Suppressed lust | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Suppressed pleasure

It was Friday afternoon, the rain pounded from the outside to the window and I lumed around with my girlfriend Sarah on the sofa. My small student apartment was only equipped with the most necessary, but in my opinion a sofa was clearly part of it. Sarah and I studied at the same university, but in various disciplines. A perfect state, as I found, because you did not put yourself on the pelle permanently, but could still meet easily and quickly.

For both of us, the lecture had ended early today and so we had crawled with me before the weather. We should probably have used the time to learn, but we were too excited about this evening. Jochen, a fellow student, had invited us to himself because he had bought an erotic “truth or duty” game and believed that it was only fun with his girlfriend alone. To be honest, I was plenty of nervous because I didn’t know what would happen to us today.

As if she read my thoughts, Sarah looked at me and asked: “Well, already excited about tonight?“I replied with a counter question:“ What do you think, how will the evening?“She thought briefly, then swung one leg around and sat down on my lap. Sarah was small but slim and despite her size had a wonderful stem. Now she was wearing gray jogging pants and a white top, just the thing for sofa weather. “Hm, I think it could get pretty hot …” she said conspiratorially and easily started moving her pelvis on my lap.

It was immediately clear to me that she didn’t mean the weather and although I liked it, I was not ready to drop the topic yet. “Yes, that just scares me a little bit!“Now she leaned down and her long smooth hair fell in my face. Almost in the whispering tone, she said: “I think we just have to put you in the right mood …” And before I could ask what it should mean again, she pressed her mouth on mine and gave me a long, intimate kiss andthe movement of her pelvis took up again.

Finally our mouths separated and Sarah rose.

Also while standing, she made light circular movements with her pelvis, turned to the right and sometimes to the left, so that I was able to take a closer look at her and then took the top up over her breasts. These were still held by a simple bra, which fell to the ground a short time later and gave a view of her two wonderful breasts, on which her two nipples had already raised a little bit. Now I had completely fallen into her and I felt how my limb was getting tougher in my own jogging pants. Sarah had also completely got rid of her top and now slowly danced up and down in front of me, her hands kept drove off her body, sometimes caressing the flat stomach, sometimes pressing the breast.

When they finally docked the jogging pants and their unspectacular white panties together in one go. Sarah climbed out of her pants and let her fly across the room with his foot and then come to me with slow steps and swinging hips. Then she grabbed the waistband of my pants with both hands and pulled me down in one, as with herself, jogging trousers and boxer shorts, so that my hard penis jumped out of his prison. “Well, you’ll get in the mood slowly.“She whispered as she stroked my member with one hand.

But then she let off from me and took a step back. She stood in front of me slightly wide as I was still sitting on the sofa with trousers left down. Again she started with her erotic movements, but now she was naked and her slower dance offered an even more provocative sight. So Sarah danced in front of me for a while and her hands always drove over her body.

When she turned to the side and presented me her breasts and the turious nipples in the profile, my limb insisted and I started slowly jerk off. Sarah’s hand now drove into her crotch and she was still dancing to finger her herself, and her movements became slower and her hand more and more demanding as if she slowly flowed her entire strength into the satisfaction of her lust. Suddenly she stood in front of me and looked at me with a lustful look, with a quiet, wet noise she pulled her finger out of her and grabbed my member with the wet hand. She soulful she locked her juice on my glans and kept driving, gently practicing pressure, along my shaft.

It didn’t take long and her dripping vagina seemed to ask for attention again, because Sarah sat down on my lap, leaned back slightly and lay my hard penis lengthways between her labia. With one hand I pressed him between her gap while rubbing on it, distributing more and more juice over him. Even with me, individual, clear drops of pleasure also crawled out of the top, but they immediately combined with the wet surrounding them.

So we rubbed each other for a long time, the pace increasingly increasing.

Sarah’s breath had now swollen to an enjoyable moan, which also caused me more and more. My blood pulsed through my limb and in me the orgasm shouted to finally be let out. My own moan grew louder and I felt how I was about to come. I pressed more firmly to the warm moisture in Sarah’s step, ready to pour her about her when she suddenly removed from me.

A violent shower went through my body and only a single small, white drop ran down my stone -hard penis. He showed twitching and sparkling on Sarah, who now stood in front of me, his hands stood in front of me. “So now you should be in the right mood for tonight!“She laughed in common. I could only be a stammed “what ..?“Bring out, I was too surprised and the pressure in my best piece was still too demanding.

“I think we should slowly get ready.“Sarah said while she was bending after her top. In doing so, she blew her red, dripping wet gap from which so much juice quoll that it ran down on the inside of her thigh. So Sarah didn’t seem to be doing any other way than me, so I got involved in her little game, full of excitement and now much less fear awaited the evening.

Two hours later I closed the front door behind us and we made our way, freshly showered and cleaned out to go out. I was wearing dark jeans and a turtleneck sweater, while Sarah wore a pretty short skirt over black tights.

At the top she had chosen a sweet, purple-colored top, the edges of which were occupied with a black tip. As so often, I could hardly leave my eyes off her. “Oh, do you have condoms with you?“Asked Sarah when we drove down in the elevator. “Sure, a whole handful!“I grinned what brought me a kiss.

Jochen lived only a few minutes away from me, but much more pompom than I.

Although he was just one student, he had a lifestyle for studying above average for studying. Fortunately, however, he had remained quite down -to -earth, presumably that was the reason why I got on so well with him.

We rang the rang at the modern door while a small camera caught our eye. From the intercom, it sounded “Ah, you are finally!“And the door gave us to understand with a sum that it was now ready to be opened.

With the mirrored elevator, we drove to the top floor of the clean, white house and entered Jochens quite envious apartment. However, a surprise awaited us, because not only Jochen and his girlfriend Steffi greeted us, but another couple. Jochen introduced the two of us as Basti and Jenny and it turned out that Sarah Jenny knew from the university. So the evening started very leisurely like so many others, we chatted over the university, the city, and about God and the world, drank one or the other beer or glass of wine and spent a pleasant time together.

But it was clear to all of us what the real reason for this “couple meeting” was: Jochen’s new game with which he had already been in my ears in the lectures. And so inevitably came the moment when it started. We all sat comfortably in the living room on the sofa when Jochen disappeared briefly and reappeared with a box. He put them on the coffee table with a grin and looked into the round.

“How do you look? We want?“But he did not get more than a polyphonic, murmured approval as an answer, we all didn’t really know what we should think of it. Jochen immediately opened the lid on which a naked lady with silicone breasts receded. “Where did you actually get?“Asked Jenny, who had just taken the lid in his hand and was now studying it. “Ebay” was the short answer from Jochen, who was already clearing the contents of the box.

It contained two large stacks of cards, one blue, the other red, as well as a cardboard surface on which a rotating arrow was attached, almost like with Twister, I still thought. Six fields were painted around the arrow. There were also small characters that we were distributed below ourselves. “Everyone puts their character in one of the fields, so it is unmistakable who is on.“Jochen explained and everyone chose a field.

Of course I took the field next to Sarah, who was sitting next to me on the sofa and cuddled with me. The situation was similar with the other couples, all of us had formed a small group. Then Jochen mixed the cards and put them on the table in two stacks. “Red is mandatory, blue is truth.“He continued, then looked up and asked:“ All right? Let’s go!”.

He turned the arrow that rotated on the board for a few seconds. We all watched spellbound, hoping not to have to be the first one. The arrow turned slower and finally stopped in front of Steffi’s figure, which promptly “I knew it!“Gave from itself. Grinning asked Jochen: “Truth or duty?”” You and your stupid game! Nagut, truth!“That was clear, each of us would take truth first.

Jochen pulled a blue card and read: “Have you been naked for more than 12 hours at a time? If yes why?“Steffi’s answer came immediately, but she couldn’t help but be a stealthy look at Jochen.“ Yes. Because it was not worth it to get dressed again and again … ”This answer brought her laugh and some“ Wohos ”and the mood began to loosen up noticeably. So it went on, all of us, we have only taken truths so far, but here too there were very piquant details to light.

When some glasses of beer or wine later unabashedly gave an astonishingly long list of places in which she had already masturbated (subway, Swimming pool, Restaurant toilet, changing room, …) I went through my imagination and I couldn’t defend myself against the wonderful pictures in my head.

Jenny was probably the smallest but definitely the most inconspicuous among those present. She had smooth black hair that fell over her slim body for a long time and cheekily peeked two normal proportion from the neckline of her checkered dress, but apparently solid breasts. While continuing her list (in the car, In the forest, at the university, …) I imagined how she drove in the subway, could no longer suppress the urge and secretly pushed her hand under the dress as she steals up and down on the seatrubbed, every vibration of the railway. But before I could let her come in my thoughts, I was called back to reality when she said: “Yes, um, I think that’s it …”.

I looked over at her and saw how she slowly drove her tongue over her lips and had a slight redness on her cheeks. And as if another limit had been exceeded, the game of the next phase.

Jenny turned the arrow and after a short rotating he landed on my girlfriend. Sarah hesitated briefly, but then said: “Mandatory”.

As soon as she said that, Jochen got up to the light switch and dimmed the light, so that we were sitting in a pleasant half -darkness. When he came back, despite everything, the bump could be seen in his pants, which was probably still due to Jenny’s list. It was now, for the first time this evening, a map of the red stack and read: “Let yourself be given a kiss of tongue by the previous player”. Without another word, she put the card on and slowly came up to Sarah, who now also got up.

Jenny enclosure Sarah’s neck and she put her hands on Jenny’s hip, then her mouths met and the two kissed seemingly endless seconds for seconds. I did Jochen the same and got a handsome bump in my pants. “Jenny kisses my girlfriend!“It always shot through my head until the two finally separated and lasciviously strolled back to their places. Nobody still said, everyone was too caught at the moment to make stupid sayings.

Then Sarah turned the arrow, who promptly stopped on me and I also chose mandatory. Sarah pulled a card and read: “Let your previous player give you an order and follow it the rest of the game.“Sarah didn’t think long, looked me tightly and said:“ You can only come when I allow you!“Now a murmur went through everyone present and I even thought to hear a whispered“ nasty ”. That also made pretty much my assessment of the “command”, but since we have played this game together since this afternoon, I got back on it again. Then I turned and met Jochen, who without thinking about it “duty!“Called.

Only then did worry crash about his face when he remembered that I had turned the arrow. I pulled a card and then flol it and then read it, relieved not to have to blow Jochen,: “All teammates present their underpants in the middle.“Nobody complained that this was all hit and not just Jochen, the game was too much fun. We guys had it quite cumbersome, of course, because we were wearing all three pants, so we turned (from showing nothing on the map) and got rid of our underwear. Two hot pants and a boxer shorts flew on the table in the middle, we had the jeans again.

Then Steffi got up, she was wearing an extremely short blue mini skirt, long white knee cups and a wide, white top with longitudinal folds. I had already observed that Steffi liked to wear long tops, even though she was by far the slimest person, I suspected that she wanted to hide her little breasts. With a little luck I would find out whether this assumption was correct, so I leaned back comfortably while Steffi reached under the skirt and got rid of her white string tangas, which she threw into the men’s pants. Sarah also got up and as if she wanted to tease Steffi, she stretched out her chest as she reached under the skirt.

All eyes were spellbound on their top, which was standing, and before we were concerned, their little black top tanga landed on the table. Now everyone turned to Jenny, who was still sitting on the sofa and announced lovingly: “Well, I have nothing underneath …” My subway imagination suddenly gave a new dimension and I threatened to get lost again in it. Again I saw Jenny in my head as she had her hand under her dress and … but again I was torn out of my thoughts, this time by Jochen, the trombone: “Everyone can say that!“Without answering, Jenny then rose slowly, took her dress on the hem and pulled it up over the navel.

Then she stood, stretched her perfectly shaped hip towards us and exposed her rosy, smooth -shaped sheath. As soon as she dropped her dress again, we all had to take a strong sip, just Basti, Jenny’s friend left his beer untouched and instead pushed Jenny, hardly having sat down again, his tongue in her mouth. Smart, the two wrapped up, while Jochen brought the arrow to rotate, continuing the game. The arrow landed on Steffi and before she could even say “duty”, Jochen had already taken a red card as if there was no “truth” anymore.

“Spend the rest of the game completely naked” he read off the card. Steffi did not hesitate, she got up and slowly started to drive off her body with her hands. I also thought that I would finally find out what Steffi’s breasts looked like and that this would apparently be presented to me in a wonderful strip. She danced around us and drove over the body more and more excited.

At first she got rid of her long knee cups by putting a foot on Jochens knee. The view between hers only opened for him Legs And while he was under her skirt, he began to massage the bump in his pants. Without her stockings, Steffi’s long, smooth legs came into its own, which through the small mini skirt she still looked like, as if they were met. Dancing she let off from Jochen and began to circle the small table, passed Jenny and Basti, who still smooched wildly and came to me, stood in front of me and turned around.

Then she lends herself deep forward, like lifting something up, with her mini skirt pushed up and presented me up close to her little butt. Since Steffi was very slim, I was able to let my eyes hike through the gap of her legs and had to take all my strength together so as not to grab this wonderful butt with both hands and to sink my face in her column. But she was already standing up again and only now did I notice that she had got rid of her top when bending down. Since she was not wearing a bra, my curiosity was immediately satisfied when I saw her actually quite small hills on which two hard nipples were emblazoned.

Steffi step back to Jochen, who was still massaging his bump and was now taking off her mini skirt in front of him. Splittered she sat down again and let everyone’s looks while putting the arrow into rotation.

He turned for a long time, but then came to me clearly and again I chose mandatory. The naked Steffi grabbed the red stack and picked up the top card: “Masturbet at least two moves in front of all teammates without coming.“I hesitated, no question, I was so horny that I didn’t have to worry, but here, especially … when Sarah suddenly bent over to the bump in my pants and breathed in my ear: “Well, but think about the rule!“So I opened my pants and released my rock hard link, nothing changed when everyone else’s eyes stuck to it. Even Jenny and Basti had stopped smooching and Jenny’s eyes had soaked on my penis that she wasn’t even blinking anymore.

Slowly I pushed mine with my right foreskin Before and back, always exposed my glans. I knew I had to be careful, I was still so excited from this afternoon that I was probably able to cum on command. I had to bring myself to other thoughts, so I looked away from the Steffi, which was exactly opposite me, whose shame presented her to my legs and let my eyes wander. Suddenly I had to interrupt the movement of my hand when my view of Jenny fell.

She had spread her legs on the sofa and pulled her dress up again, but now she played unabashedly with a hand on her clit while she didn’t let my strap out of my eyes. A little recovered from the surprise, I slowly picked up the movement of my hand, it was a little embarrassed to be so shortly before coming, the others couldn’t know what Sarah and I had driven beforehand. I pushed the arrow with my left hand to advance the game round and to distract from my temporarily lack of perseverance. The arrow made some tired turns and then stopped on Jenny, who first looked at him and then “duty”.

So I reached for a red card, but Sarah came to me beforehand, “I read, you’re busy down there.“And took my card. “Satisfy your previous player orally.“Sarah had hardly read finished when Jenny was already in front of me. I let my hand sink, my member patronized a few precious seconds when Jenny sank to his knees. “Remember, you can only come when I allow it!“Sarah still ordered when Jenny enclosed my glans with her lips.

The world turned around me when I sank into Jenny’s warm, soft mouth, enclosed her lips my shaft, her tongue played with my glans and again and again she took me deep into my mouth, as Sarah has never donehad. To hold back the pressure, Jenny not to spray his mouth at the moment was suddenly incredibly heavy. I compulsively let my thoughts wander to other things, what did I eat in the cafeteria yesterday afternoon? My member pushed deep into Jenny’s mouth, the saliva ran down her neck and a hand still had her under her dress. How much did the new notebook cost? Now she started sucking hard on me, a slight vacuum made me groaned when she was getting stronger and stronger.

And what did it cost minus taxes? What did I actually talk about there? I didn’t talk at all, I just thought! I was slowly going crazy, the delight, which my limb wrote, brought me around the mind. Meanwhile, Sarah had kneeled behind Jenny and helped her head to move her head. My eyes fell on my hard strap again, which disappeared between Jenny’s saliva lips. I quickly turned to the side, the sight would otherwise let me spray in the wind, but now on the other side of the table I saw Steffi again.

She also did not leave our hustle and bustle, because she was still sitting wide -leggedly she kept pushing a finger into her vagina. At this sight I finally meant I had to burst and groaned loudly, but instead of the hoped -for unloading of the desired orgasm, the warmth and soothing touch about my limb suddenly disappeared. At the last moment, Sarah Jenny’s head had moved away from my limb and for the second time that day I was abandoned shortly before the climax. A new shower went through me and I released a small gutter from my tip, which formed a single drop that Jenny cleverly picked up with his tongue without touching me.

I was twitching and sparkling my limb in front of Jenny’s face, next to which Sarah was now that, who was conspirelessly whispered by Jenny: “Yeah, you see how he suffers? Let him fidget!”

I put my head on my neck, closed my eyes and tried to calm down and slowly I fought my feelings, I came down again. When I opened my eyes again, I saw that Jochen also got rid of his pants and what was stuck in front of him was really the biggest cock that I had ever seen, no wonder that he initially bumped such a huge bump in his pantshad. But I couldn’t admire him for a long time, when a part has already sank into Steffi’s mouth, which was still wide -legged and fingered as wildly while sucking on Jochen’s strap. The picture had changed in front of me too, because Jenny had finally moved out her dress and presented her breasts.

They weren’t quite as big as Sarahs, but they were still neat and of perfect round shape and their little hard nipples were simply adorable. Sarah, on the other hand, had devoted himself to the Basti, which was left alone, but before I could look longer, Jenny had taken my member firmly in her hand and looked up at me. “Here is playing the music!”She said lustfully and pressed it between her breasts. She firmly pressed the bliss of her curves together so that she enclosed me and then began moving her upper body up and down so that I was rubbed between her hills.

I saw from the corner of the eye how Sarah Bastis rubbed out of the cock, while he fingered on her nipples. On the other hand, Steffi still struggled with the giant part in her mouth, while Jochen gave envious look at Jenny and me, with Steffi’s breasts that probably couldn’t be imitated. Jenny continued to rubbed me between her breasts, but kept stopping when I started to twitch easily. She did not know me as well as Sarah and could not assess my orgasm perfectly without her help, so she was on the safe side and kept in mind when I made suspicious movements.

It was just as crazy at me, I wasn’t so close to the climax, but it was close enough to it.

Basti’s limb now disappeared between breasts that my girlfriend, who had kneeled in front of him, and did it as Jenny did with me. Jochen’s gaze now also rested on Basti, as my girlfriend’s plump hills seemed even more tempting to be in. Steffi now noticed that, who quickly let his belt slide out of her mouth, took him by the hand and moved over to Sarah.

I devoted myself to my own treatment again, my limb still rubbed in the column between Jenny’s breasts, I was as deep as I could between them, ponded my acorn at the top, which Jenny cheekily took when she closed himcame close. So she drove me on on the edge of the highlight, which gave a delight and agony in me at the same time. The roles had now exchanged for the others: Steffi Blies Basti and Jochen Schob his monster between Sarah’s breasts, which he obviously liked, because he pushed faster and faster and faster and delighted sounds. When Basti groaned louder, Sarah got up and pulled the two behind him.

“Now the two show you how they do what you are not allowed to do.“With this she took Jenny’s place and pushed my member between the breasts. Jochen and Basti stood on both sides and jerked like crazy. They would come right away and Sarah would spray on the breasts, between which my belt was just stuck. The thought drove me crazy again and the delight started to climb back in me, but Sarah knew me too well, looked my signs immediately and let go of me.

The most violent twitch today went through me and my member reared up, wanted to let everything out, finally come and was not left behind. Again, a small gutter was everything that Sarah allowed from my seed to get to the surface. A quiet whimpered me, at the same moment, when Basti groaned loudly next to me. No constraints underneath like me, he rubbed himself to the climax, pushed the foreskin back one last time and splashed uninhibitedly.

As soon as the first thrust Sarah hit, Jochen also moaned and released his hot, thick seeds, who clapped hard on Sarah. Both of my girlfriend, in front of whom I was sitting with a poching member, were ready to come ready, ready to dismiss the seeds of my life and yet to obey the promise of her instructions.

With pleasure, Basti and Jochen jerked until the last drop of them came out of them and then let themselves fall back onto the sofa, while Sarah smeared the seed on her chest and looked at me challenging. “Well, you want too?”” Jah, please!”I begged, but she stayed tough:” Not yet, my darling, not yet … “And with that she disappeared into the bathroom to clean up in the bathroom. Jenny immediately took her place and looked at me out of deer eyes.

“Ooch, du poor” she gave me up and immediately put my penis back in my mouth. She sucked me with relish, but was just as mean as Sarah, because she still didn’t let me come. Just when she interrupted a climax again, Sarah came back from the bathroom and approached us. “Well, you let him suffer well too?“She whispered to Jenny, who nodded slightly.

“But don’t forget your own lust …” As if it had been an agreed signal, Jenny let off from me, got up and took me by the hand. Completely from the light skin and the perfect curves, I followed Jenny. She led me next door in Jochens bedroom. Where she knew where it was I didn’t ask, it didn’t matter to me right now, I was now a willless slave of lust.

We entered the large room with the spacious double bed, behind us Sarah slipped in and then closed the door, the others streamlined. I turned to her and looked at her, she just nodded towards the bed, on which Jenny was now spread out and invitingly and said: “Take her! But woe you come!”. Slowly I went to the bed and crawled over the soft springs to Jenny, who immediately hugged me and pressed itself. She whispered quietly in my ear: “Fuck me!“Even this statement had my best piece of twitching.

I straightened up and looked at the wonderful being below me how she spread her legs and presented her red shimmering vagina overflowing with moisture and invited me to penetrate her. I only perceived Sarah’s presence in the room as if from a distance when I let my glans dive into Jenny’s wetness. Slowly and carefully I pushed my member into it, the warmth and gnawing at the moment let me shed me up.

There was nothing left, the world all over me faded and reduced to my lust for this being.

There was no more party, no other guests, no game, not more Sarah, only Jenny, her bliss, our lust and one rule: not come!

I pushed deep into Jenny a few times before I pulled out of her trembling to prevent myself from orgasm. I had become slave, who was now tormenting himself, had fallen for my master. Again I pushed deep into Jenny’s grotto, pushed myself completely into her hot column, just to pull out and remain again. The agony and lust mixed up to a whole, inseparable and again I penetrated them, pulled out of her and penetrated again.

I repeatedly repeated this rhythm and with everyone I did, Jenny groaned as if she were delighted with my pain. I worked an infinity in my own clock. Bumped and persisted. Until I heard Sarah’s familiar voice from the spiritual fog surrounding me, which was very close to my ear.

I could almost feel her lips on my earlobe when she breathed the redeeming command: “Come on!“For the last time I pushed my member firmly and deep into Jenny, then pulled out of her again, caught in time completely and screamed my lust when I finally got the long -awaited orgasm. Wave around wave passed my body in a violent twitch when I finally missed my seeds in the highest of my highlights. It sprayed out of me as violently as never before. The first thrust of my hot sperm shot over Jenny and landed somewhere beyond the bed, the second got her straight into the face.

But more and more seeds came out of me, thrust around the thrust I pumped the white juice on Jenny’s body, sprayed her face, her breasts and her stomach until after an eternity, only individual drops fell directly onto her grotto from which I escaped.

Panting, I let myself fall into bed next to her. Jenny also breathed heavily and I watched the wet, lifting chest for a while. Sarah was no longer in the room, she had to leave him when she released me.

“That was the most blatant orgasm I’ve ever seen,” said Jenny suddenly and then looked at me directly. “You always inject like this?”” No, luckily not … “I only brought out. So we lay next to each other until after a while we heard sounds from the living room. “Do you hear the?”Asked Jenny.

“I think the hustle and bustle over there too.“Suddenly she turned back to me again her mouth on mine. “Let us drive it again!“Then whispered she whispered. “But …” I said to Sarah thinking. “Heh, you just hose to me and now you don’t like it anymore? I mean, who knows when we have another opportunity? In addition, our partners are probably doing it all the time … “Basically, she didn’t need to convince me, I was long since melted down and which one orgasm, as much as it was, was not enough to completely dismantle the pressure.

“I also see that you want!“She said, pulled a pout and pointed to my vertical member. I didn’t know whether it was still stood or just upset again, but that didn’t matter. I kissed her on the mouth, which was still warped to swell, and she understood immediately. Without another word she swung one leg over me and sat down on my lap.

Mein started immediately sperm, that it had collected on her body to run down on her, but none of us paid great attention to it, too much we approached the pleasure bubble again, which we had just left. With one hand I put my link to her still wet opening and disintegrating me, she pushed it down to the attack, which she acknowledged with a cuff. Immediately she started riding me, first she gently circled on my lap and then always started moving up and down quickly so that I drove deep into her with every push. She started hesitantly and then louder and deeper to moan.

Newly wet juice flowed out of her and proved to me how horny she was and my backstream was given the lead again. I pushed Jenny from me, turned her on her back and penetrated her from behind. I fucked her in a quick rhythm. I drove into her with smacking noises and voted in her moan.

Moaning and screaming we rubbed our bodies together. Then I wanted to see her from the front, wanted to see her breasts as they jumped up and down through my relapses, so I took them and turned them on the back. Do not treat a break, I immediately penetrated her again and picked up a quick pace. Her breasts hopped in time, while I was able to watch my limb sank into her again and again, then got out with a new juice, just to go deep again.

Her groans and gase became more and more intense, her movements were more and more demanding and when she painfully clawed in my arm with her fingers, I knew that I had her so far right away. I now seemed to have the unimpeded control over my own body, despite the long torture, despite the rising feelings in me and so I increased the speed one last time. I now pushed into her in rapid fast bumps until she caught under me and poured out a long -drawn scream. In doing so, she pressed my member together so tightly that it also came to me.

This time I didn’t pull out of her, but pumped my seed deep into her.

At some point, there could have been an eternity again, my meanwhile slack penis slipped from Jenny’s soft grotto, followed by my second load, which now moaned the bed and mixed with my first seed and our sweat. We stayed together for some time until Jenny said: “Should we see what’s going on there, I don’t hear them anymore …” And I agreed, so we were as smeared and sweaty as we were up. Before I could open the door, Jenny pressed a last kiss on my cheek, then we went back into the living room. There we had the picture of a leaking but highly exciting evening.

Everyone was naked, Jochen was sitting on the cozy armchair, his huge thing was hung up between his legs, Steffi and Basti were sitting closely together on the sofa, while Steffi loses the half -tire of cock from Basti. And next to it Sarah sat, his legs spread wide, two fingers stuck in her hole. When I sighted, I immediately got warm around my heart. I went over to her, past the small table, on which there were some full condoms that gave me a guilty conscience because I hadn’t used any.

Arrived with Sarah, I leaned down and kissed her passionately, then I sat next to her, whereupon she pulled her hand out of her and cuddled with me. “People, that was awesome, we have to repeat that!“Trumpy Jochen with a grin, to which Steffi had finally joined again.

One after the other we went to the bathroom and washed ourselves or got dressed and cleared the dirt away. With a glass of beer, or wine for the women, we sat a little later again properly and chastely on the sofa, the game already put together and stowed away on the shelf. “I’m afraid we left a lot of mess on your bed …” Jenny apologized with Jochen with red cheeks and I could only have a “yes … sorry!“Add, but Jochen had to laugh and did it with“ The main thing is that you had fun!“Just off.

So the evening ended in peace and at some point we all made our way home. We left the house to say goodbye and then went down the dark road, Sarah and I meanwhile alone. She pressed herself very close to me while walking and pressed my hand so tight that I stopped at some point and she was astonished. As soon as I turned my head to her, she put her tongue in my mouth and kissed me wildly.

We stood on the nightly, abandoned road and kissed until she took off from me and got my ear very close to my ear and breathed “Please!”. Only now do I understood! She had played our game all the time! Not only she was my master, I was her master too! I had fallen on my own lust, had even fucked another woman twice that I hadn’t noticed how she suffered the same torments as I did! She was still playing our game, so far she had not allowed herself to come all evening! “Oh my god, honey!“I pushed out and quickly pushed it against the next wall. I looked down the street, but nobody was to be seen. The place where we were now stuck, close to the brick wall, was wrapped in the dark, none of the weak street lamps were reaching here.

With the intention of finally redeeming her from her suffering, I pressed her to the wall and kissed her passionately. Then I pulled her the sweet top over the breasts, noticed that she hadn’t put on the BH at all and immediately began licking her nipples that were so hard that I was amazed at why I didn’t notice them through her top. How selfish I was! With both hands I pressed her breasts, kneaded her, stroked, played around and spoiled her, sucking on her nipples with my mouth. Her groans echoed through the night street.

Then she pushed her pelvis, pressed it towards me and I followed her silent request, took a hand down and pushed her skirt up, grabbed the waistband of the tangas and pulled it out. He flew away somewhere in the dark. I quickly opened my pants, just so far that my member came out and started rubbing hard. You have to stand again now, little friend, show what you can do! I thought and rubbed him stiff with all my might.

As soon as he stood, I pulled a condom out of my pocket, tore up the packaging, spread it over and pushed me towards Sarah. True currents ran out of her step, so I had never seen her so wet! Without hesitation I took her right leg, pulled it up and pushed my penis into her. True streams of moisture surround me and I gently slid into it until the stop. Without inhibitions she groaned loudly.

I stayed briefly, then I pushed again and stayed again. I unconsciously took the same bar that had accompanied me when I came across Jenny as if I came into intoxication. Now I would send this feeling to Sarah, thank her for giving us this delight. A few times I fucked her slowly on the wall until I felt that it was the right time and suddenly increased the speed.

Strong and deep I drove my pulsating member into it. She cramped her vagina more and more firmly, last even kept the air, she was still not treating herself. Then I leaned to her and gave her the same magical command she had given me before. “Come!“I whispered and immediately she broke out in violent twitching, screamed out her retired breath, clung to me, pressed me almost painfully together.

I still stabbed her, drove my limb firmly into the now closely pressed hole that was trembling. Always stronger twitches she through and I saw her eyes twisted until she pushed me powerfully on the hip. My stand slipped out of her and a violent current followed him. Sarah came against me in a splash, wet my limb, my pants, the whole street.

For a long time I held her in my arms while she calmed down. Convesting, with downparts we had to give a wonderful picture, but the only thing that interested me was this woman. So I kept her on as long until she could stand again, no twitch she looked for and orgasm had withdrawn. Then I kissed her passionately again and we got dressed.

Slowly and a little weak on his feet, Sarah supported me while we went home and a promise in my head resounded. Sometimes I spoke in mind in my thoughts. Never again would I like the feelings of my loved ones about my own places, never forgot again in my lust.

But whether I would keep this promise is probably the subject of a different story ..

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