Brutal sailing gyms | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

not from me but from the network

Anna had recently become 18 and had just passed her Abitur very well. She had always invested a lot of time in school, so that she had spent very little time with friends or had fulfilled a hobby. Of course, a friend was also unthinkable because Anna had spent her evenings and weekends with learning. Only her best friend Sabrina was still standing with her, even if she had been disappointed very often because Anna hadn’t met with her recently.

Now everything should be different, Anna had planned! She really wanted to catch up with the lost time and build a better relationship with her friend again.

So it happened that she had found a flyer for a party sailing tour at school and showed it to her friend Sabrina. A sailing gym with endless hip-hop parties and everything included: Sabrina just found the idea ingeniously ..

Anna and Sabrina entered the booked sailor just a week later. Anna had blonde, medium -length hair and a very sporty figure. She was wearing a short, red skirt and a tightly cut, white blouse.

Sabrina had a less sporty, but still very remarkable figure. Sabrina had dark brown, long hair and was also more of a darker guy. She had a jeans pants and an airy, blue T-shirt. Both together formed a very interesting double pack that every man looked around at the harbor ..

According to hip-hop on the boat, they were greeted directly by an African in cool gangster clothes, each of which presented them with a cocktail.

“Hey, girls! Here you have sex on the beach!”. Anna got red because she was more of a shy guy and had no sexual experiences. Sabrina, on the other hand, already had a friend and grinned at the African Keck. He said that the other guests would probably climb into another port and brought both into their cabins, whereby he accidentally touched Sabrina by hand on the butt.

He put a bottle of sparkling wine in the cabin and disappeared with a “We will also put down, you sweeten”.

Both girls wanted to freshen up first, pouring their passed high school diploma with sparkling wine. The sparkling wine showed a very strong effect after a short time, so that at some point it happened that both girls wanted to climb into the shower at the same time. Here their bare bodies touched and both of them were shining back. Sabrina said with a laugh: “Hey, I just wanted to take a shower quickly! But we were equally fast.

Just let’s take a shower together.“Anna became bright red, but did not want to notice again negatively. The sparkling wine had also significantly reduced its inhibition threshold.

So both girls got into the shower together. The shower was a bit too tight for both, so that both touched again and again. Anna had the feeling that Sabrina provoked that a little.

“Man Anna, is that tight here, can you reinstate my back?“Anna turned red again, but reached to the shower gel and slowly spread it to Sabrina’s back. Sabrina had a very nice back with brown -brown, fine skin. Slowly Anna massaged the foam over Sabrina’s back and looked at how the water ran down the crunchy, round bottom of Sabrina. The foam collected slowly through the poreates above the butt and flowed through the poreates and then down on the slim thighs.

Anna caught how she stared on her friend’s butt dreamy and gently massaged her shoulders. Sabrina enjoyed this massage and groaned comfortably. “Can you also wash my shoulders properly?“Asked Sabrina and turned around with a sweet grin to Anna. Anna looked at Sabrina’s well -shaped breasts.

The atrium and nipples were swollen and touched Anna’s breasts very tentatively. Anna went through a hot shower and her little breasts stretched against Sabrina, with the light grosan nipples stiff. There was only the water in the shower that were born in them between the two. Slowly Anna is sinking her friend’s shoulders and sank deeper with her hands.

Slowly she covered the full breasts with her hands and massaged them intimately. Anna could feel how she excited and she was slowly wet. Never before had she moved to a woman ..

Her hands reached the shaved Venus hill of her best friend. The vagina was very tender and she kissed her labia slowly with her fingers.

She didn’t even know that Sabrina shaved at this point. Sabrina groaned louder and pressed her pelvis against Anna’s fingers. Anna was just about to explore the breasts of Sabrina with her tongue when she perceived a noise in her room.

She saw a dark outline behind the fogged shower cubine glass. Someone stood there?? She stopped jerkily and opened the shower cubicle.

She saw the African who received the two girls directly in the face and cried out loudly.

Sabrina also shouted loudly. Anna realized after her first horror that the African had pulled out his pants and his big one tail Greedy jerked. It also excited him that the two girls were afraid of him and screamed loudly. “Get away, you disgusted bastard!“Sabrina crooked him and covered her shaved sheath with one hand and her breasts with the other arm makes her breasts.

Anna also covered her nakedness, but could not make a word out. “Fuck your way immediately! I will report all of this to the captain, then you are fired!!“Sabrina roared the African and gave it a juicy baking pipe.

Now he got really angry and his veins began to insist. He brutally grabbed her arm and tore her out of the shower cubicle and hurled her in front of the sink. “Hold your snout, you bitch!! I am the captain here and you do everything I command you!!“He roared her roughly and walked towards her with a bobbing tail and tore her itself.

He brutally put his tongue in her mouth and kissed her demanding. The thick, smeared Eichel Sabrina’s shaved labia touched. Sabrina fended off more and more, which was returned with the growing brutality of the African.

Roughly, he grabbed a butcher in front of her with a paw and kneaded it brutally and left red prints. While she was fidgeting and beating in his firm grip, the African greedily moved his hips, so that his glans scrubbed her venus hill and slipped between her labia, but without penetrating her.

Always coarser he pushes with his hip until he roughly threw them under the sink, stood in front of them wide and enjoyed his big black cock with relish. Shortly afterwards he injected a thick sperm jet in Sabrina’s face. White and glibrig, it flowed down Sabrina’s face, while new sperm sprinkles kept them covered.

When he was finished with a grunt, he went closer to Sabrina and wiped the remaining seeds with Sabrina’s brown hair from the glans. “You liked that, you little white bitch!!“He said with a superior, arrogant grin.

“It will be a wonderful adventure for you two pretty ones, I promise you that!“He pointed to a stool on which there was some clothing and said:“ Take it on there and then I want to see you on the deck in two hours!! There is a lot to do there and my team also wants to see you!!”. Then he went out of the cabin with a laugh and threw the door behind with a loud crash.

Sabrina was crushed and whimpered under the sink and was covered with sperm over and over. Anna also ran the tears down and she was completely shocked. So far she had no sexual experiences and had to watch it now.

Slowly she got out of the shower and carefully went to her best friend. Sabrina was completely shocked and trembled all over the body. Anna carefully hugged her and calmed her down slowly. With toilet paper she cleaned Sabrina from the African sperm, which was slowly drying on Sabrina’s body.

You wouldn’t put up with that! You would play the game briefly and then start immediately and notify the police! This lousy dog would pay for it!! First, however, they would put on the clothes available to get on the deck unscathed.

Sabrina had now caught up to some extent and just wanted to go away from this boat. Therefore, they attracted the clothes drawn up by the brutal African. Anna and Sabrina now had a short dress that reminded of a sailor suit very strongly of the colors. It was very tight, so that any female curves were displayed perfectly.

The dress ended shortly under the butt of the two girls, so that you could guess a hint of her crunchy buttocks while running. In addition, there were white, keeper stockings on this stool, which fit the two girls perfectly and made their slim, sporty legs look very sexy! There were also two pairs of high heels next to the stool and were obediently attracted by the two girls. Both just wanted to flee on deck as quickly as possible and then from this brutal pig. In addition, both girls slipped into their own briefs because there were none on the stool.

Sabrina and Anna now looked like a mixture of hunted matrosine and willing nurse. The two 18-year-olds now went up a little awkwardly the stairs towards the deck. They had never worn in their lives, let alone the soy clothes. Her mothers would never have left them on the street!!

The two girls reached the deck and she met a blow immediately: the boat had leaked and on the high seas! Nowhere was to be seen and the water looked deep and dangerous.

So there was no way of escaping! “Ahh, there are my two pretty! Nice that you come too!“The African greeted her with a superior smile. “Where you had fun earlier, you could help a little now,” he said and pointed towards two cleaning equipment. “You two will scrub the deck now! It really needed that again! There were no women on deck for a long time!!“The two girls took the cleaning tunes and set out to scrub the deck, where they could feel the greedy looks of the African on their bodies all the time. The dress slid up a bit with every wip.

Through the tip you could see the somewhat more voluminous breasts of Sabrina Wipper. Suddenly the African roared loudly “You can’t hear the sluts properly! That makes me pissed off!!”. Threatening he stood in front of the two girls and roared: “I hadn’t put any panties on the stool, so why did you just put them on them?! You should obey, you sluts!!”.

Brutally, he tore Anna on himself, who screamed out loud with fear. With his strong pranks he went under her skirt and tore her from the body with all the violence and threw it into the sea.

“You should obey!! Keep yourself for something better, you white bitch!! But I’ll get that out to you!!”. Sabrina slipped out of her panties out of fear and threw it into the sea too. She didn’t want to get the brutal African! She just wanted to go home. “Break is not yet the order of the day!! So continue to clean!!“Anna and Sabrina wiped their tears away and continued to clean the deck further.

There were no other people on the boat here who could help them? How were they in this situation? “There are still stains here! Go on the knees and scrub a little more neat. Or should I help a little?!“The African snapped the girls. These immediately obeyed and scrubbed the deck on all fours. The dress slipped completely over the butt of the two girls when scrubbing.

The African greedily stared onto the bare butt of Sabrina and Anna. He was able to clearly recognize their poleholes and underneath the sweet labia. In contrast to Sabrinas, Anna’s labia were not shaved. “You can clean white sluts, but it is not good for more! But I’ll teach you completely different things!!“The African threatened tuned and stroked Anna’s crisp butt.

He greedily stroked both buttocks and struggled through their poreates with the middle finger in order to linger briefly with the fingertips directly on the hole.

“You two are horny Lesbian, or?! I saw you in the shower earlier!! So get your reputation and really smooch around here!!”He said and pulled Sabrina to Anna.

Both girls now knelt in front of each other and began to kiss. So it was better than that the adaptered hand on her, the two thought and therefore obeyed without a word. The African watched the two smooching girls and surrounded them. In between he grazed over a bare butt of the two or pressed them closer together so that they had to smooch even more intimately.

Then he came back to Anna and began to stroke her anus with his index finger. When she reluctantly moved her butt aside, the angry African hit her base with her hand, so there was a fire -red impression and screamed. He brutally pressed her upper body on the wooden deck, so that her butt was now particularly emphasized. Anna had a small, round butt, with a delicate, pink -colored buttock.

Among them, the girlish labia looked through their pubic hair. The African eyed her rear view extensively and stroked her hole more and more demanding.

Suddenly the African pressed his index finger in her small, tight buttock without warning, whereupon Anna screamed out of pain. She tried to get away, but the prison of the African recorded her like a stale vice. She couldn’t do anything against him, she just had no chance.

Then she began to sob and cry. A nightmare for both girls had started. Sabrina saw her crying girlfriend, but knew that she couldn’t help because she would only make everything worse. So she comforted Anna and stroked her shy cheeks.

However, the African did not impress this, but only excited him. He now fingered demanding in Anna’s virgin anus, whom he had already expanded something. With a loud whine from Anna, he also pushed a second finger into her pink buttocks and said “Well, little, you like that right, or!? I know that you love it that way!!“Shortly afterwards he pulled his fingers out of her intestine and suddenly pressed against her sphincter with a slightly larger one. A bad idea rose in Anna, whereupon she started with fearful begging! She begged that he should stop, he would get all the money on earth, everything he would only wish for!! With a “Such a hooker as you are all the money on earth” he then penetrated with his thick glans into her anus and slowly tried to push his penis into Anna under great pressure.

The girl acknowledged every millimeter with a loud, tormented scream.

Sabrina tried to calm and comfort Anna, but had only moderate success. Anna had the feeling of being torn, but at some point the African had managed to press his oversized penis into her. “Please let me! I do not want that!! Please please!!“Anna whimpered, who couldn’t move because every movement caused huge pain.

The African just laughed loudly and clapped her with her flat hand on a buttock. Slowly he started moving his hip so that his cock slipped out of her a few centimeters and then penetrated into Anna’s afternoon again.

The African held her on the hip like an iron vice with his coarse hands. Sabrina stroked the cheeks of Anna and tried to cheer them up that it would soon be over ..

The African had now stretched the narrow -minded Anna so far that he could now push his big cock throughout the length of Anna, which he visibly enjoyed and Anna had the tears in the eyes. Anna just wanted it to stop. Finally these pain should pass! She would have to take a long, long, long, long, to wash his dirt away!! If he just stopped! He now only held her hip with his left hand and massaged Anna’s crunchy girl’s po with the other hand.

Here, too, he went very roughly and left red prints on Anna’s bright skin.

This African was like an animal and absolutely without pity. In addition, this African enjoyed the fact that he pulled his thick penis in the whole length of Anna’s after and then pressed back into her intestine with a single push. Anna became dizzy with pain and had the feeling that every push would tear her intestine. She couldn’t help but scream out her pain loudly, which the African acknowledged with a loud, satisfied grunt.

It just made him hornier and spurred him on to a firmer and faster. He loved breaking this tender creature. He never wanted to be forgotten with her. The African now hammered his big, black cock in Anna’s fire -red anus and gasped and grunted out of sheer lust.

The sweat dripped from his forehead to Anna’s back and buttocks and ran down on the couch and gathered on her hole with the first seed of the African.

He always beat his penis in Anna’s poloch and grabbed her long, blond hair with lust. He clawed into her mane and pulled on it. With this pressure he dragged her head into his neck. Now he could also look at Anna’s secret face.

All of the misery was written in her face, which also hung it up. He tugged on her hair and tighter so that she had the feeling that he would break the neck. He pushed more and more brutally in Anna and she roared her pain and louder.

Suddenly he stayed in her and tore her head back even more brutally. His cock started to pulsate deeply in her anus and she could feel how warm founties poured into her intestine.

Many thick sparrowers injected into Anna’s virgin intestine and the African accompanied this process with a horny scrolling. This type was through and through an animal. After a felt eternity, this monster let off Anna and slowly pulled his oversized African cock from Anna’s widespread poloch. When the thick glans left Anna’s anus, sperm sperm masses out of her buttocks and ran between her crunchy buttocks, over her unshaven labia and then dripped onto the deck of the ship.

Again and again there was another sperm from her anus. The African viewed this result proudly and got up after a while. Anna had no strength and fell on the deck and whimpered and sobbing loudly.

She was completely at the end and just wanted to be far away. The African went naked to Anna’s head and wiped the remaining seeds from the glans with her blonde, long hair and then put on.

“Well, what it looks like did not work with the cover scrubbing, because everything is still dirty back there,” said the African and pointed to the large sperm leaf with his black index finger, which was on the deck next to Anna. “Keep it away, because we still want Nice holidays spend together. Nobody should slip here or somehow injure themselves!”Said the African and disappeared into the cabin.

Anna and Sabrina were almost caught on the sailor of this brutal African, because the ship was on the high seas and a jump would certainly mean their safe death. No country in sight, no idea where they were really ..

Anna had still not processed the nightmare on deck, although she had crouched in her cabin for many hours in her cabin and had screamed her soul out of her body.

Sabrina couldn’t really comfort her and let what the African had done to her forgotten.

Now after many hours Anna had calmed down and was able to take first clear thoughts again. “Sabrina, we absolutely have to disappear from here! We have to be able to escape somehow or someone has to help us, ”said Anna. “The Brutaloarsch cannot control the whole ship alone, there must be others!! They will definitely help us!!“Sabrina replied and watched the sea through the bull eye.

Anna and Sabrina decided to examine the ship on their own, because there had to be other guests or at least someone from the team.

Both girls scurried out of their cabin and went down a dark walk. There were several cabinets on both sides of the hallway.

Should you really dare to look into these rooms?! Sabrina took all her courage and opened some cabinets and carefully looked into it: all rooms were empty! But the two girls cheerfully observe that these cabin did not seem uninhabited. There was still some food on a table, a closet door was open, beds were not made, etc. So there were other guests who could help them!!

They were now encouraging themselves to examine the ship. They wanted to find the other guests to have help.

Then they could finally leave the horror ship and show the African!!

The two girls came deeper in the ship to a door through which you could hear loud hip-hop music. “So here is the promised hip-hop party, we are saved!! Soon the pig is in jail!!“Sabrina said with a reduced facial expression. Anna also fast new courage and nodded her best friend to her best friend.

Both girls opened the door quickly and stormed into the room. They finally wanted to experience support and help!! Both girls were probably stormed into the lounge of the ship’s staff, where loud music ran and the crew celebrated something with loud hip-hop and apparently a lot alcohol.

There were empty schnapps and beer bottles on all tables and some men roared around drunk.

Both girls suddenly froze because everyone was men!! And were obviously Africans!!

Anna and Sabrina looked like foreign bodies in this room, because they both were two young, petite, white women. And all around them stood muscle -packed, tall Africans.

What was even more afraid of both girls was the fact that all men greedily stared at their young bodies, almost pulled them out with their eyes. The 10 Africans put the two young women dreamy and full of greed and, as in a trance, slowly approached them. Anna and Sabrina moved backwards to the door full of panic.

But her withdrawal was ended by a loud bang after a short time, because behind them the door was brutally added.

Your escape route was blocked! And that of the black captain who had so badly prepared Anna on the deck … “Hello you two sluts! You still don’t have enough?! You can never get real, black stallions from us enough!! You need real men more than anything in the world, or?!“The black captain said grinning to the two girls and grabbed the testicles through his pants. “What have we done to you that you do that with us!?“Asked Sabrina in a trembling voice. “You two sweet ones turned our head! Now we want ours Vacation spend together.

It will be so beautiful!“Replied the captain.

Another African also called into the room “Ohhh yes, damn beautiful! And you can learn a lot of sweet ones too!”.

Anna grabbed the bare panic and just tried to reach the door. She ran directly into the arms of the black captain, who gave her a hard baking pipe and brutally pushed back into the room.

All other Africans took off and formed a circle around the two frightened girls. Sabrina and Anna could no longer escape, the trap was caught. The Africans started their big black cocks jerk off and looked at the two with greedy looks.

Anna had only seen her father’s penis before because she had no sexual experiences yet.

And her father’s penis was a joke against the tails of the Africans. For Anna, these cocks looked more like dangerous weapons, all of whom were now aimed at her and her best friend.

“Today your white hookers learn the chord bubbles!!“A drunk African roared and went to the two girls with his big, stiff cock. Another African wanked Anna and sounded: “Yes and the small -scale Blondsau will swallow him to the eggs!!”. “Haha, I prefer to take the brunette with the big tits!!“Said another black man who was now standing directly in front of Sabrina with a bobbing tail.

All 11 Africans had now closed a narrow circle around the two girls and wagged cocks on the girls with their stiff cocks.

Together they crouched Sabrina and Anna, so that their cocks were now in front of their faces. Anna and Sabrina stared at the erect, shiny cocks of the Africans, which shiny of lust. They could smell their masculinity and lust.

One of the Africans roared “eat you, bitch, bitch!“And put his cock brutally in Sabrina’s mouth on it. Sabrina tried to defend herself, but had no strength to prevail against the muscular Africans.

They acknowledged their rebelliousness with more brutality, so that she quickly turned into her fate.

Sabrina had already spoiled her ex-boyfriend with her mouth, but he had been very tender to her. The Africans did not know tenderness, because a black push hard in their sweet, full mouth, while others rubbed their big cocks on their face or slapped their face with their cocks.

She felt like a piece of meat on which greedy Animals Schart … the other half of the Africans had gathered around Anna. Two of the Africans had forced Anna to jerk her big cocks with her little hands, while another African spread his greasy acorn on her face.

Anna could no longer get the smell of his drops of pleasure and the cock out of his nose and it was a nausea in her.

She disgusted with the drunk Africans who treated them like an animal.

“Now make a nice ‘ahhhh’!!“The African said to Anna and shortly afterwards pushed his big glans into Anna’s mouth. Anna bit of disgust and reluctance in his penis, which he immediately acknowledged with a brutal baking pipe. “Leave that you bitch, otherwise I’m no longer the tender lover!!“He said grinning badly and pushed his cock into her mouth until the stop. He penetrated deeply into her throat, so that Anna had to choke heavily.

Her already existing nausea gave her the rest, so that the stomach came up. Anna’s puke splashed from her mouth between lips and tail and ran down the black penis. The latter pulled his cock out of her mouth and wiped the vomit in her hair.

This spurred the Africans around and they fell like animals over Anna. Greedy panting, they rammed their cocks to Anna’s mouth and pushed into their throat completely ruthlessly.

Every swallowing and choking by Anna made this pack even hornier and more aggressive.

They tried to push two cocks into Anna’s mouth at the same time, which did not work and Anna only caused additional pain. The group around Sabrina also turned the procedure at Anna correctly, so that it is also more and more difficult to take on Sabrina. The Africans now also pushed her her big cocks into her throat. Sabrina also had to choke and prustue more and more often.

The faces of the two girls were over and over with their own spit, tears and first seeds.

The Africans pushed their cocks into the girls in girls faster and harder until the first moaned and sprayed his seed deep into Sabrina’s throat. Warm, sticky sperm poured out in her mouth. In order not to suffocate, she had to swallow the seed of the African.

It was the grossest thing she ever had to do! It tasted so bitter and disgusting and was of an incredibly disgusting consistency. She needed all her self -control so as not to have to hand over.

Tears rolled over their cheeks. The African drew his cock from Sabrina’s mouth and thus made the next place.

This was so horny that after a short time he also ejaculated directly in Sabrina’s mouth. Again the sperm thrust gathered in her throat until she could finally overcome her disgust and swallowed the warm sperm.

The African now cleared his mouth again for the next one, who fucked her wildly in her mouth again until he too emptied in her throat. With this African, the sperm was so disgusting that she did not make it when trying to swallow.

The African roared her and hit her hand on her face.

Sabrina still felt dazed when another African used the gap and in turn pushed his cock into her mouth. This also brutally hammered his cock in her throat until he finally poured into her mouth. Tons of sperm pumped this African into her stomach, so that Sabrina panic was swallowing up again.

A great African hurried to her and was already roaring “mouth!!“And just managed to spray its white, wide sperm beam into the mouth of Sabrina just opening. Warm seeds kept hit her mouth and made her choke several times.

Sabrina had to raise all her self -control so as not to vomit her stomach directly.

“Don’t be sad, little one, unfortunately I’m already the last one!“Said a gasping African who pushed her black cock into her mouth. In small movements he moved him back and forth in Sabrina’s mouth until he also poured himself out in her mouth ..

The remaining five Africans had now become louder around Anna. Two of the Africans cheered very loudly because they had managed to put their cocks in Anna’s mouth at the same time with a lot of violence. Anna had a red head due to the effort and she too was drawn with tears.

She finally wanted to have it behind.

When she thought this idea, both Africans sprayed in her mouth. A warm sperm fireworks opened in Anna’s mouth and she felt countless sperm sprinkles in her mouth. Slowly a large amount of sperm collapsed in their throat, but the two sprayed on. When her mouth was about to run over, the two were finished and pulled their cocks out of their sweet mouth one after the other.

The next African put his cock in her mouth and moved his penis twitching in her mouth.

He held Anna’s nose so that she had no air anymore. So she had no choice but to choke down the sperm of the two Africans. It is clearly difficult for her to overcome their infinite disgust!

Shortly afterwards the African was so far in her mouth and sprayed all his seeds in Anna’s mouth, who immediately swallowed it down to get rid of this terrible taste.

The last two Africans also ejaculated in Anna’s mouth, who also swallowed their seeds well!

The two girls had finally done it and had satisfied all 11 Africans orally and swallowed the entire sperm. They were completely at the end and were now on the bottom of the lounge.

They felt completely broken and only stared at the ground apathetically.

So they did not notice that all Africans had left the room to meet their work on board ..

After Anna and Sabrina showered all night to get rid of all the disgust, they thought about how they could escape from the ship. There was obviously not on the ship and they would definitely not put on somewhere in the near future.

Both girls somehow escaped. Jumping off and swimming away was completely excluded because they were on the high seas and could not survive so.

Maybe they could escape with a lifeboat. There were always lifeboats on every ship.

That was their rescue, they somehow had to make it to disappear with a lifeboat ..

Anna and Sabrina set out again to explore the ship. This time they wanted to be on deck, because actually there could only be rescue boats there.

It was slightly foggy on board, a good prerequisite, so as not to be seen by the brutal Africans. They sneaked carefully along the railing and kept their eyes open so that firstly not to be discovered and secondly to find a boat.

Both happily discovered a huge tarpaulin under which only a lifeboat could hide!! Blessed with happiness, they went to the tarpaulin and pulled them a little to the side: And indeed, there was a lifeboat under there!

Old, but still in good condition. The two girls immediately removed the tarpaulin and looked at the mechanism with which they could drain the boat.

Apparently they just had to turn on a crank and swing the boat from the deck. You could really do that!

Sabrina went to the crank and solved the fuse. Slowly she started cranking. A quiet whine and croak triggered the crank and Sabrina and Anna began to tremble with fear.

It was quiet and hopefully nobody could hear her ..

Suddenly a huge headlight started who focused on the girls. They were completely blinded in this light and could not notice what happened further.

They heard voices around themselves and registered movements. Was that the coast guard that the Africans would now arrest?!

The light was suddenly darkened, so that the two girl’s eyes had the chance to slowly get used to it.

Slowly they recognized outlines around them, people in the circle had to stand around them. They could not recognize police benefits and when their eyes had better got used to the bright light, they recognized the brutal Africans who stood in a circle around them.

They looked very angry and apparently drunk again.

Slowly they went to the girls. The girls fled backwards, but the escape route was blocked by the lifeboat.

They pressed the boat with fear and panic and hoped that it was only a nightmare.

The Africans were now in a narrow semicircle around Anna and Sabrina and grave brutally on their bodies. Full of strength, the breasts of the two were roughly kneaded and fiddled with their crunchy butt. Others brutally grabbed the girls’ steps.

It was absolutely clear what the 11 Africans wanted again and that they were really really angry.

Slowly the black guys began to pull the clothes off the body and tear the clothes off the body.

Whether these Africans could ever be tender or careless in their lives?! They wanted to take the two girls and approached them like animals.

Completely naked, the two trembling girls were now pressed onto the boat. An African roughly massaged the shaved vagina of Sabrina. Again and again he narrowed his finger into her vagina with his finger and clumsy her little clit.

Another African licked Anna’s virgin, hairy vagina and massaged her little bottom with both hands. He roughly kneaded her buttocks and stroked her hole with his index finger.

That excited him, because he groaned loudly into her vagina while licking her more demanding.

The other Africans gaffed horny and grabbed the girls on the breasts and back.

Some Africans already undressed and greedily jerked their big cocks. The girls felt, as an African repeatedly pressed his sticky, stiff cock and gasped. The two of them were now brutally squeezed and an African pressed his big cock into the girls in the girls.

They greedily fucked the girls while others maltreated the sweet butt of the girls with fingers. They massaged the buttocks, while in between another finger was always in their pole throats.

At some point the girls felt a large, sticky acorn on their poloers, who slowly pushed themselves into their anus.

Simultaneously both girls were now fucked in their anus and their mouths. This act was accompanied by the loud torture of the Africans.

After a long time, the Africans changed again and again, so that another always penetrated the girls and brutally took them.

Anna and Sabrina could not guess how long this had been, but they slowly noticed that their mouths hurt extremely and the hole was slowly sore. When would the brutal Africans finally let go of them?!

Suddenly the girls were torn up and pushed back onto the upside down rescue boat.

The two boys were now unporned in front of the brutal pack, which immediately took note of this immediately. An African pushed his stiff penis in Sabrinas shaved and grunted satisfied.

Another put his black member in Sabrina’s mouth and immediately moved stormily in her.

Other Africans greedily kneaded on Sabrina’s body and waited until they were back.

At Anna, an African pulled her little hairy labia apart and played a little awkward on her rosy clit when he discovered with a knowing grin that she was still Virgo was.

Anna had never had sexual experiences, let alone slept with a man. The African pulled her labia apart even further in order to be able to see the untouched maiden chute even better.

An African on Anna’s head side brutally put his big cock in her mouth and brutally pushed up again and again. One African slowly pressed his thick, greasy acorn against Anna’s maiden maiden and slowly pressed more tightly.

Anna felt a completely unusual pain, while the African always increased his pressure somewhat. Under a stinging pain, the African suddenly slipped deeper into her sweet vagina.

Obviously she was just deflowered by a brutal monster, she thought and could not hold back her tears.

The African pressed his cock in Anna’s narrow vagina and slowly pounded his way. Now he increased his speed and always pushed a little more ruthless.

After a while the Africans changed, so that everyone had fun. Nothing changed for the two girls, because all Africans were equally brutal and ruthless.

They just wanted to satisfy themselves like a piece of meat and the two couldn’t do anything about it ..

Again and again the Africans changed until the first flinched over Sabrina and grown wildly into their vagina. Sabrina felt how hard sperm sprinkles were distributed in her vagina.

The African in her mouth also let his greed run free and syringe a large amount of seeds in Sabrina’s mouth.

While the two Africans made space for the next, the first African was also finished at Anna and sprayed his seeds moaning into her dry, sore mouth.

The African in her vagina now moved faster and more violently until he poured into her young vagina under a gurgling scream.

More and more sperm sprayed into her vagina and dripped sticky next to the lifting tail out of her vagina. When the African pulled his penis out of her, a sperm spell came out of her.

Another African took his chance and pressed his excited penis into Anna’s sperm -smeared vagina and immediately moved into her.

Gradually, the Africans injected empty in the girls and then retired completely at some point.

The two young girls were at the end of their strength and every bone hurt them. They lay naked on the wooden floor and were covered over and over with blue spots and sperm.

Their vagina and poleholes were widely widened and completely sore, so that the sperm seeping from their holes burned on the sore skin. When would this martyrdom finally end for the two girls?!

After a while, both girls fell asleep exhausted, but still dreamed of the horrors of the past few days.

You would never forget this time!!

When the girls woke up after a long time and an almost narcotic sleep, they first noticed birds.

Yes, they heard seagull creep nearby!! Immediately they were wide awake and jumped up and looked around.

Both girls were on a bench in a port. Her suitcases stood next to them and they were wearing their clothes with whom they had started their trip ..

Sabrina hugged Anna and danced with her in a circle and cheered “Anna, I had a terrible nightmare! But he’s over!! We probably just fell asleep!!”.

Anna jumped cocky around Sabrina and answered spontaneously: “I also had a terrible nightmare! I dreamed of African brutal, but now everything is over!!”.

Anna watched Sabrina’s face suddenly pale and suddenly a light opened her too. “We dreamed the same. – We didn’t dream at all?!“She noticed stuttering.

Both girls immediately checked their bodies and found a number of bruises and their bones also hurt them.

When her high spirits decreased, they noticed that their vagina and pole theaters were burning and grated very sore ..

It was all reality! No dream! Both girls took their arms and cried bitterly in memory of all their pain.

After a long time they started their way home. They just wanted to go home. There they were sure to be in front of these brutal Africans. They never wanted to think back to this time.

But would they be able to process all of this?!

One thing was still panicked by the girls on the return journey: Sabrina had no permanent friend and Anna had never had a permanent friend, so that both hadn’t prevailed recently.


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