A unique vacation! [2] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

When he lies on me, I feel his hard member between my thighs. He starts rubbing my lower body more and more on my. This makes me getting hotter and claws in his back. Since he starts to rub more and more violently and his limb is becoming more and more stiff, we will soon moan for the bet.

Our tongues play wildly together. Then he moans my ear: “I come … Ahhh … AH-HH ..

I am coming now!”” Yeah … ahh … I … I ..

Ahh ..

also.“We both come to the same time orgasm. Since he has his latte in his pants, he injects the whole load. “That was good.“He moans slightly exhausted. “I also found.

But I’m still horny.“When he gets up, the whole thing runs sperm down on his leg. I go there and lick his leg clean for now. Then I take off his pants and lick everything there. I also free his still hard swing from the sperm.

When I’m done, let’s take a look at Nadja and Makram. They too have just reached the climax.
“We were so horny that strokes were enough.“Nadja explains to me. “It was nice.“Confirms Makram. “So now you have been on it now!“I say,“ Mois already has his pants below.

You are quite hanging to Makram.““ Nothing hangs for me.

At most everything is with me.“And he points to his steep tail. “That was all alone Nadja.“” And that was all alone Katrin.“, Says Mois and points to his cock,“ mine is much bigger and harder.“He stands next to his best friend. “Well, both equally tall, hard, stiff, horny and what else do I know.“Nadja says and examinated. “Hey, Hey! We don’t do a competition!“I say slightly indignantly.

“It’s nothing.“Since both stand side by side, Nadja and I look at each other. We nod briefly and the two cocks have disappeared in our mouths.

The boys can’t look that quickly. Like two thirsty calves, we hang on their slats and sucking.

Since I know that it likes Mois, if I bite into his pleasure object easily, I’ll do it again this time. This time he puts his hands on my back of my head and puts his thing in me to the stop. He is so horny that he starts to fuck my mouth properly. It is like in a trance and groanes constantly, since my tongue also spoils his cock according to all the rules of art.

Finally he explodes again.

This time I swallow all the stuff and keep sucking, even though it is still violent when cumshot. That makes him so horny that he first starts to scream quietly and then loudly. When we are both finished, he goes to the ground first.
“I need a break.“Can he only moan.
Nadja has meanwhile also made macram. When both lie on the ground, Nadja says: “I have to briefly discuss something with Katrin.

You stay here. Do not run away.”” We can’t do that at all! Katrin made me so finished. I can’t even get up anymore!”Says Mois exhausted.

“I feel the same way.“, Says Makram,“ I’m ready.”” What’s up?”” “I mean I or rather we went too far? I have no good feeling about it.

We’re just a welcome change.”” “I don’t know, I don’t know! But what should I do? Look at them.
I can’t resist him. I totally shot myself into him. I am in a submissive and willing.““ Well, I feel the same way. Makram has already twisted my head.

Do you already have ..?” “No of course not. I can not. But I will.

And how … let’s go, let’s finish us.

They closed their eyes. Her Legs are spread and their cocks are licked. Let us get us back up.
We are only affairs if the time comes to you, but if so, then we should remain unforgettable. Let’s sneak.“Nadja nods and so we sneak up.
“The two are really great.”Says Makram.

“Yes. It’s a shame that I didn’t get to know Katrin rather. Then I would marry her now and not Jeannette. But unfortunately she came too late.”” How long can you still move freely?“Laughs Makram and looks at Mois with serious eyes.

“The day after tomorrow we are married in Houmt Souk.”Says Mois with a deep sigh.

“Do you want to tell her?“Asks Makram. “Who say something?““ Well that you will get married soon. Katrin is definitely hope.” “I know.

But the bad thing is, I love her, but neither Katrin nor Jeannette can ever experience that. promise me.””In order.” What! That can not be true! What did I get involved with? Why does that always have to happen to me? But he said he loves me too. Then he should let the wedding burst. “Katrin? Everything OK?“Nadja asks concerned.

“What? Nothing is OK!“I scream Nadjaan. Mois and macrama scare high. “Katrin! I … I … “” Oh! Save you your cheap explanations, you bad pig.

I trusted you. Why didn’t you tell me anything?“I am so angry that I have Mois an adhesive. Then I run to my things, put them on and run back to the hotel. “Katrin, wait!“Mois calls me.

“Leave me alone! I never want to see you again!!!!“I scream back under tears. “You have to do something. Otherwise you have lost it forever.”Says Nadja Ernst. “I already have that.

It was just too good to have held for a long time.““ At least run after her and explain everything to her.“Makram summons him. “Well, good. I’ll try it.“And he gets up, pulls on quickly and runs after me.

I’m not going up right away because I have to be clear about everything first.
I run up to the pool and hide in a corner. This lousy pig.

He will pay me that expensive! So with my feelings to go, what does he actually allow!? Why do I always have to fall in love with the wrong men? What am I actually doing now? How should I behave towards him after what happened now? I can’t say anything to my parents. They would go through. I sob out loud.

“Oh here you are. I’ve already searched you.”Says Mois shyly.

“Leave me alone!!!“I fate Mois. “Please Darling …” “Don’t call me Darling! This is how you can call your French Tusse, but not! Understood!”” Please, Katrin. Let it explain it.““ I shit your explanations. Do you actually know how hurt you did me? You broke my heart.

Go now! Or do you want to be neutered!?“I look at him toxic. “Katrin, please. Do me a favor and listen to what Mois has to say. Me and nadja to love.“I look at the two with angry eyes, but I have not grown their pleading eyes.

“Nice. let’s go. But do it briefly.

I am not in a fairy tale mood.” “I know.”He says shy.

“I am so sorry. I know I should have told you, but somehow I never found the right time for it and … “” How about the time when I blowed you one. Before that you could have informed me about anything!”” I thought you were already cleared up.”Says Makram and can’t help but laugh. “I’m not in the mood for such jokes.“And in these words I pack his Egg and press too.

“Are we clear?”” Yes … “it comes out of it and I let go.
My eyes are devoted again to Mois. “Katrin, I guess you heard everything.”I nod. “Then you also know that I also fell in love with you.“I’m nod again. “Unfortunately I have to tell you that I also love Jeannette, but not as insane as I do! You have to believe me!“I’m starting to cry again.

“Oh yes!?Why do you love me so insane? Because I have a bladder so well? If you really love me, then bubble the wedding. Please do it for me.“I hire him.

“It’s not working. Unfortunately.” “But why?“I ask him and look at him with tears flooded eyes. “Jeannette and I ..

We … we are promised to each other. If I now call one … what do you call it ..

Return, if I now take a back and marry you, then I will shame over mine Family, will be expelled and disinherited. My parents want a profitable marriage and none out of love. Do you understand?” “Yes I understand.””Are you still mad at me?“He asks me. “A little bit.

And you?”” Why should I be angry with you?““ Well, I glued to you earlier.””It was right! I should have to tell you everything. We get along again?“” Yes, but please leave me alone for a few days. I have to finish with the new situation first.” “Is good.“He helps me on my feet and we kiss in intimate.
For a few days and I have the opportunity to watch Mois and his wife.

She looks very happy. I would probably also be if I knew that this man would belong to me now.

I think so with myself. At that moment Mois looks over to me and smiles at me. Jeannette naturally gets this with you and looks at me toxic. “I will leave his fingers from him from now on.

After all, other mothers also have pretty sons.“I say quietly to myself. However, I have to find that this is easier said than done, because Mois suspended in my head. “I can not!

But I don’t want him to get trouble because of me.”” You love him more than you, right?“I look up at a start. Makram looks at me with understanding eyes.

“He too! But you know how it is about him.” “Yes, unfortunately!“It comes out of me under socks and I can no longer hold my tears back. Makram leans down and consoles me. “It’s nothing. It’s nothing.“He tries to calm me down.

Suddenly he gets up and looks at me. “I think someone else wants to comfort you now!“With tears veiled eyes, I look at the right one that points into the macram. Mois comes to me with a worrying look. “Everything OK with you?“He asks concerned.
I shake my head.

“What is? What hurts you?““ Your heart is shattered.”Says Makram.

“I’m sorry that I hurt you. But … “” Psst! Say nothing. It’s nothing. I know and I understand you!“I interrupt him.

He’s just wiping a tear when Jeannette travels him away from me. She says something to him in French, but it doesn’t sound very nice. “Stop!“I say and look Jeannette with a look out of understanding, anger, disappointment and envy directly into the eye. “Do you speak German?”I ask you.
She shakes her head.

“Only English and French.“If it comes out of her to be poisonous.
“OK! My English isn’t very well. But i would explain you something. I walk this way Along and Suddenly I Falldown. Mois and Makram would help me to stand up up.

I dont understand why you are so angry!? Nothing is happened.“She looks at me suspiciously.

“Really?“She asks me. “Is this True?“She asks Makram. “Realyü!” he says. It shakes my hand and helps me.

“All right. You are ok?”” Yeah!” I answer. She looks at Mois, hooks in with him and both disappear around the corner. Before that, however, he looks back gratefully.
After this incident I avoid Mois to some extent.

As far as this is possible at all, since it runs over to me constantly. I also try to get it out of my thoughts, but it quickly turns out that this is not that easy.
When I go up to sleep again, Mois comes towards me. He looks at me shyly with a lowered look. “How are you doing?“He asks me shyly.

“Quite good.

And you?“It comes out of me in a slightly shaky voice. “I’m so sorry …” “Please stop, because it doesn’t get any better.“I interrupt him slightly annoyed. “You are still mad at me?”” No … ok, maybe a little bit.”” You go up again?“He asks me.

I nod. “I could follow? I want to make anything more clear. Jeannette is not in the hotel.“” Oh, she lets you without supervision, here in the hotel!?“It comes out of me toxic. “Sorry! That was really nasty from me.” “It’s nothing.

What’s now? Can I fulfill?“Since I am happy that he spoke to me, voting, because I also have it for me for a few minutes.

I go up, close the door, but open it up again, so that I can let the room boy know that he shouldn’t bother me because I am now visiting me. He nods with an omniscient smile and hangs the sign again.
Shortly after I disappear in the bathroom, it knocks tentatively on the door. I quickly spit the toothpaste in the sink and wipe it clean.
I go to the door with trembling knees and open them. Mois smiles at me and I’m back in his spell.

As soon as the door is closed, he looks deep into my eyes and says: “I waited all the time that I can hug you back into my arms and kiss you.“It comes out of him longingly. “Then just do it!“I say to him expectantly and he already presses me, closes his strong arms around me and leads his tongue in my mouth. In this very intimate and beautiful hug, we hike to the bed, drop there and start with pats. I don’t have my period anymore.

For me that means that he can go on than usual. But is that right too? No matter, he’s now with me, I love him and when it should go so far. Basta!!! it shoots it through my head.

When he starts to open my bikinio, he makes this very shy. I encourage him by a permitted grunzer from my side.

I have neither my bikinio supplement nor my bikini pants for a few seconds. He doesn’t wear a T-shirt in his free time, so I only have his Bermudashorts to take off. Since I don’t get any attached, of course I immediately notice that something starts to rain in his pants. When he was no longer wearing anything, he looks deep into my eyes and groanes from asking.

Since I feel the same way, I say: “I want you! Now here and immediately! I want to feel you inside of me.“If it comes out of me with lust. “Do you really want to? Are you sure?” I nod. “I’m also very tender to you. If I hurt you, then you have to say it.“In response to this, I give him an intimate kiss.

“I’m just going to the bathroom quickly. Condoms are in my shorts.“When he goes into the bathroom, I start to tremble. Hopefully it doesn’t hurt so much. I really do the right one? But before I can answer this question, he comes out of the bathroom with his good -looking luxury body and his animal stiff thing.

“You should go again.

Is better. Then you are more relaxed.” I nod. When I sit on the toilet and open my locks, I notice that he is in the door. “Never heard of privacy!?“I ask him under a embarrassed laugh.
He does not answer, but keep a look at how I empty myself.

His lust object is becoming more and more stiffer. “So far, no woman has done that.“He says under such lust that I just have to believe him. He starts massaging his tail.

I look at him irritated and without understanding. “Sony, I’m so horny that I can no longer hold it.

I have to free myself.“And the coconut milk comes out of it.
He sprayed it on the floor and on my body. “Hey! The room boy just cleaned. Now I can wipe it up.“Oh, so you let the room boy get!?”” Not what you think now!“I answer with played indignation.

“First of all, cost whether this still has quality down there!“And I’m already on my knees and lick his nectar off the ground. I provocatively hold my ass.

Suddenly he stands in front of me and says with a promising smile: “I want to give you a little sample. Trust me. I won’t hurt you anymore.“I look at him expectantly and curiously. He helps me on his feet, raises me and presses me.

He pushes his right hand between my legs before I know what is happening. “Mois, what do you do …” And then when he presses his thumb against my clit with gentle violence, a da-aaaaa becomes and he lifts me even higher with his amazing, effortless strength. The thumb of his right hand does things down there that I never even thought of.
My orgasm drips me like an exploding floor, whizzed out of my center in both directions and his hand is littered with my love juice. “But that was quick.”Says Mois and licks his hand clean after he let me down.

“Is that about a miracle? With a hot guy like you!“He looks at me embarrassed.
“So, I gave you a sample, then I would like to have one now too!”” You probably got some constantly, or? Don’t be cheeky!““ That’s right, you are right, but still.

I want one!““ I don’t care what you want!“I say to him. I look at him challenging. “If you want one, come and get it!“Ok, you don’t want to have it any other way!”He says, takes me in my arms and wants to hold me on. I free myself from his hug and run to bed.

he follows me. “You may run strange.”

“Run through the area with a hard swing between your legs.”He says to me. Since I already lie on the bed, he looks at me seriously. “You have a great body, you know that?”” Oh nonsense! I don’t have a great body at all.

Just look at my breasts. It’s way too small for my age. Do you know how it is annoying!?”” I already understand you. I still find your breasts very erotic.” I laugh.

“No seriously! Small but nicely shaped.“He lies with me. “Do we want to talk about my body here or otherwise deal with? You don’t have that much time either.““ Yes, I took off for the afternoon.” “That works?“” Yes, Makram owed me a little favor.”” How is he at all? I’m incredibly sorry that I hurt his eggs. I will apologize to him afterwards.

But I feel so angry … “” Already good. Do that.

But hey, we want to talk about macrama or do something nicer?”” Of course the latter!“We look deep into our eyes, our lips approach each other and our tongues are already united. “It’s really yours first time?” I nod. “I will make it as pleasant and nice as possible.“I tremble slightly. “Everything OK with you?““ I’m a little scared if you want to penetrate me with your long and stiff cock.““ I am very careful and tender to you.“And before I can say anything, he starts stroking my breast and nibbling on my earlobe.

“Ahh ..

Mois … please don’t stop!“I start moaning. His hand slides down and I am increasingly asking for demand. When he reached my pleasure grotto, he caresses my labia very tenderly.

A shower runs over my back. “Be very relaxed. But if I should stop, then you have to say it!” “No no! Just continue! I feel very well.“He starts to cover my face with kissing and I enjoy it to the fullest. He works on my neck and does not spare him with his hot, deserving and wonderful kissing.

After his lips visited my breast and the rest of my upper body, his mouth turns to my labia. “I’m going to do something very new with you now. If you don’t like it, let me know.““ Please don’t talk that much and just do it. I’ll get in touch then.“It gets pressed out of me because I do its delicate kisses with every fiber of my body.

He takes my legs and holds them up vertically. He kneels in front of it and starts kissing my column. Since I start to groan louder, he interprets this as a sign that I like it. Then he lets his tip of the tongue go up and down in my column.

I get totally insane and moan: “Keep on, continue. Not … not on …

I am…

So … ahh … I’m coming … right to ..

Ahh … ahh … ahh … orgasm.“I moan more and more and more violently.

The wetter I become, the faster Mois licks my love juice. My orgasm is even stronger than that in the bathroom and Mois still licks me. When I’m done, he stops and says: “You liked it, right?” “Yes it was very nice.“I say done.

“Do you want a break or should I …” “Keep on!“I interrupt him. “Good!“He carefully puts my legs back on the bed. He looks at me and I nod. He bends my legs and I shiver slightly.

However, when I see that his mouth approaches my cunt again, I relax immediately.

This time he gently kisses my labia before having his tongue dancing around my clit. I rear up. My hands take his head and I press him in my lap. “Do not stop! Yes…

Ahh … Next … Lick … Lick my pussy! Yes….“His hands make their way up, he massages my tits and plays with my hard nipples.

With more and more strength, I push my pleasure grotto of his horny and nimble tongue. And a satisfied grunzer comes from his side when my muscles really take his tongue into the lack. When he introduces his tongue deeply into me, there is no stopping for me. My entire pleasure juice shoots out of me and injects him carefully in the face.

Satisfied with his performance, he looks at me between my legs. My whole juice sticks to him on his face. “That was great! Such a muscles don’t even have Jeannette down there! And it has been doing it since she was 13. “Says Mois with full enthusiasm.

“Yes, I thought it was very nice too! But please do me a favor and do not mention this name if we are both alone and especially on this matter. Yes?””In order.““ So now you are on.“Mois lies next to me and we let our tongues dance in the mouths. When our lips come loose, he looks at me in love. I reply to this look, but unfortunately I know that it will never be my husband.

He notices and asks: “You think …” “Yes, I think that I will blow you a lot now now.“I say to him to distract from the topic.

I lovingly knew on his earlobe and play with his nipples. When I play it around with my tongue and carefully bite it in, he fell and groanes. His hard cock straightens up. Now it is due.

To put him more, I let my hand paint over his lance. It is a great feeling to know that he has such a stand because of me. This is followed by my tongue and my hands massage its impact -filled eggs. I really take his latte in my mouth and jerk his hot, horny, stiff and animal hard tail right.

I let my tongue dance around his glans. Again I put it in a trance and when I cheat this tender in his swing, he explodes immediately.

Since his orgasm ruins me animal, I am getting wetter and wetter. I sit on his upper body and rub my love thaw there. When I see that his cock is easy to lash, I bend and start the procedure of new things.

Mois sees my horny and damp cunt in front of her, pulls me closer and begins to lick her.
But it doesn’t stay that means. I am shortly before my orgasm when he stops licking and he carefully puts two fingers in me. I crouch towards him with my pelvis and they are in there. Since he also reached the climax, he really fingers me through, of course it takes care that he doesn’t hurt me.

I’m so horny that I scream loudly when I explode again. But not only me, but also he. “That was wonderful!“I moan.

To prove this, I give him a greaser on his glans. His little friend reports again immediately.

“Yes it was great. So now I want to spoil you a little more before we start right.” “Even more!? Does it work?” “You will see.“His hands have already reached my breasts and massage them. When I feel his hot breath on my buds, she blooms instantly. After spoiling my breasts, his hands slide over my thighs and he sinks his tongue in my damp and horny cunt.

I spread my legs more and more and he puts two fingers in my hot paradise, although he was mine with his tongue rosette played around.

With his thumb he massages my clit more and more intensively and I start to moan loudly and eagerly. “Next … ahh … yes ..

Mmmhhh … yes … ahh … you do me ..

Ahh … so cool … mmmhhh … I ..

Ahh … fuck me … fuck me right … Ohmm ..

Yeah … “” It also made him so horny that he comes with me. As he sprayed everything onto the bed, he licks everything that runs out of me.
After recovering a little with pats and caresses, I want to know now. I get a condom, blister his cock a little and together we pull the contraceptive over him. We look deep into our eyes.

“Do you really want it?” I nod.

He leans over me. “If it blows, then …” I seal his lips with an intimate kiss. He lies down on me and leads his hard and stiff Schwengel slow and mm into my vagina for mm. It is an insane feeling and very unusual.

When he is inside, he gives me time to get used to the new feeling. Slowly he begins to move in me. It doesn’t take long and we both have our rhythm. I push my pelvis towards him and more and more violently and he is getting more and more violent.

“I want you… ahh… whole.“I moan. “I want you…

Ohhm … feel completely in me.“He looks at me happily and leads the entire length of his lust lattein.

I moan out loud. We are getting faster and faster and I notice how my vagina encloses its cock and more firmly. “I…

Ahhh … Ohmm … come … yes …“I moan loudly and my pleasure juice drowns his cock in my pleasure grotto..
“Ahhh ..

Mmmhhh … yes … Ohmm … I ..

Oahh … too … “it comes from him. When we both get to the climax, we kiss passionately.
** The language of the animators was from approx. the 5.Page translated into normal German.

After an almost true story, and is already in progress. Katrin.
If you my story wrote to me.

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