The dream | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Author: b. Surges and S. Biermansbelinda was an inconspicuous, petite woman from early 30. Recently, after a very unpleasant incident, she had brought the job as a seller in a boutique. It was a good boutique, one of the most expensive in the whole city, but her boss was not exactly what you could call an accessible person. She had worked there for four years. A good job, above all he was well paid.

But one of the biggest problems she had had since the first day she worked there was her boss. No problem in the real sense. They had unconsciously made their feelings and inability to express them. She had often noticed how her boss flirted with the customers in the cabins and some of them also seduced. “A human pig,” she thought with herself, and yet she could only empathize with it, which all these other women had to think with, he was probably an absolutely acceptable partner for everyone.

It was not due, at least not alone. His entire appearance, the way he had to deal with each of his customers and who conveyed his voice to them. “You look magically!“, That was what fascinated it. She had offered him every day, again and again, albeit not as direct as the women who only came into the store because of his. Often she was in such moments in the lunch break clever, in extensive lunch breaks.

But he never took note of her once. Now she was standing in front of the store. For some time now she had a new job, more responsibility and more money, but also the advantages and disadvantages of a large department store. She had been colored her hair in black, the lips were painted with a strong red lipstick on pout, emphasized her eyes with black kohl, and a few brown contact lenses strengthened the overall impression of a racy woman.

The Snow White that would seduce each of the seven dwarfs individually without losing the pleasant facial pallions that gave it the powder. She was a lady – with the soul of one whore – and the body of a teenager. When the door opened, the touch of sensuality blew, and the first light of the day illuminated Joe’s eyes. He loved it when the women showed up in their fullest beauty when they were tapped, wore expensive dresses and expensive jewelry.

For him, women were living paintings and it gave him the greatest pleasure of exploring their style. At the moment he only looked at the in nylon wrapped thighs, which skillfully moved through the door and headed for it. A comfortable shower stroked his back. The melody of the opening door gave her an ice -cold shower, but she could not be disturbed. She held determined to her former boss.

He looked even better than she remembered, but maybe it was only because she could now look him in the eye for the first time without being sunk by him. At the time, only the employment relationship was decisive for him, and with a certain satisfaction, she recognized the look already demanding after redemption. Redemption from the swollen spanking that spread out in his pants at certain points.

The shower had laid down, but the blood in his body was heated up and he clearly felt how the mere smell of her perfume had a latte conjured up. No word had been spoken yet, and yet he was already thinking about how he could dig her. Fast, without losing too much time. Many of his customers wanted it and they showed it only too clearly. He knew it, he always knew it when they needed it.

Not everyone said to him, and sometimes he was not sure whether he really wanted to have one or the other, but there were always factors that made his mind to an unimportant part of himself and the small, swollen area inhis step gave the rule over the whole man. But rarely was it as bad as with this woman here. It was really important to him for the first time in a long time, the customer which he looked in front of him.

He had already bitten? She wasn’t sure yet, but she would know it shortly. “I would like to look at some lingerie with you, if that would be possible, your voice sounded cool and lasciviously in these sentences, almost confident. She was proud of herself. “Come, let yourself be pampered. Rough 38?“He pointed to a area located a little further in the back of the store.

“36. “”Naturally. Here. “With an elegant movement, he pointed to the side of the stand with a wide variety of negliges and lingerie,“ it should be something that they like. “With a casual handle, he won a black lingerie, completely opaque to the transparent baskets provided with flower patterns from above. “What do you think of this dream in black?“She accepted it, held it against the light and looked at it from all sides.

“I can try it out somewhere?” “Here. “He stopped the curtain to become a changing room until she had stepped through, and then let him go again. “I could find another one if you want. ” ‘Do that. “He could clearly hear how the carriers of the bra Was fliped off, and his excitement increased by another stage. He continued to search in the clothing on the stand.

He still had it yesterday. This blonde, there, he held it in his hand. “I would have a red one. “” A moment “The curtain opened and it emerged, only the lingerie and the brown holder-free stockings on the body. “Show here. “She looked at the transparent red scraps that scolded clothes. For a note, of course, just right. “I’ll try it on too.

“When she moved away from him, the emotion backlog became too big in him. He hurried to get to the shop door, cramped and hectic. It caused him a few short moments for a few short moments to close the door, but finally he was rewarded with the scraping of the riegel of his cylinder head lock. He took off the “open” sign and replaced it with the “lunch break” sign. And this time I don’t have to be careful about the time and this stupid cow that worked here.

It was a frustration that flickered in him for a short moment, but already made his hormones noticeable again. With a significantly safer joint he stepped towards the cabin. The door, he locked the door, she thought visibly satisfied with herself. She had defeated him, his ego trumped, and now she would finally get what she had always wanted, the trip. She heard the heavy breath, he came closer.

She grabbed her top into abdominal height and lifted it over her head. She stood with her back to the curtain and waited. He tore the curtain aside. What do I do there? She didn’t speak to me at all – I have to be crazy. He looks at her body, saw her back, flawless, her arms had lifted her head over her head. He stretched out his hand and let her feel on the side of her body at the chest height until he could feel her nipples.

His latte almost blew up his pants. Gotcha – she had him where she always wanted him. He would crawl, kiss her feet. He was a willless puppet of his lust, her body. She turned around jerky, a flat hand hit his face like a floor, and he already thought it would chase his face on his back. The blow was a grumbling. Wicked! This word went through his head.

It would cost him everything, the head, the business. His existence collapsed in front of his inner eye. He was a victim of his own lust, and he still wanted only one thing: they fuck. His fear lay over the room like a suffocating cloth, she could smell it. He started to sweat. Her gaze drilled into his, tormented him. He had to suffer hells. She watched him, his nervousness.

And then – without having indicated it before – she threw the top of herself, pressed himself against him and freed his hastily tail From the lusty trap. He did not prepare for the emotions that come over. His lust was overshadowed by a feeling of deepest inner satisfaction. It was so incredible, so new. Desperation, pain, distrust, longing, desire, heat-all feelings known to him became the sensual perception of this woman.

He felt her thighs snake around his hips. Like two eels, like a python who was about to press his life out of his body, so left her Legs His limb rise in rhythmic pilgrimages. Her hair fell in his face. The strength in his legs gave in, he tensioned and went to his knees. Weakness, a never known feeling, was mastered over his body.

Like a rider on her horse, she slid down from him. He had given in. No erection. He couldn’t be that bad, or? She looked at his mattened body. He lay on her back in front of her, the legs were stretched out listlessly, an arm was crossed over the muscular, hairy breast, the shirt was half open. His cock only flapped out of his pants. He had been victims of her senses.

With their thighs, they had robbed him of the senses to interrupt the supply of his blood to his tail, but he did not know. She had become ruler about his lust. And just as she had decided before moments to rob him of every desire, so she now gave his smell the right mixture of sensuality and tenderness with her wet vagina. Like in a coma, he was there, his eyes closed, the feelings most out, but not actively alive.

Like through a mere mechanics, he felt after her breasts, compensated for it gently, tasting, she pressed together lustfully. His hands slidly slid over your body, stroked her face and were tenderly taken into her mouth by her. She let her tongue circle around his fingers in a playful way, always waiting for him to pour out. And with the violence of a breaking volcano, his life juice sprayed into her thighs.

He felt the hands that clawed on his chest, slid through his chest hair, the pressure that her thighs exercised on his tail. He felt the violence with which he was surrounded and could only suspect the echo of her emotional flashes in his innermost. He unloaded his ejaculation. His senses clouded – and he slipped into a dark, black sleep. The knock tore him out of his lethargy. It was difficult to get through him, but gradually he started to grasp the situation.

She was no longer there. At some point when he was lifeless here, she had to have left. But what the hell then means the knocking? He hurriedly put on his clothes, and left the changing room. He hanged the clothes listlessly over the nearest shelf and step to the door. He turned the sign and pulled on the door. She was closed. But what could that be? As about everything in the world, she had come out.

Then, then everything was just a dream???On the other side of the street, an old lady was leaning against the window. She smiled when she saw the cloudy look on the face of the shop owner. She was the only one who had seen a young woman who was the last to leave the shop and closed out of external.

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