Triebe – The story of Melanie Part 6 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A little later that day I saw Maras’s passenger seat automobile. Without a word she drove me into the city and did not let any conversation came about. After she had showered before, she came back to Ingrid and me and asked me to follow her to her little Fiat. Since then she has not spoken a word, nor did she not react to my Ironic remarks that I wanted to loosen up the mood a bit.

She grumbled only in agreement or rejected as a reaction. The situation seemed so slow to me, I had really hurt it or.

offended?“So Mara, now finally talk to me again. Please! What did I do so bad?””You do not know?“, Was your quiet answer. “Ok, the thing about Ingrid wasn’t that great, but I really had the impression that it wasn’t that bad.

Mara, please, I’m sorry … “” You are sorry, Aha!“Mara was loud. “Of course I did that for you,” she said. “But you even know what you asked me? Ingrid is a stupid bitch, I have never been able to suffer it. Your grandfather knows that and always put me about her, I never had to … “, she stelled,” ..

And you, I thought you liked me.

That you broke off, a few tears detached from her corner of my eyes, I wanted to say something, but it couldn’t. I always thought that these SM games were also about humiliation and mastery, so I was shown very clear borders here that were quite confused me. Yes, I was obviously going too far, I had asked too much of Mara, but where was the border here? I had hurt Mara and she showed me that very clearly. My confusion seemed to me on my face.

“You didn’t know, or?“Asked Mara. “I have the feeling that I don’t know anything.

“I replied softly. “I’m sorry, Mara. I …

So … but I didn’t want … but … oh, I don’t know what to tell you.

“Mara stopped the car on a parking strip and looked into my eyes. I also looked into her eyes and hoped to find some understanding and warmth there to take my guilty conscience. But Mara’s view was serious. “What comes now is guaranteed not to be easy for you, I know it, because I also had to go through it.

In principle, it can get pretty horny if you only get involved with the situation.

Have trust, nobody will do something to you, the people there, ”she pointed to the building in front of which we had stopped,“ want your body, not your soul. “She stroked my forehead. “To be honest, I don’t like to let you go, because I know how much fear you have and how unsafe you are, so let me give you the most important tip. You go in there voluntarily, nobody forces you and nobody will hold you if you want to go.

You just have to say it loudly and you will let you go. If you are gagged, just hit the floor five times with the flat hand, you should also be tied up, scream five times despite the gag.

Then you will be locked and release you. “I looked at Mara with word and without understanding. She had not only completely changed the topic, but also said completely incomprehensible things, the meaning of which I hardly understood.

Slowly dawned to me that we hadn’t stopped here by chance and that something or someone was waiting for me in this house. “What is waiting for you today is pure lust and pure humiliation at the same time. It is an exam for you, more can or can. I can’t tell you more.

I stop here for 15 minutes. During this time you can get out and go there. As I said, nothing will happen to you, it can even be very nice.

If you are afraid, just stay sitting and I’ll go back to the house in 15 minutes. “”And then?“I asked carefully.

“We will never see each other again, as your grandfather said. We can make calls, write, but I can never touch you again. “Mara’s voice was just a quiet whisper, her voice trembled. These words were very difficult for her.

I tried to look in Mara’s eyes, but she suddenly gave way to my gaze. So I took her hand and pressed it easily before I started to speak. “I think I fell in love with you, Mara.

“I opened my seat belt and got out of the car. After taking a few steps towards the house, I heard a car door opened behind me;I turned around.

Mara smiled at me, her eyes exuded joy and relief. “Me too in you. “She said and bit slightly on the lower lip, which just looked sugar -sweet. I waved to her, smiled and continued, unsafe and yet excited what awaited me inside.

Actually it was a very inconspicuous two -family house, which I approached there. A house that is the upscale middle class, as is probably the case in every city.

In the garage there was a black E-Class from Mercedes, rose bushes grew in the front yard and the bell sign also revealed a rather average name. When I rang the doorbell, I became a very elegantly dressed lady, whom I on approx. 45 years appreciated, opened and I was asked in kindly.

“We have already waited for you. Nice that you still came. My name is Rosi, I will introduce you to the others right away. “” Hello, I’m the Melanie.

“I said carefully. “Nice and now to the rules. You go first have a shower and change you, I’ll show you everything. Then you immediately come to us in the living room and follow all instructions that you will receive from that moment.

A no means that you will go immediately.

Hesitation and contradiction, however, is punished. Nobody forces you to do anything here. You can go at any time. If you stay, that means that you agree to everything and will obey us.

Understood everything?“I looked a little confused again but hesitantly. “Fine, fine. “Rosi was visibly happy. “Oh god, you are so beautiful, Melanie.

I can’t resist, I have to be the first, come here … “With these words she pulled me up, pressed her well -proportioned body to mine. I’ve always liked it when women also looked so great.

She hesitantly approached her mouth to mine and kissed me tenderly. I felt her tongue penetrated into my mouth and I let it go. These people wanted my body, I remembered Mara’s words, yes and they should get it.

I wanted them to request me, I was young, beautiful and knew it. Why shouldn’t I use this to my advantage if Mara brought me closer to me. I kissed rosi wildly, covered her neck, her waist, pressed me tightly and left her tongue in my mouth her tongue. She conducted me, became more dominant and kissed me hard, almost like a man.

I enjoyed it because she just kissed fantastically well.

After several minutes we detached each other. “You’re a horny thing, we will have a lot of fun. Come on, the others should also have fun with you. “Instead of going, however, she reached again in a rough buttocks and knotted my buttocks.

She pushed my mini skirt up and tore my slip down. In her eyes it was lust … Lust for me. “You are now a finger in yours pussy and follow me that way.

I would like to have you all for myself now, but we’ll find time for that, believe me.

come on. “Well that was indeed humiliating and a small feat at the same time. I carefully introduced a index finger and tried to follow Rosi. It almost didn’t work, I had to go very wide, but the panties on my ankles prevented that.

Without further ado I took off my shoes and grazed the slip, so I could follow Rosi. She turned to me several times and enjoyed the sight. However, it became complicated when we had to go up a staircase, but I also somehow managed this. Rosi led me to a beautifully furnished one bedroom, from which one more door went off.

She came up to me, signaled my finger on my pussy and show it to her.

Immediately she took my fingers in her mouth and greedily sucked him off. “As I thought it was. “, She smacked,“ her boy things just taste best. “She kissed me again and I received her tongue greedily.

But she quickly ended the kiss. “You will take a shower now, everything you need, you will find in the bathroom right next door. If you have not yet completely depilated yourself on the arms and legs, you will also find a cream. You can leave your pussy as it is, it looks cute.

Clean your teeth again and then put it on here.

“She pointed to a lingerie that lay on the bed. It was a seductive nothing of fabric and silk, which I immediately liked. At the same time, this uncertainty rose again, I would show myself almost naked and do everything they asked for me. Rosi recognized my uncertainty.

“Don’t worry, my girls are okay. You will bed you on roses, we haven’t had such a pretty thing here for a long time. So, no fear. “She stroked my breasts through the fabric of my T-shirt and left the room with a smile.

“You have 45 minutes, sweetie.

“Where had I landed here? I wondered. A completely strange and much older woman gave me orders, kissed and fleeed me and I enjoyed all of that. What was going on with me? But at the same time I took off as a matter of course and went showering. The bathroom was huge and very noble.

In the shower I found three shower creams from different manufacturers, each more expensive than my complete supply of perfume. You know that when you are in perfumeries as often as I do. I chose the most pleasant fragrance for me and was not exactly economical.

So I did everything that Rosi had applied to me and finally looked at me in the mirror when I put on my “uniform”. I was wearing hold -free stockings and a really sweet combination of pushup bra And panties kept in a delicate green, I found myself sweet to bite and with such a strengthened self -confidence I breathed deeply three times and went on my way to the living room that had spoken of the rosi.

It was on the ground floor, from afar you heard the voices of pleased women. I entered the room a little unsafe on the legs. At first nobody really took note from me, I looked at a table where five women …

Monopoly played. I was pretty amazed, I expected everything else, an orgy or an SM cellar, but not five women who played with coffee and cake Monopoly.

Rosi, which, as I said, appreciated about 45 years, was apparently the youngest of the women present. A somewhat more corpulent was visible at the end of 50 or. At the beginning of 60 while I assessed the other three to 50 plus minus something. Except for the obviously oldest woman, everyone was quite slim and all were also very elegant dressed.

Rosi finally drew attention to me. “Ladies, I may introduce you to Melanie, she will be our … hostess today and make us pleasant for the afternoon.

Melanie is only up here Vacation, But she doesn’t live too far away when you drive a Porsche. “Everyone looked at a blond woman with short hair and laughed.

Apparently an insider joke. I decided to smile stupid too. “Our Melanie has just become 18 and is very happy to be here today. “Rosi continued.

“But now enough of the many words, Melanie please stand next to me, we will continue our game first. “A little puzzled I was now next to Rosi and watched the ladies in their game. To be honest, I was pretty disappointed, Rosi’s first reaction gave me the impression that I was somehow the main attraction here, but nobody really took note of me.

When I looked closer to the game, I noticed some details that I didn’t know at all. Actually, I never had much left for Monopoly, but I knew that the middle of the field series were train stations and not event fields.

Obviously the train stations had been glued over. The event cards in my memory were also monochrome, not kept in different shades of red. But actually I didn’t care about it, should they play, then at least I had my rest. “Hah, an event field!“A rather inconspicuous red -haired woman who was sitting on the left of me was now delighted with an event card.

“The candle game … “, She called enthusiastically and all woman-en started to giggle and happy.

Once again I didn’t understand anything. “Melanie,” the woman began, “my name is Ulrike. I want you to get the candle from the closet there now and bring it to me.

“It was again my queasy feeling in the stomach. You could do really unsightly things with candles. I got the candle, a normal tablet candle about 20cm length and two centimeters in diameter at the lower end, the pointed to rose pointed. I handed them over Ulrike.

“Thanks. Now pull out your panties and lie down over the bar stool here so that your butt looks up and your upper body hangs down. “I did it, albeit hesitantly.

My god, it was embarrassing to me, I presented all my bare butt and a great view of my column. “So Melanie, I’ll introduce you to the candle in my butt and then light it.

You should keep you as possible so that no wax runs aside, because that could be painful. I will put the candle sticking for ten minutes in any case, then we continue to play. “I wanted to protest, but not in my butt, it would hurt. But I already felt something warm, liquid dripping on my butt.

Ulrike let her saliva run between my buttocks and distributed him there …

With her tongue. Slowly she pulled mine Legs a little apart and put mine rosette free. Again she spat on it and slowly distributed everything. It was very shameful, but not uncomfortable.

Slowly she penetrated with a fingertip, quickly overcame the resistance of my sphincter and stuck a second finger. Her movements were sometimes painful for me and yet I got goose bumps. “The little bitch likes that!“I heard a deep, smoky female voice. I didn’t know who she belonged to because I didn’t know all the women here yet.

But the voice was uncomfortable for me, it was loud, aggressive and somehow ordinary.

I was suddenly torn out of my thoughts when Ulrike pushed the candle into my butt. “Aua!“, I called out loud. “It’s over right away, you have to do so. “, Said Ulrike, she caressed my buttocks and turned around the candle.

“So now she is standing, from now on you shouldn’t move, because that could hurt. “I heard lighter and then a tense calm spread out. Fortunately, it was not very difficult for me to keep this position and I was very proud of myself. I didn’t have a precise sense of time, but I saw myself as the winner of this little game.

“Damn, the little one is good.

“This loud voice boomed again. “Already 6 minutes and she doesn’t move. ““ I had ballet lessons for a long time, that helps. “I whispered softly.

“Who asked you?“, The voice blew at me and without warning a finger pressed into my open pussy. I winced with fright and immediately I felt a hellish burning on the sensitive meat of my hole. Hot candle wax ran down and burned my intimate hole. I screamed with pain and winced even more, which resulted in that even more wax ran down on the candle and now slowly ran my butt towards my pussy.

The first tears shot my eyes in pain and again I felt this finger boring around in me.

“Well who says? We still get our fun. “The pain that the hot wax triggered in my sensitive column was indescribable. I started to cry out of reflex, which was not an advantage, because my uncontrolled snack-czen was impossible to keep a calm posture and so it was now steadily dripping in my most sensitive areas and cooling down into a noticeable layeraway. I let myself go, probably cried over this humiliation until the candle was finally pulled out of me.

“Stand carefully.

“, Ulrike said quietly now and somehow gently. She took my hand and went carefully into the hallway with me. Here on the ground floor there was still a smaller bathroom with shower. She pushed me into the shower cubicle with gentle violence and pressed my upper body slightly forward again.

With lukewarm water and a lot of feeling, she removed the wax layer from my most sensitive areas. As careful as it was, it hurt a lot, because the wax had of course also enclosed the many fine hair, which were now more or less torn out. Then she dried me gently and anxious my skin with a cooling gel.

When I turned around her I looked into a very gentle smile face. “Go again?“Ulrike whispered and pressed a tender kiss on my forehead.

I nodded, in the mirror in front of me I saw my secreted eyes and my weighed makeup. “I’m sorry. “Ulrike’s voice was very quiet. With a damp cloth she washed my face, she said that she couldn’t let me back to the others.

Then she took me into my arm and pressed me tight. I was happy about this gesture full of warmth and fell gratefully into her arms. Ulrike’s hands caressed my back very carefully and I felt how her nipples became tougher.

She kissed my forehead very carefully, then my cheek, then my chin, my swollen eyes and finally my mouth. It was an almost maternal kiss with a lot of tenderness and yet I easily opened my mouth to signal it that I wanted more now, even needed more.

I received her tongue expectantly and let myself be spoiled by her. Ulrike’s hand drove between my legs and immediately found my clit. The moisture she felt no longer came from showering. No, I was just awesome.

Ulrike fingered me faster and faster and we kissed wildly. Finally she interrupted her kiss, put a finger in me and said after a moment: “Now you are ready to continue the game.

come with me. “She opened the door and left the room. I remained excited and confused.

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