Erotic hours with Anja | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was one of those evenings that you don’t want to experience at the beginning of 20: I stuck in a pub with my buddy Thorsten with my buddy Thorsten on not open. At some point it was half past, the pub Empty and you just stayed without illusion and a little bit of beer on the chair gluing in the hope that the door may open and a swarm of attractive and accessible young women hovered in. But nobody floated in.

“Should we drive past Anja?“Actually, we hadn’t drunk the schnapps that this idea would have justified, because I hadn’t heard from my co -tabiturian Anja since that high school, i.e. one and a half years. In the years of our upper school time we had a strange relationship to each other.

At first I was a little fell in love with her and disappointed about the rejection, that had leveled up over time. Despite all the external attractiveness and also sympathy, the woman was too esoteric for me to have desired her as a real partner. However, since we were very happy to smooch together and, if possible, folk hard together, it was not uncommon at any parties that we remained somewhere together. She had already had a nice old building flat share with Katja, another girl from the level.

There we made nails with heads on one of the above occasions and slept together in the early morning hours of a junitail that was already illuminated in a sunny. For them, this was a very important and special level for some reason – after their exceeding nothing between us. But the number itself took a long time and had a lot of fun with animal. By the way, Thorsten also knew her and had a kind of enthusiastic preference for him.

I still had the address of the shared apartment after a year and a half and so we tin in front of a strange door at night to ring after a long time with a woman that we didn’t have the quietest shimmer of what and with whom she did and whethershe remembered us big at all.

To our surprise, we were immediately opened without an intercom and Anja was at the door of the apartment door, obviously not yet in bed, but also not at the door that evening. We hadn’t thought about anything, with which we wanted to justify our appearance that was completely in need of explanation. However, this was not necessary at all. “Jan and Thorsten, how funny! Comes in, what can I offer you?”

“What have you got there?”

“Red wine and also a little bit to smoke.”

“Great, let’s take both!”

Pleasantly gently intoxicated alcohol And grass took a completely sloping run that night.

Anja had just been busy with a huge stack of tarot cards. However, since Thorsten and I did not find the right willingness to get into the tarot, the variant quickly developed from this that we played the individual symbols. We quickly left the submission of the cards and developed our own crowds. When Thorsten and I just held Anja in front of us (he on the shoulder, I on my feet and her with a stiffened body between us) to form a “h for holding” for her, her room door and Katja Stand inSpace.

She had been out in a discotheque and was now completely danced home. Here, too, the scenery seemed to be no reason for questions. Katja only fought the rest of the joint from the ashtray, smoke it with relish and recommended himself under the shower. In T-shirt and shorts she came back to us, crouched and asked what she could contribute to the spectacle.

We were with our Sharade number anyway and I suggested playing hiding in the dark. Great enthusiasm among the three others and as the proposal, I received the honor to see first. After the usual counting round with closed eyes and ears, I felt myself through a strange half-dark apartment in which the street lamps sent gray light through the curtains and threw dark shadows behind unknown pieces of furniture. It cracked behind a curtain and my suspicion was confirmed by the handle behind the process when I got a stately biceps.

“Okay, I’ll do it briefly, Toto this is you!“A short grunt, then a foggy cackle and it was clear who had to look for next. On the other hand, I did not continue my way through the Gottlob too big apartment. I got a naked leg under the daily blanket of a large sofa, which was quiet despite my touch. I felt my leg gently upwards and at the latest on my thigh I knew that it was familiar skin: Anja.

She made no institutions to give up and I also have no noise. I shouted the daily blanket almost completely from her, so that only the face was covered, as if I really don’t know who I could have received in front of me. I went over her middle of the body and felt after her breasts, first over the T-shirt, then underneath. Her nipples stiff stiff and she groaned softly when I let her slide between the index and middle finger.

I put a finger on her mouth and whispered in her ear that she should stay lying, I also wanted to “find” Katja. Anja encompassed my head and gave me one of her wonderfully full kisses. Then she whispered: “She is in her room in her room.”

After a few noisy pseudo-searchers in other places, I entered Katja’s room and first opened the closet. In the thread of the room I was able to Legs see, however, initially pushed aside a few clothes hanged on temples.

Then I touched Katja as if by chance. There was also a reaction here. I stroked her throat and encompassed her chin, but did not go over to the face, but stroked her t-shirt down to her big breasts. In contrast to Anja, she was wearing a bra, but it was still very exciting to tense my hand on this large and firm breasts.

The fine lace fabric hardly bothered at all. She had to laugh and I also, given this place of investigation, it was really no longer to be represented, I don’t know who was in the closet in front of me. Well, Katja … ”I laughed and she hopped happily out of the closet.

So the next thing was Thorsten on searching. I had chosen a hard -to -reach place behind a hanging laundry back during my own search, but Anja pulled myself away by the hand.

We landed behind a dark blue shower process in the bathtub and Anja began to smooch with me. It was new and familiar in a fascinating way. Her kisses tasted like before, but it was also a bit like the first time. In any case, I immediately knew again why we had always landed somewhere at school.

In the meantime it had become half past six and despite the time and the two drugs I had a magnificent one erection In my jeans. Nevertheless, we left it with this intensive smooch. More excitement was not possible anyway, I thought and that I did not have to do without any redemption, which I did, I knew Anja too well for that.

After a while the door opened quietly and we heard an awkward Thorsten Tap through the small bathroom. We didn’t bother to hide acoustically and my friend Thorsten showed me again why I (still) count so much on him today.

He paused briefly, looked into a laundry basket for camouflage and behind the washing machine (I would not have fit in both hiding places even as a four-year-old) and left the only possible hiding place of the room, namely our bathtub, undisely before leaving the bathroom. It didn’t matter to us anyway. We were so busy with our smooch that we didn’t notice much anymore. Nevertheless, at some point I wondered why the next round had not been heralded long ago, but my unspoken question of how well Katja might have hidden, Anja only conceded with a smile: “She has always been on Thorsten.”

At some point Anja just grabbed behind him and turned the ice -cold shower jet, a typical act of hers – as I found – somewhat attached jellyfish crazy.

I tried not not to show anything, but it found it crazy about how I got a t-shirt and jeans with cold water. Anja screamed loudly and a little hysterical and of course Katja and Thorsten immediately came to look. You could just see that Katja hadn’t been so hidden and the two had been working together for some time. Anja turned off the shower, climbed out of the tub and grazed her complete clothes from the body to dry out.

A completely puzzled Thorsten watched me as I also pulled out naked, abrupt my way around and stole past the two behind Anja, who had disappeared in her room. We lay down on the floor on their wide mattress camp and shivered into the numerous blankets. Anja immediately went back to the attack, although she used our nudity to reach directly into the center of my masculinity. The cold shower was not without effect on this.

So she had mine tail to straighten up again, but how much she dominated it was still too well remembered for me. The door opened and Katja and Thorsten appeared, both also without clothes. I had to stare on Katja’s perfect breasts and Anja breathed in the ear “Madness, or?“Meanwhile, she werked my tail on my ceiling for everyone. However, neither this nor our nudity nor the appearance of the other two were the reason for shame or uncertainty, although Thorsten and I had not yet experienced something like that.

Anja had now turned on any muggy-resinous fragrance candles and its heavy fragrance, which is still light drug fog in the head and the excitingly natural eroticism of the moment everything went into the background.

When the two climbed to our warehouse over us, Anja took Katja’s thighs while sitting, enclosed it, kissed the inside of her thighs and smiled up to her up. Katja replied the smile, leaned down and kissed Katja on her forehead.

After the two had led to us, we kept the 2 × 2 situation. Thorsten and Katja got around and Anja and me. In between we talked from time to time and the mattress borders were fluid.

Anja really wanted to discuss Katja’s breasts with us and said right in the middle: “Look!“She took one of Katja’s nipples in her mouth and sucked it intensely and for a long time. Katja groaned gently. When Anja released the nipple out of her mouth, it had become a lush cherry red on it from tender pink. The differences between the two nipples were clearly recognizable even in the half -darkness.

“Take this!“Anja said to me and pushed my head to the dark nipple. I sucked on it and pressed my forehead into Katja’s lavish meat. In the meantime I heard Anja say “We have never smooched!“And in my back Thorsten and she after. “We already have!“, I grinned Katja in allusion to a longer -back New Year’s Eve.

“Me,” she said and pulled me up to her. Even with her, the smooching was great fun. Then we returned to the original constellation and began to talk about positions. With all our activities, our cocks always fluctuated between half -tires and stiff state, depending on what was organized with them and what there was to see or heard.

However, the phase of erections or the moisture of the genders of our players played no role in an extremely pleasant way. They were just there or just not and always side effects for everything that happened there.

During the positions, Thorsten could not avoid trumpeting how much he was to be blown. Katja dipped immediately – apparently the tastes had found each other. So while Thorsten was blown in hearing and visible, Anja tells us that she would like to have it from behind with “deep sympathy” and familiarity and I did not ask myself whether I was still in this category for her after such a long timewould fall.

I just took her and bocked her without having resistance to me.

Since I knew about her quite promiscuitive lifestyle, there was no way around the condoms, but in this situation I had no desire to deal with something profane. So I just stuck my stiff cock between her legs from behind and rubbed it past her gender. Anja groaned loudly and rhythmically, which moved Thorsten to escape Katja, to get on her knees in front of Anja and to keep his cock in front of her. But she didn’t want to blow him, but took him in her hand and started to get him with a knowledgeable hand jerk off.

Thorsten meanwhile half behind the somewhat idle Katja between his legs. He took the air with a surprise. “Katja is shaved!“That was definitely the absolute exception among students in the early 90s. I immediately stopped my semi -dry exercises and curiously peeked between Katja’s legs.

“I think that’s a bit pedophile, but just take a look at it,” says Anja, but reached the lying Katja to the knee and turned her towards me with wide legs. I reached into the cleanly shaved fold that was incredibly damp and stroked my thumb over the clean smooth skin areas. Katja definitely had to under the shower have framed. Meanwhile, Katja had closed her eyes and while I fingered her calmly and evenly, she wasted Thor’s swing back into her mouth.

Anja had taken her hand and both closed my tail. I was extremely on tours now and now I also had a slight pain in my eggs. Anja took my hand from Katja’s gender, crawled over her, took Thorstens swan out of her mouth and kissed her deep and full. In doing so, she kept Thorstens tail in her hand and jerked him again without looking.

The two girls drilled their shots into each other and rubbed themselves with calm but excited urgency. I leaned against the wall and rubbed the rock -hard cock while I looked at the overwhelming scenery with half -opened eyes, but rather delighted me at the concert. Anja groaned loudly, while Katja was rather gasping. Thorsten regularly let a sonorous hum hear.

Then Anja dropped the Schleiern curtain with a loud bang: “So, friends of the night, I have exactly two hours to sleep and tomorrow a workshop that I’ve been looking forward to for months.

As horny with you – we have to come to the end now!“When I wanted to make this as a request and put between her legs, she took my hand away and told me to understand that the“ to end ”was probably limited to me. It was similar on the other side of the warehouse, where Katja was intensely at work again with her mouth. Anja now jerked me vigorously and we watched the two relaxed. Then Anja looked into my eyes, smiled and leaned down to my cock and blew it a little before she came up and continued with her hand.

It was a gesture of exclusivity that she wanted to give me and I understood. She now made serious and a short time poured out of my genital area, which has been irritating for hours sperm. Anja deteriorated on my stomach and before I got quite awareness, the waves of sudden relaxation carried me into a deep and dreamless sleep.

A few hours later, a half -florch woke me up and I saw Thorsten lying next to me, who still slept firmly, even though the morning sun was shining brightly into the room. The place where the night had romped so much above us in the bright daylight was a bit strange.

I woke the sleeper next to me and we pulled naked into the empty apartment. The girls were on, but kindly hung my wet clothes on a heater, so I could put them back on again. The outline of objects, along with the associated designations such as “Croissants”, “O juice” or “coffee”, were painted on a white paper tablet ceiling. We found everything nearby, were happy about the nice breakfast and the two lipstick kisses that the two had also left.

We painted our waving hands next to it and pulled the front door behind us.

Thorsten looked at me in the tram and said: “My goodness, what was that?“I didn’t know any more than shaking my head.

Then he laughed. “Well, at least I know that I have the bigger tail!”

“We have to measure that next time. But no matter how big your cock is: I now know that you only know how to deal with him amateurish!”

And we laughed the whole pent -up surprise about this unexpected night out of our heads until the tears came to us and the Sunday -of -the -day passengers looked at us completely wrong.

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