The mirror | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hello dear reader,

This is my first story and I did not write it for the description of sex, because such stories are already in thousands in Internet, I wanted to concentrate the psychological aspects and I hope I succeeded. I deliberately left the end, I want the readers to decide how the story ends.

Have fun while reading!


The mirror

the first day

The girl carefully cleaned the dust from the old furniture, she didn’t like this boring work, but she needed the money. The girl was deeply sunk into thought when she came to the old mirror decorated with complicated ornaments.

But what was that? As frozen, she remained a few steps in front of the mirror and looked at the picture that she offered her with terrified eyes.

The background looked like a painting from a history book and showed a scene as from the early history of the people, a city of coarse stones, mighty statues and a street that consisted only of stamped earth.

As strange as this sight was alone, the really shocking thing was in the foreground of the scene: there was a slave in the middle of the street with a slightly amazed facial expression.

Just around the delicate neck she wore a heavy metal collar, apart from that, she was completely naked.

Ferred and shocked, the girl gave way back and ran out of the house.

The second day

On knees and with a painful back, the girl scrubbed the floor with a heavy brush and cursed the owners of the house that were too stingy to buy a reasonable mop.

So far she had successfully succeeded in avoiding the old mirror, but she had now cleaned the rest of the room, and now it could no longer be avoided that she came near it.

With increasing nervousness and tensely directed to the floor, she kneeled up the ground right in front of the mirror, she literally had panicked fear of taking a look into it, because she was too fright of what she could see there.

After all, she raised her eyes and froze.

In front of her she saw the naked slave who returned the girl’s gaze with opened eyes. But with her it didn’t seem to be surprise and fright to be the reason for the opened eyes and the red cheeks, but pure, almost a **** sexual excitement.

Just like the girl, she crouched on her hands and knees with a raised head while a muscular man knelt and knelt behind her The slave With hard, almost brutal bumps for his lust.

The slave’s eyes closed half, the face was red and distorted with lust. Suddenly she opened her eyes and the eyes of the two met for a short moment.

With a pounding heart and glowing cheeks, the girl came to the side and the picture in the mirror faded.

The third day

The girl did her usual work only reluctantly and uncontrollably, and still in thoughts in the strange events of the past few days. What about the strange mirror, and why did she see this naked slave again and again? What did all of this mean?

Determined to get to the bottom of the matter, took the girl a soft rag and went to the mirror with firm steps to clean him, but actually to examine him more precisely.

With slow and thorough movements, she wiped the rag over the mirror surface when the picture suddenly blurred again and the naked slave was visible again in front of her, this time more close as ever before.

Just like the girl, she had levied her hand slightly, but where the girl held the cleaning rag, the slave seemed to wave the girl in a friendly manner.

The girl stayed in astonishment in the movement, for the first time she saw the slave so close in front of her and she took the opportunity to take a closer look at her. With astonishment and fright, she noticed the similarities in the facial features and also in the body, both were very slim, Almost lean, with small solid breasts that were crowned by dark brown breast tips. Legs And shoulders of the slave were tanned, and the shame was carefully removed from her, which emphasized the complete nudity of the slave only the more.

Surprised by the similarity, the girl stumbled back a step and the slave also carried out a dancing step backwards, then the picture faded and disappeared.

The fourth day

The girl stood in front of the mirror, immediately in front of her she saw the picture of the bare slave.

Intensively and now without shyness she looked at the slim, almost lean body of her counterpart, while the slave of the girl’s patterns proudly raised, cheeky hip and literally gained a proud look at himself.

Despite her humiliating complete nudity and the chains, the slave looked happy and satisfied, she obviously had no control over her life, but also had to be responsible for it. So the slave was actually the real free one.

With slight amusement and a certain understanding, the girl noticed that the small dark breast tips of the slave stiffened clearly and felt the same reaction in herself.

As if she could read the girl’s thoughts, the slave’s lips moved into a slight smile, simultaneously simultaneously nodding each other as if they had made a decision in sisterly bond.

The girl decided to take a few steps back to the opposite wall of the room and took a deep breath. Then she ran towards the mirror and jumped.


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