Erotic hours in the night train | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

This is the real story of an experience with a wond of a woman and a young man. Some time ago I had to do work in Cologne professionally. It was late and I drove around 21. 00 a.m. with the Intercity back to Mainz. My company had given me a “first class ticket”. The train was only weakly occupied and I do it in front of myself. Shortly behind Koblenz I went to the toilet. The controllered through and since the train until Mainz did not stop any stop, it was to be expected that it could no longer come.

Only the emergency lights burned in most compartments, and the curtains were drawn to the gang. But then you look curiously between the curtain split. In one compartment I saw shadowy how a couple smooched. On the way back to my place I looked into it once again and saw how a lady stroked the testicle and his limb for a young boy! The young man’s hat opened his pants to such an extent that his benefactor could spoil his lumbar region without any problems.

The two sat in the direction of travel by the window. The armrest was folded up. His right arm lay around her hip. His hand stroked over the jacket of her dark costume, hidden under the Sicit Chest. He was sitting relaxed, his eyes closed and obviously enjoyed the blessing that he was. Be tail stood full filled and straight like a one, ready to enjoy the caresses of this experienced hand. I got hot and cold to me, and I felt without being able to do something about how Meinlümmel was stirring.

My eyes could not tear themselves away from this sight, and I felt as an insane lust of me was owned by me. Almost automatically I got my cock out, now much too tight prison, and pushed my foreskin back and forth over the glans. I was afraid that Mireiner went off and therefore a little careful. Finally, just wanted to return to my compartment and then get one down there in peace when I heard how one -puncture door of the wagon was opened.

I heard voices and steps. My need was great. Actually, I hadn’t intended to disturb thisidylle, which I observed. After all, I didn’t want to wank caught and so this way it seemed to me as the better of the both michen solutions. So I stood in the compartment with my erect tail in the hand! Guilty and stammering with shame. The couple looked at me in horror and repellent.

But she had made her speechless. “Please apologize, please,” I called for understanding, “I would like to explain to you ..I quickly ordered the curtains so that they no longer allowed a insight into the compartment. Then I sit down in the opposite corner and described how I was in these situation devices. The lady, a beautiful blonde around forty, tried to relieve her companion of her companion with her hand, but only reached that his Kasper took and stretched out.

I felt similar to me. My cock stood like one and just didn’t let it tame!So I thought to myself that I could get relief before the eyes of this two -speed and then disappear again. The elegant woman let the plan to hide the gem of her galan because it was simply pointless. The upper buttons of her white blouse were open, and half of the bud of her right nipple peeked out of the shifted bust holder. She did not make any institutions to organize her clothes, as did her young companion, a guy around twenty.

They just looked at me and listened to my explanation. My first trimmings had subsided and I was wared. During my words I started to massage my joy donor. And as I seemed to me, a gentle smile transferred the face of the wonderful woman. She too had recovered from her first fright and looked deep into her eyes. Then her eyes wandered over my person and held for a while with the manipulations I treated me.

Then she looked back in my face. “And now?“They were their first words. “Forgive me. It happened. I will only get relief, and then I will disappear again. It is no longer different anymore!“But in reality I took care of it;to pull this pleasure a little indie length. Somehow I started to feel comfortable. I felt how the uncomfortable troubled had come to a certain serenity and tolerance.

The young man had not yet said, but his armor again his companion while he was back in the upholstered back and his legs apart. His cock, a splendid specimen, was in full length again in the air, and their eyes were unexpectedly on my slow wanking movements. They had apparently resigned themselves to the situation. “Well,” she said, “Do what you can’t leave. “In doing so, she managed to slip a little higher, and one part of the suspenders that held her cream -colored stockings.

Apparently she wanted to force my lust so that it was faster with my cumshot. But the young man came to me before. His seed sophistication out of his shelf without having touched his tail overall. He groaned comfortably and uninhibitedly. His body was from a huge orgasm shaken. The pretty lady held a hand over Diefonente to protect her clothes and that of her companion, while the other hand supports the event to increase his pleasure and also to improve all of his Liebessef.

After his sperm had pressed out of his tight sack, under the relaxed, she kissed his cheek tenderly. “Was it nice?“She coated his ear. “Oh, honey,” he obviously replied very happily, “that Warwunderbar!“She got some Kleenex out of her suitcase and enforced the traces of his love strength. It was horny to see how she raised the tip of his now smell joy with her fingertips and cleaned the testicles, his thighs and his swing from his sperm between his legs, his legs, his legs and his legs.

After she had completed this work as much as possible, the cardboard with the paper towels sewing the box with the cardboard. I took her in reception. “You will probably need that right away,” she told a mischievous smile on her even face ,,, but you can certainly not ask for me to do love service with you! After all, we don’t know each other. But don’t be embarrassed. It’s OK!“And with that the ice was broken. Your young companion made no institutions to cover his nakedness, on the contrary.

His handle his girlfriend’s hand in his sensitive place, and willingly came after. She played and stroked his eggs and his cock, who slowly turned back to his elderly size. I no longer felt any embarrassment and left lusty loud loudness. Without inhibitions I played with my cock, let it slide through my hands, tickled my eggs and gave me this cozy atmosphere. A silver pearl appeared on the gap of my shaft, and my glans presented my viewers in rosy light.

Of course I now pushed the finish out so that I can enjoy my Geilstust for longer. And then we came closer to each other. Two eyes paired banned my wanking. I had stripped off inhibitions and asked the lady if she could postpone her stagger holder so that her nipple would be completely visible! She immediately fulfilled this wish to me. “Now they are already doing,” she said with erotic timbre in the voice, “I see that they can no longer hold it long!”” Now you want to see how I cumshot?”I asked Kess.

“Of course,” she smiled at me. “And me too,” also interfered her friend. “So, I actually want to delay it a little bit!”” Well, “she replied,” Slowly it starts to enjoy me too. “She had the boy’s tail firmly under control. “What do you actually feel now?“I asked this magic fairy to keep the conversation going. “What do you mean?“She replied with a counter question. “Are you actually wet down there?“She laughed at.

,,You could say so. At the sight of two Sostrammer Manneszierden that probably doesn’t miss out!”” Yes, then they do it themselves, “I struck her before. “Oh, it has time at home, and my friend will support me something, it will not be true?’she asked him, “we only drive to Frankfurt,” said Sieh again to me. He nodded with a transfigured face. And then it was pointless to hold my juice back. Easchoß from my pipe;And it didn’t want to end!”Yes, they come, they come,” I heard my female opposite; “Think they are in me.

Get everything out of yourself!“So she supported my departure with her great words. I fell into ecstasy and jerked and jerked. My sperm flows through the area. I felt how the orgasm took possession of me with a never experienced lust. And when it was over and I relaxed myself, thieves donated applause! “It was a remarkable spectacle,” said the lady with an appreciative look, “so, I also fell”. I could get used to it.

And you?”Asked Sieden young man,” what do you mean?”That was crazy,” he said. “I think you are gay,” she said, bland, now I have put so much effort into it, and you like it to enjoy a man who satisfied himself!”” Yes, it’s true, “he said,” that also turned me on!But if I should love you, I really love mine, then I would like it even more!““ You will have the opportunity to prove that, my dear darling!“She tenderly patted his cheek.

I wiped the traces of my sperm eruption from my sub -body;While she wiped off my love juice from the floor and the pads towards. After the general lust had subsided and had been dirty clothing, I wanted to thank you for the understanding of the two and return to my compartment. But I was invited to stay calm!In my thoughts, I imagined that this exorbitant and provocative woman, type manager, to be fucked right, and so I naturally accepted this offer.

I got my little travel case;Returned back to my, more intimate travel ado and was excited to see what I was expecting. Before I took a seat directly opposite them, I leaned over to this exceptionally dear lady and tenderly kissed her forehead. She did not oppose any resistance. Instead, her eyes and lips opened up to offer my mouth. Our tongues met for a long and intimate kiss. When we left it and I took a seat, she smiled at me: “My name is Kathrin and that is Tom”.

I am his good fairy, and I thought that he would have to show him what a woman can give him because I got him as he had done with his boyfriend!And then you came and got a poor woman out of the version. “She had long since forgiven me and I failed to apologize again. “Franz”, I introduced myself. The train had passed Bingen, and fifteen minutes at the latest I would have had to defeat them in Mainz.

But I wanted to prevent that. I invited her to stop at me and go to Frankfurtweuer the next day. “Yes, what do you have to offer?”She asked me. “A cozy apartment, a wide bed, quiet music, champagne … what you want. “”And otherwise? That’s all?“She asked me mischievously. I felt that I had already won!”I could spoil you,” I suggested. “How spoil?”” Well so … you already know. “” So you want to fuck me “, laughs,” be honest and admit it.

“”Oh yeah! You can believe that, ”I said with a trembling voice. Kathrin turned to her young companion. “And you?”” Yes, let’s go to him!”” I don’t want to know that. I want to know if you want to spoil me too?“He pressed her himself, and that was the answer enough. “Well,” she said, “I haven’t been happy to have been happy with two men for years, and this opportunity will be perceived now!“Arrived at my home, I lit a couple candles in the living room, set up the drinks, put on a porn cassette, went into the bedroom and changed clothes.

I put on a jogging suit, but whose pants were tasted like a single over my cock. I made a little fresh back into the living room after almost ten minutes. Kathrinbat gets rid of her costume and, although she had already exceeded the forty, gave a view of a flawless body. She was sitting in the armchair and only had the bust holder, her suspenders and stockings. Her panties were in front of it to the ground. The right index finger Kathrin stroked a real young girl cunt over the Eswar, which gave my eyes an overwhelming visual pleasure.

Completely shaved and bloom full of horny expectation. Her labia were swollen thickly, and the inner cunt rags peeked wide and invitingly out of it. You gave you a freely in a demanding love hole. Tom sat completely naked on the sofa and played with its family!Both watched as in that porn A dainty black -haired a huge spanking pierced cum. Kathrin got up when I had entered the room. She pulled my pants down and pressed on me. As if from self -poured my limb into her grotto, and a cozy, tenderly warmth around my stand.

We kissed with uninhibited devotion. I started to stir in her lap, but they asked me to stop. “I just want to feel you … with yours known … just enjoy yourself in me”!Tom protested because we look at the screen locker. We pushed something on the side. He mastled with slow movements, visibly tries to prevent an early departure. Kathrin and I leaned back a little without solving our unification and taking two filled champagne shells from the coffee table.

She offered me her glass, I mean that. “Friendship” she whispered to me. After we had drunk, we put the glasses off and mixed up the drink in our mouths. Your Futt obviously had a natural talent, a dumped velvet warmth to send it into my body via my link and fill it out entirely. The champagne floated over our lips between the throats and then … back and forth. But finally we used up everything;We detached each other with gentle movements and I sat on the sofa plain Tom.

“I’ll go to the toilet, make myself fresh,” said Kathrin, “And both of you don’t do it too great while I Fortbin. “In doing so, she laughed at our two erect cocks. While we heard Kathrin handled in the toilet, Tom told me about himself and his patentant. “You know,” he started, “Kathrin caught me with my friend how we got each other in my bed”. “We were in a disco had been crazy about a few bees, and when we couldn’t tear up anything, we went home to me.

“When he was on the toilet, I wanted to get a violin quickly, but then my friend came back. He just lay down next to me and everything took his course. Handed a stand, I had a stand, and so we made each other!“During his remarks, his hand had landed slowly but determined by my hanging! She explored the environment, stroked my testicles and the shaft, and since I had done it, she became more and more intrusive. It wasn’t uncomfortable for me at all, and so suddenly Meinefaust suddenly spanned his Schwengel.

“The idiot,” continued Tom, but had forgotten to close the door in his lust! Kathrin came over and watched, until we both injected at the same time. Only then did we notice them! She threatened us with a laugh with Demfinger. “She was visiting Dortmund with my parents. “” The next day she confronted me. You can’t imagine how embarrassing it was me!”” Why do you still say her to me?”I asked Tom. “It should be a bit of respect for an elderly gentleman,” replied Tom.

“Well, I’m 45, and besides our current activity, let’s say, a little unusual. Finally we get one down to us. You could do me too!”” You could mine Father his ”, Tom’ replied could not be crushed and continued in his explanations. “Kathrin offered me to take me to Frankfurt because Biggi, it is hers Daughter,would surely “take care of” sexually. “” And since I’ve always been sharp on Biggi, I naturally took it!““ As it looks, you are also on yours Mother prudent!”” Sure, Tom said with a transfigured eye premium, and how!“Meanwhile, Kathrin had come back.

She was completely naked. “Don’t let yourself be interrupted,” she smiled at us, “do the same compulsion”. I would not have thought that I was so fun to watch as two men pamper each other of their all -loven!“Now I had already felt the handson of my penis at various group fucks, but I never thought that I would allow me to work on me so intensely. Not to mention that I returned this gimmick. Kathrin’s eyes wandered between the porn and us back and forth.

She had stretched her legs from herself and her thighs opened. Two fingers of her hand fiddled in her furniture hole while the other hand worked on the clit. I remembered that one of my friends had once forgotten their vibrator with me, and I asked Kathrin whether Siedafür had been using?”Sure,” she said, “Here. You should also get a performance. ‘I fetched the dildo’ and Kathrin showed us on an enchanting way it is to watch, how to look at how a single, humming vibrator protrudes from the venus hill of such a woman.

Her lower body made circular movements, while her two hands pulled her labia apart and her fingers around Denvibrator stroked her cunt. Then her eyes opened, and pointed out crazy mouth. Silbriger cunning juice quoll out between the vibrator and love flaps, and her body reared back and forth in the armchairs. At the same time, I felt like warm mucus on my hand that Ichan Tom’s beating. Tom also went off one!When the two had recovered somewhat, I was up and filled the glasses.

Tom’s limb was now limp but cute to look at. “Take care that you don’t come too,” Kathrin turned to me with a horny facial expression, “It would be terrible if I could not still spermaden today!”” No anxious aunt “interfered,” you will get it to get to bring me to a climax again, and then you can also get a load of my seed!””So! How come?” she asked. “Oh, aunt! I wanted to love you for a long time.

Please do me a favor!“And his joy dispenser was already exciting, as I could see. ,Yes, how then?“Insized Kathrin Schelmisch, although she carefully knew what he wanted. “I want to fuck you!“It burst out of him. “Well, my dear little darling,” she said in a dark, soft voice, “1eg ‘on the carpet and let me do it. “” And you “, she turned to me,” carefully carefully fit you and look at us.

For that it will be more beautiful for you ….Tom had put himself and Kathrin knelt next to him. She pulled his foreskin back and worked with her tongue fervently his glans. From time to time she made his long thick tail völlig disappear in her mouth, and her finger -supporting played on his eggs. “Now you should spoil your aunt with your tongue, Tom,” she stitched him. “I’ve never done that before,” we heard a lustful groan, “but I will be happy to try it once!“Kathrin changed to the 69 position and offered her intimate godchild.

Tom’s head was in my direction, and so I watched his tongue just piled up the love gap of his patentant. His lips kissed this rosy love cavity uninhibitedly, while their face bathed in their love effusion. It was insanely horny, and as a grateful Underbetent Voyeur, I followed this wonderful demonstration. After a while Kathrin left Tom and said that he would now be comfortable for the highest orders!”Turn around, Tom”, ordered Kathrin ,, our new better known should see how we do it together.

So that we have a witness door that you can not only men, but also a freubehem!“Tom turned in such a way that his legs now showed me, and Kathrin initially sat down in a normal position, her face to him too. I chased her fingers of her hand his plump penis handles and slowly inserted his shaft into her vagina. Her pussy muscle immediately tasted around his member, which was slowly absorbed by Kathrin’s love cavity. They started slowly, but then becoming faster with the fucking movements.

I had always wanted this process to be tranquil and not just in a porn, and I was not disappointed in a porno. Kathrin and Tom offered me a unique act of love that gratefully delighted me. The most intimate what a woman and a one can connect at all offered me to show me without shyness. No embarrassment, only natural sexual joy. I experienced a completely unknown feeling. Then Kathrin rose. “Stay just lie, Tom,” she said, taking a swallowing champagne.

Her bare cunt was wide open, glossy von furniture juice and love mucus. Then she picked up Tom’s smeared love rod again, but this time turned to me. “He will come right away and I would like to see you when it pours in me,” she said explainingly to me. It was just exciting how this lady -like woman showed this young love service, but also not forgot me, her viewer, and gave me an insanely upgrading performance. Her inner labia now slipped on his shaft on and down while her abdomen completed the enjoyment of her young partner.

Then I saw Tom’s sack tasted and his eggs in his hotel became tighter and firmer. And then the time had come: he poured himself into his patentant, which sperm obviously accepted this with great joy. “Come on ‘, my darling, come‘ Spray ’everything in me. .. Your whole love, come ‘, my dear, little Tom,” groaned Siunkontrolled. “Yes” aunt “replied Tom, I want to inject everything into you! Oh, I love you like that … I always want to spray you!”” “You can do that too, my dear little darling,” said Kathrinm with tender voice, “We will still have enough opportunity to do so!But now I think I have to take care of the french.

The poor guy will probably have me more necessary now than others in the world!“And you could really accept that!Tom let off his aunt with an inviting gesture and I lay down on Kathrin’s side. “You know,” she said to me, “It was already a strong piece, if we suddenly had a matter of smoke in the intercity, but actually I quickly had the wish to get closer to your penis!“Said it and started, with great skill to slide my cock.

And I could not have imagined how far and intensive a woman could have driven such a one -time manner in my wildest dreams!“Open up, Kathrin, it will come right away, and you have been able to fuck me properly!”” Zero problem, “she said, putting her love grotto over my fuck beats. We rolled around on the floor in ecstasy. “Tell me when the time comes,” Kathrin cozy my ear, “I should have a drink your seed. I already got a load from Tom another correct place.

Your sperm, your male follier pampered my taste buds!“When it was time, Kathrin had felt it herself, loved cunt from my cock and hardly that she had her in her sticker mouth, I also sprayed. She massages my eggs and her tongue licked my glans in her mouth. I climbed over and over again and unloaded my favorite mucus into her throat. Eagerly swallowed and swallowed kathrin, and when my limb was already limp, she still pressed the juice out of me! When our excitement had subsided to some extent, we hear Tom.

“Gell, aunt,” he asked Kathrin in a fervor and prisoner, “you do that with me too! Yes?“Kathrin and I smiled at each other. “Sure, my darling,” she said in a soft voice. It was the beginning of a great intimate friendship that still lasts. Tom is still with me with me, but thanks to Kathrin’s help, he has become a big fucker, and we still enjoy producing us in front of various spectators. Biggi, Kathrin’s daughter, whom I have also met, is a drive -horny little sweet tooth who is in no way inferior to her mother and natural devotion …

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