My life as a lent wife | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hello, I am Christine and I live near Trier. I am 39 years old, married and have two children. I am a European, wear shoulder -length brown hair and my eye color is also brown. My body weight fluctuates between 73 and 75 kg.

My breasts fit in a cup size 95 C and my butt is not big, not small, not fat and not flat.
Body dimensions: size 165 cm, chest 110 cm, waist 95 cm, hip 108 cm
Fetish: I love it when my husband gives me foreign men and women.

That is my story.
At the age of 24 I married my current husband Peter on Thursday in July 2004. Since the household budget was chronically weak, we decided on honeymoon in the nearby Eifel. My husband got us a holiday home on the Belgian border as accommodation for fourteen days.

On our arrival, this holiday home turned out to be a weekend house in the forest. A small footpath led to the house from the hiking car park, which was ten kilometers from the next town. This was easy to reach from there in eight minutes. Although there was also an economic path, it was only accessible with an off -road vehicle due to his overgrowth.

With our little datsun we had no chance. In my feelings it was too lonely, but that, as I should experience later, had its reason.
The log house had three rooms. After entering the house, they were directly in a 22 m² room, which served as a living room with kitchenette. Through the only window in this room, you could look at a small wooden terrace and the densely overgrown forest.

From this room you got into a ca through a room door. 12 m² bedroom. There was a French bed and a chest of drawers here. Through another door you got from the bedroom into an 8 m² room.

Here was the bathroom that was equipped with a toilet, a sink, over which a small mirror was hung and an improvised shower. There was a instantaneous water heater on the wall, which provided warm water. These two rooms also had a small window with a view of the dense forest.

After our arrival I got a bath towel out of my suitcase and tried the shower directly. It was good after this two -hour drive without air conditioning under the shower stand.

After I dried myself, I decided to put on an airy summer dress due to the heat. When I entered the bedroom, I saw that my suitcase had disappeared from the bed.
“Peter, where is my suitcase?”
Peter sat in the living room and drank a pot of coffee despite the brooding summer heat. Since he did not answer my question, I went towards living space, just as nature created me. I stood naked in the door frame and repeated my question.
Peter looked at me and now answered me: “You don’t need it at first.

In general, clothing is overrated “.
I heard a certain excitement in his voice. Since I was naked, I assumed that my sight of Peter was going to tour. He loved to start the prelude with an erotic word game. I put on a seductive look and danced in his direction, more breathed than speaking I asked: “Why not?”
Peter still looked at me without moving in any way.

Why didn’t he grab me as greedily as he always did? I assumed that his serenity was a new version of his prelude.
“That sounds promising,” I breathed with a frivolous voice. I noticed that something happened to me in the crotch.
He drank a sip of coffee from his cup and then looked at me in a way that seemed very serious. Now I was irritated. He looked at me how my parents had looked at me when I had eaten something.

Then he put his concern in a serious tone.
“You don’t have anything to say to me?”
I looked at him and twitched my shoulders.
“Yes, there is something you have to explain to me,” he replied to my shoulder.
I became unsure: “What is it?”
Peter looked at me for a long time and then asked in an elongated tone: “Trom..miller..Choir?”
What does he mean with that? Then the penny fell for me.
He had seen the flash of thought in my eyes. “I hear the penny fall. That’s good. Thomas told me a story when drunk, which surprised me very much, ”he continued.
Oh no, he had learned of my frivolous times that I experienced a few years ago as a nineteen-year-old in a pub in my home town.

I decided to continue to face. Maybe he didn’t know everything and I could still defuse the situation. I went on the offensive and asked provocatively: “What exactly do you mean?”
He just said: “Engine Christine?”
Now I became aware that if he knew that, he already knew too much. I stood naked as I was, right in front of him and asked him to become more precise in his statements.
“What exactly told you Thomas?”
I just hoped that Thomas hadn’t told everything.
Peter took a sip of coffee again in peace to create an unpleasant break for me.

Then he started. “He told me that until a few years ago you can regularly make your legs from Friday evening to Sunday from Friday evening to Sunday. You, even were acted as an insider tip. Turned that?”
Ok, stay calm now, it shot through my brain.

It was clear to me that the moment the long inevitable confession had come. I said with a relocating smile: “Peter, I was young and wanted to have fun. Not more.”
“I assume that it was fun,” Peter interrupted me.
“Yes, it has it,” I said irritated to the back.
With a reproachful voice he asked: “Did you have it so necessary?”
“Yes, I had it that n..Ö..T..I..G!“I gave back snippily. After a short time of silence, I said: “Peter, we can talk about it if you want? But consider it well whether you really want to hear this in our honeymoon?”
“We are already talking about it,” remarked Peter.

He made it very difficult for me with his provocative comments. I felt how the red climbed my face with me.
“Do you really want to know everything? Maybe I shouldn’t tell you everything? It could be a little violent for you. It was also before your time.“I hoped to get out of this situation lightly. “We should rather let certain old stories rest,” I added to.
Peter put his cup back on the table and took me on his lap.

“But I also want to get to know your wicked past,” he said lovingly now.
The thoughts turned in my head. That was already hard fabric for a freshly baked husband. He knew that I wasn’t a moral apostle, but now that would surely surpass his ideas of my previous life. I should have told him about my sex adventure before the wedding and not now under pressure.

Then in the worst case he could have dropped me as a former hobby hooker. The matter wouldn’t have noticed that. But if he dropped me now, that would be a disaster for me. It was also unfair to tell him in the honeymoon.

Was he upgraded now or he really just wanted to get it confirmed by me? The situation was completely unclear and I saw the honeymoon as ended before they had started properly.
“Well,” I started like a small child, which his shameful acts now had to confess. “Back then I was in Cologne in training as a nurse. Because of the big distance home, I could only go there every 14 days. On average, I was only at home for 6 days a month.

At the age of nineteen, this is far too little to maintain a love relationship and a long -distance relationship is not carried out at this age. So after a short time my existing relationship with a twenty year. In Cologne, I mostly only spent my free time with my female colleagues from training. The male trainees were boring and not my case at all.

The leisure took place mostly in the sister home or in the city, mostly in the form of shopping. Closing male acquaintances in Cologne was difficult for me. I came from the country and had a lot of respect for life in the city. Visits to discotheques were almost impossible due to working hours on service weekends and I was at home on the free weekends.

So I lived in a Catholic man -held sister home without sex for most of my time. Nuns lived on the first floor. You had to pass them to get into the floors of the secular sisters and sister students. Since I had a sexual relationship before my apprenticeship, I lacked this great thing, ”I continued to continue in my confession.

“That’s why I decided to satisfy my lust for this simple way. It had offered itself so easily and there was no obligation at all. Just fun. Do you understand? I was young and just wanted to be fucked every now and then.”
His eyes signaled understanding and then he asked what I had expected:
“What about the doctors, the nurses, the masseurs, I know who else? Wasn’t there that could get you?”
“Yes, there were some nice guys, but I was a sister student.

A sister student had to behave properly. Among them was the ban on erotic adventures with employees of the hospital. If that had come out, they would have kicked me out. So I couldn’t allow myself such a date.

Only flirting was possible, more was taboo. Two from our training course had to go because they had spread their legs for doctors. The nuns knew no mercy, ”I answered his question.
“Tell me about the weekends in this restaurant of the drummer choir,” Peter asked me. I looked at him and asked: “Sure?”.

He nodded. Ok, I thought as you want. I continued with my confession.
“My friend Gudrun at the time had noticed my need. She told me that she had been participating in the notorious weekends in the drummer choir for some time.

I should come with me so that my need would finally come to an end. At first I didn’t dare, but my pleasure cave screamed for a tail. The next free weekend it was time. She took me to the notorious family for the first time on a Friday evening.

With a male average age of around 40 – 45 years, I was welcome fresh meat when you are nineteen. When we entered the restaurant, I felt the guys on my breasts and my ass. I was convinced that my need would end that evening. At the counter I was invited directly to a beer by a fifty-year-old by name Willi.

In his eyes I saw the lust just sparkling. His advertising became more and more intense. He was constantly looking for physical contact with me and kept understanding me that I had a perfect body. His lust almost made him an animal.

I enjoyed the fact that I was sought so much in all trains. After an hour he said I shouldn’t act like this. After all, I came to fuck. Or? He was right.

As a woman, you only came to fuck in this restaurant. I gave in and now looked for his physical contact. I reached slightly into his crotch and felt his standing cock. A thousand butterflies began to fly in my stomach.

How long had I hadn’t touched a stiff cock anymore. I looked him in the eye and just said. Where? He smiled and took me by the hand. We went towards the door that led to a back yard of the house.

We passed Gudrun, which could be excited by two guys. We changed a look and she grinned benevolently. The only thought that I would have sex immediately let my young pleasure cave flow like a Sturzbach. I was glad that I had followed Gudrun’s advice and only put on a medium length skirt without a panties.

So no stains could be created on my clothes that would have signaled my lust directly. Should my pussy drip what she always did when I was horny, it would not be noticed in this weakly illuminated pub. I should leave out the panties for erotic reasons. The guys were on something like that.

Once at the back yard, he led me to a small scal. He opened the door and pushing me to go in. He seemed just as urgent as me. He pulled the door behind him, but did not conclude.

Now I saw the notorious fuck chair standing in the middle of the room. In addition, there was a narrow, thick old mattress on the floor on a wall. In the corner there was a trash can where the used condoms should be in.”
Peter interrupted me. “What a chair?”
“Wait it off and don’t interrupt me.

It is difficult enough for me to tell you that. The so -called fuck chair was a normal chair. He only had this name because some of the guys like to drove it on a chair. My future engraver belonged to this faction.

He opened his pants, let them slide down his legs and sat down on the chair with his stand expectantly. With tremendous hands, he began to pull a rubber over his big cock. I interrupted him in his work and withdrew the condom with the remark that I would not need something like that. His tail pulsed with increasing excitement.

He was able to fuck a nineteen-year-old blank without paying for it. He asked with a voice that overturned whether I would take the pill. I nodded and assured him that he wouldn’t have to worry. I wouldn’t have a lot on children yet.

But on his cock, I would like. I slowly raised my skirt. He should see that I didn’t wore panties. Now he almost started to cook with lust.

You are such a horny sow, he breathes. Let me dig like a crazy man, although you were ready for a long time. When he saw my young shaved dripping lust cave, I was already afraid he would cum. I walked towards him and stood through his cock wide -legged and looked him directly in his blue eyes.

Then, with the intention of sat on his cock, I slowly went down to my knees. While I positioned my fuck hole over his tail and felt his glans, a wave of lust drove me through me. As he started to open my blouse, I dropped myself and his cock pied up. I felt my pussy stretched inside as his cock penetrated into me.

He and I groaned. He quickly opened the closure of my bra and my big tits spread out in front of him.”
I noticed that Peter became increasingly restless through my story. It seemed scary to excite him. That calmed me down a bit and my fear of the consequences of the confession decreased.

I decided to tell more details in the hope that his lust would make him peaceful. Then I noticed how bizarre the situation was. A naked woman sits on the lap of her husband and tells him how she did it with other guys. In my stomach the said butterflies began to fly.

This situation now turned me on.
“Willi was thrilled with what he saw and felt. You’re so tight. I love that, he groaned, ”I continued with my confession. “I felt the urge to push my tongue into his mouth.

Our tongues dance together and we increased more and more into our lust. His hands massaged my thick tits and I started to ride him slowly. He played with his fingers on my nipples. Then he clawed into my ass cheeks with both hands and pressed his face firmly into my big breasts.

That was so cool. He loosened his hands from my ass, grabbed one of my tits and lifted it so that he could put my heavily swollen nipple in his mouth. While he did all of this, I rode faster and faster on his cock. His tongue game on my nipple was the spark that finally excited me.

I screamed and let myself fall into his arms a short time later. I got suddenly quickly. It was so horny to have experienced an orgasm again that was not created by masturbation. As if he had known about my need, he had me enjoyed this moment in detail.

Then he asked me to get him further. Again I started riding his cock. He kisses me again intensively, bite again and again in my lower lip and tits, clawed his fingers painfully into my ass cheeks and let me ride to the climax. I felt his sperm sprayed against my uterine mouth.

I was so happy to finally have sperm in me again. Now I felt like a woman again. I rose and let his cock slide out of my pussy. When I wanted to get dressed, he stopped me.

Not so quickly. You still have to lick my tail clean. This is part of the program here. For this we pay your drinks.

Since my financial situation was chronically dissatisfied, this agreement sounded very attractive. I’ve never done anything like that, I replied. It’s not difficult, he said lovingly. You lick all the remains of him from him and just swallow them.

Surmen has already swallowed? He asked with a expectant look. I shook my head. Then it is time for you. Sperm swallows was new to me, but what wasn’t new for me here? I pulled my skirt down so that my pussy and ass were covered.

Then I knelt in front of him, took his still stiff cock in my hand and started licking the glans with my tongue a little clumsy. This feeling that I did for the first time excited him again and I felt his cock greater and bigger. I was pleasantly surprised by the taste of his sperm. I had imagined it to be more difficult.

I decided out of gratitude for the long -awaited orgasm to get him a second time. I took his cock and started sucking it. I gave everything to offer him a good oral sex. Suddenly the door opened and another guy named Heinz entered.

He wanted to go again when Willi took my head, with his cock in my mouth, in his hands and fixed. I no longer had a way to free my head and therefore also my rest of my body. I was delivered to him. Come on Heinz and take it from behind, Willi asked the uninvited guest.

Heinz pulled his pants down and knelt behind me without comment. He positioned my body so that I now kneel on all fours, i.e. kneecaps and palms. Then he raised my skirt. I wanted to free myself, but Willi and Heinz held me so tight that I had no chance.

While Willi, still sitting in the chair, fucked me in the face, Heinz entered my pleasure cave and began to fuck it. At first I was angry and wanted to make hell hot afterwards, but then I realized that these situations, to be used by two guys at the same time, made me horny again. I had imagined this in my imagination many times, but in reality it was much horny. Willi started moving my head up and down.

These movements became faster and faster. He continuously rammed his cock in my throat. I had to choke constantly. That seemed even sharper to make him.
Heinz came very quickly.

Through this dominance, which was exercised by both of me, I experienced an orgasm of unknown quality. Willi took a little longer until he shot his cream into my mouth. Then he let go of my head and I freed myself. His sperm ran out of my mouth on my lips.

Heinz only pulled his cock out of me after Willi released me. Willi had injected a decent portion in my mouth. But I didn’t want to swallow that much and spat in the trash can. The two laughed.

Then I did what I had started with Willi before with Heinz. Oh, she learns quickly Willi. Heinz laughed again and let it happen without comment. I licked his cock clean and then switched to Willi’s spanking.

In the meantime, Heinz pulled his pants up and left the scales. After Willi’s cock was licked clean, we got up and got back on. Willi spoke first. I think it was as much fun for you as we have? If you liked it and you observe our rules of the game, you are a welcome woman in our regular restaurant.

He looked at me and I nodded.
“That was the best fuck I’ve ever had,” I heard myself say. Willi nodded and left the shed with a smile. In the awareness that I was not only just sex, but with two guys at the same time and also dominated by them, I left the shed completely euphorically.
On the way I saw Gudrun and one of her previous admirers stand in a corner of the back yard. She knelt in front of him like a valet and sucked his cock.

When our eyes met, I thumbs up the sign. Without interrupting the young guy, she confirmed this sign with the same gesture. I went back to the host area overjoyed. There I drank two grain to get rid of the taste of sperm and went under the guests again.”
Peters eyes were surprisingly greater.

I asked if I should stop better, even though the answer was already clear to me. As expected, he wanted to continue listening to my confession. I saw a growing lust in his eyes and now increasingly gave hope that the honeymoon would not end early.
“Pretty late in the evening I already had a lot of one in tea. I then let myself be fucked by a somewhat younger one, around 40 years, in the dandruff on the mattress “.

I didn’t mention that he was the first to introduce me to the world of anal sex. “On Saturday evening,” I continued, “I went there again with Gudrun. After a while I was pretty ponders from all the drinks that donated the guys and was very willing. Willi took the opportunity and asked me if I would also be the only woman to do it with several men at the same time.

Until then, I had only experienced this in my fantasies. Now there was the possibility to do it real. My lust answered faster than my mind. Why not, I gave Willi to answer.

I still remember that I had listened to myself as if I would agree to an invitation to a glass of beer.”
I looked at Peter to see what the idea of a gang bang with him. He looked at me greedily and his gaze screamed for further information. His increasing lust calmed me down, more and more. It seemed more and more to please what he heard.

So I continued with my confession.
“Willi brought me to the notorious dandruff and sent me in it. He wouldn’t be there this time. Four of his comrades would appear the same. I could make myself naked.

Then he left the shed and pressed the door slightly. I felt the idea of me, right away the first time to experience a gangbang, made me increasingly hot. I, a nineteen-year-old boy, will get four older men. In this thought it started to drop properly out of my pussy.

I was like senses. When I just sat on my notorious chair naked, the four came in the shed. The youngest was around thirty and the oldest around the sixty. Based on their eyes, I saw that they liked what they saw.

Their behavior clearly showed me that I should only take on the role of the pleasure object. This was not about me now, just about the guys had fun. It was more than okay for me. I couldn’t wait for them to use me.

Then she too pulled out and I liked what I saw. Cocks of different format would now fill my holes. When one of the guys saw my dripping lust cave, he drew his comrades aware of it with various sayings. The horny sow, what a whore born for fucking and so on.

The usual sayings, ”I said, looking Peter in the eye. Now I saw that he almost burst with lust. “Should I stop Peter?“I asked again provocative. “No, keep telling,” he said in a very excited tone.

You were all the same I thought. The sloppier the old one, the hornier you are. So I continued with my story.
“Since I was still sitting in the chair, the first stood in front of me that his stand showed directly into my face. I took his cock, pulled his foreskin back and began to jerk him.

A short time later I took him in my mouth and started spoiling his glans with my tongue. Two others stood next to me that I could now work with my hands a tail “. I noticed that I got stiff nipples when I was talking about this scene. Peter also seemed to have noticed this to his joy.
I continued quickly with my confession.

“Later I had to position myself on the mattress in Vierfüßler Stand. One pulled my ass cheeks apart and another began to prepare my rosette for an anal fuck. It was awesome, as he kept putting one and then two fingers in and turning back and forth in my ass. In the meantime, one had laid his back on the mattress under me.

I came up with the demand to lead his cock into my cunt and then felt like someone looking for a way into my ass with his tail. In the beginning it hurt, in the course of the anal fuck the feeling of lust won and covered the pain. At the same time, the other two knelt next to my head that I could alternately suck their cocks. I found it crazy and couldn’t get enough.

I felt like a bitch and that felt very good. The guy in my pussy came first and I felt his sperm torpedoed my uterine opening.”
I looked Peter again to see what the story was doing with him. His gaze told me that he could hardly wait for my further explanations. I now decided to use the word for my pussy what we used during sex.

The words cunt always tied him further.
“The one below me was withdrew and one of the guys that knelt next to my head took over his place. I immediately led his cock into my cunt and the double fuck continued. Secondly, his juice was injected by the guy, who was in my ass with his tail. I felt a strong beam on my intestinal wall.

The guy who just got my intestine, then reached into my hair and pulled my head back so that my face was in the position so that he could now fuck me hard into my mouth. It didn’t take long and a decent portion of sperm shot in my throat. This stimulus in the throat triggered a swallow reflex and I swallowed fresh sperm in large quantities for the first time. I felt so used and I found it so cool.

This bizarre situation led me to go out like a rocket. My erogenous zones were now so sensitive that they triggered a emotional explosion with minimal irritation. I experienced multiple orgasms for the first time. For the guys that was the proof, for their strong masculinity and that I was a completely young spoiled bitch ”
Now I only noticed that it was nothing left to confess to all of this in detail.

On the contrary, I had unconsciously undercare my story with a frivolous voice. Somehow now I felt increasing lust in me too.
“After all the guys had picked up and I had licked all the cocks clean, they ended the pleasure. I was exhausted. After a while I had recovered so far that we were back in the pub went.

We drank and chatted until late into the night. Nobody had touched me anymore.
On Sundays I cure my hangover and looked after my satisfied body. On Mondays I went back to work for 12 days to Cologne. That was my first so -called weekend experience in the drummer choir’s main pub.

Most of the time you met me and my willing cunt every free weekend in the pub. When I did not land in a bed of the guys after the pub was closed, Stefan, a neighbor who lived two houses from my parents’ house, always accompanied me home. Somehow he always got it ready that I was blown on the way or. have brought down.

It was clear to me after the second weekend that I was now in the village for many of a bitch. But since I was only in the village for six days a month, this price for satisfying my lust was okay. So now you know the story. Are you mad at me now?“I asked, knowing that he wasn’t.
He did not answer, but asked a counter question.
“It was always the same guys every free weekend?”
“No, there were always others from the club.”
“So you were available to everyone from the club?”
“Yes, everyone.”
Now I deliberately felt his excited cock on my buttocks.

I rose from his lap and knelt in front of his armchair and saw the bump between his legs in his pants. His pants were quite soaked by my pleasure slime, which, due to my memories told. Now the time of my penance had come. I opened his pants and freed his strongly excited tail.

I pulled the foreskin back and began to caress his glans with my tongue. I couldn’t get to his eggs because only his cock looked out of his pants. He closed his eyes and I would have liked to know where he was now. Was he with us or imagined that I was just giving a stranger.

I started rubbing his cock vigorously and was surprised how fast he came. His beam met me in the area of the right eye. It was the first time that he had insembled me on my face. I saw with the unspecified eye that he was enthusiastic about it.

I’ve always stood on it. Peter dropped into the recovery phase and I went into the bathroom. I was sure that he was not upset because of my frivolous past. On the contrary, it turns him on that I was such a bitch.
When I went back to the living room, I asked for my clothes.
“Did you always do it without a rubber?“, Peter said without responding to my request.

Because a cock packed with rubber, as you know, does not bring what a bare bare triggers. That’s why I never dropped the pill. What about my clothes now?“I asked a little more energetic now.
I saw in his eyes that in his opinion I appeared a little too cheeky.
“Needs one like you at all clothes?“He asked back provocatively.
I was surprised. “What does that mean, like you? Become a little clearer?“I asked him in a snappy tone.
“Well, a dirty bitch like you.”, he answered.
“So I’m a bitch in your eyes or what?“, I interrupted him, although I saw myself in the drummer choir myself since my hustle and bustle.
“Let’s put it that way, I find it exciting that my wife was such a bitch,” he replied lovingly.

I left the answer uncommented and got a cola out of the fridge.
I was lucky. He hadn’t been angry, no he wanted to hear it from me. Because the fact that he had married such a bitch and he made me pretty horny with the forced confession,.
My thoughts now went in a different direction. You were on our hen evening two days ago.

Actually we decided against a hen evening. Since we lived in Bonn, we wanted to raise a properly with our friends a week before the wedding. That should have been. My parents insisted on a hen evening in our village.

Peter had the feeling that my parents felt committed to the village. I thought they just wanted to show that their daughter had got a husband with the call as a bitch. My parents knew about my hustle and bustle in the circle of the drummer choir. But they couldn’t do anything, I was of adults.

The most joy was mine Mother, that Peter did not come from the surrounding area. They annoyed the hen evening continuously and even threatened the hen evening without doing us. At some point we agreed to be quite annoyed, since they took over the entire cost of the wedding. I felt blackmailed and was very afraid of this evening.

My mother told me a few days before the evening that I have to do everything so that Peter does nothing about my past. How should I prevent that? The drummer choir was always there on such occasions. I consecrated my girlfriend Gudrun, which promised me to be helpful. Most of the hundred guests were mostly present, which had already raised some questions with Peter.

My engraver choir even serenaded me. They had already brought the stands enough. Her lustful eyes were very uncomfortable and embarrassing. I tried every direct Contact to avoid.

At some point three of them had me caught. Your remarks, like z.B. You would have ridden me well for my betting bed and whether he would get it well, annoyed and I looked around for Gudrun. When our eyes met, she recognized my need and reached.

She came to us and pushed herself up to the guys that I could flee. With a red head I quickly went to your parents’ house to calm myself down. On the way I met Peter, who asked if I was fine. I nodded and continued quickly.

Now, after my confession, he knew the reason for my red facial color.
“Christine”, I heard him call. “Hello, where are you with your thoughts?”
I looked at him from the fridge.
“At our hungry evening,” I said quietly.
“I’ll take that bad,” he said in a sophisticated voice.
He had heard it.
“What?“Although I suspected what he meant.
“That you showed me as a fool.”
I went to him and knelt again in front of his armchair. “I’m really sorry,” I said. “I should have told you all of this much earlier, but I didn’t know how you would react.

I was afraid to lose you. This stupid hen evening was only stress for me. Why do you think you lured you into our hotel so early? I wanted to get you and myself out of this shitty situation, ”I replied, hoping he accepted my apology. “Which man wants to get married a party hooker?”
“Me,” he said determining.

I smiled at him and said with a frivolous voice that I would only be his party hooker.
He smiled back. “There were certainly married men under your engraver?”
The topic did not let go of him. “Yes, there were also family fathers. The women took care of the children at home and their men got it in the pub background.

All wives, whose men were in the drummer choir, knew about the hustle and bustle of their future husbands before their wedding, ”I added like an excuse for their passive behavior afterwards“ However, some broke the marriage over time. Gudrun and I weren’t the only women who spread their legs. All horny ladies went to the said pub at the weekend. Everyone came to their fuck and some also to a partner.

That’s how it was. Especially fathers, the young mares always wanted to pop. We found these greed after us very exciting.”
“So they were the best?“, He wanted to know.
“You can’t say that, but it had a special kick with married guys. They just knew how to make a good fuck.”
“What was a good fuck for you back then?“, He asked.
“Back then he was good when he was fast.

Fast and hard in all holes. No cuddles like the young guys always wanted it. Just pants down, tail into the cunt, then in the ass, back into the cunt and cream in the mouth, or wherever. Fast satisfaction was the goal.

However, some pulled it quite a bit. I didn’t like this. It was not about relationships here. It was all about pure fucking.

Just fuck, Peter! No longer, ”I added to the statements apologetically.
But he didn’t react as I was hoping.
“Thomas spoke of a shooting festival that it was all right.”
Oh dear, he knows that too. Now I was slightly panicked because that was hard fabric. “Ok, I don’t know if that’s so good,” I started. “That has been a lot of fabric for you now.

Even if that made you very cool, but that now?“I took a break and hoped that the goblet would pass me.
Peter looked intensely in my eyes and I saw that he really wanted to know.
In the hope that this confession would only make him horny again, I started with the second confession. At some point he would find out anyway. “That was so. My car was broken and I needed three thousand marks for the repair.

I didn’t know where to get the money from and saw a significant problem to come up with me. Somehow the then rifle king had found out of my predicament. Three days before the shooting festival, he and Gudrun made me an extremely immoral offer. Each of us would receive three thousand Mark Bar on hand if we were available as a special event for some shooters on the evening of the royal ball in the so -called pub scale, which was not far from the fairground.

But we should be open to everything. There would have been no such thing at any shooting festival and he wanted his king’s time for a long time with the comrades as a special experience. What should I do? I needed the money. I didn’t need to persuade Helga for long.

She was always for something like that. So we said. From 9 p.m. it started on this Sunday.”
“It is clear to you that you were a paid young hooker,” interrupted me Peter.
“It was clear to me from the start,” I replied a little irritated. “Actually, I was a paid hooker right from the start.

The guys from the drummer choir paid me with their drinks. Somehow most women always demand a payment in different ways for sex.”
Peter looked at me surprised. The fact that I saw sex was probably new for him. I continued with my second confession.

“When they came into the scales in pairs, each of us made one of us. Cum alone, he could choose between Helga and me. But there was also the option that we were in three. You can definitely think that this option was the favorite.“Peter nodded and interrupted me again.

“How many were it?”
“It’s not over yet. Please let me tell me first, ”I asked him. Peter nodded. Although this situation was always exciting for me, I wanted to get the confession behind me as soon as possible.
“In the early hours of the morning, around three o’clock, ten at once came, including the rifle king,” I continued.

“They all had one in tea. Although they were heavily drunk, she was still highly potent. We were interrupted and without mercy fucked in all holes at the same time or alternately. Then they wanted Gudrun and I drove it together.

We pretended and played an orgasm.“The fact that it had pretty much turned on and we both had a real orgasm, I left unmentioned. “After 90 minutes we were ready to get through and inseminated around three o’clock. We were allowed to go home. Everything hurt us and burned.

In our pussies, asses and stomachs, large amounts of sperm had accumulated. Our body also stuck sperm and we just wanted to take a shower and to bed to sleep. Before sleeping, I sent a prayer towards heaven. I sincerely asked for my anti -Babopille not fail today.

Satisfied with the fact that I had the three thousand marks for my car, I fell asleep exhausted.”
Peter interrupted me again. “So full program in the pack?”
“Yes, full program,” I said with a grin. “The fact that we no longer appeared at the further festival caused a smile among the initiates. Among the shooters they bounced how we had worried us.”
“And why was your nickname – narrow Christine?“He could imagine it, why did he really hear it from me.

Why? Because it makes him horny if I would say it. So I did it.
“Well,” I started. “According to our clients, Gudrun’s cunt was like throwing a salami into the hallway. Compared to her, my cunt was still tight.

After that I was called the narrow Christine.“So now it was enough. I didn’t want to tell more. Not how many there were. He did not need to find out that the village pastor had also been among the last ten shooters in the group sex.

I now steered the conversation for the time I had met. “A little later I got to know you in Cologne and ended my frivolous hustle and bustle despite the high demand,” I said with the intention to come to a conclusion of my confession. “Gudrun continued and became careless. A short time later she was pregnant.

That was it. Now you know everything, ”I said and ended my confession.
Peter Hakte after. “So at the end of the royal ball a little gangbang for the shooters? According to the motto, old sacks on young mares.”
“Yes and? You were also young? You didn’t exaggerate while fucking?”I said angry with a sophisticated voice. He shouldn’t act as a moral apostle, I thought.

I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. Especially not about further details. For me it was over here now.
“Of course, of course, but interesting how you define a little,” replied Peter.
“Ok, I admit that I was already properly driven and maybe still am,” I said soothing. I looked him in the eye and ask him a much more important question: “Everything is good between us?”
Peter calmed me down and said: “Everything is fine.

I even find it very horny that you were so asked, willing and dirty and hopefully are still. I realized early on that you have a lot of experience in bed. Even your use as a hooker turns me on right.”
A stone fell from my heart and I saw another bump in his pants. It seemed really cool to make him really horny.

Then I realized that Peter found it horny if wives were doing it with everyone. “You find the thought that as your wife I don’t do it so uncomfortable with other guys. Or?“I smiled in seductively. The thought also made me tingling.

He just nodded. I started massaging his recurring bump again in my pants and said: “Today is Friday. Friday I had it the most necessary then and even today. Since there is no stranger for your wife at the moment ….“My hand began to massage the bump in his pants more and more.

I opened his pants and pulled her down so far that I also got his crown jewels this time. With index fingers and thumb I surrounded his glans and pulled his foreskin back and caressed the opening of his glans. At the same time, the fingers of my right hand played with his eggs. I tasted his drop of pleasure on my tongue.

Then Peter suddenly grabbed my head and kept pulling me to his pelvis up to his tail approach. His cock penetrated deeper and deeper into my mouth. He was plump than usual. His glans met my throat continuously and I had to choke and almost handed myself over.

Then he pressed my face, with his cock in my mouth, so firmly on his pelvis and lower abdomen that I could no longer breathe. I had to choke continuously and my desire for air became increasingly pressing. It took forever until he released me. Only when I fought intensively with my hands did he let me take a breath.

I greedily snapped for air. I was still to snap for air when he reached into my hair and pulled myself back and forth. It really hurt. My pain sounds seemed more to cheer him on than to let mercy.

When he had brought me in the position he wanted, the Vierfüßler stood, he said in a dominant tone: “So you used little marriage hookers, now I used you!“Now I knelt like a dog on all fours in front of him. He had never taken me so hard. But I found it just horny. I was amazed that his cock slid gently into my cunt.

Now I only noticed that it all made me as moist as a filled bathtub. This hard sex turned me on. Then he started with massive bumps by shouting. “Hello, I’m not a ramb,” I called.

“Still you hooker,” he called and hit me on my ass. That was also new, but caused a further increase in my lust. “Aua,” I called. “I’m keeping silent,” I groaned afterwards.

You’re horny, shouted my brain. Then he grabbed very firmly into my hair and pulled my head back at a maximum. “Yes, give me your little hooker. Show me who the boss is in bed, ”I heard myself saying before an orgasm reported in my beginnings in me.

Then he pulled out his cock, distributed my massively existing pleasure slime on my rosette and his tail. I couldn’t wait for him to get it anal to me. Then he introduced him without mercy. “Yes, take my ass! Yes, rammed him in a firm! Excellent!! Show it your anal sluts! Turn up my ass, ”I heard myself calling.

I was amazed at my behavior, but I had the need to shout my thoughts out of myself. Then he switched from my ass back to my cunt. He hit my two ass cheeks several times with his flat hand. I exploded.

I had never experienced such an orgasm through him. I was completely exhausted and could only keep the position with a lot of effort. That seemed scary to turn him out because he now came very quickly. I felt his firm ray sperm sprayed against my uterus.

“Yes, that’s good. Pump your eggs empty and swear me, ”I fired at him in an exhausted voice. After pumping properly, he pulled out his cock and sat down in the armchair exhausted. I slipped after him on all fours and started sucking his cock cleanly.

When I was finished, he got up and pulled his pants up again and then let himself fall into the armchair. I also got up and brought my mouth to his right ear. “I’m your hooker forever,” I whispered and went back to the bathroom to take a shower.
On the way to the bathroom, it became clear to me that something had changed. I felt this tingling sensation in my stomach again, as in the frivolous pub period.

But I was not quite aware of whether this change was positive or negative.
Peter sat in the armchair and looked after me. Yes, that’s you. A hooker. If you knew, he went through his head.

Now he was sure that the conditions for his project were optimal. If Christine came back, he would dare.

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