My first fuck with a mature woman | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was quite late in a lousy cold February night in the early 1990s when Cordula suddenly stood in front of me.

During these years, the Rheinische Carnival gave up its sad existence between old men regiments and primary school Indians to conquer the city’s pub and party scene. Even in the more trendy districts, snakes were still strangers in front of the bars and you let yourself be floated to a lot from locally to locally. The 12 people with whom I had glowed in any Ranzig-Gesen WG kitchen had been lost over the evening and night. Only Sascha was still with me.

It was he who had spanned the last shop by enthusiastic me for the “cross”, where, according to his statement, “definitely Tom and Luthe” would be.

When the door of this shop closed behind us, Sascha Stante Pede got a feather boa hanging from a lady that was no longer very silver-free. And even when I came back from the counter with the first two beers, Sascha was with this young lady in one of these wonderful infights in which drunk people with a romantic seriousness, as if it were to be ordered immediately.

So much for Sascha – Tom and Luthe were everything, just not in this shop. So I was really left behind, but whoever experienced these nights knows that it doesn’t matter, because you go a round in the shop and you always get to know anyone.

The carnival is finally famous for this. And notorious.

The round in the shop led me to Cordula, who greeted me with the words: “Look, the handball gods personally left their Olympus!”

Cordula was what is called “The Good Soul” in a sports club. Her two sons played in our youth teams. She threw the bar in the clubhouse, organized Leibchen when the opponent had the same jersey color and chatted out local pharmacies for the medicinal cases.

I was a player of the first gentlemen, a group that had been killed in the depths of the amateur handball for years before my year had almost become “first” and we had risen for two years in a row.

One spoke again with respect from the first. Although our overflight in the new league had reached its limits, we celebrated legendary parties, sometimes still played a rousing handball and all started quite well in any training courses or courses.

In other words, we haven’t really had any idea yet, but we felt so great that we could hardly walk in front of eggs.

If our good soul Cordula disregarded one, then us. Each Bambini was higher in their personal value scale than a member of the flagship team in the club. Youth and women were able to take the club home apart – if one of us ventured to the counter without showering, there was an announcement because of “all the sweat”.

And so it was very befitting how Cordula greeted me in the cross.

She was there with two friends and all three were in Charleston costumes. Cordula was generally not a real eye -catcher, but she was definitely not to discuss a certain attractiveness. She was in my early forty (ca. 20 years older than me) and a little lush, but by no means thick or even chubby.

She had a good figure with very long legs, but it was not a narrow model, but something that you might describe quite well with the word hand -resistant.

During our handball matches, real rabbits of our age were sitting in the stands and yet I would like to make my now tired litter hand on the fact that each individual of our troop has sacrificed at least one handkerchief to Cordula.

When she was in front of me in her somewhat unfortunate Charleston dress in this alcohol-clouded beer carnival melange, I had the feeling that I never met anyone more erotic than Cordula.

It was just a shame that she apparently did not want to deviate from her latent hostility. No matter, I deliberately countered your openly condescending greeting with an insignificant standard of the brand “Mensch Cordula, what do you do in the cross?”. She didn’t even answer, but turned to her girls and gave a few explanations to me, whereupon the two smiled pityingly and smiled at me with a thumbs up with her thumbs.

There was no way past the insight that I should no longer come out of the status of the clown for the rest of the evening. But around the butt, which was otherwise somewhat rounded and really not always advantageously sold in fashion -like jeans under value, a glossy glossy dress was now exciting and I was seriously wondering why the all decision -makers, howeverhad withheld sexual appetizeness until the day.

I was completely on fire.

I didn’t want to make my colors to the mockery of this triumphal virate without a fight, but neither I really found access to the Clübchen, nor did any communicative effort to get us out of the status “acquaintances from the clubhouse”.

I remained outside and there was clear to everyone that I actually wanted to belong, also: The Depp.

In the meantime, abundantly alcoholic and attacked from the late hour, I gave my horny need despair and whispered Cordula Völig suddenly in the ear: “We still smooch this night tonight?”

She stood rigidly for a moment of stunned. Then she gathered noticeably, forced herself to control and replied to me: “You are a child, but in 10 years, if you have left all your walk behind you, you will show: You are a nice child. Nevertheless: Before I get into such a child, the Rhine flows back to Switzerland.”

Situations like this have always inspired me to shameless lies, so that I could inexplicably raise a very funny replica: “Well, then you just have to take it!”

“What do you think?”

“This is my last season at SC. I change in Summer to the university in Basel.”

Cordula looked irritated for a moment, then smiled at me, stroked my cheek and said: “Well, don’t be angry with me, Jan, but that is a bitter loss for the back area of the SC as for the women’s world of this city.”

So the evening was also clarified – at least at this point.

Nevertheless, I would have stayed on this golden Charleston costume if I hadn’t driven me to the toilet with this final removal forever with this final removal. So I recommended the ladies with a completely unnoticed wish for a nice evening and went into the tiled.

On the way back I encountered Cordula, who didn’t really look at me, but joined me into the wardrobe there and in the middle of foreign jackets gave me such a full and intense kiss.

“You and your troops if you know what kind of arrogant assholes you are!”

Said it and disappeared on the women’s toilet.

Now I was out, so completely out.

That night there was nothing hotter for me than this one woman. She had persisted me persistently, but then put her cursed insane tongue so naturally into my mouth that I still couldn’t think clearly and got out of my jackets with a few soaking gestures towards the bouncer.

Purely spatially, I fled to Sascha, who had now smooched into nirvana and didn’t notice anything anymore. Nevertheless, for the first time that evening I had the feeling that I belong to somewhere.

Then a hand on my hip and a golden dress on my side in the swaying mess to any carnival pattern.

“Everything is still very tight with you, but I bet, with forty you have a belly!“Madame said in the usual estimate. I could hardly believe my luck, but I still wanted to offer a little resistance and said: “Well, don’t know, these are just the annual rings in which you know better.”

I will never forget to sparkle in her eyes, but when I thought a really exposed end of that night, she rushed me up my neck, pulled me down and pushed me in my ear: “We’ll leave the shop now. With me nobody is at home. And nobody will ever know about it.

come on now!”

With a last generous greeting into the now desolate crowd I crept into the taxi behind her, where she immediately took me into the lack. Her whole physicality was urgently urgent, her kisses almost attacked. Even in this state of blunt lust, she still looked very confident and what should I say? I usually like to keep control – even back then – but I just gave myself this situation.

I simply couldn’t help it.

The taxi ride lasted almost 5 minutes and neither of us only opened our eyes during this time – we just smooched blindly. Once taxi elections and three stairs later we stood in their half -dark apartment.

Sisal carpets dominated;There was also a colorfully painted milk jug as an umbrella stand. However, I was not here to become at home, which the hostess reminded me by pulling me through one of the doors behind her behind her bedroom found. We got on a simple and clean double bed. I knew nothing about Cordula’s relationship, but judge the bedside tables, both bed halves seemed at least temporarily inhabited.

My long -cherished imagination, Cordula with the power of my loins and the imagination of my senses to free from a long phase of sexual abstinence, began to crumble.

No matter, everything was spicy enough. We immediately went to the infight. My post-pubertal love scheme offered me to take them off from top to bottom, but it was simply not possible because of the continuous dress. So it happened that I knead their really lush breasts through this glossy gold.

Cordula gasped while kissing me with constant fervor. It had done me so horny that I just pushed her dress over her hips, between her Legs Keeped and she pushed – although of course various pants, tights and cloth pieces separated our bare skin from each other. However, Cordula got it in a similar way to me. She rummaged in my hair and then tore my silly sailor shirt over my head.

Then she pulled back to herself and began to literally lick me. So much tongue outside of the mouths was new to me, but it was just an expression of her lust and that’s why I liked it too.

Our dry exercises were now quite wild and we both started to sweat. I was caught a little in this desert physicality, so I just keep getting closer. At some point Cordula gasped my ear: “When do you finally start to take me off?”

I let go of her, straightened up a little and looked at her.

She lay below me with a reduced face and her half -length hair framed it. It looked nice and Cordula seemed to catch my thoughts. She looked at me with warm eyes. I interrupted this intimate moment by raising her desert, opening the zipper of her dress and tearing it down jerkily over her head.

I had moved out her tights with another handle. Her underwear was white and top, but not particularly sexy and quite large. I looked at her for a moment and she looked back with transfigured eyes. Apparently she was no longer sober and my command take over she seemed even more to you.

I fell over her again and fiddled with her BH closure in Slapstick manner until she put on and pushed my hands away. In seconds the bra. I immediately moved into her and grazed at the sight of this big breasts, which – ridiculous to my gang – presented myself fully and softly. I reached under a chest with one hand, almost like weighing it.

She sweated a little under the chest and I just found this unpleasant femininity to be beguiling. The hand there I pressed her upper body backwards and lay down next to her. We kissed more slowly, if still full and moist. But the Animanian was now far from.

My hand explored her breasts, which now lay on her upper body. I played with her volume and enjoyed the movements that my hand caused. She had pretty large nipples that – irritated by my fingers – very hard stiffened. Again she whispered in my ear: “You can take a little harder!“Of course I did not let that say twice and now twisted her nipples through properly.

Cordula moaned and let some “yes” and “good”. Then she reached between my legs and kneaded through the pants tail. I also reflexively grabbed her between her legs, but she took my hand and led her back to her nipple. “Please, do a little further here!“I now pushed her hand away, lay down slightly over her and took the nipple in my mouth.

My hand switched back between her legs, but she didn’t want her in her panties, so I pussy Massified by the fabric. She, in turn, now opened me belt and pants and plucked her from my legs with me. I helped her and was now naked. She pulled herself back and I worked on her nipples with mouth and teeth that I wondered how much these things might endure.

But Cordula still had a lot of fun with this treatment, as I not only took in her sound expressions, but also her excited grip on my cock, which was about 80 % readiness. With constant and very routine movements, she jerked it stiff and so we lay there and fumbled together until Cordula said very clearly and calmly: “You, I would like to sleep with you now!“I nodding her silently and she reached into her bedside table and pulled out a small metal can with condoms. My imagination from the years, which has been unspeakable for years, just went down the stream – this woman definitely had regular sex. She took out a condom and got a tube of lubricant out of the drawer.

I looked at her questioningly. “Don’t be angry, it has nothing to do with you. I generally hardly get wet and so both don’t hurt us. Should be nice, or?” “No problem!“, I log, because for me something like that was completely new and I didn’t really know how I should behave.

Carola grazed her panties, sat up and gave a view of an extremely accurately trimmed kitten. She took some gel out of the tube and began to distribute it on her pussy. I liked the sight and I asked: “May I?“Now it was up to her to be irritated, but she smiled, nodded and gave me a kiss. Now I started working into them slowly with the gel smeared fingers.

She had been half back and closed her eyes. “You don’t need to take that much,” she said and when I was finished after a few minutes, her entrance was wonderfully lubricated and wanted to welcome my cock. Cordula jerked my part again very stiff and returned to the condom with a practiced handle. “I love that,” she said without looking at me.

Then she dropped back, pulled me on, took my cock and conducted it her well -lubricated entrance. I was still a little careful and tried a few bumps, but soon Cordula pressed my buttocks and pulled me inside. I let my cock drive into her and moved back and forth. Cordula looked at me and groaned: “Oh man, it feels good!“I leaned down to her and we kissed again.

I pushed into her slowly and steadily. Cordula breathed heavily. Again and again we had to loosen the mouths to get air. Our lips and tongues were found again and again.

The intensity rose, both in our movements and in our tongue games. We were now back in a **** mode, both have been both sweaty, violently copulating and Cordula’s tongue was back in my face again.

I liked that, but I wanted their climax, which failed and so our hustle and bustle became mechanical at some point. She probably noticed that I was waiting for something and I was unsettled because I still believed that the female orgamsus was always and an essential part of a fulfilling love night. So we had completely lost at some point and Cordula looked aside.

I stopped my movements, pulled my cock out and asked if everything was okay. At first she said nothing, but kept looking into the void. Only after I asked again did she look at me, smiled Matt and said: “Yes, everything is fine. It was nice straight.

Wild and beautiful.“Then she fell into silence again and looked away. With gentle pressure she pushed me out of bed and got out of bed. “Wait a moment!“She said and closed the door behind her. I thought she went to the toilet and then really heard a rinse after a while.

When Cordula came back, she had changed.

She was no longer lost, but seemed to have regained her old certainty. She pointed to my clever cock and asked: “You think we are persuaded to do so for another round?” “Ask him!“I laughed. She shook her head with a smile, disappeared again and returned with a washcloth. She pulled the condom off my cock, washed it clean and took it deep into her mouth in ohen.

What she was doing was clearly one of the best I had experienced in this regard until then. In the now I was stiff again, but Cordula seemed to have found her actions and could not be disturbed. I enjoyed it for a while, then she came up to me with my head and kissed me excited.

“I would like to come!”

“I would also like to have that, what can I do?”

“I can’t come like that. Can you take me from behind?”

“Sure, turn around!”

Cordula once again reached into the condom box and went to all four, whereby she stretched her butt upside down.

We had left some light and so two wonderfully round and lush ass cheeks opened in front of me, between which their labia opened. A bare laughed at that rosette at. It was an absolutely hot sight.

I hectically tossed the condom and rolled it over to me surprisingly confidently. Without looking at me, Cordula handed me the lubricant backwards.

I took it and started to rub her pussy again.

“When I say that you should take me from behind, then I really mean in the back!”

“You mean I should …”

“No matter how you want to formulate this now: yes, that’s exactly what I mean!”

“Okay,” I thought, “you crouch behind the chopped -up Cordula Berger with a tube lubricant in your hand and without a doubt the lady is waiting for you to slut her back entrance so that you can push your cock in there. I think I’m crazy!!!”

Nevertheless, I put my middle finger with gel and put him in her butt cordula. She pulled her pelvis back and drove me on: “Slowly, boy!“Okay, lesson learned, so here was not the desert number, at least not yet. So I stroked her gate, tried my finger a little, added a little gel, put my finger in and slowly moved in and out.

“That’s good,” Cordula let himself be heard. “Now try a second one!”

I had her bow now and slowly prepared it on this second finger. Cordula was now noticeably more relaxed. Her sphincter widened and I was able to work a little more decisively.

In the meantime I jerked my cock with the other hand.

“Come on, put it in,” she said. I didn’t let it tell me twice and put my glans on her hole. “Lubricate your cock too, then it will be better,” she gave me a final instruction. I did as I was called and smeared a good dose of gel on the tail in a horny hustle and bustle and wiped the rest in the sheet.

It took a few experiments to have our right angle, then my acorn was in it. Cordula raised an arm to sign that I should pause. When she ranks again, I started to conquer her butt in tiny batches. Moving my cock back and forth, I continued to work further into her intestine.

Then I was in. Like in her pussy, I heart in her completely and pushed my cock a little back and forth. Cordula acknowledged this with a cozy sigh. Then I started to fuck her slowly.

Meanwhile, she reached with one arm and rubbed her pussy at a hell pace. To do this, she groaned openly and loudly. Her body moved wilder and automatically also increased the violence of my bumps.

The thought shot in my head that I always found the word “ass fucking” quite disgusting. Well, what was going on here was nothing more than this: ass fucking.

And it was wonderful.

I lost the overview at some point because everything was so wild, so horny, so uncontrolled, but it couldn’t have been really long. Cordula’s moan became faster and faster and then lost rhythm and regularity and went into a kind of whimpering.

“Yes, yes, yes – damn, yes, yeah!”

Then only panting gasp – it was over.

I pulled my cock out of her ass slowly and a little anxiously, but he was clean.

For this, only a rolled ring near the tail root got stuck from the condom.

I lay down next to her and waited that she was back with breath. Then she too turned on her back and lay down next to me.

“The condom is on the ass,” I said and spontaneously we both had to go over

laughing the unwanted play of words.

“I have to worry about it?”

“No I do not think so. Should I be worried?”

“No, definitely not.

Let’s see! Oh, there is really not much left!”

She grazed the sad remnant rubber and let it fall next to the bed. Then she started to get me quickly and energetically jerk off. So I should also come and gave myself relaxed. It took a little time because of the many alcohol, but at some point I came – even for me very abrupt and suddenly.

I injected a decent load on my upper body and moaned the whole horny lust of that night.

When I was again at breath, Cordula looked at me from the side.

“I don’t want to hide the fact that it was very nice and exciting. I have your word that nobody ever experiences about it?”

“Only if we repeat that occasionally!”

“Forget it. I have your word?”

In fact, I would have had nothing against one or the other repetition, but I didn’t want to beg and agreed to. Maybe it just took the right opportunity, I thought.

But there were never any more.

After I was accompanied quite soberly to the door, there was never anything personal between us anymore.

We met regularly in the club, but Cordula never showed that we had a few very intimate hours. Even when I didn’t go to Basel, she never asked me about it.

She had simply become the good soul from the handball club, which had nothing left for the players of the first gentlemen.

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