The nude model | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

So it happened that she browsed the classified ads after job offers every Saturday, hoping for an improvement in your financial situation. Most of the time it was poorly paid activities in gastronomy, but a few times she had found lucrative model jobs. Anna had a perfect body;long Legs, A narrow waist, well -proportioned hips and firm, round breasts, a slim neck and a shaped face. She liked to show herself, also naked, and the photographers appreciated that.

Finding nude models was not easy.

Today she noticed an advertisement with unusual text. “Gallery is looking for nude models for material performance and multi-day installation. Please report only applicants with a good figure and perseverance. Extraordinary payment.“Only a phone number followed.

In Anna’s creative head, a myriad of pictures immediately buzzed around. What kind of performance did that be? What did the so many bare models needed? But at least it had to do with art and was certainly better than working again in one of these wicked discos, and the announced good payment also attracted good payment. She reached to the phone.

The “Noir” gallery was in one of the sleepy districts;Few people were on the street, there were even lots of parking spaces. Seemed more an insider tip, thought Anna.

The building itself was a realm with stucco decorated old building. “Seienie on time, there are a lot of applicants,” the lady said. The door was open, it went through a wide, brightly lit hallway to a huge, black painted door. There was no bell, but this door was only based, and Anna was already found in a large, square hallway that was illuminated by a crystal light.

There were benches around the walls on which about a dozen girls were already sitting. Damped murmur filled the high room.

Anna sat down and didn’t have to wait long. After a good quarter of an hour – another 6 girls came – one of the three trenes that the room had opened opened. The result was a thirty-year-old woman with an elegant short hairstyle.

She was wearing a gray, tightly waisted flannel costume, high -heeled high -heeled pumps and a dainty, gold -frame glasses. It looks like an investment advisor, thought Anna. The murmur in the room had given way to complete silence. The lady had closed the door behind it and set up in front of it.

“Hello, ladies.

My name is Lydia von Hagen. I am pleased that they have appeared so numerous and that they seem to meet our requirements in the first impression. We will examine whether this is really the case. At first I would like to tell you a little more about our project.

Few of them will know Pierre Cesar. The performance artist from Paris is still an insider tip.

His first work was only presented by small groups of selected art lovers-this should be his first larger exhibition. Pierres specialty is latex. This material has a special meaning for him;Its stretching, its shine, its forming properties almost make it appear like something living.

In years of experiments, he found special techniques of application and processing, with which fascinating effects can be achieved. The central theme of his work is the beauty of the female body.

However, differently than conventional sculptures, he creates living sculptures by pouring female models into latex. Details later.

First the question: does any of them have problems showing themselves naked, or does anyone have anything against eroticism in art? Someone suffers from claustrophobia? The concerned should then go here – later we would not like to discuss content anymore. The commitment takes a week – provided you are found to be suitable. We expect complete cooperation from you – the fee is 1000 marks a day.

Think about it!“None of the girls made one of themselves, the prospect of earning 7,000 marks in a week, seemed to dispel any doubts about the seriousness of the project.

“Good. Unfortunately I have to tell you now that we only need twelve girls – so we have to make a selection. I now give each of them a number that you would like to remember well. From now on we will talk you to these numbers and call them up, this saves the cumbersome notification of the names, especially since we have three sabines alone here.

We will then call them into groups of six.“The lady went around and gave each of the girls a piece of paper. Anna received number 7. Then she left the room. A little later the first group was called in, numbers 1 to 6.

Anna had to wait about half an hour until she was called.

The 6 girls got into a small room through the door. Behind a long table, a young woman was in a kind of maid uniform. There were six small clothes baskets on the table. “Please take off and put your clothes in the basket with your number.

Yes, please take off completely! You only get a few shoes from me. What kind of shoe sizes – number 6?“Every girl got a few black paint pumps, with pencil thinning, 12 centimeters high heels. “Phew, they are high,” said number 8.

“I’m really not used to something like that!”” Then it is better to get it very quickly, “said the maid dry,” because otherwise you have no chance! So, and now please everyone still take this collar, and put it around!“Each received an approximately three centimeter wide collar made of black paint leather, which was closed with two dainty silver buckles at the back.

A large, chrome -plated button was riveted at the front, where a five -mark piece of large badge with the number of the girls was hung. “Go now, pure with you!“One after the other stumbled through the door into a huge, dazzling white whipped office. Even the floor was tiled snow white. The last corner of Taghell also shone bright neon light.

The two high windows, on the other hand, were with

thick, black velvet curtains darkened. The only furniture object was a three -meter long, heavy desk made of black painted wood. Behind the desk, the well -known lady, an approximately 40-year-old man in black turtleneck, sat with slightly groomed grinding, and another woman in the mid thirties, whose white coat was used as a kind of doctor. “Please put everyone in a row, the number, there on the line there!“About three meters in front of the desk, a red line with adhesive tape was marked on the floor.

“Number 6 on the left, and so on, and some heals please!“Ms. von Hagen led the word. Anna watches the man whose dark eyes wandered across the girls’ bare bodies.

“I can give you some more information about our project. Pierre will make sculptures living out of her bodies by moving them out with liquid latex. Don’t worry, the process is neither dangerous nor harmful to health, sufficient tests have proven this, and you will receive our full guarantee.

You will then be exhibited in our gallery for a week, with the most varied positions and installations intended. I now have to familiarize them with some necessary procedures that are essential and they may scare a little at first. But be unscathed: everything happens under the supervision of our wife Dr. Sharp here that will ensure that you don’t lack anything.

First of all, we unfortunately have to remove all body hair for you. They would stick to the latex and removing the shape would be a painful procedure. Don’t worry, the hair is growing up, and when paying you can afford a wig for the transition, not true?“The girls were silent.

“Furthermore,” Ms. von Hagen continued, “of course there is the problem of body functions – the coating must remain intact for the entire duration of the exhibition, a new orders would be too expensive. So we came up with something so that you can easily fulfill your activities – but you will do so.

Explain sharply in more detail.“Mrs. von Hagen stuck briefly how to let her words seep into. The girls were slightly confused, thought about what what had meant had meant. “Incidentally, please understand that we are now saving the courtesy phrases and to go to the scarce“ you ”.

Likewise, we give instructions briefly and flush, and expect that you immediately carry out you – we cannot afford to lose time, the whole thing must be well organized and precise.

Mrs. Doctor, please!“The lady in the Weisen Kittel got up, accompanied loudly. Anna knew the sound too well -was rubber! With this bizarre material she had often acquired acquaintance. The photographers, for whom she stood, almost all drove on it, and often she had had to squeeze into such tight, sweaty food. Dr.

Sharp revealed when you get closer, which also consisted of the rest of your rubber outfit. She wore high-gloss, transpa pension stockings and gloves, and even her white, high-heeled ankle boots were made of pure rubber. She built up in front of the series.

“Okay, girls, I’ll inspect you now. First of all, I am interested in the strength of your body, the breasts and thighs.

Please let your legs apart, pull in the stomach and stretch your breasts pretty!“She went from one to the other, and reached around the girls unabashedly. Her rubberized fingers kneaded breasts and thighs, entered into the crotch and into her mouth. In doing so, she continuously made comments that were noted by Mrs. von Hagen and the dark dressed gentleman. Anna felt like a cattle auction.

“Number 7: Fixed thighs, an idea too full, but nice round ass cheeks. The waist too full, but we can because of beautiful. Breasts nice and feast.

Good facial structure.“And so it went on until everyone was through.

“Now turn around and up the butt!“The girls complied with the request, but Ms. Doctor didn’t seem satisfied. “Hoch, I said! Print the cross through a little, her lame ducks, and stretch out your pretty popos! I have to inspect you a little more precisely now, please do not scare, it goes quickly.“Anna already felt the doctor’s fingers between her thighs. They urged their openings researching, with Anna felt that she was already plenty of moist. In fact, this procedure turned it on to whether it wanted or not.

“Number 8: anus Very narrow, I hardly appreciate, but should still not be a problem.

Single astonishingly wet – you are sexually excited, number 8?“Anna didn’t know what to say. she blushed. These people were outrageous! “I asked you something, so answer, number 8! Why are you horny?”” “I, it sets out to be presented naked in front of others …” stammered Anna Leise.

“Good. You don’t need to be ashamed of that, it is very healthy for a pretty young thing like you.

And especially for our purpose! Number 8 definitely note, Lydia!“The investigations did not last long, then the girls were allowed to get dressed again. After everyone was through, Ms. von Hagen called the selected with her number and sent everyone else home. “This contract is now signing here, and tomorrow will be here again on time at 12 noon here. You will then be removed and prepared for the rubberization.

“Anna spent a restless night.

The most incredible scenes went through her head. How would it be to stand in a gallery as a rubberized statue and to be stared at all over the world? How it would feel at all, on the skin! She rolled around in bed and found that the thought of the coming days she made it wet again. This artist, this dark man, and his researching eyes, did not go out of her head. He would make them all his creatures, what a man! He played with women like others with a material, modeled them into his works of art.

Whether she, number 8, would get to know him better? Whether she would even get to him? And then this emotionless woman Dr. Sharp, with their smooth, cool rubber fingers who researched their most intimate places. Anna still heard exactly how the rubber of her snow-white doctor cole shelled, and still had the intense, factual fragrance in the nose, a mixture of perfume, female body scent and rubber.

They were all back on time around 12, a dozen girls, one pretty like the other. Whether blond, redhead or brown – shortly they would hardly be distinguished from each other, Anna thought.

She didn’t know how right she would be. Mrs. von Hagen welcomed the girls again and pointed to different rooms where they had to undress completely, and the pumps and the number neck bands. Then they were allowed to take a seat on metal rotary chairs and were sheared. Without much fuss, you made yourself over the girl’s hair, first cut them off briefly with large scissors, then with smaller ones even shorter, in order to finally foam the stubble well and fully smear off.

Soon the skulls shone and white in the bright light of the neon tubes. It continued with the orders of a tough depilatory cream, with the entire body, in particular the pubic area, including the freshly shaved head, and even the eyebrows and eyelashes. The stuff quickly baked down, was heated with a hair dryer and then easily removed again. Delicate, completely cleared skin, rosy and shiny, came to light as with newborns.

“The stuff is the latest development from America, and not only deports more than anything that has existed so far, but also stops hair growth for several weeks.

You look good!“Lydia von Hagen looked satisfied with the dozen bare, shiny girls’ heads. They really looked almost identical, found Anna, and if the numbers hadn’t been, they could hardly have been distinguished. Especially the lack of eyebrows and eyelashes gave the unvarnished faces a strangely expressionless, neutral appearance. “Before we start with your actual treatment, you will be from Ms. Dr.

A little more prepared. Please take a seat here in the waiting room;You will be called up individually with number.”

When it was Anna’s turn, she had to follow the doctor into a adjoining room that was completely lined with white tiles. In the middle there was a gynecological examination chair padded with black rubber, so some chrome -flashed, mobile traps with various devices. “Let’s go, number 8! We are now missing a bladder catheter with connection for an external reservoir, as well as an intestinal ball with intestinal tube, also with a hose connection.

This allows you to dispose of you without any problems while you are locked in your rubber cover. You yourself need nothing to worry about it!

Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt, maybe a little unusual … ”With these words, she had already bothered by Anna’s abdomen. Their nimble, knowledgeable gum fingers disinfected and salted the girl’s openings with lubricants and various substances. Then she initially introduced the long, thin hose of the catheter.

Anna felt a short jump -off, then the thing was already in. “You see, no problem! You are already leakage -proof! By the way, we keep the thing in its place by inflating a small balloon that is at the top of the hose in your bladder. Do you feel it?“DR. Sharp had only pressed a small blasbalg for a few times, which was hung on the thin hose, which dangled from Anna’s step.

Immediately she felt a pressure spread in her bubble. It felt exactly as if she urgently had to empty!

“But,” Protested Anna, “that must be? I mean, it feels … “” Yes, of course, number 8, but unfortunately that cannot be avoided. You will have to get along with that! Next we will your pussy seal so that no latex penetrates later. In addition, we prevent the rubber envelope from destroying the rubber cover – we saw how quickly you get wet down there, you horny, small Bitch!“Anna couldn’t see what dr.

Sharp, but felt clearly how an elongated, soft object pushed into her vagina. “This is an inflatable one Dildo, which I now pump up nicely, and that seals you nicely. And then we smear everything nicely with latex glue, like this!“Anna felt how a cool, sticky mass was lubricated over her labia. Dr.

All the bumps spatped away, until nothing could be seen from the shame of the girl, only smooth bare rubber skin.

“The stuff connects with the skin insoluably, so you are now absolutely sealed and glued in. Don’t worry, we have a solvent that can be easily removed later! And now to your butt.“Anna again felt like something cool into her, deep into her intestine. “Unfortunately, I also have to inflate this intestinal ball on you so that it seals it nicely and does not slip out.

That will feel a bit uncomfortable again, but you get used to the feeling over time.“DR.

Sharped in an uninvolved voice, it was about commenting on a boring test arrangement in front of uninterested spectators. Anna shivered when she heard the hissing of the Blasebalges. The balloon quickly began to spread in her intestine and the feeling of urgently needed to go to the toilet was overwhelmed. The doctor pressed the rubber ball a few more times, and then carefully seal this back opening with the rubber filler.

Then she held a mirror to the girl. Anna saw in astonishment that her abdomen had a closed, completely smooth skin. Instead of her anus and vagina, there were two circular, skin -colored screw caps made of rubber between her thighs. The unpleasant pressure in the abdomen, however, continued to remind you that three plump -inflated rubber insists made there.


She then sticked out of the rubber ports of erect Nipple About your own. “Monsieur Ce-Sar wants to make sure that the nipples are always nicely seen!“However, the artificial things were very oversized, and Anna recalled the closures of toothpaste. “And now to your pretty head – we don’t want the liquid rubber to penetrate somewhere, so we have to seal everything nicely.”

Soft earplugs were inserted deep into Anna’s ear canals, their eyes were covered with transparent plexiglass ovals, and small hose sockets are inserted into their nostrils. The mouth was stuffed with a plump gag, and then everything was kept back with the rubber provider.

Anna could not open her mouth anymore, yes, she didn’t seem to have any mouths anymore, her face looked as smooth below the nose. As if she had guessed her thoughts, dreded drama. Sharp something on her glued mouth, and briefly pressed it. Anna received the mirror again.

She looked into a rosy, shiny doll face, with insek-like plastic eyes, and a nose that is somewhat wide from the hose sockets. Below were the plump lips of a sensual pout -out rubber! Between the lips operated, deserts were hardly visible, a small screw connection hidden again. The doctor’s voice only penetrated an ear of Anna’s ear, like through cotton wool. “Ready, now you are ready for final bolting, number 8!

“The girls were prepared in the process of doing the rest of the day.

In the evening they all gathered in a kind of dining room, where they got a cheeky porridge at a long table of bowls, which they had to suck in with hoses, dieman screwed into their mouth closures. So most of them had not imagined the job, but it was too late for complaints, especially since it would have been impossible to verbally articulate them. They spent the night in small quads, on flat, rubber -related spits, “so that you get used to rubber!“All hoses were clamped in the crotch, with reservoirs hanging on the side of the bed. The walk to the toilet had become superfluous.

The next day finally brought the events, which they had been hired.

Numerous guests arrived in the mornings, as the girls from the voicing murmured in the large hall were able to remove the voices. They were called around lunch.
Pierre Cesar just ended his welcoming speech when the girls were brought in. An appreciative murmur went through the amount of around a hundred elegantly dressed art lovers when the smooth, shiny girl’s body was visited, which stumbled across the stone floor on tower -high stilettos. The glaring headlights reflected flashes on the bare baldness and in the plexiglass eyes.

With their large, stiff nipples and the smooth, sexless shame, the girls looked like twelve cloned, identical plastic dolls.

The performance quickly took its course. Cesar had hired a whole team of black -dressed assistants who knew exactly what to do. The girls were led to predetermined places, and in front of the eyes of the amazed spectators subjected a wide variety of procedures, all of which had a common result: the complete, complete rubberization of the girls’ bodies, from the top of the sole! Right at the front of the entrance number 13 on a small, slowly rotating base. Around her danced three hoses with egg -shaped head nozzles, from which liquid latex sprayed over the girl.

After just a few minutes she was covered with a thick, black layer of wet rubber.

Right next to it, number 3 had a kind of hoola hoop tires in the hand in which there was a thin latex membrane. Cesar instructed the girl to climb through the ring with all parts of the body with all parts of the body, whereby the rubber moved over her skin like a tough one without tearing. “A whole new mix that drastically increases the surface tension of the rubber milk milk! The stuff is then extremely tough and unscrived in the dried state, ”the artist explained. In a short time, the girl became a black rubber statue, the Cesar put on an orange ponytail for the crowning glory.

Opposite stand number 16, with the back to the wall, and was shot down from a kind of mini -withdo with thick, viscous rubber drops.

Claping the tough mass on breasts, thighs and in the face of the silent girl ended up, while the guests were allowed to work on the rubber lighter as target canons. Soon number 16 was turned into a dripping, black rubber doll.

Finally, in the middle of the hall there was a kind of swimming pool with a rubber shower installed above. In it, Anna knelt, already up to the thighs in viscous black rubber milk, while the tar -like stuff rained down on her drops from above in thick drops. At the moment she was blind.

She felt how it spread on her skin, distributed itself evenly everywhere, and ran down on her. Your body disappeared under a black rubber coating, centimeter by centimeter. Anna felt how the stuff was tougher and tougher. “Get up and come out,” came the command of Cesar.

Just a few minutes after leaving the tub and stood in the warm air flow of a hair dryer, she felt how the rubber pulled together on her skin and dried. Her new skin was highly glossy and plump like a balloon. “Ladies and gentlemen -gummyll No. 8 is ready!“Cesar proudly led her around, and the guests were allowed to touch their rubber skin with curious hands.

All twelve girls were subjected to one of the four procedures one after the other until everyone had turned into black -gloss statuettes.

This ended the first part of the performance. The girls were exhibited on the walls on the walls on small pedestals, while the guests were allowed to take exquisite snacks and champagne. Anna heard Dumpf, Wiesich entertained two gentlemen who were right in front of her. One held a small brochure blade in his hand.

“Listen to that, that sounds interesting:“ R.A.B.O. -Rent-a-Bondage-Object! Rent a living rubber doll, as a moving art object for the elegant office, as an erotic pastime for refined bondage arrangements, or simply as an exciting addition to your upholstery furniture! Our rubber dolls are extremely flexible, cooperative and easy to care for.”

Hey, I didn’t even know that Cesar also gave these pretty rubber girls?“It roared in Anna’s head. She hadn’t interrogated? Before she came to process the one who was heard, two of the assistants came and led them down from the pedestal, across the hall into an adjoining room. Suddenly Lydia from Hagen was next to her.

“Girl, listen to me well! You have the option of increasing your fee several times – yes, you get up to 10.000 marks a day if you agree to be available for special uses. It is about lending you to some very interested customers, each for a few days, nothing special, no fear! But it’s your own decision – otherwise you will stay here as an exhibition object for the week. “Anna could hardly think clearly. Blind, silent, and almost deaf, completely enclosed in rubber, pictures suddenly flickered through their heads, scenes “an immoral offer” – why not actually? 10.000 marks a day, what was that sum! All of your financial problems would be a thing of the past ..

“So what is? Are you interested? Then nod with your head!“Anna only hesitated briefly, then she nodded.
Epilogder space was quiet, except for the quiet wheezing of the girls breathing through the hoses.

Anna saw a number of nine rubber cocons, spinding in rubber in a spindle shape, and on thick rubber ropes, which ranged from the head to the ceiling and from the threads to the ground. Here they waited for their tomorrow’s removal;Hardly any of them had cut off the lucrative offer. None had an idea of what exactly she would expect. However, they had been assured in writing that no hair curved them and that they would be brought back here after the agreed time.

70.000 marks for a week of inconvenience was just a damn amount of money.

Anna herself didn’t have it better. She was fixed on a kind of round upholstery on all fours;You had just glued your rubber base on your hands and knees on the rubber pad. She didn’t know exactly what that should represent. She was now a decorative object or a furniture? Who had rented them?

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