The story of a BDSM slave | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I have been living with my master as a 24/7 BDSM slave for many years. He made me what I am today. Forever, I’m grateful for that.
I got the task of him if it allows my normal tasks, my story write down and publish here.
These are not always erotic processes, but – as is now the case at the beginning – only a pure list of facts and processes.
Unfortunately I am not very practiced to write like this. That’s why I am grateful to anyone who helps me and indicates mistakes.


How it all started.
I am up to my 10.

Years of life probably grew up just as normally as most other children in Germany too.
As far as I can still remember, my parents were very loving to me, which might be because I was her only child.
My dad had always wanted a boy, but I can’t remember that he ever let me feel it – unless it was about football, as a girl I was only limited his idea of a conversation partner.

At the age of 10 I was informed normally. So now I finally knew where the babies come from. Well, some things were clear to me before, but certainly not everything.

For my parents, however, this lesson was apparently a very important event. Because when we talked about it at home, my dad left the room and my mom began to educate me in her sense.

(But those who now expect the descriptions of sexual techniques or the like at this time are disappointed).
My mom slowly and cautiously started to explain to me that there are different perspectives on love and sex. Furthermore, she slowly and very carefully explained that she and my dad had chosen a kind of living together, which, first of all, was considered abnormal by many others, and that, secondly, since I was there, only lived out very limited.
My dad and my mom had been living for a very long time. My mom would slowly explain to me what this would actually mean.
Why? So that I shouldn’t be afraid, I should now notice things from the BDSM everyday life that they both wanted to live out more intensely again.
Of course I didn’t understand much at the beginning and was probably also very silly. And of course I was already an extreme fear when I was the first time had to witness when my mom from my dad got one with the cane on the bottom.

I shouldn’t see that at all, but I got into the door at the wrong moment.
My mom took me in my arms and comforted me and explained it to me again.

And at some point I lost the fear of it.
My mom also helped me to discover my own body very carefully. I don’t know if all mothers do it with their daughters. But it helped me a lot to discover me and my own sexuality.

However, this also meant that I had my first festive friend at the age of almost 11 and also came to the first petting. Both were not really right to my parents.

But since they apparently got away with it quite quickly, my mom and I went to a gynecologist. Unfortunately, I was not given a pill by my age.

When I was 12 I had my first sex with someone who was 18 years older than me. Many will say that is far too early. But I seemed so grown up at the time that I deliberately let it happen.

It hurt quite a bit but now I was a real woman in my eyes. When I told my mom about it, it was clear to me that she disagreed with it. After a week house arrest, we immediately went back to the gynecologist. Because of course I hadn’t prevailed back then.

The gynecologist then gave in and I got my first pill.

Unfortunately, other girls in my class also developed optically to women in my class. That means some already got a real breast. Unfortunately there was nothing to be seen with me.

Somehow I had a taste. The relationship with my friend at the time did not last long.

I quickly found replacement. Because with me you could “go to bed very quickly” as a boy. At that time it didn’t bother me. Some friends already.

They withdrew from me, but I quickly found new friends – or what I thought at that time.

I had a friend in mid -13 who didn’t just want to go to bed with me. It was he who for the first time hewn to me during sex. This one folded an avalanche started in me.
It was extremely exciting for me. And in the near future there were a few more.
But this relationship didn’t last long either.

My next lover was another normal with its 15 years.
But somehow I lacked something in bed. So after 2 months it was over again. And so the first friends came and went. Some gave me a folding during sex and some didn’t.

Until one of me, too in bed. It was incredibly exciting for me. But here, too, the relationship kept only very short. But I can and must look at a youth in which I was sexually more active than many women at the age of 50.

I still don’t know whether I should be proud of it today. But that’s how I was back then.
In addition, it was certainly a reaction to my body. I had constant sore throat, although nobody could really help me and my physical development just didn’t start. The statement still met for me: no ass and no tits, looks like Snow White.

The garden party
When I was 18, my parents and I were invited to a garden party by a friend of my parents.

This friend lived similarly to my parents BDSM. Only that much more intensely. But that was not the background of the party. But there were also some people at the party who live bdsm.

Only everyone was dressed as normal except for one or the other collar or murmur, which had an eyelet.
At this party I was fully in puberty when I was 15. I didn’t want to play with the “children” anymore. However, many adults were not really ready to deal with a pubescent girl that had their own and sometimes very strange opinion.
So I was quite alone at the party and was insulted in my deck chair by the pool. When we came to the party, I was introduced to the friend and his partner.

Unfortunately, however, the nephew’s nephew is not there yet, this apologized.
At some point I saw the host with a younger man going from a group to group. The young man was shaken his hands and a lot was laughed. I froze because I immediately fell in love with him. He was blonde, definitely 2 meters tall and had a sporty body under his white shirt and pants without being an extreme bodybuilder.
Unfortunately, at some point I lost sight of him.

That’s why I became even more angry. I closed my eyes and swore that this is the stupidest party ever. Until the sun was suddenly hidden and I opened my eyes, which stupid man was now standing in front of me so that I was in the shade.

This stupid man was he. The young man.

My heart hopped. And when he also spoke to me, I almost had to hand over. I was so excited. I just stuttered around with my croaky voice, which was constantly worse due to the constant sore throat.

smiled at me and sit down with me. He said that his uncle, i.e. the host and party organizer, told him that I was the daughter of his good friends. But somehow I seem to be the only person who would not have fun here. I was probably trying to smile somehow.

Because he said that at least my smile suggests that I am already ready to feel fun. After that we talked like a 15 year old with a 24 year old man. And with every word and every movement, every gesture of him I only fell in love with him even more.

When the garden party ended, I had his phone number and he mean (there was no cell phone at the time). We said goodbye and I was totally sad to be without being.

The weekend after
The entire next week was just bad.

I sifted after the next. My parents scolded and comforted me at the same time. But nothing helped. I had fallen in love as never before.

Friday finally came and finally the phone rang. J. was it. He invited me that if my parents didn’t mind, we wanted to go to the Steinhuder sea and go sailing.

J. Sailed as long as I did. At that time I was even quite successful in a dinghy class and also as a swimmer.

My dad drove me to the address of the uncle, where the garden party had taken place. There was waiting J.

on me. My dad and J. Discuss something briefly and then drove j. And I became a small wooden boat with cabin that was back then in Maardorf.

When I entered the boat, I stumbled and landed in the arms of J.
For me, a fuse banged through. I tried J. to kiss immediately, although he just wanted to help me.

He was so surprised that we both fell into the water from the bow. I didn’t let him go and kissed him under water. And when we finally appeared, his tongue played with mine in my mouth and from there I finally found my luck and love of my life.

The weekend was beautiful and on Sunday we drove home as a very different but very happy couple. J.

also confessed to me that he had fallen in love with me. It was my insulted snoup and the intensive conversation, which had moved him into my spell at the time.

When we arrived with us, we both beamed over both ears that my mom and dad took me in my arms and cuddled after J. Was driven. I told them everything and they were happy with me.

J. is 18 years older than me, but they had trusted him and both hoped that my wild time might have been a little quieter now.

When I was in my bed, the phone rang again. It was J. My dad took me to the phone and went to the balcony with my mom.

At some point I went to bed. Long after my parents slept.

The following weeks
In the following weeks I was regularly at J. and J. also with me.

We loved each other and had sex too. At some point I slipped out that he can also give me a pat on the bottom. First he punched, but the next moment I knew that also J. already something of BDSM mind.

The sex was incredible and would now blow up the guidelines here if I described it closer. But I noticed that my feelings and also sex with him in combination was that was that nobody could give me before.

When I turned 18, I surprised me J. With a small one Vacation in South Africa as a birthday present. Since I have my birthday in December, I wasn’t just because of J.

enthusiastic, but also because of the idea of being able to escape the cold weather. We flew to South Africa during the Christmas holidays and it was a wonderful time. We experienced a lot in but also next to the bed, talked a lot and about everything. I learned that J.

The favorite nephew of his uncle is. And this uncle has j. also introduced to the topic of BDSM.

The life partner of the uncle was actually his 24/7 BDSM slave.

And J. promised me to slowly but more and more intensely to take me into the world of the BDSM. And maybe that was the bigger gift.
When we landed, the driver stood from his uncle at the airport and trembled so much that J. Asked him what happened.

The driver said that his uncle is doing very badly. We drove to his uncle to the hospital without a detour. There I also learned the parents and sister of J. know.

His uncle had suffered a heart attack and was in a coma. Unfortunately he no longer survived the night. I tried J. to comfort, and I noticed how I j.

was a real support. But very difficult hours were for all of us.

After the funeral, J shared me. with that he was the sole heir of his uncle. Furthermore, he was also responsible for the 24/7 BDSM slave of his uncle.

The fortune was huge, but the responsibility is now too. I was often at J. In the house what had belonged to his uncle and now through J. and through The slave was inhabited, the J.

Now continued as a housekeeper.

I already knew that J. This slave was trained as a cathedral. And I suspect that he did when his uncle had died.

As J. had ended his studies, he found a job in the administration of a large insurance. He didn’t need the money, but next to me and the BDSM he wanted to have a meaningful task in life.

The crash
My life should have been wonderful. But unfortunately I had great difficulties with the fact that the housekeeper is still for J.

Was active. And accordingly my whole situation was somehow wonderful but also bad.

Furthermore, the doctors had finally found the cause of my eternal extremely strong sore throat. I had a bacterial inflammation of my vocal cords.

Unfortunately, however, they were so attacked and eaten that I couldn’t save much in an operation. When I woke up I was silent. I was in the end, but J. And my parents caught me and together we started to learn the sign language.

Shortly after my seventeenth birthday, my dad got the opportunity to take my mom and me on a business trip to the USA. I didn’t want my world to be pretty dark again because I J. accused of loving his housekeeper stronger than me.
When my parents flew anyway, I didn’t know that I would never see them again.
When the phone rang at night, I was told that my parents had crashed during a domestic flight. Since I couldn’t reply, I only put on the listener.

I screamed and raged. But the only thing our neighbors heard was the quiet clink of glasses and plates.

I have no idea how long it took. I drank everything I found that I found, did not go to school and didn’t open the door to anyone.

I went to the city at night in darkness. I drove it with everyone who just wanted between my legs. When I came home, I found invoices and 2 letters from the youth welfare office. I didn’t open any of it.
At some point I wanted to go back home in the rental apartment in the morning.

But my house key could no longer fit. And so I stood in front of the closed door. I didn’t want to ring the bell with neighbors. And so I went back to the city and fell asleep on a bench at the main train station.

I was then taken up by the police.

They took me to a police station and tried to determine my identity. At some point someone came from the youth welfare office and took me with it. At the next traffic light I was able to flee out of the car. I spent the next night outside in the cold and would almost be frozen because it was a bitter cold January.

I managed the night, but it was clear to me that I wouldn’t survive one more.

So I took all courage together and started. I knew the direction and at some point I stood in front of the big house, where J. lived with this whore, that had taken him away from me.
It was evening again and dark. When I rang, J.

me the door myself. He almost didn’t recognize me, I looked like that I looked like this.

He pulled me in and took me as tightly as I had never experienced before. He cried and shouted at me where I was. He was very worried and already published a search for me.

I couldn’t believe that and shouted his face without a word. In the meantime we both had learned the sign language halfway and so we talked as best we could now. I threw everything on his head. But he caught me with his incredible love.

When I was done, he brought the housekeeper to him. He informed her that he would find a new rule for her, but from now on she could no longer live in this house. He gave her the keys to his old student apartment and she left the same evening.

J. brought me to bed after a long shower and we cuddled all night.

I cried all pain and all pressure out of myself. Then I fell asleep in his arms.

In the next few days he asserted that I was allowed to live with him. Unfortunately, the landlord had already had my parents’ apartment forced rooms.
A little suitcase with a few things stayed with me from that time.
J. Slowly continued to build up, also and, above all, as far as the topic of BDSM affected.

We tried things like honey in the navel and the topic of bondage was also practiced more and more. Finally I was his lover and his BDSM slave.
I was finally happy again.

My 18. Birthday
When my 18 birthday came closer, J. What I would like.

I told him that I was very happy with him. But I was not so happy with my body. I had stopped hoping at the age of 17 that I would still get something like female breasts. And I knew that also J.

on women who had a full female breast

Finally he was there, my 18. Birthday.
J. had a big birthday party organized in a disco in Hanover. He had invited some friends of mine and him.

But there were also a lot of people I didn’t know.
The party It was great and I was finally of legal age (which now allows a little deeper insight into sexual practices in this text).
At some point the party was over and J. And I were driven home by a driver. At home he asked me if I wasn’t curious to get his birthday present. I was surprised because I thought that the party was the gift.

But he laughed at me and got an envelope out of his pocket. The letter was from a well -known cosmetic surgeon in which we were told that the appointment for The consultation for breast augmentation would take place the following day.

I was speechless (which I actually always am) and asked J. What that would mean.

J. explained to me that the doctor was a friend and regulars’ colleague who wanted to talk to me. We would decide everything else later. Now I laughed at him a little unsafe and asked if he really wanted me to do with silicone tits.

He looked at me, pulled me up and kissed me.

Then he took me on his arms and carried me into our bedroom. We kissed further and we were both naked very quickly. I was lying on my back (he said that I didn’t have to do anything today, that was his second gift) and he kissed me down to my nipples from my mouth from my mouth (I actually didn’t have any breasts back then). He nibbled on them and he knew exactly how much pain made me horny.

I was moist before, but that literally noticed how my pussy became more and more wet. His hands continued and when his first finger entered me, we both noticed how hot I was already. He smiled at me and went deeper between my legs with his head.

I opened it and only said without words: Please very much my gentleman.

Then he looked at me with a strict expression and only said briefly: well done slave. Then he licked me and fucked me with one and then with more and more fingers. I closed my eyes pulled my nipples myself a little long. This made me even hornier.

When he also had the fourth finger in me, I couldn’t. I tried to get his cock. But I had acted against his instructions to be passive.

He grabbed my hands and before I knew it, they were in the metal clamps, which have always been strengthened on the bed post for many years and which I have been able to feel several times beforehand.

So, he said triumphantly. After I’m already up here, you can blow me up properly. With that he held his half tough cock towards me. I obedient him in my mouth and blew him like ordered.

My tongue licked around his glans and slowly he fucked a little in my mouth.
When he was hard, he pulled him out of me and just said that I was now on it.

He slipped deeper on me and while he finally slowly pushed his cock into my pussy, he grabbed my nipples and brought her back to the length that made me so hot.
I couldn’t anymore, I noticed how I came. J. Fucked me a few more times and an incredible orgasm came up in me. I only saw him and then the waves hit me and I lost myself in a wonderfully deep orgasm.

When I came back down, I saw J.

and just nodded. He said very nicely.
Then he fucked me with such an incredible pace that I noticed very quickly how I got so hot again that it soon came to me again.

Also J. The tail pulsed faster and faster and after a few minutes of extremely fast ride we came relatively at the same time. J.

Sprayed his full load into me. He always had an extreme amount of sperm on the first orgasm. But this time, I think it was more than usual.

When we slowly got breath back, J. his cock out of me and kissed me on my mouth.

Then he opened the hand lockers.
We both went into the bathroom together and cleaned up. Unfortunately I was so wet in myself and also through J. Sperm that the bed was totally wet.

When we saw that, we laughed and lay in front of the fireplace in the living room, which was still slightly burned. I fell asleep in his arms with the thought that I will only be really happy when I can be with him.

The next morning I told him too.

He looked at me for a long time. I wondered if I had said something wrong. But then he only replied that we will now take a visit to Munich at the Doc. And we urgently had to go to the airport because the plane would not wait.

I suddenly remembered the gift.

We got dressed, drove to the airport and just reached the plane.

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