Sexual fantasies of a married woman | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I got this story from a friend and would like to share it with you, have fun reading.


Silke 🙂

My name is Marion. I am 38 years old, 174 cm tall and weigh 52 kg. I have shoulder -length dark brown hair and brown eyes. I value a well -groomed appearance and am completely shaved in the genital area.

I have small breasts of the cup size A.

I’ve been married for 15 years.

I like to dress feminine and wear blouses, skirts and clothes as often as possible. Here is satin my preferred fabric, I particularly like to wear satin blouses with knee or calflanges far swinging skirts.

I do not use underwear, neither a bra nor a slip. I love it very much when the wonderful satin fabric rubs over my bare nipples. That excites me and ensures that they become nice and hard.

Accordingly, I am always at least a little damp in the crotch, so that a slip would hardly have a value. When I wear a satin blouse, I either open it until my breasts open or I wear a tightly bound neckerchief.

I already had my preference for satin before I met my husband, but she wasn’t as extremely pronounced at the time as it is today.

My husband doesn’t share my preference. For him it doesn’t matter what I wear, he prefers sexual intercourse with a naked Marion. I didn’t mind that for many years, but I think at some point the moment comes in every relationship when you are no longer quite as satisfied.

Everyone knows that men like it when women dress nicely, everyone knows.

However, the eyes of the men, when I wore a satin blouse with rock, were always more intense. Of course I was pleased that I was considered attractive, but never excited me myself.

When I wear my favorite things out of satin, then I feel very feminine and accordingly good. The fact that it likes men when I am so dressed is pleased with me. However, I have always wished that my husband also likes this type of clothing that excited him to see his Marion so and that he feels the desire to fuck her.

But unfortunately this never happened like this ..

The desire for such an experience, however.

Since I was not allowed to experience it in my marriage, I experienced such a situation more and more in my dreams and I wondered if I was still normal. The Internet Should help me here and I was looking for like -minded people. I also found her: people who loved satin, people who liked to dress in Satin and people who liked to see other people in Satin were excited and got sexual fantasies. Here I was able to hear and see for the first time that and how much women who were dressed in Satin, as well as men who saw women in Satin, liked to have sexual intercourse in these things.

Sure, I liked it very much to wear satin clothes and I liked it when I could see that other men liked it, but also wearing these things during sex was new or me. One thing that I hadn’t thought about yet.

But now I thought about it and I liked the thought very quickly very well.

So I tried to create a situation in which my husband was supposed to fuck me so much, but it was a single disillusionment. He was truly no interest in fucking me completely dressed and dismissed my wish as stupidity.

That made me very sad at first, but since I am pretty submissive, of course I couldn’t stand up to him and urge him to fulfill my wishes. Nevertheless, this idea no longer got out of my head and I then fled more and more into my dreams and also on the Internet.

Somehow it seems almost inevitably to me today that I also came on pages that deal with the topic of bondage, the bondage of women and then have sex with them.

The sight of women’s helplessness in the photos initially shocked me, but also excited me very much.

The thought and the idea of being helplessly exposed to a man that I could not determine what he was doing with me and not being able to prevent it, but to have to accept that and how he was sure to be safeThat he satisfied himself on my body, as he just liked, used me like a slave, made me totally excited and brought me a lot of self -made orgasms.

It quickly became clear to me that I wanted to be tied up and used so much.

But it was just as clear to me that I would never get this from my husband.

But Cheat was out of the question for me, because I still loved my husband. I also did not want my sexual wishes and fantasies to do something with feelings or love or the like, I just wanted to know my body tied up and used so that a man satisfied himself and thus also gave me satisfaction.

I fell into a deep depressive phase because I knew that my fantasies would never get real. For a while I forced myself neither to dream nor surf the Internet.

But soon I couldn’t stand it anymore and I fell back into my old trott.

Again inevitably I also discovered people on the net who liked the connection between sex, bondage and satin. And when I saw these pictures, I knew immediately that I also wanted to experience this kind of sex that it was exactly what I dreamed of: being used sexually and wearing the most beautiful satin matters ..

I was ready to be used like this, but it was clear to me that I would probably never experience it.

So I prepared myself to experience something like this in my dreams …

But things turned out differently…


I still liked to get to feminine with satin matters.

Good opportunities for this always offered the family celebrations for births or the like.

At one of these festivals I met the husband of my cousin Susanne. I hadn’t seen her for a long time because she lived in southern Germany for a while. There she had also met her husband Michael and loved ones. My relationship with Susanne had never been particularly tight, accordingly we were not invited to the wedding.

When opportunities for the two came here, they withdrew in Susanne’s place of birth.

At the next family celebration I met her again and Michael for the first time.

And what should I say? It sparked right away ..

I was wearing a satin blouse, a calf -length skirt, the blouse had to be knotted between my breasts and no underwear.

From the first second when Michael saw me, he stared at me whenever it went.

His eyes literally stuck to my little breasts, the hard warts of which were clearly recognizable below the wonderful satin fabric.

In the course of the celebration, I noticed that he was always looking for my closeness and tried to face me in such a way that he could see me particularly deeply in the neckline, especially if I, for example, when I spread out the cake orhad to bend forward during coffee. I am sure he managed to see my breasts almost completely that day.

We also got into conversation and Michael was very personable, funny and gallant.

In addition, with his 1.90 meter height, his blonde, short hair, his steel -blue eyes and his muscular and well -trained body.

After the celebration ended and I was back home, I found that I was very satisfied with the course of the day and that I liked to see that my way of dressing me and my body obviously liked him.

It didn’t take long and the next family celebration was up (I have a big family and around a dozen celebrations come about every year).

Again I wore Satin, this time a pretty summer dress in a shirt blouse shape, again I met Michael and again he could hardly leave his eyes from me.

In the end, however, he had had enough opportunities again to grasp me and my body with a look and again I found that I liked that.

At the next celebration I was looking forward to seeing Michael, but this was not there for professional reasons. I found that I was very disappointed about it.

But weeks later I happened to see him in the city and we drank a coffee together. We talked about a lot of irrelevant stuff and exchanged our cell phone numbers.

There were also some conversations until Michael gave me his email address because he said that talking about cell phone was stupid and also cost too much money.

So we started to exchange emails.

At first they were also very harmless, but then Michael told me that he found the way I dressed very nice – and very exciting -.

At first I was a bit shocked about this honesty, but I only answered him after I thought about it – luckily.

Because I liked that I liked him and how he looked at me.

So why should I deny or deny this and just lie to myself?

So I decided to tell him the truth.

His answer took longer, but what I read enjoyed me all the more.

Obviously Michael had taken courage and he told me that he had had a preference for Satin for as long as he could think. Not in itself, but on the body of a woman.

But since there were very few women who wore satin, he always had to keep this fetish hidden and had no longer believed that that would change.

But when he had seen me, in my satin blouse and skirt and realized that I was not wearing a bra and how my breasts were so clear with their hard warts under the blouse, he already thought he had ended up in heaven. Accordingly, he could no longer let his gaze from me and was always looking forward to seeing me again, delighted that Satin was not uncommon to me.

He told me that I was a very pretty and attractive woman and in my satin clothing really breathtaking feminine and exciting that my husband could be lucky to have me and that he hoped that Susanne would also dress like this too.

Of course I took up all of this, like a sponge, because for the first time a man praised my appearance in satin as I always wanted it.

This resulted in a wonderful conflict between Michael and me that we maintained regular email contact.

We then used the irregular encounters at the family celebrations to excite the other.

Gradually our emails became even more personal.

Whether I would wear my things during sex too?

Michael found it very exciting to fuck a woman like this, but Susanne was not wearing a satin.

Whether I liked bondage games?

Michael liked it when the woman was defenseless, but Susanne was of little interest in it.

I always liked our email ratio better, but I made it clear early on that I still loved my husband and wanted to stay with him.

Michael also confirmed to me that he loved Susanne and did not want to separate.

But he found it scary exciting to imagine, a woman who was dressed as he had always dreamed of captivating it in order to then use her as he thought it was right and not to stop until hehad satisfied herself both vaginal, as well as anal and orally.

I didn’t give him an answer to this email because I was ashamed to have to agree to him in all points.

The thought of being helplessly at the mercy and feeling him both in my vagina and anal. Blowing it extensively was a very pleasant idea that brought me a wonderful handmade orgasm.

According to this, however, there was a certain radio silence between us, because we both were aware of what would result in a further development of our thoughts ..


Chance, fate or whatever wanted it to be that a family celebration was again.

The thought of seeing Michael again pleased me and I decided despite all inner warnings to dress again as I liked it and how he liked it.

I wanted him to staring at me again so that I knew that he found me attractive and exciting so that I could pull satisfaction from it to have fabric for my erotic dreams again.

The blouse that I was wearing emphasized my bare, little breasts and my hard warts, which were really clearly recognizable.

The neckerchief that I was wearing is my favorite.

There are two fingers wide around my neck so that I felt it with every movement of my head. In addition, the feeling of the tight cloth on the neck was just as if someone was tightly putting my hands on and pressing it easily, which was also exciting.

So I appeared at the celebration and so Michael saw me too. However, I found that he too had thought, because he appeared in a fine dark brown suit, white shirt and a very nice tie. With that his sight excited me immediately, because I liked it when men wore suits and he really looked absolutely great in it.

After the first small talk, in which I could feel his excited look on me from a distance, but I also had to look at him again and again, there was coffee and cake.

We sat at a diagonal and nobody noticed that we were constantly looking at without changing a word.

After the coffee table was cleared, the birthday child – my grandma – asked me to get alcoholic drinks out of the basement.

I nodded and before I could say something, Michael offered to help me.

So we went into the basement together.

Michael had never been there, I already knew.

There was a large refrigerator in the back room, next to it a large shelf with wine and other bottles.

While I filled a basket with cold drinks out of the fridge, Michael looked at the wine shelf, but obviously could not decide which bottles to take.

When I filled the basket and closed the refrigerator again, I waited for a moment to make his decision.

But he didn’t.

So I pushed myself into the narrow gap between him and the shelf, where I turned his back on and looked at myself.

I felt his whole body in my back and also the erection in his pants.

I liked that and I enjoyed knowing that he too could feel my body.

Finally I found some bottles of wine that I wanted to take with me. I lifted my arms and wanted to get them from a compartment at eye level.

But suddenly I paused because I clearly felt Michael’s hands in my back. I remained with the arms raised and closed my eyes, enjoyed it to feel his hands slowly moved from the middle of my back to the outside of my upper body and finally over my stomach to my breasts, where Michael started immediatelyto knead, but also my nipples edited with thumb and goose finger.

I groaned softly and enjoyed the feeling that I was offered.

Michael obviously didn’t want to stop and so I lowered my arms again, shoving her on my back and getting his erect penis in his pants.

Michael groaned.

He left his left hand on my left chest, his right hand wandered down to my right leg, where she grabbed my skirt and slowly pushed him up. While I started to open the zipper from Michael’s pants and fingered his tight spanking out of the slip, I slightly spread my legs.

Michael’s hand pushed himself under the skirt and just a moment later I felt her between my thighs on my damp, shaved vagina.

I had to moan quietly again and Michael also had to tail put and began to edit him.

My pussy was so wet that Michael had no trouble pushing three of his fingers deep into the tight grotto. He really made it skillful and I felt a wonderful warmth in my abdomen.

Michael also seemed to please what I did with his penis, in which I became more and more aware of how long, fat and hard he was every second.

For one last moment I knew that we should stop, but then all reservations collapsed together.

Michael pulled his fingers out of my pussy and turned my body to the shelf in a slightly parallel.

Then he also let off my chest.

With his left hand, he took the blouse on the wrists of my two arms and thus ensured that I had to keep it on my back.

With his right hand he pulled my skirt up on my butt and pushed it into my belt so that he stayed there.

So he had uncovered my ass and I spread my legs.

Although he then used his left hand to gently but definitely pushed my upper body forward, I kept my hands on my back, just as if they were tied up there to stay helpless.

With his right hand, Michael briefly checked the moisture of my vagina from behind, then he took his cock and led him a short distance into her.

When I could already feel the dimensions that would push into me right away, I had to squeeze my lips together and close my eyes so as not to reconcile loudly.

But I wasn’t allowed to do that, because nobody was allowed to hear us. Everything had to be completely silent, also so that we could hear early when someone came.

When Michael was sure that his penis was in the right position on my vagina, he put both hands on my upper arms and included them very firmly.

He almost fixed her on my back and did defenseless me indeed so defenselessly. In this position I was really helplessly delivered to him and had to let me happen what Michael wanted to do with me.

Michael pushed his penis with a gentle but clear pressure until it stops in my pussy.

I had the feeling that his way into my tight cunt didn’t want to stop. He really tensioned her, but in a wonderful way. I felt it everywhere and thought it was great.

Then he almost completely pulled out his spank. I groaned softly pressed.

What a wonderful feeling to feel the huge bull of this man in me, while I stood in front of him with “hands tied on my back” and in my wonderful satin dresses and was used hard and uninhibited by him to satisfy his physical lust.

And that this was so I felt very quickly, because his rhythm became faster and much harder and more relentless.

Yes, I clearly felt that Michael only saw me as a body where he satisfied himself here and now in the way he liked and he didn’t like whether I liked it or not.

His bumps were infinitely deep and hard and rough.

My whole body trembled and my little breasts rocked back and forth again and again and the nipples rubbed the blouse. The grip around my upper arms was very hard, Michael kept tearing her, making it so that my upper body was curved backwards so that the pressure of the cloth was increased on my neck and gave me the feeling that someone whoHis hands had put around my neck, which would impress me even more.

I don’t know how long we spent in this rhythm, but suddenly a massive orgasm, which I could neither stop nor wanted.

But Michael wasn’t that time.

I already felt a second orgasm in me, when he finally came and while I exploded again internally, he chased a proper load of hot sperm into my vagina.

All of this went almost silently and was very exciting for this reason too.

Michael pushed his penis a few more times until he had completely unloaded, then he pulled him out.

Immediately he got a pack of handkerchiefs out of his jacket pocket, took one and handed me the rest.

While he cleaned his penis, I cleaned my vagina extensively.

We kept looking at each other, were clearly aware of what we had just done, but none of us felt guilty or pubic feelings. We looked at each other with a serious face until we had prepared ourselves as if nothing had happened.

Then we shared the bottles and carried them up to the ground floor.

When we were back in the living room with everyone, I suddenly found that we hadn’t thought about what we would say if someone was asking us where we were, but to my surprise, but alsoI found relief that nobody was interested in where we were because nobody had noticed our absence either.

Michael had been able to fuck and use me in my pretty things in the basement of my grandmother’s house with my grandmother, without any note that would have taken notice.

I felt good…

After the celebration I drove home with my husband. Actually, I just wanted to take a shower and to bed, but my husband had other things in mind.

He had drunk some alcohol that had obviously starled his lust.

So he came into the bedroom after showering, threw me on the bed and penetrated me. I didn’t want that, but I would never have been able to oppose my husband. If he wanted to fuck me, I had to allow that too, after all I was his wife. But to save me pain, I thought of Michael and our secret and so I quickly became damp and let my husband fuck me until he finally unloaded in me.

After that I couldn’t fall asleep for a while.

Only the thought of Michael and my horny use in my grandma’s basement drove my dark thoughts until the tiredness overwhelmed me.

The next few days were very bad for me because I heard and read nothing of Michael.

Initially, I only looked into my cell phone and the mailbox of my PC, but there was no message from him. With every new hour I became more and more nervous, but also sadder and finally even acidic and angry with him.

Why did he not report? We had to talk about it. All of this could and was not allowed to end! Please!

I was close to despair, but then I realized that it might only be the same as me. That he was waiting for a message from me too because he did not dare to write me one, as I didn’t dare to contact him.

So I took courage and wrote him an email.

I told him that I would be fine, but that I thought of him very often and our experience together. That I liked it very much, I regularly wet when I thought I thought it was a shame that it was never allowed to happen again, I hoped that he had liked it too and so on …

When I sent the email, my heart pounded and my pussy was very damp, so I had to satisfy myself first. After a wonderful orgasm but suddenly I was no longer sure whether I had done the right thing with my email. Maybe I should have wait until he contacted me or, if that had never happened, to just be based on it.

After all, there was neither for him nor for me, even any obligation.

He had been horny for me, I’m horny for him. I let him fuck him, he had used me. From, end, basta!

More was nothing, more was never planned, more would never be ….Even if it was the most intense and exciting experience that I had ever had.

Of course, this realization made me sad, but I said to myself: better once than never.

There are so many people in this world who never experienced such an experience as I had it, so I should enjoy the memories of it and not be sad about it, even if my inner is always opened “again, again, again, again!“And in my imagination there were completely different wishes.

I was pretty sure that Michael had received my email and that he would answer me soon after – no matter whatever -.

But that was not exactly what happened.

Two days, three days, passed all weekend – without a message from him.

I was very sad, pretty desperate and also very angry.

Well, if he didn’t like it, it was just that. In any case, it had been fun for me.

If it had been a mistake for him that he didn’t want to talk about, please nice, from me. Nobody would ever find out about me. Of course I was aware that this was a unique thing, after all I was no longer a stupid thing. I was absolutely aware that both he and I were married.

But I had hoped that at least one would be able to talk about it again. But that was probably too much required. But if he wanted it that way, then I would accept it and that we obviously everyone Contact had to break off. It was a shame, but nothing I would not get over ..

Heaven, I really let my whole frustration out – and was shocked over all dimensions when I had to find out with trembling hands that I not only said all of this in my head, but written down to Michael in another email and …….Oh big god, also sent!

I was close to the tears and only knew too precisely that I had broken everything down to the smallest at the latest …

Again no message came back from Michael and I was totally hopeless.

Clear that he would not write me back on this sum of the sinus.

Of course, he didn’t want to talk to me anymore. Of course, he didn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore. Everything sun clear!

I fell into my fate, offered my husband to my husband several times out of sheer frustration, who also loved to fuck me very satisfactorily for him.

Although I no longer really expected Michael, I was always afraid to check my email inbox.

And when I actually found a message with his sender there, my heart almost stopped ….And I decided to just ignore her.

Because of course there would be nothing positive in it, but only allegations, annoyance, rejection and God knows what ..? I had already cursed more than enough myself, so I didn’t need Michael now.

Of course, at some point I couldn’t stand it and then opened the news in the early evening when I was alone at home because my husband went to bowling with his friends.

As you say so beautifully: hope dies at the end and I found that there was actually still hope somewhere in me ..

And if it should happen, as expected, then I had enough time here and now and the opportunity to cry my lungs out of my throat.

Well, so far it didn’t come ….quite the opposite….

First, Michael apologized to me that he did not contact me on his own and that he had not answered my first email. He explained that he had been on a business trip in Bavaria for more than a week (I believed that, because that had been the case several times).

There he had a lot of work, had to eat with many business partners in the evening and was usually just broken and wanted to go to bed. Of course he had read my email immediately after I wrote it. And of course he had thought a lot and for a long time about what had happened. However, since he quickly became aware that all the far more impression had left him when he wanted to allow himself – he therefore did not want to answer it rushed.

But now he is clear about his feelings:

He still loved his wife Susanne and didn’t want to leave her because of me, because he was sure that Susanne wouldn’t cope with it.

Still, he found sex with me huge and absolutely cool. He had had the massest orgasm of his life. And if he could wish for something, then it would be a repetition or even better, a continuation of this thing.

Occasional meetings in which you get your most secret wishes fulfilled. Without any obligation.

Just horny physical sex. Hours in which he dominated me and I was able to live out my submissive vein – dressed in great satin, tied up and used. Lang, hard, uncompromising – taboo. Experience the hottest, massest, deepest and most intense orgasms.

And then to go apart and live your own life – until next time.

Trusty, respectful, secret for all times …

He asked me whether something like this would be possible between two people ..

Probably not … I answered him.

..and immediately pushed a second email: but with you already!


And so it came as it had to come:

We agreed to start a purely physical fuck ratio!

I was very satisfied and with the thought of everything that would come, I was excited and wet. That evening I even had my husband joyful, because in my head there was only the anticipation for sex with Michael.

First of all, there was a radio silence again. At the moment a date with him was also bad. Obviously he felt the same way.

After all, we were just married, so that none of us could just be the way he wanted.

And just for a quickie In a parking space meet and in the car We both didn’t want to fuck.

No, it should be reasonable and we have a few hours.

How and on what opportunity this should happen, however, we had not yet exchanged this.

When no meeting had come about four weeks after our decision, I got nervous, but of course I didn’t want to constantly annoy Michael that and how horny I was on him and his cock – and also disappointed because I became aware of that thatCommon experiences would not have happened as often as I had imagined in my first euphoria.

Then my husband announced that he had to go to Cologne for a week on business trips. My heart overturned almost with joy.

In order not to fall into the house with the door, I shared this fact in one of our regular emails as well as by the way. In my thoughts, but I saw him come to myself and use it for a long time and horny according to all the rules of art.

But he did not react to it and I was afraid that this good opportunity would pass unused.

But then came an email from him. He told me that Susanne also had to go to a further training course in Hamburg this week, so that he would also be alone.

I laughed out loud with joy.

Finally a meeting would take place.

Michael then gave me clear instructions:

What I had to wear, when I should come to him ….

I was totally excited and couldn’t wait.

Then Tuesday came, it was evening.

I showered extensively and shaved my intimate area very carefully. Then I creamed myself. When I touched my labia, a pleasant shower went through me. I closed my eyes and tried to remember the feeling when I had Michael’s powerful spanking in me.

I immediately became very moist. But I forced myself to stop.

I was like a powder barrel, would certainly not take long to get to orgasm, so great was the excitement and the anticipation, but I didn’t want to satisfy myself beforehand, but only cry when Michael was in me.

I got my hair and shaped my hairstyle. After that I put on make -up, just light, but of course seductive.

Then I dressed up: a snow -white satin blouse, opened between my little breasts, plus a black, knee -long, wide -swinging skirt and a red neckerchief, two fingers wide -bound.

Of course no underwear, but but keeper stockings and high -heeled shoes.

When I watched myself in the mirror and performed my perfume, I was very satisfied with my sight. My nipples were tough and stood out, stamped clearly through the blouse, rubbed themselves on the horny satin fabric, brought me comfortable tingling into my body.

So I would fuck myself on the spot and then for hours, I thought with myself.

Finally I waited until my husband called me at eight o’clock and we talked about ten minutes.

I wasn’t interested at all what he said. In the end we said goodbye and he wished me a lot of fun in the cinema, because I had told him days ago that I would go there today.

I put on satisfied, put on my black wool coat and left the house at half past eight.

The journey only lasted ten minutes.

Michael and Susanne lived in a large house on the edge of the forest, a few meters from the street, shielded by large hedges before looking.

I parked my car in front of the cinema and let myself be brought from a taxi to a street in front of Michael’s house. I walked the rest on foot.

Michael was already waiting for me and took me to his living room. He helped me out of my coat and then disappeared back into the hallway.

When he entered again, I could see that he was wearing a suit with a tie, so I looked the same as I liked it.

“Good?“I asked and pointed to my clothes.

He nodded with a gentle smile.

“Perfect!“Then he stepped in front of me, hugged me, stroked me and we kissed. “I prepared something to eat!”Then he said and took me to the dining room. There he had set up a few little snacks. There was also a bottle of ice -cooled sparkling wine.

We sit down and ate.

Despite my inner excitement, I actually felt hungry and created a good basis for the coming. I drank a glass of sparkling wine.

When we were both full, we went back to the living room. Michael had taken our two glasses and the champagne bottle. He handed me my glass and filled it.

Then also his. While he brought the bottle to a sideboard and turned it off there, I looked at his rather bike -printing book collection, which almost took an entire long side of the living room. “You are a read man!“I stated and drank a sip sparkling wine.

Suddenly I heard a gentle laugh right behind me. “Do you find?“He whispered in my ear as he stepped right behind me so that I could feel his body in my back.

I groaned softly.

“With all the books!”

“Tonight….!“He pushed his nose on my ear, then I felt his lips on my neck. “… but I don’t feel like reading!”

I groaned again. “So? What do you want to?“I smiled knowingly.

Michael’s hands stroked my back, hiked to the outside of my body, included my waist. “Today I will….

a beautiful woman…..!“Suddenly he lifted his right arm and I could see handcuffs in it. “…tie up….!“He let his hand sink again, took the champagne glass and put it on a small table next to us. Then he comprised my two forearms and pulled them onto his back. I groaned up again and felt the cold steel lying around my wrists.

When it clicked, I tried to pull my hands back forward, but that didn’t work anymore. I was tied up. “…and….!“Michael took my bound hands and pressed his erect penis in. I immediately started to open his pants to get his gem in my fingers.

During this time he pushed his hands forward and they hiked to my little breasts. He clamped her tightly and pressed her very hard, then he took your fingers and goose fingers and worked out my hard, excited nipples without uncompromisery. This sometimes hurt, but the pain caused even greater feelings of pleasure in me. “…… use and fuck ….“Finally I had freed his bull from my pants, included with both hands and worked on him, which Michael likely liked.

He let off my breasts. His right hand hiked to my skirt, which he immediately raised, pushed his hand between my thighs, found my gossip wet cunt and she immediately worked hard and deeply. His left hand wandered to my neck, where he put her on my neckerchief and immediately pressed it out. “… until you scream so loudly with lust …!“I felt how he pushed my air more and more while fingering my pussy more and more intensely.

I felt pain and lust at the same time and encouraged his penis to be tighter. “…that you will never forget what kind of fucking you are!”

A second, then I would have already reached my climax, but suddenly Michael let off me. I groaned loudly and breathed heavily.

As I got there, he got rid of his things. Then he stepped from the front to me and kissed me passionately.

I would have loved to hug him, but my hands were tied up. Instead, I found the feeling that he kneaded and fingered my small, very firm breasts and the pronounced nipples.

Suddenly he clamped my butt and pulled me up. Then he let himself sink to the ground so that I was sitting on him. “Los Marion …!“He looked directly into my eyes.

“…ride me!”

I didn’t let that tell me twice. I slipped over his hard penis, then I pushed myself up, Michael put his cock upright, I let myself sink, he pushed him into my wet cunt, then he took his arms away. I straightened my abdomen a little, then I pressed it down. Immediately I felt my small, tight pussy stretched far, like his very long, extremely thicker and stick -hard spanking, so that I really clearly felt every centimeter of his way into myself.

I groaned loudly and almost had the feeling that his bull would not end at all when I finally sank to him.

Having all the huge cock in me was a crazy feeling. I felt it everywhere and a heat up there that drove more and more moisture into my cunt.

Michael looked at me greedily, then I started moving my abdomen. Only slowly up and down, because back and forth, because although I was wet, I couldn’t really get started right away because his cock was so great that my pussy had to get used to these dimensions until it had opened far enough,that he could easily go into and out.

When I slowly increased my rhythm and already felt how I strived towards a first climax, he raised his hands and worked on my breasts again. He pressed his fingers tightly around my nipples and pulled them away from my body.

That hurt and burned, but it also caused a desert of pleasure waves that should bring me the orgasm even faster.

I couldn’t stop it anymore, I started moaning, then screaming, while I made sure that his cock always slipped almost completely out of my cunt, just so that he then thundered back into me again.

After all, I felt this wonderful feeling when an orgasm loosened in me, but unlike usual, I also felt that a surge of moisture with him and I ecstatic on Michael Ejaculated, a feeling that cannot be described that it cannot be describedI hadn’t had that long.

Mise movements died something, but Michael did not allow it and now pushed his bulls into me from below, even harder, even firmer, even deeper than I could. In doing so, he pressed my breasts tightly together.

As soon as the first orgasm had come loose in me, I already felt, as a second rushing, even deeper, even more intense, even more violent than the first one. Then Michael Lauter started to moan, finally screaming.

But I lost again. I trembled under the force of the second climax and already believed that I would be completely crazy because Michael didn’t want to stop fucking myself when he suddenly shouted at and banged in a massive and hot one.


Michael loosened my handcuffs, rose and went into the bathroom without a word.

While I dripped his sperm from my cunt in a handkerchief, I was able to relax, calm and breathe.

I could hear that Michael showered.

After a few minutes he came back into the living room. “It’s your turn!”He said and I set off.

I pulled out completely in the bathroom and showered briefly, but of course I didn’t wash my hair.

Then I put on again, put on a light again and put on a little perfume.

After that, I felt fresh again and was ready for – hopefully – much more sex.

When I looked in the mirror and could see my hard nipples under the satin blouse, which clearly reflected my excitement, I found again that I would definitely fuck myself a few times a few times.

Suddenly I realized that I was standing here in the bathroom in the house of my cousin, dressed only in a satin blouse, a skirt and a scarf and absolutely ready to be tied up and fucked again by her husband.

A slight smile scurried over my lips.

Susanne had always thought he was something better and therefore mostly looked down from above.

Our relationship had therefore never been particularly good. Once she had accused me that nothing would have become of me because I had no Abitur like her, but only a secondary school leaving certificate.

And now I stood here and let myself be fucked by her husband – life sometimes went strange ways.

With this thought I went back to the living room. As soon as I had entered, Michael threw my handcuffs too.

“Come on, put them on yourself!”

I was a little amazed and not sure if I would do it, but of course I did what he asked. Under his greedy eyes I first put on a clamp, then I led my arms on my back and while his spanking in front of my eyes Again hubs, I managed to captivate myself with a little skill.

“You are a horny fuck piece!“Michael said when he came to me. He kissed me extensively, picked up my breasts and neck, then he drove between my legs, where he could clearly feel my moisture.

He let go of me and grinned at me. “We will make the gait a little harder!”He said and buttoned up my blouse.

I was confused because I was afraid that he would want to take it out – which I didn’t want to – but then he brought out a chain, which I couldn’t really see.

“What is that?” I asked.

“Clamps for your nipples!“He replied, then he drove his fingers over my left wart. Although it was already hard and standing out, she became even harder due to his touches. I groaned and suddenly I felt cold steel around the wart and she was clung very firmly. That hurt at first, but at the same time it was also very exciting.

Michael let off the left wart and performed the same procedure on the right wart.

Again I felt pain, paired with excitement.

When both warts were clung, Michael took the chain, the loosely in between hung in his hands and pulled it so that my nipples were pulled far forward until they burned so much that I groaned.

Michael commented on it with a smile, let go of the chain and buttoned my blouse again to between my breasts.

Then he rubbed with his goat fingers very easily over the satin fabric and my nipples and I had to groan again, because I found that they were more sensitive than before.

Michael did without a word behind me and before I really noticed it, he put on additional, wide upper arm cuffs made of leather, which almost tied up my upper arms. That also hurt at first, but when I got used to it, I noticed that my chest was pressed a little more forward by this position of my upper arms and my nipples now only rubbed the satin fabric of my blouse, which in additionexcited.

As soon as this campaign was over, Michael put on a sleep mask, so that I couldn’t see anything anymore.

The feeling of not being able to defend me coupled with the fact that it could no longer see what happened, gave me the clear feeling of being absolutely at the mercy, which was very, very excited.

I thought I heard that the connecting door to the dining room was opened, then I was all alone for a moment before the door closed again.

A second later Michael stepped behind me again. He kissed my neck and cheek, played with my long hair, picked up my breasts, doing it as hard and intensely as if the brackets on my nipples were not at all, then he pushed his right hand between my legs andThree fingers right into my wet pussy, where he moved them very excitingly.

I groaned lustfully, was ready and pleased again when I could feel that he was raising my skirt in the back and put in my belt.

The memories of the experience in my grandma’s basement became awake and I was immediately cool for another hard use of this kind.

Michael pushed my upper body a little forward, drove his left hand back between my legs and worked on my cunt.

Come on, push it in!“I thought internally, but then I felt his right hand, which immediately dealt with my anus. At first he only gently played around what I found exciting, then his movements became clearer and he pushed one of his fingers into the hole.

That didn’t hurt at all and when I felt that his whole hand was strangely moist, I realized that he had to have rubbed her with sliding cream.

A two finger was already followed, further excitement caught me, which was different than a vaginal excitement. Then came the third finger. Gradually I clearly felt that my hole was stretched extremely.

I had little anal intercourse in my life. The first time it just hurt.

But then I had a friend who practiced this type of sex very carefully, but also skillfully, so I liked it great about it. After we separated again, this species fell asleep again. With my husband I only had anal intercourse twice in all the time and he was neither for myself and nor less for him – as he almost gave me afterwards -.

And now Michael clearly played with his fingers in my ass and continued to stretch the hole there. It was clear that he wanted to use me anal.

And the idea of feeling this monster spanking in my little ass excited me and at the same time scared me such afraid that I was trembling.

“Well, there was probably no one in your ass for a long time what Marion?“Michael said, while he continued to work deeper and wider. “It’s so wonderfully tight, my cock will have a lot of fun!“As soon as he had spoken out, he let off from me. Based on his moaning, I think that he rubbed his cock with sliding cream, because right after that I felt how he led his sticky beating in front of my asshole and entered me a few centimeters with gentle pressure.

Although I already had the feeling that he would tear everything down there, I relaxed myself and concentrated on the horny tingling that lay below the pain and is so very different than with vaginal sex.

Michael moved his penis slowly and out a few times, then he pressed it into me with every push.

In the meantime, the pain in me had decreased significantly and I enjoyed the crazy tingling and the noticeable, extreme stretch there to the fullest, so I groaned lustfully.

“You’re so horny, Marion!“Michael also called very excited. “Your little ass literally screams for my cock.

I will now ram it in you to the stop!“He pulled out his penis and then slowly back in, although this time he didn’t stop until I could feel his loins on my ass. Twenty -two centimeters of magnificent bull were now in me. Michael accompanied his way into me by audible in the air. I had a deep and extremely lusty moan, because I had the feeling that I could feel his cock down there everywhere.

The crazy tingling got stronger and when he was completely in me, I felt how I could no longer hold this tingling sensation and a hot shower shot out of my vagina that felt like I had ejaculated.

But of course Michael didn’t stop. First of all, he was in my ass, he increased the rhythm and also the hardness of its gait. Again and again he pulled his penis out just around him to push him back in lightning speed and very hard until he pushed against me and shaken my whole body.

But suddenly his bumps ended. Although I had been shouting my lust loudly and lustly for some time and had had another massive orgasm, I knew that he hadn’t had a climax yet.

His cock was still hard too.

Maybe, I thought, he wanted to treat us to a little breather before he used me again extremely hard and fucked until his well -deserved orgasm also hooded in me.

I felt his penis down there everywhere, a crazy feeling to know this giant beating in my small, narrow ass how he made his way into it, expanded everything extremely and yet gave me ecstatic relapses.

I felt his hands on my little breasts as they kneaded them and the hard, excited, clamped nipples worked.

I felt his hands as they clasped my upper arms and also withdrew hard so that his bumps came even harder, even more massive and even deeper.

All of this was as Irishly horny as I had never experienced it yet.

But suddenly I put on:

How could I feel Michael’s hands on my upper arms when they worked on my little breasts at the same time?


I was so shocked that I couldn’t move or say anything at first.

Then a shocked “Petra?“But my cousin stayed still and continued to grin.

Suddenly I felt that she still had her fingers deep in my vagina. I winced back, wanted to make sure they slipped out, but I didn’t get far, because Michael was still close behind me. In horror I tried to escape on the side, but his large, strong hands enclosed my upper arms very firmly with one time and pressed hard while he pulled me even further to him.

Even my little breasts were now clearing my satin blouse and the extreme excess of my poor act hurt. “You stay!“Michael only said and I felt a big grin on my lips.

“But….?“I was visibly desperate and restless, but I couldn’t escape.

Petra looked at me with a moment with a smile.

“What do you want anyway, Marion? Did you not like it?”

I didn’t give an answer.

“You had an orgasm!“She pulled her fingers out of my pussy and held her in front of my nose. The moisture on it was clear. “You came, Marion! Through the game of my fingers! Through the hand of your own cousin!“She smiled again while I got hot because she was right with what she said. Your game because it was extremely exciting, my orgasm deep and moist.

“You’re so horny, Marion!“She pushed her fingers, who had just put in my cunt, in her mouth and licked it lively groaning. “I’m so keen on you!“Then she called.

Suddenly her mouth winced and then she kissed me, hot and intimate. Tongue kiss. Passionate, long, exciting.

At the beginning I tried to prevent it, but she kissed too well so as not to enjoy it.

She also did no violence, just hot desire. I felt that. Petra wanted to kiss me because she was totally excited. From her, through me.

Her own cousin Marion.

And after all, I not only let it happen, I enjoyed it and actively participated.

With my eyes closed, I first imagined that a man would kiss me. Petra started working on my little breasts. But then I liked the idea of being kissed by Petra, and he excited me very much. So I opened my eyes.

Every now and then Petra shrugged to see how I liked it.

I could see her face very close.

I already knew that she was an attractive woman, but now I liked so much more. In contrast to my brown hair, she had pitch -black shoulder length, curly hair. Your green eyes sparkled. She was subtle but seductively made up.

She was wearing a red shirt blouse dress with calf -long skirt part made of viscose that was wrapped in the waist of a wide belt in the waist. Petra was slim, maybe two centimeters smaller than me, but looked bigger with high -hooked shoes. Her physique was a touch of a hint than mine.

The blouse was buttoned up between her breast and I could see that she was not wearing a bra. Her breasts of size 75 b were very firm and gently bulged, but clearly under the blouse.

You could also see their hard warts underneath, even if not as clear as mine under the satin blouse.

Petra loosened from me again and looked at me with a long moment with a smile. “Let her go!”Then she said to Michael. “And take the bonds off her!”

Michael did it and when I felt my arms back next to my body, there was silence in the room for a moment.

“Go to the bathroom ….!“Petra said then. “… and wash yourself.

Then you can go …if you want!“She waited until I looked at her. “But if you still want to be fucked and used by me and Michael, you can come back here!”

I returned her gaze for a while, then I nodded, turned and went to the bathroom.

There I pulled out completely, of course also took off the nipple clips and went to take a shower for now.

In the beginning I felt quite done and played with the idea of leaving it well for today. If Petra and Michael wanted to fuck and use me today, they would certainly still.

But the more I thought about it, the greater the lust. I just had to imagine that Petra stood in front of me and touched me, then I was already wet again.

And with the lust the strength came back.

No, I haven’t had enough for today and was ready for a last round with a hot couple.

I dried myself off and put on again. Fortunately, my things hadn’t got a sperm, because I don’t really like that.

When I put on the satin blouse and my skirt, I realized again how my nipples stiffened and my pussy became wet. The neckerchief only reinforced my excitement.

So dressed and ready for use I went back to the living room.

There I saw Petra lying on the couch. She was still wearing her dress, which was now being knocked open and her breasts could be seen.

Michael was bent over her and fucked her very hard and deep into her pussy. Both groaned, obviously they liked it very much.

I behaved calmly and wanted her to be done, but when Petra saw me, she pressed Michael from herself and said that he should stop what he did then.

“Just go on!” I said. “I didn’t want to bother you!”

“I can have Michael fucked by Michael at any time!“Petra replied, fished a leather strap from the table, came to me and stepped behind me. “But now…..!“Without hesitation, she took my right arm and led it to my back, where she put the padded leather strap around my wrist.

“….I want to have you, cousin …!“She pulled my left arm back and tied the wrist on the leather strap. “…and hear you scream fucking!“She was finished and I tied up. She quickly put on the sleep mask to me so that I was blind again. Immediately afterwards she put her left hand on my neck from behind, pressed my head next to her and kissed my cheek and neck as she worked my chest and hard nipples with her right hand.

I groaned and became excited. “God, you have horny tits, Marion!“Petra enjoyed her game, which was a little harder. “My own cousin makes me totally horny!“She let off my neck, but I let my head bent back. “Can be captivated by me …!“Her hand wandered between my thighs and her fingers played with my damp cunt.

“…and tap!”

I groaned louder, was totally horny for Petra, wanted her to use me.

“Come on….!“She dropped away from me and lay on the floor with her back. “… Set me too. I want to lick you really horny until you scream with lust and the juice runs out of the pussy!”

“Yes!“That was all I produced. Michael helped me over her and I sat down so that my face pointed to her head.

Petra took my skirt and pressed it into the belt, then I let myself sink until she could easily edit my cunt.

Even when I could feel her thin and much softer tongue than that of a man on my clitoris, I had the feeling that I would explode right away. But I mastered myself and enjoyed her insanely exciting game. Of course, Petra knew how to excite a woman’s pussy. While she kept going deep and wide into my vagina with her fingers or also stimulating me anal, her tongue burned a real firework in me.

I felt how my clitoris swelled as much as ever before and with every tongue line I took a deep, voluptuous groan or a real outcry.

“Here…!“I suddenly heard Michael say. “…suck my!“He grabbed my hair hard and put his erect penis in front of my mouth. I clearly heard the hardness, but also the lust in his voice. I willingly opened my mouth, enclosed his cock with my lips and let it slide into me.

“Do it well!“He whispered and I started massaging it with my lips and licking his glans with my tongue. “I was ready to cum before you took Petra away from me. Now…..!“I pressed my head far and let his cock drive into my mouth to the attack. With this length, every other woman would certainly have choked, but I feel, for whatever reason, not this charm.

Michael groaned deeply. “…I want to cum into you!”

While I met Michael orally with hands tied on my back, I was satisfied by my cousin Petra Oral. Both were absolutely cool and it didn’t take long for Michael to come.

He grabbed my hair on the side very firmly with his left hand, tore my blindfold off my head with my right, then also grabbed my hair with her and now pushed away while he was getting louder until he finally started to flinch and meImmediately after that, his hot sperm could feel how it shot in my mouth. I let it happen, also because I was helpless and had to let it happen, but also because I felt how a huge orgasm was formed in me.

A hot wave spread in me, I groaned louder, my upper body twitched and then I unloaded a damp climax in the mouth of my cousin.

“You are just horny ..!“Said Petra after swallowing. “My own cousin an absolutely cool fuck!”

I looked down at her and smiled.

“Yes…!“Michael also confirmed with a broad grin. “… and if nobody knew that yet, it is known now!“He turned his head and looked to the left.

The tone in his voice made me listen and I followed his gaze.

A moment later I was totally horrified.

While I had Petra licked myself, he had to open the connecting door into the dining room. Then he enjoyed a blow from me with relish.

But the adjoining room was not empty, on the contrary.

And suddenly I suddenly became aware that both my second cousin Katja and her husband Axel, as well as my aunt Marlene and my uncle Robert and four other older gentlemen, whom I did not know, had watched, as I satisfied Michael oralinjected into my mouth while I was licked by Petra to the climax.

Nobody said anything, everyone only looked at me and while I sank into the ground with shame, I was able to recognize pure lust in the faces of the two women and in the eyes of all men.

It was clear to me that this evening was far from over and I would now get to know the words “use” and “Fickstück” now ..

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