Lena does it in the group | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was 15.oo o’clock in the afternoon and I was in a bad mood;the fact,

that New Year’s Eve could not give up my mood – in

Opposite, this was one of their reasons! My girlfriend Sarah was for one

Weekly driven to the coast with friends, where they would be in a group

of over forty people celebrate the end of the year … I didn’t try

To think about what could happen there, I had

actually great confidence in my girlfriend, but if that alcohol in

Floß floated and the men did not burn … Who knows … actually

I wanted to go to bed and pull the blanket over my head, but

I had agreed to an old school friend for a big fondue meal


I couldn’t cancel that anymore. Suddenly that tore me

Telephone from my thoughts, not too friendly I reported: “Yes?”

“Hello, Andreas, how are you?”” Lena, what gives me this honor?”

I was honestly amazed, Lena was a friend of Vanessa, with whom that

Essen would take place tonight – and I once had a really hot one

Affair with Lena, whom I still like to think back today. “I just wanted to hear,

Whether you really come tonight, because I stand here in front of the mirror

And don’t really know what to wear – and I thought of you,

Maybe you could give me a tip? I could then dress like that

How to find it the sharpest.“I immediately knew how I would like to see her

Want, Lena was a rather sporty ,hable guy and when I was at the time

Had to get to know she was wearing a close, tattered jeans and a

Belly -free top, which brought their lush breasts well …. In the

Contrast to Vanessa, who had a similar breathtaking figure,

Almost ashamed of their bust size and whenever it went with wide

Pullovers concealed, Lena wore her breasts with pride! And she had every reason

In addition, he was one of the most splendid specimens I have ever seen

(And I saw some …), firm and round and with beautiful ones

Blacks, which are seductively among the narrow T-shirts that they often


I probably don’t need to say that everything else

agreed with her figure! She was not one of these boyish, malnourished

Women, with her everything was in the right place. “Do you still know what you are wearing,

When we are the first time have seen? At Vanessa’s party …”” Sure, should

I put on that?”” Everything looks cool for you …”” Well, well, you can do something like that

still say? What does Sarah say about it?”” Sarah is on the lake and

I don’t want to think about what they do … I will be there

Yes, you can flirt with you on the phone …“One was created

Short break in which I could hear Lena breathe deeply “but on the phone

It won’t stay, ”she breathed“ because we’ll see you afterwards …” Me

suddenly became aware that my heart beat faster, Lena was one of the

Hottest women I knew, our affair was short and violent back then

we had only had the opportunity to have sex together once

have – and I will never forget this sex experience … This woman excited

me if I only thought of her “tia, then we’ll probably wait

have to do what the evening brings, I’m looking forward to you at least!”” Oh,

That sounds almost as if you wanted to eat me? Or should that only

mean that you are looking forward to seeing me?”” Tia, uhhh …“I was real


“Maybe both … I don’t know …“And I really didn’t know,

On the one hand, under no circumstances did I want to do what I was with mine

Girlfriend was afraid, namely cheat, But on the other hand, this girl was

Now really irresistible. I showered and made myself otherwise

rightly as well as possible and my mood was significantly better, me

It was actually a little excited … When I was around 19.oo o’clock at Vanessa

standing outside the door, I heard bright laughter inside “The girls are

Already really good things, ”I thought and smiled.

Vanessa opened the door to me

and threw himself into my arms “Hello! Nice that you’re here!” “I am happy

Also, Lena is already there?”Immediately Vanessa Ernst” Andreas, Mach

No shit, you can’t do that Sarah, you love her …” “What,

What should I not do to her?“I felt caught, but also unfair

treated, because nothing had happened yet. But Vanessa had one

phenomenal knowledge of human knowledge, she often knew before those involved

would happen … “You know exactly what I mean, Lena already has that

asked about you strange – and besides, she dressed as if she wanted to

today …“She interrupted herself“ Oh, it doesn’t matter, come in first!”

When I came into the dining room everyone was already gathered and since I some

had not seen the greeting very thoroughly for a long time,

Finally I stood in front of Lena and she was really stunning! The jeans

And that top brought her character into its own and her new hairstyle

Remaining. I don’t usually have any left for Rasta braids, but with her

it just looked great! She hugged me, kissed me on the cheek and

Caunted me in the ear. “I would love to do you again at all

Letting go, and when it comes to me, you don’t escape me today, Sarah

there, Sarah here …“In doing so, she gave me a look out of her green eyes that

my knees let me weak.

I knew she didn’t enjoy, she was very much

determined and if I didn’t want to get weak today, one would

will be a difficult test for my will! The party took her aisle, that

Essen was excellent, the wine too and gradually it became

Mood increasingly exuberant! We all danced in the living room and would have

Almost missed to initiate the new year in good time! All fell into the

Poor and wanted a happy new year and since we all already

Had looked deeper into the glass, some fell a little more violent in some

from, kisses of tongue were exchanged and out of the corner of the eye

I could see that Vanessa with Toni in the direction bedroom

disappeared, well, a little nourishing in between, I would have

Also lust, but my girlfriend enjoyed himself with others on the lake ..

This thought hit me like a blow, suddenly I almost had something like something like

A certainty that Sarah cheats me at that moment. I had to

First sit me. The thought made me sick, I felt like that

powerless, I couldn’t intervene from here ..

while the others

Looked at fireworks, I sat in cloudy thoughts on the sofa –

and suddenly felt a tender touch on my shoulder – Lena! She

Grinned me seductively and whispered “I know exactly that you are currently on

Sarah thinks! But it’s far away – and I’m here! And I want you!” As they

had said this, she leaned and kissed me. I opened as if stunned

My lips and let her tongue slide between her. This taste of

Something alcohol and a lot of desire, caused me really messed up! We smooched

for some time and my little friend already complained about them

Tight in the pants. If Vanessa hadn’t had anything else to do now,

If she would have intervened at the latest now at the latest and would have separated us,

But she just let it bang from Toni …

Your bad luck … But I wanted that

at all? Yes Yes of course! I was wild with lust, but still, I wanted that

Don’t (yet) give up a fight! I tore myself away and fled to the first floor.

I wanted to go to the toilet, maybe a little cold water would cool me down ..

The door was based and when I opened a little further, I could see how

Vanessa supported herself on the toilet and Toni fucked her deep and hard from behind;

Vanessa groaned briefly with every bump, now and then she whimpered “Yes,

Come on, push firmer! Do it!“Toni had me in the mirror pretty quickly

saw, grinned at me briefly and then did not let himself be disturbed, he too was

groaned louder and louder! I couldn’t help it, I opened my pants and

started my pipe too jerk off, It was still stone of the

Knutcherei …

The two became faster and always wilder and

The moment the Vanessa whimpered “I come, I’ll come, oh

God….“And Toni his tail pulled out of her and his cream

Distributed large splashes on her back, I noticed that I was no longer

Alone my cock jerked, Lena stood behind me and helped me actively!

Now there was no stopping, I pushed it into the next best room,

She threw on the floor and was over her the next moment. She groaned and

Kissed me again with a passion that I have not experienced for a long time

had her breath very difficult and her excitement was noticeable to her everywhere.

That totally turned me on, this feeling that Lena herself all evening

so consumed that she had fallen in this way, I pulled her with her

a jerk her top and her plump breasts literally jumped towards me.

I immediately sank my face in the deep valley between the breast and

Then began to caress her nipples, always alternately by hand

And with the fingers, sometimes left, then right again …

in shortest time

were their nipples Steinhart and Lena groaned under my touches as if it were

she shortly before her first orgasm. I hardly had ended this thought

brought when her body reared up, her lust with short, tips

Screamed run wild. “Wow, you are the hottest guy I’ve ever had, do it

me fixed today!“She gasped and of course I didn’t let that

twice. I undressed to take some time to breathe

to give and then began to take off too.

When we are so naked

I remembered Sarah for a short time, but I pushed it

Thoughts aside and thought that she would certainly have become weak

at the sea! Lena had now recovered so far that she had my cock

could again devote all attention. She leaned down and

began to jerk off my pipe with clever movements until a hardness

and had reached size that I would hardly have thought possible. When she mine

Device then made it disappear between her lips, it was such a horny

Feeling that I involuntarily groan a deep moan. Without their work

She looked up at me, threw me – almost over my cock

To get over – a cheeky look and said smacking: “Well, I’m bet with Sarah

He has never been so hard and you have never been as keen on me now!” Her

Talk really driven me crazy! I moved her to me with a movement

up and closed her mouth with a wild kiss! I threw myself

around and rolled me on her.

“Yes, come, be wild, fuck me right through!” This

Ms. just didn’t stop with her ‘dirty talk’. My cock found like from

himself his way and slipped deep into her. She was very much

moist, although you couldn’t actually call it damp, ‘wet’

It was probably the more accurate expression. Her big labia smacked

Each of my bumps …

“Shot firmer!“I increased the pace and really put

All strength in my bumps;She born her legs and started louder and louder

moaning, their tits wobbled in the clock of my bumps, I forgot the world

me around, there was only me and Lena, the lust almost robbed me of the senses,

My cock was hard to the burst and I felt the seed slowly

Rising in me. Once again I tried the intensity my bumps

Increase, Lena wall under me and was – I could feel that – not either

More far from an orgasm. After all, I couldn’t stand it anymore,

With a cry I pumped my juice into it and a few seconds

Later came later, she reared up under me and screamed her lust

out, it seemed no longer to take an end, her body twitched, hers

Vaginal muscles danced Foxtrot, from her gaze spoke limitless lust!

Exhausted we stayed (and together) and tried first

to get to the breath. Suddenly I heard a reproachful one behind me

Voice “typical, once not watched out and you two hang on each other!” I

Turned me over and recognized Vanessa and Toni in the backlight of the open


They both were still naked and have seemed to us for a long time

observe. “But it was an absolutely cool sight! I have to do that

say!… If I didn’t have Toni, you could make me like that too

take!”” Then I do it with Toni, “Lena announced immediately, Toni just laughed

and said that you could think about it, but now we should

Better to look back at the party down again! And he didn’t have that

Wrong, because what I couldn’t use was a sensation, and

Vanessa was finally the hostess. We still agree on the absolute

Silent, attracted us and went back to the party burial ……

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