An erotic vacation | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Part 1 “The preliminary plane”

Vanessa was always one of these girls who say: “A boy has been lost on the one” “

Growing up only with the father and three older brothers, she was anything but feminine.

The family ran a marina with a small shipyard on the Baltic Sea coast.

Here Vanessa had spent her childhood. She screwed on ship engines with the grandfather, climbed to the highest mast and did not avoid any work.

She did not play with dolls as a child, instead got up with the boys in town and her brothers also avoided her when she was angry.

With puberty, a lot changed in Vanessa’s life. She noticed that she was now viewed differently by men. And some of the “gentlemen” who had a berth for his yacht suddenly behaved strange near them.

In theory she knew early on what can hide behind “sexuality”.

Since she got her oldest brother’s computer (he hadn’t deleted his hard drive), she had access to hundreds of films, pictures and relevant websites.

It wasn’t that it wasn’t tingling with her every now and then, but like every girl, she dreamed of a radiant knight on a proud horse, who saved her from a kite and was allowed to take her innocence.

Only such knights in their environment were sown very thin. And if there was a boy who would have been interested, she usually stood in the way of her reputation.

She had already beaten up in primary school guys if they became too cheeky for her. Something like that speaks around in a small town quickly.

And once she had three young Turks at the beach Holded over the hospital when this had become pushy and the bikinio report had torn down. It was worth it to train the close combat at least 3 times a week since early childhood.

Since these events, the boys preferred to avoid her.

And it was added that make -up, beautiful fingernails or pretty clothes are not helpful while tinkering on old engines or grinding a ship’s hull. As she found, she preferred to.

The few friends, who also saw Vanessa as such, were only boys.

Actually it was the friends of her 18-year-old brother Jörg. But Vanessa preferred to hang around with them than to be with other girls for a minute.

With the boys she could talk about boats, sailing or football and not about dolls or teeny stars as was common with girls.

She always found it very practical to be friends with these much older boys.

And thanks to her buddy way, the boys often accepted Vanessa more than her brother.

There was John. His Mother Had been with a black US soldier for a few years, and so John’s skin was also deep black. He was the only black child in the village that he used to do a lot. The friendship with the other boys in this clique was all the firmer, since they had always held to him.

Andreas, a blond muscle -packed wardrobe.

Not particularly smart but strong and stubborn as an ox.

Roland, a slim athletic guy who probably spent significantly more money for good looks than some women. And then there was Stefan. Vanessa was actually in love with him in the sandpit age.

A young man with the figure of a Greek statue of gods.

A good 1.90 tall, V-shaped upper body, crunchy buttocks, washboard belly and a radiant smile that, paired with the blue eyes, would probably have softened monastery students.

But Vanessa was sure that a boy like him who can have everyone would certainly not respond to take them. And so she had never said all the years what she felt for him.

In the last Summer Had Vanessa’s father insisted that she did not only work in the marina during the holidays, but she should Vacation make. Against her will she drove into the Alps with a youth group to hike there for three weeks.

One of the supervisors, a sports student, had shown the necessary seduction skills and so Vanessa was now deflowered and had at least some initial experiences.

Even after the holidays, the contact with this guy had stayed for a while, but since Vanessa was still very young, her swarm was afraid of a criminal complaint and so this first love was thanks to the male cowardice in the sand.

Vanessa wasn’t really sad about it. She hadn’t been in love, just curious.

And besides, she had always closed her eyes while cuddling and imagined, it would be her swarm Stefan, who is currently with her.

After the end of her first relationship, she took care of her boys again. And so she learned that they had planned a 5-week sailing trip in the Caribbean next summer.

Until then, they would be finished with the Abitur and with some parental money, it should be the great dream of freedom and adventure before the seriousness of life begins.

Vanessa, when she heard about it, wanted to come along, but the boys, with whom she had done everything together, blocked it right away.

Vanessa initially thought that it was just a fun of the boys, but noticed that they meant it very seriously this time.

Again and again she tried to persuade the boys that they should take them with them, but they remained iron.

She couldn’t really understand it.

They had often made sailing trips together on the Baltic Sea for several days. And there had never been any problems or attempts at the boys’ attempts.

Then chance played her hands into her hands. It was surprised in late autumn as Vanessa was jogging by icy snow rain. She had run home on the fastest way.

Ice cold and from a slip in a wet meadow very muddy, she entered the house through the laundry room.

Quickly the wet things down and under the shower Warm up to the sauna in the anteroom.

Unfortunately, only socks and panties hung on the leash in the basement.

But on Wednesdays in the afternoon nobody was at home anyway. So Vanessa only went with panties and socks clad up to the roof to get dressed in her room. She was glad that her iPhone had survived the rain shower.

To the right of the stairs, the door to the room of her brother got up. And Vanessa saw the new CD that she bought yesterday there was on the table there.

Somewhat acidified about the audacity of her brother to just served so she went to his room.

Suddenly she heard the front door falling into the castle and the voices of the boys quickly came up the stairs.

Running from Marko’s room, she would have let the boys run into her arms. There was only one place. The sloping roof was developed into a slope with wood, with a wooden slat door door. With a rapid step, Vanessa was now behind the door and crouched into the back corner of the rod.

The boys were already there.

John asked Vanessa’s brother whether there was really none in the house, which he obviously explained again.

“Father is for skat and Vanessa jogs. It is never back before 8 p.m.

You can look in your room “

Two minutes later, Vanessa believed that the boys did so secretly.

They looked at a porn together. But more than that happened! Because the boys stepped off. John and Andreas sat like that that Vanessa could see her well.

Stefan sat in the armchair with her back to her and Marko and Roland could not be seen by the armchair from their hiding place.

“Group wichsen?“Vanessa scored this word through her head.

Take pictures with the iPhone was too dangerous, but record the conversations, that should work. And who could know what that could be good for.

When John pulled his pants down, a huge black member sausage dangled. The black thing was slack larger than the penis, which had deflowered Vanessa.

Andreas, weighing down, had a stiff member. About as long as the limb that Vanessa had seen so far.

However, it seemed much thicker. Unfortunately she only saw her back briefly from Stefan, then he was sitting again.

“Ok,” said Vanessa’s brother, “who pulls the lady of heart must blow.”

Vanessa was startled. The boys actually started to alternately pull cards off the table. She heard Stefan say, “Please not again I the first round again.

Better later if not that much comes out!”

Vanessa concluded that the boys often did this here.

“Oh shit”, that was her brother’s voice.

The boys made a few jokes and obviously Marko Grade had the member of Roland in his mouth. Because the moaned with relish. “Age, how long did you collect, that was a full meal?“Marko had asked that.

Then her brother appeared in her field of vision with a bobbing link and started without hesitation Andreas. That was obviously quite quick, because only two minutes later her brother moved over to John and left a limp member with Andreas.

John had a scary thing and a lot of perseverance, but at some point it also came to him. And now Marko disappeared from the field of vision of his sister again.

Vanessa would have liked to be exchanged with Marko now. Where he was sitting now, he could see everything from Stefan and even taste, of which Vanessa was only allowed to dream.

“Oh, look, Stefan closes his eyes and smiles. That means he thinks of his little Vanessa again!“John had said that. “Unfortunately, it’s not mine,” countered Stefan.

Marko grumbled around, which would be so great about his sister that the others have to rave about it all the time!

What Vanessa heard now, she would never have thought possible. The boys raved about her so much that she thought she was becoming irrelevant.

“If you weren’t her brother, you would also like to land with her! I’m sure of that.”

Stefan said that and pulled the air through his teeth a few times. Obviously his member was still blown. Stefan continued to describe what he finds everything in Vanessa.

Starting from the blue eyes, the pretty face over the figure, the thighs, the flat stomach and, as he called it, “standing tits” that do not sag a millimeter when lying on the back and that only feathers when jumping or racingwobble or even to wobble. “What do you think? Honeymelons or just grapefruit ”, Roland had asked that. Vanessa didn’t understand immediately, but the boys’ discussion was about her breasts.

“It is actually surprising that she is so sporty and slim, but then has such big tits. Usually the slim girls have rather small things.“Stefan had said that again.

“It doesn’t matter.

She doesn’t want any of us anyway, otherwise she would have said something for a long time or at least indicated. Even if we are together on the boat for days, you only notice that she is a girl. Otherwise we leave them totally cold. She is probably a late bloomer or she is standing on girls as often as she is beating with boys!“John’s words had injured Vanessa, but she couldn’t say anything without here caught to become.

At some point it came, and Marko, who had lost this round, had to get one down in front of the others.

To do this, he stood next to the television where Vanessa could watch him. Obviously her brother was also properly equipped. With a red head he rubbed his limb and then splashed his seed in front of his feet.

The boys now drank something.

The porn in the DVD recorder was still blown up, but the boys only had one topic.


Now she also learned why the boys didn’t want them to have them when it comes to the Caribbean next summer. 5 weeks in a small space with a girl in whom everyone has a crush, that would give problems. If they do it with one of them, the others would be disappointed and there would probably be a dispute. If, on the other hand, the boys would get some “locals” women to fuck on board to take off pressure, then Vanessa would get angry and they didn’t want that either.

In the back and forth of the conversations, a sentence fell several times.

“Everyone or none!“Obviously, the boys had decided to either sleep with Vanessa or none, because it was only to save friendship.

The boys once again played their “heart lady game”, in which the one who pulls this card, the others have to blow. John lost to Vanessa’s regret and not Stefan, so unfortunately she couldn’t see him naked. At some point the boys collected their porn films and went again.

Suddenly everything was quiet again and Vanessa alone with her very confused thoughts.

She had had to go to the toilet for a while and was glad that the way was clear now.

Then she sat in her room and thought about what was heard.

On the one hand, she was angry that the boys had talked about her body so extensively, but on the other hand, she was also proud of all the compliments that had fallen.

Again and again their feelings drove up and down. Sometimes she thought the boys might have noticed them and just played it out to her.

But the boys had blown their cocks in turn if they had guessed who was sitting in the closet?

Vanessa was confused. In the following days she avoided any contact with the boys. She just didn’t know how to deal with them after experiencing.

At some point her thoughts had arranged a little. And she had been looking for a conversation with her grandma.

She had asked her grandmother if there was a way to see if a boy is serious about his love negligence. Vanessa’s grandma was the only female person with whom she could have discussed something like that after the early death of the mother.

Some sensible tips came from the experienced woman, but each 2. The sentence included the warning that guys only want one if they say love. Vanessa Hakte after.

“When a boy who doesn’t know that I can hear him in front of his friends says he loves me. And when he raves that the heather wobble, it may be serious?”

Your grandma smiled. Child, boys don’t talk to each other like that. They don’t say I love them because she has beautiful eyes and is nice.

Then the other boys would laugh at him. When guys talk about you, it sounds like this: “Eh age full the horny counter and a one a wichsfresse. I put them old, jo!”

Vanessa had to laugh when her grandmother rattled it down and still imitated the movements.

When you go out, however, her grandma held her back briefly.

“If the boy talked really nicely about you before others, he was serious. You can be very safe there.

Because being in love is considered a weakness in boys, they don’t talk about that voluntarily!”

Vanessa was now sure. She would be able to land with Stefan. But how the hurdle could be taken with the “All or Nobody”, she didn’t know yet.

Even if everything normalized again in Vanessa’s life, one had changed significantly. She mastled regularly now.

The thought of what Stefan felt for her made her sharp. Often she did it several times a day. In the morning before getting up, showering and of course before falling asleep.

She tried to behave neutrally towards the boys. She had to wait for a good opportunity.

The main thing is that Stefan doesn’t get to know any bitch that does it with him. Then everything would probably be lost.

The turn of the year came and per month passed without the Vanessa came closer to her goal. She was so far in this idea that she was more and more imagined when masturbating, as she does with everyone. Or better than do it with her.

Three weeks before the start of the summer vacation, Vanessa had already given up any hope, Marko fell with his motorcycle and was now in the hospital with a broken leg.

It was a disaster for the boys, because if Marko does not fly along, the cost of the yacht of 4 instead of 5 people must be borne.

In the high season, expensive fun, and so a kind of crisis councilor met in the office From Vanessa’s father. He had conveyed the yacht because it was a lot cheaper through the sailing school.

Her father knew how Vanessa likes to sail and also from the rejections of the boys.

So he took advantage of the emergency. He pays Marko’s share if the boys take vanessa with them.

As a father of 4 children, he basically doesn’t care which one drives.

The boys were at a loss, you could see that. So Vanessa took her to the side.

I will not be in the way if you get local beauties on board, she said.

That had made the boys get a lot of red.

At some point the big nod came. Vanessa had done it. Now there was still a lot to prepare.

She didn’t need to be afraid of pregnancy. Thanks to her predictive grandmother, she has had an implant in her arms since May. Three years of contraception and also without any menstrual period. That was a good prerequisite.

Vanessa had taken her courage together and invited her fellow sailors for Wednesday of next week.

To want to discuss something under the pretext, she lured the four boys into her room. They had the house for themselves because the father had enough to do in the yacht port in summer, and Marko was still in the hospital. The other two brothers no longer lived at home.

Vanessa had a plan. She had gone through everything a hundred times, but her heart beat very wildly with excitement.

When the boys were finally there, she asked her over to Marko’s room, pointed to the door of the closet and asked if one of the boys could imagine what could be behind it.

Of course they didn’t know what Vanessa wanted to do, but that changed now.

And the facial color also changed with the boys.

Vanessa told about her experience in this slope. How she got in there, what she heard and saw, and also how her thoughts and feelings were driven afterwards.

Then she played a few sentences from her iPhone of the discussions recorded.

She didn’t wait for an answer from the boys. They would have loved to be sunk in the ground anyway.

“Here is my suggestion to you,” she said.

“We won’t wear clothes on board. If one of you gets stiff, I make it soft with your mouth or hands. And one of you is allowed to spend the night with me alternately. So you can adhere to your “all or none”.

And since I heat up, you don’t even need to pull rubber pavers over your things.

However, I don’t really have a lot of experience. You probably have to tell me what to do more often.“The boys agreed incredulously.

“But I have a condition! Except for us, no one should never experience that!”

Then Vanessa opened her wrap dress and let it fall. She had waived underwear from the start. “This is what you will get! If you like it, I will be your sexual provide for 5 weeks.

And in contrast to some island beauty, I have no AIDS!”

The boys had stem eyes and stared on Vanessa’s body. She had always shaved her vagina so that her blond pubic hair points like an arrow tip on the Venus hill in the direction of the vagina. This steered a view of her clearly protruding fleshy labia.

She had kept going through this moment in the head, but now her heart beat very wildly with excitement. But she intended to do more than just showing herself.

“Here in the room my brother blown the cocks.

Now I want to be allowed to do that too. I want to know how you like!”

The boys couldn’t be said twice. They stood naked in no time and excited in a row in front of her.

Stefan stood on the right of her on the door. Here she started.

She knelt in front of him and tried to look as cool as possible when she turned his stately member down to herself.

Inside she was so excited that she thought she was shattered. Stefan’s member was not only quite long, but also very thick. The shaft completely and even and even a shiny plump glans. This thing had something of a scepter.

Majestic, the word that Vanessa would have come up.

The blisters had shown her deflorator properly. Play the glans around with the tongue, put the mouth over the glans and suck, then tongue down on the shaft, lick the eggs and suck up again and suck. Grand the shaft as needed, massage the testicles with your free hand or massage the bottom opening with gentle pressure with your finger.

Stefan snorted violently when his buttocks felt her finger. Then Vanessa feel the approaching tide on the twitching of the shaft.

A strong load flowed into her mouth. Vanessa was surprised. Somehow she remembered the sperm taste more unpleasant. Not that it was vanilla pudding that shot out of Stefan, but it was quite bearable.

Vanessa licked the acorn cleanly, pressed the remnants from the urethra and kissed this rest from the Eichelspitze.

It irritated her that Stefan’s limb remained hard and plump despite the large load in her stomach.

Now it was Roland’s turn. A long thin spear with a pointer glans. But that didn’t matter Vanessa because she was really cool now. Less than 5 minutes later, she knew that Roland’s sperm tasted significantly bitter than that of her secret love just before.

Then it was the turn of the big black member.

John’s skin felt leathery. But the taste of his limb was quite normal. Vanessa hadn’t been certain whether a black member was different. And in the end she was with Andreas.

A fairly short but thick link with a beautiful glans. But with a low service life. As soon as Vanessa’s mouth had put on it, the ejaculation started with the ejaculation.

Vanessa saw from the corner of the eye that Stefan’s limb was still hard, but she wanted to end the whole thing here now. She didn’t dare to sleep with all fours at the same time, but she now had to have redemption herself.

So it was only to be masturbated. But she didn’t want to do that in front of an audience.

She explained to the boys that this should be a kind of foretaste to show that it is serious to her. And since everything has now been clarified, you could first be here Quitting time make.

The boys would certainly have liked to experience more, but did not dare to contradict.

Ten minutes later, Vanessa was on her bed and had started to stroke.

Then her iPhone reported. It was a special ringtone. One of the very rarely sounded because he was assigned Stefan.

Vanessa went on, although she urgently needed at least an orgasm.

“I guess you are just stroking yourself? Or are you already done?”

Stefan’s question made Vanessa embarrassed.

“And if it is so?”Asked back.

Stefan told something about “quite normal” and “no clairvoyant” and then said that the others all went, but he, since what was just experienced, did not want to let him go, was back at the door again.

“What happens when I open you now?“Vanessa’s question sounded anxious.

“Then I’ll try to sleep with you!“Stefan’s answer was at least honest.

Vanessa said that she had to think about it and put on.

However, she was already on her room door when she said it.

Naked as she was, she only opened the front door a minute later.

Stefan smiled at her, then he joined.

Vanessa expected a hasty impetuous number, but Stefan gave her a long horny tongue kiss.

His hands lay on her bottom and massaged gently.

Then Stefan smiled again, raised the surprised Vanessa and wore her like a bride up the stairs on her bed.

He asked her to wait briefly and went out of the room. He came back with a large towel and a glass bottle.

He explained that it was massage oil that he and Marko use it more often.

Then Vanessa was on the towel and Stefan began to massage her back.

His touch made them shudder with lust.

Stefan takes time. More than Vanessa was loved.

Back, buttocks, thighs and then back up towards.

When Stefan performed massage oil again, something ran between her backing.

Stefan followed with a finger through the PoSpalte. He had not yet touched her vagina, even if she was looking for it.

Then Stefan’s fingers glide with gentle pressure in a circle over their buttons.

Vanessa didn’t know what happened to her but an orgasm of unexpected strength went through her whole body.

She groaned hard into the mattress and felt how her whole body made ecstatic twitches.

Stefan’s fingers rested for a moment, then gently turned Vanessa.

Now he began to massage her forehead, the temples and face.

It was wonderful to be so spoiled. Even if she would have loved to shout “Fuck me”.

Again, Stefan read time. Your upper body soon shines from the oil and her nipples glowed like fresh mature raspberries on their small warts. When Stefan’s hands reached her venus hill, she filled the next orgasm.

Her vagina was still not touched. She had never experienced that before.

At some point everything was oiled and massaged. Only the vagina doesn’t.

Please take care of me there, plead Vanessa, but Stefan just smiled nice. He said that a vagina would not be lubricated with strangers and there was only one way.

Then his head slid through a skillful movement under her thigh and before she understood, she felt his tongue.

Just a few seconds later, a violent moan from Vanessa’s mouth filled the room again.

Stefan obviously enjoyed the violent twitching of his blood cups playmate.

Then finally he rose, took off as if in slow motion and lay over Vanessa.

She had spread her legs wide and was waiting for what she now needed so urgently.

For so many years she had longed for this moment and now everything was much nicer than in any of her dreams.

Stefan smiled at her and Vanessa felt something hard against her shame nudge.

Without using his hands, Stefan’s member found the right place.

Vanessa felt slight pressure, then Stefan’s tongue penetrated into her mouth and almost simultaneously his powerful scepter in her lap. Her cozy long moan went down in the kiss.

Slowly Stefan entered her into her. Centimeter by centimeter, then he stopped. Her tongues detached from the ring fight and Stefan told her in a gentle tender voice that he now felt resistance with his glans.

Vanessa took down. A good three fingers looked out of his member.

She wondered if it was bad for a boy not to fully fit into a vagina, but when Stefan pulled his limb back a bit and started to push, there was no place for doubt.

Vanessa felt as if her brain was wrapped in a pink dense fog.

She didn’t understand Stefan’s tender words, she only heard the sound of the voice.

Then she came again. Stefan had stopped his member while twitching. But soon, first with slow, then ever more violent bumps, picking up again.

It went again and again.

Vanessa did not know whether there were 3 orgasms or 5 since Stefan entered her. And it didn’t matter. At some point, she felt the last violent twitching after a new orgasm, Stefan was still on her and looked at her lovingly.

Vanessa felt that the pressure reduced through the very thick link in her vagina and felt the limb and liquid gliding out. She ran out of the vagina between the buttocks.

But only briefly. Stefan had kissed on her body and now licked her vaginal gap with relish.

Usually a good idea, but Vanessa had to push Stefan’s head away after a few seconds because her vagina was overwritten.

“That,” said Stefan, “was sex as I imagined him with my dream woman!

From now on you can experience that every day. But look forward to the others too. They also have incredible preferences!”

Vanessa didn’t want to hear anything from other boys now.

And the best way to silence men is kissing.

Both were enclosed on Vanessa’s bed. They kissed, they stroked and they talked about their feelings for each other.

Then they showered together. Vanessa saw how Stefan’s masculinity stiffened again.

It was clear to her that she had to offer him more than other girls when she wanted to win him. Her vagina was out of action and she had already blown it.

“Do you want in my buttocks?”.

She actually didn’t want to say it because so far she had only sunk candles in her back entrance. From her sports student she had received everything you need to prepare for anal sex. But then it was no longer with him.

Stefan looked at her questioningly. He was not sure if she was serious.

He wondered if his limb would not be too thick for such a young etch, but he certainly didn’t want to refuse this invitation.

Vanessa got the utensils and started to rinse.

Meanwhile, Stefan had already started to delete Dick Vaseline on his limb.

Then both were back in Vanessa’s room. She lay her back across the bed and Stefan knelt in front of it. He massaged Vanessa’s tight butt with lubricant.

Vanessa sneaked horny with two fingers and clawed her hands into the mattress.

Then Stefan put his glans.

He had to press a little, but then the edge of the glans overcame the sphincter and his pile slide in a good bit.

He looked Vanessa in the face to see if it had given her pain, but she smiled.

She reached her vagina with her right hand and slowly began to stroke her clit.

Vanessa would not have believed how horny she could be with a real link in the buttocks.

But Stefan also fought hard with an early effusion despite two previous orgasms.

He hadn’t expected that a hole could be so tight.

He saw that Vanessa jerked off faster and heard her wheezing. That was no longer to be endured for him.

He pushed deep into this young horny buttocks a few times, then he felt hot through his abdomen.

Vanessa’s pointed screams penetrated him through a veil, then he got black and he thought he saw little sparks.

Exhausted he sank on the bed next to Vanessa. So he had never experienced it with a girl.

No “no let it” or “I’m not ready yet”, no “you just want one”.

Despite her inexperience, Vanessa had brought him to the limits of his manpower.

And now she lay next to him, her hand in his, smiled at him and said: “And now you want to do that every day with me? OK! Count me in!”

And in Part 2 you can find out what can happen in 5 weeks on board a sailboat.

But only if you are nice to your little shy monika … 🙂

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