Thunderstorm | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Was already at 30 aunt Hanne widowed. Now she was 38 years old and still an attractive woman. She led her own snack in Hamburg and she actually lacked nothing as I believed. Your only Daughter Frauke, my 18 year old cousin, was the crush of my pubescent fantasies.

I was 16 when I visited my aunt to spend part of my summer vacation with her every year. Unfortunately Frauke still saw the little boy in me and she didn’t take me seriously.
If there is something that Aunt Hanne is afraid that there are thunderstorms. And that night from Saturday to Sunday it happened very badly. It flashed and crashed almost continuously.

Frauke, who otherwise crawled into bed for thunderstorms to go to bed, was not there, she spent the night with a school friend.

As a precaution, Aunt Hanne had left the door open to her bedroom. I was in the room next door and my door was also open. At some point, Aunt Hanne called for me in panic, unable to leave her bed for one step. She went over to her and looked at her.

A candle burned on her bedside table. Although it was warm in her room, she had pulled the duvet over her ears.
She asked me to spend this night with her. So I lay down in the other half of the marriage bed. I tried to calm her down.

But the thunderstorm is getting closer and closer. The distances between lightning and thunder became shorter. Now the inferno was exactly above us. A glistening flash directly in front of the window created a lashing bang that also had me winc.

Aunt Hanne was whimpering under my covers to cling to me.

Her head was completely disappeared under the covers. Not a tip of the hair was peeking out. All of a sudden I found the whole thing not so amusing. In a comparable situation I had never been found.

Not that it would have been uncomfortable for me, but tooths so close to me in direct physical contact, which seemed a bit extreme to me.
To make matters worse, she also put one leg over my thighs so that she could press even more closely on me if another thunderbolt worsened her soul pure. It seemed to me as if she wanted to crawl into me.
What should I do? The thunderstorm did not scare me and so my senses registered through damp fear sweat through the bewildering fragrance of this woman. Her big breasts, covered only by thin fabric, pressed against me. Since I only wear a panties because of the mugging, our legs rubbed each other in direct skin contact.

And when I put a hand on her hip, I noticed that she was not wearing any panties under her short nightgown.

I pulled back embarrassed, but it was already too late. My body reacted in a clear way. With horror I noticed the swelling of an erection and I tried to move away from it.
Aunt Hanne did not allow our bodies facing each other away from each other. Hold me tight! Please stay with me! I am so terrified! pleaded her.

Inside reluctantly I loosely put an arm around her upper body, whereupon she cuddled her head on my shoulder.

But what was that? She had only accidentally touched the bump in my underpants? She had noticed my embarrassing condition? I got the answer immediately, because her hand stroked my abdominal blanket briefly to immerse yourself in a very private and intimate area behind the elasticity of my brief.
Your hand firmly enclosed my steeply up -up masculinity to immediately push the skin back so that my glans was exposed. My surprise was so great that I was unable to do so, especially not to defend it. In addition, the pushing back of my penis skin through a womanly hand was so through and through and so beautiful that incredible sensations occurred.

Should it happen that night, which I had longed for so long? With this woman who was my own aunt?I heard aunt Hannes picked up close to my ear.

But it was different now, no longer just shaped by Schier. Now it sounded more like a moan, as if expectation or tendons are involved. While there are three fingers of her hand over my glans under the ceiling in my underpants to slow down and down and down, she whispered: It is nice that you are there!Another thunderbolt broke the mood and let Aunt Hanne flinch. Fort was her loving hand.

Aunt Hanne now kept his ears, almost a quarter of an hour long for the thunderstorm to decrease. Compared to earlier, the thunder had become more bearable, but it was still close to me, inspired by the wish, being kept by me.

After a while, Aunt Hanne threw herself on her back and she pulled me along and on herself. Since I made sure to be too difficult for her, I supported my forearms next to her and I also put on my legs to support my knees next to her hips. In this protective position, I really had the feeling that I could effectively shield you against everything in the world.

But what did Tantchen? She used the freedom between us to reach into the panties and my rod again.

With the thumb and index finger of her other hand, she enclosed my scrotum to pull it and feel the balls in her palm. Then her fingers scratched the back testicular skin up to the point where it merges into the dam, which caused a twitching of my tail. This woman seemed to have forgotten nothing and in all the deprived years of not forgotten anything. Now finally take off your panties.

she whispered in my ear. I did like me without changing my position.

Now that there was no more annoying panties between us and she had fiddled with me for a while, I got a pat on the buttocks. Come on, lie on me! Her legs kept them closed. My erection turned back.

I sank to her wide -legged. My penis slid between the gap of her legs and in close Contact vertically down with her pussy. My top touched the sheet. With her abdomen ’she pushed against my lust.
Then she clawed her hands in my buttocks, pulled me up and down on her body, moving in and rubbed the stomach and rubbed the area of her vulva against my pub.

I heard about her moaning that she felt great pleasure. My cock perceived her heat and slippery moisture during this rubbes. Soon she asked me to make my legs straight as she opened her. When she reached for me to show me the way and to introduce my overwhelmed penis, it happened.

I wasn’t really in her yet, had just had the entrance to her gate, so it shot out of me.

Ejaculation praecox, premature ejaculation! I had never had sex with a girl;Was too inexperienced for something like that and actually too young!Violent splashes of my impatient seed against and on them and caught in their pubic hair but it was nice, really beautiful, so completely different from masturbation. Aunt Hanne had probably never experienced anything like this either.

Torn between the pride of her effect on me and the disappointment about lost pleasure she said softly and also tenderly: Oh my boy, you really needed it that way?As a 16-year-old boy you don’t need a long breather. Most of the day you run around with a stiff anyway and you almost only think of sex and could actually always and at any time. Already a minute after this little mishap, I already knocked on the aunt at the bottom of the aunt.

In the candlelight I read surprise and joy in her face.

Only now did she raise her buttocks and then her upper body to strip off her nightgown and open huge breasts. ’Man, what things!’I still thought while I really penetrated a woman for the first time in my life. I was overwhelmed by the pleasant of this location. So perfect and totally large of the most pleasant warmth and tightness.

This wonderful slippery moisture of this perfect cave. There couldn’t be any more beautiful friction! Hand operating is emergency aid. This, that was the only true and desirable values!Penis and vagina in association are the crowning glory of creation, made for each other! God (nature) wants.

that women and men fuck with each other, otherwise he would not have equipped this kind of coming together with such strong sensations. Fucking cannot be bad or immoral, regardless of the constellation.

Only we humans created reservations, invented monogamy and marriage and built other obstacles. Blacks can run with white women. Older women with young men too. Only incest is not allowed.

But aunt and nephew? It’s okay!Aunt Hanne pressed her heavy breasts inwards from the outside, which rose to huge hills. She looked at me mischievously and asked: Now say my boy, how do you find it? It is nice for you? It is not insanely horny? These questions were too much for me! Everything in me now foamed over. The optical charm of her breasts in connection with what combined us so lustfully to each other made me frenzied, so insanely horny that I got an insatiable animal desire, like a carnicky go, wild and violent, as is not worse. I ever got such an opportunity again?With the most violent bumps I banged into her that it just clapped.

My bag hit her buttocks. My glans swelled, grew tall and bigger and hot and hotter, which all overturned me. Her breasts hopped and yet could not follow my frenzied bar, everything just went too quickly.

After less than a minute I was already so far, only seconds away from the highest happiness. For the first time I ejaculated in a woman’s pussy.

It was fantastic and while it was injecting and injection in the after -school care center of this security, my feet made small steps, as if I could bring the mouth of my quick fire rifle even deeper and closer to their uterine mouth. Aunt Hanne pressed her knuckles and hands against my buttock.

Fascinated, she watched my rearing down while deliberately causing her vaginal muscles just to strengthen my pleasure. She really had it and knew how to make it beautiful to a man! What I had just experienced in her and now deeply sunk in her was terrific and nothing to compare what I had experienced so far. After this most beautiful of all the physical feelings that have been perceived so far, I sagged her to snap for air and calm my frenzied heartbeat.

Aunt Hannes arms enclosed me and she heard and kissed me without letting me out of.

As much as I was out of breath at the moment and needed a little break, I didn’t have enough! Years of puberty had found a valve and the greed raged in me. I wanted more and again and again and again.
Aunt Hanne went down, where my hiding place was not so hard to hide his hiding place to wet his fingers with our moisture. She picked up her hand again and kept my fingers under her nose. The smell of sperm I already knew.

But this was new and so completely different. I suck in deep, this fragrance of sperm and vaginal secretion. Smell of fucking! You could smell fuck! A wonderful fragrance mixture, so horny that my gender regenerated in seconds. My cock was immediately ready for new deeds and filled them out completely again.

But Aunt Hanne took over the scepter and the control.

Listen to my little gigolo! Nobody drives you to a hurry. Why do you shoot your powder so quickly? The night is still long and I would like to have some of it too. Women can also have orgasms if the partner tries and leaves some time for the woman. It’s nice for me to see how strong you are and that you can do several times.

But now take some time and give you your strength better. Fucking can also be nice when it is a little less hectic women and want tenderness and if you want this night to repeat themselves, I want to teach you how to deal with a woman. Believe me when I tell you that it can also be much nicer for you!Only after this timpani did I get calm. The feeling of being driven and rushed by something fell off me.

I trusted my superiority and snuggled up to her and suddenly became aware of the proximity of her tits. I stroke her and then licked and sucked her nipples, which Aunt Hanne acknowledged with a cozy cuff. So it’s nice, boy! I like that. So you can do it! Keep on and suck on my nipples, but not too firm.

After a few minutes, she asked me if I liked to smell it, what stuck to her fingers.

And when I affirmed, she made the suggestion to go where it smells even more intensely. It took a moment to understand what she meant. She wanted me to get my face very close to her gender. Since I not only wanted to smell, but also to see where I go, I asked her if she could turn on the bedside light lamp.

But yes, my little one, take a look at everything.
In the glow of the bedside lamp, I now went on a journey of discovery. My senses were overwhelmed by what they were presented with. While my eyes perceived the shapes and colors of their gender up close, my nose took up this exciting smell that arises when Man And Woman Correct together without Parisian. And now I also saw this cream-colored trickle of sticky and slimy consistency, which slowly flows between bulbous labia.

I took a index finger without fear of contact to open this goal wing ’.

I put my finger in her to feel in her cave. There seemed to be a lot of space inside. Mucus stuck to my finger when I pulled it out. Then I put my finger in my mouth to taste.

I liked what I saw! What smelled, I liked! I liked what I felt! I liked what I tasted! I liked everything about this woman!Whether I was allowed to put my tongue into this hole? I just did it, initially only licked her to put my tongue entirely into her, which elicited my aunt an elongated oohh. She had me granted me for a while because she probably realized that I liked it very much. Do the same a little further up! Here, I’ll show you the place where women would particularly like to be touched. There you can and should spoil me with your tongue for a long time and tenderly.

You will notice if it is enough and you can stop.
Above her gate, which had already given me such unspeakable pleasure, she now pulled the skin apart and back, so that something came to light from a fold. It was similar to a small penis;looked like a smaller -out glans and also had the same shimmering shimmer. That had to be the clitoris that I had heard of so much about.

I wet a finger with saliva and slowly and carefully stroked this ’gnubel’. The effect was amazing.

The thing led a life of its own and quickly gone back and forth, accompanied by a sighing groan of my aunt. What was that? Such a slight touch and already such a great reaction?Only today, after I had other women, do I know that the clitoris of my aunt is oversized and responded exceptionally violently to touch. But back then, on our first night together, I didn’t know that yet. For too long, Aunt Hanne had lacked sexual lust with a man.

There had been a lot into her! When I put my tongue on her clit and slowly and tenderly began to lick it, I didn’t want to believe what happened there at first.

Aunt Hanne groaned and sighed. Her clitoris swelled, got huge and now stayed outside from all, not pulling back under the skin fold.
Good this way! Keep on, boy! Do not stop! She sniffed and groaned, chuckled and whined, groaned and screamed. An incredible variety of tones and noises stormed on me. I had difficulty classifying all of this.

Was it really desire that she felt or was it torture and pain. Her hands tore on my hair, clawed into the bed sheet.

Oh my God! Further! Further! Do not stop! She threw her abdomen back and forth, bocked against my mouth, as if she couldn’t stand all of this. If she hadn’t stealed me to do it further, I would probably have stopped. You do it well! lick me! Yes! Yes! Yes! For God’s sake!..

Do not stop!!!And then it broke out of her. Her head flew back into the pillow and she caught her shoulders up.
At the same time, she pressed her feet against my thighs with a gurgling Aaaaaah. The whole body hovered for a moment, just supported by her head curved on the neck and the stem and feet against me. Then she fell back onto the sheet and she dragged her meat over the clit, which seemed to pulsate and wanted to undercoat, which she prevented by this tusher.

I could hardly believe it! I had done that? According to her reactions, she had to have felt more intensely than me, which was actually not possible.

Was expected from me? I had to do anything now? Suddenly I had the feeling that she had put into trust in my kneeling in front of her. It was the moment when I felt love. She hadn’t just done it for herself;Was not selfish. She had done it for me too.

Infinite gratitude let me crawl over her and I lay down on her to kiss her on the mouth.

She surrounded me and gave me the kiss back. When she opened her eyes, I saw tears in it and a shining that expressed happiness and satisfaction and made other words superfluous. Still, she said something to me. Great! It was wonderful! You did that great! Now you’re not a little boy anymore!After a break of 10 minutes in which she recovered, I asked her if it was over now.

I know that you want again. And you can and should also. But please, do it slowly so that I can get some of it too. She opened her legs again and finally I was allowed to sink my lust into her again.

And now I also wanted to see what was going on there. Slowly and with long and deep sliding, which she supported with her hands on my butt. My steaker to burst for bursting shone from her moisture.

I forced myself to a leisureness and paused in the deepest place in between, did not move. She took advantage of the moment to tense up her vaginal muscles’ pinch ’I gave her back and let my ground twitch in her.

We made a game out of it. Soon I had found that it made nice smacking noises when I retired entirely from her for a moment, in order to immediately go back in and immerse yourself in this highest happiness, this best in life and all over the world. Tantchen was now satisfied with me and she said it too.

Now it’s right! So you do it well! In between you can sometimes and quickly if you feel like it, but please only briefly. Still hold back, the better it is at the end.

Please wait for me, I want to experience it again while you fuck me.
I couldn’t have had a better teacher. Whenever I realized that I wanted to come, I forced myself to interrupt it into it. She had given me the tip to think of school or math task. It worked and I managed to get through for a long time, while Aunt Hanne now rubbed her clitoris with a saliva for the whole time.

She rocked up and higher with it and I also noticed that the lust held back only greater pleasure.

She breathed very violently again and closed her eyes and her head turned back when my pleasure must be noticed that he got a special treatment. It cramped in her pussy that enclosed my penis so lovingly. Wave -like movements plucked to me, wheels me, after handing over my seed immediately. I knew that the moment had come to give up all the reluctance.

But oh wonder I didn’t have to bump anymore. The waves in her vagina sucked as violently and greedily as if a vacuum had arisen. My cock got very thick again before this sucking pussy, this fantastic penis melk machine managed to force me to use ejaculation.

Before her vaginal muscles slipped, it took a violence from me how I had never experienced it through manual operation. If she hadn’t collected it, I would have sprayed at least five meters.

Until then I had not been aware of having something like a kind of turbo ’in me that had been activated for the first time by vaginal sucking.
After this thunderstorm, Aunt Hanne brought me an opulent breakfast to the bed with fruit juice and coffee, with scrambled eggs, ham and fried bacon. I had to eat everything to stay with forces that continue to be used, as they jokingly meant with one hand under my ceiling. She couldn’t get away from the dishes. She had no panties under her skirt.

We pushed a breakfast number ’a tergo’;I naked and she is almost completely dressed. But this is another story.

Even today, 18 years later, I regularly visit my aunt to get myself and give her what we both need so necessary. And although Frauke has long been out of the house and we are undisturbed in her house, this desire sometimes overwhelms us so violently that we cannot wait until it is evening or we are at home. Every now and then we also drive it in your snack as soon as the staff have gone.

We are both so incredibly sharp that we always come up with new things that never make it boring between us.

Last year she gave me a digital camera for Christmas, with flashing light and remote release and all the trimmings. It was your idea that we take photos of ourselves while we fuck together. We have already taken hundreds of such photos that you can easily look at on any PC.

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