Hot sex in water sports | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

How to seduce the partner to the “wet love” is the German translation of the absolutely best text for “moist love”, which is originally known as “Water-Sport Tranining Manual” 0. The translations have done: Rieh, who was unfortunately only online with his sparkling wine “sparkling wine nature”, and who translated the most interesting parts to his girlfriend and now let us benefit from it, but the translation is not completely missing at the momentThe time to catch up with this – and before it takes months, first of all the 801.

Introduction of “water sports” is the colloquial name for urination as a means of sexual pleasure gain or to increase intimacy. In other words: erotic piesel. The medical expression of this is Urolagnia or Urophilia. In the Usenet news group Alt. sex. fetish. Watersports often appear (news) in which this practice is part of dominance and submission games. The instructions do not deal with this. Other posts are about completely strange people who meet in a private place to peek each other.

This is also not what this guide is about. It is much more about two people who are emotionally connected and trust, something intimate and personal to strengthen their relationship and trust with this sign of their love. The descriptions in this article range from the lightest to extremely intimate practices. How long was it since you last time under the shower or pissed down in the bathtub? I bet for most readers it was less than a month ago and for most of the rest of the rest less than six months ago.

For some it is a regular component of bathing, no different from being soaped with the washcloth. And why did you do it? Because you couldn’t wait until you got out? Unlikely. You did it because it felt good. It feels good to just relax and without having to find a suitable container or take off something, just close your eyes and feel this fine tingling when it runs through your pleasant meat.

And afterwards there is nothing to be clean. And admit it -at least in front of yourself: you don’t have -probably more than once -to the belly in the sea or a lake (or even in a swimming pool), the warmth of your own liquid feels like them through the bathing clothingflows? The excitement, which is associated with these simple joys, to increase and share, instead of suppressing them through cultural taboos, overcoming our groundless belief in these taboos and learning practical methods how we can participate in this pleasure – thisIs it what this instruction is about.

I point out that I write this from the point of view of a heterosexual man. I can only talk about the joys that I shared with my partner. Nevertheless, I will endeavor to tell my thoughts on this topic with the broadest possible audience – including those whose sexuality differs from my own. If you have the feeling that I would have incorrectly presented your sexual group or too little attention, or if you have something to say from a point of view that I cannot take, please let me know about it.

I will seriously look at everything that would be important to you. 2. Use of this guide I use the words “Hungary” for penis and “Yoni” for vulva or vagina. These are oriental words that mean approximately as much as “Light Tab” and “Holy Temple”. Not that “penis” and “vulva” would not be correct names. Both come from Latin. Penis is derived from the same Wörtstamm as Pendel and Peninsula (English, for peninsula, note.

D. ÜBS. ) and lets something hanging. Vulva denotes something covering, an overfent (and in my opinion sounds particularly sexy). Unfortunately, these Latin words sound quite clinical. This is not due to the words themselves, but is a result of western attitude towards these parts of the body – a setting that produces vulgar and pejorative words such as stiffer, bolt, swing and cunt. Since the feelings associated with such words are rather negative, we assume that non-devaluing words for sexual organs should be as free of emotional associations as possible.

The oriental words still convey a feeling of respect for our body and remind us to see him as something holy. Each part of your body is a unique creation, and your lingam or. Your Yoni have the privilege of being the part of the body through which the sexual energy flows in and also resigns. I was very lucky to visit Buddhist religious art. Many of the paintings and sculptures contained completely “outrageous” images of the human genitals (unlike, for example, the classic Greek sculpture, which reflects the male organ reduces and deprives the female of its details).

Although I know little about the Buddhist culture, it was clear that these people felt sexuality and spirituality as related emotions and that the paths to experience one feeling also for the other use. When we start to consider our body in this way instead of the dirty currency of sexual business, we take a step towards spiritual sex, a step beyond mere fucking, blowing and going out.

I will often be on the urine beam of a person as his or. obtain your source or stream. How the rainwater that falls on a mountain and ripples on his foot as Quellbach leads something from the substance of the Berges, it is also with the water that flows through us. This is not simply because it comes deep from our body, but that it comes from every part of the body.

The urine is a filtrate of the blood and was a part of our blood until it passed the kidneys. The blood has flowed through every place in us, including – wherever that may be – the areas in which our mind lives. Urine is what is left after the blood has nourished our higher self. It contains the sweat of the soul. And I don’t think it was a coincidence or a divine joke that our Creator decided to connect our Hungary and Yonis to our personal Quellbach.

4. What is inside?Urine is mainly water. In addition, it contains the following: soluble minerals, which were supplied to the body in too much amount, especially salt, but also a little magnesium, calcium, potassium, and phosphate. Material containing nitrogen, especially urea. There is also a more complex fabric, creatinine, which is probably responsible for the color and the smell. These substances are non -toxic. There is also a small amount of uric acid and an even smaller amount of ammonia.

None of them are in sufficient concentration to harm. Water -soluble substances that the body needs but cannot hold back. This includes water-soluble vitamins such as C and B complexes. If you take large amounts of vitamin substitutes, you increase the concentration of these in your urine. Food components, which are non -toxic, but are useless for the body. These include various natural and artificial flavor and color amplifiers. Finally, some aspartame (sugar substitute) that you consume is passed on (the resulting sweetness can be exciting for some people).

Perhaps you have also found that if you eat beet beds, the red color will be passed on. If you consume a large amount of grapefruit, your urine will smell like grapefruit. Methylene blue is an non-toxic, artificial tint, which is passed on unchanged, for those who love to pee in color. There are many more examples. Decomposition products of food components. These too are non -toxic. The best known example is what happens when you eat asparagus.

Your liver converts sulfur components of the asparagus into methylthiol (a water -soluble gas), which is passed on. Methylthiol is not harmful in the quantity present in urine (the concentration is very low), but it is one of the most odor -intensive known substances. The human nose can smell air in concentrations of much less than one part per million parts. Toxins that you consume or their dismantling products. The best example of this is alcohol.

Alcohicians so water -soluble that your body is unable to prevent this (or its degradation product called acetaldehyde) from diffuse through all of your tissue. This fabric will be present in your urine in the same concentration as in your blood. Caffeine and stimulant are other things that can be present in your urine if you have consumed them. Small amounts of blood protein. Dead cells, mucus from your bladder and urea.

Samples in men, especially after sexual activity. Traces of hormones, including sex hormones. Urine should not contain any sugar (glucose), and if so, then only in tiny quantities. If someone is noticeably cute, except if he or she has previously consumed artificial sweeteners, this person should definitely go to the doctor. With diabetes should not be spoiled (and the doctor is the person you can say that your lover sugar tasted in your urine.

Doctors have already heard about it and they don’t tell anyone). Urine should not contain blood. If so, you have to go to the doctor. 8th. What about the smell? (Dilution) You can check the intensity of the smell of your urine by influencing the concentration. Diluted urine smells less than a concentrated urine. Strongly diluted urine has no smell (and also no taste). If you have a lot of minerals in your tap water and your partner with a good mineral balance, such as z.

B. Drunk fruit juice, you may even find that diluted urine has a more pleasant taste than your tap water. A strategy to achieve a more pleasant piss is to consume less of the stuff, which makes it smell. If you are not starving, you probably eat a lot more protein than you need. The superfluous part is transformed (burned for energy). The smell and color of the urine come from the by -products of the protein change.

If you avoid high concentrations of protein in your meal, you will reduce the smell of your urine. Such food includes meat, fish, dairy products and eggs. Even some vegetables have high concentrations of protein – peas, beans, lentils and peanuts. For some, reducing this food may not be an attractive solution. If this is also the case with you, concentrate on the dilution. To dilute your urine, you have to drink a large amount of liquid (but you certainly already knew that).

Healthy kidneys are very powerful and can filter out the superfluous water as quickly as your digestive system can absorb. Incidentally, unnecessary water through your body also has a cleaning effect. A few more tips: You may have already noticed that your kidneys are left out more water at certain times of the day than at other times. Try your times when you drink and when you make love to coordinate with your daily rhythm.

Avoid doing strenuous activities in the hours before you do love or spending a lot of time in the hot sun (D. H. Avoid to sweat). Avoid salt in these hours – and do not eat asparagus!Then of course the question is, what should I drink. Waters are good but it gets boring. Here are some ideas for other drinks. Fruit juice has a great taste and you can drink a large amount without any negative side effects.

If you are planning an afternoon of lovemaking, consider whether you do not want to buy several bags with juice from citrus fruits and before you want to organize a juice and drinking area with your lover. Sports drinks like Gatorade are also good. I myself have a preference for water fruit ice cream. Each of them results in about 1.5 dl water. Avoid vegetable juices such as tomato juice. These contain too much salt. Soups also contain a lot of salt. Light drinks are good for this purpose, but some of them contain caffeine (and do not forget that the sweetener will sweeten your urine)).

I do not recommend a siru-parting drink like Coca-Cola. In the quantities you have to drink, the stuff contains too much sugar. The sugar also helps your body hold part of the water back. He also makes you sleepy and sluggish. As for the caffeine, this is a mild laxative and for some it is also a mild aphrodisiac. Too much of it makes you nervous, especially if you are not used to it.

If you are a coffee drinker, take into account how many cups of coffee you normally tolerate before you feel uncomfortable because of the caffeine. Do not exceed this amount. For comparison: three rifles diet pepsi contain about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. Diet pepsi is typical of caffeinated drinks. If you drink coffee to dilute your urine, then change after a few cups to caffic -free coffee. Then there is the question of alcohol.

If you want to dilute your urine with an alcoholic drink, beer is best suited. A small amount of alcohol can be useful to reduce inhibitions towards what you are planning. But larger amounts of alcohol steer from sexual pleasure and assets. After several beers, you can switch to non -alcoholic drinks. If you love beer, you can fill up with a non -alcoholic brew. And how much fluid you should drink? I like to drink a lot and let my lovers do the same.

During the lovemaking, I don’t want to worry about the amount that is still available. I want to feel free to let water, whenever it favors me, knowing that more will come soon. If you consume three liter of liquid, you will feel the urge for the first time after about 45 minutes, and then ET-WA every 15 to 20 minutes for several hours. Three liters are of course a lot to drink.

Instead, you can drink three to four deciliters every 5 to 10 minutes. And if things start to flow, you can continue to drink while loving to drink the pleasure for hours. If you drink so much liquid, your urine’s smell and taste will be like water, although it will hold back something of what you have drunk. If the urine of your loving owner is so diluted, you will probably want to drink it;This does not harm.

If you want to try something really exotic, then drink you or your partner a little Cologne water (drink but no oil -based perfumes!) and see what this does in your urine. Since Cologne -Wasser manufacturers know that alcoholics drink their products, they are non -toxic (but for security, check any warning inscriptions on the bottle). Don’t forget that Cologne water contains alcohol and that they are more expensive than your usual drinks. One last remark: do not use a strong laxative than part of your sex games.

These can make you dry and make you feel uncomfortable. 9. What happens with the disorder? (and other considerations about the environment) Now that you know how harmless your body fountain is, only one thing can be said against water sports, namely that if it is over, it is not really over. Now remains the disorder to clean up. The simplest answer is that you limit your activities to an environment in which you do not leave a disorder.

This includes things that you can do in the shower or in the bathroom, in the privacy of your own swimming pool or on an abandoned piece of beach. In these situations, you can go naked, have your pleasure, wash you off, put on and leave the rest of the nature or the sanitary facilities of your house. Of course, bathrooms are not exactly the comfortable place for lovemaking, and the sand at the beach can make erotic touch a painful affair.

The best place for lovemaking is still a bed. But if the lovemaking of you leaves two six liter liquid in your mattress, you will probably think about it twice before opening the tap in bed. With a little preparation you can have your pleasure and still sleep in a dry bed. Go to a supermarket and buy several plastic shower curtains. Pull the sheets from your bed and put the shower curtain over the mattress.

If you have a very large mattress, you can also lay two layers of shower curtains with the hems offset against each other. Make sure that the curtains overlap enough. Get some old towels or bathing mats now. Place it on the mattress, where you think that the weight of you and your/he lover will usually be. These will prevent large puddles from being created. You are now pulling a sheet of sheets again, but leave the upper sheet and the woolen ceiling away.

Take the pillows out of the pillow suits and put them in Plastic Ereichichtäcks. Then the pillow suits over it again. You also have to make sure that you still have a dry canvas and pillow suits for afterwards. Also provide a few plastic sacks so that you can do the wet laundry afterwards. Now you are ready to be as wet as you would like and then you will still have a dry bed very quickly.

You have to think about something else before you start with the water features in bed, because of the temperature and moisture. It is not a pleasure to have cold. In the bathroom or in the shower you can easily check the temperature of the water so that you feel comfortable. But you won’t have any blankets in bed and you will most likely be wet. If you live in a cold climate, you will either limit your pleasure to summer time, or you will have to go up the heating a little.

The air temperature should be at least 27 C. Also think about whether you don’t want to buy an electric room heating stove if you don’t want to overheat the whole house in the cold season. If it is cold outside, you also need a humidifier, otherwise you will moisturize two high air and you will freeze with the evaporation of body moisture. On the other hand, if it is too hot and too damp in your bedroom, it can also bring you your pleasure.

You will feel too hot the warm stream of your/he lovers. A ceiling fan over the bed can be very helpful here – or a pool with cold water with which you can spray each other every now and then. Air conditioning is of course the most ideal, but you can only let them run at a low level, otherwise you both have cold. If you use any electric toy (vibrators and the like), make sure that they are intended for sex games.

These will also get wet like everything else. Real sex toys are designed so that they can get wet. Use exclusively battery -operated devices – never anything that obtains its juice from the socket!10. How will we become intimate?Aha, you jumped directly to this section? That’s okay, but read the rest on the occasion also. So you want to know what fun things you can do if you tail and pussy As water toys needs.

85. Here are some activities that you can do in bed. All of these work best when your kidneys have a lot of work, so, first drink a lot. Men may have to cum in some cases before their sexual tension has subsided enough to be able to flow freely. Doctoral game opposite you with spread legs. As soon as one of you feels the urge, just let it run. The other looks at and touches him.

To pretend to be children again can give this game additional charm. You need a lubricant. Lay your lover in bed on your stomach (or back, depending on your desired). Knee Rittling over the cross dei-nes/he lovers. Lubricate a little lubricant on your hands. Now pee on the back of your/he lovers and starts to rub it in. Add more lubricants as soon as it takes so that everything remains nice and slippery (you will not need much, since your piss is of course much slippery than water).

Move. Distribute your current up and down via the neck, back and baking of your/he lovers. Use the preferred massage techniques from your lover. This game works best if you learn to control your electricity, that is, if you can switch it on and switch off as you wish. Then you can pee a little and rub in a lot, then pee a little more and rub it in and so on. This activity is a pleasure for both the donor as well as for the recipient, as most described here.

Wet hug only to wet the bed, may be exciting if you the first time intentionally. To do it. While you wrapped yourself closely, there is a very special pleasure. Unlike certain other sex games, hugs can take as long as you are completely relaxed all the time. Spoon -like hug in which the man is at the back is best suited to measure the moisture. Just lie together, and whenever one or both of you feel the urge, let it flow.

The tail and pussy are perfectly positioned to feel the gentle touch that the other of the other brings you. The a little more adventurous are in a side 69 position. Every caress with hands and nose the genitals of the other. Whenever your bubble sends you the signal, you relax and react to it. When the stream of your/he lovers into your face, enjoy it and even intensify your caresses.

Knish golden shower, lies or stands one partner, while the other pee over him or she pee. Here, too, every conceivable position is a pleasure. If you love dominance and submission games, then this activity fits very well. It is also a pleasure the tail. Kissing your partner’s pussy directly onto the spot where the waterfall arises. Subsidy of betting piss only to the chat (and why shouldn’t sex be funny?), try your partner with your partner higher, further or more precise piss.

And men, have been prepared for a defeat. If you have found some simple tricks, you will find that you have the easier tool. The baby is going to be washed best in the bathtub. One of you plays the parent, the other plays the baby. The parent rubs the baby with soap and uses its own liquid instead of water. If the baby is completely uninhibited and the parent has enough liquid, he can wash the baby’s whole body, including the head and face (open up that no soap comes into the eyes).

After rubbing, you can rinse everything with the shower. Nil cataract (for her) The woman is lying on her back, the legs spread. The man stands or kneels between her thighs. The man pee as possible as possible and focuses on the clitoris of the woman. The man has to concentrate that he does not get a stand so that his electricity is as stimulating as possible for the woman. The woman simply enjoys and touches her pussy if she wants.

Try to experiment standing or kneeling, different women have different preferences about the amount from which the electricity should come from. Tree trunk in the Amazon (for him) This time the man lies on his back. The woman crouches over his cock. She may love to stimulate him by hand before the main act begins. When he is nicely excited and erect, she pee hard on his cock by moving her current up and down and the whole length of his shaft is kelt.

The woman should not take care of whether she makes him cum or not. He will be measured either way. Here is a remark: Many find that the recipient experiences the feeling more intensely for both of the last activities described when the pubic hair is shaved first. I know that many men have a Samson complex because of their pubic hair, but still think about it. The skin over your pubic bone is very sensitive.

Well, whoever loves it (the translator). The fountain of Venus (for you) there are several possible positions. I describe the simplest and you can then vary from there. The woman waits until her bladder has filled up to the boundary of the tolerable. Then she lies on her back with spread legs. Your partner kneels or lies between her thighs with her face to the pussy. Then he starts licking her pussy in the usual way and focuses primarily on the sensitive area directly under your clitoris.

The woman has to hold her current back to orgasm. Arrived at this point, many women can no longer hold back and let the electricity flow unintentionally. Your partner should now continue licking and enjoying the noises and moaning, as well as the feeling of her pussy, which pours into his tongue;If he likes it, he can also drink from it. The woman should continue to pee until she is completely empty.

Some women consider this orgasm to be the most intense they have ever experienced. This can be so stimulating for you that in the one or two days of the following you will come back every time when you pee because it triggers a memory of this beautiful experience. Men let your women enjoy this joy!The oak water (for him) the woman is waiting until her bladder is full. The couple are preparing for the sexual act.

The man lies on his back and the woman crouches above him. She leads his cock into her pussy, but does not begin to pump. Instead of this, she crouches so that it is as comfortable as possible. Then she pee. This needs some practice because the man’s tail puts pressure on the woman’s urethra. The woman has to concentrate and position herself so that the pressure on her urethra is as low as possible.

Even so she will hardly be able to run a good electricity. Maybe it will be better if she doesn’t put the tail entirely in. It probably makes no difference for the man. As soon as your electricity starts to flow, it will probably cum immediately anyway. The flood cave for this game must be full of the man’s bladder and it must have recently hosed off. Therefore the man will probably not be able to maintain a full erection.

For this reason, an penetration from behind is recommended (both partners are on the page, in a spoon -like position). This is the simplest position in which a not quite stiff tail can be kept in a pussy. Some lubricant helps to introduce a not entirely erect tail. Once in it, he pee in it. This is not easy and needs some concentration on the man’s side. With a little practice it will be better and better.

Nature resembles the request that the man rinses his own seed from the woman’s pussy. The first few times a man tries to find this, he will probably find his bubble completely closed. Nature is looking for pregnancy and this game is not a means for this purpose. If this happens, just relax and wait. In the end, your bladder will be so full that it wins. The pussy may seal the tail, which means that it is bloated.

If it is bloated enough, the seal begins to become leaky or even flow out in a beam, which is very pleasant for both partners. However, if you feel uncomfortable beforehand, it is enough to introduce a finger and the whole liquid will spill out. The feeling is great for both partners. For the woman because she feels in her and because her husband’s tail feels bigger when he really is.

For the man, who may have to wait a while for a while, this is a replacement ejaculation-he feels the wonderful sensitive thing in his wife. And it takes much longer than real ejaculation. The Spiening Schlangedies is the counterpart to the fountain of Venus. The man is waiting until his bubble is full. Then he rubs his cock over his partner’s face. When the partner is ready, she opens her mouth and may even take his cock in her mouth.

He pee, as if he felt the urge to do so. She kisses the tip of his cock and enjoys the feeling that its electricity causes her lips and tongue. Fantasy take your fantasies while playing while playing. My preferred idea is that I am a king that is threatened with death. I am terrified of being poisoned so that I don’t drink anything that was not previously filtered by one of my slaves.

Of course, it offers the most pleasure to drink directly from the rooster. But I hope that you develop your own fantasies that are better tailored to you. Need your imagination!Self -born gear is equivalent to masturbation. You may feel like it because you are temporarily separated from your partner and you miss the feeling of the electricity of your partner on your face. Or you can also do it for entertainment (underlying) of your partner if you are together.

The main trick is to let gravity work for you, which means that you have to position yourself head underneath. The best way to achieve this is by lying back on your shoulders and supporting your legs and back against a wall. If your partner is there, he or she can support your legs instead of the wall. If you are supple, it’s better too. With a bit of effort you can position your genitals directly above your face.

If your back and your back of your back are very flexible, you can stop and bend down your head until it is between your legs. Men have an advantage over women here because they can better aim. If the partner is there, a nice variation is that you can leave the pleasure to steer the electricity with your tool where it is popular with her. In clothes tunes there are a number of people who love to wet in clothes themselves.

Bathing suits are best suited for this because they are made of material that can be worn wet and which the water can easily let through. It is really a great pleasure with the partner in a public Beach To sit, drink beer (or anything else), pee through the swimsuit into the sand and none of the surrounding people notice anything of it. But of course you can also wet normal dresses;They will survive and after a pass through the washing machine they are like new again.

Try the following: Knee in front of your, attracted partners. Press your face to the lap dei-nes/he partner and let him/she wet the clothes. A particularly exciting variant for many men is when your wife puts on a skirt or dress, with or without underpants, and then peeing standing, while she lifts the skirt hem. Such an attracted woman can also sit on the lap of the man who is also dressed, open the valve between her legs and make him very wild by soaking her liquid through his pants.

Panties that are open in the crotch (they are available in every sex shop) are also very suitable for this. A man can also be surprised happily when he comes home and his wife asks him under the door (or commands him) to kneel down and his head under her dress between her legs and then lick her and then lick herdeletes his thirst with her waterfall.

Some people also measure special bladder control underwear (D. H. Diapers for adults) to be worn and wet. This has the advantage that you can wet at any public location. You can also improvise such a diaper with a towel. And there are still a lot of multiple variations of wet pleasure you can always come up with, they are all in order as long as they are pleasant for both partners and nobody is injured.

I conclude with the same thoughts that I started with this manual. What im-mer you do, remember, sexual pleasure does not flow between the genitals, but between the hearts. Stays healthy, plays fair, and for God’s sake: happy to you!.

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