Crazy for sex [1] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Slow, Darling ..! said Jake Sturges and held Kim Fowler on his hips when she passed over to him. First I get a kiss! A long hot, stimulating kiss!The long -legged Kim defended itself, if only to appearance. That I don’t laugh, Jake! A kiss … I know exactly what you want! You see, that’s exactly what I expected ..! Please, Jake, leave that! When someone sees us! You forget where we are? On the balcony of my apartment ..!


Ahhh … Jake … I don’t want ..

Ohhh … you are really mean, darling … heaven … oh, do what you want!Kim Fowler disappeared from the scene, simply dived under.

Anyone who watched the balcony on the sixth floor of the Westend apartments in Miami would have seen nothing at that moment because Kim had no longer stood, but had taken a seat on her right hand on her right hand from her hip, under her shortRock and then had suffered between her round, firm thighs, it had only been over with her already weak defense. The brimed panties embroidered with a red butterfly had already become moist when she felt Jake’s hands around her hips.

Now she had the Venus hill massaged slightly – a place where it was particularly sensitive. The eye hatt she closed and enjoyed the gentle stroking of his narrow hand. Her little pointed breasts caught and sank, from her beautifully curved mouth came quietly lusty moaning.
Darling, he said in a half, I can’t help me that I’m so crazy about you! You are to blame for that.

Better said … your body! Why do you wear such a short skirt and so little underneath? And then this blouse! Thin, almost transparent, the sweet twins without the usual bra! How can you expect a healthy and vital man to stay calm? There’s nothing like that!His index finger had long since left the densely hairy hill and migrated, slipped under the panties and now tenderly pressed the clit in his hot and damp bed.

Jake ..! She turned like an eel on his lap. Something firm crowded against her back. Jake ..

We wanted to eat first … Heaven, I have to go to the kitchen! She thought that she had his beloved whey tomato soup on the stove. She came from a box and was therefore easy to replace, but Kim Fowler was not the point of love for lovemas anyway, and that had a special reason.
Today Jake Sturges had lost his position as the second surgeon at the Cedars of Lebanon Hospital and had gone with ease that she had frightened. Of course he would find work again, but when? And where? Anyone who rebelled against the all -mighty chief doctor should not be surprised if they let their far -reaching relationships play.

And Dr. Malone would definitely do it, Jake Sturges had told him too clearly his opinion.

Now she had made it and freed herself from his clasp. What’s wrong. Small? he asked amazed.

Is the soup so important that you ..
Nonsense, Darling! It is not only you, but also the fact that you pretend that nothing had happened at all. Tomorrow you will leave the hospital. Finally, after the Malone board of trustees has agreed. And then? Then what is, hm? Do you think you would get a job somewhere in Miami? You stepped too much on the old tooth to the old tooth to the Füj3e.

Admittedly, you are right – he is a rivet and can do damn little, he also insists on his position. But the way you cleaned it down, Jake, he has to do something if he doesn’t want to lose his face. So he will point all of his chief doctor colleagues.
Jake Sturges waved off. No reason for excitement, baby! I don’t necessarily have to work in Miami, or? And now we don’t want to talk about this anymore, okay? So we eat comfortably, and then ..

Hm, then it will be even more comfortable.

Kim Fowler took his face between his hands and kissed him in the middle of his mouth. You are already thirty -four years old, Jake, but sometimes you behave like a little boy! What a pity…! A pity? What?But she had already let go of him and disappeared into the kitchen. Later, treasure, later! But you can think about it, maybe you will come to it yourself?! We have often talked about it. By the way – what do you want to have a soup? Toast with butter or simple white bread?Toast please!Jake Sturges rose and followed her.

Of course, he knew what she meant by ’too much.

They have been working together on the Cedars of Lebanon Hospital for almost two years. As a second surgeon, she as an anesthetic doctor. How many times they both had slept together, they no longer knew.

Only one thing was clear to them: they didn’t love each other. What she had led to each other was the sex drive, nothing else. They were good friends and met every now and then -like today -spent an evening and one night -were just Man And Woman, And then until the last consequence. There was no taboo for both of them in bed.

Strictly speaking, both were still waiting for the partner for life. And as long as this was not found, they satisfied their sexual needs together.

It was strange: they got on an excellent, not only in bed, but also at work. There were rarely dispute between them. And yet the sparkling spark was missing, from which one sometimes claims that you could hear him crackling when he jumps to another person.

Well, they were satisfied with what they got. However, they had already thought about what well if one of them would find the final partner. Both had talked about it several times, but never found a solution. Jake Sturges was therefore very nice that he had been put at the door.

Of course it was clear to him that the chief doctor would put stones in his way. But that didn’t bother him. Even if he was not exactly rich either, some time he could stay financially over water if all knits tear. If he didn’t get a new job in Miami, he would go to New York or Chicago.

Possibly also to Los Angeles. Although he had opposed the chief physician, it did not mean that he could be denied his medical skills.

He now stood on the kitchen door, leaned against the frame and watched Kim Fowler, who was handling at the table. The young doctor was not a pronounced beauty, but certainly not ugly either. Kim was pretty tall for a woman, had long legs that were not exactly, but were extremely sexy.

A high waterfall, as Jake Sturges used to say. Her breasts left nothing to be desired, although – in relation to Kim’s body size, they were almost small. For this, nature had shaped it well and ensured astonishing strength. After all, Kim Fowler already had a twenty -eight of Lenze, but her paradise apples did not hang a bit.

They were as firm as with a sixteen-year-old girl, a fact that Kim was very proud of.

Don’t look at me like that, Jake! she said when she noticed how he looked her. I know this look! Do you pull me off again?He nodded. Yes. I stroke your smooth skin in my thoughts, play on your sweet breasts and wait with longing that we have eaten.
You are impossible, Jake! she laughed.

I’ll make you a suggestion! First we eat, then we drive to the beach somewhere and ..

He was with her with two long steps. You little beast! He spoke his mouth, pressed it on her left ear and let the tongue rapid. Oh yes, he knew Kim well – so well that he knew how she reacted to it. The touch of her ears with her tongue or easy blowing into her blood got her blood, often excited that she forgot everything else.

Immediately she pressed her thighs together and pulled her head with the fluffy brown hair between her shoulders.

You are mean, Jake! Why do you do that … please … not … that ..

o Jake ..
Her hand felt his phallus, whose hardness she felt on her stomach. Jake, why don’t you let me pronounce me? We… o Lord, I feel you … don’t do it, Jake! Don’t let your little man twitch like this! You make me weak, darling, and you take advantage of that because you know! So the time has come, then I can no longer master myself! Do you have such longing, Jake?He bit her slightly into her earlobe.

You can’t even imagine how much, honey-baby! Are you wet again?Again? She cozy and rubbed the thighs against each other. Still! And not only that … it burns in me! Jake, I think I can’t wait until the beach. His rights lay flat on her stomach, the other hand stroked alternately over her left and right hint, there was a circular movements and thus increased her excitement more and more.
But you don’t need to do without him, honey, he whispered.

Now I’ll make you a suggestion. We have time, it wasn’t? You are free tomorrow and I … well, let’s not talk about it! Now be careful: first you switch off the stove! In the meantime I make a drink. Then we meet in the bedroom.

OK? And depending on how we are in the mood, we then drive to the beach. What do you think of it, hm?Kim Fowler crowded against him, stood on the tips of the toe and rubbed her pubic hill on his erect gender. You always have the best ideas, Darling ..! She said and looked at him out of veiled eyes.

He called that midnight view. If her eyes became as blurry as it was now, it didn’t take long and she exploded.

Kim Fowler dominated the art of holding back – but only to a certain point. If this was reached, she unlocked in an extremely violent erotic erotic erotion. Make it quick! Now whispered and grabbed his penis with the narrow hand.
He was wearing a fashionably tight pants that spanned his body like a second skin. His limb was clearly distinguished under the beige linen fabric.

Oh darling, she breathed, I feel it, you have a lot to give me a lot! It was a long time ago that you were with me, not?You exaggerate again, little one, he laughed and pressed the abdomen so that they are even closer Contact Got with him.

But that is certainly because you can never get enough! She loosened from him and took a step back. And you do it as … as ..
Already good, Kim! I admit, I feel like you! And now come ..

Kim ran over to the bedroom, stopped at the door and shouted: Jake, House ..!While he was handling the house bar to mix the drinks, Kim Fowler stood by the window and looked out on Biscayne Bay. Almost all windows in their apartment went to the Bay. She often stood here and looked at the Venetian Islands. Further back was Miami Beach as a compact mass.

Sometimes she dreamed of owning a yacht and driving down to Key West or Key Largo, where there was also one of her dream bungalows. Of course she knew that these wishes would remain unfulfilled – unless she married a millionaire at some point, of which there was enough of, of course.

Jake Sturges had entered and placed the glasses on a table next to the two -sleeping bed. Hello, little one, he said. Dream hour?She turned slowly and nodded.

Yes, darling! Sometimes I wonder what we have actually broken that we are not one of those people who can spend five hundred dollars a day for a hotel apartment or who have a two-million bungalow with their own beach and fresh water pool. We to work and work … and what remains in the end?You exaggerate again, Kim! He was now close to her and stroked the solid breasts. In three years at the latest you operate yourself.

Then the dollars will begin to piling up in your account – as with the old. For half a year as an anesthetic doctor, then the assistant time as a surgeon and ..

Yes, that’s right. Now I’m twenty -eight. When I start collecting money, Jake, maybe I am thirty -two and consumed.

I don’t want to wait that long now.
Then get married a millionaire. If possible, one that is around the seventy. – Kim, what’s the nonsense? We have already talked about this topic more than once. Why didn’t you get Leo Albin back then, hm? The boy had money like hay, also ..

I clearly made it clear to you that I would not want to talk about this man anymore.
Jake Sturges reached around her hip and pulled Kim onto the bed with him.

After all, you once admitted that he liked you. Do you want to tell me that you love your job so much? I mean, if you can become a boy’s wife, and can be a good -looking millionaire, it really doesn’t matter whether you hang your job or not. So it must have had a different reason. And you don’t want to call it.

Her face had closed.

No! she said. I just don’t want. Not be remembered by this man either. Now I’m with you ..

nothing else matters!He gave it up. How many times had he tried to find out why Kim Leo hadn’t married Albin. The millionaire picked them up at the hospital every day, Kim had had no time for nothing else, only for Albin. Even hers Vacation she had spent with him.

When she came back, everything had been out. Albin had never reappeared in Miami, it even said that he had sold his bungalow;His yacht was also gone. Later it was heard that he had married a film star in Los Angeles. Something had to have failed between this man and Kim, but she always avoided when he got the conversation on it.

After the vacation she joined Jake Sturges again, spent a night with him every now and then like today.

There were only two people who knew what she had separated: Kim and Leo Albin. At the time, she had explained what had happened to him, would remain closed inside, and he should never cross her way again. Albin adhered to it. For good reason.

He knew exactly that Kim only had to say one word to destroy his inconvenient reputation.
Of course, he would be silent – for obvious reasons. Back then -during the vacation that she spent alone on his soccer jacht -he had violated what Kim had been willing to give him anyway.

Of course he was not the first man in her life. She had known Albin for a long time since the day when he had met her in the hospital when he wanted to visit a friend. He liked her, and not only because he looked dazzling – like those guys who made advertising for sporting goods or swimming trunks on television.

She liked his nature, his whole kind. Also, as he campaigned for her, she liked her. She was a woman and wanted to be conquered and enjoy it. That’s why she did not give in immediately, although it had often picked up in her lap.

Obviously he hadn’t understood that Kim wanted to determine the time when she gave him. When he became intrusive, she defended herself, but she did not arrive against his strength. At that moment something was broken in her. Leo Albin no longer existed for her, her heart hardened.

After she had told him very clearly, he had to bring her back to Miami.

Both adhered to the agreement, nobody ever had a word about the events on board the yacht. Not even Jake Sturges entrusted himself to Kim, so that he had nothing else than to respect her silence. However, he was sometimes unable to master himself and got the conversation on this topic if the opportunity offered itself – like now. Kim Fowler was lying on his back, having to go to the legs a bit and slightly spread.

The blouse was open and gaped away a little so that he could see her solid twins. He gently stroked along her legs, began below the knee, let his hand continue to glide, to the thighs, the muscles of which immediately tensioned when he touched them. Her legs opened imperceptibly, the slip was visible. Kim groaned comfortably, because again – as before on the balcony, his index finger pushed under the thin fabric and began to crawl.

Kim liked that.

The gentle game of his fingers had a stimulating effect on their sex. It could be so hot – when Jake massaged her venus hill with the fingertip or slightly stroked the groin area, the excitement dleed and made space for a cautious feeling of pleasure, but an excitement developed until shortly before the climax. That was just like that on Jake. He knew how to take her, thought a lot of the foreplay and loathed the ‘wooden hammer method’, as she called it when a man believed that every woman expected a daredevil who had to behave like a young stallion when he was firstPaint is led to a mare.

A somewhat rough comparison, but Kim had expressed himself once. Of course -if the curve of her excitement had reached the highest point, she knew no inhibitions, then she wanted to go out of herself and expected the same thing from her partner. In this regard, she and Jake Sturges were wonderful. He knew how to take her and was completely adjusted to her.

After a long foreplay-gently like the rippling waves of a stream-suddenly an erotic thunderstorm broke in-with the elementary violence of a natural event-like the surf of an ocean in the storm.
O Jake ..! she suddenly pushed out.

Your finger plays so tenderly with my pussy … and you have damned me to inactivity! Wait … she didn’t speak any further because he immediately reacted to her words. You didn’t play this game for the first time.

When he turned a little, she fingered at the zipper of his pants, opened him and her hand drove into the slit, searched for a tasting, found the slip, pulled him aside and got his limb aside. When her hot hand lay around the strong shaft, Jake shrugged and groaned.

Finally … Finally … darling ..

Yes! They lay side by side for minutes, kept their eyes closed and left their feelings entirely. Jake had pulled her panties down and she had helped him press her legs together until the panties were stripped over the feet and lay on the floor next to the bed. Immediately she pressed her magnificent thighs apart so that the gate of her desire opened wide.
Jake Sturges considered the rosy furrow that looked like a deep valley between dark mountains. Then his hand lowered it, thumb and index finger spread and touched the clitoris at the top, further deeper opening.

Every now and then he caressed over the dam to immediately return to where Kim was particularly relentless. Suddenly Kim nested on her blouse, finally pulled out her and presented Jake Sturges the whole splendor of her breasts. It was pleasantly tingled in her nipples, you could literally see how they hardened more. Her hand did not find its way to his member again, but dealt with the hollow federation.

help me.

asked them in a quiet voice. The thing is so tight, I can’t get her down alone, Darling!Immediately his body rose. His right left the depth of her lap and helped Kim to roam pants over the thighs. While she pulled out his shoes and dragged her pants over his feet, he had the slip followed.

Kim leaned over his member and kissed it. And caress his testicles.
Jake … I like him … this wonderful staff ..

she said, raised her head and looked at Jake out of big eyes. And I … Kim … what do you do ..

His voice fell silent.

He couldn’t get it ready to further pronounce because she had already put her lips over his member. He became restless, threw himself back and forth, groaned suddenly when Kim began to massage his testicles with both hands. His arms drove around, he was looking for her lap, but did not come up, so that, to do something at all, he began to stroke her little tight butt. Stop, Kim ..

Please … stop … I can’t hold it back ..
He wouldn’t have needed it to say, because Kim had a sense of how far she could go. When believed that ejaculation had to be used now, she released his amorial staff, threw back and got rid of her skirt.

For seconds, Jake Sturges took air, but then he pulled his shirt over his head, was now completely naked and looked up at Kim, who knelt next to him and looked down on him.

She had lodged a little back the upper body so that he could admire her firm breasts from below. His gaze slid down, over the flat stomach to the fueling with the dense forest on it.
Jake … Kim pushed out. Jake ..

I like you … you know that? Why do you look at me like this, hm? Do you like me?Yes, Kim … I like you! You have a nice body … but you know that yourself! Come…

He spread his arms and pulled the light body on himself.

Kim slowly slid back, then back before, and every time her hair tickled his limb. Jake Sturges believed to be able to feel how her vagina stretched. And yet he knew that it was a deception. She was very tight, and sometimes he wondered if it didn’t hurt her when he entered her vagina.

He knew exactly that she was very compliant and did not scream with pain when he was in her, but with lust. Like now at this moment … Kim Fowler suddenly pushed himself forward. Her rear part came up a bit, lowered again and he found his way into her hot inside as if by itself.

With his eyes closed, it was storming and enjoyed how Kim pushed back and forth on him and conveyed an indescribable feeling to him.

In doing so, she constantly changed the position of her body. Sometimes she slipped to the left and right, then backwards and forward again. Or she combined both movements, let her lap sit on him and describe a circle at the center of which was his penis. So not only his feeling of pleasure was increased to a strength that could no longer be exaggerated, but also that of her.

Kim’s breath became faster and more violent – and with him also her movements on the man. Her paradise apples swung back and forth in front of his face, but he didn’t look at all. As if hypnotized, he looked at her stomach and at his limb, which disappeared into her vagina, then came to light again … He saw the triangle of her pub.

Jake Sturges felt that orgasm Near, but there was still no sign that Kim was ready too. However, when he looked up and looked into her face, it was distorted. And then she came … almost at the same time with him.

When he felt the hot waves that suddenly flushed his phallus, he reared up so that she almost lost it, but she was already shoving and screaming: Jake ..

You come … heaven … I get very hot … od darling, give me everything ..

And again she pushed herself more on him, as if she wanted him to completely go into her disappearance, but the violence of his orgasm already sounded. Again a short rearing of his body. Jake pushed the air out and leaned onto the forearms.

Kim … that was wonderful ..

My sky, you are very wet … it has strained you so much?It was right. Her body was covered in sweat, only now did she notice it and smiled cramped. No, Darling ..

It wasn’t that bad! It was far too beautiful … I mean, I didn’t notice anything … just a heavenly feeling … nothing else! You are just fantastic ..
As soon as she had spoken out when she threw herself aside and remained exhausted.

Her little breasts caught and lowered, under her abdominal ceiling the muscles played, gradually her excitement began to deaf off. Kim pulled his legs to the body and wrapped his arms around his knees.

Thanks…! He said and turned on his side, looked into her face. Kim had a soft sigh heard. Oh, Jake, I’m thinking of the next time.

We won’t see each other anymore. Who knows where you will go?!But Kim, darling! What are these elegiac tones, hm? I am still in Miami. You also have phone, I too! When one of us is longing, he just calls the other! OK? Quite apart from that, I don’t go so quickly from here. Do you actually think that the old man has such power? And that he ..
She interrupted him.

And whether he uses her, Darling! I think I know him better than you! Malone is overcome if it has to be! Don’t forget, you cleaned him in front of the assembled team! He will never forgive you that. Hm, you were right, but you shouldn’t have applied that thick again again.

Jake shook his head. I have a different opinion. Malone has by no means become a chief physician because of his medical skills, how many accept, but because he has the right political friends in this city! I managed to keep him from an art defect twice.

The third time I was late. What should I do, Kim? Be silent? No. Do you know what I think? He not only has friends, but also opponents – I also have jealousy. I mean in other hospitals.

And they will rub their hands that there was finally someone who told him the truth in the face. These people are my chance. Because there is certainly someone who has spread what has happened.

So, darling, and now we really don’t want to speak of it, yes? Now I actually got hungry! So what will we do, little kim?she smiled.

Essen, Jake! But just don’t think you have satisfied my sexus! The excursion to the beach takes place?Of course, small! After the dinner we drive into a romantic night at the beach The Bay … in the warm, soft, white sand! To the palm trees and the waves of the sea. And to the old sky hiker who will immerse our bodies in his silver light! Kim Fowler jumped up. My god, that was directly poetic! Go to take a shower, I’m going to eat now!Beginning

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