The play wakes up dirty desires | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Distinently he looked in the face of his director and tried to find out whether he had seriously meant what was just said. But to his amazement, he could not make an indication of a joke in gestures. “I should please do something?“So Eric asked again incredulously. “You have already heard right! You have to step in for Robert because he injured himself while skiing. “, He got slightly annoyed in response.

In order to prevent any further discussion, the head of the performance turned and left the rehearsal room with quick steps. “Just because the guy came up with the piece and at the same time directs the direction, he cannot command everyone here!“, Eric murmured slightly in front of him and also left the room. Actually, he had been enthusiastic about the idea for the stage game from the start. The notice had already aroused his interest at the time.

,Looking for gymnast or very sporty man for the acrobatic interludes of a slightly different play. Inhibitions have been stood at home to the theater club’s Hatte on the Black Brett of his university. And after Eric had reported to the small group by his curiosity, he had been welcomed with open arms. Afterwards he quickly became clear why. Apparently the group leader had come up with a stage play that had sexuality as the main topic and should illuminate the various erotic varieties and the social conventions cabaretist.

The audience should not only be attracted with humor but also with a lot of bare skin. Of course, this freedom of movement had always been disguised with the guise of avant -garde art. Woe to the one who did not recognize this as an artistic stylistic device, but only saw a cheap effects. Based on the show based in Las Vegas, Zumanity ’by Cirque du Soleil, this performance should also be provided with acrobatic insoles. As an active gymnast, he was almost created for this role and enthusiastically fell into the rehearsals of his scene.

He should present a choreography with some floor exercises and in the meantime only wear a men’s tensing. These exercises were designed in such a way that they looked very artistic for the audience, but were not a problem for him as a well -trained athlete. The free movement of his role also bothered him. Since his youth he had received a balanced relationship with his body through regular sport and made no secret of the nudist beach sometimes.

After all, he could also call a very muscular and well -defined body his own. But his enthusiasm for the innovative concept and the many erotic components of the play, took a nasty damper that evening. Because after he had followed the rest of the rehearsals as usual, he met the director in the hallway, who now asked him that he should step in for an injured actor.

And it was not just some participant. No! The injured person had actually been firmly planned for the final act in which a real erotic fireworks should be burned again. As the highlight of the show, the director had planned for this final scene to have two actors replayed an act of love. Eric could have come to terms with his new task, if not the pretty fellow student Emily should play his counterpart.

Already at the first meeting of the small theater group, he had caught this sweet Irish exchange student. With her red curls, she was also a real eye -catcher among the otherwise gray representatives of the female gender present there. With these advocates of biodegrading vegan Geshön, Eric sometimes surprised whether they shaved their armpits or, like everything else, preferred natural left. On the way to his automobile, The details of the scene said he went through his head again.

As in the rest of the play, the director had left his actors free to design the scenes. Full of envy, he had to watch the rehearsals constantly how his crush and the other actor were going on the bed with played devotion and desire. Emily’s acting talent was difficult to overlook. If the two hadn’t been clothed, one could almost think they would really be in the middle of the sexual act.

It was only for the actual performance to be planned to drop the covers at least at the top to make the scene even more realistic. Only a thin sheet should later cover the view of the still clad gender parts by skillfully draping over the hips. Fascinated by the authenticity of the scene it was always difficult for him to keep the growing swelling under control in his pants.

* * * * * “So you are my new partner?“Emily stated with a smile after Eric introduced herself with her. “I really couldn’t have wished a better substitute for Robert!“, She expressed her satisfaction and enthusiastically shaken the hand held her out of her. “I know you somewhere? You are our sports status and secret observer! Can you always follow our rehearsals after your exercises?“, She tried to lure him out of the reserve a little jokingly.

When Eric did not produce a sound with shame, she continued her teasing: “I think I could also see that you liked our idea. “” Mhmm, yes!“, He finally stammered as an answer and was surprised whether they were really in his places to be unmistakable erection wanted to play. ,Wow – she lives up to her hair color. ’He noticed in astonishment. In order to get her out of the frame too, he was now pretending with an idea for the scene that had come to him during his secret observations.

“I wanted to discuss an idea for our common scene with you. I think you have already come up with a few good things, but I thought that we could extend the prelude a little with oral actions. “, He explained his thoughts. “So you are one of this group. “, Came from her as an answer, without giving her an indication of whether she wanted to accept his proposal or not.

She seemed more of the statement just made. Without any further comment, she took a step back and pulled her top over her head. Before Eric knew how he happened, she also had hers bra moved out and stood at the top without him. Since they were alone in the rehearsal room, nobody was able to marvel at their well -shaped bust. As in her face, the rest of her body was covered with freckles.

Despite her light skin, she didn’t look cheesy in any way. “What are you waiting for?“, She wanted to know from him. “You will have to get used to the sight of my breasts. Not that you have the same dismayed look on your face during the idea as now at the moment. “, She continued in the same challenging tone to fold him while she also dropped her jeans to the ground.

Only dressed in her string she made her way to the mattress, which was placed in the room for the later stage bed in the room. She looked at her shoulder mischievously and made sure that he drew his attention on her crunchy butt. On the one hand he had to give her right because he would have to get used to her nudity quickly. He was well aware that a high degree of intimacy and familiarity was necessary for the coming scene.

On the other hand, her completely carefree way surprised him and the level of openness to him was a little. But he also considered himself open -minded and wanted to be in no way inferior. On the way to her, he also began to undress. Since he wanted to familiarize himself with his outfit during his exercises, he was only stood in front of her with the sparse men’s tanga.

He quickly slipped to her under the ceiling, which she was inviting for him. The rather cool temperature of the rehearsal space offered a strong contrast to her warm skin, which she now pressed closely against his body. She held her red curly head on her arm and put her other hand on his chest. Again a lot to him that with the current physical closeness they seemed to have absolutely no problems.

Rather, he was like she was even enjoying it. Questioningly, she looked at him in the eyes. “Then shoot a partner! How did you imagine that, ”she wanted to know from him and drummed up on his chest with her fingers with her fingers. “I was considering that after the wild smooch we did not have to go to the actual act for the prelude. You could also disappear with your head under the blanket and pretend that you would spoil me down there.

I am sure that it will look totally realistic under the ceiling. “, He said his idea a little hesitantly. After letting his suggestion go through his head for a while, she grinned at him grinning him. In doing so, he noticed her strange facial expression. He seemed to express that she had discovered what kind of lust he was and that she could live with it – even pleased about it.

“I would suggest you watch if I am doing my thing. “, She asked him and interpreted with a look at the mirrors in the room. So that the actors could better assess the effect of their offered ideas on the audience, the otherwise rather sparingly furnished room was equipped with a variety of large wall mirrors. Eric immediately understood what she meant and tended his head towards the mirror.

In it he could observe, How her head disappeared under the thin blanket. Arrived over his hips, she immediately began to lift and lower her head at different speeds. Due to the offered perspective, he was able to observe himself and his partner and was amazed at how realistic it looked when Emliy was now under the thin sheet Blowjob pretended. But his fascination for this scene did not last long. So far he had only been concentrated on the visual impressions when a touch of the observations suddenly tore in touch.

Almost imperceptibly, she had had her hand roamed over his limb. Watching this scene in the mirror was erotic to the highest degree and had not failed to have a certain effect on him. Already the sight of her sparsely dressed body had excited him. And now the proximity of her head to his gender did the rest and had meanwhile had his penis swell to an impressive erection. Jammed between his stomach and the thin fabric of his clothing, he could literally feel how his penis full of desire pulsed.

At first he assumed that Emily had accidentally came against this sensitive place while playing her role. But when he now felt clearly how she followed the contours of his stand with her fingers, any doubt was evaporated that he would only imagine the touch. With an excited grunt he dropped his head on the mattress and made no institutions to stop their advances. His curiosity was awakened how far she was going to do their game.

Suddenly a clearing of his throat let him start. “I already see that I determined the right one for the role. “, The director said, who apparently watched the sample of the scene for a while and was leaning in the door frame in a comfortable position. Without showing herself, Emily straightened up and kept her bust covered with the sheet. “How do you like our scene? Eric had the idea of oral sex.

That’s great, or?“, She inquired enthusiastically and without any trace of shame. “Yes that looked incredibly real. “, He praised her efforts and leaned his head to the side to spot whether Eric was really still dressed, or whether he was the two in the real prelude caught had. “This is exactly the blast that I imagined for the final!“He praised his actors after seeing the Tanga and turning to walk.

“Then practice diligently!“He asked her when leaving the room. * * * * * The theater was completely sold out for the premiere of the piece. The rows were primarily occupied by other students who were excited about a crackling performance. Eric looked again through the gap in the curtain to the crowd of spectators. He had already mastered his acrobatic part under thunderous applause and was now waiting for the final scene in his men’s tanga.

Emily was half -naked in the thin sheet and grinned at him with her usual mischievous facial expression. With a smile he thought back to the numerous rehearsals with her. His suspicion that their touches were not accidental on the first evening had quickly been confirmed. Emily had become more and more offensive in the coming weeks. A erection during the rehearsal of her scene had become a complete normality for him.

But that was no wonder with their donations. Sometimes she had blown a breath of air through the thin fabric of his tangas and sometimes she had tenderly researched the entire length of his plump member with her teeth. Of course he had retreated for her caresses. Under the pretext that the woman could not be neglected in a prelude, he had walked between her thighs and moved his head under the ceiling as if he were spoiling her orally.

He had the same with her and hadn’t kept his hands still. He had gently massaged her thighs and was almost casually suffered over the fabric of her panties, under which her lips were clearly emerging. He also repeated her incident and had blown a breath of air on her shame. He had later clearly recognized his success by the damp spot of her panties. With all their tenderness, however, there had never been any more.

Although they had passionately kissed in their role and had exchanged the cheeky teasing, but after the scene was completed, they had always died out without a word. It almost seemed to him that they both didn’t dare to take the first step and ask the other about an appointment. With the clear signals and the almost tangible crackle between the two, this situation was almost a little grotesque.

“Just a minute!“It was signaled by a loud call that your scene should begin immediately. They ripped down to the bed, which was on the middle of the stage and put themselves in position under the thin blanket. Finally, with applause, the curtain for the last scene of the play was revealed. While the audience saw the two performers, Emily looked deep into his eyes again. Your gaze sprayed with passion.

“Then get on something!“, She whispered in his ear and began to kiss him fervently. Eric returned her kiss and felt astonished how his limb began to react to her care despite the numerous spectators. Especially after he had gently massaged her breasts, his role, his erection was grown to the full size. After a few minutes of the lustful back and forth, he disappeared with his head under the ceiling to start his part of the prelude.

He doubted briefly whether he could dare the additional caresses, however. But encouraged by her initial look, he stretched out his tongue and began to pull a trace over the inside of her thighs. Since she did not give the impression that she wanted to keep him from his project, he continued to take courage and now kissed her pub.

With her acting talent, she pushed her back through and pushed her hips in his direction. In the meantime, a clear stain on her panties showed that she could enjoy his donations and that she didn’t seem to make anything of the audience present. Following a crazy idea, he pulled the fabric of her brief aside and exposed her damp shimmering lips. When he recognized the degree of her excitement, he grinned into himself satisfied and blew a slight breath of air on her gender.

Then he went over to wet her blank shaved labia with his tongue. A murmur went through the crowd. Apparently it was also recognizable for the audience how much it liked what Eric did to her under the ceiling. But for the visitors of the theater, it was hidden that it actually groaned with lust and now no longer played a role. Eric had now sucked in her clit and drove over it with the fast movements of his tongue.

If he continued at this pace, she would surely get to its climax every minute. And actually he wanted to give it to her, but in the end something else was intended for this scene. Emily also seemed to have had this thought when she informed him with the previously agreed sign that it was time for a change. With a little annoyance he let off her shame and put the slip back into the starting position.

They had exchanged their positions quickly and with rehearsed movements. Now that Emily’s head was under the ceiling and he peeked it again, he had a good view of the audience. Among those present, he could mainly recognize wide open eyes and amazed faces. Apparently the previous performance had been very convincing. He briefly considered whether the spectators could also recognize his slightly damp shiny mouth from their distance.

* * * * Emily was very satisfied with the previous events. She had been surprised about his hesitant way for a long time. Despite the many clear signals, he had never raised the courage to make more out of the situation. ,How clear you still have to be?’She asked herself after every rehearsal when she drove without doing any things and alone home and alone. His pre -pressing during the current performance had again given her courage.

In addition, the presence of so many witnesses was an extremely exciting and long -awaited experience. For a long time she knew that she was going to be watched by other people during lovemaking. This small play came for her and she could let herself be under the guise of the scene without fear of consequences. And also the happy coincidence that the sweet gymnast had jumped in for the injured person played her hands into her hands.

For a few days now she had had to help herself several times, otherwise she would have survived the time until this longed -for evening. Eric’s tongue skills almost let them come in front of the audience. But now her partner was on it and she was happy to irritate him in front of assembled spectators, among whom well -known fellow students. So she hadn’t wasted time and freed his plump member of the obstacle fabric by pushing this aside.

A short twitch from his side made her fear that he could not be up to his task. But he had quickly found himself in his role and had it granted. First she devoted herself to his smooth shaved testicles. She began to suck them in her mouth alternately. In the meantime, she kept his shaft enclosed and explored its length in the half -darkness of the ceiling. Satisfied with the result, she began to massage him with constant up and down movements.

Then she lifted her head and gently licked up the bottom of his limb. In doing so, she left a trace of saliva, which made the veins of his erection shimmer a little. Finally she enclosed his glans with her lips and slowly picked up his member in her mouth. This treatment elicited him a loud moan, which could only be beneficial to the role played. After making his stand disappear in her mouth several times, she continued to spoil his tip of her tail with a circular movement of her tongue.

She noticed slightly frustrated that he had been trying for a few seconds to continue the scene through the common sign. “We don’t want you to do it already. “She whispered at his stand and slid up on his body so that she came to light again above the ceiling. However, she had deliberately not packed his limb again and set out to position herself in the equestrian position above him.

The cleverly placed ceiling remained hidden from the audience that she now also pulled her panties to the side to slowly settle down on his firm masculinity. When Eric, when Eric her wet labia on his glans, noticed, Riss surprised his eyes for a second. ‘She won’t!’Shot through his head when Emily lowered her pelvis and completely included him. But when he saw her eyes shone with lust, he revealed the situation and grabbed her on her butt.

He saw her beautiful hemispheres bobs in front of his eyes while she kept setting on his limb. Her movements became faster and she screamed out her lust. She threw her head back and shed off with her hands on his chest. Eric raised his pelvis around his tail To be able to push them deeper into them. In the meantime you could also hear a wet sounding clapping, which came from the place where her bodies met.

Both were now so excited that they were not worried about whether this treacherous sound would also penetrate the front row. A twitching of her vagina announced her orgasm. With milking movements, her gender clutched his erection until he also reached his climax and pumped a hot surge in her. With half -closed eyes and loud groans, Emily let her riding movements slower and enjoyed the last waves of her ecstasy.

First a thunderous applause and loud jubilation calls, they could tear out of their trance. She briefly made sure that the ceiling had not slipped before the curtain was already a lot. Even before the director came onto the stage to receive his ovation after a subsequent ventilation of the curtain, she had freed his limb, packed it properly and put her panties back on. She got up a bit shaky and took the opposite bathrobe to cover up for the subsequent appeals.

With her mischievous grin she gave Eric a kiss on the cheek and looked into the faces of her acting colleagues. Apparently nobody had noticed anything else of their action. The curtain began to lift itself with continuous applause. It was quickly taken by the director and pulled to the middle of the stage. With the other hand, she enclosed Eric and smiled at him satisfied. Only the little trickle of his sperm, which she noticed on her slip drops, now testified to her adventure just taking place.

“I’m looking forward to the upcoming ideas with you!“, She called him across the loud applause. Eric gave her a meaningful wink in response and did the same to the rest of the theater group and bowed well until the curtain a lot.

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