Triebe – The story of Melanie Part 5 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I woke up late the next morning when the sun was already high in the sky, a look at the clock and I couldn’t deny my reputation as a marmot, it was shortly after eleven. I heard the shower from the bathroom, so Ingrid was still there, this day started promising well. I joined with relish and yawned loudly when the door suddenly opened to the hallway. “Surprise!“Mara called and came in.

She wore a scarce summer dress similar to that, which she at our first encounter wore her delicate lipstick was a bit smeared, a sign that she was probably pleasant to my grandfather in a known way.

She stood in front of the bed, her hands put her hips and looked at me challenging. “Mara … you. “I stuttered.

“Are you happy?””Yes I .. uh. Naturally. Dear, …

but ..“At that moment the door opened to the bathroom and Ingrid came naked, still with wet hair, obviously she had heard the voices. Mara looked confused for a moment, but then her eyes sparkled with anger. “Ingrid, you disgusting, wrong snake. What do you think of?“, She cried.

Ingrid wanted to flee to my bed, but Mara stood in her way. “Give me an answer, you …” “Now I belong to her, you should have put more effort.

“Ingrid’s answer was, but I didn’t understand what she meant by that. I no longer came to a more thorough consideration, because with an angry battle cry, she threw Mara on Ingrid and two fighting women rolled in mine within seconds bedroom. Naked as I was, I jumped up, screamed: “apart, you two.

Since you got totally crazy?“They didn’t hear my words at all. As I tried to escape the vastness of my king-size bed, which was not easy, because I was still very tired, Ma-Ra pulled to Ingrid’s hair and slapped her as she was on the chest of the one lying on the floor.

Ingrid countered with a practiced trick into the left nipple of Mara and won the time to win the upper hand through her painful scream and so the scramble continued. I had just escaped the bed and was still called unsuccessful requests to bring the two to reason, when I overlooked my mini skirt, which I had carelessly left in front of the bed yesterday. While I was standing on it with one foot, my other in the hem of the skirt got caught with the result that I fell lengthy with a frightened outcry and opened evil with shoulder and head.

I was dazed and with a face -distorted face I was there.

Mara and Ingrid immediately stopped their fight and plunged towards me. “Oh my God!“, Ingrid called. “Melanie, what happened to you?“Were Maras words. I was not capable of an answer.

The pain almost robbed me of the senses, tears got into my eyes and I started crying. The two women were overwhelmed by the first fright and knelt at a loss next to me. “This is your fault alone, Mara. “Ingrids sounded affected and very reproachful.

She touched my back of the head and stroked me. Mara’s hand rested on my back. Finally both helped me get up and put me on the bed again.

The painful still strong, but quickly took intensity. “I am so sorry.

“Mara’s eyes now filled with tears. This morning she had probably imagined differently. First she caught me with another woman (or slave, I suddenly thought …) and then something happens. “It’s ok.

“I groaned. “Nothing happened to me. ““ Just because you are such a jealous goat. “, Ingrid now poisoned.

“Slide piece!“Mara returned. “Slut!“, It came from Ingrid. “Stop, both!“, Now I mingled. I laboriously got into a seated position.

I had the full attention of the two.

“You both disappointed me. I wouldn’t have thought that from you. What am I for you? A trophy or what? How can you think of yourself?”” Mela, “, Mara started,” I … so you ..

No we … I like you and that’s why … “” And you show me that by coming to my bedroom in the morning and attacking another person I have won very much?”” I’m sorry, I ask … “” That should also be, “I interrupted her. “And Ingrid … what was that remark about Mara? Do you know each other? Did you talk about me?””So …

yes already.

“Ingrid’s voice was very quiet. “Mara told me how great and beautiful they are. I just had to get to know her. “So you too.

So you thought that you just see who can conquer my feelings first, or how?“No answer came. “Or it was just about my body? So this whole slave-like was just a game, a means to an end?””No!“, It came almost unanimously from the two. “We want to belong to you, at least for the time you are here. “” I should believe you? Goes.

Disappears! Immediately! I have to think. I want evidence from you.

I have to think about it. Ingrid, you make breakfast for me and Mara, you will help her. Woe, you are arguing.

Mara, take your off naked. You will both be naked while you serve me. And now out. “Wordlessly and very depressed both left the room, Mara grazed her dress beforehand and I saw this flawless body again.

Once again I was a situation that I thought was controlled, literally slipped and everything was turned upside down. What was going on here? What should I do with them now? At the same time, I had to smile a little, the situation with the fight of the two had a funny character.

The two had not argued about me, but rather around me. Somehow cute. I decided to not be too bad for the headache and the blue spot on my shoulder, but it was burning to see how far her repentance went.

I slowly enjoyed the thought that both of them stood below me, yes, even wanted to serve me. How far this devotion might go?When I thought of the events with Ingrid in the Bad and now imagined how two beautiful young women gave me breakfast naked, there was still an increase? At that moment I heard through the window Drive away the car of my grandpa, so we were alone in the house.

Great. I quickly got dressed, this time deliberately sexy and provocative. A mini skirt made of thin fabric that couldn’t have been shorter and a top that no longer deserved the name Top at all, rather “handkerchief with a rice closure”.

After I had put my hair off, I went down. Mara and Ingrid still scurried between the kitchen and dining room, where they had prepared a magnificent breakfast. When they saw me, they stopped and looked at me expectantly. “Let’s see what you have conjured up for me.

“, I said with played happiness. “Oh, that can indeed be seen.

Looks good. “Of course that was a understatement, the table was a pure festival table. I enjoyed breakfast and allowed the two to do it to me and also take something.

After that, of course they had to clear and clean. Mara came to me and presented me with an envelope, a letter from my grandfather. “I should give you that. “” Thank you, Mara.

“I read it quietly. My grandpa wrote to me of a new task that I should cope with if I wanted to become a slave like Mara (s). If he didn’t know that Mara almost belonged to me, I laughed into myself. I read through all the details and was looking forward to what could come.

It was already clear to me that I would include Mara and Ingrid, they should prove what they had said.

But first I wanted my fun. “Mara!“, I called her up. She came still and looked at me with her seductive eyes, I could have fallen over her immediately. “Since you obviously like Ingrid very much, it shouldn’t be a problem to do something for her.

“Mara looked a little incredulously, but did not contradict. “Ingrid, come here and lie down on the dining table, spread the Legs. Mara, yesterday there was a thin rope for the climbing roses yesterday. Go and get it.

“Mara immediately disappeared towards the garden.

I only noticed the rope by chance when I went through the garden briefly yesterday, it was a rough Sisalenil. Ingrid, however, was on the table with wide -spread eyes and smiled. Slowly I went to her, leaned forward and kissed her. Immediately I greedily penetrated her mouth with my tongue and she replied the kiss with the same wild passion.

Before Mara came back, however, I stopped kissing her. I didn’t want to hurt Mara too. She came with the rope and looked at me questioningly. “Take the rope and bind in Grid on the table, tie a rope around her belly to the table top, your hands on the rear table legs and the legs should be knotted with the arms so that they are always bent.

The whole thing is nice and tight and when it’s still possible today.

“Mara immediately began to carry out the ordered, although she was not squeamish with Ingrid. As I expected, it was the ideal role for Ingrid, she enjoyed it, yes, she was even a bit damp, as I could tell. “Well done, Mara. Now kneel in front of the table, right between Ingrid’s legs.

“Mara probably thought until just just, we would punish Ingrid a little together, so she dawned on what was happening. “Oh no, I will definitely not be the4” “Kley you or get off. This is your only and last chance.

“My tone was hard and dominant. Mara looked at me.

“If you want me, then there must be no rivalry between you. One is as good as the other. And if you like me, you like my friends too. “I deliberately said this word slowly and overemphasized.

Mara hesitantly knelt in front of the table, she crouched, her face was at the level of Ingrids. I went over to her and tied her walls on the table leg, as well as her feet. I pressed her head between Ingrid legs and fixed it there by knotting a rope around her neck with the table top.

Mara breathed loudly, she looked a bit disgusted. “So, my dear Mara.

You have a lot of make up again today and therefore you will lick the good Ingrid. To be very precise, you have 30 minutes to get Ingrid three times. If you do not succeed during this time, you have to spoil every minute that you need longer, Ingrids Ailoch with your tongue. Your time starts now.

“” But … I … “, Mara stuttered. “You still have 29 minutes and 50 seconds. “, I said cold.

“We can … so please Melanie. “” 29 minutes and 30 seconds.

“” Melanie, please. No, why do you humiliate me in front of her.

Please. “” So nice, Mara. You don’t want it any other way, you still have 25 minutes. “Mara term that I didn’t let myself talk to me and started licking Ingrid’s vagina.

At first she did that very hesitantly and reluctantly. I knelt behind her, encompassed her breasts and whispered in her ear: “Do it for me, my love. All you will do is for me. Imagine I would be in front of you.

By the way, what I forgot to tell you. If you make it in time, you have a wish free.

Promised. “In these words, Mara got goose bumps, I felt her heart beat faster. As from his senses, she started, Ingrids pussy edit with your mouth.

Again and again she licked and sucked on it. To make Mara a little easier, I now caressed Ingrid’s breasts, stroked the warm, soft meat and kissed the hard nipples. Slowly I let my tongue circle and sucked on them. Ingrid groaned with lust.

It took barely 5 minutes and the first orgasm shook her through. Of course, I checked whether she was not only playing it, but when I put my hand on her lower abdomen, I sensibly felt the contractions, and the little sweat beads on her stomach and face were also a clear sign.

I smiled when I took Ingrid’s sweat with my tongue. I kissed Ingrid wildly and sucked on her tongue while Mara sucked and sucked like a wild to Ingrids clit. Ingrid’s second orgasm came far too quickly, it had just passed 12 minutes.

Simply incredible, I thought. Somehow I had to delay the whole thing a little, otherwise Mara would really have a easy game with the over -horny Ingrid. I remembered an SM story that I once in Internet had read. I looked around and immediately found the right utensils for my idea.

I lit a large tablet candle and went back to Ingrid.

This had closed his eyes with lust and lust and groaned loudly. Without warning, I let the hot wax drop from a short height onto her right nipple. A pointed scream took her, her eyes opened and in them there was unbelief and frightened to read. Again and again I dripped wax on the defenseless Ingrid, her breasts, her stomach, her neck.

The nipples were already covered with small crests of wax, which looked pretty cool. “Melanie, please … no. “Ingrid whimpered.

Tears stood in their eyes, the wax had to be very hot. ‘Don’t do that, I ask you.

“Of course I continued, this led to the desired goal of suppressing Ingrid’s lust. So I dripped hot, liquid wax on Ingrid’s body for minutes and enjoyed her both pleasure and painful screams. But either Ingrid was a really good actress or she no longer had her body under control, because shortly before Mara’s deadline, she screamed a huge orgasm not.

I immediately went to Mara, her face was full of mucus and she grinned full of luck, what a picture. The juices still ran out on Ingrid’s pussy and Mara also licked them demonstratively and looked into my eyes.

She knew she had won. In silence I tied the two of them and then left the room. I sat up in the living room the couch and waited until the two came after me.

Mara had closely wrapped in Ingrid in her arms and supported her, Ingrid was obviously not completely returned to this world. After Mara Ingrid put in an armchair, she stood in front of me with a triumphant smile. “So?”, I asked. “It was just mean by you, Mela, and you can still get that back today.

“Mara started. “I’m going to have a shower And then we do a little jaunt and this time you will do what I say.

This is my wish that you promised me.

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