Wild student life | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hello, my name is Michael, but everyone just calls me Micha. I grew up well -protected in a small town German town. We lived in four, my father, mine Mother and my Sister and I in a single -family house on the edge of the city. I had just graduated from high school and now had to move to the next big city to study. I was lucky and found a 2 room apartment in the city’s S-Bahn area. It wasn’t big, but it was affordable because I achieved everything by public transport.

So I didn’t need a car what me, or. a lot of money saved to my parents. The day of the departure had come and we packed some things for the first week in the trunk of our car and a few furniture in the borrowed Bulli. My mother and sister and a few friends helped me. My father was on a business trip again. After we were ready, we started with the two cars. Unfortunately none of the friends drove along, so that the new apartment was given, only we three could do it.

1 man and 2 women. After approx. We had arrived for 2.5 hours of driving. We rang the doorbell and the landlord opened you door. She was a bit smaller like me, so almost 1.75 m long blonde hair and a fantastic figure. The tight and short black skirt and the waisted pink blouse were excellent. I had imagined it very differently, after all we only knew each other from the phone. And when you hear a voice, you try to get a picture of the person.

This time I was far off. I didn’t get a sound until my mother pushed me into my ribs. She greeted us and asked us in. “Should I show you your apartment or should we first drink a little something in the garden. “” I think we first sit down in the garden, the long car ride has tired me a little, “said my mother. The landlady introduced herself as Ms. Gruber. We also introduced ourselves, with my name already knew it from the calls and the emails.

We followed her through the apartment into the garden. She briefly covered the table for four people. We went a little at her. There was coffee, water and fruit juices to drink and there was cake and pastries on the table. After a short time, my mother urged that we should give things, because they still wanted to go home. So we started dragging the boxes into my new home.

I was plagued by the furniture. Suddenly Ms. Gruber stood by the car and grabbed a box. She had changed. She had a black leggings and a wide green long shirt. She helped vigorously. Mother and, Sara, my sister was amazed. So we got done a little faster. After everything was up, my mother and Sara said goodbye to me. I started building the closet together. After a short time I not only built the closet, but all the furniture together.

I started to clear my clothes in the cupboards, to store my books and connect my laptop. There it rang. I hardly opened and trusted my eyes, my mother and sister were at the door. They said goodbye again with kisses. I looked at her puzzled and they explained that, Ms. Gruber, insisted that they were still eating some. But now they drive finally. I looked after them. Then I closed the door and devoted myself to my things again.

I don’t know how long I went on, but the doorbell rang again. I went to the door and opened it. Ms. Gruber, my landlady was just around the corner. She had changed again and had the black skirt and the pink blouse on again. “You haven’t signed the lease yet, if you have time you can ring the bell. Then the paperwork is also done. “I already thought strange, we had transferred rent and deposit, but nothing firm in my hand yet.

“I can come with me immediately if you are right to you. “Of course it’s right for me. Then come with you right away. “I followed her down the stairs and a cloud of her perfume lay around me. It woke up in me, I would have loved to pack it on the spot and took it from behind. But then I would no longer have come to sign the contract, but would be in high arcs on the street or. landed in the arms of the police.

I could have lived on state costs for a while. So I got together. We went into a small room that was furnished like an office. “We always do our paperwork here,” said Ms. Gruber. She pulled out a few leaves of paper from the shelf. “Please take a seat. “I sat on the chair behind the desk. Ms. Gruber came to the desk and stood on the opposite side. Then she supported herself on the desk and leaned forward.

In doing so, she put the contract in front of my nose. She supported herself on the desk with the elbows and I had a wonderful view of her breasts, which was hung freely in the blouse. “Here is your rental agreement, read it in peace and quiet and then you can sign the contract on the last page. “” Hello, you listened to me. “I winced and looked into her face surprised. “Read the contract and sign at the back.

“” Uh, yes of course. I do. “She stood out again. “Would you like to drink something?”” Oh, if you have a glass of water for me?”” Logical, I’ll get you. “I was finally able to concentrate on the contract. Hopefully she hadn’t noticed where I was my eyes and thoughts earlier. There was nothing special in the contract, I had already received the rules from my parents at home. So I signed. Mrs. Gruber just came in with the water.

“Let’s sit a little on the terrace until you have drunk your water?“I agreed and followed her out. And again the bewitching scent of her perfume got into my nose. Only this time it hit the lumbar area. My penis started to grow. And how she went. My eyes followed her cracked butt, back and forth and back. When she arrived on the terrace, she offered me space. I put my glass of water on the glass table and sat down, opposite her.

Not the legs across cross, but a little apart. But despite the short skirt and the glass plate of the table, I couldn’t see anything. “And how do you like your apartment?””Oh very good. For the fact that I have rented the apartment blindly, or. only had a few photos, the decision was correct. ““ If you live here now, then we can do ourselves. If you do not mind? My name is Simone. “She got up and handed my hand to me.

First I looked at her a little surprised, also got up, said my first name and gave her hand. Fortunately was mine tail shrunk again. “We have to water that,” she said and went into the apartment. I sat down again. A short time later she came with two glasses of sparkling wine. She kept the glasses at the level of her breasts. Funny, I asked myself, there is a button on the blouse, more on. “I forgot to ask, you, uh, you drink alcohol?”” Yes, I drink.

“” Nice, then we encounter. “She gave me a glass of sparkling wine. We climbed and both drank a sip. “With my parents, I saw a long time ago when I offered how they hooked their arms and then drunk. Looked really strange. “” I haven’t seen for a long time and have never done it before. But you can have a kiss. But only if you want to?”” Oh, I don’t say no. “Simone took the glass out of my hand and put both of them on the table.

Then she put her hands on my hips and pulled me up. I felt how our loins touched and then her perfume got into my nose. Our bodies touched in centimeters by centimeters until I felt their breasts. And I felt something else. Slowly my blood backwater in the middle of my body. Take yourself together I said to me. I noticed her breath in my face and then my lips on the mine.

A short kiss followed. Her face withdrew and Simone smiled at me. But then her eyes widened and she asked: “I am to blame, I didn’t want that. “My phallus had grown in the jogging pants. And in such a case, jogging pants do not offer resistance in the growth of the middle of the body. Slowly Simone loosened from me and looked down at me. She held her hand in front of her mouth and her gaze remained on the tent for a few seconds, which had formed in the lumbar area.

Then she looked at me again. “Oh my god, sorry, I really didn’t want that. “” That doesn’t matter, that can happen. With such a beautiful woman and this beguiling perfume, something like that doesn’t miss out, ”I said to her. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t control myself and destroyed this nice moment,” I pushed after. “But that doesn’t matter, that shows me that I am still a desirable and attractive woman.

You somehow made me happy. We encourage that. “She took the two glasses and gave me one. We hit, putting a hand on my pelvis and pulling me up. Of course I came across her skirt with my stand. “Oh, I forgot”. Simone took the hand from my pool. I thought, thank God. But then I was wrong. I felt her hand pressed down my stand. Then she pressed her abdomen against mine, so that my phallus, a place, had found a place between her legs.

She put her hand back on my hip and pulled me up. My stand was firmly trapped between her legs. This action did not miss its effect, it swelled a little more. We attacked again and drank the sparkling wine. Simone put the glass on the table and I did it. With her free hand, she reached to the back of the head. She pulled me up and gave me a kiss, loosened the grip, looked at me and kissed me again.

Only this time I felt her tongue as she pushed into my mouth. I was very happy to give her and literally merged our tongues. Simones hand wandered from the hip to my stand. I had put my hands on her butt and slowly pulled her skirt up. Simone stroked my phallus through the jogging pants and I had managed to pull her skirt up. And so I was able to massage her firm naked ass cheeks. I hadn’t felt a slip.

Simone’s hand had found the way into his pants and jerked my stand. Suddenly she pulled my head away and looked at me reproachfully. “No, that doesn’t work, we make a mistake”. Then she pushed me away from herself. I looked at her surprised and asked: “Why?”” I don’t want that, no, please go “. Then she turned and put her hands in front of her face. My thoughts drove a roller coaster. I did something wrong.

I then went back to my apartment and thought, a shame that it didn’t happen. I still had a huge slat and wanted to get relief, so into the bathroom. It didn’t take long and I injected everything into the sink with strong batches. Slowly get my sperm for the drainage. After a short recovery phase, I continued with the grossing and cleaning up. In the evening the doorbell rang again and Mr. Gruber was at the door.

He immediately introduced himself to the first name. His name was Albert. He also offered me that I could use the garden. We immediately agreed on that you and then he wished me a good time and good luck at the university. It happened a few days later. I had the first few days at the university and came back on Thursday after the lectures. Since it was a sunny and warm day, I decided to sit down in the garden and read and learn something else.

I got a chair out of my apartment and went into the garden. “Hello Micha, nice to see you. “” Oh I didn’t want to disturb her. “”You are not bothering. Come here. “Simone sat in a whirlpool with a glass of sparkling wine in his hand. I could see her upper body with the black top, the rest was covered by the pool. “Get company to me at the inauguration of the pool. Come jump in. “” Uh, I have to get a swimming trunks first.

“” Why, I have already seen your part, so you don’t need to commemorate yourself. Come on. And if you need a towel, you can have that from me. “Well, why not. She is right. I started to take off my clothes. Naked as the gentleman created me, I went to the pool and climbed in. It was already a strange feeling. Simone in the bikini and I naked. What if your husband comes. “You also like a glass of sparkling wine with me?“Her voice shouted at me from my thoughts.

“What, uh, yes please. “” Then I’ll get you a glass out of the house. “Said it got up, left the pool and disappeared into the house across the terrace. I looked after her and I liked the sight very well. Since panties she was wearing was a Rio-Tanga and the butt held what my hands felt like. A short time later she appeared with a champagne glass in her hand. Arrived at the pool, she took the champagne bottle and poured into my glass.

She gave me it and wanted to get back into the pool when she suddenly stopped. “That he rude from me. You sit naked in the pool and I in the bikini. “” So I wanted my bath earlier … “: I couldn’t get any further with my sentence because at that moment the bikini top fell. When the panties fell, the pussy was shaved, my eyes widened and the mouth was open. “Fail that your eyes don’t fall out.

And you can close your mouth too, or have you never seen a naked woman. “” But yes, but not one who is so spontaneous, I’m totally surprised. “She smiled and got back into the pool. “So now we’re drinking a sip for now. “We both took the glasses, pushed and drank a strong sip. I was surprised that my penis didn’t touch this time, but it was quite right for me.

Because so I could enjoy the whirlpool undisturbed. “I hope you don’t take the situation from Saturday. “” What situation. “I only knew too well what she alludes to. “Well, on the terrace. When I suddenly sent them to the desert. “Oh, I was surprised anyway that something like that happened. Was totally disturbed afterwards. “”Oh I’m sorry. That was not my intention. But the situation somehow got out of hand.

“”Never mind. It didn’t come to the utmost. We both were lucky again there. “” Thank you for not taking it bad for me. “” No, one of such a nice woman you can’t blame anything. “”Thanks. “Then she gave me a kiss on the cheek. I thought if she knew that she had fucked with me, in my thoughts,. But end with the thoughts, otherwise something happens again. We drank again and Simone started telling about the pool, about her life, etc.

“Hello. “We turned our heads, next to us there was a slim brunette woman in a red sarong. Sarong is a big cloth that you at the beach carries. I appreciated her on Simone’s age “Hello Andrea, come in. “” I don’t know, I’m a little angry with you. You are delayed and you grab a young attractive man and spend the time with him. I only forgive you if you present it to me immediately. “” Ok, that’s Michael.

He lives in our house, in the apartment we have prepared. He moved in last Saturday. “Hello, if you want, you can say Micha to me too. “I got up easily. I didn’t want to rise too far either. What else would she have thought of us. “Hello, I’m Andrea, Simone’s girlfriend and neighbor. Our men work together in a small laboratory. “Then Andrea turned to Simone. “Your husband also brought you a perfume?”” Yes, but last week, somehow it smells quite stimulating.

“Andrea stood at the pool between us and kept her wrists down. “Here it smells. I’m not quite sure what to think of it. What do you all mean?““ It smells similar to mine, but a little more subtle. “” I like it too, “I said. Andrea turned and went to her bag. But it reminded me very much of Simones. Seconds later I noticed a slight pulling in the lumbar area. Oh, please not now. But there was something else.

Something went around my phallus. I looked at Simone, she smiled back in a variety of ways. I looked back at Andrea. She had put her sarong and had a black monokini underneath. It was a Rio-Tanga on the butt. She bent down to get something out of her pocket. Really cool ass. Simone werked my stand under water continued. Andrea had sunglasses in her hand when she straightened up. When she came to the pool she put her up.

The glasses were black and had a sporty design. Andrea climbed into the water. “Hello, you are always so rude”: it came from Simone. “How come?“Andrea was already in the water and was about to sit down. “We are both naked and you want to go into the water in a swimsuit. ““ You can’t see something like that through the bubbles. Excuse me. “Andrea took his neck and opened the closure of her Monokini. When their tits begasted, I looked closer, they didn’t hang a bit.

Then she grazed the Monokini over her ass with two hands. Her pussy was now seen and she was shaved. Andrea seemed to have a little problem, apparently she didn’t want to wet the Monokini. Somehow she made it out of it. She sat down and threw the Monokini on her pocket in the high arc. Now she was sitting next to me. Simone offered her a glass of sparkling wine. Andrea accepted thankfully.

Simone released my stand out of her hand, got up, knelt on her seat and leaned down the edge of the pool. I also admired her horny back and got a push into Andrea’s ribs. I looked at her. She shook her head with a smug smile. I just shrugged my shoulders. Then Simone was sitting in the pool again, with a third glass and the bottle of sparkling wine. She gave in the glass and handed it up Andrea.

Andrea took it and held it and to the toast. We did not let ourselves be asked for long, took and stole. “On the new pool”: Andrea said. As under the drink, Simone snapped to my phallus and started jerking off. I looked at Andrea, but she didn’t seem to have noticed anything. We put the glasses away. Simone asked: “Why are you coming so late?”” I was stopped in the gym. Then a friend appeared, I hadn’t seen it for years.

And we chatted there. Sorry. ““ Nothing does anything, now you’re here. “” I was very surprised when I saw you in the pool with your new tenant. And you without the top. When I saw that, so strange thoughts came what could work underwater. “” Nothing went there. We only sat next to each other and talked. “” Well, you know, head cinema stop. But I already found the situation strange.

“” Why because I said that nothing happened earlier?““ You two sat so familiar side by side. You can already get stupid thoughts. “” Nothing went before. You can be quite sure there. “” You always emphasize it before, you almost believe that something would go now. ““ Also runs, at the moment I jerk his cock to him. “I first looked Simone, who smiled and then Andrea. It had fallen down the jaw and her eyes were wide open.

“Waas, you just jerk him?”” Yes, grab, then you will feel it. “Andrea looked at the place where she suspected my cock. “You totally crazy. You can’t get him down next to me. “” Why not, you didn’t even notice it until I told you. “” But you can’t just, in front of my eyes, jerk off your tenant. “” Why before your eyes, Ah, I understand. “”I do not believe that.

“Simone encountered me and asked me to put me. I was happy to meet the demand. I hoped for a blowjob of the ladies. So I got up. I had to turn around and turned so that my cock hiked past Andrea. Simone had taken my place and was sitting next to Andrea. She looked stared at my phallus and never lost sight of him. I stopped my rotation when my stand pointed to Simone.

Immediately she had a hand on my stand again, with the other she massaged my sack. Then Simone turned her head to Andrea, who was still looking at my stand as spellbound. “You meant that, before my eyes, or?”” Uh, what, how please?“Somehow Andrea wasn’t in this world again yet. Your gaze slowly loosened from my middle of the body. “Well, what I’m doing here. “” What, uh no, rather because of the distance.

And you are totally crazy now. “”Why? You said before your eyes. “” But I didn’t mean that. What’s next? A Wind concert or immediately fucking. “” Oh fuck wouldn’t be bad. The tail is like a one and I’m already damp. “” I don’t think I hear properly. If you do this then I’ll be gone and we were the longest time friends. “Simone looked up at me and said:“ Sit down.

“And I did what Simone said to me, I could think of what would happen right away. I sat down on Andrea’s other side and waited for Simone. She had got up and came to me. When she stood in front of me she turned and slowly came her horny ass, my cock and closer. Andrea watched our hustle and bustle, with big eyes and open mouth. Simone grabbed my cock, which was easy to see on the water surface and conducted it in the direction of her pussy.

Then I noticed the first one Contact, With the pussy. And then how my phallus was slowly taken up by Simones pussy. Slowly, very slowly lowered her butt. Then my phallus was all inside. Simone moved her butt back and forth. First back to the left and back to the right. Andrea looked at the spot with torn mouth and wide eyes, in the water where my stand should be. Now Simone had her pool circle.

It was horny, an indescribable feeling. Then Simone sat on me again very quietly. After a short break, she lifted her back a bit and lowered it again. Slowly she increased her riding movements. “You totally crazy to fuck in the pool,” came from Andrea. “No, I’m just horny and need it now,” replies Simone. “If you don’t stop at the moment, then I go and quit my friendship. “Simone fucked and I support you with my tail with my hands on her hip.

The next moment Andrea got up, put her arms on her hips and said: “You wanted it that way. “Simones looked briefly on her face, her hands piped out, Andrea grabbed her hips and pulled her up. The next thing I could see was a groan from Andrea. I put my head on my side and saw that Simone Andrea fucks with his hand. Andrea was pulled up and Simone licked her now. Andreas moan grew louder.

She put her hands on Simones back and pressed him closer into her pussy. Well, the resistance was broken quickly. Simone licked. One hand loosened from Simones back and then lay on mine. And I was used closer. Now Simone was pressed aside and my face in Andreas Musschi. I licked Andrea now. Simone slide from my phallus and knelt next to us. Then I felt a hand on my tail and then he was waxed again.

But I didn’t lick Andrea for long, when she pulls my head backwards. I looked up and straight into her face. “Come on, fuck me. “Nothing better than that, I think and get up. Andrea looks at me and turns my back on my back. Then she leans forward and supports itself on the edge of the pelvis. I stand behind her and slowly push my hard into the pussy. And then I pounded my cock deep into her pussy again and again.

She groaned on every push. Simone was now standing next to us and massaging my sack and Andreas Muschi. With my hands I massaged Andreas Tits and kissed Simone. Then Andrea groaned loudly and her legs gave up. Slowly she got into her knees and my cock slipped out of her pussy. She now knelt in front of me in the whirlpool. Simone reacted the fastest of us and grabbed my cock. She pulled me aside and sat on the edge of the pelvis.

Then she pulled me closer and closer until my cock was just before her pussy. She let go of my cock and grabbed my hips and pulled me. My cock penetrated her pussy and Simone groaned. And we really fucked. A little later I felt a hand stroking my back. Andrea had recovered. Her hand wandered down my back, over my butt and grabbed the sack.

She massaged him. Then she sat down and licked Simones breasts. Also, she kept pressing my cock into Simones pussy vigorously. In this treatment, the pressure in my penis increased more and more. I was about to pull it out and inject him when Simone was starting. But her scream let me forget briefly. When I had caught myself again, Andrea stood behind me and pressed me against Simone, so I splashed Simone in her pussy.

Simone looked at me with big eyes and smiled afterwards. I inject everything into her pussy. We no longer moved heavily, but enjoyed our feelings. After a short time Simone pushed me away and got up. She looked at me and gave me a kiss. “I think we are getting better now, it could be that our men will come right away,” said Simone. And Andrea agreed to her. So we got dressed. The two women then sat in the pool again and I packed my things and went back to my apartment.

How should this go on here, I wondered when I was in bed in the evening. I didn’t know and fell asleep shortly afterwards.

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