The 1. Times in the swinger club | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“Is that sexy enough for you?“I asked Sam and provocatively stood in front of him. ‘Take something pretty’, he said to me half an hour ago. As if I don’t always do it anyway, especially when we have planned to go out. But if he already came to me, it was time to really overdo it. So I put on our favorite blouse, which I normally only wear in my own four walls, a wide, black mini skirt, black seam nylons and matching high heels.

“You look fantastic, but …” Sam started to stammer. “But what’?“I asked provocatively. “Isn’t that a little ..?””No!“, I interrupted him. “You asked for it!”” Uh … yes … “, stammered my husband. “But you already know that we are still driving away?”” Sure! so what?“I replied Schnipisch and went to the bathroom to perfect my make-up. 15 minutes later we were sitting in our automobile and were on the way. Sam looked very nervous, which was a little surprised.

I wasn’t pretty extremely floating for the first time, so what could it be? I hit my legs on top of each other so that my skirt slipped up and my suspenders could be seen, smiled smugly and grabbed it with my left hand in the crotch. What I felt or more precisely what I didn’t feel was worried to me. “What’s going on, honey?“I asked him without played worries. He gave me a quick look at me.

“I am nervous. And I don’t dare. “”Why not?”” I imagined it so nicely, but now … “” Now say!“Slowly I lost patience. “What do you don’t dare? To say where we go?””Yes. “”And? What now?””Good. “Sam took a deep breath. Then he replied in a quiet voice: “I plan to go to one Swinger club go. “Bumm. That had sat. I felt like I was beaten to my head. Swinger club? The guy now totally spins? Okay, we already had experiences with other people, but that was rather spontaneous and in the private sector.

But in a club where, among other things, it was about theoretically doing it with everyone there? Oh no, that was a number for me, wrong, many numbers too big. “Are you crazy?“I didn’t ask him quietly. “I thought that you react like this,” replied Sam and gave me a quick look at which he smiled. Obviously he was relieved that it was finally out. “But before you finally say no: I don’t want to fuck other women and I don’t want you to do it with other guys there either.

My thought is more like the motto: see and be seen. “I relaxed a little and said:“ And you mean that works?””Secure. I made a little smart. A ‘no’ really means a ‘no’. If you don’t stick to it, you will be kicked out. “” And you think we should … in front of spectators ..?”” Oh yes, why not? I imagine that horny. “I thought briefly, but at the performance I noticed how my whole body had started to tremble and mine pussy Was a little moist.

So there was only one answer: “Then go!“A little later we had reached our goal. After my husband had paid the not so expensive entry, for solo women free of charge, but solo men, on the other hand, extremely high, we entered the main room, which is designed as in a club-a large counter, so at a certain distance and at the endA large dance floor. The inventory also included a kind of gynecologist chair and an X-shaped pillory. I didn’t really feel that.

Especially since that seems to be common, almost all guests looked over to us. Sam, obviously not noticeable that I hesitated easily, took my hand and went to the counter. “A bitter Lemon. And … “He looked at me questioningly, the service, which by the way, looked very attractive, was patiently waiting. “A double vodka on ice. “I’m actually not that for alcohol, But here I thought I had to have that now. “Gladly,” replied the service.

“Where should I serve?“My husband looked around briefly and then showed the last free standing table with four bar stools. “There, please. “” Comes immediately, “said the black -haired, slightly dressed lady and started her work. Sitting on a stool with a stool, I looked around now. The club was – I guessed – half filled half. There were some couples on the counter and some of the other standing tables.

A few solo men were also sitting at the counter, one of whom was incorrectly staring at me. But apart from that, I felt no different here than in other clubs. “I checked the net. “Said Sam as if he had guessed my thoughts. “Usually a large playground is instead of the dance floor. But due to an event, this is only a dance floor today. “And … where does the sexual take place?“I asked him, now a little curious.

“There are other rooms. “He showed some directions inconspicuously and I saw through various passages what he meant. “We can take a look. “” Gladly, “I replied, not really convinced, but still excited. A little later we got our drink. I took a big sip and ordered a new glass right away, this time with cola. Then we decided to take a small tour. There was a darkroom, which I found interesting, but not for us, let alone for me.

I want to see who I bubble, from whom I get fucked and above all: Why do I style myself in order to hide in the dark?Otherwise there were rooms without doors, only with curtains, with double beds on which individual couples already lived out, and a larger room with a playground for I appreciate four to eight people. Unfortunately there was nothing going on here at that moment. In the meantime, however, we went back to our table.

In contrast to us, a little younger couple was in front of it and when we approached they asked us if there was still room for them. We affirmed and after a short initial shy we were very quickly deepened into intense and even in intimate conversations. After some time – I had completely lost the feeling of it – Silke said to her partner: “I want to blow now!“Then she looked at us. “Come with you?“At first I looked at our new acquaintance, then Sam, who was also amazed at the laundry and was apparently too perplexed to say anything.

“Yes, of course,” I replied, wondering about my boldness. “Then we’re looking for a nice place. A little later we had occupied the room where this was a large bed, which was still free to our joy. Silke pushed her partner on it immediately and borrowed his pants. The lust had overwhelmed me in the meantime. But instead of how Silke is the same tail To push her guy in the throat and obviously sucked it to the suck – the fucking bolt of her guy looked pretty tasty – I wanted to be licked first.

So I lay on my back, pushed my skirt up and the string aside, so that Sam had a total view of my column. He understood immediately, lay on his stomach and his head in my lap. I already felt his tongue and lips on my pitsch wet pussy. A little later I was already from one orgasm shaken up, which could be due to the fact that I watched Silke to skillfully edited Silke’s impressive cock of her partner all the time.

I can do that too, I thought, but first I wanted to fuck now. And quickly! So I only briefly put Sam’s cock in my mouth, also to check whether he was already ‘there’. To my delight he was even ‘full’, so it could start. I got an orgasm relatively quickly, but I wanted more, so we switched from the missionary position to the position that I enjoy the most: From behind.

We didn’t bother us that some spectators had gathered in the meantime. Sam did his best and after I had come back with my fingers, I wanted to ride now. I took it a little more leisurely, but because of the situation … I looked over at Silke and Sam did it to me right away. She sucked and licked like a drunk and her smile was clearly heard despite the music. And not only that was incredibly anta -. I now counted five men and a woman who watched us.

One of the men typed me on the shoulder. “May you participate?”” No, sorry “, I replied and to my joy the one was accepted without comment. But at that moment I became aware that the guys stared on my ass, which was ridden by suspenders, and in me it exploded literally. I really can’t complain about my orgasms. I come frequently and well, but this experience … and I was angry with my husband at first.

Unimaginable afterwards. I had just calmed down again, saw my husband fighting and suddenly heard how the friend of Silke groaned hard. I immediately looked over and to my joy I got how he sprayed violently in her mouth. Only a little sperm Run down his shaft, but that also licked it greedily. I wanted that too, so I changed the position so that I could suck on my husband’s tail.

It couldn’t take long to judge his twitching. And instead of laying out so that I could look at him in the eye, this time I decided to do it the other way around. And if any women should read this story now: If you get the opportunity to do something similar, you will understand that the situation has almost crazy me. Apart from the fact that Sam played on my pussy while bubble, the very horniest, the viewing men and one woman to look into the eyes.

I just thought I can’t just one now Mouth fuck Make it, I can’t just make him sake, you can’t get such an audience back so quickly, so I have to do my best now. So I played with lips and tongue on my husband’s glans, took her in my mouth, sucked it briefly, left it out brief.

Sam whined. He would have hosed long ago if I hadn’t constantly changed the rhythm. The spectators seemed too. In the meantime, a couple had been added who obviously waited for us to release the bed, but they had also enjoyed looking at it. In any case, I had the fun of my life, enjoyed Sam’s glans, drove up and down the shaft with my tongue, played with his eggs, took his cock in the mouth, introduced him deeply, released him again on the wetLicking the glans.

My husband’s winning back and forth showed me that he would not endure it for long. With a very few regret, I looked around again and blew for the final sprint, which would prove to be very short. With a loud groan, Sam unlocked his seed, inject with a fountain like that she doesn’t happen every day. I greedily swallowed everything I could get, playing a little with the seeds before I finally swallowed him.

Then I was completely satisfied. “Complete?“Asked Silke with a smile, who had watched everything together with her boyfriend from the very nearby. “I think so,” I answered satisfied. My husband was there as if he were dead. I shook him up, directed my clothes and we went back to our table, where we took a drink at the end. With our new friends we exchanged our email addresses and then it was slowly to say goodbye.

During the return trip I thought about what was experienced that evening. That was really really cool. “And? How did you like it?“My husband asked me. Instead of giving him an answer, I loosened my seat belt and blew him another one during the return trip. I think that was enough …

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