Kinky birthday party | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My third story … invented action. I experienced a small piece of the storyline, so the intro. Otherwise, painted with imagination and things that I have experienced. I wish it had come that way back then (… I would have come back then;) because I was asked about it. I just find a prehistory, even if it is a little longer. Who doesn’t like it. Just roll down until it comes to the part that is interesting for him: As always, Petwas Feedback would be nice (Like/Dislike/Comments) and what would I really care about, reads Frau here too?So at least one or the other or woman get the one or others may get the story.

read out? And? Thumbs up or down? So far I have only had feedback from men …;) ——————————————————————————- “All … We … Are… and all we are!“Shit, I thought so with myself. Shit, shit, shit! I was damn late. First overslept because the day before the day and too long drunk and killed. Then I urgently had to drink something and get the grilled meat for me, thereby giving the stupid bus. Next bus, in traffic jams because trotel thinks in front of us, red traffic lights apply to everyone, just not for him.

Mobile phone battery, empty, because forgot to connect the charger at night in the suffering. The trip took 2 hours with a change anyway. Then all of this is also. Almost two hours over time. Now I only had the street up the hill in front of me! Then I’m finally there. Fenna will be pissed off because I was the only one who trusted to use the gas grill there. And when it is angry, then it is angry.

What she didn’t like were empty promises. I had said especially that she could rely on me. I had thought that so beautifully with today. This was only a friendly kiss, but I was the first of us guys who kissed Fenna at all and I was sure when I help her help her the party To throw a little more out of it. Fenna was just awesome. I have her on your 18.

Birthday, met at her party. My buddy Marvin said at the time, “You absolutely have to go there. The woman is so cool on it!“And he was right. I knew some girls who were not exactly prudish, but Fenna was different. Completely different. What else I knew were girls who always seemed somehow, or emancines and wall flowers. Girls who in terms of clothes, make -up and their engraver with which they decorated only one thing, better, great, coal.

The great make -up, the further neckline, the shorter skirt, the friend with the greatest tail, Or at least the thickest car, and so on. At Fenna it was just different. She didn’t need that. Whatever she was on, she always looked great, always sexy! Hardly, often no makeup at all. And if she liked someone, it didn’t matter what he had or didn’t have. Everything was so natural with her, she was just like that and that was exactly what she made so desirable for all of guys.

In the meantime, I also say that their species was simply justified in their Dutch roots. They are simply looser when it comes to many things. She had parents who had brought them much more relaxed because they were like that themselves. Even if they were now divorced. Crap! How many times had I said shit now? Now one thing came on. 50m in front of Fenna’s parents’ house I remembered that I had forgotten my air mattress and my sleeping bag at home! If there had been a way to be in bed at Fenna, then I have already wasted it when I got up this morning.

Rather did not get up, so not in time … oh shit!I stood at the garden gate and rang. I heard the bell inside in the house. Nothing happened. Felt 40 degrees air temperature, the sweat ran down my forehead. My back hurt. I was ran up the hill and always got the whole stuff in the backpack into the cross. I rang again and thought that is probably the first revenge that I get there.

Suddenly I heard a voice from the garden behind the house. At first I didn’t understand what she said, only the second time “I’m back here! Just come in and go through!”. I opened the little door and went on the stone slab path, behind my house. Funny. No music, no voices from people who talk or laugh together. No, only silence and empty garden furniture on the terrace. No or? They are not all home now just because I’m too late? Then suddenly someone called me from the side to “Hi Jens, I’m over there!”.

I looked to the left and saw Fennas Mother kneeling in a flower corner as she waved to me. I was still amazed because I was expecting anything else, but I was also sure that Fenna’s mother could tell me exactly what was going on. Put the backpack on the floor, again wiped the sweat on my forehead with the sleeve, I made my way to her. “Boy, how do you look it?“She said immediately when she saw my high -red, steaming head.

“Oh, I only ran up the hill here because I am already too late, so I sweat … She did not let me finish and immediately asked “too late for what boy?”(Note. of the author: Unfortunately I am unable to reproduce the wonderful accent that the Dutch have … The “Jonge!“For example, I can’t do it to write it as it sounds when you hear it, so I stay with the German text)“ Well for the party!”.

“Which party Jens?“She replied to me. “Well, Fenna’s summer party. Where are they all?”. Fenna’s mother suddenly started to laugh out loud. Your sunglasses slipped and I could see my eyes directly. It was a laugh but in her eyes there was somehow some pity for recognizing. Crap! Also laughed at, whatever, I was now properly pissed off! Then she got up and I suddenly had a wonderful view of her breast.

Her deep neckline on the sleeve of her carrier shirt presented me with a wonderfully female breast. It didn’t need a Wonderbra that just looked awesome. If you don’t like that, I thought, I thought. And then again … shit! party! “Ms. van den Broe …” I couldn’t get any further. She looked at me seriously, straightened the wearer on the shirt because she apparently noticed that she had given deep insights and complained with a “Well, well, boy, boy! You know exactly I am the Eva.

So say Eva to me too!”. She laughed again, but this time friendly and loving. After stripping her work gloves, she put an arm around me and accompanied me to the veranda. “Jeeeens!”She said and pressed me on the side. I could suddenly smell it clearly. No, not the sweat, rather I just smelled her body. There was a little hint of a perfume over it, but otherwise it was her personal fragrance.

Ms. van den … aeeeh from Eva’s fragrance note. Maybe it was the excitement, maybe the tits, maybe the smell. It became tight in my pants at the bottom of my pants. “Jeens, you already know, the party is only next Saturday!”. I stopped and broke her, still my arm around my shoulder, thereby abruptly, whereby she was thrown into me something in me and the chest that was hidden again against my upper arm pressed it again.

“Neein!”I gave back. “Fenna wrote me an SMS in the stand today!”. Eva said again that it is not so and above all that there is nobody there because “Fenna is with her father this weekend. Until tomorrow evening, when I pick them up from the train station!”. I was flat. I didn’t feel like saying on shit anymore. In addition, that, damn shit, would have used nothing more!I briefly explained what happened on the way here.

“Come Jens!“I’ll get you something to drink, you connect your cell phone to the current and then we smoke one first. “”. Eva went into the house, I closed the shit … the cell phone on the socket, started it, typed me through to the SMS and read very clearly “… see and then on Saturday” and then I also saw the Sch … the little measurementArrow down in the right corner, which wanted to tell me that the text continues.

I taped on it with my finger and could continue reading “in 8 days! This weekend I am on my way to my father. Fenna4Ever “I leaned back into the garden chair, lit a cigarette and would have preferred to be sunk in the ground. Eva came back. She held 2 bottle of beer in her hand, well chilled, a film of small condensed water drops covered the bottles. She had moved herself, was now wearing a lilac -colored swimsuit, probably made in a very poor country.

So poor that she had little fabric for sewing and was almost none on the side and nobody was left for the back. She had wrapped a turquoise beach towel around her hip. She put the beer on the table and turned bent down to her lounger to rightly move the edition. I saw her horny ass consecrated for the first time. It was just splendid. A wide -cured three -color tribal.

Individual elements braided, much black in a wide variety of gray gradations, but sometimes also purple elements and … golden stripes. Especially the parts that represent the braided elements just looked great. The whole thing also matched the swimsuit incredibly well and it fits incredibly well to the hot butt of Eva. Eva’s figure was the classic female figure that is known from textbooks … narrow waist, wide hips. Not fat, but, as it always means, fermented.

In my pants it became tight again and when Eva turned, I quickly bent my right leg on and put it on the seat of my chair so that Eva could not see that I had got a bump down there. She took her beer, I grabbed mine. “So, first of all ‘targeting’!”She said and encountered me. “Guardliness!”I replied. We both took a strong sip. The beer tasted wonderful, bitter and cool, refreshing and I then watched Eva as she first sat on the couch and then turned aside and made it comfortable.

She also bent her leg on the right one, which made sure that the beach towel was pulled up and the view of her step was released. One or the other hair in this area on the left and right of the swimsuit told me that Eva might go to the razor again. From these thoughts and from the idea that the pants were still tensioned, maybe even a little more, I was torn out when Eva suddenly struggled violently.

She looked at me, pinched her lips together briefly and we both had to laugh almost at the same time. I wish, well, not necessarily to have such a mother, rather I wanted to be able to live with a family in which things are like with Eva and Fenna, as with my parents. They were more the guy, we go to laugh in the basement. Actually, it wasn’t a real family because Fenna’s father moved back to Rotterdam after the divorce, but maybe it was exactly what life here did differently that this was the kingdom of two women and the clocks tick differently.

Completely different. “So the party” started Eva. “I’ve seen it. So now I’ve seen it. “I replied. I explained Eva, my mistake and she had to laugh again. This time during the sip, she was somewhat sucked in with beer and we both had to laugh again. However, the swimsuit gave its little secret prize. Where he got wet, he became much darker and, above all, half -transparent. There were a few larger splashes over the belly and the swimsuit seemed to stick to Eva there.

Evas left breast had hit it fully. The fabric stuck on her and the nipple clearly distinguished itself. Presumably through the cold of the beer, the nipple was again wandered across her wet spots. “”. The rum and whiskey would hold until next Saturday she said, “but you can throw the meat away if you don’t grill it today.

Thrill the grill, I still have something for me in the fridge and also a little salad for both of us. “”. She got up and went back in. I looked after her and looked at her on the butt that took the Eva with every step, wiggled back and forth. I had to lie down to the family, I thought, looked down and looked at my bump in the tense pants and then thought, and my reaction to it too.

The grill ran, Eva had fetched four skewers, somewhat pickled peppers, a few large pickled onion slices and I put on my three steaks. The grill did its job. We had now arrived at the second bottle of beer when Eva suggested that the pool and the vegetables go through the pool. Shit … and right away again. My swimming trousers and the towel were where? Correct. Really shit! Rolled up at home with a sleeping bag and air mattress.

But even if, I was afraid that Eva could have seen when I get a hard one when I stand in front of her. “I can’t Eva, I don’t have my bathing stuff with me!“I explained to her and why and where it is. She laughed again and went back into the house. I didn’t understand what she actually wanted now, but I had to look at the butt again when she went away. I was looking for the meat and the vegetables when she came back with a swim shorts in one hand and a towel in the other hand.

“There, it’s from my husband. It is far too big for you, but it has the bunch of cords, so you can already tie them!”. I still didn’t want to, defended myself with hands and feet, discussed, argued, laved, got really sweating again. Suddenly I got a push from Eva. Without that I was aware of it, she had more and more maneuvered in the direction of the pelvic edge. And then when I had the right position just struck.

I swallowed a lot of water and had to orientate myself. Then came up again and heard and saw Eva Lachen, bent down, her hands on her knees she laughed at me. Or she laughed at me. I don’t know it. She laughed, just laughed from my heart. Well, I thought I thought we are sitting for a while, you will get your fat away today too. I climbed out of the pelvis and cursed, but not without spraying a lot of water in the direction of Eva beforehand.

The swimsuit that has now dried up again was really wet. Eva was almost there as God Schuff… how God she Schuff? Eva? Suitable … the swimsuit, now really skin -tight on her body, illustrated the two breasts in full splendor, each a small stub in the middle. The belly button a little darker than the rest of the wet fabric and in the triangle between Evas legs there was a much darker area that pointed out on a fur over Evas Mumu.

I finally stood at the top, tried to press the water from my pants? Right, promoted me straight again where I came from. Only when I got back to the air was I greeted by another huge gush of water, since Eva had put a perfect ass bomb next to me. Coughing and swallowing water, half blind, I splashed as best I could water in her direction. With hands and feet and with the frisbe slice that I could grab on the water.

They also in mine. When I tried to grab her, I slipped with my feet and stayed under water, reflexively on Eva. I am not a good diver, I can’t stop the air and have problems keeping my eyes open under water. But in my hand I clearly felt the strap on Eva’s swimsuit, which connected the back of the brief with the front part, still, or rather always water -swallowing, I waved wildly with the other hand until it finally found something.

I pulled up again and opened my eyes again. The something was Eva’s neckline when I had dragged so violently that I almost greeted me by one of her breasts. Eva laughed and laughed. It was embarrassing to me and my stand down there had to be in the wet, tight -fitting trousers ‘hell quality’. “Typical man, boy! Do not waste time and go straight to the finish line. “”. There was brief again, it would be nice to be able to deal with each other every day and in every situation, not like at home.

But my outlook, which I enjoyed, made sure that my thoughts concentrated again on Eva’s breast. The horny column, the Eva’s breasts formed when they come closer and closer to each other and overall also closer to the eyes of the viewer. The great nipples and the giants, now clearly visible, aureolas around it. Then of course I let go. Eva looked down, stretched my chest towards me and pulled my swimsuit a little.

When she pulled him forward, I was able to admire for a very short moment, almost the whole splendor of her tits. And this splendor was just cool!“Let’s Jens. Finally put on your swimming trunks. I’ll have a look for the grill. “She said casually and added to my tits after a short break”… and stop staring at me!”. Caught and I was shiny, I looked down briefly and then up again. “And not on my butt when I climb out now!“Added Eva, where she laughed out again loudly.

I turned around and bumped out of the pelvis. Fortunately, Eva couldn’t see the bump in my pants. With the picture of Evas Tits and Evas ass, stands slowly pushed into my waistband. Eva followed me and went to the grill and took care of our food. I wondered where I should change because dripping wet as I was, I didn’t want to march across the apartment to the bathroom now.

When I asked Eva about it, she just said that I shouldn’t act like that, I could do that here “I’m not looking at you anything boy. You don’t look any other than the other men I have already seen “. Yes … I looked different … at least at the moment. At the moment, my 19cm stand, the rock hardness, had made it very clear to her vertically, how my hormone balance reacted to the games and her body.

I grabbed the swimming trunks and towel and grimaced between two larger bushes. I quickly pulled out the T-shirt, shoes and socks too, but the pants were a piece of work. Bwocking, sitting, lying and lying and on all fours, and, above all, stranging like an idiot, I definitely needed to get rid of the pants for five to six minutes. When I moved on one leg on one leg, pulled onto the bottom of one leg, I heard Eva shouted “I can see your cracking butt!”.

I drove up, turned away, then looked back with my head behind the bush and just stretched out her tongue. There it was again, Evas laugh. Standing in front of the grill she bent a little her body, held one hand half in front of her mouth and with all of this you could admire her horny female figure through the wet swimsuit. Then I had the pants down. After I had dried up a bit, I stood in front of the next problem, or much more, the next problem was in front of me.

“Jens, what are you doing so long that food is right away. “”. With these words she disappeared briefly in the house. What do I only do if she sees it, and in the very wide, sloppy shorts she will see that, then … then … then I had the idea. I quickly slipped into my pants, laced up the waistband, ran over to the chair. That tasted my cock root, but the problem was well concealed now.

Eva came back with a tray, put a bowl with a noodle salad on the table, a bar of white bread, various grill sauces, plates and cutlery and two bottles of chilled alkopops. Mine had lime aroma. She probably noticed that I like lime best. We enjoyed the food, the meat was really tasty and the pickled vegetables also tasted delicious, although almost all of the peppers were burned a bit. The pasta salad tasted incredibly well because he had already pulled for two days.

There was nothing left. We fed up in our chairs, enjoyed our drinks and smoked … well, my last cigarette. Together. Evas tipping was all and I, well, not that someone thinks I might be kind of forgetful. I had bought everything I wanted to bring with me, but the cigarettes have to be omitted somehow. When the cigarette passed on, Eva leaned over again and again to me and I to her. I was able to take a look into the excerpt from the slowly drying swimsuit and saw that the swimsuit had pulled something into Evas pussy column in her step and thereby released a little more hair on the side.

The black fur down there was quite extensive, but apparently well trimmed. I professionally assessed the length of the hair, significantly less than a cm and the shape, clearly triangular, but apparently nicely nicely and horizontally trimmed and tried the column that is underneath. Between my legs it spanned again and when I leaned over to Eva I had to put my latte off again and again. Eva lay next to me on the couch and was able to see it in the direction under the table and I believe that she did it every now and then.

There was always a ‘ha! Caught Smile ‘on your face. The cigarette was smoked at some point, and when Eva put her put it, she said “Come on, we’re going into the pool again!”. She jumped up, grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the chair. Zero chance of warding this up tore me up and at the moment I still see it as a head cinema today, in slow motion. ‘It made it flopp’, my stand quickly quickly and the pants looked like a tent in which one had just built the first mast.

Stupid as I am, I stopped and Eva hangs on my hand, of course, too. She turned around and looked at me frightened, questioning. I must have looked completely stupid, caught and with an open mouth. Then Eva looked down at me. Lingered a long moment with her look, while I was only a “I … I … Eva …” “. “I? I? Eva? Yes, I see you and I also see the flag mast in your pants and it probably looks like this because of Eva.

Do you want to tell me that?“She laughed at me. She pulled me with a “on boy! Come on! Into the water!“On again to the pool and we jumped in. I was somehow in shock, was still quite cramped, but for Eva it was apparently absolutely no problem. She didn’t care. She continued with the water features and tried to go into being, no, she dipped me down and quite often. I also divided, but still felt somehow affected and caught and was not on the matter.

I would like to be as relaxed as it, but there was just a blockade. A wall. And somehow I didn’t dare to tear them down, or at least to climb over it. Eva probably noticed that. She should have been blind if not. But said nothing. Perhaps a little less laughed and our games became a little more listless, and also a little more aggressive and at some point it happens. Watched, blocked by my introduced moral ideas of my moral conditioning and less with the fun we could have, I got Eva back on the neckline and this time pulled it more violently.

Too fierce. Soaked with water, rather noiseless, tore a smaller piece of fabric on which the wearer was attached around Eva’s neck and when Eva came out of the water and then stood in front of me, the upper half of the swimsuit on the water surface drove in front of her. Part of Evas wet, long, brunette hair covered the sight that I had, but I could see big and impressive, Evas horny huge boobs in front of me.

I couldn’t enjoy the sight casually, but in my pants I felt my latte twitching up again and again and I felt the fabric of the shorts rub on my glans. ‘It’s actually so horny with Eva, but that doesn’t work …’ That was my thought that was in possession of me. Eva looked at me, looked down briefly, back up and started laughing at my face again.

Suddenly a little laugh slipped out, but I immediately suppressed again … shit conditioning. Eva made no institutions to cover themselves or leave the pool to put on something else. She looked down again, reached under her breasts, lifted her very easily and then said “Yes, that’s bosom? You have seen some of them or?“She laughed at me. I shot a short, pressed laugh again and a “yes.

…i have. “Before I saw it again,. She played something with the breasts in which she raised one after the other and lowered again. Looked at her breast and then again at me. The laughter suddenly disappeared from her face and she looked at me a little more seriously. Put her head on the side and said to me “you know what Jens. I think I have to you the stick from yours Gorgeous pull”.

I was startled and saw how she took a deep breath and dipped in front of me. Then I felt how she was struggling with the cord of the shorts and before I could do anything as she struck the shorts over the concrete -hard beating down. I breathed a violence to take a step back, but I immediately touched the edge of the pelvis, where I instinctively supported myself and suddenly I felt how something was very soft over my hovering tail in the water and the more it stumbles over it, the more it isMore my cock was massaged further at the front of something else softly massaged.

I closed my eyes and wished, no, I still wish that this moment that I have only felt once in my life would have never stopped. It was only a few seconds, a few moments, then the soft slide down from my twitching spanking and Eva reappeared in front of me, rubbed my eyes dry, wrapped me up with her arms and kissed me directly on my mouth. The head slightly slanted in front of me she pressed her lips more and more firmly on mine, opened the lips and ‘knocked on with her tongue’ so that I would open my lips too.

And the wall broke in. Driven by the horny tits, the underwater massage from my stand, the kissing, that Eva is currently pressing her big breasts firmly onto my chest and overturning me under water with one leg, so that my tail is intensely onI just wanted to see the fabric and the little rough hair, over and around her cunt ..! First hesitantly, then definitely, I loved my arms from the edge of the pelvic.

Fixed around Eva! I also tilted my head a bit to the other side, opened my lips and closed my eyes. Freely to have to process things seen from the burden, my senses only concentrated on what I tasted, what I felt. The lips and the tongues that moved through our throat, the breasts that stuck to me, my cock, who rubbed into Evas and I smooch Eva, now with one of my hands behind her head so tight I could.

The other hand slid over her butt under the swimsuit and now I also rubbed Eva more and more about my hard latte. Heaven … so I imagined the sky. And we rubbed ourselves more and more Eva reached with one hand down between her legs, tightened the fabric in her crotch, fished with her fingers to my latte and finally clamped under the fabric so that I now directly on her furWicked and my tail tip easily into the folds of their labia penetrated.

I heard a slight moan from Eva’s mouth as long as we rubbed each other and we rubbed each other for a long time. Long and long. At some point Eva sailed both arms around my neck and pulled a little bit higher. Now my cock was able to reach her column at the back of the pussy slices and almost penetrate … penetrate Eva. Eva liked what you could see from a gentle, ever louder moan. The swimming trunks had now slowly made its way to the floor on its own.

Once at the bottom, I got rid of her completely. The wall was gone, behind it was sunshine, warmth, just pleasant feelings and I enjoyed being able to see the world here from the other side. At that moment Eva’s lips came off mine, I opened my eyes and with a joyful smile and big googly eyes I hear Eva say “goes!”. She laughed at me lovingly and I laughed, now free of the blockade, as lovingly back as I could.

I kissed her again and continued to rub my body on her, my cock on her cunt. Eva entered me back into me with her tongue and we felt each other again our bodies up to … Until Eva suddenly dropped from me, standing up, looking at me and smiling with joy, “Come with us!”. She climbed up the edge of the pelvis, pulled me out of the pool and simply brushed the swimsuit completely. We both stood there splinter fibers.

I also showed with my twitching leasebard that pointed towards Evas Muschi. I don’t think someone could see us. The house was at the end of the street, there was only a neighboring property that was built on and the neighboring house was relatively far away and, due to a small forest stain, was also completely out of sight on its property. On the meadows around the rest of the property, nobody could be seen until the subsequent edge of the forest. Eva turned and wanted to go into the house.

In doing so, she presented me the ass antler over her horny butt. I stepped towards her from behind, put an arm around her and her breasts. With the other hand, I first pushed Eva’s leg on the side, slipped under her with my cock from behind, pushed the latte forward under her column, pressed it in firmly with my palm and began to move me back and forth. Eva threw her head back onto my shoulder.

I saw her closed eyes and I heard a “mmmmmmmh. Mmmmmmmhhh!“Accompanied by deep inhaling and exhaling. I could feel how the wet aqueous moisture was slowly replaced by a sticky and slippery moisture and when my glans bordered inside my palm of my hand that also formed sticky drops that were stripped on my hand or Eva’s hair. Eva opened her eyes, saw me with a serious and demanding look at us, “I want you! …now!”.

Her head rose and she jumped away in front of me. I followed her as quickly as I could while my crossbar in front of me through the movements like a wool rod far to the left and right. At the top of the stairs in front of the bedroom I got it. I grabbed her, turned her into the bedroom around me and we both dropped to the bed. I was half over her and Eva started to smooch myself again, grabbed my cock and massaged it with a firm grip.

During it I pressed my knee into her crotch and moved it up and down slightly. After a few seconds, Eva reinforced the movements by moving her pelvis in the right rhythm. The tongues still dealt with our lips and from Eva’s mouth I heard a loud moan. And I also had to breathe more and more violently and louder. So we lay for a while, kept kissing and rolled up like a rocking horse a little and then back to the other side.

Until Eva suddenly said “I want you to lick me Jens. Is that OK? You are welcome to say what you want, what to do. Yes?”. I kissed her. First on the mouth, then on her breasts and answered her “I don’t want anything better than lick you Eva. “”. I kissed and then sucked her breasts again and drove my hand down my stomach, a middle finger forward into her column, away over her horny blank.

“And what should I do for you?“I heard Eva say between the moan. On the way, kissing, from the breasts over the navel down to the hairline on the cunt, I stopped briefly and said “Hmmm. Don’t know yet. “”. Some things went through my head. After my best buddy showed me years ago where I im Internet I had already looked at one or the other for free, well, well, so actually a lot and had some ideas.

But somehow I always had concerns with everything that I could think of, ‘she certainly didn’t’ there ‘,’ You can’t ask her to do that ‘,’ This is just too extreme ‘, and, and, and … And actually that’s all the show anyway. Not real … I remembered that there was a film that had particularly taken with me. So actually not a porn, rather a private recording that a couple had made and found the way to the Internet.

I liked that. Especially liked. And except for one thing, there was nothing special, nothing special about the film. And precisely because nothing was special, except that the two had no sex with each other but just popped together, that was exactly what was special about the film. Well and the little thing I could ask Eva … maybe … sigh. At the moment Eva was busy with a violent moan and heavy breathing.

She lay in front of me, bulged the chest up, pressed her shoulder and her butt into the mattress. The arms in W-shaped upwards next to them, the hands clenched into fists, their eyes closed and the head turned to the side. From the loudly thinking about what I would like to have, I had arrived over Eva’s fur with the surprisingly little hairy column and licked, sucked, now kissed her … I thought of the porn … I thought her cunt thought! Your horny, wet, juicy cunt.

I had been circulating with my tongue for a long time. Where was I actually. My tongue felt a little deepening somehow … I was at the end of her piss hole! ……… I was a bit horrified, of all things, but then I realized that Eva’s cunt tasted best there. It didn’t taste like Piss, it tasted like Eva, but at that point a little bit different to Eva, a little horny to Eva.

And something else became clear to me. That I played around the hole with my tongue, pressed on it and sometimes also indicated with a pointed tongue, Eva had to like to get into the much too small hole. Alternately she pressed the left, sometimes more her right shoulder into bed, threw her head back and forth and moan like sow, … the bitch. I want to see her scream. I want her to scream her lust towards me.

I lick the slut cunt to orgasm. The bitch was in front of me and pressed the abdomen towards me. I rubbed my fingers in her pussy towards the front … her cunt. Their slut cunt. And pressed slightly from the inside against the area that I edited from the outside with my tongue. When I increased the pressure a little or rubbed a little faster, Eva pressed more towards me. I now knew what I wanted. What I from Eva … what I want from the horny bitch.

But I didn’t want to tell her, not yet. I enjoyed it that she was moaning in front of me. Moaning because I got it really well. Made really well with the tongue and my fingers. Because the old fuck bitch could be bid by me and healed on it. “Wait!“Suddenly it came out of her mouth. “It’s as horny as you do that Jens. You are exactly at the point where I am easiest.

It feels like you don’t do anything else all day, so horny. But now I need to drink something, ok? I’ll bring you something too. “With these words she got up, but I held her and she immediately fell back to bed. “Eva. “”. “Yes?”. “Eva I …”. “You know what you would like to have? What to do for you? No, what I would like to do for you?”.

“Yes…. “… “And? Come on, say already!”. “Eva, I actually don’t want anything special. But I saw something that totally turned on me. Really nothing special and I don’t even know if you have something like that, I … “. Eva swung on me, kissed me for a long time and finally said “Well, get out with the language and believe me, I have already tried and made a lot. So come on, tell me. “”. “Eva, do you have stockings? So of course you already have stockings, so I mean … holding stockings?“I looked at Eva expectantly.

She looked seriously, almost horrified back. I was startled, but then saw a little flash in the eyes, a very light twitch of the facial muscles and Eva suddenly laughed out lovingly “What color?”. We both had to laugh again, rolled around the bed, kissed and only stopped when we finally hung over the bed, almost on the floor. I looked at Eva and said “Black?”. “Sure I have. But that’s not all or anyway?”.

I looked around in the landscape. “So you have a couple … shoes?”. “High heels?”. My eyes suddenly grew “yes!”. “No Jens, unfortunately I have to fit. I had two pairs once, but they are … For a moment … go down and get us out of the fridge to drink. There are still soft drinks. I want cherry. Limette is still there if you like. I have an idea … I kissed her on my mouth again, slipped back onto the bed, kissed Eva’s belly button, with tongue, took a deep breath, pressed my mouth on my stomach and blown out everything I had in me.

A wonderfully loud fart -like noise that was drowned out almost immediately by Evas Lachen filled the room. I took Eva’s hand and pulled her up to bed again. “Do it, I’m thirsty!“She finally took me out of the bedroom and I got up. My hard latte ahead, but this time with proud of the spanking there in the chest, I left the room. I could still see how Eva uprising and a drawer opened the chest of drawers, then I was out.

Once at the bottom I thought I also took the backpack with me, maybe we still need whiskey or rum. What’s cold to mix in is definitely in the fridge. Besides, I still have it … and maybe, let’s see … I sneaked up at the balcony door, stretched my head out, saw no one and quickly ripped down over the hot stones to the chair, grabbed the backpack and quickly ripped back. Then I went to the fridge and took out two alcopops.

Once cherry and once … cherry. I hadn’t tried it yet. At some point you have to try, if you have the opportunity, I thought … and then I thought of the wall that no longer existed, Eva, which I found behind it. Or how she pulled me over it? And as she … and I started running up the stairs again, came around the corner on the doorstep into the bedroom and saw Eva. Sit with my back to me, on the edge of the bed on the other side of the bed.

She straightened up and straightened her stockings. I saw the horny back. Free your shoulder blades, her long hair hung around her neck over the left shoulder. The body, the downwards, was reduced to the waist to become wider in a gentle curve and Eva’s beautiful ass antlers gave the frame really nice to come into their own. Among them the horny ass baking with its plump and the crack, which started under the antlers and continued to the covers, continuously increasing, continuing.

Eva turned her head over my right shoulder and smiled at me. I had already parked the backpack, stood there and somehow looked at the mind of the mind in Evas. Saw in Eva’s bright gray -blue eyes. And just saw … you can’t put it into words what it was that it triggered in my body … it was just beautiful, relaxed and informal, warm and soft … and damn it added the feeling that my standBeamed into my body … maybe when you fall into a cloud, so as you imagine to fall into a cloud, so a really horny cloud …

“Hey … now give me thirsty Jens!“, Eva’s voice brought me back to reality in the bedroom where I had just licked her. In what would still happen between us. I hadn’t noticed it but Eva stretched her arm towards me and I finally gave her the bottle. She took a sip. Then another. Then she put the bottle on the bedside table.

Started the CD player on the chest of drawers and turned back to me. The music started to play quietly. Guitar, a very simple intro and as the singer Began “Wake Up Now and Start to Dream … Hot Nights Wash Away My Fear … Forever Now …” … Eva turned onto the bed, the knees struck on top of each other, the body directed to me, her head on the elbows she lay in front of me. At the top of their great wide thighs I was able to see the waistband of a hold -free stocking.

A black waistband, high up right up, where your step stopped the thighs surrounded in the very dark gray stocking after five or seven centimeters, the stockings were pretty opaque a wonderful contrast to Evas slightly brown -burned complexion, theYour body had. I could already see on one foot, Eva had pumps on. High paragraphs at the back and also a high plateau at the front. Black and shiny and round at the front.

She looked rats in it. Somehow I had the feeling that I knew it from anywhere, but it doesn’t matter. Eva looked Supergeil in it. Then she turned on her back and pushed herself into the middle of the bed, spread her legs wide apart, the hacking of the pumps put into the mattress and stretched out both arms with open hands. From the loudspeakers of the stereo system, pleasantly loud came, in fullness there was a “all …

We… are… … and all we are! We are just like oxygen and all… we… are…… and all we are, dancing like we never danced before!“I crawled into bed on knees until I reached the point where I could lie on it so that our heads would be at the same height. As I slowly put on my arms based on Eva, she took my concrete hard … fuck beats and steered him exactly into her horny … fuck column.

I entered Eva. The feeling was soft, a little slippery and warm. Somehow everything ran like in slow motion, I seemed every millimeter that my tail was able to feel deeper into Eva and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the millimeters that I left and the one I still had in front of me. Eva closed his eyes, turned his head on the side and breathed a deep breath. Her chest rose and inhaling did not seem to end.

When I realized that I had arrived that my cock was completely in Eva, which he was in the back of her … cunt, Eva’s chest sank again and an “Ouuuuhhhhh” escaped her lips. She turned her head to me, opened her eyes briefly, reached for my back head and pressed my lips against her. We kissed, smooched together and our dance began. “And I Want You by My Side. Come on My Dear We Leave Tonightoh Tonighttall … We… Are…… and all we are “Sang from the speakers when I started my hips, then just lifting and lowering again and again.

To pull my cock out of Eva’s gender to push him back into her again and felt how Eva was slightly pushed her pelvis under me or pushed it into the mattress a little deeper again. I felt that her two hands on my ass pressed me down again and again into her when I was very deep in Eva to let go again when I started to slide out again.

I did very slowly and watched Eva moaning. And I did very slowly because my cannon was there and threatened to start every moment. The tap has been excited so often today that it could happen at any moment. I watched Eva moaning. How she rolled her head from one side again and again, pressed him into the pillow. her face. Somehow painfully distorted but then because of a nice ‘pain’.

Whenever I stopped briefly, or had to support myself again, she looked at me briefly with her big demanding, begging eyes until I entered her body again. Pious her with my cock … her cunt fucked. She spread her legs wide. Always on, the bed just enough so that she could put her legs on it and I had the feeling that the further she spread the thighs, the deeper I could penetrate into her.

I felt like the couple in the film. A couple that it was simply enjoying that they bird together. I was based on my arms again, looked at Eva, whose face looked as if she was floating between me and the bed. Then I looked down, over her horny, the nipples upstairs upside down on the navel. I recognized small beads of welding on her whole body. Then I looked further down and watched.

I watched and saw myself kept entering Eva. And Eva, as I kept entering her again and again. I saw the shiny sliding film that pulled my stand over and like my glans, covered with our juice, sometimes with a small drop on the bottom of the glans or on my tail tip, slowly and now was slowly looking for and found the entrance from Evas cave when I brieflyGlide out of Eva. Her small triangular fur down there was also well creamed with our juice over Eva’s labia.

It shone between the dark hair and there too spanning hair to hair from hair to hair. When I penetrated Eva, her column spread, the outer labia slid away from each other, the inside became visible, I could always see the little hill of her swollen clit at that moment. Their stand. I thought to myself and smiled into me. When I enter Eva deeper, then the inner labia folded around in the direction of my cock and he seemed to take them in the inside of Evas on the journey into Evas.

And when I pulled it out again, they turned out to the outside around my beating as if they didn’t want to let him go. To see everything in this way, to feel Eva, to feel it in her heart and to hear Evas in the innermost when she groaned it out, made me so horny that I was briefly off the shot and didn’t know how I could still prevent this now. I wanted to come together with Eva and not be the quick splash, who then falls asleep, snoring next to her.

My cock shrugged violently when I was suddenly packed on my head with firm hands. I looked up in Eva’s face. With a look as if she is still melting there, still breathing violently, she said “Jens … Lick me again. Please…. Not that you think that I don’t like it, that’s totally horny, how you deal with me, I enjoy it without end, but … you know, if I do it myself, then I can put a lot of things down there with my pussyAnd I also make a lot with it.

But I can’t lick myself and licked myself is simply the largest for me. And just as you licked me earlier, it was so super hot, so … please … “. I smiled at her, slowly slipped out of her and kissed and smooched for a long time. Then I stroked and kissed again to her column to her column. And every time I looked up, I could see that the smile on her face was getting wider, her eyes kept looking further and that you could almost only see the white one began to twitch the songs and herHead lowered deeper and deeper into the pillow.

I lay between her legs again, pushed her wide apart and started sliding with my tongue from left to right, slowly and gently over Eva. From the stocking to the left, over the bend on the leg to her labia. Over it and over the next bend on the right until I had reached the other stocking. And slowly back. I hardly touched her, gliding with my tongue over the tips of her hair. The tiny on the leg and the slightly larger at the upper approach of her shame, her sex … her cunt.

Back and forth, two or three times and I heard Eva moan. Her body shaken and I saw and felt that she got goose bumps. The fine hairs on their skin continued to straighten up and I was able to glide even better over it. Eva breathed and groaned even more intensely and I heard her quietly say “Yeah … that’s awesome. lick me. Lick my column down there. Lick me my cunt you horny little sow!“I was startled by something, paused and looked up.

After a very short moment Eva looked at me with a guilty look. As if it was embarrassed to her what she just said. She was about to say something right now, but I came to her and replied “I’ll lick your cunt. I’ll lick her and I will lick her completely, your slut cunt. “I started playing your tongue again with my tongue and looked up every now and then. I could see that Eva’s head was back in the pillow, she smiled again satisfied and that she had started to massage her breasts.

“I’m a horny sow and I’m horny for your cunt juice. “I said and Eva replied” Yes, lick deep into my cunt and lick me off!“, Pressed his head deeper into the pillow from massaging her tits was kneaded and then a squeeze until she finally pressed her nipples between her fingers and pulled it hard on it. The breasts stretched far up and then rapidly backed up from Eva, and Eva began to massage and knead again.

I continued and now drove my lips directly along the skin, through Evas Fotzenprekt, sometimes deeper times I stopped less deep times, circled over her clit, her fuck hole or her little piss holy. Sometimes I slid forward into her little fur, sometimes, at first I didn’t dare, but then also over her rosette. When I realized that Evas liked that too, I moved into the rosette more into our lovemaking.

My fingers were back in her, this time three and played with everything they touched. Sometimes I turned my hand and my fingers, sometimes I pushed it very deep, sometimes I spread my fingers, sometimes I did everything and kept licking. I continued to lick up and Eva Floss moaning through the bed, I slid up the upper body from left to right, sagged heavily deeply deep into bed to straighten up loudly when I massaged her piss hole with my tongue again.

“Yes … Yeah … Lick me down there nice and deep and deep. I am a bitch and I like it when you massage me on my little hole. I am a leak bitch. Please lick me. “She groaned me too. Eva’s cunt was already wet, but was getting wet and Eva tasted really cool now. Nothing and no one could have stopped me now, except maybe my cock down there, I was only half in bed, my legs stood behind me on the floor and with all the licking and sucking on Evas cunt, the labia, the clit.

With the finger game in Eva, which massaged her Blessed Sacrament from the inside, I kept rubbing my cock on the duvet that hung over the edge. A large, damp, dark spot testified that the ceiling was already intact with my juice at this point. I licked on, now pushed four fingers into Eva, sucked, bit gently, rubbed with my tongue, as rough I could. I watch Eva again. Groaning, kneading. I listened to her and always got things like “Lick me between groaning and twitching!”,” Fixed, press festival, I’ll come right away “,” One more finger please “,” put your whole hand in if you can! I want to have your fist in me “,” I’m your bitch, do what you want with me!”.

Then Eva turned to the side at once, I heard a drawer was raised. Shortly afterwards the noise, as if a plastic closure open and later open again. Then Eva turned back on bed and lay down. It had gotten dark outside, there was a thunderstorm, a slight rumble was heard and in the distance a thunder always rolled along the sky above us. Suddenly Eva’s right leg rose and saw her hand, a ca.

25cm long, blue dildo keeps me slowly coming. “Put in me in me please. Put him deep into me “. I licked on and grabbed the dildo with my free hand and borrowed my tongue over Evas clit, I put the dildo on my cunt and just wanted to start in it when Eva’s hand reappeared. “Not there!“, The hand turned the dildo tip down and only stopped when it pointed to Evas Rosette.

“Please go. “I heard Eva’s voice from above. I had no idea or experience, but I just did, as I said. Slowly set up the dildo and noticed how Eva was slightly pressing, the rosette widened and I continued slowly. The resistance was pretty big and I wanted to stop or back again, when Eva’s hand grabbed me on the bondage of mine. With a firm grip she pushed my hand on and thus the dildo over the point of the greatest resistance.

Pressing the Eva started with the whole and the dildo slid into Eva. Very easily at once. And Eva started groaning again violently. I always thought that anal intercourse is something pretty rough because, because of the high resistance, the counter pressure and the tightness. So it looked in the porn that I had seen at least always. So I was surprised that the dildo simply slid into Eva from a certain point.

I pressed the dildo on my own again and again into Eva’s horny ass and started spoiling with my tongue Eva’s cunt, her fuck column. Eva groaned, wall her upper body and visibly enjoyed everything she was doing. They literally melt in front of me in their feelings. It was somehow a strange position, so on the elbow, a hand almost completely sunk into Eva’s column, the other continues the dildo and while I slid my tongue over her most intimate places between her wide -spread legs.

My hard cock dragged over the duvet during the movements and sauces the next place with seed fluids twitching. “Yeah … lower in!“Came from above. I almost had him inside, I could just hold on to the slippery glans -shaped end. I put it on to pull him out again, so that he was to push him again Eva’s horny greedy ass, when I heard Eva say in a certain voice “!”. I paused very briefly.

It flashes outside and shrunk, I gave the dildo a push to the point at which I saw as he suddenly disappeared into Eva’s horny, red -bright ass on the last or two centimeters and the rosette closed again. The thunder to lightning rolled over us and the music played in the background and in front of me was Eva, the body curved in a light left sheet, the pelvis twitched into the mattress and I was able to lay down and with mineTongue again enjoy the intense taste of Eva’s lust.

A special aroma exuded out of the small hole and it seemed a bit wetter to be than before. That made me really sharp and my cock shrugged again. Because it got so tight, actually really horny, but because I was afraid Eva hurt, I now only had two fingers in her again and I rolled out slightly from the inside against the back of clit and Pissloch and it flashed again.

Fairly violent. Outside, the rain was just getting down and the wind whipped the water against the panes. “Yes, continue. Faster Please!”. And I rubbed and licked faster. Circled over the two stimulus zones in Evas Fickritze, the small, increased gnoum and the small recess with the tiny hole, right below. Eva’s chest reared up, her hand suddenly stopped moving her breasts kneading, but still stuck him strongly. A pressed briefly spoken “I come!“Customized from above and Evas Becken winced wildly in front of and back and back and aside.

Simply in all directions. The horny, dripping wet cunt began to pulsate violently and winced again and again and I spanned my fingers apart to build up a slight back pressure. My tongue only stumbled on Evas Kitzler very gently, although I had problems following the movements of the pelvis and then ultimately took the head away and Eva looked at Eva. She lay in front of me, twitching, curvily and stretching again and again and again a pressed “aaaah” or “hmmmmm” or something similar from herself.

A long thunder rolled over us and I gently pulled my fingers out of the still a little pulsating column. I watched Eva for a short time, the beautiful face, still rotten and delighted, distorted something to a grimace and yet express happiness, still lying in her orgasm and enjoying the feeling. When Eva’s breathing quickly found the normal rhythm, she opened her eyes and looked at me with bright big eyes with a smile.

I lay half on her and finally the eyes we started to smooch again, rub against each other and I covered and grabbed them with my arms. What she answered with it that she also grabbed my arm very firmly and pressed in itself. We kissed and smooched with each other and kept looking in the eye laying in the eye. I lay there remembered the wall and the blockages, but suddenly saw that they only appeared on the horizon very far behind me.

And I thought of how I had just experienced and seen Eva. How I felt it and tasted it. I just realized that I had sex with the 18-year-old mother of a friend of me and she was in front of me this feeling that the orgasm was still enjoying it and I realized where I had already seen the horny pumps. Clear. Fenna. On the disco tour a few weeks ago. The two probably have the same shoe size.

I thought of the breasts in the pool again. On the miniblowjob under water, no on the horny miniblowjob under water and “how my stick slipped out of my ass”. I raised my head and looked back at Eva and she looked into my eyes. “So Jens. “”. She sighed “I was really fine. Really riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Now it’s your turn. Now I want you and your little friend who winc around on my buttocks!”.

She turned under me on her stomach, first raised her butt, then leaning on her arms and knelt on all fours in front of me. Hair lay on her back, part of the side. Her breasts hung big and thick. At the end of the light hollow cross that she made, she stretched her horny ass, presenting the antlers, upwards. “Fuck me!“She commanded. “Come on! make! I want you to fuck me now!“And I was aimed at my knees, slid behind her and put me in position.

Eva looked at me and said to me “I think you like it to talk dirty. can this be? So you liked one or the other I said. “Then she turned her head forward and I could now see her face in the closet mirror. No, I was able to see us on the arms in the cabinet mirror and behind her shoulders the horny thick ass that was in front of me and when I looked down again, the horny ass consecration on it.

In the mirror you could also see the slightly spread out of Eva and right, put your knees into the duvet, the lower legs slightly spread to the side, your feet in the pumps as they were out of the bedspread. “I noticed that because you really went off when I said something dirty!”. She put on a seductive, diabolical look and added “I like dirty talk. I held back a bit because I didn’t want to scare you! But now I think that I should make you really hot with it.

“”. I looked at her with a smile and put my hands on the horny ass. Gripped slightly and was excited to see what would come now. Then Eva lifted her head slightly and started. “Ride on me on you horny young stallion. Read up and put your young firm, horny stalliontail into me. He is drooling because he is awesome to penetrate me. “”. I looked down and saw again that a big drop was really shining again, very clearly on the top.

I also spread my knees a little apart to get myself to the right height, I also pushed Eva’s legs a little further apart. “Come on in my wet cunt. Stuff me with the hard spanking and bang the mind out you young, wild stallion!”. I grabbed her tightly on my hip, the ass antler looked at me and I rammed my cock into Evas horny dripping fuck hole. It felt like before, only there was no time to enjoy for a long time, rather I now enjoyed the speed and the gross of it and that it was closer than I had previously remembered, because the dildo was still in Evas ass.

Eva groaned and when I looked in the mirror, I could see that she had closed her eyes again “Yes, just like that my little one. Hash him deep in me in me!”. “Yes. “I replied to her, closed my eyes for a moment of pure enjoyment, pulled my cock out a little again to sink it back into Eva’s cunt, no to ram. “Yes, I’ll fuck your horny cunt you now … fuck mare”.

“And fuck me my young stallion deeply!“Said Eva, looking through the mirror with a deep look into my eyes. I hammered him in Eva. noticed that I could penetrate them very deeply. That my cock not only arrived in her cunt in the back, but also stretched it a little. And Eva groaned again, with every push I missed her loudly. “Fuck me. Ride the mare and get it you breeding … firmer, deeper inside me.

Stuff me full!“If it came over her lips the thunderstorm got louder, came closer and it flashes and thundered more and more and more violently. And in Eva’s cunt it got ever closer, she smacked violently when I was bumped and when my loins met Evas ass, it clapped loudly. I grabbed Eva’s ass cheeks and spread them apart. Your horny rosette looked at me. “Yes, riding me hard. Fuck me in my cunt. Fuck the hooker in front of you really hard!”.

“And how I will fuck you now you will bitch!“Eva’s eyes opened again and with a satisfied smiling look she told me” Yes. Fuck the bitch “Then her songs closed. I always pushed into Eva. The cunt smacked, the ass clapped and the baking swung up and down. The ass consecrated seemed to grin and say, now, now it belongs to you, the cunt. Ram your spanking into the bitch and get it really hard to her.

She wants it that way. ‘. In the mirror I saw Eva’s tits in front of and back, with every push I missed her. And I rammed in Evas Fick column what it takes. Pulled up to me with my hands at every bump!!! TAKE ME!”Followed by a shouted groan” fuck my hooker cunt. Riding them well too!”.

Always more violent, while she was looking for me and looked at me expectantly with an open mouth in the mirror, I called back loudly “Yes I fuck you You breeding mare. I get your hooker cunt until I werk it with my cum. “And I suddenly noticed that the quasi permanent rectanger that I had made painful all the time. My glans was excited until the burst, but pain developed at my tail root, and more and more under pressure and tense it hurt, but I couldn’t stop.

Read it smacking and clapping, more and more and more violently pushed into Eva. She now rubbed her clitoris violently and my eggs clapped back painfully against her fingers. “Yes you dirty. Fuck me and snot my slimy cunt full of your glibbery sperm. I want a lot of sperm from you ”and I thought that you could get that, then I thought to myself, why just think, tell her! “I’ll pump you up, you bitch.

“It flashed. “I will fuck the seed backlog that I produced all day long into the hole. Deep in your fuck column you horny fuck flights. You Luder are pumped out with my seed!”. It thundered and I could see Eva’s horny face, strained again distorted to different orgasm grimaces. Just crazy. I looked down, looked the horny ass, and the ass antler up and down and saw the dildo slowly sliding out of Evas Anus and pressed him and my thumb quickly back into Evas butt.

Eva screamed, scratched tighter and I felt her pussy pulsate again violently. Eva shouted at me! Slightly suppressed by breathe breath “I’ll come!“She groaned again violently and with a slightly wine -minded voice she screamed“ Bisam me. Shoot your sperm into my cunt!“Then only moan came. Likewise from me. Because at that moment everything exploded down there with me. My sperm shot out of my eggs through the painfully tight cock root into my glans, from which my orgasm feeling spread through my whole body.

The sperm shot deep into Evas cunt. The first shot must have been huge. I had the feeling my glans burst and this feeling stopped until the next shot in Evas Vagina was fired. It was as if both shots became one. I still rammed my hard spanking into Eva, who kneeling in front of me and breathing loudly and moaning in the mirror. The ass, the rosette, the dildo, the tits, clapping, smacking.

The ass consecrated, the taste of Evas column, the kisses and the smooching, the holding -free stockings, the horny pumps, the horny woman in front of me. The dirty talk, the orgasm faces of Eva, the blowjob in the water. All of this ensured that my orgasm was violent and continued for a long time. I had already had one or the other long orgasm, but it didn’t seem to end in comparison. I continued and my sperm donor down there one load after the other.

Eva still knelt in front of me and now opened the mouth-shaped and still groaned me. I did not count, but only with the sixth sperm donation in Eva’s cunt, my feeling became a little less intense and the feeling that my cock also torn me up immediately. I always pushed slower but still hard and deep and I think after two dozen solid bumps, I didn’t spray sperm anymore, but I just enjoyed the feeling that my body was still glowing out of my glans.

After that Eva just worked out under me. Fell into bed like a wet sack. Her cunt was framed with a white slimy, glibbery sperm. She wanted to be inseminated. I had inseminated her, so full that more and more sperm quoll and tough and slowly flowed over her fur onto the bedspread. The eyes closed and we were snowing side by side. A storm raged outside. We were listening to the weather and the music for a long time until Eva said “I need my cigarette afterwards, but as finished as I am and in the weather nobody gets me out of here.

None!!! But if it doesn’t matter to you … “And I had an idea whatever Eva had in my head, I leaned over the bed and grabbed my backpack, Eva apparently in the still open drawer and when we both got up again and heard at the same time”I still have …” and both held up a self -turned bag of each other, we both had to laugh out violently and loudly again. It was a nice and relaxed evening.

Despite the loud shit weather, we slept in our arms early and when it was stored again at night and loud again, we were both woken up and a little bit licked or again from the other. Blown, not as long and so intense but so nice enough to just fall asleep again with satisfaction … from the speakers still ran out of the speakers, or rather “all … we … and all we are … We’Re dancing like We never dancedBefore … “.

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