Wet and Feucht – The best sex party | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

After the unforgettable night with the twins, Tereza, or Terry as I call them, and I get closer to our job. The last few days we have often spent time together. Were shopping, in the café, just spent time speeches. In addition to Kristina, she had become a person in my life within a few days, to whom I could entrust everything. Her species corresponded entirely to mine, their preferences in men and in bed were almost identical to mine.

Having to know them was a really nice coincidence in my life. It was also ok for them that I read a man with men who finance my life for me. After all, her job also has to do with men who buy their time and lust for the hour. ** Since we go out a lot together, I also get to know some of your customers that we happen to meet in the same restaurant or the same bar.

All very well -groomed, successful men who occasionally afford some luxury. Their dealing with Terry in public was shaped by respect and trust. With some there were also very interesting conversations that I would like to continue. I exchanged business cards with them and looked forward to seeing you again. But connected with the note that they cannot book me like Terry. Without knowing it at this moment, some would enrich my circle of friends very much in the future.

Terry later also told me that some customers offered her a lot of money when I come to her with her. But even if she would convince me to let me in to meet the men alone. With the sum, my eyebrows went up a bit. Terry always rejected. And it was fine like that. ** “you would like to take part in a frivolous party?“We are sitting in the café and have breakfast.

Terry would never ask if it were your job. So it had to be something that she would visit privately. But she also knew that he excited me very much and I would like to go to such a party. So I look at her curiously questioningly, especially since visiting and participating are two different things. “I was invited to a party that will take place here in a swinger club nearby.

About 10 women and 15 men. Unfortunately one got sick and I thought of you. There are clear rules for the party, which should be observed. The women are all in their mid -thirties, most of the men over 40. All the best people, no spinners or perverse. “** The few information with which Terry wants to suggest this party sound interesting. It really doesn’t just be irritated to look at me, but definitely take part.

Since the proposal came from her, I am also sure that it is a rather high audience than normal people off the street. “And you get everything provided there. Shoes, lingerie, dress, possibly jewelry. You will be picked up and brought. So relaxed. “That also sounds tempting what she says. Then the hook comes. “We are the youngest and will have a lot to do with it.

“** That also went through my head, because my experiences in swinger clubs also ran out that young women are the ideal targets of male lust. But what the hell, it irritates me and I say. Unfortunately I now learn that it starts this afternoon. But so what? I feel like it and Terry is happy that I will accompany you. Without a word we drink the coffee, pay and drive to me.

On the way to me, Terry taps my address into my cell phone and sends it off. So the collection is organized. That drives my pulse a bit. But with my soul mate at my side, I quickly calm myself down again. After all, I have already experienced one or the other erotic adventure. ** At home we use the remaining time to prepare for the evening. Showering, washing hair, make-up, body lotion, a light massage, Perfume.

In my bedroom it smells like a hairdryer with a hairdresser with a hairdresser with an attached perfume trade. Time to ventilate. Terry says we get clothes there. That’s why I only put on leggings and a long sweater. At least that was covered with my butt. Terry stays in her jeans with a T-shirt. ** The doorbell rings on the door. We take our things and go the way to enter the property.

My neighbors are used to large, expensive cars. But a Maybach is something extraordinary. We take a seat in the black luxury car at the back. The chauffeur closes the door and we receive a quiet sound of music that comes from the TV monitors of the seats. We bring the seats into a slight lying position. Terry helps me because I am overwhelmed with the technology. Then it starts. He drives the entrance backwards and with a little trouble he brings the car to the right course towards France.

The journey will take an hour that I with Terry with a glass of water and conversations about the upcoming shortening. ** An hour later the driver turns onto a forest path that turns out to be a access to an old hunting lodge in the middle of the French forests. The license plates of the vehicles that already park here have all German license plates. From Saarbrücken, via Frankfurt, Hamburg, Berlin, Munich and Stuttgart. The language will not be a problem that evening.

We get out and enter the house through a side entrance. Since it rains I reach for the umbrella in the door, pull it out and protect us two from the rain. As a memory of the evening, I will keep it and not put it back into the door. I hope nobody notices it. Hidden from the eyes of the men present, we are led to the rooms assigned to us.

On the way there I notice the many antlers who hang on the wands. Plus a lot of stucco, golden decorations and very old pictures. Everything is a mix of excellent style that continues in our room. ** We two have the same room. It is a large room with 2 separate heavenly beds. Old, solid, robust. There are already things on the bed that are names. At first glance, they are the same clothes, only their in white, mine in black.

I am satisfied with the color. Without hectic we dress. In front of me is a black cocktail dress that extends to my knees. These include a black, owner -free bustier, string tanga, ownerless stockings. It is almost to be expected that a straps are also intended. The whole thing is completed by black high heels with a 14 cm heel. It will take some time before I will run for sure.

** Terry is ready with me at the same time. In the morning she had passed my shoe, clothing and bra size so that things are done for me perfectly. We look at ourselves in the mirror and are satisfied. Then we fill out a form that is available on the table. There were many sexual preferences listed and also taboos. We cross our preferences and also conscientiously fill out our taboos. Ready.

** I am so excited that Terry puts her hand on mine soothing me. I head through my head, whereupon I got involved. Sex with strangers. It has been clear to me since the moment I have given my promise that it would be more than one. That in itself is still ok, but the men’s surplus was very big. So many will be free and watch or do something else.

In the hardest case, I am in bed with several gentlemen. ** I am torn out of my thoughts because it knocks on the door. Our chauffeur picks us up and brings us across the hunting lodge into another wing. Despite the historical character, you can immediately see that this is the real place in which the further evening will be shaped. We reach a central hall from which you get to many rooms.

But what I miss are doors. All rooms can be entered freely, including the rooms with beds. Even the toilets have no doors. So this tract had 2 functions. Play and watch watching. When setting up the swinger club, someone really thought about it and invested a lot of money so that the combination of historical and eroticism succeeds so perfectly. ** We are all now in the central hall. Stairs go up from there and from there it goes to more rooms.

We 2 stand in one of the many standing tables. Hidden with white fabric, candles and flowers on it and enough space to park the cocktail, which is enough for everyone present. Time for me to give me an overview. There are 20 men present and included 10 women. The men in tuxedo, the women in similar cocktail dresses as we do. I appreciate all the gentlemen present in the mid -forties. Some also seem familiar to me.

Be it that I got to know her through Terry, be it that I have seen them play in our golf club. ** Nobody gets close to our age. Despite their attractiveness, women had to be seen that they had already crossed the 35. So we were the Nesthäkchen, but that had already been announced by Terry. We chat with a wide variety of people for about 45 minutes until a man with a bell goes through the crowd.

He calls us to go towards one half of the room while the men go to the other side. As soon as we stand, we will ask our clothes to take off. I let it slide down and hang it on the cloakroom sticks behind me. So far everything is still in the frame. Also that a woman paints a number on my buttocks is still ok. ** The man with the bell now reads the rules of today’s evening.

“Today’s rules. I first present each individual lady with number. The respective preferences and taboos are listed. The taboos must always be observed. The lot decides which man can spend time with which lady. The time is always 30 minutes. Then 15 minutes break for the women to freshen up. If a menage a trois is desired, then the 30 minutes per person add up for a new whole time.

Max, however, 3 men and thus 1.5 hours. Then there is raffling again and a new man is chosen. But not more than 10 men per lady that evening. If a lady says no, that is to be accepted. In order to maintain anonymity, please always address the ladies with the painted number and do not ask for their name. Contact requests outside of this house will be made available to the ladies after the evening.

I am now starting with the preferences and taboos of the first lady. “** So now I know what will happen. I look at Terry and see her smiling at me. She knows that it was right to ask me. This evening seems as exclusive as being erotic. Perfect for my first party of this kind. I nod to her and signal that I am ok. Ok and curious how it goes on.

I look very excitedly how the first woman goes to the man with the bell. She introduces herself to a small pedestal and the man reads what she likes and not. It sounds like a lot of sexual desire for her and also for the next women, but something extraordinary was not there. In taboos, all women seem to move at a similar level. ** Then the man waves me to himself.

“Number 19”. At least I got my favorite number. I stand on the pedestal, turn around my own axis and look at the reaction of the men when my preferences are read aloud. In some I see the corners of the mouth rapted when they hear “sperm kisses, spanking, wax, bondage games, bi, collar, men’s surplus, sandwich …” not in the taboos, but in preferences. I almost got red when I hear it, because in front of me it wasn’t quite as unusual preferences and after me only Terry was the same.

The remaining women had comparatively normal preferences. ** With that all women were introduced. Each of us was assigned a room for the evening, in which we are now sent immediately. I go to my room without a hurry and say goodbye with a kiss by Terry. I step into the room and sit on the bed. Now it’s time to wait. The next few minutes will appear to me endless. Waiting is a bad comrade.

But I am amazed that I am very quiet inside. ** round 1 ** The first man steps into my room. In his hand he holds a few glasses and a bottle of champagne. He puts them on the table and comes to me. It gives me hands to get up. We greet ourselves with small kisses. “I’m one, men also have only numbers and no names here. The lot chose me to greet you here and to get in the mood for what will come.

Please take off your string and sit on the table. “** While I pull the string off and slowly go to the table, one pulls off his jacket and hangs it on the wall with an iron. He comes to me. Take my hips and lift me onto the table. Without resistance, he presses my legs apart and pulls me to the edge of the table so far that I was sitting on the table top with my buttocks.

One sits in front of me between my legs and begins to stroke my pussy. Very tender and not so suitable for the erotic atmosphere, he plays carefully with me. When the first drops look to light the way between my lips, he feels with his finger whether he can penetrate me ** for a few minutes until I am so far. He begins to finger me, which in turn slowly lets me come into a very excited emotional state.

Again and again he pulls his finger back and travels around my pussy and my venus mounds the moisture from my pussy. Then he takes the bottle, opens it. In the meantime, the remaining 10 men came into the room and all hold an empty glass in their hands. You also brought a few bottles. One waves the first one to yourself. He lets the champagne run over my pussy and catches him up with the glass, which was enough for him.

He fills all 10 glasses with champagne and the aroma of my pussy. Almost 3 bottles of moss tiles over my pussy. A glass has also been filled for me. When the last glass is filled, we all join in and they welcome me in their circle. I sit on the table all the time and are fingered again by one. Quite calm and not with the aim of bringing me to orgasm.

** A bell sounds from the central hall. Go over for 30 minutes so quickly. One goes out of the room and some of the other men also leave my room. Time to make me fresh. I go to the sink under the eyes of some men and wash off my pussy. It is a mix of discomfort and lust that makes me feel observed. However, it is also attractive to provoke a reaction from you through conscious provocations.

And that is quite easy when I wash my pussy and dry grass. But nobody is embarrassing if a bump is emerging under the tuxedo trousers. Then another bell sounds out of the hall. ** Around 2 ** I’m slowly going towards the entrance to my room and waiting for the next one. It also appears a short time later. Like one, two is an aristocratic man. Formed by the appearance and appearance. Binding in its kind.

After a kiss to greet, he also leads me to the table. “I’m two and am here to baptize you in a special way. All women get these baptism on their first visit. Please put yourself at the table and lie on it with your upper body. “** Curious about what comes to the narrow side of the table and lean forward. In the mirror towards myself I see how two stands behind me, opens my straps belt, the straps loosens and frees me from it.

Next he pulls out the high heels and slowly rolls the tights down. “Are you ready?“What besides nod, I should do now? He understands my answer. In the mirror I see other men coming in the room. I count them and again it is the free 10 men. I hear one running to me. He stands behind me. In the mirror I see how he opens his pants behind me and his tail to rubbing.

** I dawn at what kind of baptism and I almost gave a loud, amusement outcry by me. But I can slow myself down. For this I watch the man behind me always becomes red on my face before he is redeemed. He injects all of his juice on my butt and clears the way for the next one. He also begins to rub his cock. It takes a long time like his predecessor until he comes to me.

The next gentleman is a little faster. She had certainly excited the watching and now come on me very quickly. ** 5 men have already come on my butt. Slowly I feel how the juice looks for its way down. Some things run over my buttocks, some baking between my buttocks to my pussy and further down on the inside of my legs. Even if it crawled a little, I don’t want to move now.

The next 5 men are very quick. If they are all in bed so quickly, then there is not much desire. A look in the mirror and I see that there is only two next to me. The others have withdrawn something. ** While two stands behind me, I have to think of my right baptism. I hope that Pastor Schmenk will never find out how I was baptized for the second time.

It was broken by the old man’s heart. Instead of baptismal water, I now have the sperm of 11 men on my butt. Two is the loudest of everyone and takes some time. But he ultimately comes on my buttocks. He packs his cock in his pants and stands next to me. “Stay so, maybe a guest will find you. “It is very comfortable, so it’s ok for me.

The thought that I am fully bent on the table is in the middle of strangers, but makes me really horny. ** A few moments actually come and he also baptized me with his sperm. Then the bell sounds in the hall. Two helps me get up and says “Welcome to our middle. Now you are really part of “He gives me a kiss on my cheek and the other men go out.

However, other men come shortly afterwards, some of whom sit down or stand up. Always very close to the wall so as not to stand in the way. But I don’t care now. I go to the shower, turn the warm water and go inside. I rinse the sperm with hot water from my skin and get fit for the rest of the evening. Again and again my gaze goes to the men present and watch them watch me.

Again out of the shower, I dry myself, put on my lingerie completely and apply some of the perfume ready. ** round 3 ** The Gong sounds and a few moments later a further gentleman comes to me. Three. A very dominant man, without a sense of a waste of time. After a short greeting kiss, he leads me to the bed. I sit down and he opens his pants and pulls them off.

Only in the shirt with a tie he stands in front of me and his cock protrudes into the high. “Blas him, nineteen!“That is that I am addressed with a number. It is exciting and I really put out to spoil his cock. Under the eyes of the others I take it in my mouth and let it slide in between my lips and glide out until it is really hard.

Then I should kneel in bed. He steps behind me and penetrates me without hesitation. Slowly, deeply. It almost seems that he does not want to come to orgasm, nor does he want to bring me to orgasm. Only the pressure of his thumb on my back door reveals that he wants to challenge my lust. ** The minutes pass and nothing in three has changed. Slowly but constant he keeps penetrating me.

Then I can play with my mouth again. After my displeasure, until the end. I don’t let that say twice and bring out what has to be completed. I want to bring him to orgasm and spoil his cock with passion. Fached from my juice on his cock, I blow him so intensely that he comes a short time later. It is the first time That evening that I have sperm in me.

I enjoy this moment as three stands slightly trembling in front of me and feels how I can get the last drop out of it. Then the bell sounds and he says goodbye. Time for me to refresh myself. Always under observation of some men. Then the bell sounds again. ** round 4 and 5 ** The next two rounds are almost identical. Both gentlemen finger me briefly, let themselves be bubbled and come very quickly from behind in my pussy.

You use the rest of the time to talk, stroke, touch, touch. They are pleasant short conversations with interesting gentlemen. I would also have liked to get to know her in normal life. I found them a bit reserved, but in the situation they are perfect. But it is very difficult for me to address them with numbers, while it is increasingly excited to be addressed with number. ** The bell according to round 5 is the beginning of a one -hour break.

After making a short fresh, I decide to walk around and watch the others. I go out towards the hall. I have my lingerie back and when running the sound of my high heels echoes through the hall. Knowing that there are also many looks on my body here. All of this does not count at the moment, because I follow the smell of fresh cigarette smoke. The source turns out to be a man who smokes a cigarette next to a window.

“Did you have one for me?“I don’t care which brand he smokes. I just want to feel nicotine in my veins. He looks at me, looks at my butt. “Gladly, nineteen. “He is enough for me a cigarette. I put them between my lips and let them light them by him. We stand there without a word and smoke the cigarettes to end. “Can I lead you around?“I would be happy to respond to this offer.

I hooked with him and we are running around slowly. Every room we happen we appreciate some looks. Everywhere there were women popped by a gentleman. Sometimes with spectators, sometimes without. But I am sure that when I am back as a freshcomer, most of them will watch in my room. ** It continues to the last room. A sight I know. Terry during sex. I look at how she is in bed with 2 men.

She spoils the two and is fucked by both. Alternating, no sandwich. At some point her look falls in my direction. She looks at me full of lust while she is fucked. “You can’t find a nice sight?“My companion addresses the question for me and I tell him that I got through it here. He seems to be interested, even if we continue to watch Terry until it comes. But then he brings me back to my room ** round 6 ** with sounds of the bell, I am ready for the 6.

Men’s. He also appears a little later and shows my way to the bed after we greeted each other. I take off my lingerie at his request and lie down to bed. Then he starts a beautiful massage with hot massage oil. It spoils my whole body from behind. Then I turn around and he spoils my front. Even his touch of my butt was beautiful. But how he now massages my breasts and pussy with the oil almost brings me to orgasm.

I could stay that way forever, but now the part comes where I can reciprocate. Six sits down in bed with me and lets his cock spoil you. Just as he excited me with his massage, I let him feel my lust with my mouth. His hand is looking for her way between my legs. It receives warmth and lust. His fingers work deep into my pussy and I thank him with passionate kissing, licking and blowing of his tail.

Tonging his tip is the hottest thing that can happen to him at this moment. I close my finger game, I close my eyes. ** My lips close to his cock. It almost seems as if at that moment he was only made to spoil this a cock in perfection. And I succeed. Six almost with your second hand in my hair, enjoy it up and down my head and hold me up when he comes in my mouth shortly later.

We both enjoy this moment. I look him in the eye when I swallow drops for drops without leaving his cock out of my mouth. I keep him in my mouth after he has come. He almost cares at me, strokes my hair and keep playing with my pussy. Then the bell sounds in the hall. I stay in bed very relaxed and the 15 -minute break pass as if in a flash.

** round 7 ** I’m looking forward to the door, who would spend the next 30 minutes with me. But instead of a gentleman there are three. The men seven, eight and nine came together to enjoy a menage a trois. This quickly becomes clear to me when all three of them come to bed with me. They free themselves from their clothes and come to bed with me. 6 hands begin to touch me.

One kisses my lips, one my nipples and one buries his head between my legs. You do not waste a lot of time for getting to know each other or a careful approach, but come to the matter. I like to be in bed with 2 men. But at 3, too, it is rare and particularly exciting and exciting for me. But I don’t let the men feel that. ** It doesn’t take long, then I kneel in bed.

While one kneels behind me and my pussy fingers and licks from behind, the 2 others kneel in front of me. I take her cocks alternately in my mouth, spoil her and make her really hard. That I am fingered is a really cool feeling. A look from the corner of the eye tells me that there are many spectators again. I also see Terry. She kneels between the legs of a seated man and spoils him with his mouth while watching us.

I would be happy to put her to bed here for my support, but the men don’t want a second woman in bed, which was well aware of it without asking. ** Finally I feel a cock penetrating into myself. The first begins to pop with very strong and hard bumps. It works like a liberation at this moment, because a very great desire and lust have accumulated in me. I let the two men benefit the two men in front of me.

You switch through quite quickly so that everyone can penetrate me once. When everyone is through, someone goes to bed, pulls me up and I let myself down on his cock. A second kneels next to the head of the lying man and presses my head to his cock. While I ride on one thing, I blow the other one. Everything without hustle and bustle and not yet with the aim of someone of us fours to come to orgasm.

The pressure in my neck announces that it will continue now. ** The third man wet my butt with lubricant and slowly penetrates into me. Not careful, but as a matter of course. The deeper it comes, the less the space in my lower body becomes. Due to the massage that has been going on, I am well prepared for it. Now both cocks are in me. It feels like my abdomen was completely filled out by the 2 cocks.

Slowly they start moving in me. My lust is on an unprecedented level. 3 men fuck me to put their fantasies into practice. They use my body and my desire to satisfy themselves to satisfy their lust. You change the positions so that everyone can enjoy every body opening from me once. I am like in intoxication and only perceive it all through a veil.

But I keep finding myself with how much I wish my professor in me at that moment. They are short flashes of thought that will be fucked away again the next moment. ** Nature does not seem to have a grace with me, because despite my lust it takes forever to come to orgasm. I literally moan into the cock that I just bubble. My body shrugs with the smallest movement.

It almost seems as if everyone nerves in me until they are crazy. The smallest touch and my nerves are in vibration. So I also feel very intensely how the 3 come almost in me almost simultaneously. Your cocks pulsate and spray your hot juice into me. What a nice feeling. They add a few more times before we all fall into bed exhausted. Then the bell in the hall frees me from that moment.

The gentlemen leave the room and I just stay there for the next few minutes. Always observed by a few gentlemen in my room. Since round 7 consisted of 3 men, on the one hand I now have a 45 -minute break. The 3 men also stand for round 7.8 and 9, so I have only one more, my last round in front of me. I use the time under the eyes of the gentlemen in the shower to freshen up, collect new strength and also put on my lingerie.

Just like at the beginning of the night. Then the bell is the last round. ** Round 10 ** I am prepared for everything, but I am surprised by the Lord that follows in. It is the man with whom I walked around during my break. He too comes to me, greets me with a kiss on the right and left. Then he puts me a collar. As I am used to, I let myself be completely fell when I wear a collar and give control of the one who holds the end of the leash in my hand.

“Come with me. “He pulls me gently in his direction and I run like his lap dog on the leash behind him. I love this power gap. It excites me and lets me enjoy my lust even more intensely. Ten leads me up the stairs into a room in which there is only one object. A St. Andrew’s Cross. ** Ten leads me exactly. He pushes me against it so that my upper body lies in front.

Only now do I notice that it is slightly curved and that I can be very comfortable to do so. Ten attaches my legs and arms to the cross and stands behind me. “How did you like the first time?“I did not expect the question in this situation, but tell him that I am pleasantly surprised and not regret my decision. In the next moments I find out that he is the organizer of the party and he is surprised by my lust.

Terry told him something about me, but what is said is nothing about experienced. The fact that I am tied up in front of him with spread legs and arms all the time underlines his impression of me. After all, I was able to say no too. ** Then without warning he penetrates my butt. He only pulls my string to the side. I open up, but not in pain, but with lust. “I often organize such parties.

Sometimes in this big style, sometimes smaller and more intimate. Do you want to be there?“Why does he ask me such things when he was birding my butt? I can’t give him an answer at that moment. Ten uses my speechlessness to one Dildo To introduce my pussy. Fortunately, no vibrator. Due to the vibrations, I would probably have gotten insane. He introduces the dildo deeply while he puts in my butt “nice how you enjoy it.

“Then his bumps become deeper and harder. ** Ten begins to fuck me according to your mood. It is the first time I am tied to a St. Andrew’s cross, but it’s a great feeling. Again and again he comes across and through my excitement I get to orgasm very quickly. It is more intense than ever, but is still through the Tie up disabled. I tackle it, but they are relentless.

Then ten comes in me and moans his lust out. Completely exhausted, I lie on the curved cross that I still wear the dildo in me and I don’t even notice anything between my legs. ** My intoxication has reached its climax. As in a trance, I notice how the guests of the evening are found in the room and say goodbye to ten. Only Terry sits down on a chair, looks at and wait until it is finished.

Later she will tell me that I have lingered in the position for almost 40 minutes. For me they are seconds. My brain in the frenzy is so much. Then ten frees me from my bonds. I don’t know why, but I turn to him, go to my knees and spoil his cock again until the end. I want to taste its juice and enjoy it. I can do that even after a short time and it results in my mouth.

I look at him and he. I deliberately swallow everything he gives me very clearly visible. **Ending. That’s it. I get up, say goodbye to ten and are accompanied to my room where my things lie. Terry is with me all the time and is a support for me at that moment, even if she says nothing. In the room we sit on the bed and first drink a sip of champagne.

To say something still unable to say, I enjoy the calm, loneliness without spectators. Then the farewell starts from this party. I leave my lingerie, put on my leggings and sweaters. Change your shoes and stow you in the shoe cardboard. The dress is already ready in a clothing bag. One last look, forgot nothing. We go to the door and are led to the exit. There is ten there. **”Your answer?“Yes my answer.

I still owe it to him. “Loyal” is everything I bring out. At this moment I actually choose to visit such parties more often. This evening excited me so much and my lust demands a repetition. “I’m Jaques” says ten as a farewell and hands me an envelope. Then it goes to the car. Hopefully no one will notice the lack of the umbrella. It slumbers well hidden in my pocket. In the car Let’s stand up a little flatter and enjoy the return trip on another glass of champagne.

We exchange ideas about what we have experienced and I am glad that Terry invited me. Then I open the turn. It contains a USB hard disk and 21 small, square notes. There is a number of 1-21 on each note. It stands for the 20 gentlemen of the evening and for Jacques every piece of paper contains the right name and contact information. The notes could be written when the men are closer Contact would like to search for the respective lady outside the party.

Whether that comes about is of course in the hands of the respective women. The fact is that all men of the evening want to get to know me better. ** I ask Terry questioningly the USB hard disc? “What is that?“Terry replies to me that it is a video. There were many cameras in the house and every step by me was recorded on video as soon as I had entered the game tract. Every moment was captured as a memory.

Every woman receives this as a reminder. All data was deleted on site, only this one copy exists for me to remember. At home it will find a special place. ** Then we are finally back home. Almost 14 hours after the beginning of the night we are back at the starting point. Totally tired and exhausted we go in, pull out and fall dead to bed dead. Slowly the adrenaline changes in me, which kept me awake so long.

Terry is still removing my collar, which I still wear. My eyes fall and I fall into a deep, long sleep. I only wake up in the late afternoon and send Jacques my name and my contact details. ** I make coffee for both of us. But before I can enjoy this, we both take a shower. Freshly showered and liberated from the footsteps of the last night we sit two at the kitchen table and let the caffeine of the coffee awaken the spirits in us.

In front of me on the table, the notes with all the data I am giving myself my Blackberry. When I almost finished it, it shows the arrival of a message. ** “Jacques: Friday, 4 p.m. in Saarbrücken. A little party. I’ll pick you up at 3 p.m. “.

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