Perverses business meeting | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I look at the clock and find that I am late. I pass a mirror and fleetly check my appearance. Black suit, white shirt, matching tie and black shoes. Everything fits. I see the front door to the building in which the Meet to be held. Quickly through the front door, greet, orientate, orientate, find the elevators. Third floor had been blamed. The meeting is on the third floor in the conference room C.

I go to the rapid step to just open the door and get in just in time before the doors finally close. Now take a breather. I briefly get an overview of the other people in the elevator. Three men in the suit and 2 women. One woman wears a business dress and looks very affected. The other woman is relatively young and well dressed. She looks very nice and smiles shyly when she notices my gaze.

I take a look at the elevator buttons and find the floor 3 has already been selected. Very nice. I make it comfortable and look at the young woman a little longer. She has nice long Legs and full lips. For me it is a little bit between the legs in the idea of what these beautiful full lips could do. Nonsense, I think. What thoughts just before a customer appointment. I should rather deal with the details of the meeting instead of hunting daydreaming here.

The elevator arrives at stock 3 and everyone gets out. The pretty young woman turns to the right very early and so she evaporates from my thoughts. I enter the conference hall and irritate blinks. This is the strangest conference room I have ever seen. Instead of a table in the middle, there is a very long and unusually wide table at the end of the room. It was placed directly on the wall with one narrow side of the table.

In addition, at the most distant place to the door of the room. Very strange. I go to the other meeting participants and we make ourselves known to each other. I have to find that some participants are as confused as we do. Ah, they take part in one of these meetings for the first time. Well then let yourself be surprised, you hear from the more experienced participants. There is nothing more to be learned. Whatever that means, I think, twitch with my shoulders and look for a place opposite the woman who somehow seemed affected in the elevator.

Our host finally arrives and the meeting begins. After a short time it becomes clear that it will be a very exhausting meeting. Many opinions and wishes collide here. Now that’s why we were all here. Our host was known to bring parties with different wishes to an agreement. He was a mediator and a simple. How he did it. Now nobody said about it. The debates were heated. More and more people interrupted each other.

Finally our host raised his hands and said it was time for a break. We should all relax a little and he would have prepared something. Some employees came in on his flashes of fingers and provided a glass of hot water in front of each of us. No water it wasn’t. It was slightly sweet and somehow a pleasant warmth spread while drinking through the body. I couldn’t classify it. It wasn’t alcohol.

But I relaxed immediately and felt all the concerns of me fall off. Suddenly I felt like two hands along my legs under the table. In my relaxed state I didn’t even shrink and I didn’t fight against it either. I let it happen that pants and underpants were pulled out here in the meeting room without me being able to see who it was. The chair magically jerked even deeper under the table and my legs were pushed apart.

The tablecloth moved forward onto my stomach and suddenly I felt the two beautiful lips moved over my best piece and started one Blow. The room had been darkened and I saw the other faces only as a scheme. The only person I could see quite well was the affected woman opposite me. However, she no longer looked very affected at the moment. Her position revealed that she pulled her legs very far apart and visibly enjoyed what happened to be between her legs.

I closed my eyes and focused on what happened to me. I felt yours Tongue. She sucked and rubbed him vigorously. From time to time she stopped and just stroked along him. Back and forth. Then she jerked him again vigorously and then skillfully and quickly lead him into the mouth and to fuck vigorously orally. When she felt that I was just before orgasm Stand she took him as deep into her mouth as she could.

That was too much of a good thing. I splashed myself deeply in her throat and heard someone roaring. I only realized later that I was myself. I came for almost thirty seconds. She kept him for a while and kept stroking mine Egg. Then I felt how she pulled my pants up, closed the belt and disappeared. A gasp let me look at the woman again towards me.

She hadn’t come yet, but she was about to. She had closed her eyes and had a strained expression on her face. She breathed very deep and pressed the tablecloth tightly. Or better the head that was under the tablecloth. Suddenly she went through a tremor and she came with a pointed scream. She winced and you heard a rumbling when she tried to ram her legs in her lust.

She trembled and screamed and wave around wave went through her. Her neatly combed hair was now only messed up. She left her eyes closed for a moment and then she slowly came back to herself. It was calm in the room and the minutes passed. I fell into a twilight -like condition. I don’t know exactly how much time passed, but suddenly there was a loud bang and the light started again. It was glaringly light and I came back to me.

I was clearly in my head again and looked around ashamed. I received similarly shameful looks. Some no longer wanted to look at anyone. Even those who thought they had already had meetings of this kind looked no less ashamed. Our host called back to the agenda and the discussions that followed were essentially characterized by quiet tones. Suddenly you got on. Was ready for concessions. It was a really constructive meeting. I had stayed for relatively long after the meeting and so I was one of the last to go to the elevator.

When I climbed into the elevator, someone quickly punched with me. It was the young woman I noticed on the way there. She just looked at me with a smile and then stared at her mobile. When we got down and the door was already going on, she whispered to me, by the way you tasted very tasty. I turn myself surprised and blurred, but she was already slipped through the door gap.

I could only stare afterwards. Then I laughed. What a crazy day.

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