My horny vacation with Georg | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Holidays on the FARM YARD

It was Pentecost and vacation time again. My parents also wanted to go to the

Vacation drive. Only with a lot of persuasion did you succeed in grinding me.

At 17 you have other ideas of vacation.

In addition on a farm,

I poured in front of it.

Two weeks without my friends? Every day only on your own hand Jerk off reliant?

Frustrating thoughts. However, as a student I couldn’t have my own vacation

to do, so I was there in the end after all.

“What is wrong with you?“Asks me mine Father, When we arrived on the farm and from

the Family were greeted. “Nothing that should be?”.

It was lied because the Son The family, who is also around 17, was to blame for mine

confusion. My first prejudice collapsed like a house of cards.

Not a

Grand -surface guy, but a rather delicate peasant boy stands there and succeeds me

curious. He looks fantastic in his leather pants.

Damn horny she sits, I think, but that must be the case. He has the legs

Gorge to rolled up to the. Everyone shakes their hand to everyone, then they stand up

to me: “I am the Lorenz, I hope we get along well”.

I leave his hand so quickly

Not going, “And I’m Georg. We’ll be sure that. Is something going on here or let’s do something

Come on?”. “I have no problems with that, come with me, I’ll take you around”.

Lorenz probably does that with all guests.

Nevertheless, I trot after him. I help the suitcases

to wear up. In the afternoon I sit with Lorenz on a hill near the farm.

We chat, look at ourselves intensively. He looks very erotic, I have to admit it.


and more we slide together until our legs finally touch. After some

I put my arm around his hips.

The feelings are bubbling in me. Man, what’s wrong with me? Our heads always come

More closer until we cheek in the grass sitting in the grass. “If you were a girl, I would

Kissing, ”I breathed.

“It’s a good thing that you are not one …”. “How that?”. “Because then I,

Without asking, fucking, ”he laughs and presses even more closely at me. With me he goes

Schalk through:

“Maybe I’m one and you just don’t know.

After all, you don’t even know what I’m in

The pants have … “. With one hand he drives me under the versehirt, grabs my chest and plays

With my wart. “Well, it is not difficult to guess. If you don’t have that much up here

you will be all the more in the pants.

Or am I wrong?”. Would

I haven’t sitting my underpants so tight if he had already seen my bump. But trust more

we both not.

Too bad, I think when we walk back to the farm. It would have the beginning of a horny

Can be friendship.

I just can’t fall asleep at night. Again and again

I think of the feeling of Lorenz warm cheek.


ch see his excitingly shaped thighs and even the ass cheek approach that I

had spotted briefly in the afternoon. There is no other way, I hit the blanket back around me

at my tail to trouble. I grab it, grip it tenderly and

Play with my eggs.

My eyes are closed, I see in my wanking fantasy,

Like my hand under Lorenz leather pants grabs. I feel his eggs, his hard cock

And I play with his ass cheeks until soon afterwards the warm juice

drizzled, sprayed on the stomach. I delay my juice and turn to the side,

To fall asleep soon after.

The next day Lorenz showed me the stables. So far I have not been particularly interested,

But he understands that I am enthusiastic about it.

“Can you milk at all? i mean,

Nowadays this is probably done by a milking machine?”” Already, “said Lorenz,

“But you should already control the technology”. He grabs a cow to the udder and shows

me how it is done. “That reminds me of something completely different,” I said cheekily. “That there

also?“, Said Lorenz.

He presses firmly and a thin mercilary jet hits my face.

This guy looked through me fully. I jump aside, but it is no longer necessary. He

Has stopped and watched me.

I imagine it or he has taken a look at my pants stable? Stupid that mine

Pants are so far that he may not get enough to see enough. Take for the afternoon

I plan to take off the panties, then at least he would see if my cock


I get very brave and put on my jeans that I have briefly cut myself. In the

In the event of a doubt, I would also come to my cock without moving out the pants

must. Lorenz, on the other hand, has his short leather pants as always, which is so very sharp to me


He doesn’t have to help at the moment, so he

shows. He flows past around 500 meters past the courtyard.

Some bushes offer the best privacy protection.

He likes my jeans no less than my short leather pants. He grabs, feels intensely

The material, although I get a stiff immediately when it touches my skin on the thigh.

I can also feel with him. So I have the edge of the leather pants in my hand and feel

at the same time underneath its assault. I even imagine that he also has no underpants


We grin understandable. Slowly we get rid of the T-shirts, sit with

Blank top bodies on a stone, with my sack also snaps fresh air without being

I am aware of it.

Wieider play our thighs together, our heads rest together and ours

Hands have wrapped themselves around their hips. For a few moments there is only that

To hear rippling the stream and the knocking of our hearts.

“What are you thinking about?“, I finally interrupt the almost unbearable silence. “How about,

If I were naked and have a slot down there.”

“Leave it, I also think it’s okay when you have a tail down there.

Better one

tight boys’ tail as an eunuch cock that doesn’t work properly, ”I laugh.

Lorenz presses my knee and lets his hand slide as if he wants to make sure,

Whether everything is with me. “I’m so nice too,” I mean and go up a kiss on him

His glowing cheeks. He returns, kisses back and puts another one on top of it.

With both hands I stroke his cheeks and look fully electrified on his full,

Beautifully curved lips before I let myself be carried away, a real kiss

To give your mouth and not just on the cheek.

How he feels. I’m almost insane.

No resistance, the guy goes full

with. Finally we walk each other the bump in our pants. The leather makes me horny

Even if it is thicker and it is therefore not so easy to contain the contours of your tail

can follow. He uses the full and massages that I almost spray me


We let ourselves fall into the grass and Lorenz slips over me and looks at me with a smile.

Our tongues flirt again.

And in our pants the tails stand that

I’m afraid to spray my cargo there. I play on his rim with one hand,

Let my fingers slide underneath and have naked boy meat in hand. He has

actually no underpants. He confesses that he also after lunch

has moved out.

“I really wanted to irritate you,” said Lorenz. “After all, we couldn’t

Need fourteen days until it finally works when you will leave there again.”

His logic is stunning.

I have long been glad that I went on vacation with my parents. they are hiking

During the day or visit the small communities in the area and I have a great

Found friend. With trembling hands we open our pants stables and pull the

pants off.

We both want to feel the other naked. Naked. Lorenz rises and

rises out of his pants. I raise my ass and let my jeans from Lorenz

get undressed.

His gaze rests on my stiff 17 cm. His is a little longer than mine, for that

But mine is much thicker. On the eggs he has a few more hair than I do. Then

he is back on me.

Our cocks rub each other and I leave my hands over

His little ones slide, then slide, then again along his crack.

He pinched the cheeks together as if he was afraid that I would like to fuck him. Even if

Sometimes I think of something like that, I have no practice in it and I certainly don’t intend to

to start practicing this afternoon. Outdoors, not enough protected to not

but to be surprised by the pushing farmers.

We have our cocks in my hand, rub and jerk off, as we have often been

Everyone has done for themselves.

“Tell me if it comes to you,” I ask Lorenz, “I want to see how

you injected “.

“Me too with you,” he gasps.

So we turn that our heads are closer to the other’s lap. His pelvis

trembles, our breath flies.

He doesn’t have to say anything, I know that he will come right away.

Lorenz kisses me on the glans with his lips, so that with my mastery it finally

is over. Another tender kiss on my glans and the seeds fly out

My slot. Six, seven, maybe eight times it shoots out of me and Lorenz cheers.

“Man is great how much you sprayed,” he praises me.

“Everything your earnings”, I whine and give him the last wanking lines. I want him

also kiss the glans, but his lava is already coming. It seems to me that he doesn’t

less cumess than me. Finally, I kiss his seed -leaned cock.

“It was nice, you don’t find it too?“Of course I also find it nice and hope for

Numerous repetitions in the next few days.

While I recovered dazzling and

my parents do not recognize their son because I think everything is great and great, has mine

Cock twice as much to do than usual because Lorenz keeps me with me to one

Horny games persuaded.

In one of the next morning Lorenz comes into my room. “Well, you lazy.

Don’t feel like getting up today? Or should I put breakfast to your bed?” “Why

not?”, I say,” it would be something else and besides, we could be naked in bed.

We haven’t done it here yet. I strike back the blanket and Lorenz can open

See my stiff because I only wear a t-shirt. This argument seems to him


As a result, he races into the kitchen, represents two cups of coffee, two sandwiches and breads and

Two pretzels on the tray and comes back.

He stands naked in the room and meanders under the ceiling to me. Before we

We at least fall over one another as if we had breakfast. It is tasty

Great, sitting in bed with the naked Lorenz, sipping coffee and getting into bread


Since not only my cock was stiff, Lorenz also had a stiff, I could

Take his hard cock in his hand in between to do it too

keep up with. Finally he hangs a pretzel on his stiff and says:

“Don’t you want to finally get her?”.

I understand, give one of his glans first

Ficken kiss and finally let them disappear in my mouth before I have the pretzel

Hole with your lips. Lorenz laughs because he was really successful.

Of course, he is ready to eat his pretzel when he serves them as well


Heavenly to feel his tongue on my glans. But then we lie

Conclusion in bed. Our hands go on a hike, press the

Ass cheeks each other.

We have long since passed to the little holes

to play, of course without pressing them deep in. Especially not in the morning when

you are not sure … Lorenz wants to blow me one, “and you blow me one.

I finally want to inject in your mouth “.

The Bauernbursche has ideas.

I can only be amazed. We blown in the last

Days often, but never until the splash of finals. But why not? Then lick

we also the sperm -smeared acorns, so it will not matter

Schwuppdiwupp he turned into the 69 position. He kneels over my face and me

Just have to open my mouth to absorb his dangling tail.


we each other our big pieces. Again and again we let the cocks out of our mouth

to lick our eggs. And for the first time I overcome myself, my tongue over his ass

to let glide that gaps so close above me. “Oh man is awesome,” cheered Lorenz before he

Suck my cock again.

I spend briefly to spend his hole, then I also dedicate it again

My attention to the tail.

With a finger I play on his hole, which is really slippery due to the saliva. And

It is very easy to penetrate him. That is too much for Lorenz. Wildly panting he injects me in

My mouth.

I shrink, but then swallow his whole juice that I am on this

Better to mouth tomorrow than honey.

When the last splash shoots out of him, it is also at

me so far. I press my mouth on his asshole to suppress my moan.

And Lorenz fully sucks me out. My cock tickling, it almost hurts when he always

still sucks, although nothing comes at all. “I’m already sad when I think about it,

that you will leave soon, ”says Lorenz and looks at me with wet eyes.

But still

we have a few days together and what else we did.

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