The K-Motel [3] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

However, it was possible for her to move her head, which she did violently. He tied the cord, which held her ponytail, a little firmer that she tickled herself with every head movement in the neck and on the shoulder blades. Now he could use both hands for her back.

She screamed and laughed uncontrollably when he gently danced his fingers in circles in her waist height on the back.

She tried to speak and beg like an madman: “Haahahahahahahahahahahaaa… s-stehehehehehehi hiiiiihihihihihihihiiiii… Niehihiihiihiiicht daaaa-hahahahahihihiiiii… stoaahahahahahaaopp!! Ihihihihihihihich maaahahahahahach aaahahahahalles wahahahahahahaha du wiiiihihihillstü! Hahahahahahahahahaha, just listen to aaaa haha-hahaha!!!! Biihihihihihihitteehehehehehehe! FFF “” Oh no, my dear Laurie ..

You don’t even know how long I waited for you to pay you everything you did 5 years ago.““ Oaa Hahahaha … B-BiihihihiTee Hehehehehe Gnaahahahahahahahade Hehehehehehehe!!! Ihihihich tue d-dahahahahahahahahaha niihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihiedeeheheherher!!! B-biiiehihihihihihehehehehk I Maaaahahahahahhahahen Wihihirklihihihihihihi aaaa-Hahahallles Waahahahs du Wiihihihillst ..
Only listen to Aaahahahahah!!!!“But you are already doing what I want … you laugh and scream and flood me for grace, but you also had no mercy for me that day!““ “Healing you hahahaicht hahahast, what d-du wohoholl test, K-Kannst d-du yes aaahahahahahahahehehenü! Ooohoho s-stoaaaaahahahahahahah^ ohhh … daaahahahahahahahahahahaaas is not faai-haihaiir!!!!!!!!! Niiihihihiht daaaahahahahahahahahahau iiiiiiiiiihihihihihihihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!“She screamed again and whined desperately.

“It wasn’t fair what you did to me either.

And now, relax and enjoy … Nobody will hear you outside here … and we have all the weekend for my nice ideas what I have in mind with you … “he said with a devilish and she noticed that there was no way out for her.
Panically screamed: “Naaahahahahahahahaaaaiiin… stoaaaaa hahahahahahahahahaaaop! Eeehehehes tu-huhut me laaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaiiid!!!! Iiiihihihihihiiiiü!“But he left his fingers even more easily over her back and brought her again to scream out loud in front of laughter so that she was no longer able to speak.

The laughter broke out of her and became more and more hysterical when he decided to let his fingers slide down on the sides. Arrived at her hypersensitive waist, he sometimes moved his hands back to her back at waist height and delighted her hypersensitive reactions and her shrill -screaming laughter.

She shook her head wildly, whereby she only tickled herself with her ponytail. That and that her husband literally tickled hell out of her was an indescribable agony for her and made her almost insane. Her screams and her helpless but strained laughter robbed her of all her strength and all her air out of the lungs.
However, Steve was a very cautious clit.

He knew the symptoms too well if you got too little oxygen and cared well, so that she did not get the relief to get powerless if he didn’t want to. No … he wanted her to suffer a little for what she did to him years ago. It should be an apprenticeship that she would not come up with this idea again ..

40 minutes later he finally stopped tickling.

She was still unable to speak, had a breath and fought with the aftermath. Her pillow was already out of saliva and tears, which were carried out of their reddened eye flow, which were floating for mercy. But he didn’t even think about stopping, opened a bedside drawer and took out a spring dust frond.

Her eyes widened with fear, but before she could start begging, she already got it and squeaked again. He started on her lower back, from which he had got pointed that she was very sensitive there.

She winced, squeaked and laughed again when he hardly touched the dust fronding her skin, dancing and vibrating over her whole back.

He moved the frond down over her naked butt and the inner thighs and enjoyed her uncontrolled giggle and the useless try to rear up to escape from the madness.
In this way your back, butt and yours Legs A little treated, he always let the dust frond walk a little deeper down his legs … over her thighs, over her sensitive knee throats, her calves, down to her helpless ankles, which she had trembled all over the body.

Once her heels, she cried out: “Naaa-hahahahaiiiinü! Nihihihich the feet!!!! NOT THE Feet!!!””So? Why not?“He asked and jumped onto the bed that his feet lay in front of her face so that he could hold her feet in front of him with his hands. He just took a fingernail and thus gave you gently down your heel to yours Toes, What she had loudly screamed.
“Hm? Why don’t you answer my question? … why shouldn’t I do that?“He teased her and let her cry again by lying his finger along her sensitive foot sole.

She tried to concentrate strongly and to control herself.

Sometimes she could do that for a short … very short moment, but it was enough. She took a deep breath and briefly blew on his hypersensitive soles of the feet, that he himself took a look at and stopped briefing her soles.
She giggled: “You see?… This is the reason! Please stop now!“He got up and shook his head.

“Oh no, Laurie, you can’t get it so easy for me!”He said and jumped down to the foot end of the bed.

She groaned and her toes were already curved in front of his eyes. He tied her big toes with a narrow line and started to suck on both at the same time. With his nimble Tongue He tenderly licked her toes, which she had giggled again uncontrollably.
Somee he conjured up two pigeon springs and used the spring keels to trace patterns on their defenselessly fixed soles while still sucking around on their big toes. At the first touch of the spring keels, she almost jumped to the ceiling, screamed and laughed out loud.

It felt pretty unbearable what he was anta.

Her leg muscles cramped and totally trembled with exertion of being able to move her feet there, but her feet did not even move a fraction of a centimeter from her inconsistent location. She noticed that she had to endure this torture and was completely completely in her husband delivered, What this obviously very enjoyed.

Her giggle became a smell -screaming laughter when he had the idea of editing her feet with the feathers between their hypersensitive toes. Sometimes he used both feathers between the toes of a foot, while his fingers scratched along the sole of the other and sometimes he also licked here on their soles and toes, which they made wild with laughter.

Steve delighted her feet for over an hour until she finally lost consciousness with exhaustion.

Disappointed that she was passed out so early, he swore to return to her wonderfully sensitive feet later. For now, he decided to get rid of her quickly and turn it around before she would wake up again.

He hurried to fix them again. This time lying on the back with arms and legs spread out. Once again he admired her great figure ..

Her slim waist and her well -shaped breasts, who ask him to let his already hard stand glide into her warm pussy, made him tremble … but no … First he wanted her to do a little more for what she had done to him,should suffer. She lagha, stretched and spread tied up, completely delivered to him, no matter what he wanted to do with her ..

And he still had a lot to do with her … He smiled. Next time she would better think if she would ever plan to tickle him again.

Again he lay down next to her. He supported his head with his right hand and began to stroke her left on the stomach and breasts in the places that she had always forbidden to touch him tenderly for more than a few seconds.
Laura swallowed.

She was already awakened and tried to pretend that she was still passed on. She hoped she would make it, she hoped that his crazy games would soon be bored, so he would stop. She could not avoid that her skin twitched in some very sensitive areas and bit firmly in her tongue so as not to stay loudly.

As soon as she was able to suppress her giggle, she pressed her teeth more into her tongue ..

“Oh God … if he will not soon leave this place in peace ..!!!“She pleaded inside, while her skin was extremely twitching and her muscles were already slightly cramped.
Steve moved his tender fingertips everywhere on her upper body. He was a little surprised at her twitching skin in some places, although she still seemed unconscious. Somehow he didn’t believe it and was fun to let her think, he would believe her.

He specifically searched for the places that flinched the most intensely and moved his fingers more often and stroked these areas much longer and lighter to let their skin twitch and tremble and to increase their panic, that they could notice that they may yet noticeis awake. Steve laughed at this situation inside and had a lot of fun with it.

For 15 minutes he continued to stimulate her hyper -sensitive twitching areas to the absolute limit until she almost took up, but he always moved his nimble fingers in less sensitive areas in time, so that she always breathed a sigh of relief, just got away from the way again,to be, which only took as long as he continued to continue in more sensitive areas. In some places, their muscles cramped more and more and almost let them groan. Soon she would no longer be able to keep still ..

In the next moment he had a worse idea for her.

He sat upright and let his fingertips drum in her hypersensitive armpit. Reflexively she opened her eyes and laughed just loudly. He continued for a while until she was weak again from tickling and her strenuous laughter.
“You know what?” asked he. “I knew all the time that you were awake!”” Oh, you are mean!!!“She whined.
“I am mean??? Well, no less than you were!“He smiled sweetly.

“Oh come, Steve! It is enough! Please bind me!“She pleaded.
“NO! It’s not enough! I haven’t even really started! Just played around a little!“He answered and started to draw with his index finger circles around her belly button, where her skin began to twitch wildly again and immediately made it giggling.

“No! NO! Naaaiiiinü! Not that hahahahahahahahaha!“She whined anxiously and tried to rebel.
“Hm, I would like to know whether your belly button is as teat as mine …” She shuddered: “Do not dare to test it …” “But I want to know!!!““ No, please don’t, don’t try it out!!!”She literally shouted at ..
He grinned and put his finger mercilessly in her navel. She cried out as loudly as she hadn’t done before that day. It felt terrible, especially when he decided to easily scratch the little knot deep inside.

Laura broke out in the right laugh. Steve had fun.

He took one of the pigeon springs and put them deep in her belly button, then he quickly rubbed her between his Finger back and forth, which added further wild, shrill screaming tones to her already hysterical laughter.
Her abdomen muscles cramped reflexively and her laughter stole her breath. Shortly before she passed out again, Steve stopped tickling her with her feather, getting up, walking away, and came back with a small package already opened. He turned the pack around directly over her abdomen.

Laura screamed and tightened her body again. She felt her crawling on her stomach and winding herself.

Steve had worried a few maggots who are now wandering around her belly button.
This twisting of the maggots tickled scary and her uncontrolled giggle broke out of her again. She couldn’t even tell him how she alliced all of this with the maggots. After a while Steve was bored and stuck three of these maggots in her belly button, covered him with cotton wool and fastened her with an adhesive strip so that the maggots could not wind out again. Shocked, Laura cried out when she felt her far down in her navel.

Her muscles tensioned and cramped again, while the other maggots still improve on their constantly twitching sensitive skin and slipped along.

Steve stood behind the bed and kissed it from there to prevent them from laughing while the maggots did their work. Again and again they were pushed back to more sensitive areas by feather peaks, which Laura acknowledged with a squeaky. If he was reasonably satisfied with the positions of the maggots, he used the feathers to tickle their hypersensitive breasts and the high tensioning underside, which made them squeak much louder into his mouth while not stopping them kissing them. He also changed with his feathers from her breasts to her armpits, which felt like hell, especially through his kisses, which they prevented from laughing.

She screamed again when some of the maggots slid down on her waist pages, where Steve quickly tickled with spring tips and also used the spring keel for a change to scrape up there so that she could not get used to an ever always feeling.

Every change almost let her jump out of her skin.
The terrible feeling in her navel and the maggots around it also made you insane. She noticed that she could hardly breathe and Steve robbed her of the last of the possibility of breathing by kissing her continuously. Soon he noticed her situation and stopped kissing and the spring tickling.

If she was relieved of air immediately, but still had to giggle quite uncontrollably, because the maggots around her navel and still tickled inside, what was thought out. Steve used the feathers to put the maggots away from her skin and let her squeak because he hardly touched her skin with his feathers.

The maggots fell down their sides and wanded on their sides in bed. However, the three maggots in her belly button were still caught by the cotton wool and the adhesive strip. Steve didn’t think about removing all of this at all.

“Oh Kooohohohohomm!!! Ho Ho get you out haha-hahaha house! TAKE THEM OUT!!!! Stehehehhe-Ve!!! Bihihihittehehehe, they are so gemaahahahahahahainü!“Wailed and pleaded with a laugh.
“Definitely not!“He said cool and walked around to put himself on her, it started to kiss her and tickled her sides again with his feathers up and down. She giggled and roared in his mouth with laughter, especially when he slides the feathers into her hypersensitive armpits or on her waist pages.

Sometimes he used his fingers to tickle them deeper between the ribs, just to prevent them from getting used to the same tickets. Again she felt the lack of oxygen to fog her brain, the entire ship’s combination seemed to be turning, the world became gray and she couldn’t breathe!!! Panically, she turned through and became wild, but he didn’t stop and she still laughed completely hysterical. Soon she felt the redemption of her emerging fainting and slackened under him.

Steve got up to take care of his next plan. He removed all the maggots that frolicked next to her in bed and threw her into the sea.
A few minutes later he heard her giggling again.

The maggots that were still in their navel did their work perfectly. He hoped never to have to feel something like that now, but he also wanted to know whether his plan would work. He wanted the maggots to pupate in their warm navel and hoped that flying would still slip before he was finished this weekend with the tickle.

The seller had assured him that this fly breed would slip very quickly as soon as they had pupated ..

So he could only hope ..
When he came back, she giggled with her eyes closed softly. It seemed like she wasn’t hearing him. With a common grin he watched her still twitching abdomen, since the maggots in her navel still seemed to be active, although she seemed to be less moving or Laura was simply too exhausted to react intensely. That must be tested, he decided.

Suddenly Laura’s eyes flew up and she cried out when she felt something very cold and wet on her sole of her foot up to the toes.

Loudly giggling, she almost turned through when he used an ice cube for each sole.
Completely purposeless, she tried to pull her feet away from the terrible feeling that got worse when he simply captured one of her feet with the other hand and continued to work with the rest of the ice cube her sole and between her toes. Then he scratched his soles with his nails and licked and sucked on their toes and soles until their feet felt nice and warm again.

Meanwhile, Laura continued to screeching as best I could and fidgeted her and fidgeted her Tie up, Especially when he stimulated the worst places for her on her feet for longer than less sensitive points, which she made almost insane.
She wished she had better under control … just thinking about something else, dealing with something else to feel the feeling that he always had his fingernails tingling on her soles of her feet in the arches or tenderly between the toeslicked.

She was already very sorry that she had tortured him so badly at the time, but she was unable to tell him to tell him because he just didn’t stop and continued and further. He had found her most sensitive places ..

Your feet and her belly button ..

When she thought of her belly button, she was startled when she found that these nasty maggots no longer moved. With the next touches on her helpless soles of the feet, she screamed hysterically: “S-Steeeheheheheheheheeeheheheve!!! Gene also!!!!! Aaahahahahahahahaaaaahahahah … st-tsstoaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaaop biihihihitehehehehehe!!! Listen aaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahihihihihiiiit if you do not!!! The M-Maaahahahahahahahahahaf the Maaahahahahahahaha Siihihihind already Tooo-Hohohootü!“He stopped briefly and she fought with the aftermath, trembled and japied for air:“ Oh God!!! … S-Steheheve ..

B-Bitte Hör ahahaufü! D-Diemaden!!! … the nasty … maggots … b-move ..

NO LONGER!!! Igitt … you are certainly dead!!! … you killed her!!!… Igitt!!! Please get you out of me!!!!!!!! These dead critters itchy in me terribly in me!!!!!“It shook her with the thought and she cut grimaces in order to better express her disgusted feeling.

Steve giggled and shook his head, headed on her to keep her body calm, removed the tape and cotton wool and took a pigeon feather.
Laura Wild shook her head full of horror: “No! NO! NO! Naaaiiin!!!!!! S-Steeheheve!!! OH NO!!! You can’t do that kooommmmme!!!!!!!!!!!!““ Well, my darling, I don’t know how to get her out otherwise.“He smiled innocently ..

She wished she could kill him, but the next moment she shrugged and shouted at a shrill again when he mercilessly pushed the pen into her belly button and was able to use it to get a pupated made out to show her whathad happened with the maggots.

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