Your 1. Ass fuck | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The events of the past few weeks had shown me that certain longings slumbered in it, which I had never guessed before. I just didn’t know what way we could live out these tendencies. But then I had an idea. The Experience report A lesbian couple that I had read a few days ago inspired me. In him, a 40-year lesbian described her techniques. She wrote that she had asked her Ute to undergo a procedure in which all body hair would be removed for life;As proof of giving up something of your lover.

It was clear to me that she would not be capable of such a drastic step. In addition, things seemed too dangerous to me. So I was looking for an alternative. The daily constriction into a corset, of which the lesbian also wrote, was not practical for us, because we do not live together. Nevertheless, the description of what was practiced by the lesbian couple was very helpful. It had to be one thing that asked you to overcome it.

And soon I knew what it would be: your buttocks! It should belong to me. Perfect and unreservedly! First of all, I ordered the necessary utensils: several so-called anal plugs in different versions and sizes, two vibrators with different diameters, some crucible with colorfully colored K-Y-Jelly, a lubricant is mentioned in the USA, which is reserved for a very special purpose;Also a waist bodice and a braee made of black leather. After two weeks everything had arrived.

Now the personal preparation could begin. I sent her clothes by post. When we talked over the week during the week, I asked her if the surprise package had arrived. I could feel how the content irritated it. I indicated that the coming Friday evening would have even more extraordinary ready. I suggested to her to wear the new things, combined with wafer -thin black stockings, they would definitely be an attractive outfit – especially if your wonderful cunt was shaved and she would do without a panties.

At first she struggled, but after a while she excited the demand in such a way that she masturbated during our conversation. On Friday evenings we followed a ritual: eat in our preferred restaurant – then to me where the night decided with sparkling wine and sex. I decided to initiate my project while eating. She was wearing a black costume that evening. She had avoided a blouse, so that this otherwise conservative ensemble looked monster sexy.

“You look beautiful!«, I took up the conversation again after we had consumed the starters and our waiter cleared the table,» but I would like to know if you were responding to all my suggestions?” “What do you mean?“She whispered to me, trembling her voice. “Spread the legs a little, then I can feel if you were a good girl. You have the right stockings!«We were sitting in our favorite place in a corner, curious looks withdrawn.

“Nobody here will notice it!«Even before she could reply, I put my hand on her thigh. The feeling of tender silk on warm skin has always excited me. My fingers feel higher;When they found the bare meat above the edge of the stocking, she groaned. “No more please!«There was not much emphasis in her words. She had closed her eyes and was delivered to the sensation. “Oh yes, you did it right! You are very smooth!«My fingers had reached their labia.

I could feel the rising wet between them. I stroked slightly above them. She became restless and held up cramped on the edge of the table. “That was just a small entrance, we still come to the main course. «Relieved she opened her eyes after I had withdrawn my hand. “How can you?! In public! Did you read any new book? In the past you would have strictly denied yourself against such appearances. What is wrong with you?«» In a way you are right! It was an extremely stimulating description that I read.

But above all it was our adventures of recent times that gave me impulses. You will see!”” Don’t you want to tell me what you are going to do?”” Later, later! Do not be so impatient! Now let’s enjoy the food. «In the further course of the food we no longer touched the topic. Only after the obligatory espresso was served did the sequel follow. “By the way, what should your remark, because of good girl?”She asked me. “If we are with me right away, you should give me something.

” “How? Give something? Your birthday is over and I don’t have anything else for you!«Oh yes, you can give me something! You!”” You know there is nobody except you. You just have to look at me and my nipples are hard. I already belong to you. ” “Thank you for the compliment! But I would like to have something special from you!«“ Now say!”” It will not be easy for you;You will have to overcome yourself.

” “Why are you saying that? You know that you can have everything from me. «“ I’ll take you in the word. Come’! I just have to pay. «We had a taxi called and made our way. Arrived in my apartment, I helped her out of the coat. “Please be patient for a moment, I want to open the champagne first and illuminate the room. «Then I led her into the dining room.

“Wow! That looks great. «There were burning candles everywhere and the table was decorated with a red lacquer film. I had placed the acquired stimuli on that. “Please take a seat!«I give us some Veuve Clicquot and she was enthusiastic about me. We lit cigarettes and smoked. “I can already imagine what this thing is intended for. «She took one of the butt plugs in her hand. “Really? Then we want to see if you really got? Please come over here!«Slowly she went around the table.

The black pumps that she wore made her legs appear longer and their gear excited me very much. Then she stood in front of me, looked at me expectantly. “Please take off the skirt!«The hairless lap seemed even naked by the contrast to the black waist bodice and the stockings. “Turn around please! We will now try which best suits. «I took the smallest plug and put it well with lubricant. “Please bend, otherwise it won’t work.

«I carefully pushed him into the opening of yours anus. She took a deep breath. “Relax your sphincter, then it works better. «Slowly I pushed the plugs on further in. I let him go a few times – and slide back, always accompanied by one loud from the depths of her throat. “You are already doing me crazy, what else is that going to be!” “Correct! This is not all yet, there is more! But we should treat ourselves to a little break.

Set and drink a sip for now. «She took a seat, but she couldn’t keep her abdomen calm. “You think I should keep this thing in me in me?«She asked hesitantly. “Exactly! Because I want you to give me your delightful buttock. “” You know that I don’t like it very much!«Your reluctance was clearly heard. “I told you that you would have to overcome yourself. But I think you will be able to enjoy it very soon.

“I definitely said. “Incidentally, these are the other butt plugs, as they are called in the states. Look at you exactly, because from now on, we will try the next largest every week. ” “You are really serious?«In her words, the shyness gave away what would follow now. “Certainly! If that wasn’t the case, why should I have purchased the props otherwise. Incidentally, you haven’t seen everything yet, I have something in the floors.

But now let yourself be looked at first. «She rose slightly hesitant. However, it was only a short moment of uncertainty, then she struggled through the room with a raised head. A wonderful presentation that think tail continued to swell. Finally I took her hand and pulled her to my lap. She sat on one of my thighs so that we looked at each other. Because I wanted the night to be remarkable in every respect, I had put on the leather pants that she had made me some time ago.

Through the material I felt her pulsating excitement. She tended to my head and we kissed wildly. I opened my buttons and grazed them from her shoulders. She went through a shudder, which became even stronger when I started, gently orbiting her now uncovered nipples, which stretched out to me. My hand kept sliding over her silk-wing legs, the hairless hill and her soft stomach. I gently pressed my labia apart, let my fingers dive into this sea of wetness.

A first small climax! She threw her head back and her whole body spanned. Now she wanted to take over the initiative. She buttoned up my shirt, knelt and opened my pants, freed my limb out of the narrow surround. I had waived underpants. “Oh how nice, you thought of me too. «In the past, she had often expressed the wish that I should do without underwear. Tonight seemed to me as a suitable opportunity to meet her the request.

As an overture she licked my shaft a few times, then carefully took her head between her lips and pushed it foreskin back. Her tongue circled the glans and stimulated the particularly recommended area on the underside until her mouth surrounded me entirely. It was always a special delight to be spoiled by her in this way. I took her with my hands and pulled her up. With the thighs spread out, she settled on me and I slid into her.

We stayed to enjoy this moment of the first penetration together. Then she started moving her abdomen. Due to the butt plug in her butt, additional pressure on my cock, which it also seemed to feel. I wouldn’t be able to resist this tickle for a long time. I pushed my hand between her legs and massaged her gender. Your movements became wild. For me there was no stopping, accompanied by violent moans, I injected my seed into it.

She pressed herself more violently against me and also reached its climax. When we wanted to go to bed later, she noticed that something was still in her. “Would you please free me from it!”” We don’t want to lose sight of the goal, “I said strictly. “I want you to wear a plug every night from today. ” “Do you really want that?«She looked at me incredulously. “But sure, after all you promised me your buttocks!” “Secure! I said you could have everything from me.

But I hadn’t imagined it that way. “” You want to prove something. , So please do it!«She turned away and went to the bathroom. I lay down in bed and covered the situation. If she comes back now, she has decided. A few minutes passed and I was waiting for. “There you are again!«I lifted the duvet invitingly. She lay down with me and I hugged her. “Did you decide?«Instead of an answer, she took my hand and led her between her buttocks.

He was there! “You know I’m just doing it for you!«She smiled and kissed me. We fell asleep closely. We spent a nice weekend. On Saturday, before we went to sleep, I reminded her of her promise. This time there was no discussion. To my surprise, she took the plug. Sunday evening was the time when we had to say goodbye to each other. Because like almost every week, I would be in Düsseldorf and Frankfurt until Friday to do my job.

“I’ll call you every evening,” I told her to say goodbye. “So that you don’t forget anything. «“ How attentive to you, you never do that otherwise!”” You see, everything has its two sides. I also have something for you. «I presented her a little package. “But you can only open it at home. «We kissed again, then she got into the taxi. I returned to my apartment. After about twenty minutes the phone rang.

She was on the apparatus. “What’s on the cassette that was in the package?”” She is intended to stimulate you if you have difficulty inserting the plug. «I had discussed a cassette. It was the story of a young lady who is brought up in a monastery. There she becomes all sorts of immoral seduced. For my reading, I had selected the passage in which the heroine is used to sacrificing her butt on the altar of pleasure.

“As caring for you!”” I hope the story inspires you a little. Just listen to you. «She wished me all the best for the week in front of me, then we put on. In the next three weeks the matter was actually no longer an issue for us. Always on Sunday evening she got the next largest plug from me. Everyone in their size was so coordinated that they shouldn’t actually cause them any problems.

However, the last and maybe the most difficult part of the getting used to. Because apart from the utensils already described, I had ordered a enema. But I still lack. So I decided to make some self -experiments first. It was fantastic! The single -flowing water gave you the feeling that you are expanded and stretched in a completely new way. And with the emptying there was a relaxation, which almost the level of one orgasm achieved.

The closer the crucial weekend moved, the clearer I became that I had to get her special in. The best way there was probably the clothes. That’s why I asked you to wear the new things on Thursday evening on Thursday evening. The moment I spoke of it, I could feel that she too knew that the next day would have something extraordinary. After our Friday ritual had led us into my apartment and we sat together with a glass of sparkling wine, I asked her: »Sometimes you certainly have the feeling that you want to be very clean?«” Yes, of course, but what do you want to get out of?”Well, I discovered a method that enables you to feel really clean,” I replied to her.

“Nice! But so far you are talking to me in puzzles. What do you think?«“ For example this evening – I somehow feel dirty. So my request: would you wash me?«But of course darling, why didn’t you say that right away. «We went into the bathroom and I undressed. “Come on, pull yourself off too! Your beautiful new things shouldn’t get wet, «I said to her. She put off her dress and I complimented her how good she would look in the black leather outfit with the waist bark.

“Thanks! It is always happy to be taken, ”she said back with a smile. I stood in the tub and she started to wash my abdomen. Under her skillful hands, my limb immediately straightened up to full size. After rinsing the foam, she sparked her lips and tenderly kissed her glans. She carefully dried me off with a towel. “And now I would like to show you what I meant in cleaning earlier. I tried it myself, it’s a fascinating thing! Do you want to try?” “What are you up to?«“ Don’t worry, my darling, it doesn’t hurt.

«I took a towel and put it over a corner of the tub. “Please sit here! Please in the tub!«She looked slightly insecure when I got the enema out of the closet. »It may look a matter of martial, but is very effective. “” You mean it really seriously, “she tried to protest. “Otherwise you are so careful about cleanliness. So come, don’t grace yourself now. It can also be a pretty exciting thing.

You will see. First you fill this cylinder with warm water. Then you hang it up – preferably here where the shower is attached. «I sit down on the border and kissed her. My hand slid over her breasts, her wonderful belly, between her thighs. I could feel how her excitement grew. Then I placed her feet on the edge of the tub so that the thighs were spread wide.

I felt myself approaching her anus. She was actually obedient and wore her plug, which I now carefully removed. She sighed. I gently pushed the tube end of the enema, which wore a thin attachment made of harder rubber, into the narrow gate. I waited for a moment, then I opened the little rooster. Now the water could flow. “Well, how is it, you like it?“Actually, this question was superfluous, because on her face it was reflected in the deletion that she had grasped.

I carefully paid attention to the amount of water, because it shouldn’t be too much. “I think it’s enough. If you now sit down on the toilet and your wonderful buttocks are very far apart, everything can flow and you are completely clean. “” Would you please excuse me?”She asked ashamed. “Of course!«It was clear to me that she wanted to be alone now. “I expect you. And please put on again, I would like to enjoy your sight for a while.

” “Does it have to be that way?«“ Please, for the sake of me!«I kissed her and left the room. I sat down in the “salon” and smoked a cigarette. Passed for a few minutes until she came to me. I used the time to get the vibrators and the gel pots. The door opened;She had fulfilled my wish and wore the waist bodice again with the right shoes and stockings. She had only noticed the bra. “You just look great!«I got up, went to her and closed her in my arms.

“Well, how was it?«» Very unusual!«“ Well you see, no reason to panic at all!«I led her to the table. We sat down and drank a sip sparkling wine. She examined the toys. “Really interesting what you bought!«She took the larger of the two vibrators and switched it on. A quiet sum sounded. “Try it out,” I asked her. “Right now?”” Why not, “I answered her. “Maybe another time!«She switched off the device and put it back.

“You’re right! We have something different tonight. «I rose and stood in front of her. “Oh, someone really seems to feel like it. «She seized my erect link and stroked my testicles. Then she pushed back the foreskin and started gently too jerk off. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it for a while. “Come on, now you’ll get there!«I looked at her, took her hands, pulled her up and put me on the chair instead of her.

Before she could say something, I had put her on my knees so that her thighs were spread wide and we looked at each other. “Your hunger is not breastfed either,” and drove your fingertips over her nipples, which immediately stiffen. “You react promptly!«I continued to stimulate her with circular movements of my hand plate – the nipples twirled a little, which she had repeatedly groaned up. “And you are already wet again,” I stated when my hand slid between her legs.

She sighed. “Which pig person would like? May it be pink?«From the table I handed her the crucible with the correspondingly colored jelly. She opened it and looked at me questioningly. “Put abundantly, the better you will be able to enjoy it. «The cream had a pleasant effect because it cooled my heated tail. “So, you prepared me exquisit, now it’s your turn. «I encompassed her hips, lifted them from my thighs so that she stood in front of me and turned it around.

“Please, bend!«She didn’t answer, but came to the request. I dived my left hand finger in the lubricant and began to play around her anus opening. With the other I took between her legs and stroked her honey pot, which is now unnecessary with wetness. I strengthened the pressure on the sphincter while I penetrated into her vagina at the same time. »Jaaaaaaaa!«She threw any reluctance overboard. The convulsic movements of her pelvis caused the two fingers to penetrate her deep into her and to elicit an ecstatic howl.

The crucial moment was there. I withdraw my finger and put the tip of my limb on the elastic entrance of her butt. “This is too much! You will tear me into pieces!«She tried to stop me, but we had long since exceeded the point where this would still have been possible. Accompanied by an animal scream, she vehemently pressed herself against me until she had taken me completely. With my fingers I continued the briefly interrupted game on her cunt.

The delicate lips slipped by themselves to make it easier for me to access your clitoris. I circled her tenderly, always careful to further increase your desire. She pressed her abdomen even more firmly to me. Her lovers came back and back, rotated around my Jadestel in a wild rhythm, until I was also grasped by it and could no longer brake myself. An infinitely intense enjoyment that I had never felt before shook me when my boiling juice was in explosive bumps into her vibrant inner succeed.


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