Taboo in the hospital | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hospital and his follow -up foreword: the story is fictitious, none of the people really exist and everything that has been written here has never happened. The story may not be copied without my permission, or will be published somewhere else. By © Masterofrda I am now lying in this blunt white rooms alone, connected to many different devices and 60% of my body. What happened? I had a car accident that I can no longer remember two months ago.

Even the police don’t know how the accident happened. In the end there was even the suspicion that I tried to kill myself. Because I put my car on the only tree on the country road and without braking traces. As I said, I don’t know if it was so. But I know one thing. It wouldn’t have been matter. I didn’t have much to lose anyway. My parents died when I was just 18 years old.

I didn’t have any relatives, so I came to a boarding school and stayed there until I was 19. So at least I was able to finish my apprenticeship as a locksmith. The only good thing was that my parents left me several apartment buildings. So I was rich. But as you say, money calms but doesn’t make you happy. I can’t say what it was, but I never wanted to have friends, or wanted to have something to do with others.

So I was the not popular loner, which I didn’t care about. However, this meant that I was still a virgin up to the age of 21. Because I didn’t want to have anything to do with anyone, the response to a woman also made it difficult for me. I really shit into my pants. Nevertheless, I was deflowered in the same year and the desire for sex spoiled me again. At that time I worked in a large metal construction company.

The boss had invited his 50 year old and all goods. It is clear that you go there even if you didn’t feel like it at all. So it happened that it was a nice evening. If not the alcohol had been. I drank a lot, even too much in my opinion. Nevertheless, the alcohol took my shyness and I really addressed one of the secretaries. Who had already drunk one over the thirst. So it came that she grabbed me by the hand and duke behind me.

Then we got down in a storage room. I left her the field because I was still totally inexperienced. What can I say, she didn’t get around for long, pulled my pants on half mast, forced me to put my back on my back. So I had myself my first time unspecified. But I put in a cunt and that was awesome. So this stupid cow rode me, sorry but something else I can’t say about this doffe tusi.

Just when we were in the middle of it, she started choking. Coughed and tried to get back under control. But nothing brought something, it came as it had to come. This stupid Ficksau vomited fully on my chest. What a horny defloweration. So sex had died for me too. I lived like a hermit for the next three years. I didn’t want to have anything to do with anyone and the women also avoided me.

If I think about it, it can already come that I tried to take my life. Because I didn’t have a lot of pleasure in life. Was it fate, it was an intervention by my guardian angels or even a higher power. I had reached the low point of my life. If someone had told me what should follow now a cabin in the slap would have been sure. With the awakening from the coma a week ago, my life also changed.

Thanks to a very special nurse. It was two days later when she was the first time, So for me my room entered. My heart lived like never before. There she stood approx. 170cm tall, red hair bound into a ponytail. Her body was not that of a model but she had slightly overweight. But her expansive breasts, as well as her horny big butt that she showed me brought me around the mind. Even if both were covered by this stupid hospital uniform.

You could guess what she had to offer. Already when I entered my room, she looked at me and stopped briefly. It even seemed so that she was not in the here and now for a moment. Then she came to me, smiled at me and I melted away. “Hello Mr. Berger, I am Sister Melanie Schön to know her again among us. We were really worried about them. But now everything will be fine again “.

What an enchanting voice, what a friendly being. While I had to endure everything, because I couldn’t move outside my head, belly or my lumbar region. So fever was measured on the ear. Washed the vacant spots and even my penis, took her hand in my hand in the air and cleaned everything down there. That was my first encounter with her. What was also happy to me was that she had the night shift.

Later I found out that she had entered herself for it. There was a stupid fact to be there, in this whole plaster association. The only gratifying was that Melanie had seen very often after me. She fulfilled all the wishes, I thirsty, kept her a glass with orange juice and straw. If I had to pee, she just loved me a special piss bottle over mine tail. Even looked at how I pee and her tongue drove over her lips during this time.

Then she removed her again and cleaned him with a damp cloth. Whenever she had him in her hand afterwards, it was as if she was thinking about something for a moment, but then used the cloth and then only let go of it again. We got on so well in the first night that I asked her to call me the first name. Oh right I hadn’t imagined it yet.

My name is Stefan Berger, was 24 years old at the time, I am 180cm tall, slightly overweight and have brown hair. As soon as I was very muscular through my job and my hobby bodybuilding. So she was sitting on my bed and we talked about God and the world. It was the first time that I talked so freely and without fear of a woman about my life. Melanie was great, so I learned that her parents lived in Munich, she still had a brother, was currently single and just enjoyed life.

She was the opposite to me. I also learned that she was 22 years old and was ready for every crime. How she was really ready, you will experience in this story. She had the talent to build one. I was in a coma, probably tried to take my life, now this fascinating woman is sitting on my bed, which was absolutely not her job and managed that I was looking forward to life again.

So two nights passed with the only difference that they kept my penis in hand after peeing. Also she always looked at him fascinating. It was only right for me and made me a slight smile on my lips. How much did I wish I was able to have sex with this woman. Yes, you heard right. My desire for sex was awakened again. It was even so bad that I couldn’t expect it to come back from her round.

Every time the door opened and it stepped into my room, my heart began to lawn. Feelings flowed through my body, which was unknown to me to date. Then the most unlikely passed with what I had ever expected. I have to pee again. Just that I told her that conjured up a broad smile on her beautiful face. Back with the fascination, as my piss flowed into the bottle, she watched concentrated.

Removed the bottle, took my little darling in her hand and looked at him for a long time. But instead of cleaning it, the absolute madness happened. Her head lowered deeper and deeper, in the direction of my cock. Her mouth opened and my piss smeared cock, disappeared into her warm mouth. Never known feelings flowed through my body, happiness hormones were released and I believed Angel Sing to hear. It was so nice. She sucked him very tenderly, he quickly grew up and whenever she almost released him, she circled my acorn with her tongue.

What were the great feelings. I hovered and enjoyed this great gift from her. As she jerked him off, how she spoiled my shaft between her lips, how she touched with my sensitive glans, so it had to be paradise. While I was watching my cock stiff and harder, I said “Oh Melanie ……”. Suddenly she opened her eyes, left him, me, and even ran out of my room.

I would have preferred to follow her, but as in this plaster association. It made me sad, not only the melanie hired this horny blow, but that she left my room so quickly and as I heard with tears. She was too important to me than that I wanted to experience her sadly. Now I was here with my stiff cannon in front of my eyes With the length of 21cm and a thickness of 5.5 cm. So it won’t have been because she disappeared so quickly.

I wanted to have clarified it, but how? She did not react to my bell, I couldn’t get up, so what should I do. So I lay in my dark room and hoped that she would come to me again. It passed at least two hours when the door opened very carefully to my room and Melanie quietly entered the room. She closed the door and now also stood in the dark room. She said quietly, “Stefan, you are still awake”.

“Yes, Melanie I am”. She came to the bed two steps closer to the bed. But was still far away. “I wanted to apologize to you, for what had happened before”. I can’t confirm it, but I think she was still sad, I heard her sob. “Melanie, you don’t have to apologize, rather I have to thank you that you have given me such great feelings. I assure you that you didn’t do anything wrong.

Come to me “. She came next to my bed and even switched on the little light. As I thought it was, it stood and was crying. How I would have loved to hug her now, which was not possible for me thanks to the plaster association. “Melanie, damn please stop crying. You didn’t do anything wrong “. “But I just blown one without your permission and … and …”. “No and, it was beautiful and thank you for that”.

Suddenly her tears stopped, she looked at my face and even started to smile. “That means that you are really not angry with me, let alone missed me at the senior doctor”. “You crazy, why because that, you were so nice to me, you showed me that life is worth living again. I have been infinitely grateful to you for the last two days “. “You know, it just came over me. I love sex in all its forms and have not been with anyone for 6 months.

Since you will get the plaster association tomorrow, it was my last chance to at least feel something from you again “. “Melanie, if you want it, he is available to you, but I’m still very limited”. “Is that serious, I can blow you if I want to blow you”. I just nodded and left her further field. You could see her eyes start to sparkle, she opened me again, looked at my little one, then back to me.

“Is that your serious, Stefan”. I nodded, “yes melanie, he is yours”. I would also be very stupid to deny her that. For me it was the chance that a great woman finally blew my cock. She picked him up hesitantly and started to jerk off very tenderly. They were already great feelings. My little one found that too and grew to the full sizes. Melanie looked me in my face, “you actually know how horny I find your cock.

It is so long and so nice and thick. I love this piece of meat “. As soon as she said she had to lower her head and he was bedded between her tender lips again. It flinched my whole body, so much of this delicate touch with her lips took me away. Now she started jerking off him and her lips. At the same time, her tongue circled my glans and my shaft. As if that wasn’t enough, she started massaging my eggs with her other hand.

The horny feelings were cursed. For the first time in my life I understood what sex looks like and how it feels. I also suddenly realized that I wanted more, much more of it. Melanie increased the pace, became more and more wild and impetuous. She could do what she wanted and I couldn’t do anything about it. Now she briefly released my cock, buttoned her coat and pulled one breast after the other out of her black bra.

How horny they looked, as I thought it was, they were big and horny. Her nipples were far off and it was a picture of the knee like her horny tits on the bra. Melanie picked up both breasts and kneaded her, pressed her together and showed me how big her breasts were actually. Things to fall in love with. Things that brought me around the mind, so big, so beautiful, so well -shaped. As if that wasn’t enough, she took her tits alternately in one hand and pressed her nipple stations towards the mouth.

Her lips surrounded her nipples, her tongue licked it and circled her and I lay there and couldn’t do anything. But the nasty thing was that she always looked me in my eyes while pulling this horny show. “Well Stefan, try too”. I nodded and how I nods she had me in my hand, she got me in her violence where she wanted me. Came closer and continued to play with her horny pugs in front of my face.

I tried again and again. But there was always a little bit missing. I gave up and tried no further attempt. Looked at the face of Melanie and saw how she smiled behind. Then she got serious, “Stefan, before we continue I have to tell you a secret. That will change all between us. I hope it goes out well, because you have become very important to me. I have known you now since you came to us through your accident.

It was terrible to see how hurt you were. Even the doctors gave you a little chance to survive. It wasn’t just the broken bones you have now, many op`s were necessary until everything was okay again. But the longer you were here, the more your injuries, your swollen, shaky face went back, the more I fell in love with you. I knew that you have no family or relatives. Never came a woman or friend who visited you.

You were a lonely person. But you were the person I fell in love with. So I switched to the night shift and could spend so much time with you. When I routinely joined the piss bottle to your horny thing, it came over me and I started to edit him. He got so big and I couldn’t help it and blew your cock while you were still in a coma. It was so horny that I often did this.

I know it was wrong, I know that I put my job at risk of it. But I hoped so much that you can forgive me now that you know “. Again she started crying. Now it suddenly became clear to me, which is why she stopped when she saw me for the first time, where I was no longer in a coma. Also why she always held my cock in hand for so long.

So she would have loved to take him back into her mouth, but since I was awake, it wasn’t that easy. I also had something against her in my hand now. Well let’s see if it doesn’t turn out to my advantage. But the most important thing was that she loved me. Even if I don’t know what love is, I think that I feel exactly the same for you, because my heart beats faster when it enters the room.

My body is going crazy when she touches him and everything in me screams for her. She is the first after my parents for whom I feel something and I knew one that I don’t want to lose her under any circumstances. “You’re like that! I have to say. Not only that you take your cock in your hand without permission, no you also blow it and have your fun with it. The melanie will still have an aftermath! I don’t know what it looks like yet, but until then you will definitely make it good again.

Now come here and finally give your friend a kiss before you reach for his tail again “. Melanie looked at me, hired the crying and now beamed over both baking. She came to me, stroked my hair and then said, “So my friend! Do you actually know how much I love you. Since you woke up from a coma, you are even better than I have ever imagined.

Stefan I promise you that I do everything for you and you can ask me everything from me. I am ready for every wrist deed. I love you my sweetheart”. She lowered her head and our lips met. Her tongue asked for your tongue, which I would like to grant her. I only had to be 24 years old to find out how nice life could feel. How great this kiss was. Melanie took the time, showed me how great she was.

This kiss flooded my body and gave me the most wonderful feelings. Melanie now interrupted the kiss and stretched one after the other breast. While you knead them yourself. I love my god this woman. But what was that, it was just so much fun. Empty, nothing but empty around my mouth. Melanie withdrew her horny boobs and took care of my stiff pint that was so alone in the room.

I had to smile, it was clear that it did my cock to her. Now that she was allowed to do it with my permission, she didn’t want to miss any of it. Probably catching up. Slowly she started to jerk off, took him briefly in his mouth and then said, “Treasure gets yourself prepared for a lot of work, my cunt has been starving for 6 months and I need a lot and plenty of it”. Now I laughed out loud.

But I can still get well? She nodded, “Sure I will help you too, but then grace god to you. Because I am a little insatiable dirty sow when it comes to sex. I’ll show you what I mean “. She started to jerk off faster, took him back into his mouth, only this time as deep as it went. She literally stuffed him in her throat. She even took her breath. It took a moment that the moment of the indescribable feelings gave me.

She released him again, her spit hung on it and pulled threads behind her. Then she jerked him back quickly and her mouth immediately followed to resume him. Again she took him as deep as possible and tried to take him even deeper. They literally pressed against it. Again it took a moment, again released it and again threads pulled after their spit. It was awesome, you can’t call it otherwise. If you spurt your cock on the suppository.

Sees how he always disappears deeper in her horny mouth. Again she jerked him, distributed her spit and looked at him closely. Everything else was unimportant at the moment. “Wait, you horny piece I get you. You would be the first one I can’t do “. She said that very quietly and she didn’t mean me. She spoke to my cock and what she said was a declaration of war. Then the same spectacle. My cock disappeared into her mouth.

Again he put deep in her throat, only this time it was something else he slid past her suppositories and penetrated her throat. I saw him stuck in her neck clearly. She swallowed him to the stop. My first thought was, my girlfriend Is a swallower. My second thought was, the pure madness, my cock is in the throat of a woman and what a great woman. Also, she had somehow managed to get a breath away.

As if the whole thing wasn’t enough, she started massaging him with her throat. And then that, she stretched out her tongue and licked my eggs. These feelings, this horny blowjob, brought me around my mind, I lost control of my best piece and felt how he was about to explode. I could only warn her, “Melanie, I feel it,” I shouted into the room. She released him to the glans, which was still in her mouth.

Then she let her hand speak and she spoke, give speed and you will be richly rewarded. I closed my eyes and exploded in the truest sense of the word. So it seemed to me at least. I filled Melanie’s mouth. Only when everything was out did I open my eyes and looked at the most beautiful woman in this world. She had now released my cock out of her mouth. Looked into my eyes and wanked my cock slowly and in the same rhythm.

When she saw that I looked at her, she opened her mouth and showed me my sperm that lay on her tongue. Only now did she close her mouth and swallowed my sperm down. How cool is that?This woman is amazing. She shows me her prey and swallows it. “Mhhh, always delicious your cream”. What does that mean, every time she blown me, she had swallowed it too. What a horny sow.

Not only that she gives me the first sex in my life that is fun. No she even swallows my sperm. I love this woman!.

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