Little imagination | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

After a long time we decided again meet And to spend a little time together. Nothing special just a day to chat a little.

But I constantly got this day in my head where we met to look for your laptop and we drove together to Stuttgart. I remember yesterday how I picked up under your T-shirt and touched your breasts.

When we were on the phone to make out the meeting point, I expressed a somewhat strange wish, I asked you to put on a gray or light blue panties why I didn’t tell you. I just told you that this should be a sign for me if you are ready for a small one adventure are or not.

It should be a kind of sign.

Then the day came, we’ll meet with me because we want to drink a coffee quickly before we drive to Stuttgart to stroll a little there. We sat around a little and drank coffee when you suddenly bent into your chair to search for something in your handbag. Your panties flashed out and what do I see because it is light blue. Yeah I thought you would like a little adventure.

Whether you have intentionally bent off?

It’s time to go you want to get back to them again quickly Toilet. That was my sign. I give the little silk sack and tell you that you should use it if you want a hot day today.

You go to the toilet and look into the bag and find Love balls in this. You make big eyes and wonder if you should really introduce you.

But finally you think you have nothing to lose and at the same time you ask yourself what that really should bring.

When you come out of the toilet we drive off.

I drive over land that you see a little bit different from the boring federal road but I had something else in mind when you drive through the villages the street are a bit uneven what mine automobile shakes a little shaken one time or another and this will make the love balls in yours pussy Made in vibrations and you will certainly feel that. I see that you are a little unsure in the passenger seat, which shows me that you have introduced the balls. And the thought of it makes my little friend get a little harder.

When we arrived in Stuttgart, we walk a little through the city center and make a real shop window stroll. When running you feel the balls in you that are put in vibrations by your steps, you will be a little horny with every step.

When we go to a shop I tell you that I have a surprise for you.

I’ll show you a keychain that looks like a thing to activate a car alarm system. You look at me questioningly then I press the button and you feel an intensive vibration in your pussy I press my head a second time and it stops.

I tell you that I will press the button a few more times but not warn when and I let the vibration run longer.

We continue our stroll, I keep starting the vibration. Sometimes when a lot of people stand around you, sometimes when we are undisturbed so that I can feel them a little more of it. In the moments when we are alone, I see the enjoyment in your face but when people around you are the embarrassment on your face.

Even in the restaurant when you want to order, I start the vibration briefly. After eating we drive home because it is late on the way I tell you I have to go to the office quickly because I still have to pick up something. You come to my office and while I am looking for the necessary part I let you enjoy the vibration so that you don’t get bored.

You seem tense and tell me that you urgently need to go to the toilet. Since you were very excited by the balls and the pressure on your bubble was quite strong, you didn’t care and you were right.

I went to the toilet with you because it was the weekend we were alone in the house and that was not a problem with that.

I closed you the door behind us and then ……

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