Slip overt [5] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Alexander lived alone and withdrawn. It was unusual that someone visited him. The following day, the the following day he started to sweep his apartment, wipe and clean until she presented herself in a bright glow, worthy of the expected guest. Corinna had announced itself.

Shortly after three o’clock it rang at the door. Alexander opened. Corinna stood in front of him. She offered him her cheek for greeting.

He kissed her tentatively. He led her to his living room. The blinds were half closed to shield the heat from outside and dampen the light of the afternoon. On the sideboard, framed by two chandeliers made of blue jasperware, a Wedgewood vase of the same color with a single white rose stood in it.

It hung on the wallpaper with two pins, the panties, the Corinna when we said goodbye after the experience in the outdoor pool Alexander had gave. Matt shimmered the web in the glow of the candles.
“What does that mean?“Asked Corinna curiously. ““ This is my extremely valuable treasure. I told you that in the park last night.

It is your legacy, a constant memory of our first encounter.”” Is not called fetishism?““ I would rather call it a relic of lust. Whenever I look at the panties, I think of you, and then I have your gem in mind that was enveloped by it.“Corinna smiled. “Besides, you have a lot of other pretioses here.“Corinna was amazed at the exquisite works of art with which Alexander’s apartment was set up. “If I can’t keep surrounding myself with a pretty woman, how you are one, I want to at least do it with beautiful things.“Corinna occurred in front of a rather small baroque painting in the format.

“What does this picture represent?”” Diana and Aktäon. You are sure to know the legend of the hunter who secretly watched the goddess in the bath.”” I remember it dark. Tell me again.”” “Diana, the Keusche goddess, who knows no other sufferings than to catch, hunt and bathe, is hung up by a hunter when she is surprised when she is in the bathroom without weapons and naked. The nymphs, frightened by the unexpected sight of a man, crowd around the goddess to protect her from his eyes.

Diana would have liked to have her arrows at hand, says Ovid to kill the intruder. But she put her weapons for the expected bathroom. So the goddess is delivered to man. Shamefully their hands try to cover their naked.

However, by showing what you are looking for hide, reveal a receptive body. The view focuses on the swelling pub. A change takes place in the chaste goddess. It opens up to the previously unthinkable.

Therefore Diana blushes in front of the hunter’s eyes, she is ashamed of her chastity.““ An allegory on the female par excellence?” “That is what you have said. But do not forget because Aktäon has seen the goddess in her humanity, he is transformed into a deer for this crime, which will soon tear his own dogs.”” I am glad that I am not a goddess.“” And I no hunter.“Alexander remembered his duties as a host. “As a greeting, a cognac? This elixir is, if of quality, the best heart remedy there is.”” Yes, but only a sip.“Corinna and Alexander settled on the Chaiselongue. With a precisely calculated movement, Corinna beat the bare legs one above each other.

She knew very well her stimuli. She was wearing a turquoise Seidentop fellow wearers under which her lively breath raised the balls of her breasts and stretched the sides.
“Welcome to my home.“Alexander raised the glass. “For the benefit, Alexander.“Alexander moistened his lips with his tongue. Tentatively, he almost shyly shyly took Corinna’s little hand and led her to his mouth.

His lips followed the line along the interior arm until they met the moist warmth under the armpits. He felt a slightly salty taste on his tongue. With his eyes closed, Corinna enjoyed her caresses. Her thoughts wandered back to yesterday’s evening.

Why did she – in her thoughts to Alexander “the man” remained – so suddenly gave it and even visited him in his apartment today? Gifted? A bad convention in which only the woman “gives herself” while the man “takes”. No, Corinna had only in the eternal situation between Man And Woman clever, who knows neither the feters of the loyalty of the woman, nor the laws of men, nor the morals of the petty bourgeoisies. Loyalty, laws, morality, they are also conventions, created by humans, so man can overcome them. Ms. von Mann himself is not sinful, as little as eating and drinking.
Only the priests and judges explain him to sin, both to secure the order they created, which is based on waiver and renouncement.

Therefore, they praise the virtuous woman and demand to suppress the desire and to deny the desire when life attracts life. Freedom, however, not only means to venture into the pedestrian zone naked under the dress, but also to be consistent and to follow the tendons of the senses, if it goes as well as hunger. That’s why Corinna loved the man in the sparkling pool and she had experienced a piece of paradise. For this reason too, she had come to him today.

Alexander paused, Corinna woke up from her dreaming and opened his eyes. “Corinna, you love me?” “Do I have to?““ I have no entitlement to your love.““ Nobody is entitled to love. It is an event that neither the lover nor the lover can control. But you have been likeable to me since I have you the first time saw in the outdoor pool.“Her lips touched as if they loved each other.

“However, I am a woman of twenty -seven years old, and like all young and healthy women, I desire.”” With love, “continued Corinna,” generally describe people the natural need for fulfillment of lust. But they are wrong. Love has nothing to do with sexuality.“Alexander was still holding her hand.
“I read your story of the chastity belt again tonight. She brought me an idea.” “Which? I’m curious about that.”” PST!“Corinna pressed her index finger on Alexander’s mouth.

“Let yourself be surprised.“She left the room and closed the door. After a while he heard her voice calling in the hallway: “Eyes too!“Okedism closed Alexander’s eyes. He heard how the door was opened quietly. “Open eyes!“Alexander opened his eyes blinked.

Then she, Corinna, stood her arms behind the dissolved, black hair, naked to a wafer-like pink pink, with a finely lace-set panties in the form of a butterfly, whose narrow wings were tapered to strings, which followed the contours of their strips. To do this, she wore shoes with high heels, which made her figure appear even more advantageous and slimmer.
“The panties don’t look like a chastity belt?““ In any case, it suits you much better than such a locking of iron and ivory.“Corinna slowly turned around. She watched over her shoulder Alexander because she did not want to miss his admiring looks, which accompanied all of her movements. His eyes followed the flowing shapes of her shoulders, her waist, her hips and thighs and finally lingered in the dimensions of her bare, firm buttocks, in the notch of which the string of the panties disappeared in.

“I like you?”” You are more beautiful than ever “, Alexander replied with a somewhat documented voice. Alexander looked at her perfect shape, which had turned back to him, the full forms of her breasts with her large, brown wart courtyards, in the middle of which the buds keck emerged. His gaze wandered over the elongated navel to the gentle curve of her stomach and concentrated on the exciting nothing of panties, from the slot of Corinna’s ruffled black hair bush.
Alexander rose. But it was Corinna who kept the initiative.

She put her arms around his shoulders and pressed tightly to him. At first she started buttocks his shirt and let her hands slide over his bare upper body. Then she chewed in front of him, opened the belt, button, button and zip of his pants and slid with his hand under the waistband of his briefs. A stiff member jumped out.

Corinna recognized his desire. Like last night in the sauna, she thought, only that this time it is not embarrassing at all. Alexander willingly supported her with this decorative scene, first lifted one, then the other leg until pants and panties roamed and finally the cloakroom with socks and shoes lay on the floor. They kissed.

Now that he pressed his hard link against her soft stomach, she also felt his desire. “Now take the chastity belt to me? I also want to be completely naked, like you.““ But I don’t have a key to it.”” The key is yourself.“Alexander carefully grazed the delicate clock over Corinna’s thigh and feet. Alexander now knelt in front of Corinna. With one hand he comprised her waist, he sank his fingers of the others in the narrow notch of her buttocks.

She tickled a little when he touched her flores as well. He barg his face on her soft pubic hill, gently pressing his head against her gender. Corinna easily opened her thighs. His tongue explored the moist column and played around the clit, which gradually pushed out under the foreskin meter.

Corinna felt a sweet, pulling feeling in the abdomen. While they spread out sighing sounds, their hands clawed in his shoulders. “Leave me now …”, Corinna whispered. Without waiting for an answer, she leaned down to Alexander and pulled him up.

Then she bangs in front of him and stroked his lower legs. Alexander stood there, his legs spread slightly, the abdominal muscles tense, and with closed eyes he only concentrated on the gentle, butterfly -like touch, which he felt on the inside of his thighs, which ran higher and higher until finally a warm,firm hand around his testicles.
Corinna’s lips soulful nibbles on the underside of his plump, hard shaft, hiked up, and with a pointed, damp tongue she licked the fine cutting on the underside of the glans. Then she enclosed her glans with one hand, pushed them a few times foreskin back and back and stared fascinated on the purple curve of the penis tip, which came to light. Suddenly she bent her head and put his member in her mouth.

Like a ring, with a sucking tension, her lips closed over it. She nibbled tenderly with her teeth on the glans while gently kneading her testicles with her fingers. “Please stop. Otherwise it will come to me.“After a tender, final kiss on the Eichelspitze, Corinna released his limb.

They faced each other again. Alexander comprised her firm breasts, stroking the smooth shoulders. Then the hands wandered back to the breasts. Under his delicate, gentle touches, their breast tips bloomed like flowers in the spring sun.
“Come.“With invitingly opened thighs, Corinna backed back in a deep armchair, which stood under the picture of Diana and Audeäon.

“Take me, my hunter.“Between the thighs, framed by the dense, curled pubic hair, the oval of her gender, a sight that Alexander could not resist. He settled on his knees in front of her and touched the coveted place with his mouth. Her vertical nymphs with his horizontal lips formed a cross in which they united in a long kiss. Geometry of lust.

“Take me,” she whispered. “Finally.” “Not here. I know a better place.“Alexander gently lifted her out of the armchair and carried her through the hallway on his strong arms. In his bedroom he laid her just as carefully on the four -poster bed.

Like a jewel on shimmering silk, the young, bare female body presented himself on the light blue satin ceiling under the canopy of the same color, which was tanned over the bed like a roof. Layed the right arm over the eyes, the left knee bent slightly, Alexander was waiting for it.
Corinna pulled air through his teeth quietly when he finally came over her and entered her innermost urge. Moaning, completely giving the lust, she replied to his movements with turns of her pelvis, and her breasts were swung in the beat of the bumps. Light red spots appeared on Corinna’s face and chest, which spread, and soon her skin was poured over by a lovely redness.

The longer he pushed into it, the harder, thicker and stronger she found his limb. Sometimes when he entered particularly deep, her mouth opened as if to a silent scream. They got into heat. A smell of sweat and lust envelop them.

Always the smacking sound when Alexander’s limb immersed them in it.
While Corinna drove away on the stream of pleasure and fulfillment, she kept her eyes closed. In the climax, while the two bodies become one, the world sinks around the lovers. That is why the eyes close by themselves. Because the mystery of the fusion, which in its sweetness grasps every fiber of the body and in its sweetness orgasm culminated, does not allow sensory impressions from outside.

Corinna felt approaching the crisis. Her upper body curved towards him and fell back again. She clutched his back with her arms, and her thighs surrounded his hips so that he could hardly move. A tremor grasped her body.

Her vagina contracted his member. “Help …” she groaned. “I am coming now!“Corinna loosened the clasp again.

She gasped. “Make on, Alexander, firm!“With one arm she wrapped his neck, with the other hand she pressed on his buttocks to feel his limb even deeper. “Corinna, me …”, he gasped. “I in you ..!”” Yes, let it come, Alexander, “she whimpered.

“Spray off!“A few quick, violent bumps, then the locks opened with him, and he was bought in by twitching in Corinna.
For a while she stuck to Alexander narrow enclosure. The clasp, in which she covered his body with arms and thighs, had closed again. “Corinna …” “Don’t talk, Alexander, don’t talk now.“In the suspension of the rapture, while her body was still merged with his body into a WE sensing unit, Corinna once again felt the enchantment that starts from the mutual desire of two naked people because they need each other. Because what would she, Corinna, without the addition by the opposite gender? But only half a person.

Only in the merger is man perfect, only in paroxysm of flowing and receiving, both of which captured by force, but whom nobody has yet been able to dress in valid words, but has only ever described, fulfills their destiny as a holistic being.
A little later they put on again. “Post Coitum omne Animal dreary.“After sleeping, every living being is sad. Aristotle was wrong here. The only sad thing about it is the recovery disorders.

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