Man and woman | Erotic sex stories

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Author: Joseph Scheppachdrei expedition participants traveled to the 1764 Egypt, received something outrageous to see. One of the dermators later described the shocking one with “cautious words”. He had witnessed how a woman was removed the clitoris – the organ should not “rise because of the modesty”. Today, more than 200 years later, several million girls are still victims of these barbaric mutilations every year. Countless women suffer from the physical and mental consequences of the “sexual glare”, as an Arabic writer once called the clitoral circumcision.

This ritual is only one of many with which in 30 countries in the third world the value of women in double Wörtsinn brutally is cropped. And it’s not even the cruelest method. In India Z. B. have to be around 10 year after year. 000 women die “because they have no value for their men,” explains the American women’s rights activist Mary Lin French. “For many Indians, marriage is primarily a lucrative business.

The groom collected the dowry and asked for further gifts after the wedding “. If the woman’s financial reserves are exhausted, the woman is cleared out of the way so that the man can look around for a new bride. The fact that women are treated as humans as humans has a centuries -old tradition. Even today, boys are preferred in most countries on earth, and countless female descendants are still being abolished or killed.

Why this degration of the female gender?When historians, sociologists and religious scientists are looking for the reasons, they say: This process began just 5000 years ago with the man’s takeover of the man “. The male supremacy is related to the beginning of individual property. The first owners of private property were probably nomadic shepherds. According to historians, they had the desire to inherit their property. In contrast to the woman, who always knew that the child just born was her own, the man could never always be sure of his paternity, therefore his physical successor.

For this reason, according to the scientists, the man searched for funds that the loyalty of the Wife guaranteed. So he knew that each born of her child could only descend from himself. These means included the veiling of the woman as well as the clitoral circumcision, which took her desire to sexuality. The “takeover of the man”, complemented the recent league scientist, is embedded in the creeds of the five large religions.

Judaism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity and Islam demanded the submission of women to a value system that propagated the natural superiority of the man. Is known: Already in the creation report of the Bible, the dependence of the woman is captured by the man. And also her fault: the woman is the seducer, the man of the seduced, who excuses, is relieved. “The woman you gave me gave me from the fruit, and I am ace,” Adam defends himself before God, who then gave Eva to give birth Pains Damn it and make the man’s maid: “He should be master of you”.

Less well known, the Jewish history of the Fall is not unique. She has parallels in both Sumerian and Buddhist myth. Of course, these previous stipulations did not remain without consequences. “The woman is not the image of God, while the man alone is the image of God,” wrote z. B. The church father Augustine (354-430). And the significant medieval theologian Thomas Aquin (around 1225-1274) stated: “The woman behaves as a man like the imperfect and defects for perfect”.

Hardly surprising that the woman was equated with all kinds of belted animals and described them with the most contemptuous terms. So it was only consistent that the man was forgiven when they abused, raped or even killed a woman. Until 1918 it was even canonically offset right to beat, lock up, bind or fasten his wife until 1918. “A good horse”, a French proverb, “needs the spores. A good like a bad woman needs the stick “.

Women in almost all countries still have no rights. And even in the 20th century, they are excluded from higher educational institutions in some western states. To this day, the proportion of women on university chairs increases extremely slowly. So slowly that “we, for example, would have to wait around 250 years at the University of Munich until an almost equal distribution of professorships on men and women is achieved,” said the women’s representative there.

Hadumod Bussmann of all things. Most unbill but brought the women to their supposedly so lustful sexuality. “Centuries,” said the US historical Judith Interest, “the view was spread: As soon as women had got to know sexual pleasure, their true nature reveals themselves: their sexual instincts awaken and made them almost insatiable”. In this case too, the men knew how to help. A particularly perfidious “means of maintaining female chastity” was the shortening of the women’s feet.

In China, the toes of girls with tying and a good dose of cruelty were squeezed into the “iron mass” (12cm foot length), to the “silver mass” (10cm foot length) or the completed “gold mass” (7.5 cm foot length)). So the women could not go far and had to stay in the house – a “Chastity belt” for lifetime. Nevertheless, the imagination of the “victim man”, who is chased by the desire of a woman, is still not to be dead to this day. It is reflected again in the archaic pictures from the torn Amazon and her all -over -lacher genital organ, the “Dentata”, armed with teeth ”.

She articulates itself in countless historical figures, such as Salome, who demanded the head of the man who dismissed her after she borrowed him in vain. And she recently returned in the Hollywood thriller “a fateful affair”. There the family man only gets rid of the visit, in which he sails the female fury and at the same time showing. Where do all these male fantasies come from? Psychologists believe that men have deeply hidden fears. Z. B.

The fear of women, which in reality is nothing more than the fear of clasping by their own Mother. A Son Longs for her love, but at the same time he has to break away from her to grow up and become a partner of a new woman. According to the common theory, strong mothers prevent this exemption, so that the bound men on their part to Tie up grab. Wanted to list all the bad thing what women happened in the course of human history, you would not have ended.

What does the situation look like today? UN specialists have compiled and processed data and facts from 150 countries. The result is shattering: women, around half of the world’s population, have 70 women have exactly 1 von three people who neither read nor write are 2 women. In almost all developing countries, a woman is not allowed to open their husbands without the consent. [:-)] Many women don’t even have their own passport. Like their children, they are entered in the man’s passport.

In the third world, women are more disadvantaged than ever ever. Experts speak of the “feminization of misery” and how it is about female value in western industrialized nations?Their economic value increases enormously: of the approximately 3.2 million companies in Germany, every sixth is already managed by a woman. About 110. 000 entrepreneurs each offer more than 10 employees jobs or have annual sales that exceeds the million limit.

The “ideal value” is also increasing: In the artists’ professions, more and more women are fitting foot. Among the free artists, the proportion of around 30th film prices are still predominantly assigned to men. For Marcel Reich-Ranicki, why this is so is obvious: “Women are simply unable to do great things in certain areas”. [:-)] The facts seem to be right for him. Or compose women operas, build locks or cathedrals? For example, a woman discovered America or flew a female astronaut on the moon first?Nevertheless, it is easily forgotten that historiography usually serves the “self-celebration of the man”, as the publicist Marielouise Janssen-Jurreit writes.

“It is the recording of his actions and the glorification of masculine values. It is the big tank from which the male identity is tapped “, and it serves the” mythologization of great men “”. But today this value and world order has stuck to falter. This is the case, among other things, that the woman has reliable means of contraception. With her help, she can make herself independently of the man. [??] Never before was it as free as in our enlightened era.

“For a long time, the wastes about the true female identity about the negation of male values and ideas,” writes the author Mira Beham. “Old myths came out of this: from the peacefulness of women, of matriarchal rule in a harmonious world”. But this peaceful woman was most likely never existed. In any case, the discussion about upgrading the woman has shown one: Nowadays, the struggle for her identity can no longer be exhausted in a fight against men.

The interplay of gender contrasts does not necessarily have to produce winners and losers, rule and oppression. It can also lead to a constant tension between man and woman who respect each other and ideally treat the same without denying differences. However, men and women can only carry out this change in values together. As individuals, want to accept service to be the worse half of mankind, but they also don’t believe from the outset that it is better to be the better one.


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