. She knew the sight from before. However, the device was new in her vagina, the edge of which was hardly covered by her pink labia, so that her labia looked larger than normal.

“The device remains in them during the flight. Another device for measurements should absorb and analyze body fluids.“One of the men had answered their questioning look.
Then she had been strapped and brought into the relaxation room.

There they had helped her to put on the slight addition, which had an opening in the crotch through which cables and hoses were led out. The opening also pushed an use for the device in your vagina. This assignment fit in the existing part. The light flight suits were nothing more than a warming nightgown.

Very thin and light so that the pilots had no movement problems on board. The pilots did not wear anything under the suits, since sweat and condensation could be better absorbed and derived from the material.

After a short rest period she went to the spaceship with Mike. When she walked, she kept reaching between her legs because she threatened to slide the bones out of her vagina. Mike had only looked at her questioningly, but said nothing.

Everything had been explained to him beforehand.
Now it is in the refrigerated chamber and is waiting for the start. During the start phase, the pilots stay with consciousness so that they can intervene if necessary.

“10 … 9 … 8 … 7 …” The computer counts down the last seconds until the start. “… 3… 2… 1… Start!“The engines start to roar and the spaceship starts to move. The pilot feels every vibration, every shaking.

The spaceship vibrates and the vibrations continue inwards. The pilot’s breasts wiggle and swing as if they had a life of their own and wanted to loosen from the body. She lifts her hands to lie on her breasts. Then she notices how the device begins to slide in her vagina.

She takes a hand of her chest again and lies between her legs to push the device back in. But it slips out again. She pushes it back and then leaves her hand between her legs. The spaceship rocks so violently that it always exerts pressure on her clit or drives over it.

This is an unknown but very pleasant feeling. With her fingers, she is looking for the point to reinforce the pressure. The device begins to slip away. It opens the zipper of her arrival and drives the second hand on the inside of the arrival to her clit.

With her left hand she pushes the device back into the vagina. The resulting feeling is crazy. While the right massages its clit, the left pulls out the device on the cables, only to then push it back in. Her big breasts rock back and forth while moving on, pushes and massaged.

She feels moisture on her right hand, but that only makes it easier for her to push the device and is also much more pleasant when she massages her clit. The nipples of their breasts straighten up and grow up. It’s like a compulsion, she can’t stop. She pulls the device out of her wet vagina ever more violently and faster.

Suddenly she pulled the device out of herself.

She pauses startled. What should she do now? She thinks about the pain it had been inserted. Should she try to push it back into the vagina? She carefully takes the device and pressed it onto her damp labia. With the other hand she tries to put the labia around the device.

You don’t succeed. Then she presses it on her labia with both hands, ever stronger. She almost shouted with joy when she felt how her wet vagina picks up the device. It works very easily.

She pulls it out completely to try again. It works and she only needed one hand for it. Now she is starting to rub again on her clit. Again she continues to feel this compulsion, just not to stop.

The vibration of the spaceship, the tremor of your breasts, the device in your wet warm vagina and the pressure on your clit are almost too much for you.

She feels how her nipples got upset and tougher, almost pain. The pulling in her vagina increases and she massages and rubs the clit even more violently. Your suit is already very wet inside, from sweat and the juice out of your vagina.

Then she thinks she has to explode. Her vagina contracts, tried to crush the device. The feeling in her lap is indescribably intense and she continues to rub her clit. Once again it moves through her body and then she only sees stars …
When she wakes up, she doesn’t know what had happened.

Her head booms and she thought she had a bump on her head. The pilot lists after the engines, but they are off. The quiet vibration and buzzing, as it was used to, is also missing when she wakes up.

Due to the semi -transparent hatch of the refrigeration chamber, flickering light falls. It presses the opening mechanism, but nothing happens.

Tasting it takes the lever to open manual. When she pulled on it, the hatch opened hissingly. It is blinded by light that falls through a window. A window? The spaceship had no windows.

She needed a moment to understand that there is a jagged hole in the ship’s wall. Moaning it rises.
Then she sees the chaos. Burnt consoles, loose wires and imploded monitors. You must have crashed, back to the earth.

She turns around after Mike’s chamber. It is intact, at least from the outside, albeit without function. She carefully goes over and opened the capsule. Mike is rolled up on the side and snores quietly.

She wakes him.

“Mike, hey, awake, you scarecrows, rappel up! We have a problem!”” Häh, what eats?“, He mumbles back.
“We crashed, that is!“, She says stricter and sound when she actually wanted. Mike was awake with a jerk. He looks around, bleached and says: “I guess we were lucky, or?”Happiness? Until now yes. She orders Mike to look around what is still useful.

Mike looks at her and murmurs a little into herself.
“Mr. Copilot, would you talk a little louder, please!“, She says in an commanding tone. “Uh,”, strangely red red, “you know, Captain, you are, uh, almost naked!“She looked down at herself.

Oh how embarrassing. The rice closure of her arrival was torn out, her breasts with the brown courtyards look out of the neckline and a sleeve is almost torn down.

She quickly hides her nakedness. As often as the pilots saw themselves naked in the approach area, or they were treated with the “Maskbilder”, they made sure that they never be naked in front of other people or pilots. First, it is against law and order, a taboo, and secondly, it could only worsen their reputation even more.

“Find something to put on!“, She hisses on Mike. He started looking for the spatial suits, but comes back with the message that they are burned.

So there is nothing for you to put on.
Oddly enough, your suit is still wet. The drying must have failed. The pilot goes to the hole in the wall and stares out. Mike continues to look around whether something usable can be found.

Except for several rations of dining tablets there is nothing to be found. The pilot stands on the destroyed wall and looks into the landscape. There are many plants and insects buzzing back and forth.

We have to have landed in a breeding country! Nowhere else are there such large trees., she thinks. At least the computer chose uninhabited areas for landing.
Suddenly Mike screams and comes to run too.

He tears the pilot around and before she could react he pulls the suit from her shoulders.
“Get out of the thing, pilot, you got acid!“, He screams.
Like the flash, it jumps out of the suit. Mike is right. Acid dripping from the ceiling and only the resistance of the material was saved from worse.

Slowly the suit begins to dissolve.

Now she’s really naked. It is embarrassing and Mike is embarrassed. Slowly she sits on the couch of her refrigeration chamber. In doing so, she noticed a pressure in the abdomen.

She looks down at herself and only now realizes that the device is still in her vagina. The shock sits so deeply over the crash that she hadn’t noticed it there. She continues to sit back on the lounger, bent her legs and pulls on the cables and hoses. It hurts, but it continues.

The device is increasingly slowly coming to light between its pink labia. With a last smacking sound she pulls it out.

Mike had watched everything with huge eyes. This only becomes clear to her when she looks at him. Not that she is sitting naked here in front of him, no, she also pulls this device out of the vagina in front of his eyes.

Heaven, what am I doing here. That is embarrassing! I hope Mike pushes back on the circumstances. If that gets known, then I am due., she thinks frightened. Knallrot looks at Mike, who is no less red.

He turns off. The pilot rises.

“Mike, we have to go here. Come!“, She says and goes to the hole in the wall. “And don’t forget the food!“Then she jumps onto the ground and marches off.

Mike follows her awkwardly after taking a cable, some wire, a roll of mustache and a thin rubber plate of the insulation. She turned around and her breasts swings while moving.
“What’s wrong with you? You can’t go?“She says.

“Yes, pilot, but they are undressed, naked. I don’t want to get trouble.“, He says Kleinlaut. She suspected that such a difficulty would occur when she decided to start instead of waiting.

She decided to ignore her nudity for the moment.
“Mike, listen to! I know I’m naked. But now it doesn’t matter and unimportant. We have to find help quickly. And look at me when I talk to you, of course? Okay, better! And when you run, look forward, even if I am part of your view.“She continues without waiting for an answer.

Mike follows her. He has now raised his eyes and is a little more confident behind the pilot. His gaze is always put on by the bare body in front of him. Somehow confused and amazed, he looks at the round forms of her trained body.

The pilot’s bottom keeps looking at his gaze like a magnet.

The pilot can literally feel Mikes looks. At first it is embarrassing, but then she tells herself that she has asked him, so she now has to live with her decision. She has not learned to become a commander of a spaceship to question her own decisions or to reverse. From this awareness she now takes her strength to continue.

She doesn’t notice it herself, but Mike behind her, there is a slight change in the aisle of the pilot. It is still determined and powerful, but not as strict and hard. A slight swing in the hips has crept in and Mike has to admit that he finds it very attractive.

After a while they come out under the trees. There is a level in front of them and their eyes are stopped by no obstacle.

Far on the horizon you can see a sea in the light of two suns flash.
“ZW… two suns?“Says Mike and sags together.
“Two suns, so we can’t be on earth!“, The pilot says calmly. “Not even in the earth’s solar system! go on!” They keep walking. At some point they come across a small stream. Mike carefully puts his finger in.

“It is cold! Feels like water.“Then he sucks his finger.

“Tastes of water!“Then he fills a handful in his mouth and drank. “It is water!“The pilot also drinks. Then she sits down at the bank and thinks after.
“Mike, try to find something eating. Fruits or something!“Mike goes and starts looking.

The pilot remains alone. Insects buzzing around them, colorful butterfly visits flowers and a warm wind caresses her skin. She drives her hand over her bald head. In doing so, she comes across small wounds.
A bump, a wound and naked! What I look like?, she thinks.

She kneels and looks at herself in the water. She has dirt and soot on her face. It decides to wash in the stream. The water is cold, but it refreshes it.

It sits on a flat rock that is located below a small level in the stream bed. The water ripples on the rock and then sprays up.

Almost like a shower!, she thinks. It lets the water run down the back. Then she turns around so that the water can run over her breasts.

It’s cold and your nipples are directed. Interested she watches this. Then she strokes her breasts, takes a nipple between the thumb and index finger and pluck something on it. It feels good.

Then she remembers the hygiene procedure at the “Mask artist”. Someone had also pressed her nipe. Slowly she pulls the nipple of her right chest a little more.

Ahh, great how it feels when the whole weight of the chest hangs on the nipple! She continues to pluck and press him more firmly. An bearable pain, but it further intensifies it.

When it gets too painful, she stops.
For this she massages her breasts. She glides over her with her hands, presses it together, rocks it back and forth. It is wonderful. She gets a completely new feelings for her body.

Then she moves on to the small waterfall and lets the water bubble over her breasts. She presses them together to collect water in the middle. That lets her run down. She stretches and in the same time the water splashed on her vagina.

Slowly she pushes her lower body.

Whether the water probably wakes the same feelings in me as vibration in the spaceship when I stroked myself?, She asks herself. She doesn’t know where her thoughts come from, but she would like to try it out. She almost falls over her anticipation for the feeling that she would expect if the water rippled on her vagina. She continues to push her bare -painted vagina on the water.

Then she almost did it. But she didn’t reach the water jet far enough. Shortly, she lays on her back, stretching her legs up and pressing her vagina under the small waterfall.

That is what she wanted. The restless water ripples exactly on this little pleasure point.

She doesn’t even need to rub him as she had done in the spaceship. Her hands stroke her over her body, her fingers always pluck her nipples and as if by itself one hand finds the way to her vagina. The water presses the labia apart, cools your hot inner most and keep playing with your clit.
Slowly and carefully she sticks a finger in the gap between her legs. Surprised, she realizes how warm it is in it, even though the water pearls onto the vagina.

She pulls her finger out of her vagina again, puts it back in. Then she takes a second finger with them. Now she feels how the cold water is looking for a path between her wet fingers into her.

She thinks back about this feeling when the device was used how fully filled out she was there.

Whether that works here too?Now she puts two fingers of the second hand in the vagina. Ah, great. Slowly she pulls her vagina apart, lets the cold stream water into it. It drums onto her widely opened vagina, on her swollen clit and urges herself into her, just to gurgling out of her again.

Again comes this urgent feeling not to stop, just to continue.

She puts as many fingers of one hand as possible into her vagina, just to stroke her clit or nipple with the other. The feeling is becoming more and more intense, pulling in her vagina more and stronger until she thinks that it cannot get stronger. She plays with the little pleasure pearl, she rubs her more and more until she can no longer hold herself. She pushes a quiet cry and feels how her vagina contracts, so that the water was pressed out in a small fountain.

But it doesn’t stop. The water continues to bubble on your vagina and your pleasure button. She already feels the next tension within her and again her vagina contracts. Your nipples are hard and upright.

The pilot has never seen her nipples so big. They stand so stiff that it hurts when they put on them with cold fingers. She continues to rub the clit and plays on her nipples, lets the water massage her thick labia when it comes back over her.

Made to sink back, pulls back, withdraws from the water on the warm rocks and enjoys the warm rays of the suns. At some point she gets thirsty, drink some water and seeks the surroundings with her eyes for Mike.

Since it cannot be seen anywhere, it glides into the water from the rock and swims a few trains. The stream is quite wide and deep here and it can see the reason among itself. A few fishing -like creatures swim there, but do not note. She briefly takes air and dives down.

When she approaches the fish, they swim on it in a hurry. It appears to the bottom, touches the ground and reappears. It is wonderful. Fresh air, a green landscape, flowers and Animals.

This feeling, so directly with nature in Contact to be.

Splendid! To feel the elements directly on the skin and that all over the body. It is wonderful!, circle your thoughts. Again she takes air and dives under. When she comes up again, she sees Mike along the stream run.

She waves to him and swims to the bank.
“Pilot, I found two things. The first is a kind of guide to a city, a village or settlement. Unfortunately I couldn’t read the writing. The other is that I found fruit.

They don’t grow far from here. According to their appearance, they could be considered oranges if the color was not!“, He announces excitedly.

“What color do the fruits have?“Asks me irritated. “Purple!“Is the answer.
“Well, let’s look at the fruits first, then the signpost!“, She decides.
The fruits grow on a shrub not far from their bathing place. She picks one of the fruits and smells of her.

“Smells good.

Almost like a banana!”, she says. Then she turns the halves of the fruit against each other, so that it breaks apart in the middle. A small pearl -shaped core is in the middle. It is roughly the size of a peach nucleus.

There is a small continuous hole in the middle. Keubering the core says Mike: “Doesn’t look like the hole of a parasite. Rather, the core is a ring or what do you think, pilot?“She agrees with him. She breaks out something of the pulp and looks at Mike.

He twitched with his shoulders and only holds up the parcel with the eating rations. But she doesn’t want to eat that. So, she carefully bite into the piece and chews it slowly and thoroughly. “It tastes like a nut.

Strange fruit! Looks like a purple orange, smells like a banana and tastes like a nut!“, She says chewing. She swallows the piece down and then she says: “Let us look at the signpost, and then return here. If I didn’t get sick until then, I explain the fruit to be edible!”They are on their way. The pilot is surprised at how far Mike had come, in the short time she had taken a bathroom in.

“Why for a short time?“, Asks Mike,“ I was on the road for almost two hours!“Should my little pastime have taken me in this way?, she thinks.

When they reach the signpost, the pilot recognized that a extended path winds past it.
“We will follow the way tomorrow!“, She says,“ now we’re going back to the fruits and the stream!“On the way back, both look carefully about further signs of civilization, but find nothing. Once at the warehouse, pick a few fruits, break open and eat the pulp. After eating, Mike is preparing the camp so that they could spend the night there. After this work, Mike thinks that he now wants to go swimming.

“It’s ok, I’m staying here! But leave the equipment here!“, She orders.

Mike leaves the objects behind her, then he disappears towards Bach.
The pilot looks after him thoughtfully. Actually it is very useful. Had set off without grumbling and also took usable things.
It takes the rubber plate and tears off a strip of it. Then she searches for a branch fork and fastened the rubber tire with the wire.

In this way you get a slingshot. She tried it with a core from the fruit and it works right away.

So we would also be armed, grins it. Then she collects the remaining seeds and threads them on a string thread. She can bind this chain around her neck because she has no bags naked as she was.
Well, I have a bag, but it is open downwards!, she thinks with herself.

Then she picks two more fruits, breaks up and takes away the core of them. She also threads it, but does not make a ring, but lets her slide loosely on the ribbon back and forth.

Not like that!, she thinks and makes a knot in front of and behind every core. She looks at her work and grins cheekily. Then she puts on her back the two seeds in her ‘bag “.

It is difficult to put them in the vagina. You just don’t want to slide. Unusual!, she thinks, on the stream I could put my fingers in and now not these two kernels? The device fit in!Then she remembered that she was always wet when she put in something. Either water or this liquid with which the device was used.

She spits into her hand and verrits the spit on her labia. The lips immediately feel softer and warmer again. She tries to put a finger in the vagina, but that doesn’t work so well. She pushes the middle finger between the labia.

In doing so, she rubs her pleasure button again. The only feeling is wonderful. She continues to rub and almost forgot your attempt with the seeds. Suddenly she realizes that her vagina is wet and she can easily put a finger in this warm hole.

So it works by itself!, she thinks, practical!Then she takes the seeds and introduces it to herself.

The string thread hangs out a bit, but so it can pull out the kernels again. She puts her back in and gets up. You stay in it. Then she goes up and down and it’s a mistake.

She kneels down, pulls out the seeds again and ties even more to the mustache. Then she puts the chain back into her vagina. She feels like the seeds together when it moves. Feels how your wet-warm muscle surrounds each individual and how he reacts when a core changes its position and moves it back where he came from.

It is great. She runs around a little, strokes her labia and feels how the juice runs out of the vagina along her thigh. Slowly she goes towards Bach.

What Mike does?, she thinks. It’s getting dark slowly.

Maybe he has as much fun at the stream as I do!When she thinks of how it was on the brook during the day, she feels a cozy shower. Her hand slides back to her wet vagina and testing it tenses on the binding. The kernels sit well. First slowly, then faster and more violent, she starts massaging her clit again.

She quickly feels the tension in her, then the point is reached. Her vagina literally cramps around every single core, wants to hold it and not let it out while her wetness just flows down your leg so much. Exhausted she makes her way back to the camp.

Once there, she sees Mike sitting on the floor. He torn the sleeves from his suit, knotted at the bottom and filled in water.
“If we are thirsty on the go!“, He says to her.

The pilot nods appreciatively.
“Good idea, but more would have fit in the legs!“She has to laugh when she saw Mikes Red head. “Mike, that was a joke!“He calms down again, can even laugh. When she passes him, he lifts his head briefly, looks after her and sniffs. Then he flinches his armpits, lays down and falls asleep.

The pilot looks at him.
As stupid as I thought, it is not at all!Then she also makes herself comfortable next to Mike and falls asleep.

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