The very private service! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

by: by Wolfgang a.

She had accidentally came across the website. It was a side for women, wives. You could click on all possible topics, children upbringing, Vacation, Sport for couples, money, etc. Then she saw the section: problems with the partner.

She clicked hesitantly. Several sub -groups were opened. One was: unsatisfied wives. She continued to read curiously.

Some of the authors treated the topic, it was about sex in the marriage bed. Why not even find an experience with another man? It was all about sex and not love. It was astonished she read information on other pages, such as Z.B. etc.

Elke no longer got out of her head, she turned around and looked at her sleeping husband, they had loved herself, it had been unsatisfactory for her.

Werner hadn’t made a lot of trouble, out, done. Elke rolled restlessly back and forth in bed. Werner was her first husband, she didn’t know what others were. She believed to know, from conversations with her friends, which her husband was not very strongly built.

She thought of the party several months ago in the company her husband back, she had danced with his boss. He had, it was pretty dark in the party room, took her hand and pulled her down. Suddenly he had pressed his stiff member against her palm. She had withdrawn immediately, had pretended that nothing had happened.

But she hadn’t gone out of her head what she felt like in the short moment, now, a few months later, gave her goose bumps. The thing had felt huge, she hadn’t spoken a single word with the man, because of her husband she hadn’t made a scene. She pushed her hands under the duvet, in her panties. Carefully so as not to wake her sleeping husband, she massaged her clit.

She thought of the thing of her boss, such a big one could impossible, no, excluded. She groaned softly, her movements became faster. Finally the redemption came. Elke finally fell asleep.

She took all courage together and opened the website

To register, you had to fill out a profile. She thought, no, it didn’t work that way. Determined she opened Hotmail and tried to open a new email address, one for her that her husband did not know. After a few mistakes, she finally had her own address, Elke .

Again she opened the website and filled out the form. She only stated her first name and her age, 32 years. A new problem appeared, a photo. She switched off the computer and thought after.

She had no photo of herself, at least none in lingerie. The digital camera, yes, that was the solution. Since she was alone in the house it was not a problem. She went to the caravan and looked at her things.

My goodness, she thought disgusted, that is really from the last war.

Elke browse in the laundry department of the department store near melancholy, nothing that appealed to her. She took her courage together and entered the Beate Uhse Load. She hardly dared to look at the porn videos and dildos. A nice seller helped her, yes, no problem, she led Elke the laying around, looking back, to the laundry department and left her alone.

Elke could not trust her eyes, transparent briefs, bras, bras, briefs open, bras that left the warts free. She hesitantly searched for a few things, nylons, bra and a panties dared in her eyes, she wanted to go to the cash register when she saw the magazine. My God, she thought. She stared at the envelope of a sheet, a woman knelt on the carpet, behind her knelt a young man, his plump member touched the young woman, Elke stared at the thing, no, it didn’t have to be a photo montageThing was twice as long as that of her husband and much thicker.

She quickly went to the cash register. The saleswoman attached everything to the cash register, then hesitated, the bra is for her? She asked Elke. She said that she said, yes, for me. The bra is far too small for them, their breast is larger, it was true that it had the wrong size caught, The seller won the right size and Elke left the business.

At home she unpacked the things, put her on the bed.

She undressed and tried the new things, she stepped in front of the mirror, in horror she saw herself. She looked like a bitch, her nipples were clearly visible through the thin fabric, the tiny panties modeled her vagina, he showed more than that he hidden. Finally she kicked the table and took the camera, put it on a tripod and looked at the display, yes the bed was easy to see. After half an hour she gave up, the recordings did not like her.

She went down into the living room with the camera.

Elke looked at the computer, all photos were in the image editing program. She searched 3 photos, one showed one sitting on the bed, the second was an old vacation photo, her husband had taken by the pool, she had been naked and mad at him that he had taken the photo, her breast was good to see, she knew that men always stared at her breasts. And in her opinion the last was the most erotic. She stood in the middle of the room, leaning forward, facing her bottom of the camera, her panties and part of her breast were clearly watching.

She opened this her family and opened the website. She found the form to be completed and used her three photos as an attachment. She read through what she had written again, young woman (32) with a good figure is looking for a revealing group. She took all courage together and pressed, send.

The next morning, as always she was at home, she opened her new mailbox nervously. Yes, a message. She read the message excitedly: Dear Elke, I was really happy about your email, when it works visit me around 14 on Wednesday.00 a.m. The address was given.

Then: PS. I want to get to know you and talk to you, best regards Marion. Elke read the message a few times, then she looked for the address on the city map.

Just in time at 2 p.m. The door opened and a good -looking woman was around 35 in front of her: “You are certainly Elke, please come in.“She followed the lady nervously into the house.

“Here, a cognac, you are certainly nervous, or?“Thankfully she took the glass. “So, Elke you emailed me that you are looking for a revealing group?“Elke nodded. “You don’t have to be ashamed, many women don’t get what they need from their husbands?”” Yes, “breathed Elke. Marion smiled at the young woman, she looked even better than in the photos, slimmer, with wasp waist, long slim legs and a great breast.

“What do you expect from our club?“Elke became red and was silent. “Is your husband the reason?”” Yes, “she whispered. “Do you have no sex?”” Yes, yes, but he … “She was silent.

The woman smiled and said, “If he loves you, you will get to the climax?“Etchy, Elke shook her head.

“Have you ever had an orgasm with your husband?“Again no. “Do you know the reason?“Elke was silent initially. “He, he, I think …He’s too small, ”she breathed and turned red. The woman smiled and said: “I think that’s not the reason, but you want to be together with a man who is better built than your husband?“The conversation was embarrassing, but she had planned to stand through it.

“I think you will fit well in our group, a woman who looks as good as you look, the gentlemen will be in line,” said Marion and smiled at the young woman, “We meet every two weeks, it is about 6 to7 men present and 2 or 3 women.“Elke looked at the woman opposite her opposite her seat in horror. “So many men?“Marion laughed quietly and said:“ Believe me Elke, the ladies like it when several men are available.“She looked at Elke and said:“ But first of all we have to see if you fit us at all.“Elke looked at her in confusion:“ What, what do you mean?“” Please come back here tomorrow at the same time, I will introduce you to a gentleman who will accompany you upwards. You will like it. If everything goes well and you enjoy it, we will continue to talk.”

Elke went home unsafe, my God, tomorrow.

She couldn’t sleep at night. Her husband slept next to her. She had tried to seduce him to have a reason not going tomorrow, but he didn’t feel like it. Finally she fell asleep.

She spent 2 hours in front of the mirror, brushed her shoulder -length blond hair, put on your make -up and put on her new laundry.

It felt good on her skin. Finally she got into the car.

She pressed nervously on the bell, Marion opened the door: “So you really came?“Elke nodded and followed the woman into the house. Marion took her coat off and looked at her appreciatively: “You look great. Here is a cognac against nervousness.“Gratefully took the drink offered to her offered her offered.

Marion got up and took her hand, “Come on, he is waiting for you in the bedroom, don’t be afraid if you don’t want to go and nothing has happened.“Elke followed the woman through a gear. Marion knocked on a door and said: “Elke is here, can come in?“She opened the door and pushed the young woman into the room.

Elke stopped at the door, a man stepped out of the bathroom, he was wearing a bathrobe. It was in the room in the room, he stepped to her and whispered softly: “Nice that you came.“And he started buttocks her blouse. Elke didn’t move, she trembled.

Her skirt fell to the ground. “My god you are pretty,” he whispered hoarsely and operated a switch, “let yourself be looked at.“Elke stood in the middle of the bedroom, the strange man stepped behind her, turned her around gently, she stood in front of a high mirror. “Look at yourself, you look stunning.”

Behind the mirror in the other room, Monika looked into the expensive video camera, yes the picture was good. She was right, Elke looked stunning, her blonde hair was put up with an elegant hairstyle, her full red lips matched her delicate nose, pretty ears with long earrings rounded off the picture.

Her breast was a force, tall and tight, she was excited to see how Elke’s breasts looked like the bra fell to the ground, the man was behind Elke, he leaned forward and kissed her neck, her ears. The young woman had closed her eyes and enjoyed his caresses. He carefully put his hands on her stomach, Marion had told him carefully.

He stroked her body, her stomach, his hands slid higher, under her breasts, slid backwards and hooked up her bra, he fell to the ground. Elke’s eyes remained closed.

Marion smiled satisfied, she was right, the tits of the young woman proudly stretched forward, she had breasts like a porn star, only without Silicon.

Her courtyards were great with slowly erecting nipples. Elke felt how her breasts were surrounded by the man’s hands, his hands moved, lifted, pushed them out, then pushed out, then inwards, pushed them together, massaged them, twirled their nipples. She groaned softly. He pushed a hand between her buttocks, circled her shame without touching her directly.

She moved her butt, pressing him against the man standing behind her. Marion saw the Elke’s nipple how pencils were tips forward.

The man led her to the bed, she lay on her back, her eyes closed, she felt his fingers pushed his fingers under the rubber of her panties. The camera filmed her butt how the young woman raised to make it easier for him. The man pushed himself between her thighs, gently pressed her out of each other.

The young woman breathed a hard time, her exciting breasts caught and lowered. Elke felt his tongue on the inside of her thighs. She sheared, now the warm soft tongue continued to slide, circled her most intimate place, she cried out when he found her clit.

Elke panic. “No, no, please don’t want to,” she stammered himer and tried to push his head away.

“Oh my god,” she gasped when she felt her clitoris massaged by his tongue. “Ohhhhh, Jaaaa, Jaaaaaa,” she whimpered and pressed his head between her thighs.

After 10 minutes she was so far, she had her first orgasm loudly, her moisture quolle out of her vagina and ran down at her poster. She threw her head back and forth, “yes, yes,” she whimpered. He released her and pushed herself between her thighs, she felt his hard member on her stomach.

“Are you ready?“She heard him ask. “Jja, yes, please come,” she gasped uninhibitedly. She picked her pelvis when he pushed her a hard leather pillow under her buttocks.

“Look at me,” he said quietly. “She looked into his eyes, she felt how he easily pressed her vagina.

Elke screamed at lustfully when he slowly penetrated. “Yes, yes, …… please, yes,” she gasped. She stared at him, pushed out a little cry, it seemed to tear it out. “My God is great,” she whimpered.

“Yeah, Jaaaaa,” she groaned and stretched her pelvis towards him.

Slowly she was fucked. Elke gasped under his slow movements with an open mouth, she shouted continuously. Marion was thrilled, the young woman was great, the man had now turned her around, she knelt on the bed, her butt too turned her, her elbows on the sheet, was clearly seeing her labia in this position, she gasped than himSlowly penetrated it from behind, she cried out lustfully with every impact. He now pushed more strongly, her full breasts swung back and forth under the now stronger bumps.

Elke Wimmered, screamed out loud: “Yes, yes, oh yes!”

Elke was fucked by the man for 20 minutes in the position with hard bumps, the young woman gasped uninhibitedly, she came twice,

The man felt that she was ready again and pushed faster, firmer. Elke shouted continuously now. “Yeah, I am coming,” she whimpered. “Oh my god, yes,” she gasped when she felt like, he at the same time came with her.

“Yeah, Jaaaa,” she shouted when she received his sperm, the limb shrugged in her. “My god, that’s nice,” she gasped hot. She had never felt something like that, she felt clearly how his seed injected into her, with her husband she just felt that he twitched. In the man who was in her from behind, it was different.

Marion looked at the young woman sitting in front of her.

Elke had showered and put her make-up in order. The man had been very nice, he had brought her to the bathroom and then disappeared. “Did you like it, it was good?” she asked. She had everything on video and had watched Elke closely.

“Did you … have you had an orgasm?“Elke became red and nodded. Monika was sure that she would earn a lot of money with the young woman without her knowledge. She knew a lot of men who would pay a lot of money to fuck such a good -looking woman. Her customers did not want hookers, Marion only mediated housewives, young, good -looking women who were neglected by their husbands.

Women who could be fucked without condoms.

Elke looked like an innocent young woman,. She had a great figure, her customers would tear herself around the young woman. Elke did not act, she was really so horny, enjoyed it. “Would you like to come to our next party?“She asked the young woman.

Elke hesitated. “I don’t know my husband?”She said slowly. “I have an idea. We can set it up in such a way that you meet in one afternoon, what do you say about it?“Elke nodded.

When she was gone, the man came into the room, who had been with Elke.

The woman looked at him. “The little one is really good, or?” she said. He smiled. “Not only does she look fantastic, she is also really cool in bed,” he said heiser, “We have to be careful, slowly, we will only fuck her a few times until we have enough video material and know exactly howshe reacts to different men, then we can earn money with her.“She nodded and laughed softly:“ The young housewives are better than real hookers, they enjoy it.”

Marion called Elke twice in the next three weeks, always in the morning when her husband was not there.

In both cases, Elke went to the house, where she was the first time. The first time Was also great. The somewhat older man, she appreciated him at 50, had only satisfied her with her tongue and then pushed her hard for 30 minutes, she had almost passed out.

The WIGE times had gone a little differently. When she entered the bedroom, she saw two gentlemen, her first “lover” and another man.

Ernst, he had introduced himself before he left her, she smiled at: “Hello Elke, you look great. He stepped towards her and kissed her on his mouth. His arms around her shoulders. She returned his kiss.

His hands wandered over her back, lay on her slim waist, his tongue penetrated deep into her mouth, explored him, a shivering she ran through when she felt a few hands on her body. The other man started to open her blouse, the skirt followed. Both clothing fell to the ground. Heinz was still kissing her, she felt the other man behind her.

He pressed his body against her from behind. She noticed that he was naked, she felt something big tough against her PoSpot.

She started to pull the shirt out of the shirt. Hands pushed between her and Heinz from behind, hiked up, stroked her bra, enclosed her chest. She groaned lustfully.

Ernst was also naked. Elke enjoyed the pressure of the two male bodies, she was led to the bed. In the half -dark she saw that Heinz lay on her back. He pulled the young woman over himself, Elke knelt over him, her butt over his face.

She had never done that before, not even with her own husband. She screamed quietly when Heinz pulled her butt down, his tongue on the inside of her thighs, she felt how he found her clitoris, and groaned lustfully. She lowered her head, his limb in front of her, hard and large, hesitantly pushed her hand down, wrapped it in.

She heard Heinz groaned. She cautiously turned his limb up, it was really big.

She groaned lustfully. The thought that the thing had already been in her was excited. With her tip of the tongue she touched the thick glossy glans. A small drop of pleasure formed at the top.

Elke groaned lustfully, her bra was ticked off, she felt two hands pushed under her breasts. The second man stood over the two of them, he dropped the bra and pushed his hands under the breasts of the quietly panting woman. They felt heavy, his big hands closed around the plump things. He started rocking her, kneading.

His fingers pulled on the exciting nipples. Elke groaned lustfully, it hurt a little, goosebumps formed on her arms. Her tongue circled the limbs of the man lying under her.

She did not notice that the light was in the bedroom, the video cameras recorded everything. She groaned louder, her tongue drove her crazy.

The man now knelt in front of her, Ernst between the widely spread legs from Ernst. Elke stared at his tough big member standing. Without getting rid of the tail of Ernst, she leaned forward, downwards. Your lips opened.

The man groaned hoarse when the soft lips of the young woman closed around his thick spokes. Elke had never had a male member in his mouth. It was an exciting feeling for her. She slowly moved her head up and down, she could notice that the man enjoyed it, he gasped lustfully.

Heinz pushed his hands under her upper body, played with her tits, Elke groaned horny.

The man put his hands on Elke’s back of the head, conducted her movements, his rod penetrated deeper into her mouth, he held her head, his pelvis moved. Elke gasped louder, he released her and she pushed out loud cries of pleasure. Ernst had brought her to the climax with his tongue. Your body cramped.

“Oh my god,” she gasped, when she felt his tongue, he licked her escaping juice away.

The other man pulled her down from Ernst. She had to kneel in front of him and she screamed more hoarse when he penetrated hard from behind. His hands kept their waist wrapped, with every bump he pulled her hard against himself. As a result, she felt even deeper.

Heinz pushed his palms under her swinging breasts, the hard nipples rubbed back and forth. Elke whimpered heiser, pushed out loud screams. “You will be fucked by your husband too?“Asked the man lying under her in a tied voice. “No, never,” she whimpered.

“You like a big cock?”” Yes, oh it is nice, you, you, “gasped the excited young woman,” you do it, …Make it fantastic, better than …My husband….Ohhhhh, yes, I come.”” “Your husband knows that we are fucking you?”” No, no, yes, that’s nice, “she shouted Heiser and her pelvis twitched.

The man who had fucked her hard knelt in front of her, his butt was facing her, his legs were spread wide. He said Heiser to Elke: “Come on, grab my eggs from behind and knead them!“Moaning, she straightened up a little, support one hand on his back and pushed the other hand between his buttocks from behind. Elke groped carefully for his testicles, her fingertips touched the plump sack. Excited she pushed her hand under his eggs, continued to move forward, to his thick long shaft.

She researched him in its entire length.

The man groaned lustfully when the soft woman’s hands touched his genitals from behind, the young woman was fantastic. Elke heard his enjoyable moan, her hand slid back and forth on the long bar, pushed under his sack, lifted him, kneaded him. She could clearly feel his two testicles. His slopes were really impressive.

She had massaged her husband’s member a few times. What she felt now was certainly twice as long and much thicker. Her warts hurt with lust. “My goodness,” she whispered as under compulsion, “it is huge.“She rocked his testicles, which he groaned.

Marion stared through the mirror in the adjacent room, she had pushed her rights into her panties.

The scene was incredibly horny, the young woman who was now on her back, Ernst deep in her, and panting her head back and forth was just great. She considered who should fuck Elke next. There were enough inquiries. The second man in the room had paid 400 euros.

Elke sat in her bedroom in front of the mirror and put her hair up, she heard her husband in the bathroom.

She got up and crawled under the covers. A little later he was in bed too. She snuggled up to him, put her right hand on his thigh. He recognized the signal and wanted to lie down on her.

“Wait,” she whispered Heiser, “Knie yourself, please.“He was amazed at what his wife wanted. Elke conducted him when her fingers sled down on the inside of his thighs. She continued to feel, felt his testicles and spanned his stiff member now. Werner groaned lustfully.

Elke tried to suppress a disappointed moan. She could easily span his limb, he was short and small, his sack was also small. She stroked his testicles and thought of the two strangers with the big cocks as she had come three times. It was wonderful.

Her husband pushed on her, a few minutes later everything was over. She had tears in her eyes, with disappointment.

Marion meant to sit down, she gave her coffee in. “Did the gentlemen like you?“She asked the young woman. Elke nodded.

“Yes,” she breathed quietly. She thought of her husband, then the other two and her warts became hard. Monika looked at Elke: “You know, I want to ask you for a favor.“Elke looked questioningly:“ What a favor, what a favor?“Marion sighed:“ I organized a small party for one of our housewives tomorrow afternoon. There is something embarrassing.

The lady got sick and can’t. Would you represent them?” “What.. What.. where?“Elke stuttered confused.

“Here in the house, make yourself pretty, you will surely like the gentlemen. Elke gave up hesitantly.”

She carefully prepared, she chose a white bodice, without shoulder straps, on which the bodice was suspended for the white nylons. The incorporated bra had a top edge that had their warts shimmered through. She found herself handsome.

She went hesitantly into the bathroom, she stared at her husband’s shaving brush, Marion asked her if she was ready to shave around the bottom. The woman who got sick was naked between her legs, and the gentlemen who had agreed were very crazy about it. Elke began to be careful to shave her blond pubic hair away. Half an hour later she stood in front of the mirror.

Yes, she really looked sexy.

“Don’t be afraid, you don’t bite, it’s really nice gentlemen, have fun.“She pushed Elke into the room. She stopped at the door, the gentlemen present stared at her. She wanted to say something, cleared his throat and said softly: “Hello, I’m Elke.“My god, thought she was horrified, there were 4 men in the room. Marion looked through the mirror and smiled that each of the gentlemen had to be part of the privilege at the Gang-Bang Party, 450.- Euro paid.

The money was not a problem for the men. Elke was fucked and she had 1800.- Euro deserved. The men liked to pay the money, also for the fact that they were not hookers from Marion’s young women and could be fucked without condoms.

Elke was terribly embarrassed, one of the men came up to her: “Come on, sit down.“Thankfully she took on the bench place. The young woman looked stunning.

She drank her glass nervously with a big sip. A full one was served. Quiet music flowed through the room. She felt her hands on her shoulders, her neck, her hands slid deeper, slid into her neckline, loved her breasts.

Elke had closed her eyes, as in the dream she noticed that she was raised high, her blouse fell to the ground, the skirt followed. She heard the men mumbled excitedly, gently she was put on the carpet.

Marion watched from the other room that ran 4 video cameras. She saw the men pulled out the young woman, put on the carpet,

The slip was stripped off her. A leather pillow was pushed under her bottom.

One of the men started to explore her with her tongue. One held their arms spread, the two others their legs. Elke made soft lusts. She started to whine.

It looked exciting, the moaning woman between the 4 men. The 3 viewing men now knelt around them, they massaged their stiff limbs.

Elke moved put her hands on the back of the man licking her, pressing him against her excited. Marion saw how the first of the men pushed between Elkes Schenkel. “Ohhhhh, Jaaaaa”, the excited woman screamed up with pleasure when the man slowly presses his throbbing rod into her abdomen.

Elkes loud uninhibited pleasure screams excited the men kneeling around the fucking couple. Elke gasped hoarsely under the slow deep bumps, her tight breasts rocking under the rhythmic movements. The men stared horny between their thighs, their bare labia enclosed the thick rod like a glove one hand.

Her screams became louder, higher. “Yes, oh my god, yes, yes, yes, yes,” whimpered the excited woman.

Marion watched the man Elke bird with slow deep bumps for a quarter of an hour. Elke clung to the man lying on her. “I’m coming,” he moaned hoarse. “Yeah, Jaaaaa, Spritz”, whimpered her and pressed her twitching abdomen against his pubic bone.

“Ohhhhhh Jaaaa, wonderful,” she screamed lustfully when he pumped his seed in her.

She had closed her eyes and enjoyed the twitching thing deep in her. The man leaned forward and kissed her. Elke wrapped her arms around his neck and replied his kiss, she gasped in his ear: “My god, you fuck me fantastic.“Her pelvis twitched uncontrollably when he was still injection into her beam. Slowly he loosened from her.

She lay on her back and breathed heavily, her breasts caught and lowered.

She smiled at the men observing her, she saw that her eyes wandered horny over her body, her bald shame looked at, she lay her thighs. “You look scary sexy and horny,” whispered one of the men. He put a vibrator between her breasts and said excitedly: “Come on, do it, we want to watch.”

Elke couldn’t believe what she was doing. Slowly, as under compulsion, she took the fifteen -centimeter thing in her rights.

She closed her eyes and pushed her hand down, she pressed the buzzing thing against her excited clit, spread her wet labia with her thumb and index finger of her left and slowly introduced him. Monika saw that Elke really enjoyed it. Elke knew that the men started between her legs, she found it exciting. The 4 gentlemen knelt around them and jerked off, stared between the young woman’s thighs.

Elke’s eyes were closed, she gasped, her rights moved faster. She pushed the vibrator deep into the body, one of the men gasped uncontrollably, he jerked faster, turned down his bar. A strong sperm beam shot into the air and hit Elke’s breasts. Another man had lie on his back next to Elke.

His plump member was lying on his stomach. Without taking care of the young woman’s moaning protests, Elke was pulled up over the lying man.

Elke noticed what he wanted, she knelt about him. “No,” he whispered Heiser, “don’t kneel, crouch on me!“Moaning she did what he had said. She put her soles on the right and left of his pelvis on the carpet, her palms put her flat on his chest.

He had taken his excited long thick cock into his rights and pressed against her wet -twitching labia. “Fuck me,” he whispered. Elke slowly lowered his stiff member.

She looked at him, her warts stood excitedly forward. Panting, she lowered her deeper, raised her butt again, then down again.

The attendant saw the panting young woman breathlessly fucking the man lying under her. His stuck shaft shone wet, from her and his juice and the sperm of the other man. Elke’s eyes were closed, she slid up and down on the long rod, her round, solid buttocks touched the thighs of the man lying under her every time. She had never done anything like that, it was great.

She felt his hands closed around her breasts, she kneaded, pulled her hard nipples. He pressed her tits up, she raised her buttocks, then pressed her down, she lowered herself, he pulled her down on her hard warts. She now had him completely in it, his hands on her breasts conducted her, she followed his hands panted. Suddenly he pushed her aching bust up, kneaded harder.

She gasped painfully and lustfully, remained in this position.

“Jjaaaaa, yes,” she gasped. Now only his big member tipped in her, his tail twitched. Elke screamed at lustfully when the thing twitched between her swollen labia. She felt his seed injected into her, quoll out of her body.

“Yeah,” she groaned, “that’s nice.“She sobbing on him, picking up the twitching thing entirely. Her upper body lay out of his chest, she gasped hoarse. When he kissed her, she replied his kiss. She moaned hoarse when he pushed his tongue deep into her mouth.

She felt her pelvis raised.

The limb of the man lying under her slide out of her body. Elke gasped, she was still kissing her last partner when she felt two big hands pulling her buttocks apart. A hard cock pressed against her gap, slid deeper and she screamed open. He penetrated into her wet vagina.

She supported her elbows on the right and left of the head of the man lying under her, her breasts hung down, the excited nipples touched his chest. She looked at him with veiled eyes.

Elke gasped with an open mouth, every push pushed her forward with a little jerk, her breasts swung back and forth. It was a great picture for the two other men. The man lying below captured her hard warts with index finger and thumb.

It was a pleasant pain. With each impact, swinging her breasts were slowed down by their tackled swollen nipples. She groaned louder. The bumps became deeper, harder, she felt like her fucking man a tuft of her long hair around his hand, her head was pulled back and upwards.

Her upper body straightened up.

“Do you like it that way?“The man gasped. “Yes, Jaaaaa,” she whimpered. “Say it, say that you like it,” the man demanded. “Yeah, yes,” she whispered, “you fuck me great, ohhhh, jaaaaa.“She whimpered when he fucked her with head pulled far back.

She almost passed out, she had never been so horny. “Ohhhh, Jaaaaa,” she screamed when he came. She sagged again on the man who was still under her lying down, her breath came panting and shock.

She stayed in this position for a few minutes, then she was turned around, pulled onto her knees. The fourth man stood in front of her, Elke knelt in front of him, his stiff thing aimed at her mouth.

The other three men watched the young woman panting her red lips, slowly she began to suck on the strap. As under compulsion, she pushed her rights under his heavy sack, kneaded him, pressed him up. Your left drove back and forth on the long rod. One of the men knelt behind her, comprised her breasts from behind and massaged her.

Monika hoped that her cameras were taking everything. After a few minutes the man was so far. Elke enclosed his pulsating tip with her soft lips, held him and kneaded his testicles. He groaned lustfully and his limb twitched.

Elke felt his seed injected into her throat, felt his cargo. She started swallowing. It tasted salty, sperm dripped out of her mouth angles, her breasts hurt.

When she came out of the bathroom 10 minutes later, the men sat in the seating area and smiled at them. Elke was a bit embarrassed when she stepped naked to them.

The men looked at their body, on their tight breasts. She saw that two were already stiff, her big limbs stood forward excitedly. One of the two got up and came up with her with a bobbing member. Elke couldn’t believe that the man had already climbed her before, that she had already completely recorded his enormous thing.

The men saw excited how the warts of the young woman hardened, upgraded themselves.

He came up with her, kissed her gently. She pushed herself to him, his stiff rod was pressed against her stomach, she got goose bumps. He put his big hands on her buttocks and pressed her against himself. Elke pressed her abdomen against his masculinity, she groaned quietly.

He conducted her to the low table, helped her join in. Elke was placed flat on the table top, when he came to her she opened her thighs, he put his enormous thing on her venus hill, she moved a bit. She groaned softly when her clit was irritated. Showing she saw that his tip almost reached to her navel.

The thought of what he would do with her immediately made her wet.

The three remaining men stood around the table and excited how the young pretty woman snatched the limb. She had closed her eyes and whimpered. Elke was slowly and deeply fucked, it was wonderful for Elke. She gasped hoarsely under his deep bumps.

When he finally injected his seed in her, she sobbing to him, her abdomen twitched. “Oh my god, it was beautiful, yes, yes, wonderful,” she whimpered. He loosened from her, helped her up, panting she sat on the table. Slowly her breathing calmed down.

She looked at her lover with a smile. He said: “That was nice, you were wonderful.“She saw that the other man was still stiff. Elke looked at him: “Want …do you want to..?“He stepped to her:“ Watch me, do it with your hand.“It hesitantly knelt in front of him, enclosed his thing with her hand and moved her wrist.

She came out of the bathroom an hour later. She was alone, the men had all left.

Monika entered the room and sat up the couch. She looked at Elke. It was incredible, she looked innocent, in her nice dress, well -styled and discreetly made up.

Hard to believe that the young woman had been with four men in the past three hours. Elke had received the sperm of all men.

Two of the gentlemen had pumped her rich ejaculate into the young woman twice, one of the men had satisfied her by hand and once she had swallowed everything down. Elke let herself sack tired in the armchair opposite Monika, she smiled embarrassed.

Elke looked at Monika. “What should I do?“She asked incredulously. “I want you to go to your sister at the weekend.“Elke looked at Monika without understanding.

“You will tell your husband that you visit your sister, but in reality you will come here on Saturday evening.“What Elke didn’t know was the following. One of her best customers had flipped in Monika’s photo album a few days ago. The album was only shown customers who knew exactly. There were photos of all female club members to be seen, not nude photos, but those in which the young women could be seen in erotic lingerie.

If Monika knew a customer well, she also showed him a film of the woman in question. He could then watch the young lady fuck. The film never left the room.

His name was Hauser, Heinz Hauser. When he saw the photo of Elke, he continued to leaf through, back, back.

No, that was not possible, he looked at Monika and tried not to show anything. “But it looks nice,” he said, pointing to a photo that showed Elke how she smiled into the camera with a white bra, panties, panties and white nylons over a chairlift bent into the camera. He stared at her body, her full breasts seemed to blow up the bra. “Yes, that’s Elke, she’s new.

Your husband cannot satisfy her, so she is here. Are you interested?“He nodded, and Monika asked:“ Would you like to see a video of her?“Heinz nodded again, he knew that it was 100.- Would cost euros to see it. But he had to know it.

Monika noticed nothing of the tension, she went to the safe and searched Elkes DVD, put her in the recorder. A minute later Heinz was sure.

It was the young woman of his employee. She had arranged him arrogant at the company party a few months ago. My god, now he had her. He watched excited how Elke was fucked by two men.

He was right, she had tight big tits when she was fucked from behind, swung horny back and forth. Her hoarse pleasure screams let him get hard, he had to have her.

Heinz was not amazed to hear that Monika wanted a lot of money. When he said to her what he wanted, the price was doubled. Heinz wanted Werner, Elke’s husband, to watch when he fucked his arrogant Elke.

Monika thought about a few minutes and said she would call him later. At first Heinz didn’t want to, he wanted the young woman in his villa. Monika said that it wouldn’t be like that, she explained exactly how it should happen: “Either way.“He agreed. “Well, it will be 5000.- Euro costs.“Heinz had expected something like this and agreed.

Werner was called to his boss the following day.

According to a few words, Heinz said: “I have important customers to look after on Saturday. I want you to accompany me. It will probably take the whole evening, you have time?“Werner quickly thought of his wife. Elke had told him yesterday that she wanted to visit her sister at the weekend, so that would not be a problem.

“Yes, no problem,” he replies. “Something else, Werner,” said his boss, “we will probably visit a private club during the evening. Do you have any problems? I can also invite another employee of our company.”” Werner became embarrassed, but tore himself together and said: “No, everything ok.” “Really? I mean maybe our customer wants some sex. We would then participate, ok?“Werner nods and was released.

You had eaten expensive and was on your way to the private club.

Werner was a bit nervous, he actually didn’t want to get to know another woman. One was embedded and led to a kind of party room. There were about 30 people present. Heinz looked around, he knew no one.

They went to the bar where a great looking woman served them drinks. Werner could not imagine that the young women were whores. He made a remark about his boss about it and an elegant lady who had kicked her table replied: “No, our young women are not call girls. They are amateurs, everyone is married and have nice husbands.”” But, but why..?“Werner asked in astonishment.

Marion smiled at Werner: “You cannot satisfy her husbands, or you are too tired in the evening. Here the young women get what they lack at home.“She smiled at Werner and went to the next table, turned around, came back, and whispered softly:“ Oh yes, they are all healthy and don’t like condoms.“After about ten minutes, Heinz got up and said:“ I will have a little fun.“He disappeared through a door.

Elke heard the door opened, it was nervous. Marion had told her that she would get to know a special gentleman. She had led Elke to a large room, Elke had a leather bodice, black network stockings, a wide black leather neck band.

The slip was just a little wafer -thin leather lobe, which modulated her labia. She was wearing a black leather mask. Since she couldn’t see what Marion did, she let it happen. She felt that she was put in a kind of swing.

Only the seat was not made of wood, but two leather loops that were laid around their thighs. Her arms were pulled up and their wrists were tied to a crossbar. Her knee joints were bent to the outside by Marion and tied up with leather straps. She was now blindly sitting blindly with arms pulled up and wide -spread legs completely open and helpless in a kind of leather loop.

It was a love swing. The woman who was sitting in it was helpless and completely open to the man. Marion pressed a switch and it was Taghell in the room. Elke heard nervously that the door opened and a man entered the room.

Marion left her alone. “Good evening Elke,” she heard the man say. She stammered: “Good … evening.“The man stepped to her and took her blindfold. Elke blinked and screamed in horror.

Heinz smiled and put his hands on her narrow waist.

She heard to swing back and forth. “You still don’t like me?“He whispered hoarse and attracted her against himself. Elke tried to say something. He smiled, reached down between her legs.

In horror she felt his index finger slid behind the thin leather strap of her brief. She screamed quietly when he tore the tiny thing from her hip with a jerk. “You have really pretty labia,” he whispered and went to his knees. Elke cried out loudly when his tongue touched the inside of her thighs.

She whispered Heiser: “Please, please not, please do not.”

He had put his hands on her wide -spread thighs. She cried quietly. He drove over her clit with his tip of his tongue. Elke cried out: “No, no, please don’t!“He kept his head still and moved the love swing, his tongue played with her clit.

Elke continued: “Please, I …I….do not want.“Heinz laughed quietly and split her shame with his tongue. Elke screamed, he penetrated a little deeper, she screamed Lauter: “NOnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, please, please, please, please.“Heinz became more and more awesome from her protests. His tongue slid over and into the shame of the young, helpless woman. Elke noticed how her body reacted.

They bit their teeth together to suppress a voluptuous groan. Heinz noticed that she reacted, she became wet.

His tongue penetrated her body deeper. “Oh my god,” gasped Elke. She hated herself because she started to moan.

Heinz got up and pushed his middle finger into her wet vagina without warning. She gasped lustfully. He released her and Elke swung back and forth in the swing slightly. He was now naked in front of her, she really felt at the time, he was built strongly.

Again he put his middle finger into the helpless woman, brought his face close to her and watched her while he was slowly fucking the young helpless woman with his finger. Elke tried to suppress it, but it was pointless. She started to whine quietly. Without leaking them down, he started pulling her bodice down a bit with the other hand.

Her breasts were free.

“My goodness, you have pretty tits,” he whispered Heiser. His mouth began to suck on her warts. Elke closed her eyes and groaned louder. He stood between her wide open thighs and whispered in her ear: “I’ll fuck you now!!! I will fuck you in your wet shame!!!“She stared at him and couldn’t suppress a quiet cry when she felt that he entered a little with a jerk.

He did not move, but had his hands on her hips and slowly pulled her to himself. Elke was impaled by the hard long cock. Elke pushed out a oppressed pleasure scream when he entered deeper: “No, no, no, no, yes, yes, yes!!!“She screamed when she felt. that he was entirely in her.

Heinz slowly moved the love swing. Elke slipped back and forth on his bar. She was still trying to fight, but lost more and more control over her body.

Heinz took time. He slowly fucked the young pretty woman of his employee, who was helplessly impaled by his limb.

Elke gasped uninhibited, her warts stood excitedly forward, she was wet at the bottom. Jaaaaa, Jaaaaa, ”she whimpered and breathed an intermittent manner.

Heinz let her go, helped her out of the love swing and put her on the bed. Elke didn’t fight back when he set her arms over her head on the bed. “Why why, ….Do you do that?“She whispered.

She had given up her resistance: “Oh my god, yes!!!“She screamed when he pushed his hard member into her body.

“I have a surprise for you,” he whispered heiser and slowly fucked her, “Your husband Werner is in the other room. He will watch you fuck you right away.”” No, that …, that’s not possible, “she stammered Heiser. He pushed deeper, faster: “I invited him and Marion will bring him to the next room, he will watch the mirror.”Oh my god,” Elke cried. He started her and whispered Heiser: “He doesn’t know that you are, turn around and press your face in the pillow, then he won’t recognize you.

When you defend yourself, I’ll turn you around and he sees your face. Elke did what he wanted and cried out loudly when he penetrated her hard from behind.

Werner followed Marion curiously in a dark room. “Heinz told me that you would like to watch,” she said and closed the door. He joined the big mirror curiously and stared into the brightly lit other rooms.

He saw his boss Heinz amazed and shocked. He knelt behind a young woman who had buried her face in a pillow. His hands spanned her wasp waist, and his pelvis clapped against the tight round buttocks of the young woman every push. With every movement, his limb came out entirely.

Werner stared at the enormous rod. The woman acknowledged every thrust with a cry that was suppressed by the pillow. Heinz pushed his rights under the upper body of the woman and massaged one of her full breasts. The woman moved her pelvis and gasped pleasantly.

Marion had come back into the room.

“She’s really cool. She comes here every week and can be fucked by one of the men, her husband is always tired, ”said Marion and watched Werner. He looked excited through the mirror into the other room. He heard the oppressed pleasure of the woman.

Heinz pulled her bottom up a bit, her breasts now hung down freely, her face was not recognizable. Your long blonde hair hung in front of it. Werner stared at his boss’s stiff member. He had an enormous thick long bar, the woman pushed out a loud cry when Heinz pressed his limb back into her, it seemed incredible that she could take it out completely.

With each push, her breasts swung forward.

Marion put her hand on Werner’s middle and whispered, his hard little limb clamping: “Horny the two, not true?”Yes” he replied in a hoarse voice. She opened his belts and his pants fell to the ground. She knelt in front of him and pulled his slip down. Werner’s stiff member rapidly up.

She smiled in the dark and put her hand around his narrow shaft. In the other room, Heinz had turned the woman around, she lay on her back, her face was still not to be seen. “Help me,” Werner heard his boss to say to the woman. He saw her right down, her narrow hand spanned the enormous limb and conducted it to her swollen lips.

Werner could clearly see how they were pressed apart as the thick tip penetrated. The woman shouted on: “Jaaaaa, Jaaaaa, fuck me.“She whimpered and pressed her head against Heinze’s neck.

Werner groaned under Marion’s experienced hand. She pulled him away from the mirror, from the room. Outside he hastily put his clothes in order.

He heard the woman cry out through the closed door. “Your boss fucks the young woman really well. But he also a big link. Are you married?”” Yes, “he nodded.

“You should send your wife here”, we are always happy about new women.“He stared at her shocked:“ You mean that my wife would do something like that?“He asked incredulously. “Why not, you could watch, you liked it, or?”

“But …, but Heinz, I mean …, he …, he is huge,” he stammered. Marion smiled at him and put her hand back on his step: “I bet with you, your wife will like it. We like a big cock from time to time.

And believe me, you would like to watch her. I watched you, it excited you.“He was silent. “Just dare, ask her carefully, don’t fall in the house right away.“She smiled at him in a friendly manner and whispered Heiser:“ We have some couples here, where the husband brings and watches his wife. Think about it, you can also participate if you want.”

Both turned around when a loud pleasure scream sounded from the room “Jaaaaa, Jaaaaa”, they heard the wife screaming.

“You’re probably ready. I told you that the men don’t need a condom. Most women, me too, like the feeling when a strong man injects his seed in us.“Elke gasped uninhibitedly. Heinz had brought her to the climax.

She hated herself that she had enjoyed it. She had wrapped her arms around his neck, whimpered clinging to him and panting his sperm.

Marion had prepared Elke that there was the possibility that her husband could make hints. She had calmed Elke. Werner hadn’t recognized her, he had watched it, but hadn’t suspected a suspicion.

Elke had told her what she had said to Werner. She had planted the seed, now they could only wait. Marion had also given her a few tips.

Every time Werner loved his wife in the next few weeks, Elke whispered quietly and moaned: “Deeper, please deeper!!!“Werner didn’t dare to ask, but the woman and his boss saw in front of her, as she had screamed when the big rod entered. It was possible that his Elke was ready to try it once.

She groaned softly below him, clung to him and murmured: “Oh yes, nice, slow, please, please, please deeper.”He whispered in a voice:” He is no longer, ….want …Do you want to … With another man?“He was silent. “What? What do you mean?“Elke apparently asked. “I mean ….

He is not … very big, you want to sleep with another one?“It was out, breathless he was waiting for an answer. “I…..I … don’t know, “she murmured,” would you be evil?“Werner smiled relieved in the dark. She was not horrified or shocked. Elke moved her pelvis, rubbed her pubic bone against him: “I, I want to try it once.“He kissed her relieved.

Elke called Marion the next morning.

The two agreed. Marion smiled at Elke: “It’s great that your husband will participate. What did he say?“Elke described the course of the evening. “He wants a threesome,” said Elke, “he wants to watch how I react when a..“She fell silent.

“If you are fucked by a big one?“Marion ended the sentence. “Yes,” said Elke, “he will call you, you gave him your number.” They split up.

Werner called Marion three days later. He was embarrassed. Marion helped him a little, after all she would make money with the two of them.

He talked around the matter, finally Marion asked;“Did you ask your wife?”” Yes, “he said Heiser,” she wants to try it once.“Marion laughed quietly and said:“ I’m happy for both of you. We have to take a few more photos of you. Please come on Friday, that is in three days, around 15.00 p.m. over. It doesn’t take long, but the men who will sleep with your wife want to see photos of you first.“Before he could protest, she put on.

She was excited to see how far Werner would go. She had told Elke what she was going to.

When Werner told his wife what Marion said, Elke pretended that she was shocked. “Photos, what kind of photos?” she asked. He calmed her down and said: “Some photos are taken by us, it is definitely over quickly.”

Elke looked at Marion’s big house and am amazed.

“Having a lot of impression,” she said and followed her husband to the door. Werner rang nervously. A little later they sat towards Marion. Elke did very embarrassed and seemed to be nervous, she hastily drank a cognac the Marion her offered her.

She calmed Werner and Elke and led her to the photo studio. The two had to sit on a bench and Marion took a few photos. She looked through the viewfinder and murmured: “Not good. Werner, please get up and stand behind your wife, put your arms around you.“The two deeds that Marion wanted.

This made some recordings again. “Squeeze that looks like in the old people’s home,” she called out loud. “What … what is?”Asked Elke confused. “Oh, that really doesn’t look sexy.”

Elke looked at her husband and smiled with embarrassed: “Sight …? We could ….“She was silent.

“What do you think,” asked Marion in astonishment. “Well, I, I, I could take off something.“Werner looked at his wife in astonishment. Elke had always been prudish, now she wanted to undress in front of a photo camera. “Sure, that’s a great idea,” said Marion, “but it is better to take photos of how Werner takes you off you.

What do you say about it?“Elke looked at her husband and smiled.

Marion’s camera clicked continuously when Werner slowly pulled out his wife, the blouse fell to the ground, the skirt followed. Elke was now only in bra and panties in front of her husband. Marion laughed enthusiastically: “You look great.“She interpreted Werner to stand behind his wife, to push his arms under her under her. He put them on his wife’s hips.

“No higher, play with your wife’s great breasts.“He hesitated what she said. Elke pressed against him and Marion made further pictures. Suddenly Elke was naked. She lay on the floor, stretched out her arms and whispered Heiser: “Come on, please!“Werner looked at Marion.

This smiled and nodded encouragingly. Werner pulled out of.

Marion looked at the photos on the computer. They were really razor -sharp, the lighting was good. Werner and his wife also looked at the screen.

Marion enlarged one of the photos. “You look really great,” she said. Elke Kniete over Werner, she had his member in her hand, her breasts with the excited warts were easy to see. In the photo she looked at her husband with a smile.

That was a photo that would like her customer. At first Werner had been embarrassed. “You don’t need to be ashamed because he is so small,” said Marion, “you look horny.“In another photo, it was taken from behind between his legs, you could see how he just penetrated, in the next as he was completely inside. They were really good shots.

“Well, I’ll call you when I found a suitable partner,” she said and brought both to the door.

That evening Werner made it much better for his wife. It took two weeks before Marion Werner called. In the meantime, Elke had been with two other men without the Werner suspected something. Werner was really nervous.

It was a little different to talk about it and then really to do it. He danced with his wife when he suddenly saw his boss Heinz in the room. He tried to make himself invisible, but it was too late. He came to them on the dance floor and said kindly: “I didn’t know that you have been here.

You are Elke, we saw each other at a company party a few months ago.“Elke nodded. Heinz smiled at them and left the dance floor.

Marion appeared next to them and whispered softly: “Coming!“They followed her nervously down. She opened a bedroom and pushed her into the room. She pulled out a small mask and put it on Elke.

“It is easier for women if she doesn’t see the man immediately.“She smiled at Werner:“ Start your wife and slowly pull them out, the Lord will be right here.“Werner began to open the buttons on her blouse when the door opened. The man who entered put his index finger on his lips and meant Werner nothing to say. It was Heinz, his boss.

Together they pulled out Elke. The young woman stood embarrassed and naked in the room.

Heinz dropped his clothes. He stepped naked behind Elke and pushed his hands under her breasts. Werner hesitated, but was also naked. Heinz pushed Elke forward, she had to support her palms on the bed.

Heinz stood behind her, his half -tires pressed against her buttocks, he massaged her full tits. She pressed her butt against the man standing behind her. Werner joined the two. His limb was still limp down.

The spectators smashed in the adjoining room, about the difference.

In front of Werner’s eyes, Heinz played with Elke’s breasts, rubbed her, pulled her nipple gently and kneaded her a little tighter, which Elke elicited a quiet groan. Then he conducted the young woman to the bed. Elke had to lie on her back, her head rested on Werner’s lap. Heinz gently spread the thighs of the masked young woman.

Elke screamed at lustfully when his tongue found her clit. Werner kept the arms of his ever loud panting wife spread, she threw her head back and forth, gasping louder and louder. Elke raised her pelvis, opened further. “Yeah, …Yes, wonderful, please continue, please, ”she shouted excitedly.

Heinz took her mask off and Elke cried out again. “No, not, please, please don’t.“Heinz pushed himself between her thighs, he picked up his enormous link and pressed it against Elke’s wet labia.

A little bump and he put something in the young woman. “Werner, should I fuck Elke?“Werner nodded, then said softly:“ Yes, yes, Jaaaaa, fuck my wife!“He captured Elke, while his boss was slowly pressing his rod into the screaming young woman. Slowly he pushed him deep into the defending woman.

Elke screamed when she felt his pubic bone on her vagina. She began to start, Werner looked at how his wife became more and more awesome, shouted out loud. “Oh yes, Jaaaaa, fuck me, fuck me”, she gasped like your senses. She turned her back and whimpered with lust.

Heinz fucked the young woman in this position for a good quarter of an hour. Elke, Werner could see that clearly, was like senses.

Finally Heinz pulled the panting woman up, turned her around and fucked her hard from behind. Your bodies clapped loudly on each other. Elke gasped with an open mouth, her tits woven wildly back and forth.

Werner’s member hurt, it was steeply forward. Heinz pulled Elke’s head back to her hair: “Do you like it, you like to be fucked like that?”” Yeah that is nice, “she whimpered,” Finter, fuck me firmer “, she screamed uninhibitedly. Heinz moaned and pulled her brutally against herself. “Yeah, Oh, Yeah, Spray,” she whimpered when he winc.

She sank to the bed and sobbed uninhibitedly. Werner had had to see how his wife was inseminated by his boss.

In the next room one said the audience to Marion: “Heaven, woman is hot. Who is the second man?““ This is her own husband, he wanted to watch his wife be fucked!!!“Werner pulled the still sobbing Elke around, turned her back and took her head between his hands. She clung to him, cried and pressed her head to his shoulder.

“Has he hurt you or why are you crying?”He asked Elke. She pulled his face down, kissed him and gasped: “No, no, he didn’t hurt me”, she still cried, “he fucked me fantastic, I, I … I, I came three times, ohh mineGod, it was fantastic.“She wiped her tears away, pulled him over and whispered:“ Thank you, please fuck me!“The spectators watched how Werner bird his still crying wife.

Werner sat with Marion at the bar. Marion had called him to him. “Your Elke is just great.

Some of the men present here tonight would like to meet with her. We all watched from the other room. Your boss has quite impressed her, she cried with lust. It was nice to watch you and Elke.

She liked that you climbed her right after your boss got ready.“That she said and looked at him. When he did not answer, she continued: “Your wife would definitely like it, and we saw that she has nothing against it if someone watched I even took photos of you, so?”

Werner didn’t know what to say. He nodded hesitantly: “If she wants it, yes”. Marion kissed him on the cheek.

Yes, he thought, Elke still cried when he loved her, she was wide and wet of Heinz, but had pushed himself against him, moaned quietly and whispered: “Yes, yes, beautiful, you fuck me beautiful.“His member was wet from the sperm of his boss. It had excited him, yes, it was really an exciting evening.

Not much happened in the next few weeks. Elke was called once every week by Marion. Werner knew nothing about it.

Marion led exactly the book. Elke had no idea that the men paid Marion. Marion deserved about 3000.- Euro a month, only to Elke. Sometimes significantly more when several men were present.

She had an idea, only she still had to teach it to the two.

Elke and Werner sat together with Marion with a cup of coffee in their large living room. Marion got up and said: “Don’t be shocked, I want to discuss something with you, an exciting idea.“She went to the TV and inserted a DVD into the recorder. As Werner and Elke saw, it was a porn. Werner watched spellbound and his wife Elke did not let the events out of his eyes either.

In silence they looked at the film to the end. “Well, what do you say about it?“Marion asked her guests. “I don’t know,” said Elke hesitantly. Marion looked at Werner.

When he didn’t say anything, she continued: “The porn are all scratch …, Sorry, but why does the man’s man always have to inject into his mouth in the end? Or on the face? It is always the same. Never a nice story.”

She looked at the two. “And?”Asked Elke. “How about if we made a film for our members, privately?“Elke laughed nervously:“ That’s not your serious one?” “But why not.

If you take it, it will definitely be awesome.“Werner asked incredulously:“ You want to do a porn film with us as actors?”” Sure, you and Elke, you would play a few games, in love, then the wedding, on the wedding night you will be attacked. You will be tied and your bride is fucked by the burglars. Of course she defends her, but is fucked by the two men without mercy. In the end she gets an orgasm.

You listen all the time, but don’t see anything. Your eyes are connected. What do you say?”

Marion made an appointment with Elke in the city. You would take some outdoor shots.

Werner and Elke finally agreed, on the condition that the film was only shown here in the house and is a copy for Werner.

Elke groaned lustfully and whispered softly: “Please, please come on.“Werner pressed his stiff member against her vagina and pushed too. “Stop,” said Marion and stepped into the bed. She said to Werner: “You have to continue to apart and raise your buttocks. I film you from behind, your tail and your eggs must be clearly visible.

And Elke’s face, she looks excited between her legs when you penetrate her.“Werner grinned hard. His member stiff stiffly forward. They had been filming for 3 weeks at small intervals, two more scenes and the porn was ready. In the film it looked like the man once fucked his partner, in reality Werner had to fuck his wife nine times for a bed scene.

Marion would then cut the film later. At first he was terribly inhibited to show himself naked, but Marion and his wife had helped him. Now it was less to him when he was filmed and his little member was stiff.

In the next week the scenes should be filmed with the wedding night. Marion did very mysteriously, as far as the two men were concerned, which Werner should captivate and then fuck Elke in front of his eyes.

Marion just smiled and said: “Be patient!”

Werner had to think of the last recording. Elke should blow him a blow. Marion was not satisfied how Elke did it. To Werner’s horror, later he had enjoyed it, Marion kneeled her in front of Werner, pushed her rights under his eggs and enclosed his shaft with his left hand.

Then she had pushed her lips over his member and blown one to him. Werner had closed his eyes and enjoyed the attention of the two women. Elke had noticed her husband’s condition, she had whispered Marion a little in the ear. Marion had slowly and skillfully brought Werner to his climax, it was wonderful for him, she had gently massaged his testicles and let him come.

When he was ready, she had bent his throbbing limb down and carefully rubbed him. Both women laughed happily and applauded when his sperm sprayed on the towel. Werner had smiled in line.

Marion was satisfied with the two, tomorrow it would be a little more difficult.

She explained Werner what she wanted. He nodded.

Elke and her husband were naked. As a “bride”, Elke only wore a white bra, a matching stocking holder and white nylons. In addition, she wore a white veil. Werner’s hands were tied up by Marion to central heating with handcuffs.

She put on a blindfold. Elke was not tied. The headlights went on. Werner heard the door opened.

Elke cried out, he heard his wife defended himself. “No, no, what do you want, Marion, please don’t.”

He heard that his wife was thrown onto the bed. Elke fought desperately, the two men were too strong for her. In horror, she stared at the two young muscular types.

They were about 25 years old and both were deep black. Elke didn’t like Africans. She had never been to bed with one. She looked at Marion, who served the camera.

One held her down on the bed while the other moved out. She tried to defend herself, it was pointless.

Both now knelt next to her, naked, their limbs were stiff and stood hard and big forward. Werner heard that his wife still defended himself, suddenly cried out: “No, I don’t want to.“Elke had looked at how one of the young blacks pushed between her thighs, picked up a tube and lubricated a kind of jelly on his rod. It was a lubricant, her thighs were pressed apart.

Werner heard that his wife shouted right. The black man had lowered his head and was looking for her clit. Jo, as he was called, often worked for Marion. Some of the young female “club members” wanted to be fucked by an African.

With others, like now with Elke, something had to be helped with their luck. In the end everyone shouts lustfully when he came. He loved to fuck young white women, especially if they were married.

Jo saw that this woman was no different. Her vagina was damp, the first droplets of pleasure appeared.

Elke breathed heavily, her pelvis twitched. She noticed horrified how he pushed between her thighs. She felt how his limb was demanding against her vagina. She cried out when he pounded her.

She tried to defend herself, but the black stick pressed deep into her abdomen.

Werner knew that one of the two Elke fucked. He heard his wife screaming. Marion watched the three on the bed. Elke fought desperately, but one of the two held her arms.

The other had now pushed his arms under her knees and his palms were on the bed next to her hips. The young woman was completely open, in this position every woman was helpless. Satisfied, Marion saw that the young woman fought out fantastically. “No stops, I don’t want to,” Wimmer Elke helplessly.

“Oh my god,” she gasped when the black cock penetrated deeper. The man began to move in her, he fucked the young white woman with slow deep bumps. Werner heard how Elke’s screams changed. Elke tried it, but could not prevent her from starting quietly and lustfully.

After she was fucked in the same position for 10 minutes, she gasped lustfully under his bumps.

Her arms were released, she clawed her hands into the paint and gasped in an attack. Werner heard that his Elke was always excited. The second African stood up from the bed and removed Werner’s blindfold. “Oh no, no,” he shouted, staring at the black one who rammed his powerful link into his panting Elke.

The second man climbed back on bed and opened Elkes BH. Werner saw horrified how his big black hands spanned the white breasts of Elkes.

His wife gasped and uninhibited. The black cock made her crazy, like a machine he pushed into her body. He rammed him deep into the panting woman and Elke noticed that he was ready.

“No, no, I don’t want you to splash, no …… Jaaaaa, Jaaaaa,” she gasped and threw her head to the left when he twitched deep into her. Werner watched helplessly how the black pumped his fertile sperm into the helpless woman.

Jo pulled his still twitching link from the whimpering woman and jerked. A thick white beam splashed on Elke’s stomach. Werner had to watch helplessly how his wife was shot around.

She knelt on the bed. The second man knelt behind her and pressed his long black cock into the panting woman. Elke gasped lustfully, screamed Lauter. Marion saw that Elke’s husband watched excited how his pretty wife was fucked by the two Africans.

It looked really cool as the black cock pressed the light labia of the woman apart.

Werner saw that his wife enjoyed it. Her breasts were massaged by black hands …

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