Treatment at the new gynecologist | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The day did not start for Nina so well, because she had a full -grown hangover after the last night. You don’t really drank alcohol Or only occasionally and therefore not tolerate so much. Yesterday evening, however, she just had to let off steam because she had been terribly annoyed about her unjustified termination.

But first things first. Nina stood slightly fluctuating from the warm bed and decided to get really awake to take an invigorating shower.

After that she could not trust her stomach with a cup of coffee, breakfast, in peace and consider about everything and think about how to proceed.

No sooner said than done and with the newspaper and a cup of coffee, or maybe after 2 or 3 cups, the world looks a bit friendlier again. It therefore decided to report unemployed and then get her things out of the company. She also had to notice some other appointments, including her routine check at the Gynecologist.

During the day, however, her thoughts circled around the nice, somewhat older man, she appreciated him on approx. At the beginning of 40, who was so friendly to her last night and comforted her when the tears ran her.

They had drunk together and over everything mgl. spoken, in his society she had felt comfortable in any case, forgetting her problems at times. She only knew his first name: Mark. He had told little about himself, just that he New in the city and he wanted to celebrate this new beginning, so he was in the pub gone.

They also talked and laughed, but for some reason she hadn’t exchanged her phone numbers, addresses or names, too badly, she might have liked to have met him again.

Now, however, the reality had caught up with Nina and she was sitting in her gynecologist’s waiting room, bored and leafing around in the various magazines.

She was the last patient before the lunch break that was treated by the doctor, so the waiting room was empty. The young girl and his Mother Just in the treatment room. Nina could suddenly hear loud voices and then a clap, after that it was quiet and she only heard voices, as usual, steamed by the thick doors.

After a few minutes of further waiting time, the door opened and the young girl went softly with his mother past Nina to the starting door. Nina looked at the little one in astonishment, and a handprint was emerging on her cheek.

However, she had no time to think about it, because the consultation hour help asked Nina into the examination room so that she could free herself for the treatment.

The doctor comes to her immediately, she explained to her as soon as he had looked at her patient card, because a new doctor is currently working here as a representation for Doctor Bartels, who unfortunately would be disease -related for a long time. It disappeared in the meeting room to hand over the patient card to the doctor and Nina began to undress.

She put her things together very carefully and when she was finally naked, she went to the examination bed to lie down there. Somehow her voice from the adjoining room seemed familiar to her, but since she could not really hear it, she couldn’t assign her either.

She nervously slipped back and forth on the lounger to find a reasonably comfortable position, but she hardly managed to stay still.

Finally the door opened and the helper came back, accompanied by the doctor. Nina frozen with shame because it was Mark, her acquaintance last night. Mark also stopped surprised when he noticed who was lying on the lounger and waiting for him, but he quickly took himself. He sent his helper to the lunch break on the grounds that with Ms. Nina Melchers only a routine check, he could also do it alone.

Nina had a high red head and looked at the wall behind the doctor, because she was ashamed of lying here in front of this man.

She was 26 years old, had a slim and well -trained body, it was not because it was not so unexpectedly to meet him again, she had thrown out of the track.

“Hello Nina”, she heard him say, “I am happy that we will meet so unexpectedly. We got on well last night and I hope that you trust me so far that I can examine you, because for that you are here.“He looked at Nina and she had to swallow, so he had really surprised her. “Okay,” she heard quietly, “I trust you.”

“Thank you very much,” he replied and sat next to the couch with the patient card in his hand.

“First I introduce you to a few questions and then I present the investigations. When did you have your last menstrual period?”She calculated briefly and then replied:” 17 days ago “. Further questions followed and Nina gradually relaxed. “Have you had sex regularly lately?”” No, unfortunately I lacked the right partner, “she replied to him.

“Aha. Do you have special preferences during sex or do you like more unusual practices?, He asked himself next.

“Why do you ask all of this?“Nina wanted to know. “Well,” argued Mark, “I always like to be well informed so that I know what I have to pay attention to during the treatment, especially when the patient has certain sexual preferences. Some practices have a certain risk of injury and so I just have to know that, okay?.

Nina was reassured, but did not yet know exactly whether she should really tell him “about it”. She had some fantasies that she had already tried, but lately there has been no one in her life with which she could try out her sexual ideas.

She swallowed and then she said softly: “I like to be beaten.“He nodded and noted something on the patient card. “Where exactly,” he hooked after. Nina still replied unsafe: “On my breasts and and and..”.

She stalled. Mark looked at her directly, “I’m waiting,” he said in a slightly stricter tone. Nina slipped back and forth again on the couch, “on my butt and on my vagina”. “Well, that wasn’t that difficult.”She heard Mark say,” You do that very well.

So continue, what else do I have to know?”.

Nina shuddered slightly, she somehow excited her about her sexual desires and practices, she also felt the increasing moisture between her legs. She looked at Mark, then she said: “I also like weights on my labia and the nipples, uh nipples”, she quickly improved. “Already okay,” says Mark, “I have already heard and saw everything,” he added.

“What next?“, He looked at her.

“There is more what you hide me”. Nina was easily relocated before she answered ashamedly: “I like to wear a plug in the butt.” “What size?“Hakte Mark immediately after he wrote everything down carefully what she told him. “If I want to walk around outside and want to wear it longer, I have a favorite splug with a thickness of approx. 2.5 cm.

I haven’t tried more than 3 cm yet.”

Mark was glad that he was wearing the coat of doctors because it was cut so far that Nina could not see the thick bump in his pants. Her answers to his very direct questions and her fear of telling him what she wanted or. already practiced that it already turned him on. But he wanted to know more and therefore further asked.

“Nina, you want to be stretched even further? After all, there is a risk that the skin tears if this stretch is not carried out carefully and slowly.”” Yes, I would like to try it out, but of course I don’t want to hurt myself, “she replied to him quickly and without hesitation.

“Would you like to give me further information about your inclinations?“Mark from Nina wanted to know. “I have the feeling that you have more to tell,” he said again with a somewhat stricter voice to her. He paid close attention to how Nina reacted to his instructions and was delighted when she nodded slightly.

“Yes, I also like it very much if I get 3 or 4 fingers into my vagina and they are so stretched so much that it is tense properly.“Nina got red when she continued.

“Actually, I would like to be fisted properly,” she said longingly. “What excites you very much?“Mark wanted to know next. It was difficult for him to give himself calm and calmly, because Nina’s tendencies came up very much and let him ponder.

He decided to test Nina and therefore asked her to rise from the lounger and go over to the treatment chair. Nina did not really know whether she should dare, because if she was lying on the treatment chair, far open, then Mark could immediately see how horny she was, because her juice dripped from her wet column onto the sheet.

Mark turned to Nina when it did not get off the lounger and said: “Nina, since you like something more unusual practices, it is particularly important for you to have you examined regularly to possibly. To recognize and treat injuries in good time.“Then he added a little more strictly. “So don’t let me wait for you now, come on.”.

Nina winced briefly as Mark spoke to her so authoritarian, but got up immediately and went past him to sit on the treatment chair. Mark asked them to slide a little higher and then put theirs Legs In the side supports and fixed them with Velcro fasteners.

Nina could no longer move her legs and she was slightly worried.

Mark looked at her calmly and then explained: “Nina so that you don’t accidentally get your legs and possibly. hurt while I am examining you, I have secured them safely. Some studies may not be quite as pleasant and I would like to make sure that nothing happens to you.“He continued to look at her and since he noticed her inner struggle on the back and forth of her body, he asked her:“ Nina, you can trust me? I notice that you are restless, but that only makes some examinations difficult. Please lie quietly as possible, then it goes very quickly and hardly hurts, okay?”.

Nina’s body calmed down, she was very quiet in front of him and looked at trustingly.

“Yes, I think I can do it,” she replied. “I just ashamed to lie in front of you, it is really embarrassing when you see me that way.“” What exactly is so terribly embarrassing that you are so much around on the couch that I even have to fix you?, Mark wanted to know it exactly from her now.

He stood directly between her legs and looked down on her body. Nina looked at him in line and didn’t quite know how to put her feelings into words now. Since Mark decided to become more direct and stuck his hand, stroked her thighs and wet his fingers with her juices.

“Do you mean something about that?“He asked and held his hand in front of her so that she could see the wet fingers. “You are not the first woman who becomes wet with the doctor and screams more during the examination,” he said almost roughly to her.

Nina turned her face away, she would have loved to get up and gone, but Mark already said. “Look Nina, nothing has to be embarrassed here, relax and let me start with the examinations. If I ask you something, you have to answer me honestly.

Agreed?”. Nina nodded, she couldn’t answer because she was still unsure how she should continue to behave.

“Nina, I’m going to score your breasts now. Please stretch your arm up over your head and keep it in this position until I tell you that you can return it again.”. Obedience nina raised her arms and carefully he knead her left chest.

Nina’s breasts were not really big, just a handful, it was enough for him, he liked such breasts. He gently stroked the sides, pressed and massaged lightly until the warts upgraded each other. Then he took them between two fingers and pulled it lightly on it. “That hurts?“He asked Nina and looked into her eyes.

“No, something pulls, but it doesn’t really hurt,” she replied to him.

“Very good, here everything is fine here now is the right chest on the turn,” he described his further procedure for Nina. The right breast was also stroked, massaged and pressed by him extensively. Nina’s breath accelerated during his treatment, as Mark said pleased.

He also took the nipple between two fingers here, but instead of pulling the wart in length, he turned it until Nina noticed loudly. “Aua”, she gasped, “please let go, that’s too much.”. Then Mark let go of the stiff and very sensitive nipple and stroked her chest lovingly again. He was very gentle and tender, so that Nina could relax again.

Then he took her stiff nipple again between his fingers and now pulled his chest in length. “Tell me if it hurt you and I should stop,” he asked Nina.

Nina groaned softly because of his treatment and Mark pulled her nipple further long. Stopped and pulled long again, it was a feeling for Nina as if he wanted to milk her. He continued to pull his nipple until the slight pleasant pain became more.

“Stop, that’s too much, it hurts too much, please stop,” she called.

He stopped immediately and looked at her carefully. “Very good,” he said. “Please always let me know if it gets too much for you so that I can write down it”.

He put the patient card aside and went to his stool between Nina’s legs. “You can take your arms back to the company. I’m going on here now and take a smear out of your buttocks.“Nina winced briefly when he introduced an anal speculum into it. The metal and the lubricant were cold and uncomfortable in her buttocks and she slipped a little back to escape the pressure and this cold.

“Nina, stand still, otherwise I can’t examine you properly,” he complained about her behavior.

Nina was quiet, because his tone was much strictly and she didn’t dare to oppose him. He slowly introduced the anal speculum into it, turned it back and forth and paid attention to her reaction. Nina’s column dripped and he smiled slightly to him. She was perfect for him, her inclinations and his complemented each other really wonderfully.

Slowly he turned on a cog and the three leaves of the speculum opened. He started a conversation on trivial topics to distract Nina from how far he stretched her ass. Her rosette was now four centimeters far and he heard hissingly inhaled and exhale. She felt the stretch and it was borderline.

But before she could stop him, he had closed the speculum again and slowly pulled it out of her. “Nina, you did great. I have not been able to find any injuries or cracks, but I will still give you a little ointment, only in the event that I should have overlooked something.”

He got up and went to a drawer to get a little soothing ointment for Nina’s hole and he pulled an extra fingerling over his gloves to distribute the ointment in her back entrance. He had decided on a cramping cream that also had a nourishing effect.

“Now please be very relaxed,” Nina heard him say before she already felt the slight pressure on her rosette caused his finger. With gentle pressure he slid through the narrow opening and massaged the ointment. The finger slid and out, Nina groaned quietly again.

Mark paused, his finger deep in her dark hole. “It hurts you Nina?“, He wanted to know from her.

“No, no, it is only unusual, that’s all,” she confessed to him quietly. “Well, because I have to distribute more cream and will now have to introduce more fingers,” he said to her and watched carefully as she was shivering. He pulled his finger out of her and with a little cream on his hand he slowly introduced two fingers into her and opened her kept keeping up. The rosette was damp and open when he pulled out the two fingers.

Instead of the three fingers the Nina but now he was expecting a plug into it, very slowly he extended the rosette, and piece by piece he pushed the plug in and out. Nina groaned louder, raised her butt from the couch, wanted more, pushed himself towards him and drove together when he gave her a blow on her wet column. “Ah, why are you going to me?“She howled.

“This is an examination Nina and therefore you have to stay, otherwise I have to fix you even more,” he explained in strict sound. “Can you do that or do you prefer to be tied up so that you can keep still?“, He wanted to know from her in an almost loving tone.

Nina was scared, but she trusted him and therefore asked her to be fixed. She didn’t trust herself, because the examination was so exciting, she had never experienced something like this before, but absolutely wanted to continue.

So Mark put more ligaments over her stomach, the two arms and finally over her chest over her stomach. She really couldn’t stir anymore now. “Relax and behave calmly, then I can continue with the examination,” Mark said now.

He took two of his fingers again and pressed them against Nina’s rosette, smacking his fingers in the narrow canal behind it.

He pushed his fingers in and out until it was very easy and Nina got used to the pressure and stretching. Now he picked up the plug again and introduced it a little, then out again, a little further and when Nina groaned, he began to massage the dam so that she could relax again. Meanwhile, he kept the plug in the same position, he had 4.5 cm diameter and was already a challenge for Nina, but was quite feasible as his investigations showed. He slightly increased the pressure on her rosette again and pushed the plug a little deeper, then out again.

He granted Nina a little break by taking his two fingers again and inserting it into her dark hole. In and out, it smacked and was wonderful to look at for him how much Nina had to try to lie quietly. The treatment excited her very much and her cunt was dripping wet.

Now Nina was a little more relaxed again and he took his fingers out of her and pressed the plug against her rosette. Yes, he continued to go in, he almost did it, just a little left, when Nina started to whimper Nina.

“Quiet, you have to let it go very easily, then it doesn’t really hurt,” he reassured her. “You did it right away”.

He pushed the plug a little further and then out again, he repeated this a few times, then the plug was sitting. It looked pretty, the plug had a silver crystal that looked very seductive on Nina’s butt. “The plug now ensures that the cream can work properly and the possibly comes to all places.

have to be cared for. In ca. It has to be removed for 4 hours, then please come back to me in practice so that I can help you.”.

Nina was very tremendous but at the same time excited and her skin all over the body was incredibly sensitive and reacted to any stimulation with small explosions that escaped in her lap. She was about to be mad orgasm when Mark had solved the Velcro fasteners and took her hand to help her out of the treatment chair.

“Please go over something and then come across to me into the consulting room, yes?“, He asked her.

“I’ll give you an appointment for today in the late afternoon and we will discuss further examinations and the results this afternoon.”

Nina passed tremendously behind the curtain to the cloakroom where her clothes were and twitched when she wanted to sit down. The plug in her butt was unusual and although she often wore one, it was somehow different. He produced a tremendous tension in her and massaged her hole when she went there and ruled in the chair as no other plug had yet made.

Finally she was dressed and went into the consulting room with slightly spread legs.

“Please sit down,” she heard Mark say. So that she let herself sink very carefully and very slowly onto the wooden chair.

“So, please listen to me exactly so that you know what to expect. You should please yourself in the next 4 hours mgl. do not sit down, but be in motion so that the cream is well distributed and can work. Your new appointment this afternoon is at 5:30 p.m.

Do you still have any questions about treatment?, he wanted to know from Nina. Nina shook her head, she was surprised and excited, just wanted to go so that she could think a little.

Mark got up from his desk chair and handed her the note with the appointment. “If anything is supposed to be, I wrote down my phone number, you can reach me at any time.“Nina thanked him and left the practice so quickly with the thick plug in the ass. Outside on the street she looked around restlessly, somehow she thought, the other people have to see what I did, that I was wearing this plug in me.

But of course that was not the case and a little wide -legged, she made her way to the employment office and the other appointments that she still had in the city today. She hoped that she had done everything until 5:30 p.m. and would be here again in time.

Mark sat in his comfortable desk chair and rocked back and forth slightly. He was a little surprised at himself, because he had never behaved so unproff. Nina had appealed to him because last night she had already told a lot of herself, probably she was no longer aware of it because she was already drunk.

They had spoken about sex at some point during the nice wetful evening and she indicated something that had made him really sharp. She wanted to be dominated in order to be able to drop properly and to leave everything else (within certain limits, of course) to her dominant partner. So far this dominant partner had been her boss, but he had dropped her when his wife found out about the affair and he had to terminate Nina. So now she was there without a job and without a dominant partner, and she had also told him about her money worries because she was already in the deficiency, the termination of the apartment threatened her.

At the moment it was really a little bit at once what came together with Nina, but maybe he could help her to make a mutual advantage.

In any case, he was already looking forward to the appointment with her this afternoon. The little treatment he had given her was only a small test for him to see her reactions before he wanted to talk to her about his ideas.

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