Diana [2] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I got a wet washcloth out of the bathroom. I was enjoying Diana’s feet. The sticky ice had to be removed because I wanted to go down into that with my sweet prisoner Living room go. The parquet should not suffer.

It was a pleasure to clean Diana’s feet. As a shot, I kissed every sole of the foot and every bale once. “You kiss my feet?“Asked Diana in astonishment. “Yes, you’re right.

But you will also see how it is to kiss a foot!”, I answered. Diana could not classify this remark correctly. But she also did not go into it either. Me neither.
“So now we go to coffee and cake! There is a chocolate cake in the kitchen.“I said and pulled the bound Diana on her feet.

She was still in front of me with a blindfold. I saw again the thin leather strap, which decorated Diana’s neck like a necklace replacement. That had always irritated me. I picked up one of the thinner ropes from the floor.

Then I knotted the rope on the leather strap that led around Diana’s neck. I kept the free end like a leash in my hand. “What are you doing?“Diana asked a little fearful. I would take them off right away.

A slight jerk on the leash gave Diana the answer to her question.
I pulled again: “Well, come. We are going down into the kitchen now. On the stairs I may start your ankle cuffs and the blindfold, but I want to see you tipping there. You will be able to take small steps like that too.

It doesn’t matter that you are blind. I’ll lead you! Here we go!”I ordered. And when Diana felt a little jerk on her leather neck band, she slowly moved her bare feet forward. But Diana was reluctant.

“I’m not a dog!“She complained and stopped again. It didn’t work that way either: “Diana, I don’t want to discuss with you here,” I admonished her. “What you should do is not particularly difficult. So do it! And don’t complain, otherwise I’ll get you!” .

Diana twitched slightly. I was sure that she had never been gagged. Apparently she didn’t want to have this experience either, because when I pulled back on a leash, her bare toes clawed into the carpet and she pushed her feet a bit forward. “So what! It works!“It excited me to lead the only half -clothed and tied Diana on a leash.

It was kind of cool. Diana continued to tip very hesitantly because she saw nothing. But slowly we came ahead. Diana was only able to slowly push the feet step by step forward, since the ankle cuffs sat quite tightly.

But it went. And we had time, a lot of time. Occasionally I let Diana feel the leash so that she could see the direction in which she had to tip.
When I arrived at the stairs, I solved the Tie up Dianas feet. Then I also took off my blindfold.

I didn’t want Diana to fall. I put the cloth in my shorts. I would be able to use it again. Diana blinked.

“If you do nonsense and do not obey, I will captivate you your feet and then a gag is also due!”I said to clarify. I led Diana, who still had his hands in handcuffs on my back, down the stairs. She saw now the first time With my own eyes that I actually led her almost like on a leash. That was a little uncomfortable Diana to be led on the leash on the neck, but she let it happen.

I didn’t tear against it, but only gently led her. Diana followed the leash after me. I heard her bare feet stick slightly on the floor flow. I probably hadn’t removed all of the ice cream.

Her bare feet were still stuck.
I led Diana into the kitchen. The chocolate cake stood on the table. Diana loved everything that was made of chocolate. I had taken care of the cake for you.

There were four kitchen chairs. I turned one of the chairs with the backrest to the table. “Diana, kneel there on the seat of the chair. If you are good, I will no longer call you a slave.

Make! I want to feed you right away, slave “. I wanted to enact Diana the Slave salutation. I noticed her facial expressions that Diana had problems with being talked to as a slave. I was also able to do without it, the main thing was that Diana continued to play along.

She did that. Diana was glad that I wanted to do without her “slave”. She also found the handcuffs and the rest of the game very amusing. She obeyed my order without hesitation.
As I ordered it, Diana stepped in front of the chair.
Then she knelt on the chair.

I saw her on my knees for the first time. I took her on the neck: “Go a little deeper with the neck, Diana!”. When she did this under slight pressure on her neck, I knotted the leash to the chair lens. Diana had to stay on the chair in any case.

Because of the kneeling attitude, their soles were easy to see. I liked that. I rummaged a small piece of package cutter from a drawer. It was only 15 cm long.

But it was enough to connect the two thin leather ribbons, the Diana around the ankles to connect with each other. “Put your feet closely side by side!”I ordered. Diana’s feet slipped even closer together. The cord fumbled through the leather ribbons.

The feet were already tied together in parallel. Then I also put Diana back on the blindfold. She only protested slightly, then she was blind again.
I looked at her. Diana just looked horny.

How to tied up there in the chair! Craziness! Staged by the butt. Diana couldn’t otherwise. In this position, Diana was simply forced to present her crisp butt. He was still covered by the panties, which had already put itself together into a string tanga.

I gently stroked her sweet butt. “Do you know what I’m doing now?“I asked Diana, who knelt in front of me helplessly on the chair and could no longer stir.
It was a rhetorical question. Diana knelt tied up on the chair and would not prevent anything anyway. Without I waiting for an answer from Diana, I slid into her panties by hand.

I felt her delicate skin. Then I pushed her panties down a little with my right hand. “No!“Called her frightened. “Woe! Woe, you let me crouch here with a naked butt in the bonds!“Diana screamed and with her fingers she tried to catch the edge of the panties to prevent another pulling down.

But because of the handcuffs, their hands were not enough. Slowly and reluctantly I pushed Diana over the round ass cheeks until it slipped down to the knees on the thighs. “You Scheusal!“Said Diana, who now had to present her white butt, who was so beautifully drawn to the other sun -tanned skin. The bikini panties that you on holiday had worn to be seen so clearly in his outline.

It looked sharp. “You can’t hide such a sweet butt!“I said and grinned what Diana could of course not see through the blindfold.
Now it went to the chocolate cake. I started feeding Diana with a spoonful. It was a huge fun for both of us.

Diana greedily stretched out her tongue to get spoons for spoons from me in her mouth. She couldn’t see anything. It was too keen to watch Diana in this game. With the eyes connected, tied up and bare butt, she knelt on the chair and stretched out the tongue to lick the spoon with the chocolate cake.
Splendid! So it went for a long time.

Again again and again she stretched her tongue towards me. To snack the cake a little later. Then I put my index finger in the cream instead of the spoon and stopped Diana in front of his face. Diana touched him with his tongue, felt that the spoon was missing and only my finger was in front of her.

She stopped. “Diana, what is? Put the tongue out! You don’t like licking? As I know you, you like to lick, or?“I asked ambiguously and was excited to see if she would answer at all. She didn’t give me a correct answer. Instead, I felt her soft lips surrounded my finger.

Diana sucked tenderly on my finger, then she let my finger slide up and down between her lips. She cleverly varied the pressure that was created when sucking on the finger. That was enough for me. She had already done “it”.

Certainly! If Diana hadn’t worn a blindfold, she could have noticed the result of her efforts immediately, because I had only quickly overturned my boxer shorts again.
And these boxer shorts showed a clear bump. I’ve always had a faibe for Diana’s full lips. Especially because she also had such a sweet face. Again I put a finger in the chocolate cream.

Diana’s greedy tongue could already be seen, but she couldn’t reach her finger. Because she was tied with her neck on the back of the chair. “Not so quickly Diana,” I said and held my finger in front of her mouth. “The finger is in front of you, Diana.

You get him right away, but first you ask me that you can lick me!”. Diana grin.
“So you would like to hear that?“Asked Diana with a broad grin. I did not say anything. Diana thought about a moment.

She enjoyed these little ambiguities. But “she didn’t want to say that, at least not in this submissive attitude. Tied up and kneeling on the chair. No, in this humiliating pose she would not ask me to be allowed to lick me.

Even if it was just a finger. I still hoped, but she didn’t. A pity!After a while we had enough of feeding. I loosened Diana’s ankle cuffs because she slowly hurt her knees and started her neck off the back of the chair.

Diana stood up to the relief. I was happy to see her panties from the knees slowly slid down on the legs to the Füj3e. There it was now on the floor. And Diana suddenly stood in front of me without panties.

But but with connected eyes and handcuffs. “You are incredibly cute, Diana! I like you, ”I said. And Diana was totally happy about the compliment. It was no longer uncomfortable for her that I could see her that way.

“Marc, what are we doing now beautiful?“Asked and put her feet out of the panties lying on the floor. She did not expect that I could allow her to put it on again. It was right for me. Diana’s T-shirt was so long that it covered at least half of her butt.

However, this also increased the attraction of her sight.
I reached for the chain of the handcuffs and led Diana to the living room. It was big and had a smooth parquet floor. Diana’s naked feet looked great when she ran over the parquet. I had avoided footpaths.

I put Diana in the middle of the room. For a moment I left her alone. I quickly wanted a pack of chocolate candy from the kitchen. I put a Diana in my mouth.

For no reason she licked my finger. “You seem to taste the candies Diana! Do you want more of it?”. she laughed. “Clear! Give me another one! They are really tasty! You know what I like.

That’s great. I really love you, Marc. Despite your games. But I actually like them too.

I’ve never done anything like that. Feeding was funny.“I no longer gave her a candy. Instead, I distributed 10 pieces on the smooth parquet floor. “What are you doing?“Diana asked curiously.

She could only hear me. Then I was so far. I had considered a long time in advance and it really cost me some overcoming to pronounce it, but at some point I had to tell her: “Diana, you can do me a favor. You want to seduce me today, I know that.

And I look forward. But you have to know one thing. You have probably already noticed that I am in a certain kind of game. It also costs me a lot of overcoming to request something from you.

But I have the feeling that we understand each other really well. Even if you are here with me for the first time … “I couldn’t end.
Diana interrupted me: “What should I do, Marc! Just say it! I do a lot for you, I’m totally crushed in you. You know that. I want to be with you.

And I want to continue playing too. Now say. What can you do? What should I do now? Do you want to call me slave again? From me you can do it. Real! When it turns you on.“I wasn’t quite sure if I could really dare to tell Diana my wish.

But somehow we had built up a relationship of trust in the past few weeks and especially on this day very quickly. I then dared and said it: “Diana, I now entrust something that is intended for you. Absolute confidentiality, all right? I also totally crushed myself in you. But it is the following: If you really want to turn me off now, then you have to collect the chocolate candies that I just distributed on the floor.

The way you are, with handcuffs and everything. Do you understand? So that you can find the sweets, I will lead you where the sweets lie. Understood?“I asked and was curious about Diana’s reaction. My heart raced.
Diana remained silent.

I and pulled a little on a leash. Diana felt it on her leather collar. She swallowed vigorously: “Is that your serious? I should go to the floor now?” she asked. I noticed that I had to act a little on her.

“Yes, that’s it, Diana. I want you to go to the floor now. On your knees. The idea totally turns me on.

But you don’t have to do it if you don’t want. I understand if you have inhibitions in front of me. Do you prefer to go home now?”I asked. “I’ll bring you home on the spot if you do it die Diana! No problem.“Diana thought after.
“What’s now? Knee Nieder Diana or say you want to go home!“I repeated myself.

Her head literally smoked. Cute the little one. She adorned herself. What should you do? Just keep going? Kneel down? Home? Of course she didn’t want that at all.

She had a crush on me. And besides, what should she tell her friends? And it wouldn’t be that bad. Actually, she had also enjoyed her so far. And she was really good in me and felt that it was me too caught had.

Otherwise I would never have revealed my request to her. She noticed that I really trusted her. It was also an opportunity for her. Now she only needed to sink on her knees and was able to make me incredibly happy with it.

It would connect us, she thought: “No Marc, not home! I want to stay here, ”she said loudly and determined. “I also find that exciting what you ask me,” Diana replied very quietly. I also felt her excitement. Her voice trembled with excitement.
I was really relieved.

I wanted to hear that. “Nice Diana. Then let’s play. I’ll order you now, o.K? Not that you are startled! It’s a game.” She nodded.

I waited 2 minutes. silence. I gave her the opportunity to get in the mood for your role. Then I started and made my imagination reality: “Diana, go down with you! Go to the floor now.

On your knees with you, Diana!“, To be quick in a row. Diana swallowed, but a little frightened of the loud commanded tone. But she obeyed. Diana’s knees slowly leaned.

Then knelt down on the floor in front of me. Barefoot, in handcuffs and connected eyes. This sweet Diana. I just let her kneel there for a few seconds.
“Yes, that’s how I like it, Diana.

Stay on your knees. Don’t put it behind on your heels, you should kneel upright!”. Diana was very obedient. Then it went on: “O.K., Now we go to the first candy! Well, come Diana!”.

Following the train on the leash, Diana moved ahead. She slipped on her two knees, the bare feet were nice to see. Sol soles up. A fantastic view of her bare feet: the delicate skin of the soles, the bales, the little toes.

Diana’s hands were kept on the back by the handcuffs. There was a super-horny look! I could hardly control myself. Diana in this submissive attitude on the ground. Slipping on the knees, the butt almost naked.

I found it too sharp as Diana slowly crawled over the smooth parquet. We were right in front of the first candy that I had put on the floor.
“All right the first candy is ahead of you, Diana. Leave him!”I ordered. “How should I do that, Marc?”She threw me towards me,” I’m wearing handcuffs “.

Diana just didn’t get it yet. I pressed her down the neck towards the floor: “With my lips, Diana! Do not you understand? Lot prevents you!”. She groaned but surprisingly obeyed her. I wouldn’t have thought that myself.

I pressed on her neck again. Diana did it. It looked too horny as the bound Diana stretched her bare buttocks to collect the candy from the parquet with her lips. The t-shirt slipped from her buttocks towards the shoulders.

Excellent! “Yes, Diana. Nice the bare butt up!“I demanded. Diana stretched him a little higher and wobbled a little to make up even more. She needed several attempts because she couldn’t see the candy.

It only worked when I led Diana’s head with my hand directly onto the candy lying on the floor. “Now open your lips and go down completely, Diana!”I ordered. You obeyed. Your lips the chocolate candy.

They touched the ground a bit. After taking the first candy from the ground, I took the blindfold. With the eyes connected, she had it too heavy.
Diana was happy to be rid of the blindfold. She wanted to get everything behind quickly and was about to crawl to the next candy, but I stopped: “Wait, Diana.

I don’t like your feet yet! I’ll captivate her again.“Diana groaned, but there were no contradictions. I knotted the rope from her neck leather band. Then I leaned down to her bare feet. “Het your foot! Now you get anthletes, ”I asked.

Diana did it. A loop was quickly laid about it. Diana lifted the second foot on his herself to receive her ankle cuffs. How well she was.

I skilfully captivated the ankles, but so that Diana still remained enough to crawl to crawl. I then ran back into the kitchen, quickly got the package tape from before. “For your sweet toes,” I explained when I came back. Diana complained, but a little later her two big toes were connected.

The tape was an ideal toe cuff. It looked too horny.
Diana then had to continue with her task, now she could see. Diana looked even sharper with tied feet when she crawled over the floor on her knees. Two ropes of approx.

There were always 20 cm between Diana’s naked feet and moved with each of their emotions. The thin package tape between the two big toes and the somewhat thicker rope between their ankles. I almost went off. This sweet girl slipped in handcuffs on her knees over the floor.

After three other candies, Diana still had the snout full. She no longer wanted to crawl over the floor on her knees. I felt that. “I don’t want anymore!“She groaned.

“Can’t stop, I did it!“She sat down on her heels. I went silently around Diana and thought about. Then my socks took off. Now it came over me.

But I wanted to try it. Even today, now, at that moment! What should bad things happen? Diana looked amazed at my feet. She had no idea why I moved out my socks. I stood barefoot directly in front of Diana.

“Diana, you don’t want more? Well, I will give you the rest of the Diana! If you kiss my feet for it now!”. My voice was also a little shaky. “You are crazy!“Diana said to me. At first she could hardly believe it.

I interrupted them: “Why? I also kissed my feet in my room after washing. What is there? It’s just a part of the body. Why don’t you do me a favor? If you really want something from me, then you do it!“Diana hesitated. She had never kissed her feet to a boy.

She still looked at me incredulously. What kind of things she got on this afternoon. But so far it had also been a great day, even if a day with lots of surprises and innovations for you. But it was true that I had kissed her feet too, albeit in a slightly different situation.

After all, she knelt tied up on the floor in front of me. But what should it? If I put on such games, today she would survive that too. Then she smiled again. I felt that Diana would play along.
I put my right foot even closer to Diana, which knelt on the parquet floor right in front of me: “It’s a game Diana and you are The slave, do not forget that.

Come on! Diana kisses my feet!“Will soon be!“Again she looked me in the eye. “Get down there! Kiss her!“I ordered again and twitched with my toes. She looked me deep in the eyes. Then she said quietly, very quietly “Well, yes,! They are well cleaned ”and leaned forward.

Her sweet mouth approached the back of the foot. Then actually. It was an indescribable feeling when I felt Diana’s soft lips on my back of my foot. First left, then right.

Diana pressed her warm lips on my foot. It feels good. In addition, the sight came, because Diana Sahin came out of this submissive attitude totally sharply. Before she could straighten up again, I pressed Diana down to the right foot again on the neck.

She let it happen. A second time I felt Dianas slightly opened lips on my right foot. This time it felt wetter this time. Then I took her chin and looked at her: “You see, Diana.

It wasn’t that bad “. Diana still breathed hard and quickly when she straightened up and looked at me. She didn’t believe that she had just done that.
But suddenly she was solved. But now she finally had enough.

Diana saw the bump in my boxer shorts. She laughed when she saw how the game had turned me on. “And now … my little mouse!“-I took her in the neck so that she had to look up at me-“ And now it will do it to me Diana! With the mouth! blow me!“I asked“ I want to feel your sweet mouth!”.
I quickly let my boxer shorts slide onto the floor. My cock was close to bursting.

I approached her, who crouched so humbly on her knees. She looked at me a little more incredulously. “But you will start me beforehand, or?“Diana asked in a quiet voice,“ or not?”. I looked at her.

“No! You stay as you are! I want to feel your tongue and lips, not your hands!”I replied. Then I pushed my middle finger between her lips. Diana sucked it tenderly. “You see, Diana, it works.

You don’t need your hands, Diana!“I retired. I removed a few steps.
Then I looked at her demanding. Wonderful this sight!. “What’s now?”I put up:” I want you to be tied to me with your mouth! What is there?“That with the feet kiss was too! So now do it!“She still looked at me a little helplessly:“ In the handcuffs?”She asked softly.

“Yes!!“I definitely answered,“ do it! Blow it to me!“Diana still knelt on the back with her handcuffs and the bound bare feet on the floor. “Well, let’s go sweetheart! Come to me and do it!“Then Diana did what I had always dreamed of. Diana overcame her shyness. “O.K ”she said,“ but I really find it a little humiliating!”.

She slipped a little closer to me on her knees. Then she opened her mouth. I felt her lips, my tongue. “Yes, now lick him! Suck nicely, my darling! Do it well, otherwise you have to kiss my feet again!”” I said and the idea that Diana had just kissed my feet.

The little one now knelt and I only felt her lips. She made it wonderful. Again and again I had to look at her bare tied feet. A dream! I was so excited that my cock slipped out of her mouth.

But she immediately picked him up between her lips. And they were soft! Really soft! Diana sucked and sucked. Fantastic. She misrumed me.

“You will swallow it, Diana!”I said, more moaning than speaking. It didn’t take long. I saw Diana, who was still tied up in front of me on my floor, swallowed twice in a row. “That was amazing!“I gasped enthusiastically and Diana smiled at me.

Then I freed them. We kissed overjoyed.
We went back to my room. There we cure like crazy. We just got on great.

As planned by her, Diana also lost her innocence this afternoon. It was a great day for both of us. But I think Diana hadn’t expected that she would wear handcuffs the first time. Diana had insisted that I put the handcuffs back on her, and as it looked, she had also had a lot of fun.

“Place on your stomach, hands on your back!“I asked. And she didn’t hesitate to follow this command for a second. I sat on Diana’s magical young body and tied her hands on her back with her handcuffs. Then I put her on her fingers for a few minutes until she groaned lustfully.

Finally I lay down over her and penetrated her deep into her. Craziness! After that we were happy in our arms. Even on the rest of the day, which then went completely without bonds, we still had a lot of fun together.
Later in the evening I drove Diana home. I didn’t get out of my feet.

As we in the car Sats and around the first corner I looked over to Diana: “Diana, don’t ask why now! Pull off your shoes and stockings and then put your feet up there in front of the Winschutzen disc on the shelf!”.
“What’s that supposed to mean? she wanted to know and shook her head. do not ask! Pull off the shoes, I said! Do me a favor!”I replied. Diana looked at me, then she leaned down to her feet. She was no longer surprised at all.

Although she didn’t know what I wanted, she moved in automobile How to go on your shoes. Sockfuß was sitting Diana in the passenger seat and waiting for the first time. Already in socks she offered a great attitude. “What is Diana?”I said,” Come on, do not cure yourself! Also the socks.

I want you to take off your socks now too! Come on!”. “You may have ideas! Crazy!” She said. Then she did what I wanted. I saw how Diana stripped off the blue socks.

Her bare feet showed up. “Good this way! That’s how I like it, Diana, “I said,” now put your feet up there up there!”. Diana did it. She put her bare feet at the front of the shelf.

Occasionally she curved her toes. I found it outrageous to have a clear view of Diana while driving, the barefoot was sitting next to me and presenting her feet so beautifully on the shelf. We had to stop at a traffic light. The driver in the car to the right of me, looked immediately.

He probably liked the sight. Diana was a bit uncomfortable. She wanted to do her feet, but I contradicted. “Leave your feet up there, Diana! You can see that they like it too!”I ordered.

Then we had to laugh. Diana moved her toes. The guy in the car turned away. He felt comfortable.
Diana had to stay over barefoot.

When I stopped at the doorstep with her parents, Diana wanted to put shoes and socks back on, but I stopped her.
“Not so fast, Diana. Don’t put on the socks. They stay here!”. Diana Stutze.

What should that? I wanted to send her home barefoot? Diana was still barefoot in the passenger seat and waited what I wanted now. “Give me your socks!“I asked“ as a little souvenir! come on!”. She looked at me with a grin and held my socks and I took both socks and put them in my pocket. “So it’s good, Diana.

I keep the socks as a souvenir. But you can visit me again tomorrow! Maybe you will get your socks again!“I reached down to her sneakers and put them in the gap between the driver’s door and my seat. Unreachable for Diana. She just looked amazed.

“What’s the point, Marc? “Diana held one of her sweet naked feet in my direction:“ Should I now run home barefoot or how?” she asked. I reached for her ankle, pulled my foot up and looked at him.“Enchanted, really!“I said and tenderly stroked the bale to the toe area. The idea of seeing the sweet mouse outdoors outdoors turned me on murderously. I would have loved to have sent Diana Barefoot home home.

But that would have been noticeable to her parents. “OK. Diana, a compromise. You run the first piece without shoes.

Over there on the other side of the street, you can then put them on. But until then you go barefoot!“I suggested.
“You are absolutely crazy, Marc!“She replied. “Are you doing it? Promised?“I asked and held the sneakers in their direction. “Barefoot across the street? “Diana murmured,“ Well, good for you!”.

Diana took sneakers, kissed me passionately and whispered: ‘Tschau, Marc. I love you. It was a super nice day. I particularly found the handcuffs.

It was great! Also on the floor. I will not tell anyone from us. From our games. You are totally crazy!”.

She laughed out loud. Then she went across the street to the house. Barefoot. Craziness! She turned over again, threw me a kiss: “Until next time! How long are your parents away? Three weeks or? I think I’ll come back to you tomorrow!“She called to me because my car window was open.

Then she slipped into her open sneakers.
With Diana’s blue socks in my hand I drove home. The next day the doorbell rang. It took a little time to open it because I came out of the basement. I put on.

Diana stood there. I instinctively had to look at her feet. In fact: Diana was only in front of the door in socks, she had her shoes in her hand. “Hello Marc! So I like best, or best?“Diana asked cheeky.

“What do my socks do?“Set up before I could say something. “The handcuffs actually fit around their feet?“Asked Diana softly and looked down on her feet, who were only on the floor in socks. Without shoes!! I looked at her questioningly. “I’ve just moved it out before.

I have to do that anyway, or?”Said Diana. She moved her toes, who stood in front of me in socks. “Well Marc, as I know you, do you want to take them away for me, mh? Just let me run home yesterday!“Diana appealed to me.
I took someone off. Diana drove onto the game as I do.

I stared at her feet: two small feet in white/blue -fledged socks, wonderful! “Diana, if you are a good girl and now also take off your socks, we will try it. show me your feet! The socks out!” She laughed. “Now right here, in front of the door?”Asked Diana. “Clear! Only when you are barefoot will I let you in!“Then she put her shoes off the door.

They shaute again whether there were any neighbors and looked. “Diana Kommschon, play with! Give me your socks!“I put it after. “Yes / Yes! I’m doing it!“She born her right leg and she pulled out her socks. Then also the other .

She stood barefoot on the staircase. I had to look at her little toes.
“Let me in now?“Asked Diana,“ Look here, I’m barefoot! As it should be for a slave, or?“She laughed and held her ring socks towards me. I accepted them and dreamed of laying the handcuffs to put these sweet feet in front of me. I knew we would still have a lot of fun together.

“Let’s make a little game again?“She asked curiously and entered the house.

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