The familiar stranger | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

She lived in the small 2 room apartment for 8 months and she saw him almost every day. Her neighbor, he had introduced himself as Frank, seemed to be a nice man.
Although she had thought of men very often and in the end she always had to accept a crash landing. Jana probably had something that was called asshole magnet. She always got the wrong types.
Frank, she appreciated him in his mid -40s, was absolutely not the type of man she actually stood and he definitely did not correspond to the common ideal of beauty.

In addition, she had just turned 30 and so he was too old for her! And yet, he had something that she fascinated that she felt extremely attracted to.
He was always neat, albeit a little casual, dressed, always had a smile on his face and was never too good to do one or the other little fell on her. Already when she moved in, he had touched and dragged boxes without a word, sometimes he carried her shopping bag on the third floor and once he had helped her to park her car completely.
And never came a stupid saying that it was always used to from other men, no “women and parking” chatter, no “yes the weak women” saying or any other stupid or obvious remark.
Sometimes it seemed to her as if Frank was an absolute dream man when you are absent from the outside time.
It was not that he was ugly, definitely not, but you already looked at his age and Jana had always had young, tanned and athletically looking adonis cuts by her side.
But unfortunately she had never come particularly far.
It seemed that Frank also lived alone, because she had never seen a woman at his side or come out of his apartment.
She was a little surprised because he was definitely nice, courteous and otherwise a man who shouldn’t be alone.

It was a Friday when this stupid misfortune passed her and with tears and lots of anger in the stomach that had not yet dried, she just wanted to unlock the front door when it was opened from the inside. “Hello Jana” murmured Frank, but when he saw that she still had tears in his eyes, he was completely gentleman again and immediately asked what happened and whether he could help. She briefly told about the little accident she had just had and Frank immediately asked if she was really ok.

“I just wanted to get rid of two club colleagues” she heard him say, “but that’s not really important. If you don’t want to be alone now, I will be happy to provide you with company!”
Jana was happy not to have to be alone now and gladly accepted his invitation to a cup of coffee. Arrived in his apartment, which by the way really looked really chic and didn’t look like a bachelor booth, he offered her a place on the spacious couch and just wanted to go to the kitchen when Jana said “I would even prefer a beer than a coffee!”
As a matter of course, Frank came back into the living room with two bottles of cyclists, where did he know that she also liked cyclists extremely?! Jana was still sunk into her thoughts when Frank prosted her and led his bottle to his mouth.
“Would it be ok,” asked Jana, “if we duzen? This she always sounds so formally and strange, ”she added and Frank had nothing to object to it. They both drank their beer and slowly Jana drove down again.

The stress and hustle and bustle of the accident were forgotten, Frank beamed out a total calm and just listened to her. That was so damn good and she felt extremely comfortable in his presence.
“I could tolerate a hug if that doesn’t matter to you, the day was really shit,” said Jana and Frank replied that he has no problem with it. So Jana sat on the other side of the sofa, put her head on his shoulder and while protecting his arm around her, her hand remained on his shirt.
She felt that a small tummy arched underneath, but it was by no means disturbed. On the contrary, somehow it felt much more secure.

She totally relaxed and suddenly had the feeling of wanting to want more of him, much more! She slowly pushed her hand down a little further, but when she was about to touch his masculinity by the jeans, Frank took her hand away and stood abruptly.
“Sorry Jana” he said with a red head, “it’s not that I don’t find you attractive, on the contrary! You are beautiful and really sexy, but I … “Then he broke off the sentence.
‘Was he might be gay’ she thought, but then he certainly wouldn’t have called her sexy. What was going on with him? Jana wanted to know what was hidden behind this person, who was always so nice and friendly, sometimes like now, just as totally selfless and yet very unapproachable.
“What’s going on with you Frank?“She wanted to know and he replied“ This is a long story if you want and have time I tell you.”
Of course Jana was curious and so Frank started telling his story after taking two beer out of the fridge. He told of his wife, the bad illness, the long tormenting time in the hospital and that his Beate lost the fight in the end. How he fell into an endlessly deep hole, but could stand on his feet again with the help of friends and colleagues and that there was no day when he didn’t have to think of his wife.

How much he had loved her, even loved how much he was missing and that after her death he was never back with a woman after her death almost 7 years ago. Tears ran over his cheeks and at that moment he was so vulnerable, so attackable that Jana couldn’t help but hug him and kiss his forehead. She wanted, no she had to be there now for him. To reveal herself had obviously taken him and he was just a pile of misery just a pile.
Jana took his head between her hands and looked into his eyes, who, as she found, was really nice with her gray-green stitch.

She pulled him tenderly and gently put her lips on his own. Frank hesitantly replied her kiss, just to avoid her grip again.
“Jana” he said now in a firm and emphasis, “You are really great! I would never have dreamed of getting so close to you! But I don’t want to feel sorry for you, if then it really has to be what you give or want to give me!”
“It is not a pity of Frank” she replied, “you are a great man, a wonderful person and so no longer the foreign neighbor for me. I would very much like to learn a lot more about you and continue to spend the evening with you, but give me a few minutes to move around and make me fresh.”
Frank replied “very much”, “I am here” he added with a smile.
Jana rose, drank the last sip of beer from her bottle, winked at him and chirped a tender “until the same” … then she was already disappearing from his apartment.

Arrived under her shower, Jana painted out how it would be to have sex with a man so much older man. He was like the young, mostly superficial types that she had so far? Most of them, if some were also well stocked and potent, had only thought of themselves and more than once, after a supposedly hot number, she was unsatisfied and therefore also frustrated.
She took the shower bath and was slow.

Her hands stroked her arms, her flat stomach, she tenderly stroked her well -shaped, very beautiful festivals 80c breasts and her nipples stiffened. Whether he would be as tender to her as she was sometimes? She played dreamily on her nipples and slowly drove her left hand down her stomach towards her completely shaved shame. Already she had reached her venus hill, only a few centimeters and she would feel the sweet sensual desire again what her own fingers could trigger in her. But shortly before that she paused that it might not have to do it myself today and continued to shower away.
She wanted to be nice for Frank to make herself a little bit chic without overdating it completely.

Yes and she wanted to be sexy for him and with her really fabulous figure shouldn’t cause her problems.
She quickly jumped out of the shower, dried out thoroughly, made her hair and put on a slight, very subtle make -up.
Then she ran naked as she was in her bedroom and stood in front of her closet. Under no circumstances wanted to come across too intrusive with Frank, but at the same time also signal him that he could have it if he only wanted.
So she slipped into a black tanga and grabbed a light knee -length dark dress with a seductive neckline and pulled it over.
Yes, she liked it that way. But don’t send overdressed, sexy but definitely not smared or too intrusive. She quickly pulled her eyeshadow again, wet her neck with a few splashes of her Lacoste perfume and slipped into light but very chic black high heels.
Satisfied she smiled in the mirror and was looking forward to seeing Frank again right away.
She climbed down the two stairs to Frank’s apartment and was just about to knock when the door was not closed at all.

She hadn’t pulled her out properly while going out or Frank had already opened it to her? Without thinking about it, she went in, this time closed the door carefully and then heard immediately that Frank was probably also in the bathroom himself. Due to the only based door, she could hear the water of the shower rippling. First she wanted to make herself noticeable, but then the female curiosity won and she tried to recognize something through the door gap. Unfortunately, she didn’t see much and Jana opened the door a little more and was able to see Frank.

He stood naked in the glass cabin in his shower, turned his back to the door and had, that had to admit a really sweet knackpo and at least from behind a handsome figure. She would have loved to see him from the front and of course also his tail viewed. How might be he built? At that moment Frank turned over, but still had his eyes under water with his head. Jana now saw that there was really a small but not necessarily torn -ending tummy and his cock, although she liked it very limp now.

It was none of these murderer penises as they had the guys in the porn, but at least now he didn’t look too small. Jana had no special favor about these mega tails anyway, somehow they usually hurt a little, because theirs pussy Despite her 30 years, it was surprisingly narrow. In addition, she didn’t really get these giant parts in her mouth and oral sex she usually found it very satisfactory!
So in my thoughts she didn’t really pay attention to Frank and then was a little scared than he, slightly shamefully covering his tail, said “Oh, you’re back back. That went really quickly! I’m done right away, please give myself another two minutes.”
With these words he grabbed the bathing towel over the shower cabin and Jana only briefly stammered “Sorry, your door was still open.“Then she closed the door to the bathroom and sits down in the living room the couch.

Music urged the loudspeakers of the stereo.

Some rock band worked on their instruments, but that was Jana no matter. The sight of Frank’s nude body, especially his cock had made her sharp. Even sharper than she was already and she already felt a slight tingling in her abdomen. Except for her own fingers, her pussy had had nothing in herself for a long time and the anticipation on it made it slightly moist in the crotch.

That’s why she was about to stroke a little, when Frank only came in with the bathing towel around her hips and said “If I knew that you were so fast, I would have taken my things into the bathroom. I’m just going to wear something ”
Already he wanted to turn around because Jana replied “because of me you don’t have to” and smiled extremely seductively.
“But you are also completely dressed,” said Frank, with which he was not wrong!
Jana rose, took a step towards him, grazed one of her wearers of the dress from his shoulder and said torching “Then please change that!”
She was already in front of Frank and gave him a delicate kiss. “Or I don’t like you?”
Frank said nothing, grabbed the second remaining wearer of her dress and pulled him off his shoulder. However, this fell, only kept from her breasts straight to the ground and so she helped a little, pulled briefly on the sides of her dress and it fell lightly and quietly to the ground.
,What a sight!’Went through Frank, a perfect dream woman was almost naked in front of him.

He liked her big solid breasts very well and he drove slightly over her with the back of your hand. He would have liked to be right, but the shame still had the upper hand a little bit over him. Jana liked his touch and her breasts and decreased under her breath. She wanted more, she wanted everything, she really wanted Frank now.

Now she also noticed the light bump under the towel, took a step back and let herself fall on the couch provocatively. “Probably the little Frank also likes that,” she said with a wink. “Come here to me, I want to see him!“Frank went to her two steps and Jana pulled the towel from his body with a gentle jerk. Not 50cm in front of her face, she now saw his half -tire cock and he liked her very much! “There is even more, or?“She asked cheekily grinning.

“I want to see you very hard Frank, let go of your cock! “Finally, Frank came to Jana a little closer to this request and his increasingly stiff prengel was now very short of her face. Jana grabbed it very gently, enclosed the harder shaft with her hand, looked at Frank and said softly “I want to blow him, take it deep in your mouth and get it really well to you!“And immediately saw and felt her soft lips that were around his increasingly plump glans. Jana gently sucked it to just put his cock in his mouth two three times, just to take his cock completely. The completely hard latte pulled in deep and skillfully let her tongue play on it.

Frank closed his eyes, his breath was difficult and he visibly enjoyed Jana’s oral skills. He moved slightly in the clock of her head, who kept going back and forth to almost relieve his cock out of her mouth and then put him in as deep as possible.
Jana remarked Frank’s movements, dismissed his lance, looked at him and said “I would like to live out my submissive page with you. I love it when a man uses me and I like to be a little vulgar during sex! So go ”she ordered with a slightly rough voice“ push your cock deep into my fuck mouth!”
With this she opened her lips again and waited that Frank pushed his now very nice and hard and grown fuck stick into her on 18cm.
He looked at her a little, whereupon Jana noted that it was absolutely ok and that he shouldn’t worry at all. “Just do what you want and take me as you like!”
It was not the case that he and his deceased woman hadn’t had good sex, orally they were not blank, but what this megalic woman was noticed because he didn’t know that!
Jana reached for her breasts, started kneading her, looked at Frank and asked him again on “Let’s go, please give me your horny hard cock! My little brass mouth wants to be fucked properly!”
Now Frank couldn’t help it anymore, he took her head into his hands and slowly and gave up his cock slowly and pleasantly between her lips.

Always deeper, centimeter by centimeter he penetrated deeper into her head until he noticed that he had reached her throat.
“Lof … fuck … LOF … Fön hard” Jana roared, still massaging her tits and Frank began to fuck her mouth quickly and hard. Whenever his piston disappeared in her fuck mouth, he heard a short bump from her, which was always accompanied by a grateful look.
This little horny bitch found it was great to be taken and visibly enjoyed that he used her so much! Again and again he pushed hard and every time his slowly pulling together struck against her chin. For a long time he would not last, so many years without sex became noticeable!
He already felt like his juices slowly climbing into him and he escaped her mouth. “What is?“She wanted to know and Frank explained to her that he would come right if he didn’t hold back a little bit.

“But I don’t want that,” said Jana, “just keep going. Or let me do the rest. It’s ok if the first time is a little faster my horny darling!“She breathed him. “Just give me everything you have!“With these words, she grabbed his throbbing cock again and pushed him with an“ hmmm, tasty ”between her wide -open lips.

Jana skillfully worked on the always wilder -twitching stand. Frank gasped, breathed heavily and stammered “I … right … I can no longer!”” Then spray, spray yours sperm In my mouth, give me your wonderful juice!“Jana ordered him and so -called the Knüppel -hard prengel as deep as it went into her oral cavity. Her lips moved over his stiff shaft twice, then Frank reared up and let his desire run completely free. “Yes suck … suck my cock … right away” she heard him call and at the same moment she felt the first, slightly salty drops in her neck.

“Suck me my eggs empty you horny bitch, go … go … swallow my juice” roared Frank and poured out in several strong bumps in her mouth. Jana sucked on his cumshot, she didn’t want to waste a drop and swallow the fresh warm sperm completely. Frank’s body flinched violently several times, he turned his eyes on and continued to blew until she noticed that nothing ran out of his plump glans. She now licked the hooked cock tenderly, from the glans to the shaving eggs, up and down again and again, then only took it into her mouth to check it so that she had completely emptied it.
Frank breathed heavily, he looked at her and almost couldn’t believe what had just happened.

This little horny piece had just sucked all of his juice out of his eggs and also visibly enjoyed it! Jana was more than just horny, she was a sex goddess!
“Well, it was horny for you?“She wanted to know, but Frank was so drained that he could only nod.
“But that’s not all,” Jana continued, “there are also places that want to be satisfied. I hope we will continue right away?“She asked lust. Of course he would have liked to patch her up, but his cock was hung down half limp.
So he knelt in front of the sofa, gave her a very intimate kiss and took her tits into his hands that he immediately massaged.
Jana liked that and she stretched it towards him with nipples that would become harder.
Frank now became braver, pushed her away a little and maybe said a little too perch “pull off your panties and show me your cunt!“At the same time he seemed bad, so you didn’t treat a woman briefly, but Jana’s reaction showed him that it liked that.
“Yes, please, order me what to do!“She almost begging and freed herself from her tanga. “Here you have the little wet cunt … please lick it out of me!“With these words, she spread her legs as far as possible and presented Frank her with lusty shimmering delicate pussy shimmering cunt and Frank visibly enjoyed this to see this.

He buried his head between her thighs and a twitch of her body told him that his tongue straight away caught had. First tender, then always demanding, he tongued on her clitoris, only to get the wet cunt, which is wide -open with his fingers, just afterwards. “Yes … so … horny … further …” Jana didn’t get more out, so hot and horny she was. ‘This type knows exactly what he does’ thought, then she went through a first orgasm “I’m coming, oh … yes … hmmm” she screamed out her ecstasy.

She hadn’t spoiled her mouth so horny with her mouth! She would have liked to want more of it, but also longed to feel it afterwards. She wanted his cock to herself, wanted him completely for herself. “Please, Frank … sweet … please fuck me now. Take me right … Please!“She still moaned half dazed.
He felt that the strength in his loins slowly returned and now wanted it more than before.

“If you can get that back!?“He noticed grinning with a look at his half stiff penis.
“I’ll make him hard again then you can fuck me properly!“Said Jana with a pitch that did not allow any doubt. Now she was just a woman and wanted to fuck. Totally horny from his tongue game she immediately got on her knees in front of him and stuffed his cock into her mouth. With deep, strong movements she brought him back to his full size and Frank was amazed at the skill she showed.

It didn’t take a minute and his strap was ready again.
“Let’s go into the bedroom,” he said, pulled her up, kissed her intimately and then took her by the hand.
His bed was big, a really great way of playing Jana thought at the sight of the box spring bed. Whether it should be there more often in the future. This thought and the desire for it excited her even more than she was already and she now only wanted one, finally felt his hard beautiful cock in her!
“Please lie down,” she asked him and immediately when he had fulfilled her wish, she swung on him. Her dripping wet column on his stand rubbing on his stand kept getting on while kissing.

Then she stretched out her upper body, her hard and stiff nipples towards his head and Frank was not asked twice. He kneaded her magnificent tits, twirled her nipples between his fingers and Jana rubbed her cunt on his strap. Then she couldn’t stand it anymore, lifted her pelvis briefly and conducted her dripping fuck hole on his glans. His hard cock split her labia effortlessly and with a cozy sigh, she sank to Frank’s spear and immediately he was completely in her and completely filled her out her.

In short, she enjoyed this wonderful feeling for a few seconds, still noticeable her breasts in his strong hands. Slowly, with slightly circular movements of her pelvis she began to move on him. Little first, then slightly increasing to ride his fucking angel correctly shortly afterwards.
Frank had now released her tits as she rode him and rode him. He gasped his hands on her hips and the wonderfully bobbing bells in view “Yes baby, fuck, fuck as best you can.

Your cunt is so wonderfully tight, I can feel you wonderfully!”
Such driven Jana tightened her pace again and slowly noticed the approaching orgasm. “As far as you are horny, I’m. Yes … go … come towards me!“And Frank immediately found her rhythm. He bumped into her when she pushed herself on his piston and after three more movements Jana totally grabbed her eyes.
“I … horny … now … fuck … aaahhhhh … ooohhhh …” Completely incomprehensible chunks came over her lips while her whole body was under power.

Serivated one after the other she got two violent orgasms and then sagged half unconscious on his chest.
Frank was so hot now, he wanted more. He already felt that his eggs were ready to pump his sperm into his cock. He just threw her down and Jana looked at him in astonishment. “What do you have…….?“She couldn’t get any further.

He had already grabbed her with his strong hands, she turned around and to himself. Her horny knack but now right in front of his plump rod, he pushed his part between her thighs. Due to her orgasm, she was greatly oiled and he immediately found the entrance to her grotto without difficulty. He penetrated her with hard bumps from behind.
“Ooohhhhh … Jaaaaa …fiiickkk… miiiich! Push me! Tiiieeeefer … please!“Jana was now shouting and pressing himself against him in the beat of his firm bumps.

She could feel it wonderfully deep inside and enjoyed each of his bumps.
“Like … I …” Stammed Frank now. He too was ready now and Jana escaped him and lay on his back. “Come to me, fuck my tits and spray off. I want to feel your juice on my skin.

Please … give me everything!“She literally begged him. He knelt over her, Jana took his pulsating spear, put him between her breasts and pressed her with his hands. “Come on, fuck until it comes to you. Fuck my tits and sow me really nice!“Following her request, he pushed his cock back and forth between the wonderful tits and Jana raised his head to touch his glans with his tongue whenever he came in her direction.

This was how fried fried so much that he didn’t need long to give her what she wanted. “Take my cock, wank it, get me, get what you need,” he gasped and Jana took his horny, twitching stem into her little hand. After just a few trains he could only call “Yeah … Jeeeetz”, the first thick beam of his warm white juice clapped in the middle of her face. “More, give me more,” begged Jana, kept jerking off his cock and thus brought out the next thrust of cinema, which poured over her slightly opened mouth over her chin and neck up to her cleavage.

“Wonderful … you taste so good!“She wheezed and with a last twitch Frank let the rest run from his cock to her tits. Immediately Jana began to rub her breasts with it, not without having to put his prengel in his mouth beforehand to really treat himself to the last drop of his warm love drink.
She sucked everything out of him, swallowed what she had in her mouth, sucked his slowly lifting penis for a while around him.
“That was cool, I love sex,” she said to him, looking deep in his eyes. “I want to do that with you very often!“Added it.
Frank was so out of breath, he couldn’t answer. Instead, he climbed from her, lay down next to her and took her tenderly in his arms.

That was enough for her, she felt satisfied, really comfortable by his side and protected by him.
They loved each other twice that evening and then fell asleep at some point totally exhausted.

This evening was four years ago, Jana moved into Frank a short time later and since last Summer are the two married.
Frank still goes to the grave of his first woman who died far too early, but now always accompanied by Jana.
During her first visit there it was raining there, but when Frank of his Beate said that he would always wear her in her heart and then presented her new love, the clouds tore open, the rain let up and the sun came to light.
With her a beautiful rainbow ..

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