Wife is fucked by several men | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It’s a muggy warm summer day. Although it is already after 7 a.m., it is definitely 30 degrees. When I come home, I enjoy the cool rooms. All roller blinds are closed. Only a little light penetrates through the slots. There is no one. I make light in the living room and immediately notice a bouquet of flowers on the table. In front of it is a closed envelope. “For my sweetheart” I read, the handwriting of Andres, my husband. After I have opened the letter, I find two smaller envelopes.

On one envelope it says: “Open this envelope first”. It smells of the secret and of course I open the first letter and read the following lines: Hello my darling, today we play a game, a hot game. If you decide to play along, then there is no more back. Just so much: it’s about sex, unusual sex. Sex as you have never experienced it yet, but have already dreamed in your dreams. You will only be able to experience wonderful things this evening.

And you will be one orgasm after the other. If you decide to play the game, then open the second envelope. If you don’t want, destroy both letters and everything is done. Of course I am curious and without knowing what I get into, I open the second letter. Aha, so you decided to open this letter. Now there is no going back now, you know!The game has already started!Now my instructions.

Follow them. And – trust me!You will take a shower first. Your body should be clean, should smell good and taste good. After showering you put on a short skirt and a thin blouse. Plus straps, black stockings and a nice tight bra. You won’t need your panties tonight, let it out. If you are finished, that should be in an hour, then call the attached phone number. The game makes me curious.

I guess nothing bad, but I’m restless because of sheer curiosity. What will happen? What kind of game does my darling play with me? I don’t know what to do. Without considering, I go to the bathroom to take a shower. I quickly put my clothes. The water jet is pleasant, not too cold. I soap my body with a fragrant shower gel. My hands slide over my breasts a little longer and then continue over my stomach to mine pussy, It must be particularly clean, I think to myself.

I quickly take some of the shower gel and slide with my hands between my legs. The gel wets my labia. I press my fingers firmly against my pussy. I feel a desire to itch in my pussy. I already want to gently stroke myself when I remember that I should prepare for a game and that I will definitely be satisfied. The thought makes me sharp. What will he do, what does he do before.

Certainly he will seduce me again tenderly, stroke, his stiffness tail push into my pussy. Although I would like to continue to stroke these thoughts, I stop. I limit myself to washing my body. Of course I have to keep thinking about what will happen. The thoughts cannot be tamed. I imagine my husband’s stiff cock, who is mine at some point and who will be pampering me this evening. I’m curious to see what ideas he came up with.

Where will he fuck me ? Let’s go, somewhere in the great outdoors ? Somewhere in the forest, on a lake ? I don’t know it. After all, I am ready and look for the things from the closet that I should put on. I quickly put on the stockings and put on the suspenders. I also quickly found a bra. Then the skirt, it should be short. And finally a thin blouse. She is white, almost transparent.

When I’m done, I look at myself in the mirror. Yes, looks good, I think and recognize some blush on my cheeks. You are very hot. Whether that comes from a shower or from my thoughts ? I don’t know it. My breasts stand out when inhaling. Actually, the blouse is a bit short, but it looks sexy and I leave everything as it is. I quickly stimulated and creamed myself.

In the end I put on a sweet perfume, not too pushy, seems to me. One last look in the mirror. Ok, looks good. I am satisfied with the result. Again the unrest is there. What will come now ? Oh yes, I should make calls, I can think of. In the living room I sat on the armchair and take the phone in my hand. I choose the number, a cell phone number, as I can see from the area code.

It rings. Once twice…. , 3 times…. Then it is removed. My heart is pounding. At the other end one voice reports: Hello Rita, this is an answering machine. Especially set up for you. You will now hear a few instructions that you should carry out right away. Then a short break. My excitement increases. I continue to listen spellbound: first you turn on some music. Slow music. The CD is already in the subject. You just need to press the start button.

Then you will connect your eyes before you do something else. You can’t see anything more. Sit in the armchair. Open your blouse. And then you wait. Remember how your pussy is gently licked by my tongue. If you want, you can stroke yourself, but you shouldn’t get an orgasm, this will take care of it later. Ready. I’m totally confused. The instructions are not my thing at all.

But there is no back anymore, I approved. But to be honest, then I have to confess that the instructions have excited me. All right then. I’m looking for a blindfold. A thin scarf made of silk. Music … indeed, there is a CD in the subject. Slow music from the 1970s sounds, my favorite music. I sat on the armchair. I remember that I should immediately put on the blindfold, which I do too. In my mind, I imagine how to sit there and wait for him.

I can stroke myself, he said. As if by itself, a hand hikes to my pussy. Oh, I almost forgot it, I should open the blouse. With the other hand, I torment my buttons on my blouse. Then I think of what my sweetheart had told me on the phone. I should imagine that my pussy is spoiled by his tongue. The thought makes me horny. With my fingers I feel my hot triangle.

I stroke my pussy, my fingers touch my excited clit, very tender. With the touches I have the pressure of his tongue. And I can actually imagine how he licks me. I continue to massage very gently, not too much. It tingles, it’s nice. I listen to the music that seems to take me into a distant world. I think about how it goes on. And I’m already very excited again. Stop ? No, not now, I am so horny now that I will soon need redemption.

I want to feel his cock in me as soon as possible. Hopefully he will come soon. Suddenly a key in the apartment door is turned over. Immediately I stop stroking myself, both hands put on the chairlift well. Steps … who get closer. My darling is there, I think. My heart pounds, I feel how the pulse doubles. My pussy has become very moist when I touched and stroked her. He will be able to see everything exactly now.

I remember that the roller blinds were closed, which calms me down a little. The music is pleasant, not too loud. I try to hear any noise. Nothing. None of us speaks a word. I feel a breath of wind on my body. I think he’s standing in front of me now. I imagine how his stiff tail aims directly on my mouth. Yes, just come, put it in me, I think the sharper you are, the more you fuck me.

When I still go in front with my hands, my arm joints are captured and pressed next to the chairlift. Before I can think ahead, I feel how they are tied up. The bondage is probably a long narrow belt or a rope, I don’t know. My arms are led slightly backwards towards the rear armchair legs. There they are tied. I understand that I can’t feel anything with my hands. Completely defenseless and without a chance of a nice view, I have to surrender.

Then I feel a hand on my body. She hiked on my stomach through the open blouse. I am gently petted. The hand presses my breasts and gets one after the other out of my protective bra. Then I feel my stiff, hard nipples tenderly stroked. When he turns into a little more firmly, I twitch together. Shortly afterwards I am gently stroked again. Aha, I think the Tortour starts. Fingeles slide over my breasts.

Gentle and slow. I feel his lips on my breasts. He plays on my buds. He bits carefully into it. Again I twitch together and slide a small piece on the armchair with my lower body. A hand wanders from my chest over the skirt directly between my legs. With little pressure from his hand it is shown to me that I should spread my legs, which of course I do. Then I feel his hand on the inside of my thighs.

I am gently stroked while my chest is still massaged and kneaded. I’m hot. Everything in me tingles with lust. I like the game slowly and I’m trying to relax a little. I feel my fingers touching my pussy. And I already feel his fingers on my pussy, he touches my clit, which he takes between two fingers and firm, but still careful, presses. Again I shrink unintentionally.

His touches do well. A finger glides between my labia, shared it and carefully penetrates. I feel the moisture. I feel the circular movements of his finger. Slowly my pussy begins to itch. I can only master myself badly and slide back and forth restlessly on the armchair. The fingers glide out of my pussy and touch my clit again. First careful, gentle, rather fleeting. But as soon as I push myself towards his fingers, the pressure on my clit is suddenly reinforced.

His hand presses itself against my pussy and starts without warning, quickly and firmly jerk off. I already feel how my body reacts. I feel how my chest is massaged and kneaded. He pits into a nipple, again I twitch together. With the other hand he still jerks my pussy quickly and strongly. I feel that I get an orgasm and start moaning, trees up under his hands, but the hand follows the movements of my lower body and does not let go of me anymore.

Before I can take a clear thought, a first, wonderful orgasm flows through me. I lift my twitching lower body. The hand continues to massage. My moan becomes louder and ends in a pointed scream. The hot game on my pussy is immediately interrupted. The hand lies down to my pussy. I am completely out of breath, my pulse seems to be hundredth -time. I can no longer think of any clear thoughts. His hot lips touch the buds of my breasts.

Then I feel his tongue that licks over my nipples. I feel the moisture between my legs and still try to relax again. But I should only get rest for a short time. The hand moves on my pussy again. This time he suddenly penetrates my pussy with two fingers. His fingers tackle the innermost of my pussy. I try to relax again to enjoy the nice feeling. I want to be ready and enjoy the touch.

Ready for further pats, ready for another orgasm. Again I feel his lips that my breasts caress. His tongue grabs the neck. His lips press on my lips. I will take his urgent tongue in my mouth willing. While he caresses my pussy he gives me a long deep kiss. His other hand touches my chest and begins with a firm massage. He still kisses me. Then I feel how my other breast is kneaded.

Both breasts are pressed and massaged at the same time. BUT …? Two hands on my breasts ? But there is still a hand on my pussy? What can … what is ..?Only now does I realize that three hands are involved. When I try to register the situation, I want to rear up, automatically defend myself, but I am captured in my position. Oh god, two men, I think. The mouth loosens from my lips.

Immediately I have to tremble on my pussy under the pressing touches. A deep sigh escapes me when the game on my pussy gets faster. My clit is waxed wildly. My breasts are sometimes hard, sometimes gently petted. I can no longer perceive the individual hands. Too many thoughts shoot through my head. Two men? Yes. I had often dreamed of it, and sometimes I told him my dreams. But that is not a dream now, that’s real and they make me sharp, horny me.

I can not take it anymore. I want to come, very quickly, I want it now … immediately! My thoughts wander off. And then I give myself to the touches, suck them up, want more of the two. I am far too busy to get the feelings in my body under control when I think about who is the second person who has brought my sweetheart. And then I can feel it, a wave, first small … tongue … then more, bigger.

I feel how I get my second orgasm. Damn, what’s going on ? Why stop fingers to jerk off my pussy? I felt my pulse again, I’m completely out of breath. My heart insisted wildly in my chest. Then I feel all four hands on my body, they stroke me gently. I only know who they belong. Again, uncontrolled thoughts shoot through my head. Who is it who caresses my breasts and touches my pussy so tenderly? Who, damn again, has briefly stroked me to the orgasm twice? Who is the second person? Certainly a man, that’s clear.

But who? I know him at the end, or is it a stranger? The two stroke me, my legs, my stomach, my neck. Lips press on my mouth again. I immediately realize that it is the strangers who kiss me. His tongue gently penetrates between my teeth. I returned the game of his tongue, only get a breath of air. Now I can finally assign his hands, which are just about to press my breasts tenderly.

He pinched my nipples and I flinch together. The stranger gives me a deep, horny kiss, plays with my tongue as he massaged my breasts with his hands. Oh god, that’s nice. He comes a little closer and presses his upper body against my chest. I feel his bare skin. They were both moved out? Then I’ll be freed from the bonds. I can finally move my hands again. Immediately I can loop my arms around the body of the stranger, who still kisses me tenderly.

I touched his back and let my hand hike down his back. He has nothing more on. Completely naked, it wings himself on my body. Immediately I try to feel his masculinity with my hand. I push between his legs with one hand and then I can finally feel his stiff cock. In my ideas he had to be well built. His tail feels thick and long. With my fingers I can feel his plump glans.

His juices have ensured that his cock is nice and wet, even wet. So I can take his glans into my hand and make a few strong wanking movements. He loosens his lips from my mouth and stands next to the armchair. I can now take his cock into my mouth while sitting. I pull him to myself with one hand and lead him between my lips. His good piece twitches when I suck a little more firmly on it.

Then I hear a quiet sound. I feel that someone is on the other side of the armchair. That can only be my husband. I feel in his direction with one hand. He too had already moved out, I find out. With my hand I feel after his cock, which I also catch immediately. He is nice and stiff, protrudes from his body. I slide over his glans with two fingers, she too is wet.

While I suck on the tail of the stranger, I start slowly jerking off my sweetheart’s tail. The two now brought their hands into play again. Gently press my breasts. Both probably had the same in mind and everyone gropes with one hand towards my pussy. I lead my husband’s tail on my mouth, suck it in and play with my tongue on his damp glans, while with the other lover I thanked my pussy with gentle wanking movements for his stroking hand.

His fingers shared my labia and touch my clit. My husband presses my breasts and pinches into my nipples. The sensitive hands on my pussy play with me. Then one of the two penetrates me easily with one or two fingers. A third finger follows. My pussy is gently massaged in its innermost. Sometimes his fingers penetrate me to stroke me from the inside, sometimes he massages my buttons that again fevers a redeeming orgasm.

I feel how my labia is gently stroked. I notice how the stranger tries to bend down to get to my pussy with his mouth. Only when I let go of his cock can he press his hot lips on my pussy. I immediately feel his hot lips. His tongue gently pushes against my clit, penetrates between my excited and damp labia, nibbles back on my clit, sucks him in his mouth.

I can’t suck my husband’s tail. I need air. The game of the stranger brings me out of breath too much. I finally want to feel his cock in my pussy. I eagerly wish that the stranger hammers his cock into my pussy and helps me to get a quick orgasm. But neither of the two do an institution to fuck me. In the meantime, my lover kneeled between my thighs. The game of his tongue is getting a little faster.

The feeling is so intense that I felt a strong tingling and itching again. My darling now sucks on my nipples and reinforces the exciting feeling in my lower body. His tongue slides over my breasts. And then I only feel the hot lips of the two men on my body. Just when I open my mouth to get air, a tongue in my mouth is pushing and gently starting to play around my tongue.

oh God. Three mouths on my body. I could not believe it. Again the tongue pushes deep into my mouth. I try to sort, try to remember. I didn’t confuse anything ? Maybe these are hands on my pussy ? I am concentrating. Feel the tongue on my chest. Feel how my clit is sucked. This can not be. They are actually three. And at the same time I feel how my body starts to tremble.

My clit is waxed vigorously. I can’t defend myself, I don’t want to defend myself either. I can’t think of anything anymore, nothing more than the approaching redemption that my three lovers give me. I ring after air. Tern the orgasm. And then it is already time. A shower races through my body. I flinch, trees up. I hear myself screaming. An insane tingling in my body. Hold your hand on my pussy with both hands.

Stop, I scream, please stop. And still while I come with a wonderful orgasm, you can actually listen to me. In my temples it pounds. I need a short moment to get to rest. I still hold the wonderful hand on my pussy with my hands. His hand remains calm on my pussy. What a great hand. How great he stroked me with it. It is difficult for me to take a clear thought.

The three mouths cover my upper body with smacking kisses. Slowly I come back to clear thoughts. Cuise ! What a great thing. As soon as my breath has calmed down, I feel how the hand is slowly moving on my pussy. It strokes his palm over my clit. Presses them against it. And also my husband and the second unknown start to massage my breasts gently. I feel your fingertips on my excited buds.

They are hard and very sensitive. With one hand I look for the stranger who kissed me shortly before I had my beautiful orgasm. I feel his body. Go to his cock. Ohhh, it’s hard. I’m excited. His stiffer is pretty big and thick. His plump glans feels good in my hand. When I think that this cock will fuck me right away, a little shower runs through my body.

I pull him to myself, to my mouth. With my lips, I carefully surround his wonderful gem. With my lips I can really feel its size. My jaws are excited when I suck him into my mouth as far as possible. I feel his shaft with one hand. The tail seems to be longer than the two. Slowly I jerk his cock with my hand and with my mouth. I feel the urge to get him cumshot.

I strengthen the pressure of my lips. My hand jerked off faster. He has to cum, I feel how the pressure in his cock is reinforced. I keep the tail towards my breasts and keep jerking off. And then I feel how he twitches. “Wait, I want to cum in your pussy” whispers the stranger and escapes my hand. His hands slide under my body and raise me up. He continues me. I siege my arms uncertainly around his neck.

Where does he bring me ? After a few steps he puts me off on the kitchen memory. “Sit down,” he whispers. With both hands he holds me on the upper body. The legs dangle down. He pulls me forward and then I can feel his stiff cock on my pussy. He slowly jerks his cock, distributes the moisture from his cock to my pussy. Then he presses his lips on mine.

We kiss eachother. Slowly he conducts his cock to my hot hole. He penetrates carefully. It is the bright madness. I feel every muscle fiber of his beating. Very slowly he penetrates me deeper and deeper into me. His lips detach themselves “I inject, only move very slowly. “He should inject if his entire load should finally give me, I want to feel how he twitches in me and how his hot juice flows out.

“Yes, come on, spray in me. I want to feel you. Spray me full, ”I whisper into his ear. He makes a few long, solid bumps and then he stays. Again solid bumps, another short break. Then again firm hard bumps. “Yes, now I’m injecting” in these words he presses his lips back on my mouth. His tongue penetrates into my mouth. Our tongues meet, play tenderly. I press my pussy together. Roofing his stiff cock like a vice.

And then I feel his twitching spear. His hot sperm sprays deep into my pussy. As he twitches wildly, I kiss him tenderly and put my arms around his neck. A wonderful feeling flows through my body. I can still feel every millimeter of his cock in my pussy. He is still twitching. I try to tense the muscles in my pussy. Wants to milk his tail. Every time I tense, his cock twitches in my pussy.

A nice game. I keep his cock stiff and feel how he fills me. We are still kissing. His tongue plays tenderly in my mouth. Just when I pressed my muscles together, he slowly moves his cock, moves it in and out. It is damn tight and it tingles terrible. I feel every muscle his stiff cock. I hope that he fucks me a little harder, he should conjure up a great orgasm with his gem.

In my mind, I imagine how I stand in front of him and he penetrates his cock from behind into my pussy. Or how he lifts me up and spoils me on his cock, my legs tightly laid around his waist. How he moves my whole body up and down on his cock until it finally comes to me. But then he suddenly stops. He pulls his cock out of my hot pussy and gives me a gentle kiss on my breasts.

I notice that I am still dressed. “By the way, I am called Thomas, just so that you know who just injected his hot juice into your pussy,” he whispers. I burn it to see him finally. But nobody will do an institution to remove my blindfold. “Now Michael, a good friend of mine, will continue to operate your hot höchlein. “As soon as he spoke out, I already feel Michael. He introduces himself to me.

His lips touch my breasts, continue the game that Thomas started so beautifully. “Yes come, give me your cock” I say in his ear. And his hot glans can feel on my pussy. He jerks his cock with one hand and shares my wet labia with his glans. I feel his hot, excited breath on my face. My hands loop around his body. I expect the first push with his hard toy.

And as soon as I pressed myself to him, he pushes his cock deep into my pussy. His bumps are hard and fast. But as soon as he fucks me correctly, he suddenly becomes slower. “I’m coming, you’re so wonderful tight. “He whispers. “Yes, Come on everything into me”. I pull his face to me. Press my lips on his lips. He penetrates his teeth with his tongue.

His hands press my breasts. Again I feel his cock. He fucks me again and quickly. Very fast. And then he stops abruptly. I feel like his cock starts to twitch. His hot juice spray jerkily into my pussy. I keep kissing Michael. Take his hot juices deep inside me. When the twitch of his tail ends, he moves slowly again. He still lost nothing of his size.

His cock slowly slides in my pussy until he finally pulls it out completely. I want to feel it in my hand and stretch her out after him. It is still of great size. Not as thick as Thomas’s tail. But at least as long. Slowly I jerk his cock. Just careful and very tender. Rub the moisture on his glans. He groans and puts his head on my shoulder.

He seems to like the treatment. My handle becomes a little firmer. I rub his glans with my fingers, form a hollow hand. With the other hand I hold his cock at the bottom of the end. I massage his glans more firmly. He groans again. She’s totally wet. With your thumb and finger I only edit his hard tail tip. I feel on his shaft how his cock thickened something. How he begins to twitch.

My finger game will be a little firmer again. He moves his cock, fucks my hollow hand. And then he starts to spray again. He stops immediately. His juice flows out of his glans into my closed hand. “Ohhhmannn, it was good,” he whispers. His voice seems pretty young to me, but I can also deceive myself. I don’t think about it any further. The two cocks made me incredibly sharp. Somehow I would like to be fucked hard and persistently now.

I would like to be brought by one of the cocks until I come until I too exuded my juices. On the other hand, I would like to feel the two cocks and of course my husband a little longer. Someone gives me a towel. I wipe my hands clean and take the opportunity to dry my pussy a little. When I’m finished, I hesitantly ask into the room “And who fucks me now ? You won’t want to stop yet – or ?“My sweetheart replies“ No, we’ll fuck you a few more times if you want that, we are definitely not finished yet, especially my cock is waiting to finally spray, but that still has time.

“” No, I want to feel your hot juice immediately, “I answer. Everyone hose, only you are still missing. Please spray everything on my breasts, I want to feel how you come, please. “I answer him. Then I am lifted up by Michael and Thomas. You carry me back into the living room from the kitchen. “Come on, she puts on the table here,” I hear my sweetheart. The two carefully put me back on the table. At my side I feel my husband.

His cock touches my breasts. My hands are looking for his cock. I can feel how he jerks. His hand will be faster and then pulsed. His juices spray hot on my upper body. I take his cock in my hand and keep jerking off, jerking off until the last drop is out of it. He gives me a kiss. His kiss is very tender. I feel the warmth that runs out of his body. I somehow feel totally finished now.

All three men spit out their juices. It was incredibly great, somehow absolutely cool. Hopefully they would still have enough reserves, I think. My darling verrits his seed fluid on my breasts. What an experience. At the same time together with three men. What can there be nicer. It is a wonderful feeling that spreads in my body. Somehow satisfaction and lust for even more. My pussy somehow feels swollen. But by no means satisfied.

You should still fuck me all three today. And I want to feel how they cum again. I’ll show you it. I would love to see the three now. Would like to know what they look like. Would like to see and touch your cocks. Maybe take an alternate in your mouth when you are no longer so big. Make it stiff again with my lips, put them up to the full size and then feel it again in my pussy. “May I finally see you, I would finally like to know who you are,” I ask hesitantly into the men’s round.

“You can see all of us right away, wait a moment, but after you all made us inject, we will now spoil you all together, you deserve it, or ?“Answer my sweetheart in a quiet voice. Before I can moan a quiet “ok”, the three have already started. I feel your hands on my body. My blouse is opened and cumbersome. It’s a little easier with skirt.

My bra is also quickly stripped off. Now I’m lying naked on the table. Just dressed in my stockings. I feel their hands everywhere. They knead my breasts, stroke my stomach. My legs are gently pressed apart. And then I feel hot lips on my pussy. They crowded between my labia. Press on my clit. My pussy is spoiled with my mouth tenderly and gently. Who could be, I ask myself.

Who kisses me so passionately and licked my pussy so wonderfully. I don’t know and just give myself the game of the tongue. My breasts are pressed, kneaded and kissed. I feel my husband presses his lips on my and gives me a passionate kiss. “Leave you time, let yourself go,” he whispers. “Yeah” “I moan. The feeling between my legs becomes more intense. The tongue presses on my clit. The lips close and suck on my clit – just madness.

It feels great. My darling plays tenderly on my ear with his tongue. He lifts my upper body a bit and supports my back. My left chest is also covered with a hot mouth. A tongue tenderly plays around my nipple. My darling kisses me again. I feel how my lower body contracts. Sometimes the tongue penetrates briefly into my pussy to suck my clit gently and tenderly again.

A short bite in my nipple lets me twitch together. Oh god I think it will come to me right away. I will have to scream immediately, it feels great what the three do with me. I feel hot lips on both breasts. They suck impetuously on my buds. Bite in and make me very fidgety. I flinch together with every tender bite. My darling still kisses me. I can hardly concentrate. Too many mouths edit my body and want to snatch an orgasm for me.

Too many mouths ! I scare, count according to. There are four mouths, for sure. Two on my breasts, a tongue on my pussy and my darling kisses me. Damn, I’m confused. What’s going on, what happens to me. Who is that now. He brought about three men with him, ? No that can be, or anyway, it can be. My hands slide left and right. I feel the stiff cocks. Andreas stands over my head.

My hands slide down. I feel hair. Now I’m sure. My husband actually brought three people. The tongue on my pussy presses firmly on my clit, accelerating your game. Sucks my clit, bit tenderly on it. I can no longer defend myself. Wants to rear me up. But I am captured. The hands are pressed on my body. My legs are stretched wide apart and held. My pussy now belongs unconditionally to the person between my legs.

The tongue continues your intensive game on my pussy. A finger feels between my labia, penetrates deeply and reinforces the crazy feeling through circular movements. I try to relax. My pussy is still licked. At the same time, my clit is quickly and firmly waxed. I moan my feelings out loud “More, more, please …” I feel that I come. I scream up when my clit is sucked in by hot lips. My lower body contracts.

Fingers penetrate me. “Let you go, I want to feel if you come and give me everything” I hear a female voice. A female voice ! A woman just licked me and now she has her fingers in my pussy, that doesn’t exist. I’ve never had a woman … No, I don `t want anymore…. But it is too late, she has already flashed me too far, I need redemption, need it immediately.

There is no choice but to indulge in your touch. And then I’ll come too. Wild twitching I feel a great orgasm as I rarely had it. It seems to me as if I actually cumshot. I leave my lower body of the foreign woman, who knows how to use her finger so cleverly and that gives me a wonderful orgasm. She continues her touch. Her tongue gently licks through my pussy. Your fingers get slower.

Then she puts her hand down to my pussy. It only moves very gently. “Stop ?” ask her. “Yes, stop … please. I can…. no longer “sigh stuttering and with a weak voice. Your hands have calmed down. Andreas is still supported by my upper body. Again he gives me a tender kiss. And then he takes away my blindfold. I blink. It is dark. Only one candle burns. In the shadow of the flickering light I finally recognize all my teammates.

To me on the left, that’s probably Thomas. Maybe in early 40 – at my age, a strong figure and a nice tail that stiffly stands out from his lower body. To the right of me is a young man, that must be Michael. Slim, at most 20 or 25 years old. He smiles at me. His cock is also stiff and protrudes from his sporty body. And then the woman rises between my legs in the round. I also appreciate them for about 40 years.

She smiles at me “Well, you liked it” ashamed I look down, “Yes it was just great, thank you” I’m amazed at my honest answer. My darling is behind me. He looks into my eyes. “Is me the surprise succeeded ?“He asks me with a smile. I sink backwards. “And whether, a great surprise. “I still feel my frenzied pulse and try to relax a little. “I want to get on the couch put, please help me “I am immediately lifted off the table with shared help.

Thomas and Michael help me with the couch and carefully put me off. I lean limp against the back cushion. The woman sits next to me “I’m Martina by the way,” she introduces herself. Then Thomas comes from me on the other side. “Was really great until now” the two put their hands on my thigh and press on me. “You were really great. “Says Thomas. My hand also slides on his thigh.

I look and see that his cock is still stiff. I touch him carefully. By the way, Michael is our house friend. He is only there to spoil us all. He is still young and very, very injected, above all he is really persistent, he can fuck and spray all evening, you will still see. “My darling sits next to Martina. He looks at me with a smile. He too still has a stiff cock.

Then Michael also comes. He sits down next to my husband. His strong cock stands out highly up. His glans shines. “And he loves not only licking pussies, but also sucking out cocks. “Desolving Martina quietly in my ear. Then Martina leans to my sweetheart. Her hand wanders to his cock. She holds him with her hand at the bottom of the shaft. “Michael, come and show how you can blow” in these words Michael leans over my husband’s lap.

His lips sink on the plump glans, which is full of blood and has increased in size, by pressure that Martina’s hand produces on his shaft. I see the tail disappears into Michael’s mouth. His head moves up and down. His tongue plays around his glans. My darling closes his eyes and indulges in the sucking mouth. Martina gets up without let go of the tail.

She crawls on my sweetheart and crouches over his loins. With Michael’s help, she conducts the cock to her pussy. Then she picks him up. Slowly she lowers her lower body and carefully devours hot meat in her pussy. Andreas is now looking at Martina’s breasts. His mouth is looking for her breasts, his tongue plays around her firm buds. Slowly, almost carefully it starts to suck. Michael is right behind Martina.

His hands gently massage her breasts. And then Thomas will also be active. He pulls me closer to him. Turn my head and press a gentle kiss on my lips. His tongues play tenderly on my mouth, penetrates deeper, over my neck, on my breasts. Now he also starts and alternately sucks both buds in his mouth. I continue to watch Andreas and Martina. The two seem intensely united. Slowly she rides on his shaft while her breasts are caressing from his mouth.

I feel a hand from Thomas on my stomach. Stroking his hand wanders between my legs, which he opens gently and with little pressure. So that he can touch me better, I slide a little forward with my lower body. With my butt I lie on the edge of the couch. I feel his fingers on my pussy. They slide between my labia while he sucks a little more intensely on my breasts. I am looking for his cock with one hand.

He is actually still stiff. I stroke his wet acorn tenderly. Again I look at Andreas and Martina. Michael is still playing with her breasts, he looks at me. Andreas and Martina kiss. Her abdomen circles on his lap. It is a great feeling to look at and at the same time to be caressed so gently by Thomas. Then Michael comes to us. He kneels between my open legs. He immediately lowers his head to my hot triangle.

His tongue slides over my labia and touches my clit. Thomas spreads the layers of the skin apart with two fingers. And then Michael starts licking me. And how he licks me. Gentle, with a little pressure. Not too much, but not too little either. His tongue strokes through my open pussy, touches my clit again and again in between. I close my eyes and let both pamper myself. Feel a mouth on my breasts. Feel the hot tongue on my pussy.

I still hold Thomas’s tail in my hand. And that’s exactly what I want to feel in my pussy now. So I also crawl over him. Michael and Thomas help me. And then I lower myself on a wonderful stiff cock. Slowly he penetrates me in centimeters by centimeter until I finally feel it deep inside me. I press my chest to Thomas breast. Sling my arms around him and lift and lower my lower body.

I can feel his glans and hard shaft. Thomas slips forward and is now almost flat on the couch. I push myself to him, his cock deep inside me, I give him a kiss. Our tongues meet. Play together. Slowly he moves his lower body. He lifts my lower body a little and his cock now has a little more freedom of movement. And then I feel Michael’s hand on my pussy. He captures Thomas’s shaft and slowly jerked off my pussy.

He constantly touches my clit. I lie flat on Thomas Breast and leave my lower body to the two horny men. Only when Michael lets go of the tail again does Thomas penetrate violently and deeply into me. “Yes Thomas, fuck me, it feels so good, I want more from you, fuck me” With my lips I approach Thomas’s lips. I hung closely on him and absorb his deep bumps in me.

We kiss tenderly. His cock continues to penetrate and out in my pussy. I break away from Thomas and just sit on his shaft, take him the freedom of movement he needs to continue fucking me. Michael’s arms span my upper body from behind. His hands touch my breasts and knead my hard buds. I start to circle with my lower body on Thomas. His cock is deep in me, fills me out completely.

Michael pulls my upper body back a bit until I can lean on his body. I feel his stiff cock behind my back. I reach his stiff with one hand. “Yes, jerk me my cock,” Michael whispers in my ear. Slowly I jerk his cock. I raise my lower body and press myself more firmly against Michael’s upper body. Now Thomas can move again, can fuck me again with his tail. Michael doesn’t stop stroking my breasts while Thomas slowly fucks me with his stiff cock.

And then I suddenly feel a lot of hands on my body again. Andreas and Martina joined us. Andreas stands next to me and Martina sits next to her Thomas. She kisses him as she wanked the tail of Andreas. Andreas caresses my breasts together with Michael. It’s amazing what happens to me. I just let myself fall and enjoy the touches, enjoy the hard, fucking tail of Thomas. But I want to change position.

I’m slowly rising from Thomas. With a quiet “flopp” his cock slips out of my pussy. While I get up, Michael and Andreas support me. I turn around and sit down on the hard mast of Thomas. I lie on the side with my upper body on his upper body. Martina helps me to support me something. Thomas can slowly move his cock in my pussy. Michael and Andreas stand in front of me. I look at the two.

“Watch your cocks, let me watch when you splashed” and the two come a little closer. They support themselves with one leg on the couch and now jerk off their spanking right in front of me. Your cocks aim at my breasts, which you are now starting to stroke again. Martina also touches my breasts gently while Thomas fucks me slowly. It’s an incredibly great feeling. Again I am fully focused on.

Martina gets up and my upper body sacks on the couch next to Thomas. His cock slides out of my pussy. Thomas lifts me down and I’m now lying flat on the couch. Andreas and Michael are still standing in front of me and jerking off their cocks. With one hand I grab his cock after Thomas. It is also in the process of jerking off his cock. “All three of them put on my chest, go I want to have everything from you,” I ask the three lovers.

Now Thomas gets up and aims at my breasts with his cock. All three jerk off in front of me. “Lot Michael, fuck me, but woe you come right away,” says Martina to Michael. Martina gets up and goes to my knees in front of my spread legs. Michael immediately stands behind her and immediately penetrates her. Martina moans on. He starts to fuck her with slow deep bumps. Soon Michael also groans “I come, I have to cum” Martina goes forward with a jerk, turns and takes Michael’s cock in hand.

“Do you want to inject now ?“She asks Michael as she carefully caresses his glans. “Yes, please let me cum,” groan Michael. Martina now conducts Michael in such a way that his cock is aimed at me again. Michael spreads his legs and leans over me with his upper body. He supports me to his hands on the left and right of my head. Then he gets closer to his mouth and we both kiss. I feel how Martina jerks his cock violently.

And suddenly I feel the hot splashes on my stomach. Michael twitches together. I hug him. My tongue passes passionately into his mouth, finds his tongue. It is still injecting out of it while we are tenderly kissing. Then he loosens from me and sinks next to me onto the couch. “Thomas, make it ready to cum,” calls Martina. And she already has Thomas’s stiffness in her hand. Thomas also takes the same position as Michael before.

When he has supported himself, his lips look for my mouth. We kiss tenderly while Martina quickly and violently jerked his cock. Even with Thomas, it doesn’t take long for his hot sperm to splash on my body. He rears up, his tongue plays wildly in my mouth. I also kiss him tenderly when he gives his juice. Through the wild game I became very horny again. My pussy itches. I have to touch myself.

But Martina interrupts “First the last cock has to cum, then you can come, but everything in turn” Now it is Andreas who gets upset above me. Our mouths immediately find together and we kiss. His tongue plays passionately with me. I try to pull his upper body to myself, but he supports himself on the back with arms outstretched. I feel Martina his cock also quickly and firmly jerked.

And then I feel like his hot splashes shoot on my body. He groans. Then we both kiss tenderly. His lips are pressing on my mouth while Martina brings the last drops out of his cock. Andreas can be redeemed next to me. His tail still steeply erected. He lies next to me on his back. Michael is on the other side. His cock is still stiff. “So now you’re on it,” says Martina to me.

“Close your eyes, we’ll serve you again now” she gets a cloth and wipes my body dry. I shut my eyes. Immediately everyone starts to stroke my body. I feel the mouths of Andreas and Michael on my breasts. Thomas gave to my knees in front of me. He penetrates deep into me with his cock. I rear up, but I am flattened flat again by Andres and Michael on the couch.

And finally Thomas begins to fuck me. His hammering bumps are fast and firm. Then he pauses. I feel how my clit is massaged. Is that Thomas or Martina ? No matter, it’s beautiful. I feel that I will come right away. Thomas pulls his cock out of me. I open my eyes and see that with Martina, who is stroking me, he is changing the space. She also kneels up to me.

I realize that she has buckled up a cock. “No, I want a real cock, immediately” I call her towards her. Before I can react, she penetrates with that Dildo deep into my pussy. “Now I’ll fuck you,” she whispers “and right. “I’m too horny when I could defend myself now and so I finally have it granted them. Martina ranges relentlessly. Your bumps are firm and deep.

She quickly brings me to the edge of madness. “Relax yourself” whispers her. I’ll try it. Take your fast bumps with my pussy. It feels good, it feels really good. I feel frenzied that I am so far. Again it is Andreas who leans to me and gives me a kiss. His tongue penetrates me, kisses me tenderly, plays with me. I can no longer resist.

I’m coming. “Yes, Meeehr, Meehr” calls mauntly martina too. And she fucks me on. Hard and quick. And then I feel that I will come right away. My body trembles. It is wonderful. Martina stops fucking and trying to keep my twitching body calm. She pulls out the dildo and instead presses her gentle lips on my pussy. Play around my höchlein. She gently presses her lips on my clit. Your tongue plays carefully around the pleasure center.

With her tongue she keeps me in the highest excitement. She uses my defenselessness, she knows that I can’t stop now. “Yeah, lick me, that’s so beautiful, keep licking,” I moan to her. She knows that she won. She presses her mouth on my clit and sucks him in her mouth firmly. That’s too much, I can’t stand it anymore. Just when I feel how I get an orgasm she hears.

But she doesn’t interrupt long. I feel your hand on my pussy. She penetrates one or two fingers into me with one or two fingers. As she caresses me, she rises. My legs are raised and also placed on the couch. Someone turns me so that I lie on the side. Martina continues to stroke me, keep me shortly before my orgasm. Then she also lies on the couch next to me. But she lies in a 69 position.

Your pussy exactly in front of my head. She spread a leg and put the couch on the backrest. Your pussy is freely accessible. But I’ve never touched a woman. Before I can think ahead, I feel her tongue on my clit again. She plays gently with me. Your fingers carefully massage my buttons, sometimes penetrate me. “Come on, show me what you like. Show me what to do “In these words she takes my hand and leads her to her pussy.

Of course she stopped irritating me. I carefully touch her pussy, move my fingers a little clumsy. Martina does it. My finger grabs your clit. I already twitch together, because Martina also exerts gentle pressure on my clitoris. But she doesn’t move, she doesn’t massage me. I register that she only does what I do. I’m slowly starting to move my finger on your clit. “Ahhhh” I open when Martina gratefully touched me a little more firmly.

Then I feel your wet pussy. Searching my fingers through their slit. Martina does the same. I wish she would kiss me now. And when I think about it, I press my face into her hot triangle. I stroke your clit with my tongue. Martina does the same. She makes it wonderful. I like the game. She manages that I want more and have to do more myself. And then I finally want to come.

I enter her pussy with one finger, let him circle, feel the same in my pussy. I suck her clit in my mouth, lick her wet lips with my tongue. And she does the same with me. I now want her to jerk me and I am already massaging her button. Now Martina groans quietly. My circular movements become faster. Martina pushes her mouth into my lap, her lips hike through my pussy.

She does it even though I just stroke her. I understand I should spoil her with my mouth. Her tongue is pushing between my labia when I also spoil her with my tongue. And then all inhibitions have fallen. We caress each other passionately, our tongues spoil each other until I feel that it too is time to finally come. I want us to come together. Martina also feels this desire. In a wild final sprint we suck each other, massage it with our fingers and finally we moan out of our orgasm together.

That was amazing. It was absolutely great and scary horny. We just remain closely wrapped up for a short moment. Then we turn back into a seated position. Martina takes me in my arms and whispers to me “For the first time it was really great, thank you, you did great” “For me it was also great” I answer. “Hey, that was really great,” calls Andreas, my darling. “Watching made us all incredibly horny, you are really great” and indeed, he has again, or still, a stiff tail.

Not only he, also Thomas and Michael jerk off their stiff cocks by hand. “Now we take a short break,” said Martina and added “We both have to recover a little first”. But somehow I suddenly feel like feeling Michael. I wave it up. Michael comes closer. His cock right in front of me. He still felt strong. I opened my lips and started sucking tenderly.

Immediately he stiffens a little more. I carefully jerk off his shaft. “Come here, sit next to me” I instructed him. “You are there to use us, or not ? He nodded, “yes, of course, what can I do beautiful ?”. I want you to fuck me again, really firmly firm. In the kitchen !” I answered. He already helped me up. Together we went to the kitchen.

I sat down on the sideboard, on which it was so wonderful. The others had come along. As soon as I sit because Michael conducts his cock back into my tight pussy. “Yes, come on, please fuck me, I want to have it very quickly now,” I loop my arms around his body, pull it close to me and then he catches pushing. Fixed and even and always faster becomes his bumps. As soon as he started, I feel that I get an orgasm again.

An orgasm of a beautiful male cock. The thought of his cock drives me crazy. He feels incredibly thick and big. I can feel every vein of his cock. My tight pussy surrounds his cock very hard. He gets even faster and then I finally feel the redemption. I stick to him tightly. And then it finally comes. While I get my orgasm, I feel like his cock in my pussy starts to twitch wildly.

And then I feel his hot juice. Feel how he injects into me. He still fucks me with deep and fast bumps. “Aach, that’s so good, so wonderful …” I have to moan loudly when his last bumps extend my orgasm. But then I can no longer. I’m pumped out. Only now do I register that the other three watch. Martina holds the stiff cocks of Thomas and Andreas in their hands. “Do you want more, here are a few hard cocks ?”She asks me” No, but now we really take a break..“I answer her.

Without getting his cock out of my pussy, Michael lifts me up. Sitting on his tail we go back to the couch. He sits carefully and slowly without letting go. So now we sit together on the couch. I still impaled from his hard cock. We kiss passionately. “That was great” I whisper into his ear. He nods, not only with his head, his cock also performs nodding movements in my pussy.

“Yes, it was really great,” he finally replies.

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