The tutor [1] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

At the door was Simon, the tutor’s tutor, although the term teacher seems a bit exaggerated, because Simon was at most 17, the one Son an acquaintance who took care of a little pocket money about Jan’s German centes. Already with your first encounter Simon had given himself quite uncertainly, was shy to look at you and only gave you very insecure and lax your hand, which amused you at the time. But Simon got along quite well with Jan, was on time, showed a lot of effort and actually had some success.

In the beginning he came once a week, later again every 14 days to stabilize the math performance of Jan.
Simon and Jan’s timetables allowed Simon to get on Tuesdays at around 11 a.m., which was advantageous that the other children were still at school and Simon and Jan were therefore able to work in the living room in peace.

You quickly noticed the difference, as Simon dealt with Jan when you entered the room.

Due to the open doors, you could always hear how the two went through the fabric in a relaxed atmosphere. However, if you came in, Simon regularly became quite nervous, unsafe and – if you spoke him – often red on your face. Apparently your presence in some form was uncomfortable and over time you had fun to get the boy a little out of the concept.

His awkward reactions, his uncertain appearance and his efforts to avoid you, stimulated your imagination. After a while it was pretty sure that you made him nervous as a woman and that something happened to him when you were nearby.

From the moment you realized this, these thoughts were more and more captured and you started to watch him more closely when you meet. For example, you noticed how he looked at you secretly. Your hair and your body looked and immediately turned hectically turning.

You felt his eyes burn on your neck when he stood behind you and occasionally you even had the impression that he wanted to catch a breeze of your smell after you passed it on him.

A strange feeling captured you more and more often. You were not sure if you were amused, flattered.
should be excited or annoying about the fact that this sheet, who had certainly never seen a woman nearby, looked at your breasts and on your butt. But it shouldn’t let you go. You started playing with him.

It was simple because you were in the superior situation. You were that Mother, An adult woman he seemed to excite himself, and in his wildest dreams could not come up with that you would notice his desire and even share it in a certain way.

The poor boy really had to suffer. In the Summer If you picked up brief, pretty summer dresses on Tuesdays, which showed a lot of leg, put on very subtly sweet perfume, and when he rang the bell, an ever more intense shower drove down your back down to the buttocks when you saw his helpless looks when youthe door opened. He just couldn’t help it, he had to star on you.

And you liked it. Over time becoming more and more common, you made less and less space at the door when it came in, so that it was initially only inserted by your fragrance, and a little later -even you had to be braver at first -even had to touch in the houseget.

This first random touch was like that Contact A candle with a hot needle – he melt under your warmth, it became smaller and more helpless and the bump in its thin summer pants was considerable. In front of his unfortunate eyes, you bend in the hallway to lift a bicycle helmet and then stretch out wide to put the helmet onto the wardrobe. His view on your butt was so hot that you could feel it and his desire for you, which made him so unsafe and with which he knew nothing to do, was almost tangible in the room.

It may be that you want to touch me?, Did you want to put him up, “don’t you want to know what it looks like under this dress? Wouldn’t you like to be a little brave?“You went into the kitchen a little frightened, things got out of control for you emotionally. Only in the kitchen did you notice your quick breath, the frenzied heart and also to pull in the strips. You got to see how you imagined his bare skin, the soft contours of his still beardless face and the soft, clear fluff of his pubwet. You wanted more of him, so much was certain ..

With soft knees you went up the stairs to cool off a little, but hardly arrived at the top you ended up on the sofa and your fingers under your dress.

It was warm and moist and you felt the blood pulsating when you snatch through your fingers through your dense hair, always thoughts with the young Simon, his inexperience and lust. Your fingers wandered deeper, stroked your lips, which were thick and soft and rays wonderfully. You rub the juice over your stomach, stroke your column and suddenly straighten up. Shit, what do I do? Either stop on the spot or try it out, if I can torture it even further, it shot through your head.

To be in bed and do it yourself, you have had enough of that for a long time. It was time for something new, exciting.

Once activated, you could no longer stop your fantasies. You went into the bathroom and put out in the certainty of bra and panties that you could see a lot through the thin dress with suitable lighting. A first test for him should be the underwear you just moved out.

The top of the summer heat, the panties of other things, plenty of moist, you apparently put both carelessly on the bathing tub, in which there were already some other laundry. You press the rinsing fairly noisily, pull the door behind you and then went to the boys into the room.

“If you want to drink something, with this heat?“You asked and gratefully accept the two. Use the interruption, Simon went to the toilet while standing in the kitchen with Jan and pouring iced tea into large glasses. “In this weather, learning is even less fun than usual“ Mouled Jan ”I would be happy if the next half hour was over.

By the way, I wanted to ask Simon if he would like to go to us afterwards Swimming pool get. Is that okay mom?”” Sure, we’re going anyway. Ask him calmly.“Simon came back, took his glass and went back to the table in the living room with Jan, where her things were.

You went into the bathroom with a pounding heart and actually – Simon had touched your underwear. Obviously, he had troubled to put them back on how she was lying, but you had too taken care of it.

“The boy actually horny on my underwear* you thought with a smile and your fingers landed between your legs again. “Then go, now I’ll really let you suffer …”.
The glaring summer sun seemed through the windows in the living room and the two boys had sat in the dining table in the shade, where a pleasant breeze line at this time through the open windows at this time. Jan sat with his back to the living room, Simon opposite him and both were deepened into their tasks. Unsceptably, excited and with a good dumpling in your throat, you went to the table casually, look Jan over his shoulder and support yourself on the table top with her arms.

Your summer dress left no more secrets, Simon was able to look directly at your breasts and that is exactly what he did too.

You didn’t have to risk a look, it was literally noticed that Simon became red, that he didn’t want to watch at all, didn’t really know what that was done with him. He hectically slipped around his chair and only suspected one thing: what he was doing was absolutely not okay. He couldn’t know that you put it on it.

“Be so good” you said to Simon “and please do it the window Behind you, you sit here on the train “. To contradict he was apparently brought up too well and so he got up, turning up to the window and when you saw what was undoubtedly innocent boxer shorts, you suffered a hormone shock that made you tremble.

Jan, of course, did not come with anything and Simon prayed that it would be like you and felt horrific.

Guilty and excited at the same time – as you do yourself. Your greed could hardly be broken at that moment. You would show him even more.

You would drive him to despair and at some point then he would be due. “Quiet, very calm,” you said to yourself and to the boys “I think it’s great how you can get this together. I will now clean the windows in the living room, don’t let yourself be disturbed “. With a small pedal ladder and a bucket of water, you started to clean the windows and every time you were on the step and stretched upwards, you knew that Simon saw a lot of your nudity through the summer dress and the translucent suncould.

With certainty he could at least see that you were naked under the dress and every now and then you turned a bit to the side, in the hope that the dress would also see the outlines of your breasts and your densely overgrown shame. In any case, you were so excited about this thought that a warm film spread from your lap to the thighs. Only annoying that in this super weather you actually had to clean the windows to end ..

It should start so harmless … “Mom, next Tuesday we will take a trip with the class, but we should bring every fifteen mark and a copy of our vaccination fun”.

This sentence from Jan was enough to put you into a state of heart at the moment.
“It’s great, I’ll put your money out and call Simon so that he doesn’t come for free,” you replied while your thoughts were already going crazy. You would of course do a devil and call Simon, rather you would be alone with Simon for two hours next Tuesday and the weather forecast almost overturned out of Lauter.

In the evening when falling asleep, your thoughts revolved out what exactly you are doing with him. It was certain that he was pretty much absorbed by you, that he was enjoying your underwear and that he could not leave it to staring on you. All of this again made you so sharp that you wanted to keep it more and more irritated, wanted to show him more and more and – if you were honest with you – also wanted to see something from him.

See, show, it was all? How far would you want to go? In any case, your thoughts knew no limits, you imagined. To touch him, too jerk off, Take and jerk off. Did you want to deflower him? Would be fun as an experienced adult woman to seduce an unpaved boy and enjoy his immunity and uncertainty? The answer was yes. Very clearly.

At least here alone in your bed at night. Again you notice how to tremble.

Something else was also clear: you needed a plan and a good plan, because after all it was also a risky thing. He could cheat that he could try to take control, you could be disturbed. Slowly gets an idea how to seduce it without you losing your authority.

He would not even notice what happens and you would put everything as a matter of course, one thing gives the other and suddenly he would be due. Tuesday could come.

Tuesday came and soon Simon would come. When at nine o’clock all at school or. were on the excursion bus suddenly the time stopped.

At least that’s how it seemed to you. After the ritual tidying up, reading the newspaper, making beds, it was just almost half past two. Another and a half hours. You went into the bathroom, look at yourself for a while in the mirror and slowly but surely you were excited and went through your plan again in your head.

He was good because there were enough opportunities to cancel the whole thing without need if something went wrong.

After an extensive shower it was ten o’clock. You went to sheer pastime in one of the children’s rooms and cleared a few toys away. At half past two you got dressed, which didn’t mean much, because apart from a short dress you were naked, as you enjoyed the most fun. When it rang at ten to eleven, you got a brief attack of scruples, but they could be effortlessly wipe away.

Excited, the plan in the head, you open the door and Simon was at the door. “Oh my goodness,” you called, “I had completely forgotten you. Jan is not there today, I wanted to call you. I completely forgot, shit.

But come in anyway.”

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