Secretly arrested in the hotel pool | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

10! The old gentleman swam exactly 10 lanes and then he left the pool again. That somehow seemed very German to me. To swim exactly 10 lanes. This is the sport that I have to do today: 10 lanes swim.

Processed! But who wanted to blame him? I’m not sure. I paddled in front of myself and had nothing better to do than count a pensioner’s lanes. I didn’t know boredom at home, but here on holiday the evenings were really dying. And the pool wasn’t open for long either.

I did the dead man and thought about everything. The thought came over me that this is probably the last one Vacation Was with my parents. And I didn’t really know what to think of it yet. After graduating from high school, there would be a lot of freedom, but also many obligations and life became more real every day.

And unfortunately reality always means problems. I already knew that at 17.

The sole rule over the pool only took a few minutes. Then a young lady strolled in and moved to one of the loungers. “The pool is getting right away.”, I said.

“I know.“, Said the young woman and pointed out with her index finger to the little emblem on her white polo shirt. She belonged to the hotel staff. “Oh,” I said and swam towards the pool manager. “It’s nothing.

Can stay a little more if you want.“She said and undressed her khaki pants. Below she wore a tight purple floating panties. In addition, a scarce purple bikini appeared when she also got rid of her top. I swallowed and gave my best to turn away.

She had long, slim legs, a sporty figure and a lot of plump balls. Even her short -shaved and blond -colored hair, which initially looked a little like a military hairstyle, fit into the overall picture. I couldn’t let them continue to watch them out of the corner of the eyes while I was swimming a little in front of myself. She sat on the edge and let her legs hang in the water.

A cozy smile sat on her face. Actually, I had only stood in the water all the time or dead man, but now I’m swaming. If I stand around, I would starve them all the time or consciously look away, which would have been stupid somehow. So I was able to look at them in a very natural way and enjoy the sight or just look in the other direction.

In addition, it may have impressed her that I was still doing sports.

After a few minutes in which she just sat there, she suddenly slid into the water. She started swimming a few lanes herself and whenever we swam on each other, she smiled at me. Sometimes I tried to smile back, but I seemed stupid and mostly tried to work on the matter as concentrated as possible. She swum a few lanes, then stopped at one end of the pool and started breathing hard.

I remained irritated in the middle of the pool. The pool was not that long that you had to be particularly impressed when it dived a complete train, but I watched the spectacle and in the end I nodded well in her direction a lá. Then she said: “Now you.“I swarm to the end of the pool closer to me and prepare my lungs. I would dive directly on her because she stopped at the other end and watched me.

I hurried more with every train in her direction, because I didn’t want to look at her tight purple panties for too long under water. Otherwise it would cause visible consequences in my abdomen region.

I appeared next to her and she smiled at me. Her red pout was contrasted with her dark brown eyes and bleached hair. She looked great and had to be in the middle or late twenties.

This time I smiled back. That was easier for me now, because only her head protruded from the water and you could only see very blurry outline of her body. And only with a smile she could not shoot excitement into my little man. She made a few trains away from the edge of the pelvis, then she grinned at me: “Whoever can last longer?“, She challenged me.

I myself removed something from the edge and nodded. “To three,” she said and she held three fingers in the air, which she then ranks one after the other. We dived down at the same time. She kept her nose and made a kind of tailor seat.

I rowed with my arms so as not to show up again. The slight water movements brought her breasts to move back and forth, and I got it to do with fear. How long could I look at it until I got a stand? My air would have been enough, but I was the first to give up. I preferred to let her beat her in the game to present her a crossbar.

She dived in my direction and came out of the water very close to me and triumphantly stretched her arms up.

“Well, how was it beaten by a woman?”She teased. “Oh, I can live with that.“I replied. However, I put some disappointment in my voice because I thought she liked it. She stayed very close to me and I got nervous.

“Well, you did a lot.“She said and put a hand on my shoulder. Women can and are allowed to. If as a man of a woman with whom you have not changed three sentences, put your hand on your shoulder, you are a sexist. But actually that didn’t bother me.

I myself was far too shy, so the physical Contact to search. Your hand on my shoulder and the closeness of her breasts to my upper body were dangerous. In addition this sweet smile. If I hadn’t been in the water for so long and my best piece in the SC *** dkröm mode, he probably has long since.

But the first emotions were felt to feel this light previous button. Thank God the young lady moved away again and swam again to the edge.

“Come on, swimming betting to the other side.“, She asked me. My ambition was now awakened. I had to give up in diving, even if I might have been superior to her.

Time for a revenge. I leaned on the edge next to her with my back. “On your marks, get set, go.“, She said and we swam off. It was immediately clear that she often spent time here in the evening by the pool.

We were about the same fast and for my part I didn’t really know who hit the other pelvic edge first by hand. If I had been, then only because of my longer arms. She rubbed her hands out of her eyes with her hands, then she asked: “And? Who was faster?“I shrugged with my armpits. Her sporting ambition did not seem so big that she absolutely had to win.

She announced beaming joy: “Tank!“I grinned. Simply because she smiled so well. Her happy nature was contagious. I usually never had fun with strangers so quickly.

Again she came closer to me and literally put on my shoulder: “Not bad! I swim a lot, you need to know.“Your arms were slim, but well trained. She undoubtedly said the truth.

“And you go on vacation here?”, she asked. “Yes, with my parents.” – “With your parents?“Asked her frowning. I nodded.

“How old are you?” -” 17 “, I replied. She took her hand off my shoulder: “Oh, I would have thought you older.“I stared at her hand that she had pulled away. I had just interrupted here? It was all a kind of flirt with a hotel guest? Which she is over now because I honestly said my age? I would have had chances with this wife if I had made myself older when I was? “Oh, many do that.”, I said. It was so half a lie.

Because I was quite big, people sometimes thought I was older, but it wasn’t the rule either. The smile returned to her lips and she put her head aside: “I like to think so.“Then she stretched her hand towards me. It looked strange, because only her head and hand looked out above the water surface. “I’m Silke.“, She introduced herself.

“Tom”, I answered and gave her hand. I always found it strange to greet women with a handshake. But what can you do? For some women it is a problem if you hug you because it arouses you immediately and directs the relationship into irritating tracks.

“So you work here?“I asked because I didn’t know anything better to say. “Yes.“, She grinned.

She found the question as stupid as I did myself. “Actually, I have to close the pool now.”, she said. “The boss allowed me to swim a few lanes, but for too long I can’t be missing above.“The pool ( and the entire wellness area was somewhat lower than the actual hotel. It was almost a complex and the pool was grown in a kind of winter garden installation.

“Sure, I understand.“Your look at the clock:“ Well, there may be time for a last competition: wet diving! Not for time, but who gets the farthest.” I nodded. We both stood on the edge of the pool and as much air as possible in our lungs. She dipped down first and I followed. She swam from me on the left and maybe one meter ahead.

Her long, slim legs swung through the water and again and again I was allowed to look between her legs. I tried to dive faster to catch up with them so that I don’t always have to look there. Because I had to! It withdrawn from my control. Whenever her legs diverge, I just couldn’t help myself and looked over.

Despite my efforts, her cracker always stayed in front of me at the same distance.

They reached the edge of the pool and swung their body around. For a moment, her balls approached me and this wonderful slit in between shot the last bit of excitement into me. I got slower because I now had more water resistance. My latte pressed the pants away from the body.

I turned around myself and dived her again. I noticed how the air became scarce. She had gained a distance at the turn and when she stopped and appeared, it was still a good two meters for me. I made it and maybe showed a good 20 centimeters behind here.

I had won, but I didn’t feel happy. A short embarrassed smile, then I turned aside and looked at the clock promptly. We would have to stop. But Silke was a good loser and celebrated me.

She came back very close to me, another hand on my shoulder, then a solemn one: “Bravo!“And then the contact of my best piece with her thigh. Her head sank. Whether she could make something out through the water? You went out an “oh”, which suggested that she understood the situation. Your gaze went to the side.

The glass walls, the darkness outside, the light inside. This was an aquarium. Everyone could see exactly what is going on from outside. Again she looked at the clock.

She knocked on my shoulder and said: “Correct yourself before you get out.“Then she swam to the ladder and left the pool.

All her skin shone with moisture and both the bikini and the panties were extremely tight. In any case, my latte didn’t want to disappear again immediately. I stood in the pool helplessly and had crossed my arms from my pants. Actually that was superfluous.

Through the water, nobody would see that. Silke began to dry up and her gaze rested on me, which made my excitement faded even more slowly. She leaned far forward when she dried her legs and again there was a wonderful view of her neckline. I just couldn’t help but look at.

She already knew that I found her attractive. When she freed herself from the coarsest moisture, she looked around on all sides. “Well, come out.“, She showed me. “You just shower into the shower rooms, nobody sees you there.“But it was not the fear that someone from outside would see me.

That was possible, but it was unlikely. I didn’t want to present her the full extent of my excitement. But she looked at me and then at the clock. So I got out of the pool and crossed my arms again.

She just pointed towards the shower rooms and I scurried away.

There were no single shower cubes, but separate rooms that were completely tiled and in which several shower heads hung. I put on one and enjoyed how the chlorine smell was washed by my body. The shower room had only one opening, no door, and suddenly Silke stood there. I turned ashamed to my side, but she had looked exactly, it actually didn’t matter.

She put her clothes, my bathrobe and several towels next to the entrance and then came to me quickly. Panic crawled up in me. She stretched out her arm and felt the water. “My dear heaven! But not warm!“She said and turned the hot water tap and the cold water opened.

I wanted to scream, but decided to keep a little bit at that moment. Once again, her hand feels the water jet. “So it’s better! You can’t get it differently!“She looked at the exploitation. I was surprised that he had unfolded to the full size despite the long time in the pool.

The cold water helped, but Silke’s closeness prevented. It just stayed so far that the cold water did not hit it. Her gaze hung in great seriousness at my erection. When nothing happened after a minute of cold water, she asked: “It may be faster otherwise?“Her hand blushed to the fist and her arm went up and down.

Even under the cold water, my blush rose in my face. But her simulation was also pretty sexy and the feeling came over me that he would stay stiff near her, at least as long as she was only in front of me.

I hadn’t replied anything, but she continued: “You don’t need to decorate yourself in front of me! I like to watch men.“I swallowed. “Maybe you need some motivation?“A controlling view of the entrance, then she folded her bra under her chest. Fine pink skin and two dainty small nipples, but they gained size when they stroked tenderly above.

Again I swallowed and shook my head. She pulled the lower lip between her teeth and looked into my eyes. “Most guys would look forward to such a small vacation adventure.”, she said. “Or do you have a girlfriend?“I shook my head.

I had a friend at all and had been solo again for a long time. “Well, then you don’t need to be embarrassed.“She said and now came under the beam cold water. She moved her face and her mouth opened to the scream, but she mastered herself. It looked very similar to the face of my ex-girlfriend in orgasm.

With a recovery, she pulled my swimming trunks down at knee height. My torment tail briefly came close to her mouth. But that was the only move she did. Then she pulled back and leaned against the tile wall opposite me.

She accepted a special, difficult to describe facial expression. She wanted to provoke or motivate me or whatever. To take it in hand and jerk off. It took a while before I was ready, but when she started playing her breasts with one hand and the other disappeared in the panties, I wanted it too.

Actually, I wasn’t a big fan of jerking myself off without lubricant.

Just pulling the skin back and forth, but in her presence it was hornier than ever before. Especially since she commented on my start with a fantastically beautiful smile. The hand in her panties now started circular movements and her nipples increasingly gained size and strength. I started enjoying the whole situation and kookett stretched my pelvis forward.

You should have the best possible view of everything. Playful she bit on the lower lip when I did it. She liked that I liked it. When the pace of her hands increased, I followed her and now jerked myself at the usual pace.

It wasn’t wrong if all of this would not take too long. Finally……… steps!

A loud clack was heard and let us grabbing both of them. Silke reacted incredibly quickly! Her index finger showed the shower head. I turned it off immediately and pulled my pants up.

Her boobs were packed again and it ran to the entrance to the shower room. She looked back on my packed crossbar again. Then she looked nervously in all directions. The steps had not come from the wellness area in which we were, but from the direction of the pool.

Silke disappeared briefly around the corner and suddenly the light went in the shower room, just like in the anteroom. Silke came back to me and had piled up all the towels, her clothes and my bathrobe between her hands. We both scurried into the back corner of the shower room and pressed our back against the wall. She put her index finger on her lips.

As if this gesture had been necessary. I was rigid with fear and would certainly not give me a mucks. Clacking the shoes came closer. It had to be high -heeled shoes.

Silke pressed his eyes together. She didn’t want to see anything, don’t admit anything. Whoever showered around there was now in the hallway right in front of the shower room. “Where is it just again?“A female voice was audible.

Silence … 21 … 22 … “Well, only seems to have forgotten, the light in Swimming pool to make out, everything is fine here.“Silke put his head back into his neck when the noises of the high -heeled shoes removed. Then the light in the pool area was deleted and we were now very dark with us.

Slowly my eyes got used to the darkness. It wasn’t a stick. More such a kind of dark blue Schleiser had left over everything.

The light reflections of the full moon on the water of the pool shone down to the wellness area and you would have no problems finding out here without artificial light. The relief was reflected in her and my face when we heard how the heavy front door fell to. Silke’s smile was just magical. She looked down at me and laughed: “Well, of course it works too.“The fright had completely destroyed my excitement in these few minutes.

I also laughed a little too. We looked at ourselves for a long time. Her eyes sparkled in the dark. My eyes got used to the lighting conditions and I could see everything perfectly.

It was just not in color, but in blue-gray tones.

“I will explain my absence to my boss by saying that I have informed a young guest about what you can do in the city in the evening. Can I count on you?“I nodded and laughed a little too. Then she got up and pushed away from the wall. She looked again towards the entrance, then she turned back to me.

She came very close to me. So close that her breasts pressed against my chest. Then she gave me a kiss on the cheek. “You can tell your friends a different end of the story at home.“, She joked.

Her eyes searched intensively for a reaction in the mine. My hands now pressed flat against the tiles, while my cock shot back into the half -set up position. Again she pushed herself close to me. Now she had to feel my stand on the underside of her abdomen.

A few centimeters between their eyes and mine. Then she kissed me on her lips. Her lips stayed on mine for a long time, then she also pushed her tongue forward. My cock now pressed hard into her stomach because he wanted to straighten up, but she was in the way.

Her mouth let off, but her face stayed very close. “You are actually very cute.“, She judged.

They were pure instincts who were now taking over my actions. The head was completely switched off for a few seconds. My right hand strapped her back and did what I wanted to do all the time.

I wanted to feel what her short hair felt like. It was stubborn and pricked a little in my palm. Still, it felt great. I had liked your unusual hairstyle from the first moment.( Then I pressed her head in my direction and gave her a kiss.

She returned him immediately and very tenderly surrounded our tongues and started a pacifist wrestling match. This moment could have been forever if it were up to me. But after a while she interrupted him and ran a little after air. “You are 17, yes?” Oh no please do not.

No concerns now. Please! Her head went down and powerful kisses rained over my chest. Her head went deeper and deeper. I took a short time from above onto her skull ceiling, but only to feel her hair again.

From all by itself she hiked to the level of my stand and then slowly pulled my pants down. My best piece and Silke then operated a staring contest for a while. Fortunately, my little soldier and Silkes lips won around my glans.

My head went to the left and I looked towards the entrance again, but there was no danger. She blew him tenderly and slowly.

She did not take it particularly deep, but played around the top above all. Perhaps all of this was still to be made to give me relief as soon as possible so that I could go through the hotel without noticing. She spoiled me for just a few seconds. She knew exactly, he was rock hard and has long been ready for more.

At least I hoped that it was her motivation when she took off from me. Her eyes sparkled mine and she said: “I also want a little fun too.“Suddenly I felt overwhelmed. Again she stood next to me and pressed her back against the tiles. Then she grabbed my left hand and pushed her into her panties.

My body stayed in his position, but I started slowly, circular movements. I hiked a little. Not a single hair was to be felt, but an already swollen pleasure pearl. That was much bigger down there than with my ex-girlfriend.

And when the first contact was made, there was a lot of excitement in Silke’s face. I turned aside and moved my right hand towards her breasts, but I waited until it signaled consent. I really enjoyed the touch, although she was still above the bikini.

I dropped out with both hands very briefly to stand in front of them. My hands reached behind Silke and pushed between the wall and back.

She made some space and I loosened the knot. Great impatience drove me on and I immediately let my lips hike over her nipples, which were already hard as cherry nuclei. But Silke was also impatient and she immediately pushed my right hand back into her panties. However, my attention was more of my pleasure with her breasts and the slowly circular movements of my hand were not enough for her.

“Quiet in too!“, She said in the commanded tone. She was right! I shouldn’t be so selfish. My concentration was now mainly her pussy, although I continued to send my lips on exploration tour. It was a great pleasure, even if some chlorine flavor came into my mouth.

At first I wanted to pretend to be careful, but the deeper I came, the clearer I became as I was excited by Silke. So I took two fingers directly and started driving into her. With each impact, more and more moisture gathered in her pussy.

One of her hands lay on my back of my head and slowly pointed me up. I kissed her shoulder blades, her neck and then my mouth again.

The perception of the eyes was impaired because of the lighting conditions, but I had the impression that everything else could be perceived much more intensely. Her lips no longer tasted of chlorine and the kisses were more and more fun. Our bodies pressed each other more and more, so it was getting more and more difficult to let my fingers drive into them. So far I had always driven as far as possible, but that was no longer possible.

Only my fingertips drove around in her. All suddenly she interrupted our tongue kiss, her head twisted and her mouth was wide open. She wanted to articulate her lust, but probably did not really dare after her boss’s flying visit. But she found a valve for her excitement.

Her fingernails clawed hard into my back. The mouth was open to me now, but I pinched the cry. Silke’s eyes sparkled me. “Fell as a shit how long I will still be missing up there.

let’s fuck!”, she said. Without thinking I nodded hard with my head.

She pushed away from me, got rid of her panties and looked around in the room – probably looking for how it could best be done here. My swimming trunks had remained at the knee height all the time, but now I pulled it out completely. Silke looked a little helpless.

I would have just driven it on the tiles. No matter how uncomfortable that would be. I was too horny to take into account it now. But she was different there.

On the tips of the toe, she crept out of the shower room and a index finger gave me the instructions to follow me. My gaze stayed on her bare ass, who wobbled back and forth with every step. We were now at the outcome of the anteroom and looked at the pool. It was indeed the reflection of the moon, which had served as the only light source in the entire wellness area.

Despite my lust, there was enough intellect to appreciate this natural spectacle. We took roots in front of the glass door and both looked at the silver shimmer on the water. I would have loved to open the door and would have jumped in the pool, but I didn’t dare. It was difficult to assess whether the hotel rooms had a good view of the pool by reflecting on the moonlight.

And whether you could see if, if the pool was already officially closed, two people stayed here or even enjoyed each other. But Silke was older, more experienced and above all braver than me.

“I’ve always wanted to do that before.“When she raised the heavy glass door, she whispered, pressed my hand and slowly strolled onto the pool. I swallowed, stepped behind the glass door and looked through the windows up. Where light was burned in the hotel, you could see everything.

People who crept through their rooms who were still sitting in the restaurant area and the rest. If it were the same if you could see the pool area from up there, then you would now be able to see a beautiful naked woman who slid very tender and slowly into the water. And a young man who followed her very tentative and shy with a decent erection. Silke swam very slowly and calmly and caused little waves.

Her gaze was only the hotel and she swam to the edge that was closest to the hotel. Then she looked at me. I was still standing on the edge and was afraid. My latte gradually dropped.

“Everyone can see you up there.“Silke whispered.

“None here!“She meant the place she had chosen in the pool. I sat down carefully, first let my legs brew, then I dipped into the still comfortably warm water. Very slowly and carefully – as Silke had shown – I swam towards her. My look was the hotel and I realized that the closer I came, the more from the house disappeared from my field of vision.

When I had arrived at the edge, the hotel could no longer be seen. Investment angle = failure angle, I thought. Here we were sure before looking.

You could stand everywhere in the pool and the water reached for me approximately to my nipples. She had disappeared to the head.

Her arms meandered tenderly and she pulled up a little on me. The curves of her breasts now appear slightly from the water, just until then where the Wartenhof started. Suddenly I realized that I have never swam naked and that I liked the feeling. The feeling of her skin and breasts came in: I was in the seventh heaven.

“I’ve always wanted to drive it here.“She whispered. Be quiet, she still wanted that. The moonlight was reflected in her eyes and she sparkled me. Everything that still bothered: the smell of chlorine, the tiles of the rim of the pelvic on my flank and this fear in the back of the head, caught to become.

All of this was blinded now, was far away. This was a distant place where everything was only good and beautiful, and the evil, nasty world had no place.

It was a strange feeling how her hand touched me under water. It was an unreal lightness, a difficult to describe sensitivity. Enjoyment came up when she drove my shaft.

But I didn’t feel the constant greed for more as usual. It had always been too little above water. If she takes him in hand, you’d rather. If he is in the mouth, you want to go into the pussy immediately.

Are you in the pussy you want to go to orgasm as soon as possible. Under water it was all so gently and tender, so little demanding. You enjoyed without wanting more directly. My fingers felt their stomach, felt their muscle contours and then lingered on their venus hill endlessly.

We kissed for a long time, while our hands worked together with increasing intensity. My heart began to grass. I might not have loved my ex-girlfriend, but I liked it very much, and something in me suggested that I liked Silke so much. Although I actually didn’t know her well enough to seriously judge this.

My brain actually knew that this was the blind pleasure and no falling in love. But the situation itself also had a romantic touch through the moonlight, which I just wanted to indulge. And so I enjoyed the suggestion that I felt something for Silke. Even if my head would probably have to work for the rest of the vacation to make it clear to me that it wasn’t the case.

Her arms crawled up on me and lay on my shoulders, then she pressed up until her breasts dangled right in front of my face.

I did not miss the opportunity and sucked violently on their nipples, which have since our first encounter had grown to double size. Silke pushed out a happy laugh and probably even enjoyed that her head could be seen for a short time from the hotel. She pressed higher and higher until she literally stood above me. I’m still tumbling your stomach when I tipped backwards.

I managed to do it half. We were still not to be seen, but you could already ask yourself what the violent wave movements triggered, which now broke the moonlight and reflected like a disco ball. We both looked at the one solid wall that had the swimming pool and on which wonderful lighting games showed.

“Fancy an experiment?“Asked Silke grinning. I nodded.

She took a deep breath and dived. Her outstretched arms groped after my flanks and she pulled down on me. Under water it was a completely different feeling to be in her mouth. It was a violent pulling that I felt.

That reached his climax when she let go of her hands and only hung on me with her mouth until the driving force put it off me. “Aaaah”, I couldn’t do it any other way than to reconcile. Silke couldn’t help it and laughed violently when she appeared. Until one better and himself warned himself to calm down.

“Now you.“She whispered. I went very close to her and put my hands around her hips. I quickly gave the urge to kiss her, then I pulled myself under water myself. I pressed my head very close to her and drove along her stomach.

My hands closed around her ass cheeks and a little awkward on the swimming pool floor, I started kissing her in her most sensitive place. Of course not long enough to elicit their great joys, but we both just enjoyed the game.

When I reappeared, she breathed a cheeky “ooh” towards me, as if I had done my thing particularly well. Control now fell difficult. I grabbed her back on my butt and pulled her very close to me.

In the kiss I let myself fall back with her and we went under and kissed under water. It only lasted briefly, because Silke decided to dive away from me when I let her go. Her breasts swam over my face and her bare pussy came very close to me again. I reappeared and she stood right on the edge of the pelvis.

I had never seen a more seductive look. Slowly I walked towards her and enjoyed my own impatience while I waded through the water. Her arms lay over her pubic area and I assumed that she was stroking water. When I got to her, I let my hands slide over her body again.

Then she whispered: “Time to fuck.“Even the wave movements did not make my cock float. He was very tight and ready to use. I nodded and pushed Silke up on my hips until her curves came to light again above the water surface.

Silke reached for my device and put it in position. Then she just slid down a bit on me.

Their excitement was big enough that it all worked without any problems. I now felt her hands around my neck and it was my pelvis that both of them set us in motion. The movements of the water we caused were incredibly exciting. The sex was thus connected to a full body massage that took place on every region of the body at the same time.

“Have you ever popped?” – “No.”, I answered. We were both quiet when speaking. I had the impression that she needed a valve for her excitement and moaning did not go, she talked during sex. “But I’m not your first? For that you were just too clever with your fingers.“I shook my head.

“You have already driven in the water?“I asked, although I already knew the answer. “No. But I always wanted it.“So far her back had leaned against the edge of the pelvis, but now she pulled close to me. It was not a problem because they hardly weighed anything in the water.

On the contrary: her breasts rocked through the water very close to me and touched me occasionally. The feeling of my cock was less intense than I was used to. But maybe that also meant that I could do that longer. I had always held out for ten minutes with my ex, but this would take longer, I felt that very clearly.

“That’s awesome!“I had always felt the need for my ex to let her know that I had fun.

Even if that actually goes without saying about the man anyway. We actually always have fun with it. She teased me to answer: “You are awesome.“The movements were now increasingly violent, because she too had found a method of moving. Despite the supportive power of the water, we came closer to the overturning, because the pressure of her movements was also on my shoulders alone.

So I ended my own movements, pressed my cock into it as deep as possible and persisted. Despite all the mastery, she groaned briefly and also had a view herself. We stayed that way and she started rubbing the clit while my cock stayed in her motionless. There was pleasure in her face, but no orgasm.

I would have liked to have changed that, but I didn’t really know how. I started again very slow tentative movements. She shook her head, set the rubbing and interrupted our contact. Then she kissed me on my mouth for a long time.

“That was really nice.“, She breathed. We weren’t both, but she looked satisfied. With slow trains she swam away from me. I wanted to scream – as a protest.

But let it. I just swam after her like a loyal dog.

We disappeared again in the blue and gray light of the wellness area. The cold tiles under my feet took excitement. The door closed behind us and only now Silke praised me again.

“Did you like it?” I nodded. “But you also want to come, or?“I nodded again. She stood in front of me at a distance of two meters and began to rub the pussy. My cock was stone again in no time.

Suddenly her index finger disappeared deeply in her column. When she pulled him out again, she licked him with relish. A big lump moved through my neck. Now she came back very close to me.

The finger disappeared again, this time she held it to me. The chlorine taste overlaid her own taste, but it was a lovely sweetness to guess. “Two minutes!“, She said. “You would have to take me two more minutes.

But harder than level. Can you do that?” I nodded. She grabbed me on the wrist and pulled me along. Behind another heavy glass door was the sauna area.

There was hardly anything to see here, but Silke blindly reached to the left. Something rapped. She opened a locker. “Ah, here.“She said and the light of a flashlight shone our way.

Here the walls were all wood -covered and there was still a residual heat in the rooms, even though they had been closed for a long time and no sauna was running.

“Here!“, She showed me and opened a wooden door with a little peep hole. It was a very small sauna. The light of the flashlight showed only two wooden seats. “Sit down.“, She said to me.

She knelt down and put the flashlight under the wooden bench. The light broke through the crevices of the wood and a dim party cellar atmosphere was created. Silke knelt in front of me and drove my stand along my mouth twice, then she felt it and found him good. Her legs put up next to my thighs and brought her column near my helmet.

She rubbed a little more, then she introduced herself: “I need it now hard!“We both dripped from chlorine water, but there was a different kind of moisture in it. We were able to take up immediately. She dropped back with pleasure while my arms supported her. Here in the sauna area she dared to do one or the other groan.

Albeit also quieter than she actually wanted. Again and again she rubbed herself while we both performed violent movements. As best I could, I transferred the power of my legs on the floor – on the floor – on my – on the seat – pelvis. With the power of her trained thighs, Silke managed to play a lot of speed and force anyway.

In the warm water I hadn’t noticed how hot I went and especially they were already.

The two minutes of information turned out to be surprisingly precise. She pressed her tits in my face when she set her movements and violent muscle contractions drove through her pussy. I put everything in again when she came and she thanked me with a loud moan. Dark red colored my cock reappeared and subtle twitches he performed.

But Silke needed a few moments to collect. “That was a horny fuck. I’m gonna go, then. Up soon.“It was a bad bluff because she grinned from one ear to the other.

I laughed. “You don’t understand: I can’t organize a mess here.“She pointed to the floor. “Unless …” She took a long dramatic break. “I would get the whole load swallowed.“Her tongue stroked on the inside of her cheek.

She took a lot of time to climb down from the bank and take a seat in front of me.

I myself pushed myself to the far of the bank in no time. She stretched extensively again. It was thought to put my patience to the test. But I liked how her breasts pushed forward when she swung her arms through the air.

Then she brought her mouth very close to my staff. A loving kiss on the glans. A kiss of gratitude ( Then she put him in her mouth.

Much deeper than she had done so far. I realized that everything was already working violently in me. The inner pumping stations already ran. Twice, three times, she took him four times.

I grabbed this short hair again and enjoyed the light prick on my palm. She let off briefly again: “Give me everything you have.“, She demanded. And my cock wanted to obey. She now took him less deep because she felt that it couldn’t take long anymore.

Only the Köfpchen was comprised by her mouth and played around with the tongue on the inside. The lips pressed them with maximum pressure and she closed her eyes with relish than the valley. I couldn’t help it and groaned. Three times.

With every second shot. At the last cartridge she started swallowing and coughed up briefly, but managed to keep it inside. My soldier appeared as a sparkling blank and also on her mouth, her face was nothing white to see. She opened her mouth briefly, stretched out her tongue.

Here too: everything as always. “You taste good.“, She judged.


In real life: Safer sex!

Yes, my male main characters have always been called Tom, were all of the same age and somehow are not the same person. Who cares?

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