Weekend with a friend’s mother | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Ben and Thomas have been good friends for many years. During school, the two boys always pounded each other, had done a lot in their free time and everyone could count on the help of the other. But the time and the different interests made the two continue to live apart. Before about. Ben had moved into the city for six years for professional reasons. He had moved into a cozy apartment, from which he could easily reach his job.

So he was not always dependent on a driver and was able to Summer even go to work by bike. He worked as a technical draftsman in a medium -sized group, which specializes in the planning of special parts. Sometimes it was really a bone job to complete all drawings and designs for the prescribed submissions. In addition, these deadlines have often been set too tightly from the start. But he loved this work and so he could overlook all the stress a little.

At the beginning the two friends visited themselves even more often. They went to the lake or the indoor pool swimming, met with other friends in the cinema or the disco. But at some point their professional paths ensured that the two lived further and further apart. Thomas had accepted a job in another city. So the two mostly only saw themselves 1-2 times a year. Fortunately, both lived in such a high electronic age and occasionally sent emails about the Contact not to be lost entirely.

But Ben has started to keep contact with Thomas again for two years. At that time he had received the sad news of his friend that his father had died in a car accident. Ben was an extremely helpful, caring and courteous person. He was very worried. But less about his friend than about Samantha, whose Mother. Thomas had found his own methods to cope with his father’s death.

But Samantha has looked changed since that day. Maybe she would have hoped for a little more support from her son, who also no longer lived at home. So Ben often decided to visit his friend again. At least when Ben paid a visit to his parents over the weekend, he made a short detour to Samantha. As a child and teenager, he liked to be with the Anderson. The parents of Thomas were both very nice and always having fun.

Ben was always welcome and almost felt at home. Thomas always joked that the two even took care of his boyfriend more loving than their own son. So Ben almost felt as a duty to look at Samantha on the right. Also this weekend, which should be the most beautiful in his life. But at that time he didn’t know that. Ben had agreed with Thomas to meet his mother with this beautiful August Weekend for a cozy barbecue evening.

He loved to accept the two -hour drive. The water in his mouth was already going together when he was thinking of all the grilled delicacies during the car ride. Ben had decided to compete a little earlier. So he was able to spend the whole afternoon with Thomas and Samantha and exchange all the gossip of the past few months. The sun burned tirelessly down and let the temperature in the car Climb almost unbearable.

The sweat penetrated Ben from all pores despite air conditioning. Fortunately, Samantha had done a installable pool for hot summer days some time ago. He was not the greatest for his standards, but he fulfilled its purpose completely. In any case, he was certainly big enough to cool down thoroughly on hot summer days like this. Therefore, Ben had already inquired with the Anderson’s in advance whether the cool “paradise” was set up in the garden and immediately packed a swimming trunks.

After a new welding pearl made his way over his face, Ben was even very happy to have it with them. In need, he would certainly have jumped into the cool water even in underpants. But swimming trunks were much more comfortable. After a two -hour and above all sweaty car ride, he had finally reached the Anderson’s house. He put his car in the driveway and went to the front door. Ben rang and waited patiently at the entrance.

But nobody opened him. Ben ringed again, but again the same result followed. The boy scratched the head in amazement and decided to go to the terrace door to go to the terrace door. Maybe he was more lucky here. Ben went to the left and opened a wrought -iron garden gate. A beautiful rose hedge rose to the left and right, which Samantha always had with a lot of love and patience. This woman really had a green thumb, Ben thought when he looked at the splendor of red, yellow and pink flowers.

After another walk he had reached the back of the house and here he came across Thomas and his mother. Both had already made themselves comfortable in a deck chair and sunbathed in the warm afternoon sun. Thomas had discovered Ben first and shot up from his deck chair “Well, look at who appeared here!”Said Thomas and shielded himself against the sun with one hand.

Then Samantha opened her eyes and straightened up on her deck chair slightly. “Hello Tom, Hello Miss Anderson” Ben greeted the two sunbates “Oh! Hello Ben, “replied Samantha” I hadn’t expected you at this time at this time, “she replied with a loving voice. Ben had always fascinated and tied up this tender voice. Thomas held his hand in front of his mouth “I forgot to say that Ben wanted to come earlier, because of the pool and so” Samantha immediately pushed her son an elbow in her hip “Well, you are one of me! Well, go and receive our guest “Thomas rose and trotted barefoot in swimming trunks on Ben too.

The two friends hugged and carried out their handshake as in the old days. “I show you where you can bring your things, then you can change and come to us outside. I am now preparing the couch for you. “Thomas led Ben to a small room, adjacent was a small bathroom. He knew the room from before. It was the guest room in which the two boys had always played together.

After ten minutes, Ben was with the two in the garden and had made himself comfortable on a deck chair. They talked about everything. The work, hobbies, what it looked like with friends and what you had experienced in the last few months. Ben enjoyed every second. The weather was perfect and the mood was more than pleasant. Samantha also seemed to like that everyone could call together again.

Thomas told his new girlfriend, who unfortunately could not take with him because she just had to learn on an examination. She studied law. Ben unfortunately had to admit that he had been single for almost a year and a half. His work at the moment cost him a lot of time and he was too exhausted in the evening to go out and look for women. “You can enjoy the weekend with us and switch off from the work stress at a few times,” Samantha patted Ben slightly on his back.

“Thank you, Miss Anderson” A friendly look scurried over Ben’s face. Samantha sparkled him a little more seriously, however, “please just say Samantha, or Sam to me. Miss Anderson sounds like you were a stranger. “Ben apologized and Thomas could not help but a giggle. Suddenly the cozy atmosphere was interrupted by Thomas mobile phone. He hurriedly took off and based on the following tone you could see that this conversation would not be called good.

Thomas hung up upset. “What’s going on, Tom?”Asked Samantha in his direction” There are problems with my new apartment “, Thomas replied. His voice was still slightly angry “I still have to go to the city today and clarify everything with my landlord!” “What? why that?”Asked his mother surprised” and grilling?“Added it. “It turned out that another couple is interested in this apartment” and the landlord replied to a two -week Vacation drives, he still wants to have clarified everything in writing today.

With the rental agreement and all the trimmings “in Thomas voice was a slight touch of regrence” we will probably have to shove the barbecue “his look that his mother and he realized that she was understandably not particularly enthusiastic about it. To be precise, Samantha was visibly disappointed. She lifted her hands into her hips and looked up slightly up to her son “and all the salads that I have already prepared? The marinated and spiced meat?“A angry look bored towards her son.

“It all gets bad!“In a tour she continued to talk“ above all, think of Ben. It is only because of us all the long way because of us!“Ben, who was still sitting on his deck chair, could literally feel the tension in the air, which is constantly being uncovered. First, Ben wanted to keep out of the factor. But then he interfered anyway because he himself knew how difficult it was to get a good apartment in a city.

If Tom would burst this possibility, then he might have to search for months. Thomas had already written Ben from the apartment by email. She was optimal for him. He could reach his work on foot and numerous shopping centers were practically at his feet, and yet she was outside the stressful and loud city life. Ben took all courage together and interrupted the conversation of the two “is already good.

You don’t have to consider me, ”Ben waited for a moment and observed the reaction of the two. Then he continued. “In this case, I think Tom’s apartment is really going on. Such an opportunity does not wait every day and who knows how long he has to search, in addition in this situation. I myself screwed my chance myself and only found something useful a year later.

“But as the food …” Samantha threw in. She was still a bit disappointed. Samantha was looking forward to this cozy barbecue evening in a small circle. Ben was a good human connoisseur and knew what was going on. He rose from his deck chair, sat down on the edge of Samantha and put his hand on her arm “Know what?“Ben started with calm tone. Samantha gave Ben a curious look. “When Tom drives into the city, I will still stay with them and do them company.

I will even start the griller and we two make a cozy evening with delicacies Ala ’Anderson’s. “Ben took a look at his boyfriend“ Our little barbecue can still make up three at any time. “” And that doesn’t matter? Asked Samantha and looked worried in Ben’s direction. “Not at all. The main thing is that today I do company to you “After another short discussion, everything was agreed.

Thomas drove into the city and would not come back before tomorrow evening. As promised, Samantha would do company and immediately tried to be a good entertainer. He could not guess that Ben was only in front of an erotic adventure for an erotic adventure in his wildest dreams. After Thomas continued, the afternoon sun was still brooding hot above the Anderson’s house. Samantha had made herself comfortable on her couch and asked Ben to take a seat next to her.

On the one hand, they were able to talk at normal volume and on the other hand they were the two lying areas, which were shaded by the parasol extensively. Ben swung his big bathing towel over his shoulder and trotted barefoot through the grass to Samantha. He wasn’t often barefoot, but he enjoyed the soft floor under his soles. The juicy, green grass tickled lightly. He stood there for a moment, and once the calming atmosphere would be strong, before spreading his bathing towel on the lounger and brought himself to safety under the sculpged area from the sun’s rays.

Immediately he was back on his foreheads. “Today is really a damn hot day” Samantha had turned aside and now looked towards Ben. Ben just nodded and wiped the pearls from his forehead. “Fortunately we are in the shadow here” it didn’t take long for the two to deepen themselves into conversation. There was a lot to tell and report. After all, a lot had accumulated in recent years.

However, the two lowered their voice. They didn’t want curious neighbors to snap their talk. They had no secrets to exchange, but they didn’t have to put everything out loudly. Ben now had the opportunity to take a closer look at his counterpart. Samantha had long, black and smooth hair. Their skin color was light, not as well as these solarium tusses, with their unhealthy skin color. Above all, the skin of Samantha was still tight for her age.

One was looking for wrinkles or the like in vain. Ben liked what he had next to him. Samantha did not have to be committed to her age, on the contrary. With her figure she could easily take it on with women far below her age in terms of figure and beauty. Despite her greater age difference, she was still an extremely attractive woman in his eyes and had an erotic effect on him.

She had no gram fat too much, and if she had one, it was distributed in exactly the right places. He knew from his friend that his mother regularly did sports. In summer she preferred outdoor activities and in winter she spent many time in the gym. Her body and health have always been important to her. Ben always let his gaze slide in unobserved moments over the beautifully proportioned body of Samantha.

It was not particularly easy, especially because Sam had turned to him, and chatted with him. But sometimes one or the other moment came and Ben takes the opportunity to further look at the body of his hostess. His gaze kept falling to a central area, which literally put him unconsciously. Samantha had beautiful, big and especially plump breasts. They still looked firmly in their shape and were far from being victims of gravity.

Sometimes you had to ask yourself whether this woman had already had her breasts straightened, but on this flawless body everything was pure nature. And she could be damn proud of that, thought Ben. Samantha was wearing a light green bikini and her big and thick breasts more than just filled out the top. In places, the top for their cup size was even a bit too small, but that only better brought this mega boobs.

At this point the view of Ben stopped again and again. The glow green top stitch in the eye in the eye. It was filled with pure, female lust. Ben otherwise only knew such huge tits from magazines or the Internet. The upper part almost gave the impression that it would burst at any moment. On the other hand, he would have no objection. In his thoughts, Ben would have preferred to tore her top of her body in order to free the huge tits from his prison.

But suddenly Ben felt how too rain started in his pants and slowly became narrower and narrower. His “smaller”, 28 centimeter -tall friend, began to set up slowly but steadily. Ben had to get to other thoughts quickly and turned his eyes off slightly. With his flat hand he skilfully covered the bump in his pants. After all, it was embarrassed if Samantha should notice his erection. He tried other, distracting conversations.

At the beginning it actually seemed to work. Slowly his lust stand calmed down again. In the following hour, Ben turned out to be a true entertainer. He loosened the mood with a few jokes and tried to make Samantha to laugh again and again. Surprisingly, he did it well. Ben always had a talent to find the right words at the right moment. Sam laughed again and again with a sugar -sweet voice and Ben could immediately fall in love with this feminine voice.

But Sam’s hearty laugh had brought another negative effect. Her chest rose and sinked wildly when she again looked for a laughing attack. As a result, her breasts bobs up and down again in time wildly. Ben could no longer tear his gaze from the splendid tits and literally had to force himself to look away. In addition, he brought someone else out of his sleep in his pants.

This time it was not so easy to control the tail. Ben tried to seem as inconspicuous as possible “What Samantha would think of me. I have to pull myself together even better, ”thought Ben“ whether she might have already noticed something? Certainly not, otherwise she would have already thrown me out long ago. “Ben had to be better careful. Samantha was such a loving woman. In the meantime, the sun was slowly lying off.

Isolated clouds had laid out about the last rays and it wasn’t that hot anymore. Nevertheless, the soil and the walls still beamed off a lot of warmth “I go to cool a little more in the pool before we start grilling,” said Ben and rose from his couch “Yes, just do it. I’ll go to the house for a moment, ”replied Samantha“ I should bring you a beer from inside?” “Oh yes please.

That would be nice of you, ”replied Ben and already climbed into the pool via the ladder. Finally, Ben dropped into the cool water with a slight jump. Immediately he felt tingling cold on his skin. It burned at the beginning, but the slight pain quickly subsided. On the one hand, Ben was able to cool down his body, heated up by the sun, and on the other hand, the cool -tempered water let his now hard and stiffly stiff -float to.

He had great effort to hide him as much as possible in front of Samantha. “Everything went well again” thought Ben and let himself be driven on the cold water and looked up into the still cloudless sky. Ben the suction of the refreshing air and was back with the thoughts at his work. He didn’t know why, but it was better than thinking about Samantha, because otherwise a significant blood stock would be pumped back into a very certain zone.

Ben decided to go back properly again. When Ben broke through the water surface again, something had changed. He just couldn’t say what it was. And then it already happened. Two arms wrapped it out from behind and a body pressed himself from behind his back “Sam… Samantha?”Asked Ben slightly frightened and tried to turn his head slightly” I frightened you?“A sweet voice played playful to his ear“ Oh man! I almost slipped into my pants, ”Ben said before laughing.

But then he suddenly became puzzled. Only now did Ben feel how the arms of Samantha continued, tenderly nestled around him. He had the feeling that she was keeping her body from behind, keeping his pressed. Suddenly Ben could clearly feel the huge tits on his back. At first he thought he felt a seam of the top, but then he realized that this had to be two stiff and hard nipes.

His mind stops. Ben just stood there and didn’t know how to rule. Hundreds of questions haunt him through his head. But he found no answer. On the contrary, they only confused him even more. “Do it on purpose? Or does not notice how firm she is already pressing her tits to me?“The situation became more and more uncomfortable for him. Despite the cool water, he started sweating and his heart hammered wildly in his chest.

Ben did not get a sound out of his throat. “You are so quiet,” said Samantha played. She knew exactly why, but wanted to hold Ben a little more. She literally played with her female stimuli. “I … I …” Ben started to stutter. Something like that had never happened to him that something had brought him out of the version in this way. His head ran suddenly bright red. Samantha reacted immediately because she realized how uncomfortable the whole situation had become for Ben.

“I’m sorry” started Samantha “I didn’t want to get you embarrassed. I should have known better how you would react to it “The pressure of her breasts on his back was slightly after. But Ben still felt the nipple slightly in his back. “Is … is already good” Ben still stammered “But at least you are to blame for the whole situation” Samantha mocked with a slightly sarcastic undertone “How can I understand that now?“Ben only understood the train station.

Gradually he had under control again. Samantha was still behind Ben and nestled against him. “You always looked at me so full of lust in the deck chair, so I couldn’t help it. You literally moved me out with your gaze “” How? You noticed it?”Asked Ben surprised” Seriously, a woman does not notice when a man keeps staring at her tits like a horny stallion? And so obvious? Especially when he got a considerable, thick bump in his pants?“Samantha smiled something“ Why didn’t you say anything?”Asked Ben and made a little embarrassing” because it made me incredibly horny, how you fell more and more with your greedy look “and suddenly she pressed her body more firmly from behind from Ben.

Your breathing was slightly increased. Now Ben also realized that Samantha’s voice slightly trembled and trembled. Samantha approached her face, opened her mouth and circled over his ear with seductive tongue until she began to nibble on his earlobe tenderly. Again and again Ben felt the warm, captivating and erotic breath on his skin. “Ben, I need a real man now! I want you, here and now! On the spot!“Samantha breathed in Ben’s ear.

Slowly Samantha Bens facade managed to penetrate bit by bit. He wanted it too, but the whole situation was just too strange for him. Samantha takes a short break “You said that you almost slipped into your pants earlier” Samantha stated and whispered in the ear with a sexual voice “We want to check that as a precaution”. Before Ben was able to answer something, one hand from Samantha already slipped down tenderly behind the waistband of his swimming trunks.

With her fingers, she only briefly roamed Ben. Immediately the love beating to its full size was straightened up and was hard in less than a second hammer. In swimming trunks, there was no longer enough space for his proud, stiff 28 centimeters. Part of his cock instantly pushed himself out of his swimming trunks. The plump and tense glans as well as part of the splendid tail shone towards Samantha under water.

Ben had to groan out loud immediately. A woman had never brought him to such a huge erection so quickly. His limb was filled with blood until he was bursting that he could feel the pumping of the blood vessels wildly in his meat stick. “Wooooow” whipped Samantha stretched through her teeth “I’ve never seen such a huge cock” Samantha stated out of sheer lust. She let her hand glide over the hard pint of Ben.

Again, her hand slid into the swimming trunks and included the love stick with a solid fist. Slowly she started to jerk off his cock. Now Ben’s mind was completely suspended. His brain was no longer able to process the information correctly. He just let himself go and enjoyed the heavenly manual work by Samantha. In it she turned out to be a real expert. She cleverly spoiled the splendid specimen of one cock with all her skills.

Her fingers slid to Ben’s eggs, encompassed the pint at the bottom and then slid down to the shaft again and then lingered briefly on the glans, which almost began to pulsate out of sheer lust. Ben breathed faster and more violently. He felt his pulse shot up. Last but not least, Samantha grazed his swimming trunks down to the back of his knees. Due to the pool and the protective walls, they did not need to be afraid of curious looks of the neighbors.

Freed from the fabric of swimming trunks, Samantha was even able to refine her wanking insert. Her movements were no longer limited and her hand slipped magically over Bens Pint. He had never experienced such a great tail massage. Samantha captured Ben’s cock as if she never wanted to give him back. Sometimes she pressed firmly, sometimes less. Then she pushed his foreskin back as far as possible. A thick, red acorn came to light.

With the second hand she circled the pleasure center and observed how Ben continued to go out of sheer lust. “Ohhhh Jaaaaa” groaned Ben quietly “This is sooo cool … Jaaaa” Samantha had enchanting hands and knew how to really spoil a man. But then she stopped abruptly. “I still have a small encore for you, Ben. Close your eyes, ”she asked him and tenderly broke back on his ear again.

Ben obeyed without will. At first nothing was unusual and he was already wondering what a surprise it should be. But then he felt something unusual and still incredibly horny on his hard cock. He had never felt anything like this before. Ben opened his eyes and looked down. He didn’t trust his eyes. Ben could see Samantha, who had dipped in front of him and had started under water to blow one.

He almost lusted with lust. He had never got a blowjob before. Ben had often wanted from his girlfriend at the time, but it was too jammed. The feeling was just so idolated that Ben started making light fucking movements in the water. Again and again Samantha tongue circled around his plump glans. Shortly afterwards she put her soft lips over it and began to record his love stick bit by bit.

Then she took his cock back into her mouth and pushed it into her throat. With her lips she massaged and milked the rest of the lust stick like a true sex goddess. In between, she kept jerking Ben’s cock a little while her tongue dealt with the glans. Again she took up his cock to the stop. Ben still couldn’t believe it. It was the hottest feeling even that he knew.

Then Samantha suddenly read from his cock. She broke through the water surface, grabbed air and Japst “Man, is your cock cool”. Samantha took a deep breath and went back to the diving station. Before Ben could react, his pint was back in the greedy mouth of Samantha. He let himself go again and followed his natural instinct. He continued with slight fucking movements. Samantha didn’t seem to make it out. On the contrary, she clutched his buttocks and continued to pick up the huge pint.

Ben literally felt how his eggs were slowly getting ready for a huge orgasm. Samantha also seemed to recognize this. But Ben did not know whether he should offpect it in time or not. But this question answered by itself. Samantha appeared again. She breathed heavily and breathed Ben in the ear “I want to taste your cream”. Then she was again again on the diving station and her lips surrounded the thick, firm acorn while she jerked his cock.

Again and again she sucked over the glans and sucked the rest of the pint greedily. That was too much for Ben. A huge, never before orgasm was paved. It started in his eggs and shot through his cock like a huge energy monitor. Ben unlocked with four violent bumps and fired his entire sparrow charge in the mouth of Samantha. This suction and sucked what the pint of Ben gave.

Then she appeared and looked into two horny sparkling eyes “As it looks, you liked it” whispered Samantha shortly in Ben’s ear. This still did not produce a sound and just nodded, because of the lusty. Ben really seemed drained. “Come on, let’s go some food,” said Samantha, grabbed Ben’s hand and pulled him behind him. “But first, you still have to put on your swimming trunks right before you come out of the water.

We don’t want the neighbors to be jealous of your huge specimen, ”she squeaked happily. Ben put on his swimming trunks and climbed out of the water behind Samantha. This woman’s ass was also super crisp, she thought the boy thought. In the meantime, a slightly cooling wind had arisen. Therefore, the two hurried to the deck chairs and began to dry each other. Ben took the opportunity and let his hands slide over the solid breasts from Samantha again and again.

He weighed her in his hands and pressed them more tighter and sometimes gently through the fabric of the towel. Ben had never held such horny tits in his hands. He could probably knead her for hours and Samantha seemed to like it. After the two were reasonably dry, Samantha went into the house. Before grilling, she wanted to take a little bit in the shower and freshen up.

Ben take the opportunity and already cheered on the grill. While the grill coal heated up, Ben began to cover the table. After fifteen minutes he was able to put the first chops of the Anderson’s grill. Immediately the delicious gravy and a hungry smell of meat, sauce and smoke rose into the nose. Since they were only in pairs, Ben did not decide to throw too much on the grill.

After all, they could add something again. After about half an hour Samantha came back on the terrace. She had put on an airy, light summer dress that emphasized her sporty figure and the big breasts. She wore her black hair open and had combined it properly backwards. After Samantha had approached Ben to look a little over his shoulder, Ben heard a slightly sweet and beguiling fragrance in his nose.

Samantha just smelled so good that he could just stand there and heartfelt in front of him. “Mmmmh … that smells good” samantha tore him out of his trance and pointed to the grilled meat “but also” Ben added and looked in Samantha’s direction. Immediately she gave him her most beautiful smile. The two just got on well. While Samantha and Ben took on the grilled delicacies and the salads, the two talked about God and the world.

No topic was left out. Ben’s work, his apartment, Samantha’s time after the death of her husband, her hobbies, activities- just everything came up at the garden table. Ben had never had a conversation like this. Samantha was simply unique in his eyes. After the last piece of meat has been divided, Samantha stared at the empty tablet with a sad face played. “Would you like a sausage?”Asked Ben” I could still one on the … “” No thanks! I already had an extra big one today, ”Samantha interrupted and winked at him.

Ben almost choked with the last bit and had to laugh. After the delicious feast, Ben Samantha still helped clear away. He was about to clean the grill and then helped rinsing when Samantha negated. “Let and do that tomorrow! I have to put my feet up now, ”said Samantha and sighed to him“ Come on, let’s go into the living room ”Samantha dropped exhausted into a wide couch and put his feet on a stool in front of her.

Ben had taken a seat over. He sipped on a glass of cola, which he turned on the coffee table in front of him. Samantha was in the couch sink and briefly closed the eyes to relax. The ringing and vibration of her mobile phone, which was on the table in front of her, quickly tore her out of her resting phase. However, Samantha did not want to move unnecessarily and fished half -lying with her hand after the mobile phone.

She almost made it, but then it tipped over the edge of the side table and tumbled under the couch “Oh man …” Samantha whispered slightly in front of him. Then she looked at Ben with a seductive look. “Would you be so nice and bend down for me?”She smeared Ben really honey around the mouth” I would do everything for you “he replied and came over to her. Ben leaned down, but couldn’t see it.

With a short way, he dropped to his knees to look under the couch. In the end he fished out the smartphone. When Ben raised his gaze again, he realized that Samantha seemed to take advantage of the situation at her expense. She had changed her position on the couch. The legs were now a bit set up and slightly spread. Not much, but just so that Ben had a clear view under Samantha’s rock.

And this look alone let the friend reveal again in his pants. Samantha had no panties. Under the skirt, Ben beamed a smooth -shaped pussy. The two inner, reddish labia appeared visibly. Ben could even see an approach of her love bud with a fleeting look. And there was still this smell that came from the greedy fuck hole. Ben breathed in this horny smell deep and would have fucked Samantha really hard on the spot.

But he reacted quickly. “This greedy bitch wants to make me really keen,” thought Ben “Well, if they play, we just play,” Ben straightened up and presented Samantha the mobile phone as if nothing had happened. When he took a seat again, he studied Samantha’s gaze. Now Ben wanted to make her sharp. “Let’s see how long the horny bride can withstand” thought Ben thought.

Now he enjoyed Samantha to torture torture. Finally, he emptied his glass in one train and got up. He pretended to be on his way to the kitchen to drink something new. But then he stopped behind Samantha. Since the couch was accessible from behind, it could approach it from behind. Ben looked down at her from above and stared onto the large neckline with the mega -horny tits.

Then everything went very quickly. He quickly dropped the two straps of the summer dress to the side unashamedly. Samantha was startled at first, but then let everything happen to him. The dress was quickly put down to the stomach and the huge monster tits in Ben’s greedy hands. Samantha groaned when Ben always groaned her splendid specimen with a strong but skillful grip. Give me a horny titty massage … uuuh Jaaa ”she kept groaning from herself.

Ben now had his fingers circled over Samantha’s hard nipples. Samantha puts it in ecstasy after Ben started to lick and suck on her huge melon. Again and again circles his tongue over the nipples until she disappeared completely in his mouth. Samantha’s breathing increased. She became hornier and horny. In the end she couldn’t stand it and started playing on her pussy with a finger.

Ben soon took over this work. Again and again two or more fingers circled the fuck hole, briefly massaged the clitoris and quickly dived into the lust grotto. But that wasn’t enough for Samantha. She wanted more that evening. She pressed Ben to the side. Then she started to take him off. Soon he stood naked, with hard cock in front of her. Samantha himself slipped out of the rest of the summer dress and ordered Ben to sit on the coffee table “I want to try something new” she breathed towards him tenderly “I have never been able to do it until now, but I think you have the perfect oneCock to do so “Ben did not understand what Samantha wanted to go, but after giving her knees in front of him, he knew exactly what followed now.

Samantha took her thick tits and maneuvered Bens Pint exactly between her boobs. With both hands she now pressed her breasts together and began to jerk off the wedged cock with her tits. It was a great feeling how the pleasure stand always disappeared between her breasts. They jerked Ben so strongly that his stiff penis occasionally bumped into their throat. But now it was time for Ben to retire.

Ben had a technique that would put everything in the shade. “Trust me,” said Ben. He gently pushed Samantha from himself. She went to Ben and let him do it. Samantha lay on his back. Ben introduced two fingers into her, wet love grotto dripping with lusty. With the other hand, he put a light pressure on her abdomen. Then he began to massage Samantha with special fingers in her pussy.

At first Samantha Ben was curious, but then this look suddenly took a look into pure ecstasy around “Wooooow. That’s so cool. Please don’t stop, ”Samantha begged and Ben was only cheeky. He had found her G-spot. A small area in her pussy, which is facing the stomach and massaged it. Samantha began to moan wildly and began to wind under Ben’s massage out of sheer lust. “Don’t stop you horny stallion” roared Samantha with lust.

Your veins emerged. “Yeah ….Jaaaaa … Jaaaaaaaaaaa! Fuck me with your fingers!!!!!“The screams became more and more intense and then it was so far. Her body trembled and trembled and then she flooded a tidal wave of several orgasms. One was more violent than the other until they finally got off. “Puuuh” sighed Samantha and wiped the sweat off his forehead “It has never happened to me so violently” but the sex obsessed still hadn’t had enough.

After this campaign she really wanted to feel the body of Ben. Samantha led Ben into the bedroom. His stiff member danced in front of him. “Fuck me!“Asked Samantha Ben and grabbed his erect link“ I want you to get it all night with your huge geriac, you horny stallion ”Samantha pressed Ben onto the bed. He had everything done with him. He was unpaid. Then Samantha sat on him and reached for his penis.

She was about to introduce him to her dripping wet Pussy when Ben held back. “Don’t worry, I’ll take the pill,” replied Samantha, who recognized the reason for Ben’s reluctance. Bens thick tail filled the pussy from Samantha to entirely. The clitoris came out thick and clearly and while Samantha Ben fucked, he played with the pea -sized love bud. Samantha became more and more wilder and rode the rock -hard tail, as if it were about a competition “Yeah,.

Oooh Jaaaa … I fuck you, You and your travels cock, ”groaned Samantha and put Ben’s tongue in his mouth. Almost simultaneously, without both of them indicated something, they changed position. Samantha went to all four and stretched her ass “Take me from behind and fuck my pussy” whispered Samantha. The boy couldn’t be said twice. He stepped behind Samantha and maneuvered his pint into the open fuck hole.

Without great efforts his pint almost penetrated until the stop. When Ben pulled him out again, his penis was over and over with the love juice of Samantha’s Pussy. “Now you get my spear”. This time firm. Samantha screamed with lust and Ben began to fuck like a wild bull. Samantha’s pussy almost glowed, the pussy juice dripped out of the pleasure grotto and stuck to her thigh.

While Ben Samantha cried out really horny from behind, he briefly considered whether it was a good idea to fuck with his best friend’s mother. But first he was sure that Thomas had reacted in his place and secondly Samantha needed a help to get over the difficult time, and if she needed this help from Ben, then he did not want to refuse to help her “Ohhhh Samantha”You’re so horny” Ben got into the sweat, but a break was not in itself “Yeah yes …

You are such a good fucker … mmhhhh that is so cool … please don’t stop!“She almost bend and support herself on the bed frame. Then she stalled briefly. Your breathing increased again. A huge shower of lust flooded her body. Ben felt how the pussy of Samantha pulled around his cock. “Ooooooohhh again!”Samantha literally shouted” You have already fucked me to orgasm ….uhhh jaaaa ”the pussy muscles continued to tie up and began to literally milk Ben’s cock.

He groaned and had to support himself on Samantha back. “Ohhhh Jaaaaa Sam! Jaaaaa … I also come right away, “Ben’s fingernails cramped and drilled a little in Samantha’s back” Yes, Ben! Mmmmh! I want to taste your cum and suck your eggs empty except for the last drop!“Ben did not let that be said twice and pulled his cock out of the pussy. Immediately Samantha began to suck and lick again greedily.

But this time she barely jerked the pint from her face “Ohhhh Jaa! I Kooooommmmmeeee, ”Ben groaned suddenly. His love stick began to twitch and a huge load of sperm shot out of the glans. She hit Samantha in the middle of the face. The second and third load followed and Samantha started licking everything clean. Then the two fell asleep exhausted next to each other. Ben still couldn’t believe what a damn horny and fucked weekend- and also with the mother of his best friend.

Ben thought that this weekend was a unique experience, but then he was wrong.

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