The special spoiled birthday present | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Then the day was there. The 80. Birthday of August. I made my way around. As a gift for August. I in the black set, which I had last bought in the sex shop using my body. It was made of bra, String and straps belt to open everything on the loops only by train. But of course I couldn’t only appear on the street in this lingerie and so with him. For that I had to pack the gift package a little more.

I pulled a white blouse above the lingerie, which is normally linked to the front. I replaced these buttons with small red loops. Six loops to open the gift. My short skirt, which I wore over the black network stockings, should also be opened with my large, red loop. I replaced the belt with which the mini sock is held. Over the whole then a long coat that only let the gift recognized when August galant helped me out of the coat.

Of course I hoped to be able to use these beautiful clothing more often. Only August should be the first to open the many loops. It was a long visit to August. Only after breakfast I left him. My erotic shopping in the sex shop had shown its effect. August face glowed when he opened the door to me. He openly admitted not to have really expected me to celebrate his birthday with him.

He asked me politely to step in. His eyes shone when he helped me out of the coat. Again and again he resisted “my god, what a surprise. And I can really solve these loops. “He first asked me into Living room, Whereby I replied “I promised you a gift. What is packed here is your gift. If only for a few hours. “He made no move to overthrow himself now.

“I’ll take my time to unpack. First I show you my apartment, my kingdom. “So he led me through all rooms. Everything was very carefully tidy and clean. He had a reliable domestic help that still tidy and cleaned everything today. Although he doesn’t pollute much. Was his comment. In the living room, lined up on one sideboard, there were some family photos. When I looked at her, he stepped behind me and explained her. Your own wedding photo from 1964.

A stately man with a beautiful woman. A photo of the two with the little 3 year old Daughter from 1968. A photo of August with his wife. From 1989, on the occasion of his silver wedding, he explained. A pretty man with a beautiful woman. I quickly overturned. There he was 53 years. I looked at August. Yes, when I thought of the frowns and folds, then I could imagine his pretty face. Furthermore, the daughter and photos of the daughter with her husband and the children, as well as numerous photos of the granddaughter were still.

It’s a shame for him that they lived so far away. He proudly told me that they had already congratulated him all this morning. In Australia it was already there evening. They didn’t want to throw him out of bed too early. August still had no loop open with me. It was so uninteresting for him, I asked myself involuntarily. But then I saw his bump in his pants. What a man who didn’t just get over me.

Who now also served a wonderful raspberry cake. His Home help Baked it and gave it to him. But my gift would be the best thing he would have ever got. So wonderfully and lovingly packaged. But first I have to cost the cake. It was really a pleasure. Raspberries with a quark seam pond. Finally this moment came. August opened the first loops. This one on my blouse. I closed my eyes and had this picture in mind. This beautiful man with his wife for his silver wedding.

Yes, yes, I would like to indulge in such a man. The loops on my blouse were open. August pulled the blouse apart and looked at the almost everything showing bra. Tears rose in his eyes “You are so beautiful. Forgive me when I think of my dear wife now. But you are even more beautiful than I remember it. And you really want to give yourself to an old man?“I was excited and touched at the same time.

Spontaneous was my answer “Yes, I will give you. For today and if you want, also for the whole night. Just as you delighted me last year, you are not too old for me. “” Please, please don’t remember this rumbling approach, “he apologized. “But I’ll make you happy, I promise you. “He knelt in front of me and pulled on the big bow of my mini skirt. He immediately fell to the ground.

And I stood in front of him in my stimulating linen, the string through which my pubic hair shimmered, the straps belt on which my black network stockings were attached, the high -heeled shoes. “What a gift,” he stammered again. Careful, almost devoted to the two loops from my string. They already opened themselves and the string a lot to the ground. I closed my eyes when I felt his mouth, his tongue, his face on my shame.

Schauer of lust came over me as his tongue drove through my column and finally circle my clit. His age was forgotten, I thought of the pretty man in the best years. I trembled, I lifted, felt the first orgasm wave and the moisture in my Venus. And August licked, sucked until the last drop was sucked open. Then he stood in front of me. Opened the loop on my bra. Immediately he had my breasts in his hands.

He leaned forward and his mouth enclosed one of mine Nipple. His tongue played on it as he rubbed the other wart between his fingers. An orgasm wave rolled over me again. I felt it, August had experience, he knew how to be in charge of a woman. And I knew I wouldn’t have to regret staying with him all night. His tongue tongued in my mouth. I willingly let him explore my mouth, every little corner.

Our tongues sucked together. His fingers played on my chest, the other hand was between my legs. The third wave rolled over me. I was just a willless, trembling bundle in his arms. “Take me, do what you want with me,” I whispered. He pressed slightly on my head. I willingly knelt in front of him, opened his pants. His little bench jumped towards me. What a pleasure when he penetrated into my mouth.

My lips closed behind his glans. My tongue circled her, felt the hard edge. Then I pressed her into the little hole at the top. I already felt the first drop on my tongue. How obsessed licked and sucked. I had long forgotten his age and was just a sex -drunken uninhibited woman. August groans in front of a bliss. His sword twitched and a current poured into my mouth. I realized that it was sperm an 80-year-old.

If someone had told me days ago, I would have to swallow the sperm of an old man, I would have stirred myself. But now I was in ecstasy, it excited me so much that I was another one about it orgasm got. Gratefully raised me high. Kissed me, tasted his own sperm in my mouth. Now there was no stopping. The remaining clothing also had to go. My straps belt, my stockings, my shoes. Again and again August looked at me and kept my excitement at a high level alone.

August also undressed. Naked he took me back into his arms. Yes, he was an old man. But I didn’t see his age anymore. I just enjoyed his physical closeness. We kissed, stroked and cuddled. I enjoyed his tenderness. He brought me to a climax several times with his tongue. Then he asked me to be able to take pictures. Of course that was the best opportunity to present him with my concerns about the photos with Bacary.

He immediately understood. No, these photos were not with him somewhere. He only saved her on his laptop and showed me everything. I was really surprised because at his age he could deal with this technique so well. In addition, he had saved the files on a small external hard drive. My fear, this laptop and the hard disk could get into other hands, he immediately dispersed. He showed me where he kept the laptop and hard drive.

Then he got a second house key and handed it over to me with the words “So you can at any time in my house and laptop and hard disk to the side if something should happen to me. I will also have that I transfer my laptop to you so that nobody can dispute you. My greatest hope is that you not only use the key then, but often come to visit me. Please also without prior registration at any time. If you need someone, then in the middle of the night.

I am always there for you from now on. “My feelings overwhelmed me. August gave me absolute trust, a man who could almost be my grandpa. How could I have rejected photography. And I was his model, his muse. He photographed almost an hour. August won a tripod and set the self -timer. One photo after the other was taken with him together in front of the camera. Kissing, caressing me, playing on my breasts, my pearl kissing and licking, his fingers in my shell or in the buttocks.

The more he photographed us in increasingly shameless poses, the more excited I became. His staff had long been hard and firm again. This is how photos were taken with his donor in my wet grotto and more. Simply no variant that he did not hold up in the picture. It is probably the most extensive photo collection of two people at sex games that I could imagine. August promised me nobody to show these photos and I believed him. Although, …….. The thought that he could now blackmail me with these photos for the most perverse games, with me an exciting shower after another triggered me.

Around 8 p.m. I called my husband and explained to him that he wanted to stay that night at August to comfort him because he would be so sad without his daughter and grandchildren. A flimsy reason, but Horst accepted him. How were his words “Well, then I can only wish you pleasure with this old cracker. “What he certainly didn’t think, but I had pleasure that night. Not like Horst, Bacary, Martin or others.

It was this infinite tenderness of a lonely old man who moved me. And this soulful treatment of the most sensitive zones of my body through August with his hands and tongue. Although August only really once in me Cum Came, I came to several orgasms at night. I still trembled the next morning. It was still incomprehensible to me how an 80-year-old man could get me into ecstasy.

But one thing I knew, August had become a friend who holds his protective hand over me. And I could hardly believe it, I had the key to his house. His laptop with all my photos, our photos, belonged to me at some point. An eternal memory. When I said goodbye, I promised to visit him again soon. In any case, I was so touched and promised him to fulfill everyone, even so unusual,. Then August smiled quietly and replied “Let’s see what I can think of that of unusual wishes.

“Even if I didn’t know what, but the thought of something“ unusual ”made my little demon dance. (Extract from “My little demon – life goes on” – 4. Book).

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