The long but horny train ride! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

From Frankfurt to Flensburg, a train journey can be quite long, so at some point I stand in between to the bistro and drank more or less comfortably a beer, while I just pondered it to myself. “You drive to where?“Was the question that tore me out of my thoughts.

A super pretty woman faced me and was very obviously looking for a conversation with me. “Hamburg.“I answered while my gaze wandered up and down.

Long reddish hair, a suitable pale complexion, a tight top that broke out her tight tits very well, a short skirt that emphasized her horny ass and really nice sling pumps captivated my eyes. Her laugh was stunning, her green eyes beamed at me and if she weren’t 30 centimeters smaller than me, I would have said that that my dream woman is.

“Me too. Has to spend the week there for work and don’t feel like a strange city with bad weather.“Your words sounded in my ears with this great voice. “What they would like?“I replied and grinned at her.


“Yes, of course honest, otherwise I could have saved the question.“She flashed me with her green eyes and said“ I would like to go to the toilet with you and fuck the rest of the journey!”

“Oh, when I saw you, I thought something similar. You don’t think that is noticeable?“I answered my little dream woman. “And if so, someone knows you here?”
“No, you’re right there. We want?”

“If I didn’t want, I wouldn’t have mentioned it.

But be careful, I don’t like the floral number and I like to be very dominant. Is this a problem for you?“She beamed at me cheekily. “No, no problem at all, as long as you don’t want to whip me.”

She took my hand and pulled me towards the disabled toilet, probably because it is larger than the normal. As soon as the door was locked, she lifted her skirt and showed me that she was not wearing a slip and was completely shaved.

“Come on you horny sow, knee you and lick my wet cunt!“Her tone had changed quite a bit but her voice was still as adorable as at the beginning. I couldn’t help but follow her instructions and went to my knees to spoil her immediately with my tongue. She was really extremely wet and the smell and the taste of her juice made me horny. After a short time she said “I have to piss And want you to kneel in front of me when I sit on the edge of the toilet and let you piss into your mouth!”

“Well, I like to do that, where do you know that I am on piss?“Batsch, I got a powerful slap in the face that I would never have believed to this tender woman.

“Who said the little shit that you should talk and, above all, that you can duke me? Can you go with yours right away mistress Sorry, you wanker.“She snorted at me and although in this kind of verbal gimmick I actually don’t obey and did as ordered.

“Well, so. But from now on you keep your face and do what I want!“I nods quietly and now knelt in front of the toilet to get her piss in my mouth. “Come on, lick the cunt and nicely open the face so that I can piss into your throat!“She stood me up and hardly that I had my mouth on her lips, he filled with her warm juice, which I started to swallow. “Braver Bub.“She said when I picked up everything and licked her clean.

“Now I’m standing up and you will lick my ass from behind and fuck it with your tongue. Is your order clear to you?”

“Yes Mistress, I understood her wish.“I replied while she was already starting to protect herself on the sink and stretching her dreamlike butt. Seconds later my tongue played on her rosette and always penetrated it easily into her. “You shouldn’t play, but fuck me with your stupid tongue, and by that I mean I really fuck deeply, of course?“Of course I started directly to press my tongue deeply into her ass, but quickly realized that she came to a resistance there.

“Are you a little afraid of my shit? Go, play with your tongue around the end of my sausage!“Plum she plum. Although I have never done the KV number before, I did the Kackwurst in her ass how ordered and played around in her ass. After a short time she told me that she had imagined it and I should be even deeper into her ass.

I tried hard, but breathing was a bit difficult because I was now printing my nose in her furrow. A few contractions of her rosette led me to assume that she had one orgasm, But the following relaxation made it clear to me what she was really up to.

Your muscles pressed my tongue and the sausage towards her rosette. “Damns you little wanker, let your tongue deeper and taste my shit!”She almost shouted at me and was apparently quite angry about my” retreat “. “I’m not on shit, mistress. You are welcome to do with everything, but not that.“She straightened up, pulled her skirt and turned to me.

“Place you wanker, either you do what I want, or you don’t get a fuck in my tight cunt today. We can now do the hottest things or you bitch and then you can one jerk off.”She said angry to me. Well, what to do? Do not pull through the number or do something I’ve rejected so far? “Mistress, I own you, please shit into my mouth.“I heard myself say and didn’t really know if I really wanted it. “Lay on your back and stretch out your tongue so that I can push it back into my ass!“She instructed me and I followed.

I was quickly so deep in her again that I felt her shit in the intestine and she groaned horny.

Again your relaxation feels, I also noticed that the sausage continued to move towards the exit. “Nice your tongue in and feel how my shit moves on.“I heard, while I could notice that the sausage was pressing over my tongue and after a few seconds I could also feel the inner end with my tongue. Well, I thought, at least it is not too much and looked at the following more relaxed. “Well you little horny sow, you can get it out with your tongue? I want you to take what you deserve!“How humiliating, I shouldn’t only eat your shit, I should also get her out of her ass myself.

Ok, at least try it I said to myself and pitched the chacket out of her with my tongue. She apparently felt very well what I was doing and cheered me on in my actions. The piece of shit was now in my mouth and she immediately turned to me. “Open the face, I want to see how my shit is in your mouth!”She said and I opened my filled mouth.

“Oh, that’s horny … now chew it and sip down!” The first time In my life I chewed on the shit and forced her down through my neck. In retrospect, I have to say that the idea is worse than the taste and really do it.

“Braver, small wanker, for that you deserve a reward.“She said ambiguously before asking me to pull my pants down. So now I stood in front of her with my pants and she grabbed mine tail. “Well, he’s already small, but maybe it tastes at least.“She humiliated me while she knelt in front of me and took him in this insane mouth.

“What is you wanker, can you inject in my mouth really quickly or do I have to show you what else you still have to learn?“She grinned at me while I came spontaneously. At that moment she grabbed my cock again and got all mine sperm in her mouth. “Aha, you probably noticed that it is better to get rid of a little lubricant for what I am going to do with you now! Come on, turn around and support yourself on the sink!“Said her with a half full mouth. I was swearing bad ..

The lukewarm sperm ran through my ass furrow and her hand began to rub it off and moisturize itself.

Shortly afterwards I had two or maybe even three of her fingers in me. “Well then we want to see what my little wanker does in his ass.“She laughed and opened me that I now had four fingers in my butt. It pounded vigorously on the door. “Hui, how do we get this troublemaker?“She asked purely rhetorically and already pressed the door opener with her free hand.

“Do you want to fuck or do you leave us in peace?“She asked the man in front of the open house, who quickly disappeared with a red head. While she was pressing the closer, I cried out loudly, because with vehema pressure she pressed her whole hand to the joint into my ass. Phew, the door was finally closed and my little dream woman fucked me in her hand with her hand.

“You are a very horny sow. I haven’t pushed my fist into my ass so easily.

I think there is more … kneel in front of the toilet and put on your ass nicely!“She ordered me while she pulled her fist out of me jerkily. As soon as I knelt as the hill, she was sitting on the closed bowl and nesting on her bag. It got cold on my rosette and I felt lubricant running through my furrow. My look back to the back scared me, she just pulled out the pump and began to rub her right foot with lubricant.

“Hey, you don’t want to put your foot in my butt or?“With the left heel, I got a kick on the buttocks and she was going to do not do it and also keep the face.

I revealed myself and expected their upcoming actions. “So you sow, you already have my five toes in it, let’s see how deep you can tolerate the rest of the foot …” she mocked while the pressure increased on my ass. I thought it was tearing me up, but after a short time I got used to the filling. She was actually in the process of fucking me with her foot and moving him back and forth more and more.

“Well, now stop the air, right away it hurts again. I’ll put my whole foot in now and then fuck you firmly.“Bah, she really wants to fuck me with her lower leg, I thought and tried to relax completely. “So that’s good you’s asshole, make yourself relaxed and feel how I am deep in you.”

I remained the air away when she brutally pressed her heel through my rosi, but the relaxation after overcoming this resistance compensated for the pain. Without seeing it, I was able to vividly imagine how it should be in her view to see the foot to the bondage in my ass.

The idea made me insanely horny. “So small shit, now it is being fucked!“She threatened me and actually began to drive her leg into me through fucking movements deeper and deeper into me. The striking noise of the door opener got me out of my dream world and I saw that she had actually opened the automatic door and amused it delicious. Damn, I knelt here with one foot in my ass and every past could see it.

“Well, horny to kneel here and everyone could see you. You are a real sow and yet have a murderer fun on my foot, or?”

“Yes Mistress, your foot in my asshole is awesome, but please close the door, it ashamed to me when it is open.”
“Hold your stupid face!“She cried me and pressed her foot even deeper and very painfully into me as a warning. Finally she pushed the lock button again and laughed heartily. “Oh how golden you look when you are afraid and ashamed …”

In these words she pulled her foot out of my ass and only had her toes in me.

Pulling out over the heel robbed me of the air and I thought it tears my ass tearing. When I was finally able to breathe normally again, she immediately put it in and the same pain twitched my body again. She put in me again very deeply and then pull her foot out again. So it went for a while until I got used to the stretch pain and even pulled her foot completely out of me and then pushed it back to the bondage, so fucked me so much like this.

“Well, that was fun, or what do you mean little sow? Now even lick my smeared foot clean and play on it with your tongue.”She said while holding him in front of me. Of course I followed her request and licked on her sweet foot, whose nails were perfectly pedicated and painted. When he thought he was clean enough, she said that I could fuck her now. As soon as she was already in the sink, she was already on the sink and held her cunt.

As soon as I had sunk my cock into it, I also noticed that it would probably not take long, because it was really wonderfully tightly built.

Fortunately, she really interpreted my violent breathing and at the same time brought her hand to the climax. “That was cool, but now you still have to lick your sperm out of my cunt, otherwise I’ll be totally sucking my skirt. So put yourself on your back again and leak your mistress!“She gasped me, while of course I immediately met her wish. She also crouched directly on my face and my own juice ran out of her into my mouth, my tongue played in her when a few splashes of piss came out of her, which of course I also took up.

“So it’s good small sow, swallow your sperm and my piss, I want to be licked empty!“Two minutes later she got up spontaneously, straightened her skirt and opened the door to disappear without a word. I jumped up hectically and quickly pressed the locker, the door only seemed to close in a slow motion, but now I could at least put on my things in peace.

Back in the bistro I first ordered a fresh beer and saw her sitting there drinking there. “Oh, I can imagine nicer than sitting around here.“I heard her say to her neighbor with the seat ..

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