Seduced by an elf | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

She opened her blue eyes and looked up at the flawless green leaf roof in her hut. She stayed for a while, slowly became awake and sighs on her bed sigh. In my thoughts she went through today: get up, go hunting, selling fur and then preparing the meat. Then she wanted to spend the rest of the day in the Waldelfen camp and meet friends. So a normal day for a forest elf in the trunk. Slowly she got out of bed and took a look out of the window opening next to her bed.

Her eyes fell down onto the forest floor that was covered by puddles. It had rained at night. From approx. 10 meters high, she looked at how the elves of the tribe ran over the muddy paths between the trees and partly made its own way through the tree tops with elegant movements. Then she went over to her washing bowl and took a look into the reflective water surface. A woman, 19 years old, looked back, with slightly tanned skin, a cute face with a snitch nose and light, barely visible freckles.

Her green eyes sparkled in the light and her face was framed by brown, smooth hair. Her pointed ears hardly visibly pushed out of the hair. Her parents had always told her that she would soon make a forest team very happy, but that hadn’t happened so far. She now washed her face and neck, pulled her short leather robe over her head and also washed the rest of the body properly with water.

Melissa looked down in itself: she had never been particularly stable and, like most elves, rather slim and petite. Her breast was small and handy, her stomach flat and between her legs she was (as well as all over the body) hairless and smooth. Her labia were closely together and when they dropped there with water, a warm shower scurried over her body. In doing so, she became aware of how long nobody had touched there and a little desire rose in her.

She washing up there a little longer than necessary, two fingers pushed a little between the warm, soft labia and could not suppress a short groan. Then she tore down, pulled her fingers back, licked her cleanly and threw her leather costume over again. The leather Not much covered, but that was neither abnormal nor bad in the tribe of the forest elves, because naked skin had always been sacred to the elves and was a privilege.

And so she then left her hut and set off. With nimble movements she climbed down on leaves and branches from her tree house, onto the wet floor. Her bare toes sank something in the mud. Her path led her past other houses and huts, some of which were open, on elves (male and female), some of which were more or less dressed. Melissa did not have to pull himself together twice, because her neighbor came towards her on the street.

Splittered with dangling penis. He was called Vildrion and he also greeted quite friendly. Be tail It became visibly long and hard at her sight and you could see Vildrion that he would like to take Melissa directly on the mushy street. Melissa greeted back well, smiled at the thick stand between her neighbor’s legs and had to admit briefly that she liked this reaction. The second situation that Melissa almost moved to turn was a fucking couple that was visible on the front door of its own hut for the whole street and moaned.

Pictures like these were not unusual in the trunk of the Waldelfen. Melissa stopped for a while and watched the two. The eleven of the degree repeatedly sank his cock in the pretty, blonde elf, with Melissa School gone. It was called Eldriv and Melissa had always wondered how it was to have sex with him. She quickly continued, out of the village into the deep forest. She went for a while, and deeper into the forest, listened to the drops of water that still fell off the trees and gradually her warm.

She slipped out of her leather apron again, threw it over her shoulder and continued to hike until she came to a tree. And a sword leaned against the tree. Melissa looked around over. Her green eyes were searching along the trees. She carefully approached the tree and the sword, crouched in front of the tree and looked at the find. The forest elves never used swords. Only arches and daggers. So this sword came from a person who distant countries.

There were castles, wars and poverty. The elves have never had much Contact to people. Melissa was now all the more surprising about the sword in front of her eyes. The next moment she heard a quiet crack and break of wood behind. She jumped up and turned around. There a knight just gave a little awkwardly the way through the undergrowth. Melissa had to smile and crossed her arms in front of her little breast. The knight had not seen her yet and flinched hard together when his view of the naked elf fell.

There was silence. Nobody said what, only Melissa grinned broadly because she liked the knight’s gaze. His eyes wandered up and down again and again and looked at her tender pussy and your pretty face. After a while, Melissa loosened her arms from her chest, raised his hands over his head and made a quiet “Buh!“The knight shrugged again and now his gaze also fell on the tanned breasts of the dainty elf.

Only Melissa had to laugh again and now said “What? Never seen a forest elf?“She put her arms into her hips and her eyes now slid over the stocky knight. He looked muscular, and was probably not a newcomer to the knights either, because although Melissa did not know about human years, this man looked a bit older, maybe around 30. Slowly the knight collected and shook his head. “No mylady, I’ve never had contact with your trunk.

And I would never have expected my first one encounter would fail with your kind. “He pointed to her with a finger and Melissa looked down on himself. She giggled briefly “you don’t know much about us elves I take”. Interested, she took a few steps towards him and looked at his armor from all sides. “Why are you so veiled..?“Melissa then asked softly. The knight also started to smile “and apparently you don’t know much about us humans”.

Another smile appeared on Melissa’s face and slowly she liked this guy. She enjoyed feeling the man’s eyes and she also didn’t care whether he was a person. She knew elves, but she had never seen her naked. Their excitement made itself felt and with a cheeky grin she said quietly “I would like to stay but I don’t trust any covered up” with these words she turned his back and just wanted to disappear with her knackpo between the leaves.

“Wait” called the knight and opened his leather wams. “What is your name?”” Melissa “whispered the forest elf and turned back to the knight. When she saw what he was doing, her gaze became curious and she sat on a ripped trunk. The knight came after her a few steps, threw his wam aside and pushed the chain shirt up, slowly became the stomach and chest visible. “I’m Torgen, I am happy to get to know you Melissa,” he said carefully and also threw the chain shirt aside.

Melissa made big eyes and you could see that the sight for her was exciting. Her nipples got off very easily from their delicate breasts. She was a little sitting on the trunk and Thorgen’s view stayed on the little elf for a while. The sight of their female forms and these deep green eyes tied him up and slowly made him willless. So willless that he himself couldn’t think of it, as he voluntarily climbed out of his pants and faced the elf in front of the elf.

“Her eyes had always shook like this?“Was the last thought that was around in Thorgen’s head. Melissa had already captivated him. Whether naked or not, she didn’t trust the knight. On the other hand, she was not afraid of a willless man. In addition, Melissa was deeply excited about the man and the idea of having him for himself. She could find out why he was here. For the moment she found it interesting how similar this person, the elves from the village was.

The elves with whom Melissa had what to do were usually just as delicate and dainty as they were, and that was definitely not that, but the tail between his legs did not see the elves unlike. She was curious how it would feel how it would taste. She leaned forward, took the knight’s penis in her hand and pushed his foreskin back. She smelled the bewitching fragrance and also wanted to taste it, so she also took the rocking stand between her warm lips.

The taste liked her, but she liked the knight’s reaction. He trembled, clenched his hands into fists and looked down on Melissa’s face. “Whether people can inject too..?“Melissa and rubbed something about the hard cock of Thorgen. She wanted to find out urgently, and her tender fingers flew up and down again and again on the tail. Thorgen stood in front of the greedy elf and could not defend himself, but also did not want to defend himself.

The feeling was indescribable for both. Melissa was indescribably curious. Thorgen was indescribably horny for the sweet being at his feet. So horny that after a short time he couldn’t control himself. His cock exploded and gush around gush white sperm shot out of his loins. Like a warm, sticky rain, the seed poured on the pretty face of the elf. Melissa winced, closed his eyes and let it happen. It was just like the elves of the village, only much more.

Warm and greasy it ran down her frame -sprouting face and THORGE’s cock was slow, only a few drops fell from his glans and landed on Melissa’s little chest. Her face shimmered in the light from that sperm, When she played a smile at the knight. Slowly she released the knight out of her spell and was looking forward to the reaction …

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