Sibling love | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Our parents had always brought us freely and lovingly to us. We were

Brother and Sister, How parents couldn’t want it better. What

however, had played a long time behind the facade between us,

They should never have found that and they still don’t have it until today.

The beginning of the story is now five years ago, but me

I can still remember every detail. Our parents were over

The weekend to acquaintance and we were only allowed to do it alone

stay because our grandmother wanted to look for us every day.

I was back then

Thirteen years old and already had responsibility for my parents

My ten-year-old sister Susi gets banged. I should learn,

to become self -employed at an early stage. To be honest, it was “nap”.

The main thing is that I could finally move around with my buddies a little longer

and until early television. Susi was younger like me, but you had to

Do not keep them under control because they actually do something

was shy.

She had friends, but with them outside

She was not so much about moving around. Instead, she sat in her room and

heard boygroups or wrote in her diary. This book would do everything

entrust, she once said to me. That I randomly read it later

I couldn’t know at that time, because she always did the diary

Had well hidden.

But we screw the time back for five years and start from the beginning


I was already surprised when mine Father to me said that they are about that

Wochende wanted to go to his brother and they wanted to the first time alone

Wanted to leave home.

He also called Susi into the living room and explained to us,

that grandma would look after us several times a day. We should eat

but go to her. Then he took me to the side and explained to me that now

would be a bit older and he would trust me to go to Susi and the

Watch the apartment. He told me a few more details and went

Then get the car because he wanted to drive into the car wash again.


went back to my room and already painted me how it would be finally

one to have the run of the house to have.

For a long time I was still in front of my computer and I’m to bed very late

gone. When I woke up around noon, it was incredibly quiet in the

Apartment. Oh real, it sparked with me, the two are very early

drove off. When I called to Susi, I didn’t get an answer.

So thought

Me, she would have gone to one of her friends. I went into the kitchen and

made the coffee machine ready to go. Then I wanted to go under quickly

jump the shower. I clinked to the bathroom door, but it was


Before I could ask something, the door opened and

Susi stood in front of me. She was freshly showered and had in a big one

Wound bathing towel. Suddenly she looked down at me and

Immediately after that I had to have become powdered red. I had because of that

Looking forward to a storm -free booth that I only in the panties

Was on the way and had a small morning stand.

You were that

awkward. Before I could say something, Susi was already in her

Room disappeared. I quickly finished the door. While I have my teeth

cleaned and showered me, I always had to think about it.

Susi would

Certainly laugh at when I came out of the bathroom. I climbed out of the cabin

and dried me off. Suddenly I heard the apartment door struck.

Thank God, I thought to myself, now she’s not there for the time being

Leave the bathroom. Again respectful of every little noise, I rushed in

the kitchen and made me eat something quickly.

Went with coffee and stull

it will be back to my room as soon as possible. Door to – basta. Now I was

First of all, before Susi’s look, because the rooms were restricted area, what

each of us accepted. I slowly recovered from the horror.

When I went back to the kitchen later, grandma had just come.


And they were just rinsing. I looked at Susi briefly and how

Foreseen, our eyes crossed. She said no sound and she

didn’t even laugh. I put my dishes to the other things and went

back to my room.

After a while I wanted to go to my buddies

go. I hoped that my jeans had dried in the bathroom overnight.

On the way there I came past Susi’s room. The door was open. I

took a little step in, but she wasn’t here.

Maybe it is

You in the bathroom, I thought to myself. However, when I got my jeans, he was too

Room empty. I grabbed my pants and went into the living room. Was there too

Nothing to see from Susi.

Funny, I thought to myself, she never let the door

open to her room when she goes somewhere.

When I still wanted to get an apple in the kitchen, I fell my note

on the table. I could see Grandma’s writing immediately. After some time

of the wrinkle, it was clear to me that she had taken Susi to see ice cream.

They wanted to be back soon. Well too, I went through my head, then

our paths no longer meet so often today, because the embarrassing incident

A few hours ago it was still circling in my head.

On the way back in

My room remembered Susi’s diary, which I fleetingly on the bed

had seen lying down. Should I do it, or rather not? We had

Always trust each other. After a short superior I went to her

into the room and opened the diary.

She wouldn’t find out, I thought to myself. As I said, I did it

Book and left out the first pages.

Always with one ear towards the front door

I flol the written. There was a lot about her friends and the

School in it. There was also a lot about the concert of “Take That”. I

Leaved a few pages and suddenly let my name.

Well let’s see what she writes about me, I was going through my head.


However, I had read a few sentences, probably had the lower jaw

be off. Before I keep going, I already flawed them again

read sentences. In fact, my own sister loves me. I could

Just don’t believe it, but as she wrote it, there was no doubt

to it.

I continue. Then came the following article, which finally me


“Today we all drove bathing together. Rico (that’s me) wanted first

not come along, but mom persuaded him. When we arrived at the lake

were, I went into the water with mom right away.

Dad and Rico wanted something else

get at the kiosk. When they came back, I could see from the water how

Rico moved out. He already had the swimming trunks underneath the mom to him

Bought birthday. She was out of glittering blue fabric and saw real


He jumped into the water and when he reappeared, his shone

brown -burned body in the sun. The wet swimming trunks nestled completely

closely to his body. I know that these thoughts are not correct, but

I have fell in love with Rico for some time now. When he was me

Then raised and dropped back into the water, I felt his skin on myself.

I can’t describe the feeling exactly, but somehow it was nice.

Mutti and dad must never experience this.

And of course Rico too


I just couldn’t believe it. What was there for God’s will in Susi

driven? Suddenly I heard a crack on the door. I hit the book

and quickly disappeared out of the room. I looked around the corner, but could

See no one at the front door.

I quickly looked out of the door. No one

was to be seen. I quickly went to Susi’s room again and took it

diary. I leafed out in the last pages and suddenly I stalled

The breath.

Susi had written down the incident from this morning:

“It was almost noon when I got up. I went into the shower and

Then blow my hair. When I wanted to go out of the bathroom, stood

Suddenly Rico in front of me. I was pretty scared.

I looked at him

Down and saw that he just weared the panties. That thing was in the pants

so strange. Otherwise when swimming at the lake it wasn’t that. I once had in

The bravo read that you are excited when it is so big … “

I couldn’t read more.

What was going on with Susi? She couldn’t

Love your own brother. That just couldn’t be. No, and that

was not allowed to be. I struck the book and went to my room.


Moment I heard the doorstep struck. I closed my room from the inside

and now just wanted to be alone. I still heard grandma from

Susi said goodbye and went again. A short time later I heard the door of

Susi’s room fall into the castle.

Whether she had noticed that I was in the diary

had read? I didn’t hope. My thoughts circled me wildly in my head.

I just couldn’t believe a clear thought. Suddenly noticed

I, as I was tingling in my lumbar area. I looked down and

Startled when I saw my excited limb through my pants.

Should that be me

Have so excited everything? No, I didn’t want and was not allowed to do that! But that

Meat was weaker and like in a dream I massaged my cock through that

trousers. The thoughts of the diary made me hot. I opened the pants

and got me down. I only came back to my mind when I came


I let myself fall on the bed and fell asleep shortly after.

A few hours later I woke up again when it knocked on my door.

At first I didn’t know where I was, but then it was clear to me that Susi

had knocked. I looked at the clock and it was almost eight o’clock

at evening.

“Yes, what is,” I called.

“Do we want to eat spaghetti?“Susi asked me through the door. Actually

I didn’t want to get under her eyes today, but because I

Was hungry, I agreed.

“Yes, meanwhile put water on the meantime, I’ll come right away,” I replied to her. So

I wasn’t really comfortable, but Susi couldn’t know,

that I had read her in the diary.

We sat in the kitchen, but we hardly talked to each other.


Couldn’t talk to her and Susi didn’t seem to know what to do with me

should talk. I also had no desire to my buddies today

go, or to see remote. When we were done with food, we still have

Rinsed up quickly and then I’m into my room. When I happen to be short

looked around, I could see how Susi looked after me.

When I was in bed,

I let everything go through my head again. What was going on with us.

For years we played together, romped and laughed. And now suddenly

My sister falls in love with me and I get one with the thought

down. It took a very long time before I came to fall asleep.

After a troubled night, I was already cheering.

I pulled the roller blind

high and the morning sun was already shining in my room. I looked up

The clock and it was only eight o’clock. No matter, I thought to myself, then I’ll make myself

Now quickly breakfast and then pack my bathing suits. When I am susis

Room pre -tanged it was still quiet.

I had planned that

Easy to forget incidents from yesterday. I made a hot milk

and smeared a few stulls. Then I went into the living room and looked

By the way. Later I went back to my room and packed mine

Bathing things together.

It didn’t take long and I had my bike out

brought the garage. I packed my bag on the luggage rack and climbed

on. When I looked around shortly afterwards, whether I was right to close the garage door

I saw Susi watched me behind the curtain. Oh man, not

again these thoughts! I stepped into the pedals vigorously to make it possible to

to be at the lake soon.

There were already some of my buddies there. From that

At the time I had enough variety so as not to think about Susi.

At least I thought, because maybe two hours had passed than

I could see from the water how Susi with her girlfriend to the lake

Cycled came. Susi searched until she discovered my bike and

spread her ceiling a bit next to me. Now I didn’t want to go out anymore

the water, but after a quarter of an hour it got too cold for me and

I went out.

When I came to my blanket, Susi only said to me: “Well you!”

Even the two words made me totally confused again in my head. I tried

from now on only dealing with my buddies, but I could

Also do not help but look at Susi every now and then. When they are just

on my stomach, I looked at her more closely. She was beautiful and

also brown -burned as me, but she was my sister.

I had

Yes, a friend before, she was only eleven years old, but it was

Not my sister. Suddenly she turned and I looked

quickly somewhere else. Then I went with my buddies for a while

to play Waterball. Suddenly someone called to me that it was there behind the forest

But gets really dark.

I looked around and saw a big one

Black wall came to us. But you didn’t hear any thunder yet, so stayed

we still. We had the hardest fun playing the ball and nobody took it

attractive thunderstorms more true true. Suddenly I heard a friend

Call the voice from the shore.

I turned around and saw Susi on the

Heaven showed. At that moment it flashed and crashed. Light -hearted

we ran out of the water and packed all of our things. Susi had everything

So quickly stuffed into her pocket that the ceiling now fit more.


she tore her out of her hand and said that we would have to hurry up now because

The windows in the apartment are still open. We all got dressed quickly

and cycled in different directions. Susi had it quite hard,

stay on me. It caught about a kilometer from home

suddenly to rain extremely.

We were both gossip in no time and even had to do the last hundred meters

The bicycles push because we no longer arrived against wind and rain.

At the

When we arrived at the house we threw the bikes into the corner and quickly disappeared into

House. Everyone ran into some room and closed the windows. Than anything

Weatherproof was, we met again in the kitchen. It was pretty dark

And I turned the light on.

Now I also saw how we did both

were. Susi trembled with cold. She had only one t-shirt at the windows


“Come on quickly go into the shower before you hurt,” I said to

her. She just nodded and disappeared into the bathroom.

I whizzed into my room and pulled

I quickly get out of wet clothes. I got new underwear and one

New dry shorts. I just wanted the wet things on the heater

hang when I heard susi called. I went to the bathroom and asked in front of the

Door what is.

She said she had no towel here because Grandma all

probably would have picked up for washing today. I went into the bedroom

my parents and got a few towels, because I was still

wanted to take a shower. Back at the bathroom I knocked on.

“Come in,” Susi called to me. I opened the door and asked

You where I should put it down.

“Place it on the shelf on the window at the back,” she replied to me.

I stepped

hesitant into the bathroom and went to the chest of drawers. But I didn’t notice that

Susi had not closed the door of the shower cabin. I saw in walking past,

like susi naked under the shower was standing. Maybe a tenth of a second

I stayed, but then quickly put the towels and disappeared


Oh no, now I didn’t even know if she happened to be the door

had left open or whether she just wanted it that way. Damn, I thought

me, now it’s already so far that my own sister lay me

might. Eating of dinner I didn’t think anymore. I waited until

Susi was out of the bathroom and went to her room.

I also went

Shower and disappeared into my bed. Outside you still heard one

removed rash. The rain had already decreased and the

Sturm had also lay down. Was romping around in the water for hours

I fell asleep on the bed and also fell asleep with things, although

It wasn’t that late.

I don’t know how long I had slept, but suddenly I became


“Rico, the electricity went away,” it sounded through my door.

Still half

Sleepout I got out of bed and was terrible as it

Suddenly outside crash. The damn thunderstorm had come back again,

shot it through my head. I pulled up the roller blind and looked outside. The

Sturm was worse than in the afternoon.

The rain whipped on the window

And one flash dissolved the next one.

“Rico, you hear me?“, It penetrated through my door again. I closed and

saw in the glow of her flashlight as she trembled. Without hesitation I took

she in your arm and tried to calm her down. She sobbed quietly and I

noticed that she was very afraid of this storm.


I wasn’t quite right either. Suddenly we both scared when that

Telephone rang. I went there and took off the listener. It was grandma and she

sounded really excited.

I calmed her down and told her that everything

be okay. Then she wanted to call us again tomorrow morning and put it

then on. Susi didn’t let go of me all the time. We got

to drink something and sit down in the living room the window.


Thunderstorm just didn’t want to subside.

“Come on we go back to sleep,” I said quietly to Susi. She clung

to me and still said sobbing that she was afraid of alone. I

tried to calm her down and to explain to her that we have nothing here

could happen, but she wanted me to stay with her. I thought briefly

and then said to her that she could sleep in my room.


Then we went to my room. Susi lay down in my bed

To the wall and I tried to create a little space on the front edge.

Suddenly a strange thought came to me. We always had here

Heavy thunderstorms and Susi had never been very afraid of it. should that

have been planned by her? But what else should I do now,

Where she was next to me? We lay side by side for a long time and I could feel it,

that Susi hadn’t fallen asleep.

I had thousands of thoughts in my head and couldn’t think of sleeping either.

“I know that you read in my diary,” Susi interrupted the

Silence, apart from the thunderstorm.

This sentence went through Mark and


“Why, why, what …”, I answered stunned.

“I had made a sign. I’m sorry Rico, but I wanted

Simply that you can find out, ”she said on it.

“But that’s not Susi, we’re brother and sister,” was

My short answer.

“I know, but I can’t do anything about it. I can still do it tonight

sleep here?“In conclusion, she asked.

“Of course,” I said, taking her hand.

It’s a strange feeling when you know that your own little one

Sister loves and you are now lying next to each other in bed. I liked her yes

Also, but I couldn’t imagine that we like “friend and girlfriend”

could deal with each other.

It was still dark outside and the thunderstorm had moved when I was

suddenly became alert because Susi had turned in bed.

She lay now

With the head on my upper body and still slumbered like in the seventh

Heaven. The street lamp made the room a little brighter because I

had not pulled it down again. I carefully took my arm and put it

him around her. Like a little child, she nestled against me.

Only to this

It became clear to me that Susi wasn’t actually so small anymore.

She could have assumed that I would have said everything mom and dad,

What she wrote in the diary. She took the risk and for that

I admired her. But I quickly fell asleep again and noticed too

not how it got brighter outside.

I only woke up again when Susi turned around in bed jerkily. I

opened his eyes and saw that she was already awake.

Through the warmth in

We both were no longer covered, which means that we have through the

Warmth stamped the ceiling away. I only had a panties and a T-shirt

and susi only her nightgown. I noticed that I had a little one

Had morning stand and that was embarrassing because I knew that Susi was more likely

It was like me and you actually had to see him because I

lay on the back. But she just looked at me and said: “Good morning”.

I turned my stomach at lightning speed and Susi could have a short one

Do not resist.

“I’ve been awake for half an hour,” she said with a smile to me.


put her arm over my back and massaged my shoulders. When I

I turned my head and looked at it briefly, she quickly pressed me one

Kiss on the mouth. Madness, what was going on here now, I thought to myself. Susi

knelt next to me in her little nightgown and I could get out of the side

See your little panties.

It’s a good thing that I was lying on my stomach.

My dick was swollen as I had never noticed before. Fast

I pulled the duvet up, but I couldn’t avoid Susi

Also grabbed a tip of the ceiling and crawled with underneath. We were now

Both on the side and looked at us.

I couldn’t think anymore, but I absolutely had to have satisfaction. So

it happened that I had suppressed all the concerns about this.

Susi was so close to me,

that I could feel how my stiff cock pressed on her stomach.

Susi looked at me so dreamy that I just couldn’t help it and I

she pressed a long kiss on her mouth. One step further, I was stuck

Something my tongue in her mouth. I was amazed at how she reacted.

She probably had to be able to memorize the bravo, because where else should she get

be able to kiss. As we kissed each other, she nestled very close

up to me.

That was a very stupid feeling. I did not want that,

But couldn’t say no anymore.

As we kept kissing on, I no longer had my hands under

control. One hand was lying around her shoulder, the other I left carefully

Slowly slide to her stomach. The further I got down, the more

she pushed towards me on the side.

From now on I lost any control

about my doing. I slowly pulled Susi on my stomach. I pushed my hands

Carefully under her nightgown and let her circle on her back. My

In the meantime, the stand had grown so that it was strong against hers

Lower body pressed.

We only separated our two briefs in this area.

Slowly I let a hand slide into her panties. When I was over the

Po drove, she pressed against my cock with her abdomen. I

had to be careful not to inject into the slip. Since susi from the

Take height was much smaller, there should be no problem with

to get my hand between my legs.

I also considered

Not long, but step further to action. But I pulled mine beforehand

Hand out of your panties and continued to massage your bottom through the fabric. Slow

I let one hand slide down further. The further I came, the more

Susi moved her little butt.

When I arrived at the point, I was startled

Something and Susi made a quiet moan. The reason for my fright

was that she was totally wet between her legs. You could clearly

Feel through the fabric. Susi pressed her lower body even more firmly to me and

moved him rhythmically.

Due to the friction in my dick, I could no longer prevent it that

The full load went into the pants.

Susi must have noticed it because her

Kissing became more violent. Instead that my excitement should now take off abruptly,

the curve went up steeply again. Now I left a few fingers

Slide on the side into her wet panties. In contrast to me, I noticed,

that Susi had no hair below yet.

Attached at a steady speed

I split with my fingers through their gossip wet. I couldn’t

In the worst thought that my sister is such a horny one

could be a little bitch. I had her naked once more often

Seen, but at that point I saw her in a different light. Now

I didn’t want anything better than her little wet pussy Live to see.


I struggled away the blanket with my legs. Susi was also like from

Sinnings and her quiet moan grew more and more violently, the more I get your gap

massaged. My dick grew vigorously again and I really wanted to

See your little pussy. I carefully pushed her down from me.

Without her

Looking at, I pushed her up the nightgown. When I have my hand on yours

Schlüpfer laid, how automatically their legs went apart. She

Slid back and forth with her little butt on the bed, as in time

I had the panties to her knees and then completely pulled out.

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