A playful evening | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

This story is pure fiction and comes from Ermits

Our game

We had prepared and planned this evening well. This evening should be something special for both of us. A playful evening, with lust and surprises.

The early evening started with the selection of the clothing of Siemits. Together we stood on her wardrobe, put out various clothes, sorted by “possibly”, “probably” and “is out of the question”.

It was quite clear to both of us that it emphasized their figure and at the end they like an elegant lady with a touch of whore should look. After we had discussed the respective advantages and disadvantages extensively, we decided on a black transparent bra And her matching slip, which was slit in the crotch. She wanted to wear a black blouse about it, a narrow, dark skirt and of course the heels that we had bought especially for today. Their appearance was rounded off by a winding, dark red chain, tightly onto the neck and a fine silk overflow.

When we were finished with the clothing question for my sweet whore, she slipped into the bathroom with a smug smile.

No, I shouldn’t follow her there. I shouldn’t see her naked. Also or precisely because she knew exactly how much her nudity excited me, she would not give me it yet. This must … (here she took a meaningful break, where she lay her head slightly sloping and looked at my eyes wide open) …

“Maybe until late in the evening, or to the night into the night?”

Siemits beamed in her words. The force she felt was underpinned by her posture and by her gaze. She let herself in the bathroom for a long time. As I heard, bathing water was embedded.

Siemits sang a song. Oh yes, she was doing well in her role and in the increasing anticipation. My tender question whether I shouldn’t wash her back to her declined with a slightly regretful tone.

“No, honey, even if your offer is tempting, but I just don’t want you to see my wet cunt.

You could still think about licking them.”

Your request followed for a glass of sparkling wine. This would be particularly good for her when bathing. I was happy to meet her request, went into the kitchen, opened the sparkling wine. In anticipation of bringing her the glass to the tub, seeing her sweet body in the water, I gave her a glass.

I joyfully pipe to the bathroom, knocked on.

“Your sparkling wine, my sweet erotic miracle,” I called and knocked on the door softly.

I hear the typical noises that arise when someone gets out of the bathtub. I imagined how the water ran down from her breasts, how the light of the bathroom was reflected on her stomach, how her cunt shone damp. Siemits unlocked, but only opened the door so far that it could put her arm through. “Thank you,” she flute as she received the glass and the door closed again immediately.

“Unfortunately I couldn’t let you in, honey, I am, as you know, naked.

Otherwise you would have seen my round buttocks or my demanding breasts, even my exciting cunt. Please look for a nail polish for my toes. I am sure you will choose the right color.”

“Luder,” I thought. “Gladly, you drive through,” I answer with a laugh.

I didn’t need for a long time to look for her nail polish. Dark red. I liked this color too much on her toes. And of course Siemits knew this, so that she was not in amazement at my selection.

As to be expected, I could only reach the nail polish through the slightly open door. But what else would have been more than surprised by me. Yes, I confess, I already felt a cozy excitement. I really liked this kind of game.

Give something, but not too much. Always indicate something, but show little. Siemits played this game perfectly today.

I used the time in which she was in the bathroom to prepare everything else. We had agreed to go food.

That’s why I called in the restaurant of our choice to reserve. As I gave up the reservation, I wondered why I had been waiting for so long. What if no table had been free. But my reservation was confirmed to me, so that I cheerfully whistle into bedroom went.

I had already rightly put my wardrobe, so I was dressed quickly. Siemits asked me to wear a suit. I should also not forget the tie and the pocket cloth. I looked at myself in the mirror.

I was looking forward to this special evening, was satisfied with me and my expressions and nodded me appreciatively and encouraging when tie the tie. Over the rooms I called Siemits that I was now finished.

“Ok,” she replied, “then go, we’ll meet in the restaurant. For me it takes a moment.”

“You actually know that you are a horny woman.

A woman who always drives me crazy, ”I asked her through the locked door.

“I love you,” she answered me happily.

“Me too,” I replied and made my way.

We had chosen an Italian restaurant for this evening. An Osteria in which delicate musical sounds did not appear to be pushy, but formed a wonderful accompaniment for discussions.

The bar integrated in the restaurant was also important for us. This bar played a particularly erotic component in our imagination. She gave us the feeling of diligence, daring and charm. In addition, Siemits were just too happy at the bar.

What a miracle, she was able to live her exhibitionist streak, could enjoy gracefully, turn here and there and watch those present through the mirror.

I was welcomed in a friendly manner and led to the ordered table. With a glass of red wine, I gave myself the feeling of anticipation of what should follow. Now it was time to spend patience, wait and still enjoy.

“A woman who thinks that she would need a moment, always takes a long time,” I thought and looked around in the restaurant. It was well filled. Some attractive couples, further back a round of older gentlemen who were visibly well understood and cheerfully in conversation. Only a few tables from me a single man my age who looked around like me.

When our eyes met, we nodded and briefly. There was an obviously in love near the door. I appreciated her around 30 years old. She was very pretty, had dark brown hair, was slim, had sensual, red lips and eyes only for her partner.

He also only seemed to see her. Her fingers played with each other incessantly. They laughed, flirted, cuddled and rails to merge. “You will surely have a lot of fun that evening,” I thought, trying to imagine what the two would look like during sex.

“Who would seduce whom,” I thought. “Anyone who show more courageous, daring, more open?”

Then the front door opened. Siemits came to the restaurant. What erotic appearance.

She just looked stunning. For a moment she stopped in the door. As if she wanted to give the time present to look at her in detail. Joy emerged on her face.

Joy, lust, curiosity and everything paired with gracis elegance. She too was led to the table. My heart beat faster. Oh yes, this woman always delighted me.

Sometimes it is only the movement your hand, sometimes the way it sat down. But also your expectant, erotic look. We had chosen your clothing well. Your body was carved.

Your curves stood out. Her toes peeked out of their heels like a sensual invitation. Your slim Tie up invited, hers Legs to conquer. I am high to the rock that brought your round buttocks wonderfully.

The silk asked her to get rid of it. The red chain held at a distance. Siemits had not only painted her toes, but also her fingernails. A shower ran over my back.

What horny woman. My wife!

When Siemits had taken a seat, she received a glass of Prosecco immediately, as discussed with the staff. Her joy about it was shown in her eyes and in the way she thanked appreciatively.

“Oh yes,” I thought, “it was worth it to give her the time to get along.”

“You look wonderfully,” I said and toasted her.

Siemits enjoyed the following minutes that were enriched with quiet, tender compliments. She enjoyed being looked after and enjoyed the atmosphere of this Osteria. The quiet accompaniment of Italian music created the right mood to let himself go. Siemits looked around.

Looked at the people who were here with us that evening. Your interest in other people has always been great. Just like their joy to be seen by others too.

Smalltalk started.

A nice word here, a laugh there, a surprised and yet knowing look. A questioner below.

“The map?”

“Yes, please.

“A glass of red wine to choose the food?”


Siemits chose truffle pasta. Delicate pasta, fine and elegant, as well as a lady wants it.

The minutes betrayed, the conversation became more lively. Siemits had changed. She seemed calmer, sovereign, paired with a touch of decadence that made it even more attractive to me. In addition, these looks from her again and again: look full of interest, full of lust and passion.

Look at my wife, the elegant lady who would later leave the Osteria as a whore.

“You are wonderful,” I said, smiling to her.

Siemits disappeared for a moment. Certainly just to see if the lipstick must be followed up or something else has to be directed. But also to show yourself. I saw that some of the gentlemen present saw her afterwards.

She noticed because she proudly, lust and eroticism exuded. She had just smiled at the gentleman at the back of the table. I myself had to smile at this thought. Sure, why not, she liked to flirt, enjoyed the confirmation and the game of closeness and distance.

Siemits came back.

She sat down, took a sip of her red wine, reached for her cell phone and typed an SMS. I looked at her irritated.

“Who wrote them,” I asked myself as my cell phone signaled an incoming SMS. Siemits showed no reaction, except that she took another sip of the wine.

I reached for my cell phone and read:

“Now please go straight to the men’s toilet, there in the last cabin. There you will find something for yourself.”

A short prompt view of her did not let me hesitate. I quickly went through the restaurant. Entered the men’s toilet, searched the last cabin and discovered what she had left.

Her panties hung on the chop in the cabin. I took him with joyful excitement, looked at him, let him slide through my fingers and led him to my nose. I smelled your lust. Hmm, still felt the warmth of her skin.

The slip was damp. Moist from their rising pleasure. I stopped with your eyes closed for a moment. My tail Pound before desires.

“Oh you horny woman,” I thought, “you sensual, wonderful woman.”

I stopped for a moment, enjoyed her gift, her passion, her knowledge of what she just gave me. So now she was sitting in this distinguished Restaurante without a slip. Naked and ready. I gathered to go back in peace.

From a distance her sensual look met me. Before I got back to the table, the next SMS reached me. I nodded her wordlessly. Set me and read:

“Lift him up for me, I will certainly not need him tonight! He smells good?”

Words of my wife, directly into my lust.

“Oh, how cool,” I thought, “how cool and wonderful.”

I looked at her, lifted her hand, so that she could have guessed what it contained and slowly let the panties slide into my jacket. Now I wrote to her.

“Tell him that you are naked and ready. Now””

Siemits read my message, looked over at me, nodded me understood. She leaned forward, whispering something in his ear, leaning back.

I saw his delighted and appreciative look. Saw his hand her touched her. Saw how he prevented himself and how her lips met. From the distance I looked at them how they kissed and how they looked at each other.

I suspected what they just communicated with a look. Then he looked over to me. He nodded me as before when I was still sitting alone in the restaurant. Siemits also turned her head in my direction for a moment.

She wanted to see how I react. Wanted to be sure that I was watching her and enjoying her growing excitement. She leaned forward with the knowledge of my eyes and kissed him again. I took a sip of my red wine.

Left the feelings that gathered in me. Enjoyed my wife and our game.

He points to her in the direction of the bar. Siemits nodded him, rose, ran close to me without looking at me. I smelled her perfume, saw her round buttocks.

Shot in the knowledge that she was naked under her skirt. Naked for him, but also for me. She took a seat with him at the bar. He ordered for both of them.

His hand touched her arm slightly. Siemits turned to him. Your lips open slightly. Her gaze sent him her desire.

He understood without words, leaned forward, kissed her. His hand was on her shoulder. Slowly his left hand slipped on her back. Lingered briefly on her hip to reach her buttocks.

Siemits stretched out her back. Enjoyed the touch on your buttocks. Only too well I knew how much she liked this touch, how much she excited this touch. I saw the glitter in her eyes.

Saw her lust and gave her my satisfaction. Siemits sent me a kiss through the mirror, then pressed her mouth on his his. No, I wasn’t jealous, it wasn’t humiliated, I was fine. How often had we talked about this moment? How often did I have with this imagination orgasm brought and now, yes, now the moment was there.

How long was it ago, four weeks? I had about our forum Contact admitted to him. After a few emails we had made an appointment. I met him alone at first. We sat together for two hours.

Quickly realized that we got on well and that we had similar needs. I told him what Siemits wanted, what she liked, what excited her. We made plans, laughed a lot and made an appointment for a meeting for three. Siemits agreed to this meeting without hesitation.

She trusted me because she knew that she could rely on my assessment. The meeting for three was also easy and happy for everyone. We chatted, laughed, asked and enjoyed the common atmosphere. Later, when I was alone with Siemits, she told me that he liked her well.

Yes, she wanted to meet him again. I could like to arrange something, she would be happy. That evening we went to our lust. We were already playing the game for three, which Siemits gave a wonderful orgasm.

Yes, I gave her this experience because I knew it made her strong and even more sensible. I gave her this experience with lust and full of love. Siemits already gave himself here in the bar. She looked for his mouth, gave him her tongue, leaning forward so that she could put her hand on his thigh.

Close to his cock, as a sign for me, after which she would use later. Pictures rose in me. Siemits naked in his arms. Siemits with legs wide open to receive his tongue.

Siemits that knelt in front of him to absorb his cock in her mouth. And Siemits that cheered him on fucking them hardness. I dreamed and watched her. Both at the same time, both incredibly exciting.

My wife had changed. I noticed that she wanted to go now. They kissed again. Again she looked at me in the mirror, while she whispered a little in his ear.

He nodded, gave the man at the bar the sign to pay. Siemits enjoyed this moment. She knew how much it excited me when she showed me her lust. Again our eyes met us in the mirror.

Siemits nodded slightly to me. She was ready. Ready for this evening. Ready for his cock.

Ready to go with him as a whore. I also waved to numbers to break open with them.

The two left the restaurant in front of me. Already this moment made me tremble.

The fact that she went with another. Knowing where to go and what should follow. Knowing that she also knew this and took exactly this as an additional increase in pleasure. Both were waiting for me in front of the restaurant.

Siemits came up to me. We hugged ourselves. Our lips found each other. I smelled her excitement, enjoyed her.

Siemits pressed her abdomen to think they felt my stiff cock. Your eyes glittered.

“I like it when your cock is stiff,” she said and kissed me again. “The panties will surely help you to wait for me.”

“You whore,” I replied and pulled her closer to me.

“Yes that’s me. But you wanted it that way too. And I want it too.”

He came up to us. We both looked at each other.

Nodded us. I kissed my wife again, then I pushed her over to him. Take a look at me, he took her in his arms. Siemits raised his head slightly so that he could kiss her.

He did not miss the opportunity to put his hand on her buttocks. A sign to me that she would belong to him tonight. I watched heavily breathing. Jealousy and excitement changed.

His fingers knead their horny ass. Slowly, look at me, he pulled her skirt up until I could see her wonderful buttock. Siemits turned her face to me. She wanted to enjoy this moment.

Oh yes, she was excited, excited by him, excited by me, excited by herself. It made her horny that another man showed me her buttocks. Her wonderful butt, which he should see later even more intensely.

“It’s getting time,” I said.

“Yes,” both replied. He opened her passenger door so that she could get in. When he started the car, she let the disc down.

“Maybe I’ll call you later.

Maybe when he’s in me right now.”

“I ask for it. I want to hear your desire to be fucked.”

“Yes, he will fuck me, I can’t wait,” Siemits smiled at me. “Enjoy the time until I’m back, my darling.”

I saw her driving away. Sent her another kiss after her, wished her a lot of fun and went back to enjoy my desire to enjoy and wait for my wonderful woman.

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