The fateful contract [2] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I was sitting on my bed again, because with the other women I didn’t see the smallest movement. They were just in the room. Slowly I got warm and I couldn’t explain why I suddenly had no fear of what was coming. Everything about me shifted far away.

Today I know that this was located on the capsule that he gave me. Slowly there was still a tiredness over me, and everything around me became a minor matter. Then movement came into the women. The white dressed came to my bed, on which I was still sitting.

I must have looked a little apathetic as I was sitting there and played with the chain that captivated me.

With broken German she said, “Please relax, we will now dress her, Miss Susi.““ Please lie down now so that we can start.“I followed her request without resistance. She held a kind of remote control in her hand. After pressing this a few buttons, I heard a metallic click and at the same time felt that the pressure on my hips subsided.

The two black -clad now came to the bed and removed the chastity belt from me. They carelessly left him from bed slides, which he acknowledged with a loud metallic clink. Then I was taken to the bathroom and put in the shower. One of the “black” washed my whole body embarrassed exactly.

I registered all of this, but was completely participating opposite the matter.

Today I push the facts of the capsule, which probably contained a drug that kept me very quiet. Then one terry me off and the other dried my hair with a hair dryer. That took a while due to the length of my hair. When I was dry again we went back to that bedroom.

“Please sit back on the bed.“I came after. Now two of the black dressed women brought the box closer to the bed and opened it. I couldn’t see exactly what was in this box, but what I saw with that I couldn’t do much in my condition. There were many gold shiny metal parts in it that I thought was jewelry.

First of all, the lady in white, two gold chains, about 50 cm long, was served. She said, “This is her new earrings.“It removed my own earrings with practiced fingers and attached instead, by means of two rings, the two chains on my earlobe.

I heard a metallic click and the chains were attached. “Now I have to give you a local anesthetic so that we can use the nose ring for you. Although I was not owned by my entire spiritual powers, an alarm signal rang in me.

My innermost told me that I didn’t want to have a nose ring used.
I started to rise from the bed, but one of the “black” ladies had already stepped behind me and had the chains in my hand that led to my ears. So when I wanted to rise, I felt a stinging pain in my ears and let myself fall back on the bed again. “Please let me do my work, Miss Susi. You can’t get around it.

They only act unnecessary pain when they defend themselves.”

She took a syringe and stuck with the tiny needle into my tip of my nose. It only took a few seconds and my nose started tickling. She asked me if I felt an itch in my nose what I was affirming. When she heard my “yes”, she grabbed the box and took out a zangte -like object.

She then put it on my nose and I felt a short jump -off. From one of the “black” she was given a thick golden ring. It was then led through the nose wall and closed to a click. Then she pulled vigorously with both hands on the ring to be sure that he was also really cried out.
When she found it with satisfaction the ring was closed, she spoke in Arabic with one of the black dressed women.

Then she was served from the box a golden shimmering piece of metal. Then she took a tape and put it around my neck. She let the result be satisfied and seemed satisfied. With the band she came back to me.

I looked at the thing a little more precisely. The collar, I had noticed that much now, was about 5 cm wide and also had a thickevon about 5 mm. The two halves of the collar were held together with a very stable hinge. Inside there was metal covered with rubber, probably so that it doesn’t rub on the skin.

She put the steel structure around my neck and locked it with a loud metallic one. It was very close to my neck, but not so narrow that it disabled me. Just that it was always felt. On the front, exactly above my larynx, there was a large metal ring attached to the collar, which rattled against the band every movement.

“Your staff number is engraved on this collar.

If you ask a man in the palace who you are then you have to give it the opportunity to read the number. This is their duty, violations are punished, however.“When she told me that she was right in front of me, and I could see very clearly that such a ring could also be seen under her chin. I couldn’t see how it was with the women dressed in the black in the black that they were still wearing the veil in front of their face. The chains were now hung from my ears in the ring on my collar.

I only heard it clicked twice. When I tried to locate a lock, I could see the collar ring so why not, I found that I couldn’t feel anything of the same.

I was now completely solved and relaxed thanks to the drug. It didn’t matter to me that I was hung with metal or whatever it was.

Then a larger structure was brought. That also shone like gold. With a little imagination you could see because it is a kind of bra had to act. Only that on Stelleder chest bowls, here were only two thick metal rings.

The bra was opened. This was made possible by a very stable hinge at the level of the sternum. I had to put my arms through the carriers of the building, which stiff up stiff.

Then the bra was closed on my back. I heard that the already familiar click, behind me.

There was still some game between the straps and my shoulder. The white -clad woman got this remote control out of the box and suddenly I heard a quiet buzz and at the same time noticed how the straps put on my shoulder. So it was not very slow, the rings were pulled up around my breast approach until they thought that the rings had the right position. But that wasn’t enough either, because I now noticed that the bra also slowly moved around my chest box.

The “white” tried a finger between the metal and my body. Only when that was no longer possible did the buzz stop. After that, when the BH was sitting properly, two chest cones were also made, also made of metal. However, these did not shimmer gold, but like silver.

This pressed them onto the two rings that surrounded my breast approach. And these also fr at with a metallic sound. Two short chains were attached to the tips of the chest cones, which were now connected to the ring on my collar. In the meantime, because of the drugs, I was so funny that I already broke out in laughter and joked about my clothing.

I felt completely free and didn’t think about my strange underwear.

Next again, a slightly larger structure was taken out of the box. I laughed loudly and said, “I already know that thing.“What the women did was a chastity belt, which I felt like this morning in my own body. This, on the other hand, also shone golden and was occupied by the real belt with gemstones. You could also see some rings that were attached around the belt.

The belt had a 10 cm wide ribbon that was laid around my stomach. One side of the tape in the other, which was hollow on the inside, was pushed over the belly button. I heard a ratchet when the woman pressed the two ends against each other. Then the step tape from behind became through mine Legs pulled forward.

The belt was also inside, like all other metal parts with rubber.
I recognized a small piece of rubber hose in the step tape that was introduced to me by the woman into the urethra. Then she put the step tape over my labia. There the band was forged halfway and had a folded border covered with rubber on both sides, so that my Venus hill could be completely enclosed.

The tape then became very wide and shared just before it reached the navel. The two ends of the step tape were inserted into two slots provided in the wide belt.

I heard the mechanism inside the belt ratchet when she did it. She quickly had the remote control in her hand again. I heard a quiet buzz again and noticed how the belt around my stomach slowly became narrower.

Again and again she interrupted this process in order to pull the stracer to the belt by means of the remote control. The belt was now so narrow that my hip bones appeared clearly under this. My belly, which was hidden under the steel plate of the step strap. I had to pull my buttocks apart so that the step tape could be tightened to the utmost.

Here, too, the white -clad woman checked that you couldn’t get a finger between metal and body anymore.

“I think they have put the chastity belt a little very closely on me. You can’t loosen the thing, ”I asked. The belt was really tight and I found it uncomfortable. “Miss Susi, I can only find the things with this operation, but I can no longer loosen.

Only the Lord can do that. But I can assure you that you will get used to it if you have only worn things for a few weeks.“In these words, I suddenly got lively, the veil was wiped away in my head. “What did you say right now?”” “I said,” she replied in her broken German, “that they would get used to it in a period of weeks.““ You want to say that I have to wear these things over several weeks!“” “Miss Susi, you will have to wear these and a few other things for the next 3 years, because I think your contract runs that long with our Lord.”

“3 years”, I shouted, “that can’t be. I ask that you lose these things again immediately, because I definitely don’t want to participate.

Not even for the sake of many money.““ I can no longer lose these things to you, even if I wanted it. It is impossible. All things you wear are made from a special steel alloy that can only be edited under extreme heat. Without this necessary temperature, any tool fails.

Unless you own the electronic key to your equipment. However, this will be in the palace of our gentleman with great certainty. What you wear is a high -security chastity belt and the bra is also very safe. Try it yourself.

You will not find your breast as well as to touch your genital area.“I let myself fall on the bed and dragged on the chastity belt and on the bra, of course without a result. I felt an anger rising in me and broke out in tears.

Again and again I tried to free myself from the belt, but it didn’t work. I hammered with my hands on the steel plate that covered my belly around, but it was so robust that I didn’t even feel anything on my stomach myself.

“No one can endure that for 3 years,” I whimpered. “How should I go to the toilet with these things on my body and keep my body hygienic?“” “You will get everything, Miss Susi. But let’s go on now, because the Lord will come in half an hour, and we have to be ready with your closing. Otherwise a punishment awaits us.”” Why punishment, I’m just an employee!““ As I realize, you have signed your employment contract a little very quickly.

You will still have to learn a lot in the near future. But we can’t lose time now. Please let me complete your equipment, otherwise I have to end it by force.

Miss Susi.“After I duke the chastity belt a few more times, I realized that it had no sense to try to get rid of the thing.

It just didn’t work. With tears in the eyes and depressed of helplessness, I handed over to the women so that they could continue to work on me. I stood in front of my closet again and looked at myself in its mirror. I looked great in the stuff, but the thought that I should wear it for 3 years was noticeable on my face.

The woman in white joined me and put me around both wrists of metal clamps. A metal ring was attached to each of the clamps. I just heard it clicked. I heard this click, due to my tense nerves very loudly.

Then two shoes were brought with very high paragraphs, which were attached to my ankle joints, which was of course made of metal again, by means of a clamp around my ankle joints. I was unable to free myself from them either.

Next, my wrists were connected to each other using a chain. This chain was very short and also went through a ring on the front of my chastity belt, so that I didn’t have very much freedom of movement for my hands. Finally, a chain was attached to the step of the chastity belt.

This was shared just before she reached the ground. The two ends were then connected to the clamps around the ankles. Now I could only take very small steps. Finally, the women brought a white cowl, as it was worn by one of the women.

“Now they are dressed for the tear, Susi misses,” she said with a certain pride in her voice. “Now we have to wait until we are picked up.”

The three black -clads stood next to the door, and kept almost motionless there. Only from time to time you heard a quiet metallic clink of them. The other woman in white and I sat on the bed.

After a few minutes she said to me, “it won’t be long and you will get used to your new world. It only took me a few days. Now I am already working for the men’s seventh year and can no longer imagine another life.”” Yes, “I said,” but you don’t have to wear these iron things like me either.”” I said to you. Misses Susi that all female employees have to wear this equipment.

I am no exception.“She got up and raised her smock up to the height of the breasts. I couldn’t believe what I got to see there. But my eyes instructed me better.

She did not wear a chastity belt like me, but her body was closed from the chest to the abdomen into a corset from the gold shiny steel. The chain, which led to clamps on the ankles, was also attached in their crotch.

She had only one advantage, her hands were free. “Believe me now, Miss Susi?”” I have to, “I said. “And what do you do with the Lord, as you call him?”” I will be paid for that I design things like you and I wear.“” And how did you get it?“She just wanted to answer me, that knocked on the door. The white woman said “in!“Another Arab came through the door that I had never seen yet.

He talked briefly to the woman and left the room again.

“The car is there to take us to the plane. Tell your apartment Ade because you will not see you for the next 3 years.“She pulled my hood over my head and also put her over her, and said“ we go.“We left the house and carefully closed all doors. The Arab waited in front of the house. She handed over my house key and I saw how she disappeared into one of his pockets.

In front of us there was a black minibus without a window. The door was opened and I saw that there were two benches inside. We got on the bus and took a seat. The Arab closed the door and a short time later I noticed how the bus started to move.

Now we were sitting in the vehicle, for the next 20 minutes, it would take as long as I would take the airport to reach the airport. Three black and two white-clad women, who were not considered to be wearing gold, and shiny metal under their wide robes under their wide robes.

I asked the white dressed woman for her name. “My name is Diana,” she replied to me. “Diana, why are the other women so silent?““ The women dressed in black do a service as a slave, they are forbidden to speak.

You can’t do it either, because you wear a gag that makes speaking impossible. But you will get to know everything if you have only lived with us for a few days.“Since the conversation became a little more fluid, I also offered Diana my“ You ”. I hadn’t asked her at all, but I had assumed that we as a companion to suffer the “you”. “Diana, shortly before we were picked up, did you want to tell me how you got into this strange job.”” It was similar with me in your case, “she started.

“I am a Dutchman and had a small erotic shop in Amsterdam.

There I distributed the common things that are traded in such a shop. Before I founded this business, I studied imaging art, but did not find a job in this industry after studying. That’s why I opened this shop because such things went well.

One day I received a catalog from London in the bizarre toy. Chastity belt and the whole other around it. I ordered some of the things and had to find out that these things were going quite well. I thought that I could also make such and other things to raise the profit something.

So I set up a small factory city and started making things myself. Over time, my products were more and more sought -after, so that I said goodbye to the series and only manufactured special designs. Of course also at stately prices. That ran for about a year.

One day an Arab entered my little shop. I asked him about his concerns and he explained to me that he would need different things. I requested a list of the required items from him. He said that he had one with it and handed me a sheet of paper on both sides described was.

I looked at the list briefly and realized after the first line that I could not accept this order.

Because he already asked for a hundred chastity belt, and as I said, that was only the beginning. I explained to him that I was only a small company with one person and that I could not make these quantities. He then offered me that I should come to his country and then the equipment under my leadership should be made by other workers. Then he flattered me with the arguments that he liked my designs that I meanwhile made very well and that he was reluctant to conclude a contract with another company.

He also offered me that he would also be interested in further ideas, and whether there were any other ideas.

I then got my folder with designs that I could never have divided myself, because that was just too complex. He was very impressed by them and repeated his offer to come to his country with him. He also offered me a stately salary and besides, I should receive an extra payment for each of my designs and for every further distance.

I would have the opportunity to realize all of my ideas there, I went through my head, and besides, I would also get the whole thing well paid. After a few back and forth I finally agreed and just wanted to know when it would start.

He said that he would come back in the afternoon to give me a contract that I would only have to sign. I had agreed with him that I was able to supply my previous clientele from his country. That was important to me because I had a name to lose and didn’t want to offend anyone by just getting out of dust.

In the afternoon he appeared again, with a thick folder in his hand. That should be my contract. Actually it would be two, he said. One rule is the business and the other is a kind of house rules that also had to be signed.

I read the part that affected the business very carefully and was with what I let go of it. Since the whole thing was very extensive, I only flogged the second part and then signed both parts.

Then we drank a glass of sparkling wine on the contract that has just been concluded and talked about all sorts of things. Then he came up with the fact that he would have acquired a very nice chastity belt from another company and that he would have liked to have experienced my opinion about the piece. I explained to him that you can’t give an opinion so flatly, since different aspects play a role in this.

On the one hand, the material, the processing and especially the supporting property. He gave me to understand that he had time and my opinion was really very important to him. Without waiting, he left my shop and immediately appeared with a box in his hands. “Here is the model,” he said.

“The opinion of my new employee is very important to me.”Now well,” I said, and looked at the belt. The metal was unknown to me. It shone golden and was very stable. The processing was also very good, the manufacturer knew what was important.

Now the businesswoman had gained the upper hand in me and I explained to him that I would have to try the piece in order to be able to give me a final judgment.

“I even ask you to try it out, my love,” he said with a smile. I disappeared into a changing room of my shop, took off my things and put the steel strap around my stomach. “How do you close the belt,” I called out of the cabin. “You just have to push the left into the right end of the belt,” he called back.

“Do you also have the keys that I get the belt from me again?““ I’ll get them right away, they are still in the car. Do not worry.“With a loud ratchet I pushed the two ends into each other, but not very firm. Then I pulled the step tape forward and did not know where it should be attached. “How is the step tape attached,” I called back into the shop.

“There are two slots on the lower edge of the wide belt tape, the two ends of the step band are inserted into,” came the answer.

Again I heard the metallic ratchet. I now had the chastity belt on my body. He sat in Et-what loosely, but I thought that he would be good to wear. “I think this belt is a good piece,” I called out of the cabin.

“May I see it once,” I heard his voice from outside. “But only very briefly,” I replied. I left the cabin, just dressed with a T-shirt and the chastity belt. He was still sitting at the table and sipping his coffee when I presented myself.

“I think the belt is not yet properly sitting,” he said. And suddenly I noticed how the belt got tighter. First around my stomach and then also in the crotch. “What’s going on here,” I said in astonished.

“If you wear such a belt over a longer period of time, it is not good if it is too loose, because you could rub yourself sore.”

“I deliberately left the belt a little more relaxed because I will put it down again anyway,” I said. “I don’t think so,” I got the answer. His face lost the smile and he looked at me very seriously. He pointed me to put me because he had a lot to explain to me.

I followed his instruction and then heard what the house rules meant. I think I don’t need to tell you the rest of the story, or?”” No “, I replied,” I think I know the end.““ Diana, one can believe me, this Arab won’t get me so easy to get me into his violence. Because in front of me I have this electronic key for the things that now have me to get me in violence.”

“I also had to do that at the beginning of my contract, but I gave it up at some point. The chance of having your palace without metal parts on the body is almost zero.

And the opportunity to get this key in the palace, you can completely get out of your head. You’ll see!“In these words the car was slowed down. The door was opened a few seconds later. When we left the bus, we were already standing on the airfield, in front of a medium aircraft.

Arabic characters could be seen on the fuselage of the machine with which I knew nothing to start. At the same time, I gave up the hope that I could escape my fate at the passport, or customs control. How did this Arab had threaded that again? Two men pointed up to the machine. We climbed the stairs, which, however, took some time because our ankles were still connected to a short chain.

I saw that the three black -clad women also wore these chains when they went up the steps in front of me. When I entered the plane I saw that some women were sitting there.

It was now with us, three white dressed women and nine in black robes. They showed me and the other places and we sat down. One of the men also had a remote control as I had already seen them today.

He pressed a par button and I noticed how the chains loosened from my wrists. Diana showed me that in the smock I was wearing two holes through which I could bring my arms out. The short piece of chain was taken from the man and he put it in the pocket of his arrival.

“We are now waiting for a new advertising Unse-res men. But this would also have to arrive here every minute.

And then we have a few hours of flight to us until the men’s home.”” Diana, why do you always call the Arab?““ Because I am obliged to do so, but you will be explained everything, Susi.“There was movement in the two Arabs who had woken up at the aircraft door. They stepped aside and first I saw a white -clad woman who pulled vigorously on a chain that she held in her hands. A black dressed woman was pulled on this. The chain was attached to her neck tire and you noticed that it was pulled into the plane with all the folders.

When you had her on the plane, the woman became one in one the armchair depressed.

The two men held them up and the woman loosened the long chain and then attached a shorter one to the back of the neck tire which they then had in the back of the armchair. Then the woman let off. She wanted to jump up but because of the chain she was torn back into the armchair.

I heard gurgling under the hood, there was no more to be heard. I looked at Diana, because I just couldn’t believe what I got to see. I asked her why you were so rough with the woman. “Susi, this woman is not bound to the men like you with an employment contract.

She was simply picked up from home because she owes my Lord a high amount of money. She took advantage of a loan some time ago and signed that, if she cannot pay back it in a certain time. And since she has not paid, she now has to process the amount. And as you can see, she has to do that as a slave, whether she wants or not.“In the meantime the aircraft door had been closed and we were drawn to the fact that we would have to buckle up now.

The buckling of the recently published woman took over one of the women in white because her hands were not freed.

The plane started to move and finally it picked up. I wanted to look out again to the window, but I had to find that it was no longer possible. The windows had been covered by a mechanism, you could no longer see. I asked Diana in which country we would fly at all, and she told me that she still didn’t know that until today.

It was made quite a secret of it. I wanted to know some details of Diana, but she just told me that she couldn’t talk about it and I will find out all of this myself. The woman who had last brought on the plane still fought against hers Tie up. But I knew from my own experience that she could not win this fight.

At some point I must have fallen asleep because I was awakened by shaking the machine when it almost landed.

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