Woman of the best friend pregnant | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Uwe and I (Hans) are what you can call good friends. Grew up as neighboring children and attended the same school for 18 years. Even during our youth we always got together. And even when each of us had a permanent girlfriend, nothing has changed. In the meantime we have both been married for several years. Uwe’s wife Sonja and my Iris also get on dazzling. From the Friendship From the past, the friendship of two families has been.

And when I say friendship, I mean it too. We hold together, come what there are. So now we live, every family in their own little house on the same street. Both families are what is generally referred to as a “average family”. Here, however, there is a serious difference. While Iris and I now have two children aged seven and four, the desire to have children from Uwe and Sonja has unfortunately remained unfulfilled so far.

And exactly this fact led to what I wrote down here. In the beginning Iris and I still thought that Sonja and Uwe just wanted to take time for young talent production. But we had been wrong then. When we four us last Summer once again met a twilight pint in our garden, the conversation also happened to be on the topic “Young talent. “After Sonja and Uwe initially kept back in the conversation, they started telling.

Alternately, they suddenly talked like a waterfall. Iris and me became clear afterwards that our friends probably talked a lot of ballast from the soul that evening. Sonja and Uwe told us that they have been trying to get a child for about five years. After trying for over a year in the usual way a child went to witness Sonja went to the gynecologist. He found that everything was fine with her.

According to the gynecologist, there is actually no reason from Sonja’s side that could prevent pregnancy. Therefore, the gynecologist recommended that her husband Uwe should be examined accordingly. Uwe then went to the urologist and described his problem. After a short physical examination, he could also not find anything. So Uwe then had to deliver a sperm test. And the result of this investigation was devastating. There were almost no fertilizable sperm in Uwes sperm.

The urologist could not call the reason for this. Also, he could not hope that something would change again in this state. With hanging heads, the two then marched to the gynecologist. This made it clear to them that no child can be achieved with Uwes sperm. If Sonja should still get pregnant, he recommended artificial fertilization with the sperm of an unknown donor. Since Sonja and Uwe absolutely wanted to have a child, they followed the gynecologist’s recommendation.

In the following time, Sonja was artificially fertilized three times. However, pregnancy did not appear. The health insurance company would no longer have paid any further attempts at artificial fertilization. These would have been very expensive. In addition, the gynecologist had also drawn attention to the fact that the risk of multiple pregnancy was quite high with every artificial insemination. Sonja and Uwe wanted to avoid this if possible. For example, two more years have gone into the country without Sonja being pregnant.

That evening we actually came together for our twilight pint. After Sonja and Uwe told us their story, we all had the mood at the low point. A few weeks later, Sonja called Iris during the day and asked if we were already doing something this evening. Since this was not the case, she asked us to come to them for a few hours. This was nothing special because we often organized such evenings together.

But when we were with the two of them, we immediately noticed that something was wrong. Sonja was totally scratched up and nervous. And Uwe also noticed that there was something in the air. Since the two did not get down to business on their own. “What’s going on with both of you? You are how two teenager that go out for the first time!” I said. Then Sonja asked us that we should sit down and drink a sip.

When all this had happened and the two had still said nothing, I became restless. “So get out with the language now! What’s up?“I now asked very clearly. “You can still remember the evening about three weeks ago when we spoke about childhood, or rather about having not children?“Asked Sonja. When we affirmed this, she said that there was news about this, for which you would have to speak to us.

Sonja said that she was once again with her gynecologist for the normal control examination. The conversation also came to the lack of children. The doctor then, probably funny, said to her that she should try another man’s sperm another man. Sonja took note of this as a not entirely successful joke and immediately ticked off. Later at home, however, the matter came back to her and she thought about it again.

The doctor had always told her that everything was fine with her. The only reason for the lack of pregnancy is the poor sperm quality of her husband. So she concluded that sexual intercourse with a different manual man would soon have to lead to pregnancy. And openly as Sonja is, the following day she went unannounced to her gynecologist and asked unequivocally: “Doctor, when I sleep on my fertile days with a man with normal spema quality, how big is the likelihood that I am immediately pregnantbecome?“The gynecologist is said to have answered her that – with good preparation and compliance with the fertile day – the probability of pregnancy is well over 50 percent.

Sonja made this new wisdom on the same evening and asked him for his opinion. Long story short, the two have agreed that they want to take this step. That means Sonja wants to be pregnant by another man. So that we understand each other correctly, this is not about one Sperm donation another man, but that Sonja wants to be pregnant by this man through normal sexual intercourse. So far so good.

The decision for this step lies with Sonja and Uwe. If the two agree and quite sure that these are the right step, then they should take this step. I would have a complete understanding for that. And Iris is completely in my opinion. The only question arises as to who the chosen one will be who should lead Sonja to pregnancy. There are all sorts of consideration. On the one hand it has to be a man on whom it is relevant to the character.

Not that one day he comes and claims to his paternity. The fact that the man must be “donor -capable” from a medical point of view is also important. You have already heard of all possible diseases that can be transferred through sexual intercourse and “exchange of body fluids”. AIDS and hepatitis are probably only the best known, but not all possibilities for a long time. And last but not least, the type of sperm donor should also fit the circumstances.

If both parents are blonde, but then – as the possible sperm donor – suddenly has a pitch -black hair, it gives a lot to think about the dear people. Iris and I drew the two aware of these points. But that was nothing really new and also known Sonja and Uwe. After confronting Sonja and Uwe with all the eventualities to be considered, there was suddenly a deceptive calm in the room. The two looked at each other.

Then Uwe Sonja nodded, she breathed deeply and said: “We have already chosen the right man. Uwe, you should do it!!!“That was quite a blow to me. “Waaaas I??? How do you get the snap idea?????“It suddenly. But Sonja and Uwe were able to answer my question immediately. On the one hand, they are sure that because of the decades of friendship with Uwe, I would be best suited in character. You are sure that, for example, I would never insist on my fatherhood, especially since we already had two children ourselves.

And they also assumed that nothing medically spoke about it would speak. I know best myself that I have neither AIDS nor hepatitis or another disease that I could transfer to Sonja with my sperm. And in terms of type, too, I am at least not unlike. Both size as well as hair color and eye color would be quite similar. So it would be all the time to speak that I should provide the few cubic centimeters of sperm.

I was totally perplexed. I wouldn’t have got that in my wildest dreams that something like this would be told me tonight. My wife and I looked at ourselves as if the death sentence had just been made about us. Sonja and Uwe had probably noticed this. Therefore, Sonja immediately came from Sonja: “Of course that doesn’t have to be decided this evening. Sleep over it first. We can think about it together again in the next few days.

“That night I have slept as restless and as little as it has been for a long time. The thing about the production of children at Sonja just didn’t get out of my head. The next day was Saturday. Our children were guests with my in -laws all weekend. Iris and I were all alone. We had enough time to think about Sonja’s madness and talk about it. How to turn the matter and turned.

From a purely factual point of view, the two were already right. There was no reasonable factual reason to reject Sonja and Uwe. Only the moral side of the medal would have justified a rejection. Finally, roughly speaking, you do not make his friend’s wife. And from my wife’s point of view, this was nothing more and no less than one Fling. On the other hand, not only Sonja and I as the main characters would be involved. But also Sonja’s husband Uwe and my wife Iris were fully included in the decision from the start.

Only if all four of them agreed 100 %, there was even the possibility to carry out the matter according to Sonja’s wish. It was clear to me that Sonja and Uwe wanted to have this. But what does my wife say about the matter?I noticed Iris all weekend that she too is constantly thinking about the topic. Sometimes it seemed really absent. And when you spoke to her or asked something, it was just as if you had woken her out of sleep.

One can certainly say that both Iris and I have not made it easy for ourselves. But time is running. Sunday afternoon came closer and thus the expected return of our children. Then the calm in the house was over again. Therefore, our decision should be made beforehand. I addressed Iris directly. “Have you already decided?”I asked her. However, I avoided that iris from my tone or my facial expressions could have drawn my decision.

I wanted Iris to say her honest opinion about Sonja’s proposal without being influenced by anything. Iris took a deep breath again and said: “Yes!!!”” What do you mean by yes “I asked back. Iris said: “I think we should do it!“In this sentence I particularly liked the word we. That Iris said we should do it, made me feel that she was really serious and was fully behind the matter.

I’ve been really tie yet. But now that Iris said “We should do it”, I was convinced that it would be nothing wrong to help our friends Sonja and Uwe in this rather strange way. Iris and I now agreed. We let another day pass in order to be able to sleep again again. We invited Sonja and Uwe to us for Tuesday evening. After the children were in bed, we sat down in the living room for the war council.

The mood was a bit depressed. Or was it just the tension of how our decision failed? After no sound was spoken for a few seconds, I looked at Iris and nodded her to her. That was the sign for them to announce our joint decision. In her own kind, she took a deep breath again and said loudly and clearly: “Well, we do it!!“It was again this“ we. “This gave me the confidence that we were all together on the right track.

Immediately after Iris this “Well, we do it!!“Sonja jumped up and Iris fell around her neck. Not her husband or me, the physical Father of your child’s child. No of my wife she fell around my neck. That was very important to me that my wife was fully behind the matter. Otherwise I would never have got involved. And this was apparently also completely clear, which is why she threw herself around her neck after the announcement of our decision Iris.

After the euphoria had subsided, Sonja said in her pragmatic way that we would now have to enter into more detail. Our children were out of the house next weekend, this time with my parents. So we agreed that we will meet Sonja and Uwe on Saturday evening to plan “the matter”. Then we had enough time. On Sunday we could properly sleep in without the children. When we came together on Saturday evening, every four of us avoided to address the intended topic of the evening.

Only when almost an hour had passed said Sonja: “So guys it doesn’t help anything now. You know why we got together tonight. So let’s talk about it too!“With that the ice was broken. Suddenly there was nothing to discuss except “this thing. “Sonja said that there would be a lot to consider. It therefore suggested to create a “checklist” for me and she as the main participants. If possible in chronological order, so that the list can then be “processed” in turn.

So nothing else was talked about all evening than “this thing”. All four made suggestions and pointed out different things. An outsider could have thought that we are four children who talk about who will get which Christmas present. When I was given my “checklist” at the end of our meeting of Sonja, I was happy to find that this checklist – thanks – had remained surprisingly short. It contained only two points.

For one thing, I was allowed to do the 23. June accept no other appointment. The 23. According to Sonja’s calculation, June was “the” day when she would probably be pregnant most pregnant. On the other hand, I was allowed to. June no longer sleep with Iris. Sonja had been told by her gynecologist that pregnancy was most likely if the man had no ejaculation at least three days before the decisive sexual intercourse. But older than seven days should not be the sperm “collected” by the man either, because then the sperm is already too old again.

So from June 18, “nothing left for me. “And Sonja said a little flippant to me:“ And remember that you shouldn’t lend a hand yourself!”” Yes, you can do that with me “was the only one I could think of. The 23. June, “this special day” was a Saturday. That was a good thing. We were able to make our children a weekend stay with Grandma and Grandpa tasty again. So we were able to concentrate entirely on the upcoming “event”.

I stayed, as was said, overturning all week. So Iris and I walked to Sonja and Uwe on Saturday afternoon, I with a plump seed bladder that contained the production of the past seven days. In our entire discussions, we had talked about what should be considered. For example, my almost one -week abstinence. No sound had fallen on how the matter itself, i.e. the sexual intercourse between Sonja and me, should work.

Well, shortly before it went down, it was probably time to talk about it. But nobody really wanted to say anything. Then Sonja took over the direction again and said: “So, I imagined it that way. I go into the bedroom and lie down on the bed. Uwe can go into the bathroom and undress. When he is ready, he comes to me in the bedroom. I lie down on the back and spread my legs.

Uwe comes to me and lays over me. If he has his penis in it, he tries to get to the ejaculation as soon as possible. Then he pulls it out and goes back to the bathroom. I then have to stay that way for a quarter of an hour so that the sperm can flow well towards the uterus. Oh yes, I almost forgot. The doctor said that a base under the woman’s pool would support this flow process.

Remember to think that I put a pillow. “So we knew Sonja, clear and direct. She brings the matter directly to the point. That may have been quite good so that Sonja took the book in hand. Because I was hypernervous. I didn’t like to sleep with a pretty woman in a few minutes. I felt like a sheep that was led to the slaughterhouse. Or rather how a sheep goes to the slaughterhouse voluntarily.

Sonja also got that. So she said to me: “Oh Uwe, everything half as bad. It doesn’t hurt. If you had to go to the dentist would be worse!“She said it and disappeared towards the bedroom. Now it was up to me to open myself towards the bathroom. I looked at my iris again as far as it was farewell. Then they gave me a little kiss and said “Well, do it!“When I got to the bathroom, I slowly undressed.

Somehow I didn’t have it in a hurry. If I wanted to sleep with Iris at home now, I would definitely have a considerable stand at that time. But now and here? Nothing happens. My penis hangs on me so small and sad as if I had just swum in an ice -cold lake. But what should I do, Sonja is already waiting. So I take a deep breath and make my way to Sonja in the bedroom.

There she lay on the bed, with a pillow under her butt. She was wearing the top of her sleeper so that she was only naked from the navel down. She had set her legs slightly, but the thighs still closed. My first look between her legs did not bring me any new knowledge. I could only see that she was apparently totally shaved there. Sonja was not bent of the poor condition of my penis. “Well, he doesn’t feel like it?”She asked me.

I could only twitch with my shoulders. “Then just come to me” she asked me. I went to the underside of the bed around me, as agreed, between her thighs. When I was still in front of the bed, Sonja opened her thighs. So for the first time I was able to take a unhindered look at her gem. I saw that she was really shaved bare. And I could see that she had a very long little labia that looked out between the big labia.

Somehow this sight turned me on. I now came closer to the bed and knelt on the edge of the bed. My penis grew slowly but safely now and was about half -time. “Well you see!”Said Sonja,” it will be!“I don’t know if she had realized that the sight of her great labia made me so hot. In any case, she reached down, each fingers the two small labia with two fingers of one hand and pulled them apart.

Now I could almost look into her. And I could see that my penis stood tight like a soldier. Sonja spread her legs as far as possible, raised her legs a little and further pulled the labia apart. That made me sharp as the neighbor’s hangover. Sonja suddenly let my labia go and handed my arms outstretched. “Get going, come here and put it in!“She asked me. I slipped up a little that I was able to place my penis in front of its entrance.

I put my glans directly in front of her vaginal entrance and then bend my upper body over Sonja, whereby I supported myself with my outstretched arms. When I was there, I started to slowly sink my penis into it. But it wasn’t as easy as we had imagined it. In reality, Sonja was probably much more excited than she showed it. In any case, her vagina was still dry dry. I tried to push my penis into Sonja’s vagina again by slight pressure.

But it did not work. If I had pressed more firmly, that would have been painful for Sonja. And I definitely wanted to avoid this. “Watch out, make a little space!“Sonja said to me and at the same time pressed my abdomen from the way with both hands. Then she moistened her fingers with spit and rubbed her labia and the vaginal entrance. “Come a little closer!“Then she called me quietly and focused on my penis.

I knelt in front of you again that my glans was right in front of your entrance. She moistened her fingers again with spit and now rubbed my penis, mainly the glans, so that one. A little sliding cream would have worked wonders here. But we were not allowed to use sliding cream, otherwise it would have restricted the movement ability of the sperm. Sonja had really thought of everything. “Come on, try again!“She asked me afterwards. I put my glans again on her vaginal entrance and pressed it slightly against it.

And indeed, the spit was effect. My glans slipped through the vaginal entrance without any problems. However, if I wanted to go further in, I realized that it was still quite dry inside. So now the motto was given patience. Comes time comes advice. Or rather, over time Sonja will already be wet. My penis continued like a one. So I had no trouble to edit the vaginal input only with the tip of my penis and about the front third of the vagina of Sonja.

Sometimes I pulled it out completely and let my glans slide through the pubs and over Sonjas clit with slight pressure. Apparently this was not without reaction at Sonja. I could feel that she was increasingly wetter. After a while I thought it was appropriate to start an attempt again. I put my glans to the entrance of Sonjas vagina and pressed it slightly against it. My penis now slipped slightly into Sonja’s vagina.

After I moved back and forth in Sonja a few times, I was completely exploited by her vagina. I almost pulled myself back and then slowly pushed my penis in centimeters in Sonja. When I was almost entirely in it, I noticed how my glans bumped into the back somewhere. At the same moment, Sonja also made a strange sound. I suspected that it was uncomfortable for her and pulled me back a little.

After a while I didn’t let go of the thought of whether I really hurt Sonja when I penetrated deeply, or whether it was more of a joystinner with Sonja. So only one helps: try it out. I pull myself back to the exit and then slowly but steadily but steadily push into Sonjas vagina. When I was slightly offset again, Sonja escapes a long -drawn “Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh. “But I was quite sure that this was not a pain of pain, but that it was obviously good for her.

And since I meant it well with Sonja, I wanted to give her more of it. I pulled my penis back once and again so that he almost left the vagina. And then I slowly pushed it back to the stop. Every time I was really in there, Sonja has a quiet “aaaaahhhhhhh”. When I played this game for some time, she suddenly said to me: “Hans think on it, you should make me a child and not me for orgasm fuck!”” Yeah “I said, but thought something completely different.

Why should you not connect the pleasant to the useful. I could fuck her to orgasm and still pump my sperm into her uterus. Without further ado, I decided to do this if possible. I now liked the matter so much that I was no longer in a hurry to accommodate my accumulated sperm in Sonja. I was still supporting myself with the arms stretched out about Sonja. So I was able to guess their breasts under the pajamas top, which moved slightly back and forth in the beat of our movements.

And when I looked down at myself, I could see how my penis vagans and exports in Sonjas. All of this brought me a lot in driving. Suddenly Sonja reported. In a serious voice she asked: “You Hans, you can’t come soon? Or is it not yet possible with you?“I said a little in the case of:“ Yes, it would have to be going soon. But a few times I have to go in and out!”” Wait once “Sonja said,” I take off my way around so that you can see me completely naked.

Maybe that will help you to get a shot a little faster. “Sonja tried to roam the top over the head while we were closely connected to our abdomen. So too long I couldn’t hold Sonja anymore. She now insisted that I should finally give her my sperm. So I decided to go into the final sprint. I no longer supported my hands, but with the elbows. So I had a little more Contact to Sonjas now naked upper body.

I was also able to hold her on my shoulders at the same time. “Should I cum now now?”I asked Sonja. What she replied: “Yeah, finally do it and spray everything in me!“Well, I thought to myself, if you want it that way. I now increased the pace a bit and pushed my penis into Sonjas vagina, but not quite deep, but only about three quarters. With each push you escaped a quiet “aaaahhhh” or “ooohhh. “I was sure that Sonja was shortly before her orgasm.

After a few other bumps, a “Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh, Jeeeetz!“At the same moment I also felt how Sonja’s vaginal muscle jerked around my penis. No doubt, Sonja had her orgasm. But go now, I thought at the same moment. I pulled my penis back as far as possible and drove, this time not slowly but firm and fast until the stop in Sonja’s vagina. After a few bumps I paused very briefly and realized that Sonja’s vaginal muscle was still moving around my penis.

So I picked up speed again and continued to push until the stop in Sonjas vagina. Maybe I could still 30 seconds, then it had happened. I couldn’t hold back. Once again I rammed my penis deep into Sonja’s vagina and then stayed that way. After all, I should unload my sperm as close to Sonja’s cervix as possible so that the sperm only have a short way into the uterus. I had succeeded.

I splashed and sprayed. Sonja had now wrapped her legs around my butt and held me so deep inside. After the last drop had changed the owner, Sonja said in a clear voice again: “Thank you Hans, I will never forget that!”” Already good “I replied,” I have already done more unpleasant work. “” You cheeky roof!“Sonja said Funig threatening and hit my buttocks with one hand slightly.

Then she put her hands on my two hip bones and pushed me down very slowly. We both looked down at the place of the action between us. I could see how Sonja’s long labia stuck on my penis. This sight gave me hot again. Instead of continuing to become soft, my friend took shape again. I would have loved to continue. But that was definitely not in Sonja’s sense.

So I didn’t want to ask her to do it. When my penis had slipped out of Sonja’s vagina, I stood in front of the bed with a stiff member continued to. Sonja apparently had no shyness in front of me. She was lying in front of me, with her butt on the cushion kept and had spread her legs wide. The labia were still swollen and stood wide apart. I could look deep into Sonja. Then she said: “You Hans, I have to stay like this for at least 15 minutes.

You know that the sperm runs better into the uterus. If you want, you can stay with me for so long. “I would have liked to do that at this sight! But I suddenly remembered Iris and Uwe, who were waiting for us for some time in the living room. I didn’t want to let them wait too long either. So I went into the bathroom, washed my penis smeared by Sonja’s vaginal moisture, put on me, put on me and then went into the living room.

Iris and Uwe sat there and looked away. I doubt that you did this out of interest in the show. Probably they just didn’t know what to talk to each other while their two spouses tried to witness a child at the same time. When I sat down with the two, Iris asked: “And” And? Understood?”” I think so, “I replied. “As far as I can tell. “I would rather not tell details. And the two didn’t ask me about it either.

I just hoped that Sonja would not tell too much in her talkative manner if she came back afterwards. After almost another half an hour, Sonja also came into the room. She had a facial expression like a child after giving Christmas Eve. Without saying a word she went to Uwe, sat on his lap and kissed him until he almost stayed away from him. Afterwards she pressed him very tightly and said a little fun: “You Uwe, I think I’m already pregnant!!!“The next few days passed as usual, as if there was never anything like that.

Both Sonja and Uwe as well as Iris and I benevolence and quite normal. The “event” was no longer talked about. There was also no jealousy or the like between us. We four had mastered the matter better than I believed that at the beginning. Now it was necessary to wait until it was certain whether “our work” was also successful. Some time later Sonja and Uwe came, as so often, visited us unannounced. We talked all kinds of irrelevant stuff.

Our children played in their room, so we were reasonably undisturbed. While Uwe and I talked, Sonja suddenly fell around her neck and started crying. In a tearful voice, she croaked: “You Iris, it didn’t work out. I got my days as normal again the day before yesterday!“Iris took Sonja with her hand and went to the dining room with her. Uwe and I were sitting alone in the living room. I noticed that Uwe also became a little wet and the chin was slightly trembling.

So I sat close to him and tried to comfort him. I doubt whether I was somewhat successful. When the two were gone again, Iris and I talk about it. She said that Sonja was destroyed. She also said that Sonja asked her: “You Iris, you mean your husband would take part in another attempt?“Iris then probably told her that she wouldn’t mind.

But ultimately it was my decision and it should best ask me directly. But Sonja did not see herself in a position, apparently she was ashamed of me. Although I didn’t think of what to be ashamed of. Finally we all four carried the decision. A few days later I met Uwe on the street. After a short chat, he asked if I had a few minutes and could come home briefly with him.

When we arrived at him, he asked me to the living room, offered me space and also called Sonja. When Sonja was there, Uwe left the bomb: “You Hans, you know that our first attempt has failed. Sonja and I agree that we want to try again. Would you take part again? You don’t have to decide right away either. Consider it in peace.

“But I had done that long ago. When Iris told me about Sonja’s project at the time and immediately said that she didn’t mind, it was clear to me that I would participate. The only prerequisite, like the first time, was that we all have completely agreed. I knew from my wife that she was positive against a second attempt. So I said to Sonja and Uwe: “If you both want it really, you can count on me.

But only if you are both completely safe!“Then Uwe said:“ We have discussed it umpteen times in the past few days and we are sure. We want to try again!”” Then you can count on me “I gave my confirmation. ENG the preparations went as well as the first time. We already had a little practice. We believed that the first attempt to do everything as it was best.

Why should we change something about it. It was just bad luck that it didn’t work out in the end after all. How had the gynecologist said about Sonja back then? The probability of a pregnancy would be over 50 percent. That is just a little more than half. It can be that it doesn’t hide. The second attempt would definitely be something. Sonja has even been to the gynecologist again and got a few advice.

When the time for the second attempt came, everything works like back then. Sonja disappears back in the bedroom, I go to the bathroom and Iris and Uwe stay in front of the television. When I go from the bathroom to Sonja to the bedroom after a while, everything is no longer like back then. I’ve already experienced Sonja before and know what to expect. My penis also apparently has pleasant memories of it.

In any case, he has already raised himself curiously and is almost plump. And when I get into the room, Sonja is already significantly further with her preparations than then. This time it is completely naked, lies with legs spread wide on the bed, has a vibrator in her hand with which she alternately edits the clit and the vaginal entrance. Obviously, the vibrator has not failed its effect. Sonja is unmistakably gossip wet and her long labia are swollen apart.

When I stand in front of her on the bed, she puts the vibrator aside and gives me a sign with one hand that I should come to her. When I slipped between her legs, bend and support me with the arms stretched out, she strokes my cheek and says: “You Hans, the last time I was really nice, even if I didn’t get pregnant. I thank you!”” Well, then we both want to try it again “was my perhaps not quite suitable answer.

Sonja now lifted the spread legs and put her feet on my back. With one hand she put down, took my penis in my hand, rubbed it up and tear a few times, then took in the closed hand and put the glans directly on its vaginal entrance. Then she gave me a light push with her feet lying on my buttocks as a sign that I should finally start. But from the first attempt I know what is possible with Sonja.

Only I shouldn’t pull the matter too much, otherwise she still realizes that I am not only there as a sperm donor, but also want a little fun with it. After I pushed my penis into her vagina, I let the matter go without hustle and bustle. First play a little directly behind the vaginal entrance, then push the penis into about three quarters of its length. In between every now and then slowly slowly with light pressure to the stop.

After not long for long, Sonja again gives the tones known to me. Whenever I drive deep in, you can get a quiet “Aaaaahhhh” or “Oooohhh”. Since I only move slowly in Sonja, I also have no problem with the endurance. So we were soon ten minutes when Sonja suddenly asked: “You Hans, you can soon cum?“Of course I could have done – if I had wanted. But I liked it all so much, why should I do without it.

So I breathed in her: “No, I’m not that far yet. I still need a little. “” Well, “Sonja said,” we want to do it properly. “And undoubtedly she had hit her head on the head. I continued to work hard. Slowly slow movements. Sometimes only at the beginning of the vagina, sometimes really deep in. Take out and along with the glans between the labia and over the clit.

Sonja seemed too like it too. Her moans became more and more common and louder. But suddenly Sonja shrugged. With big eyes she looked at me and said: “For God’s sake, I completely forgot that! My gynecologist said that a different position was even better for a pregnancy. I should support myself on the knee and elbows and let the man go from behind. Lot pull it out, we have to change position. “As soon as I had pulled my penis out of her vagina, Sonja was already rolling on her belly, put on the arms and legs and now knelt with legs spread wide in the middle of the bed.

I stood behind her and could hardly believe what I saw there. She stretched her back to me. Under the two round buttocks, her big labia shone wet. They were pretty swollen and stood far apart. In between her vaginal entrance was to be seen. Sonja was open as a barn gate. Due to the amazement, I forgot to continue my work that started. Suddenly Sonja shouted: “Well go, what are you waiting for? Finally push it in! And remember, if you injected you, you have to go deep in so that the glans tip touches the cervix.

The small sperm do not like to run long distances!“This request was unmistakable. So I climbed back onto the bed, knelt me right behind Sonja, and slowly pushed my penis into Sonja’s vagina. “Ooooooohhhhh” she suddenly called, “that’s even nicer than on the back!“Well to know, I thought and continued my efforts. Continue to distribute the stimuli well. Slowly slow movements. Sometimes only at the beginning of the vagina, sometimes really deep in.

Take out and along with the glans between the labia and over the clit. I would have loved to continue this for hours. But after a few minutes, Sonja reported again. “You Hans, how does it look? Can you cum soon soon?“As I said, I would have loved to continue for a long time. But that was not the point and purpose of our agreement. So I replied Sonja: “Yes, it will go soon, but I still need a little bit!“And continued to work in Sonjas Scheide.

When I looked down on the left or right to Sonja, I could see her breasts hanging, which swung back and forth with each of my bumps. As if by a reflex, my two hands suddenly grabbed Sonja’s breasts, they held up and kneaded them. I don’t know if this Sonja liked this. In any case, she made no protest. At least that’s not how it was uncomfortable for her. But as soon as I pressed Sonja’s breasts a few times, Sonja called: “You Hans, I can no longer have a Laaange, I glaaaaube miiiir koooomts right away.

“And before she had finished her warning, I noticed how Sonja’s vaginal muscles cramped around my penis at intervals. But now it was time to accelerate for me. I immediately started to hammer my penis hard into Sonja’s vagina. And with every bush, Sonja came from Sonja a long -drawn “Aaaaaahhh” or “Ooooohhh. “Then it was time for me too. Now there was no back anymore. I pushed my penis as far as possible into Sonjas, so I put on somewhere with my glans.

I hoped I had hit the cervix. At that moment the locks opened and my sperm sprayed in Sonjas vagina. After my penis had stopped batting, I stayed in this posture for a while, kneeling behind Sonja, my penis in her vagina and my hands on her breasts. I was hypnotized. “You Hans, I think it’s all in there, you can pull it out now!“Then Sonja asked me.

I did this for good or bad. “I have to stay that way for another 20 minutes so that the sperm can really run into the uterus!”Said Sonja and changed their position in the meantime. When I was in Sonja, she knelt in front of me and had supported the upper body on her outstretched arms. Your body was therefore roughly in the horizontal. Now she stays kneel with legs spread wide, but lowered the upper body until the head lay on the bed.

She stretched her butt into the air and the head lay flat on the bed. An exciting sight that did not let my penis calm down. Shortly after the ejaculation, he had a slight sagging, but now he was already a straightener. I actually wanted to have left the room towards the bathroom for a long time, but something in me took the momentum necessary for this. I was now behind Sonja and looked at her smeared, swollen and wide -open labia.

I had to stick to myself not to take a step forward and push my penis into Sonja again. As if from reflex, I grabbed my penis and made some corresponding hand movements. I hadn’t thought that Sonja was lying on the bed with his head and could easily look back between her spread legs. She was able to observe everything that happened below my navel.

“Well Hans, you both find it difficult to say goodbye?“Was the logical question from Sonja. “Yes, Äähm, but” I stammered and felt caught. “Never mind!“Sonja said. “If you want, you can put it in again. But not too far in so that nothing happens to the sperm!“Caught, caught, I was so sharp that I accepted Sonja’s invitation immediately. As soon as she had spoken, I was already behind her and pushed my penis into her vagina.

“But be careful not to come in too far, the sperm must stay in place!“Sonja warned me again. I now moved my penis with fast movements up to half of Sonjas vagina. I didn’t dare, otherwise she might have banished me entirely from her vagina. But this was also enough to have unstoppable feelings. “May I also touch your breasts again?“It just slipped over my lips.

“Of course, just do it!“Sonja said. And my hands were already on their breasts, played with it and kneaded them. Even though I was no longer allowed to cut my penis until it was stopped in Sonja’s vagina, she started to make this familiar “Aaaahhh” and “Oooohhh” from every now and then. I could maybe give her an orgasm? But I noticed that Sonja was against another orgasm. Suddenly your question out of the blue: “You Hans, you can cum again?“I was a little perplex now, but I replied truthfully:“ Of course, I should inject again?”” Yeah, do it!“Sonja breathed towards me.

I now increased the bar a little and pushed my penis with short fast movements in Sonja’s vagina. When I realized that I couldn’t hold back, I slowly pushed my penis deep into the vagina and sprayed my remaining sperm in Sonja. When we both recovered for a few seconds, Sonja said: “Oh Hans, that was maybe great! Now we have to stop. You injected two full loads, that should be enough! Thank you Hans!“My penis had now become significantly more bedding.

I took him between the thumb and index finger and pulled him out of Sonjas vagina. How to say goodbye I stroked again with the glans over her clit. Sonja killed the buttocks briefly and said: “You cheeky roof!“I now left Sonja as she was, kneeling with spread legs with a spread and high -stretched back and headed towards the bathroom. When I was the first of the two of us to come back to Iris and Uwe in the living room, Iris said a little heretical: “But it took a lot of time this time!”” Well, that’s not as easy as you think “was my whole comment on it.

With that we three let it be good. When Sonja came into the living room, she went straight to Uwe and kissed him violently without saying a word. Some time later we learned from Sonja and Uwe that our “work” was not in vain this time. Sonja was pregnant! Little Max is now three years old and my godchild. We understand each other splendidly.

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