The party | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Author: Nadja ([Email Protected])))

Source: Internet


This story is fictitious and any similarities to people is purely accidental. I remembered the topic of the story when I drove around in the chat and got one or two suggestions. Please only duplicate with the author’s consent. If you liked it, should just write me an email, either to get rid of the praise or to tell me my own ideas, which I can then incorporate in another story.

So dare. O.K., Then have fun your nadja


I was invited at my brother’s party, who was 30. Wanted to celebrate birthday. Since I was my 17 years old the first time was invited at a party of my brother, of course I wanted to give a good picture.

So I put on a black, deeply cut mini dress that fit well with my long black hair. Then also black, hold -free stockings and black velvet pumps. I turned royal-blue rabbits into my hair, because after all I also wanted something that fits my eye color. I only do make -up extremely rarely, and so I left it again, only a dark red lipstick I put on it.

When I was with my brother

The bell rang, opened a man stranger to me, probably a friend of my brother.

Oh hello … welcome … after the description you have to be nadja he said

friendly and gave me in not without having to let my body slide an appreciative look over my body. When I came into the living room, it was already well filled and the majority of the guests also apparently too.

I was greeted with a loud hello and oho, only my brother I found anywhere. So I first put my gift on the table provided for it and sat down with two men the couch, who did not want to take it to take me in the middle. We talked about everything and I really enjoyed the open admiration and the flattery. In the course of the evening, the two ensured that I always had a filled glass in my hand and also drank a lot of it.

So it is not surprising that it didn’t bother me, on the contrary that I even liked it when the two became more and more trusting and in the course of the conversations I always felt one or the other hand on my legs that seemingly stroking me.

Of course I didn’t know that it was anything but the mind of the mind. I became increasingly tipsy and when I kept myself with the man next to me, the Jochen, I suddenly felt how the hand of the man on the right next to me, Mike spread my thigh and even briefly slid over my string. I felt a hot wave shooting through my body and gave me all the trouble not to react at all

and to cause him to be so brave. And he did my favor ..

Again and again his fingertips painted over my thigh … down to the knee and up to the crotch … In the meantime it was completely not irrelevant to me whether someone might notice …I just wanted to stop again ..

But then it happened and he took his glass to drink something, I hope he had the dry neck because of me. I turned around Mike and looked into his eyes, but he actually did not show anything and continued to flirt on hell come out with me. Jochen suddenly became active and I couldn’t believe what happened to me that evening.

With his hand, Jochen not stroked my legs, but over my neck, my side and after a while again and again with his fingertips over the side of my left chest … only very carefully, then more firm and more certain than if he knew thatI like that. He made fun of lifting my chest again and again so that she almost came out of my cleavage. So they changed again and again, so that at the end I didn’t even know where my head was and I totally

Was hot and excited.

When I was talking to Jochen again, the braver of both, Mike, became active again and thought that he too would have earned some attention on my part. First he stroked my thigh again and this time firm and determined by my panties, where the wet must be clearly tangible now. Then he took my hand inconspicuously and led her over his thigh, directly and without wiring on his enormously large and hard bump. He meant stroking it and his tail to massage, which I now did almost unless.

When I looked around in the room briefly, I checked the other guests, but nobody seemed to notice our game, except for my brother, as I had to find out frightened. He sat on the other side of the room and watched. His eyes were big and dark … and I liked that, so I continued ..

looked in his eyes and rubbed over the tail of

Mike … he was now so excited that it was no longer enough for him and he opened his zipper quickly and pushed my hand into it, right under his panties. My fingers closed around his hard cock and I rubbed him firmly, and becoming faster. Mike pulled my head to her and kissed me extensively and passionately.

This speech break then took advantage of Jochen and grabbed my breasts before he took my hand and led it into his already open pants without adoption, where I immediately rubbed his already damp tail, as I was ordered.

So I was sitting between two actually strangers and had a hard pulsating cock and my brother in every hand, who obviously could hardly keep on the armchair with excitement and looked over to us.

Mike became more and more hectic and pushed his left hand under my dress from behind and kneaded my butt …

Then he pulled and pushed until my dress had slipped as far as he could stroke my skin directly … then slid down his demanding hand … Stroked firmly over my poritis ..

My hole … and to my wet pussi … he penetrated deeply with two fingers, so that I groaned softly with pain and desire, which was generally lost noise. Only Jochen noticed it, of course, and also became braver ..

His hand also used the already ‘cleared’ away and slid down my back to my butt … but not on, but directly to my anus … I looked at it surprised and a little anxious because I have never been touched there before. But he couldn’t be stopped and while we looked into our eyes, he penetrated in centimeters into my hole ..

as deep as he could in this situation. Then suddenly I felt how the fingers of Mike and Jochen in me, only separated by a thin cutting. The two played with and in me, sometimes encountered at the same time, sometimes alternately … but both firmer and harder ..

I could hardly keep up and we three tried not to draw the other guests’ attention, but in my opinion we did not succeed.

So Mike also asked me if I would follow him on the toilet. When I agreed, he asked if I would come with me if Jochen was also there and if the toilet door would fall behind me, I would have to do everything they would ask for … no matter what it was. Of course I said almost unconscious with lust.

– Who wouldn’t have done that?

So the two went up at a distance and I slowly gathered on my couch again … looked over to my brother, who restlessly on his armchair and hurried and grinned me unsafe. I smiled back and meant to sit down with me, which he was in a hurry.

When he came to me, he stood in front of me and I was able to see his rather tightly tense trousers right in front of my face before he sat down with me. Well, the two did it to you what? He asked hypocritical and looked at me ..

and in my cleavage. Yes, I answered very hot … I didn’t even know that my sister was already … uh ..

So far … so uninhibited he added lame .. whore? I wanted to know now … and the word whore was by no means negative, but more breathed ..

Yes, exactly he stammered.

Do you want yours Sister Also as a whore I asked him totally excited. Yes … then come to the toilet in 10 minutes, I leave the door open, I said, once with my hand unobtrusive but firmly over his pants, which was answered by him with a hoarse groan … then I went towards the toilet and painted me inmy imagination what the two had come up with.

When I came in, both sat on the bathing tub edge and grinned at me ..

Significantly about the open pants and Mike asked me: Are you sure that you want to let the door fall off.K., guys.. I stand at your disposal I said quietly.

Come here said Mike and slipped a little to the side, so that I could take a seat between the two again.

He took my head and kissed me hot and passionate again, took my hand and led it into his pants on his still half stiff cock, which lay like a thick sausage in my hand. I tenderly rubbed over the velvety skin, but apparently he didn’t want to be really stiff anymore … Jochen took my other hand and did not lead it to his tail, but under my dress … pulled my string aside and took oneFingers of me, which he controlled with two fingers and opened and removed between my shiny lips ..

Then he pressed my finger into my wet pussy, but did not let go with his fingers that I was ultimately fucked with three fingers, which I rewarded with loud groans. He got faster and pushed more and more closer … Then e suddenly stopped abruptly, pulled my hand back, looked me deep in the eyes and took two fingers from me, which he controlled with his two slippery fingers again … and alsoimmersed again … this time with four fingers ..

I could hardly believe how much would it be to me … Mike, who took his half -tire cock out of my hand and built up in front of me … and his wet acorn rubbed through my face, everything we want saidHe and his glans shared my willingly opened lips and slid into my mouth … My tongue played with his twitching glans and I thought he would cum so immediately as he was ..

He did that, but differently than I suspected. Since his cock stuck deep in my mouth and he literally fucked me in his mouth, I had no choice … I swallowed the first ray before I even realized that it was not a sperm ….but urine … but he held me tight and looked into my eyes threatingly and I understood.

Everything we want I was swallowing his hot urine, but it came with such a high pressure that most of my mouth corners came out … and on my dress, which actually made it transparent and wet on my body. Before he was done, he pulled his cock out of my mouth and pissed my face in my face … then he smiled at me ..

You understood it … and you like it, I didn’t want to shake my head first, but then I noticed that I actually liked being treated like this and I nodded timid.In the meantime, Jochen hadn’t remained idle and he had sprayed my legs wide and my smooth pussy worked violently … First with his and my fingers, he seemed particularly fun to fuck me with my own fingers … which frankly I also enjoy funmade.

Then he stood between me and pushed his hard, stiff cock deep into my wet column, so that I heard and see me … he fucked me like a bull, which I would not have believed to him, that was actually not believed to be shy. Again and again he rammed his staff into me.

Then, unnoticed by the two, the door went up and my brother was in the frame and saw me with my legs spread wide -out in front of Jochen, who pushed hard and quickly into me and Mike, who rubbed over my mouth with his still dripping cock and again and againDiving between my lips … I saw how he twitched back, but then the door closed behind him and came closer ..

Until he was noticed by the two, who first wanted to invent excuses until my brother waving hinged and said the whore like this, so it got it …had seen. But now he stood stiff and plump and my brother came closer … went past Jochen and put himself over to Mike, looked at my smiling mouth for a moment and then he quickly pushed his stiff so deep into my mouth that I had to choke, but he did not make a mercy and always pushed to … after some

I got bumped in it and started to suck him as tightly as I could ..

And that worked … at the same moment when Jochen pulled his cock out of me and shot his sperm on the dress in a high sheet, my brother also sprayed into my mouth … I swallowed and tasted his hot seed … then the next sperm swallwhich I also swallowed obedience ..

He pulled his cock out briefly and the next gush clapped my face on my still open mouth, then he rubbed his fraternal seed on my face and mouth while he sprayed again ..

Then I was exhausted … The legs spread wide, the smooth pussy red and swollen, sperm licking on the wet dress to the chest and the face and mouth full of sperm … My brother banned me to swallow the last sperm spellMouth was still full of seeds … I should open it, which I also did obedience ..

And Mike and my brother alternately pushed her cocks into my mouth and smeared the sperm on my face … then all three came up around me, her cocks aimed at my face … I should still keep my mouth open and should only be open to itClose swallow to open it again immediately. From below I saw how the cocks swelled and the urine was pressed through, which then sprayed hot out of the acorns and shot into my face ..

Until all three agreed and pissed into my mouth … I swallowed the sperm urine mixture obedient …until they

were finished.. Then we all grinned.. You are a totally dirty bitch, my brother proudly said, and the other two nodded in agreement.

Yes, and so far you haven’t reached my border at all, I replied with a smile. Of course, all three wanted to know where my limit was, but I don’t know them myself, I replied.

O.K., Then we want to see that grinned grinning and ordered me to prepare me again, my brother should give me a new dress, we would go out right away. Yes, I was happy to answer and climbed out of my wet dress and into the shower. My brother disappeared briefly to get me a dress of his girlfriend, who is a little smaller than I was, but the dress will probably fit still, he added grinning.

Mike and Jochen stood on the bathtub in which I showered according to instructions … They gave me where I would have to judge the water jet and always touched me quite clearly, so that after a short time I came to a climax and with tremblingLegs got out of the tub. Since my brother wasn’t back yet, I stood splintered between the two, who continued to punch me horny and greedily. And drying is not. You have to add as moist as you are the dress.

So now, but now my brother also said grinning when he came in with a thin, yellow dress that he was holding out to me.

And where is the underwear? I asked with a smile, even though I could think of the answer.. You don’t need that all three responded unanimously and so I pulled the dress from shaking my head, which of course was too tight.

But I should still keep it on, it looks very good, the three assured me. To check that, I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself. My black hair that was still wet from showering hung down on my back, the tight dress lived on my wet

Body like a second skin and it did not need a imagination at all to determine that at least I don’t wear a bra, because my nipples and even my atria were clearly seen by the now almost transparent dress.

The hem of the dress was approximately on the middle of my thighs … well … not quite as long …If I were taking a deep breath, the buttons would first be blown up over my breasts and secondly, my shaved pussy would probably be to see immediately, so I failed to breathe deep breathing. Yes, I like that, what do you think? Mike asked the other two, who of course enthusiastically agreed..

And how do our whore like it? they asked me. I slowly got used to the name and nodded … As long as you like it, I also liked it with a grin.

O.K., Then we want to say Mike and boosted out of the bathroom, through the party guests to his car, a convertible … I should sit down in the passenger seat, Mike drove and the other two were logically at the back.

After we were traveling for a while, Mike stroked my thighs briefly and fleetingly before ordering the legs apart what I naturally obeyed and the legs spread as far as the footwell struck me … he pulled my dress up and stroked with his thumbAbout my column and penetrated into me … the two watched excited from behind … He pushed a few times …Then concentrated on driving again and as soon as he had time again, his hand wandered back to my crotch and played with my clit, so that I stayed hornily all the ride over the whole journey. Shortly before the motorway descent we overtook a truck, the driver of which noticed our game and horny, so that Mike got slower and drove at the driver’s cab next to the truck and played with my plum with his right hand ..

I looked up at the driver and this lock his right hand to a tube and drove up and down in front of his open mouth … a clear sign..

I shook my head anxiously, but Mike nodded enthusiastically and sat in front of the truck and drove onto the next parking lot, the truck in tow. My brother leaned to me and whispered in my ear blassed him as well as you can and woe a drop goes wrong … the truck driver in a hurry came next to my passenger window and looked at me briefly, my stiff nipples in the too tight dress and mineclearly visible cunt … then asked Mike: how much? Mike looked at him. We do it.

She blows you one and you then decide how much you want to pay, o.K.? I could hardly believe it, not only that I was spelled to strangers here, no, he didn’t even want to have money for me. The driver nodded eagerly and opened his pants at lightning speed and held his already half -tire cock in the

Leader window … I winced back because of my experience with half -tire, but then thought that a stranger would probably not do that.

She swallows everything you injected her in her mouth then Mike suddenly said spitishly and I had to think of my brother’s command, just not to let anything come next to … I humbly closed my eyes after I had heard the driver’s hoarse question?… and the approval of Mike ..

I already felt the inevitable swelling of the tail in my mouth, pressed my lips together and let the piss beam run deep into my throat and swallowed hectically. The driver pushed his injecting cock even deeper into my mouth and continued to piss. I humbly continued to swallow, praying that it would soon stop. What it did then, I thought I would be redeemed, but when I wanted to pull my head back, I felt my brother’s hand from behind in the neck, he pressed me tightly on the tail: Keep on, you messed up, he said heiserAnd obedience I blew the cock very hard, then three men’s hands pushed me forward on the tail from behind and the driver rammed him faster and firmly into my mouth until he finally sprayed and I almost swallowed myself up at the sperm swallshot into the mouth.

I then sucked it out completely and licked it clean. He stood in front of the car with shaky legs and said to Mike so that’s the best and dirty bitch I’ve ever seen. It is naturally and is certainly happy to do it for free.

Then he grinned me badly, pulled his zipper and disappeared

To his truck. Mike smiled at me and asked: Well, he is right? I just nodded weakly, I didn’t care about anything now, that was my life, so I wanted it, I thought so with myself.

Still the seed taste of the truck driver in our mouth we continued and came

soon at a discotheque, where we got out.

We had to wait in front of the bouncer until it was our turn, then we occurred. But since we wanted three men and I as the only woman, the bouncer first refused. Then Mike took the bouncer’s hand and led her to my wet cunt under my dress.. The bouncer was amazed, but did not leave out the opportunity and quickly pushed me into two fingers, which I commented on with a hoarse moan..

Then he left us over, not without having made a meeting with Mike, where he could have me. In the dim -lit disco we looked for a table in the closer to the dance floor and ordered

First drinks.

Just when I wanted to give up an order, my brother shook my head and said you got enough to drink tonight, my darling and grabbed me, pushed his index finger into the column and his middle finger in the buttock. I gasped, I didn’t know my brother at all … but then I nodded.

We just sat there for a while and watched the dancing. A girl on the dance floor smiled particularly often in our direction and of course my companions thought that she would mean. As it turned out, however, when Maren, she was called, she came to our table, she flirted with me, which was amazed at me, because same -sex relationships

So far I had only experienced in a dream, but never real.

Since she didn’t know how our relationship was at the table, she flirted with everyone, but unobtrusively she stroked my bare thigh. I had it granted and got goose bumps with lust ..

Then my brother leaned forward, who had probably noticed and whispered in my ear: lead her hand and show her what a dirty groove you are, I looked at him in astonishment and then looked at Maren, who looked really great …Slim, long legs, long blonde hair, green eyes … and took her hand the next time she stroked and led her thigh, very slowly … always ..

She looked at me with her big green eyes and left my lead … I stop very high up on my thigh, because she should be a bit

do it, I thought with myself. And she apparently understood, because her fingers gently drummed up the rhythm of the music on my trembling skin and went on further … searched for my panties or pubic hair, which was not present until she hesitantly reached my labia and gently stroked ..

My eyes dive into theirs when they shared my labia with a finger and tenderly stroked my clit … the rhythm on my clit drummed … I groaned quietly and also my male guards when they saw my excitement.

Mike thought he thought he had found a new victim, but when he stroked her butt, she hissed on him, he should leave her in peace, and her finger dipped into my twitching pussy that is ours, it is only thatwhat we say answered Mike Sauer, and the other two nodded in agreement. Maren looked at me, that’s right, my little sweetheart whispered her and I could only nod in agreement, because her fingers fired a drum roll on my clit so that the language remained for me.

O.K., What half an hour you want with your slave? Then she asked Mike … he looked at her grinning: Eersen’s can watch and secondly we can then touch you … only touching he added when Maren wanted to go up again. She saw me again

then between my legs, where her fingers were still playing with my pussy.

Okay, only touched her and pulled me onto the dance floor, where she danced with me for a few minutes before giving the three men a sign and then moving towards the toilet.

Mike, Jochen and my brother got up like a man and followed us.. When Maren wanted to disappear in the ladies’ toilet, my brother declined and steered towards the men’s toilet. We went inside and then into a disabled toilet, because there is more space than in the normal toilets. The three men set up around us and Maren and I sank in an intimate hug.

She kissed me tenderly, then more passionate and demanding … her hand slid again like an independent

Living under my dress and increasing my lust and wet again … I gasped her in the ear, especially since my brother stood behind me and immediately pushed two fingers into my butt … Only twitched back when she felt her fingers of another in me,But then she played through his brother’s fingers through the cutting … Jochen has so far stroked Maren’s full breasts unnoticed until she noticed it and rightly realized …Because Jochen squeezed her breasts so tightly that she groaned with pain, but he only said that there was no question of the intensity.

At the time I thought that Maren would cancel and go, thought briefly and then kissed me again.

I put my hands on her bottom and stroked it as we kissed and someone took my hand and raised Marens Rock, pulled the panties aside and led my hand into her poreates, which I obediently stroked. Yes … continued to groan into my ear, which I wanted to do, but the same as before pulled my hand up briefly and put his own underneath, so that he played on Marens Po, which she didn’t notice because she was in faiththat I would be. It was only when Jochen pushed her two fingers deep into the bottom without warning that she caught it because she flinched in pain and looked me in the face.

As to punish me, her bumps became more violent and then suddenly she pushed with three ..

Then with four fingers in my tight cunt, which was stretched strongly as a result. I sagged something together, but Mike and my brother held me. After a while hot hustle and bustle, Jochen pulled his fingers out of Marens Po and held her in front of my face.. I turned my head away, but my two watchers forced me back so that I had to lick my fingers from Jochen.When Maren saw that, her eyes glittered and she hissed my brother..

How many fingers do you have in her buttocks, I only feel one or two … take more, I gasped in fright, but my brother is enthusiastic and soon after that I felt how he was pushing into my bottom with three fingers.. Maren pushed into my pussy ever more firmly and ruthless … and rubbed himself in the fingers of my brother.

A moment later my brother with his hot cock pushed to my butt and through the previous stretch he slid into it without any problems and quickly fucked me in my ass … Maren’s fingers slid out of my pussy and accidentally to my brother’s tail, which he was with a soundMoaning acknowledged … Maren liked it and she jerked his cock at the bottom of the root while he fucked me faster and faster.

Then Maren slid down on me and she licked my glowing cunt with long trains

Through … her tongue drilled into my hot hole … when my brother saw that ..

he waited for the right time and when Maren’s mouth was just open, he pulled his stiff out of my buttocks and quickly pushed her cock into her mouth. She choked and wanted to give way back, but the other two held them. My brother grinned at her in common … and now sip, he gasped when he sprayed and forced Maren and was forced to swallow his sperm down.

Then he pulled his splash back back and the next gush clapped her face … she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

Mike pushed me down to her and ordered: go, lick her clean again … I smiled at her comfortingly and started licking the seed from the face, when I was done, Mike and Jochen stood next to me and jerked her cocks.. Maren got up.

If you want to pay her home, you wank our cocks and control the direction of gasping Jochen ..

Maren looked at him, then me … then she nodded, grabbed a tail with every hand and jerked her right in front of my face, occasionally pushed in front of my lips with his glans …And then both sprayed at the same time, in my eyes, in the nose and in my mouth … and in the cleavage … Then they rubbed their seeds into my mouth with their tails, so that I had to swallow everything, only the splashes in my cleavage shouldstay where they are.

When we stood in the cabin heavily, Maren said you are a dirty gang. How did you know how you would get me around? Mike just grinned. Not we, but Nadja is responsible for this. If you hadn’t been so horny for her, you would hardly have allowed it, or? We then talked something and made ourselves presentable again, whereby I was expressly prohibited to remove the visible sperm leaf in my neckline.

Then we went back to our place on the dance floor and watched the normal hustle and bustle … from time to time a man passed me and of course looked into my excerpt and wondered what it would be for a wet, brilliant spot, butThen nobody asked me about it.

Did you actually thirst, Nadja? Asked Mike, and I nods unsuspectingly … Then he took an empty glass that stood on our table, kept it under the table and when he came out again, it was full with his pee, as he said. Maren looked at me in horror: you probably don’t want to drink that? I looked at her, nodded briefly, took the glass drank it on a train, felt how the yellow, salty wetness ran down my throat.

That was probably a bit too much for her and after a short time she said goodbye and went.

I want you to turn head -on to the dance floor and put your feet on the ring at the bottom of your bar stool then said Jochen and I obeyed.. Of course, my step and my red, swollen pussy from the dance floor was easy to see. And more and more men tried to dance in position to risk a look. But since three men were sitting at the table behind me, they just grinded cheekily and did nothing.

After a while we probably even noticed the managing director, who then came to our table and asked me after an introductory entertainment whether I didn’t want to go to the Kellnern discotheque, because I could probably have a lotTip.

After some back and forth, it was agreed that I would only get my tip and my three men would take my festival wage that they would finally provide me. Since everything was clarified to the satisfaction of everyone, I should start on the same evening, in which I was supported by the three, because they would no longer need to spend any money on this evening. I then went to the office with the managing director to receive my work clothes. It was a white, transparent blouse under which I could put on a bra that I didn’t have with, of course, so without bra.

In addition a short black skirt, which was at least a few centimeters longer than the dress in which I came here. The managing director, Mr. Tomkins, so pressed my clothes in my hand and meant me to change me. And of course stayed behind his desk to watch me. So I pulled the dress over my head and when I stood naked in front of him, he said you looked even better and hornier than I thought, and grinned at me.

I then put on the blouse, which really didn’t cover anything, just conjured up a few shadows on my breasts

they made it even better.

Then the short skirt … I turned back to Mr. Tomkins briefly and he came out behind his desk, took me briefly in my arms, pressed my breasts with his big hands and smiled and of course I can always, that is so agreed with your gentlemen.

Yes, I thought that I had returned and left his hands on mine

Body run free… However, he was quite busy and so it stayed with a few pats.. We then went out and he showed me all my work in the evening, i.e. record orders, rinse and deliver glasses, clean the ashtray etc. ..

etc … after a while I had it out and should start the waiter, which I did then. I had an outside station, that is, not behind the counter but at the tables outside, but not the corner in which my three gentlemen were sitting. But the corner in which Maren was still sitting and persecuted me with flashing eyes.

When I came to her table, she greeted me warmly and gave me a short kiss ..

And while I cleared the glasses at her table, she briefly stroked her hand between my legs, probably to check whether I still don’t wear a panties. Which was actually the case. Then I had to go back. And so I tried all evening to get around her again and again and through our relaxed and sex -charged manner, other guests also felt encouraged to touch me from time to time.

So I came to a table where apparently business people were sitting after the suits

at least judge.

When I cleared the glasses and emptied the ashtray, the two talked, of course, not without greedy to stare at my breasts and one of the two grabbed my pussy without thinking … Holded me out briefly and penetrated immediately with his thick fingersIns me, whispered in the ear. If you want to have a great tip right away, clean a little further, which I did then. And gave him the opportunity to deal extensively with my small column, in which he is knowledgeable and exported.

Somehow drunk men seem to lose their inhibitions,

Because he got harder pretty quickly so as not to say more brutal and bumped me three

His thick fingers … like that, you little bitch? He then asked me with his breath -saturated breath and I had to agree according to the employment contract. Then there was really nothing left to clean and I caused excitement at the rest of the tables … when I after Ca.

It was back at the table for 10 minutes, he was sprinkled with ashes and other garbage … I looked at the thick man who grinned me greasy and came to the table where he hardly waited until I had bent over the tableBefore he entered me deeply with his fingers. Made my tail, you bitch. He whispered to me more or less loudly and then I saw that he had already taken him out and had probably been wanked for some time, because the glans shone and when I closed my fingers around him, he was already injecting ..

Well, spraying is not the right word, rather the sperm quoll out of his glans and ran over my right hand … while my left was still wiping the table. 50, – DM when you lick it off your hand here at the table and swallowed it back in my ear and I looked at him in the little pork meltsin, led my right hand to the mouth and licked his seed from my hand and swallowed it down… his neighbor stared at me, but said nothing.

Then the thickness actually pushed me 50, – DM and said: I can get here more often from now on, my darling … and you can always do that with me. I just nodded humble and left the table again.

When I was back at the table with Maren, she held me briefly and asked: you actually do everything? I nods to her and she kissed me again … her tongue tasted the swallowed sperm and she licked my mouth out then came after Quitting time To me, then I’ll show you your limits, o.K.? I agreed, not knowing what would come to me.

So I continued to work for a while before my shift ended that day. My three gentlemen had probably already gone and so I made my way to Maren, whose address she had put me. I finally arrived at the farm on which Maren lived at night at three. I rang the doorbell and she let me in, suddenly she stood in front of me in the cool silly.

Take off at the door here, my darling ..

I want you to come naked in this house. I nodded her and let my dress fall on the door threshold and she took me in my arms and kissed me … her full breasts on my not exactly small … she pressed me on myself ..

stroked me and led me into a dark room, where only a little light fell from the street lighting. She put me on a chairlift, put a foot between my legs and her toes stroked my labia … I groaned: Yes Maren … do what you want.

At that moment I hear a surprised hiss from the opposite couch standing in the shade … Suddenly the light went on and on the couch … my father … the cock upgraded up in

His hand, his eyes stared at Maren, who apparently deliberately staged it because she giggled. I was still sitting in front of mine with legs spread wide Father, That he could see exactly in my step and prevented Maren’s foot that I could fold my legs together.

At first my father’s huge cock fell together, but then he looked into my face … in my step and there his eyes stayed there … and the eyes that otherwise only lovingly or annoying I saw me as a woman … as a sex object… that wants to be taken ..

And his cock became even longer and thicker if that was possible at all. Maren still giggled, then meant

My father to get closer and he did, still staring to my open pussy.

When he was right in front of me, Maren put both hands around his cock and began to jerk off … up and down … so, Klaus ..

should I continue? Would you like to say something to your daughter? If you want, she said softly … Then she took a hand from me and put her on his huge cock … He felt velvety … I rubbed with Maren ..

He groaned louder and faster … Then he raised his hand and I winced out of fear that he wanted to beat me, but he only put his hand tenderly behind my head and gently pulled me to his stiff towering … Nadja …quiet…

Yes. Daddy … you want that I lick you? I asked hotly smiling and I licked on his silent nod

With my tongue over his glans, like a lollipop or an ice cream … again and again. He looked rigidly on my face and mouth, which did so much good for him ..

Then he became more hectic and kept getting in front of my lips with his enormous cock … I opened my mouth and Maren jerked it into my mouth … becoming faster … then she stops suddenly before he came, I could already drop the first drops on theFeel the tongue.

So Klaus, now say it loudly and clearly that you want to do it with your daughter, want to push your cock into your mouth and that she should swallow her father’s seed..

My father looked me in the eye and said: I want my daughter Nadja blows my cock like a hooker and she blows until I inject my juice with which she was also called in the face.

Do you do that for your daddy? Yes, Daddy, I was very happy to answer and leaned back over his cock and

put his glans into his mouth because the rest of the tribe towering in front of me would be too great … I thought. Maren now jerked him harder and faster and I tasted his seed on my tongue again, when he looked at my eyes and pushed his cock deeper and deeper into my mouth..

I want that you take him completely in your mouth, he gasped and continued to push … I thought my corners of mouth tear in, he was so big and he pushed further ..

His glans bumped into my suppositor. He saw that and said it didn’t take long to get the daughter, then he started to happen … quickly and hard.

Maren looked at me pityingly and jerked him faster to get it to the end.


Then also came … With a loud outcry, my father poured himself into my wide open mouth … and watched me swallow his seed … again and again he pumped up again and more and more sperm shot into my mouth.

Come on, Maren, help her said heiser and Maren immediately and came to me, licked the overflowing seed out of my face and swallowed him down … knelt next to me and my father hit our mouths slightly with his cock, pushed himalternately between our lips until he was completely empty … my father looked excitedly down on us from above, how we kissed tongue and let our tongues slide over his cock in between.

He continues to say in a rougher voice when he slowly let his urine run out of his tail, exactly on our faces and to our mouths, so that we both could taste my father’s piss in the other’s mouth and also swallow. After we had dropped together, my father said that Maren has been my little hooker for a long time, but I wouldn’t have thought that you would be sometimes, I smiled ..

Let’s do that more often now that? I asked excitedly and of course he joyfully agreed.You could even do a big favor to me, he said then I’ll have a business meeting tomorrow

and actually want to take Maren with you, but she doesn’t have time, you want to come with you? I promised enthusiastically and then we went exhausted, but satisfied

Bed. [END]

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